What is the difference between the Husky breed and the Laika? Difference between Siberian Husky and Laika

At first glance, huskies and huskies are very similar to each other. Both breeds were bred to help farm in the harsh conditions of the north. It is no secret that these dogs are still used as sled dogs today. When choosing a puppy, it is important to know the difference between a husky and a husky. This is what we will talk about in this article.

How to distinguish a husky from a husky?

Laika is one of the first dogs to become friends with humans. Presumably, its ancestors were the jackal and the wolf-like dog, which was found only in northern Europe.

Laika and husky have a very developed hunting instinct. The Siberian Laika requires virtually no training. Its peculiarity is that when tracking prey, it is silent, and as soon as it finds it, it begins to bark. At the same time, the nature of the barking changes depending on the prey. This was the reason for this name. Despite their passion for hunting, huskies are good watchmen and can even be shepherds. They can also be kept in an apartment.

Huskies have a very large number of varieties, which today are classified as a separate breed. Therefore, the word “husky” refers to a Siberian breed. There is no consensus regarding its origin. It has similarities with both the Alaskan namul and the Chukchi sled dog. It is impossible to determine exactly due to the fact that the latter was destroyed at the beginning of the last century.

The name Husky comes from the American word “Eski,” meaning “Eskimo.” They also love hunting, like huskies, but they never share their prey. Unlike other breeds, they do not perceive humans as masters. They do not have such obedience to commands. For them, a person is a leader. The breed has a lot in common with wolves. A special feature is the absence of barking. Most often they prefer howls.

Differences in appearance

The appearance of a dog depends on its purpose. Laikas are needed for hunting, and huskies are needed for carrying heavy loads.

It is worth noting that huskies and huskies have many varieties that are very different from each other. Laikas are always very light, agile and maneuverable, while huskies are heavier.

The first thing that distinguishes huskies from huskies is their physique. They are dense, stocky, built so that they have enough strength to move heavy objects. Sled huskies are stockier than their relatives, but are inferior to them in terms of strength capabilities. This is due to the fact that they had different ancestors.

The husky's tail is more mobile; it curls into a ring and reaches the back when the dog is excited. In addition, she gives them signals to the owner during the hunt. The husky's tail, in turn, is less mobile. In its normal state it just hangs down, but when the dog takes the scent, it stands straight as a dagger. It is set much lower than that of the husky.

Another simple difference between huskies is the color of their eyes - blue or amber. The eyes are almond-shaped. There is a pattern on the dog's head (stripes, glasses, stars). The coat is short. Healthy individuals are gray in color with blue eyes. If there are dogs of a different color, it means that they are susceptible to various diseases, which is associated with inbreeding.

The “fake” husky has poor immunity.

Differences in metabolism

Huskies have a special metabolism that is more characteristic of wolves than dogs. Proof of this is the absence of the odor characteristic of dogs. They can speed up or slow down your metabolism depending on the situation. This allows dogs to go without food for a long time and at the same time withstand heavy physical exertion.

What you should pay attention to?

When buying a puppy of one of the breeds, you need to have a good understanding of the purpose for which you need the dog. Neither one nor the other will be a plush toy. They need