Wedding presentation from photographs examples. Wedding anniversary slideshow. Your videos are not published on the Internet without your consent

One of the most striking, emotional and significant events in a person’s life is a wedding. With it, the most important stage of life after birth and baptism begins, a completely new circle of civil responsibilities of the individual opens. Creating a family, giving birth and raising children ensure the future of the state. This is the original role of a wedding.

A folk wedding is not a stage performance, but the playful nature and features of theatricality allow us to conditionally speak of it as a dramatic action. Here you can see the main and minor characters playing many roles. A wedding has a beginning (inception - choosing a bride and matchmaking), a middle (development - singing or about matchmaking, hand-holding or collusion; culmination - the wedding day) and an end (denouement - post-wedding customs and rituals).

Reception of a dowry according to the painting Pukirev V.V. Rituals on the eve of the wedding day Korzukhin A.I. “Bachelorette party”, (1889) State Russian Museum “Down the aisle”. Makovsky K. E

Loaf ritual is a ritual action associated with baking and distributing a loaf during a wedding feast (see Princely Table). A loaf of round, large butter bread, decorated with dough figures, as well as artificial flowers, which was served during the wedding feast. It was baked on the eve of the wedding and wedding night or two or three days before that in the groom’s house, less often in the bride’s house, and in some villages at both the bride and groom’s house. The loaf ceremony consisted of two stages: the first stage was dedicated to the making of the loaf and was called “rolling the loaf”, the second stage was the division of the loaf on the wedding table “carrying the loaf”. The essence of the loaf ritual was the same throughout the territory of its existence, although the ritual actions themselves played out differently in different villages. Baking a loaf symbolized the birth of a new life and thereby ensured the fertility of a young married couple.

The actual move of the bride to the groom was preceded by a transition - a trip down the aisle. The church wedding was almost a day ahead. The groom went to church from his home, accompanied by the “wedding people”, ahead of everyone on a horse, and the bride “walked as a pawn” from her home, led by her tigress friends. This happened at dawn. After getting married, the bride and groom went to their homes. And the next day the groom, groomsmen and boyars made up the wedding train and came to buy the bride. South Russian wedding

A wedding is a marriage ceremony in the Orthodox Church, combined with legal registration in the metric books, one of the culminating rites of a wedding. The prince's table is the main wedding feast, which took place after the wedding in the house of the groom's parents. In a certain order established by tradition, tables were set up, guests and invited relatives were seated, spectators were seated, food and drinks were served, and songs were performed. Wedding tables, as a rule, were placed along the floorboards and benches with a “verb” (letter “G”), and only in some places across the floorboards. The bride and groom, called at this feast “the young prince” and “the young princess,” were seated in a place of honor in the front corner of the hut: “Like our matchmaker, the honored guest of the prince and the princess sits in front.” The guests were seated, observing men's and women's places, in a strict sequence of kinship: the closer the relative, the closer he sat to the bride or groom. Guys, girls, neighbors, usually present at the wedding, were considered spectators and were not invited to the table. The seating of the guests, as well as the arrangement of the spectators, was done by the groom, the main matchmaker or the welders. Wedding tables were always covered with white tablecloths. According to custom, bread and pies were laid out on the tables first.

Wedding night (podklet) is one of the main wedding rituals, the physical and legal consolidation of marriage. The wedding night usually followed the wedding and wedding feast and took place in the house of the groom's parents. In the southern Russian provinces, where after the wedding the newlyweds returned to their parents' homes, it was held in the house of the bride's parents before the main wedding feast. The venue for the wedding night was always a cold room. In this case, bedding from the bride's dowry was used. They covered it with a white sheet with an embroidered valance that went down to the floor, and a beautiful blanket. The newlyweds were escorted to their wedding bed by all those invited to the wedding feast. Seeing off the newlyweds was accompanied by laughter, noise, jokes, erotic instructions, and songs.

It is not advisable to get married in May, since the newlyweds will have to suffer all their lives. The sign has reasonable grounds, and it is not for nothing that in Rus' they preferred to have weddings on certain specific days. And May is the height of the sowing season, there was no time for weddings, because in Rus' the newlyweds were always celebrated on a grand scale, they walked for three days. So they preferred not to have weddings in May

The bride should not appear ahead of time to the groom in her wedding dress. And on the day of the celebration, a pin was pinned to the hem of the newlywed’s dress against the evil eye. Today, young girls buy a maximum of two outfits: one for the wedding ceremony, and the second for a noisy celebration with guests on the second day. In the old days, each girl prepared at least four dresses, in accordance with Russian folk wedding traditions. It was necessary to sew separate decorations for the wedding, marriage ceremony, and also prepare a costume for the festivities. As for the bachelorette party, the girl wore a bright sundress and a shirt underneath. The special feature of this undershirt was its very long sleeves.

But decorating wedding cars is a custom that came to Russia from the West, where back in the 17th and 18th centuries the bride entered the church accompanied by boys holding rosemary flowers in their hands, and the sleeves of their clothes were decorated with “bride bows.” This custom seemed to guarantee the bride a happy marriage. Later, both in Europe and in Russia, this custom was preserved, but in a modified form. Now these are multi-colored ribbons on cars. They are believed to be a kind of amulets.

At the wedding, the bride appears in a light dress, and the groom wears a white shirt and always a tie. It goes without saying that newlyweds must be baptized and must have crosses on their bodies. Women present at the wedding sacrament should not wear white clothes to this ceremony. This is the privilege of a bride getting married for the first time. If the newlywed is remarried, she should abandon the snow-white outfit and veil. But she must definitely hold a wedding bouquet of flowers in her hands.

A wedding for the bride and groom is a very exciting event that needs to be made memorable. A specially prepared slide show for the wedding can add a special highlight to the holiday. It will very accurately preserve and vividly present the most touching moments of life. And also will not leave guests indifferent.

How to make a colorful slideshow for your wedding yourself?

An original presentation for the wedding ceremony from photographs of the newlyweds can be ordered at any photo studio. But it’s much more interesting to do it yourself. On the Internet you can easily find many different programs that allow you to create your masterpiece without much difficulty.

  • the work should be composed of childhood photographs, photographs of how the bride and groom grew up, and then how they spent time together;
  • The duration of the wedding slide show should be 10-15 minutes;
  • do not use a lot of text so as not to distract guests from reading;
  • It is advisable to include video materials in the slide show;
  • use a combination of different styles of music. A slow and romantic song should smoothly transition into a rhythmic one.

Step-by-step instructions for making a presentation using the example of the ProShow Producer program, which is excellent for creating slide shows of different levels of complexity:

  1. You need to download and install the ProShow Producer program on your computer.
  1. Add photographs to the editor that will be used to create a slide show. To do this, you need to drag the desired photos onto the work panel. If necessary, they can be deleted, copied or swapped.
  2. When making a presentation, titles and screensavers are used. The program offers templates with various special effects that you can edit and thereby come up with a unique design of your own.

  1. Suitable music is selected. It helps to express feelings and creates a special atmosphere for the work. You need to open the “Music” section and upload the selected song there.
  2. The program has a catalog of templates that can decorate a video with interesting transitions between photographs (gradient, double, standard and 3D transitions). They are dragged into cells between slides.
  3. A variety of animation effects will help complement the slide show. They are in a special tab. You need to drag them with the mouse cursor onto the slide with the image. You can see what happened thanks to the built-in player.

  1. The final step is to save the finished presentation.

Slideshow is a great gift

Everyone who goes to a wedding celebration racks their brains about what gift to give the newlyweds? A video clip from photographs may be a solution to this problem. Of course, this gift cannot be called very cheap, but such an original congratulation from friends will definitely please the bride and groom.

You can come up with unusual wishes for the newlyweds. And by recording them on video, you will get an interesting congratulation that will decorate any toast at a wedding banquet.

A music video greeting for a wedding anniversary will definitely delight its recipients and will be a wonderful gift for a wife, husband, brother, sister, parents or friends. Many happy and touching moments of family life can be captured in this video.

A silver wedding is a very significant event. By the time a husband and wife celebrate their twenty-fifth wedding anniversary, they most often already have not only children, but also grandchildren. And wedding celebrants will be very pleased to receive a lovingly prepared video surprise as a gift from their relatives.

An equally important event for spouses is the golden wedding, which is often celebrated no less widely and solemnly than the wedding itself. You can give your parents a whole documentary about their marital happiness as a gift. Show how it all began: joyful moments from their youth, how their children grew up, touching moments spent with their grandchildren. Ideas for this slide show can be very diverse.

Save the best moments of your wedding celebration in a great photo slideshow. Since photography and video shooting are an integral part of any wedding ceremony, problems with a lack of material will definitely not arise. You can also use other wedding materials when editing your creation: cards, invitations, lists of guests and planned purchases.

As shown in the article, the choice of topics for creating a slide show has practically no limits, the main thing is the presence of imagination and material for your creativity. A video clip with touching music and good design will forever remain a reminder of one of the most important days in your life!

Anna Lyubimova

A wedding is one of the most grandiose events in life. A wedding slideshow of photographs will be remembered for a lifetime by the newlyweds, their parents and guests. A clip with original effects and music will lift the spirits of everyone who came to the celebration. In addition, an interesting and funny slide show will appeal to those who were not able to be with the young couple on their brightest and most joyful day.

Why create slideshows?

When wedding presentations are viewed for the newlyweds at the celebration, a truly romantic, gentle and sublime atmosphere reigns in the banquet hall. Even in children's photographs, the young spouses look incredibly touching, and the harmoniously chosen the composition will cause stingy a tear from those for whom sentimentality is not inherent in principle. In addition, guests get to know the couple better, because people from one side and the other are invited to the celebration.

To make the congratulatory wedding slide show memorable for the newlyweds, you should choose a song or melody that plays a special role for each of them along with the interesting shots. Pleasant and touching memories with this motive will make your viewing experience much better.

Presentation for a wedding as a congratulation

About a dozen ideas have been developed to create video congratulations for young people. You can choose any of them and edit a stunning video. It can be made by the newlyweds themselves, or by one of their close friends or relatives as a gift.

If you are a family member or a good friend, you can use one of the following topics to develop a plot

So, a presentation for a wedding from friends may be called “Love Story” - order a photographer who would organize the photo shoot in styleLove Story. As a result, you will have three to four dozen dazzling staged photographs, which will subsequently form a stunning basis for a wedding short film.

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7 Feb 2018 at 10:32 PST

During the shooting, you can completely trust the operator in choosing angles, scenes and “scenery”. If you want, the photographer will allow you to participate in the process of creating frames.

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The film will be more intriguing if you can build a presentation based on joint photographs of the bride and groom from the archives at your disposal. You can ask the heroes of the occasion for photographs, however, in this case they will guess about the future surprise. This may include footage from general trips, pictures from the first meeting, acquaintance. Use all the photos depicting the most joyful moments, and then even the most skeptical guest at the celebration will be moved to tears. This will be a wonderful presentation for a brother or sister, which will undoubtedly cause delight and admiration.

You can make a video on the topic “How it all began”: it will include photographs taken at various moments in the lives of the newlyweds. Alternately show childhood photographs of your spouse, shots from school and college, different moments of victories and defeats. List can be unlimited. The composition will be completed by a frame shot the day before the wedding or on the day of the holiday itself. Such a wedding slideshow from your parents will be the most expensive gift.

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A beautiful presentation for a wedding from a sister or brother “How it all went”: if the previous version of the video is intended to be shown during the celebration, then this film will become a beautiful memory of the past holiday. Photos of the young, young and guests can be included in this project. Also appropriate here there will be footage that illustrate the procedure for preparing for the ceremony and celebration: marriage proposal, buying a dress, choosing a restaurant, getting ready for the future husband and wife, etc.

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If you don’t have a suitable idea to present to your friend for her wedding, then “A Comic Wedding” is what you need. This is a congratulation in a comic form. Ask one of your friends to help you shoot a humorous photo shoot two to three weeks before the wedding. It will be a “pseudo-wedding,” during which the couple will dress up in cartoon costumes. From the received cards it will be amazing slideshow, which is sure to amuse all guests present at the banquet.

Although young people will become direct participants in the creation of the gift, they will still be interested, fun and pleased to receive and see the final work

Another good idea for a video is the theme “Living Memories”. It can be combined with any of the topics described above. The highlight of the show will be that in it the director will present not only still frames, but also video recordings. They can be videos showing how preparations for the ceremony took place, as well as moments from everyday life. Such the movie will be nice receive a daughter from her mother or a son from her parents.

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You can also easily find all kinds of templates and samples for presentation, based on which you will create your film. It can be done based on programs such as:

  • Windows Film Studio;
  • Pinnacle Studio;
  • ProShow Producer;
  • Adobe Premier.

And the wedding slides themselves, or rather photographs, will be found by the newlyweds themselves, their parents, close acquaintances and best friends.

How to create a video?

Making a wedding slideshow for the newlyweds will require a little time and effort. How to create a video? First of all, you should decide on the plot. We have listed some possible ideas above. You can come up with a topic that is not on this list, perhaps it will be footage, showing how they went couple dating or something else.

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The next step is to select suitable material for the slides. You are allowed to use not only photographs; various images will be useful. Children's drawings, perhaps ultrasound pictures, will do - the main thing is that all the selected materials create a harmonious and complete picture.

Ultrasound photo

If you create a project in the new version of Windows Movie Maker, then in addition to photos, you can use GIF images and videos. Similar inserts make the film more diverse and more interesting. After all, after viewing five or six still frames, the viewer will not at all expect that the next picture will “come to life.”

Photo of an athlete bride in the pool

After this, you have to decide on the order of the images. It is necessary to arrange the slides in such a way that the presentation of the bride and groom maintains a specific sequence. Most often, frames are sorted according to the time of shooting. Sometimes the pictures are alternated by topic, for example, the time of year, the location of filming, the category of activities (for example, if the heroes of the video were engaged in singing and swimming, then first they show one thing, then the other).

Frames can be numbered in advance, or you can make the desired arrangement directly in the program itself

A good video is a must have splash screen and credits. Choose the right music and your presentation will receive the highest praise. To make your presentation unique, decorate each frame with effects. If these are autumn slides, then you can add beautiful leaf fall to them, and pictures from the party will look good in burning film.

When you are creating a presentation, then it is recommended to think through not only the frames themselves, but also the transitions between them. Movie Maker has a huge collection of awesome transitions that you can use.

How to give a gift?

It is important not only to make a beautiful colorful video, but also to gracefully present it. Yes, as a rule, newlyweds know about the upcoming gift, since they themselves provide photographs for it. But they haven't seen the finished video yet. In addition, they will be incredibly surprised if, among the slides they have known for a long time, there are ones that they have not seen before. And there will be some, since friends or relatives often take pictures, which they then don’t show to anyone and keep for themselves.

Creative project. “Family holiday: wedding ceremony and traditions” Leader: Demina Irina Nikolaevna Student 4 “a”: Saltykova Irina MBOU Secondary School No. 64

The purpose of our work: - to form an idea of ​​the family as a basic value of society. To achieve this goal, we need to solve the following tasks: - get acquainted with the traditions and rituals necessary to create a family, with the sacrament of wedding; - fostering a respectful attitude towards parents and representatives of the older generation.

A wedding is a complex of rituals: 1. Matchmaking 2. Engagement 3. Bride ransom 4. Decoration of cars 5. White dress of the bride 6. Veil 7. Scattering rice 8. Rings 9. Loaf - a delicious wedding tradition 10. Bitter! Bitterly? Why is it bitter? Who's sad? 11. Why should the bride throw a bouquet? 12. Breaking dishes at a wedding 13. The custom of releasing doves

The sacrament of wedding is a rite of unity of two people through marriage and the sanctification of this marriage by divine grace. It is held in Orthodox churches for people who want to be united not only before the state, but also before God.

The sacrament of wedding is a rite that contains the fulfillment of strict rules. The ceremony consists of 4 stages: betrothal, wedding, permission of the crowns and prayer service. If previously there was a time gap between the sacraments of betrothal and wedding, today all stages often merge into one, continuing each other.

The sacrament of betrothal is an obligatory stage of marriage, which secures the right of the groom to the bride and vice versa, this is the moment of creating a couple before the Lord, descending blessings on her, as well as time for moral preparation for the wedding, for thinking about the essence of marriage.

The priest gives the young people a cross to kiss, as well as the horses of the Savior, the Mother of God. This completes the sacrament of wedding.

After the sacrament of wedding in the Orthodox Church, it is customary to hold a wedding meal in honor of the completed marriage of the newlyweds, during which their relatives, friends, and other invitees can convey congratulations to the newlyweds, rejoice for them, and give gifts. According to Christian custom and signs, a church meal should be modest and decent.

A questionnaire “Your attitude towards the Sacrament of Marriage” was developed. 1.What is a family? _____________________________________________ 2. Is your family a believer? - yes - no 3. What values ​​is a Christian family built on? _____________________________________________ 4.How was your marriage registered? - civil marriage - registered in the registry office - registered in the registry office and married in a church - not registered 5. Do you know what a wedding is? - yes - no 6. What do wedding crowns symbolize? - Love - Martyrdom - Reward - Loyalty - Wealth - Unity of love and trials 7. Would you like to go through this sacrament? - Not really

Parents of students in grades 1, 2, 3, 4 were surveyed, a total of 132 families.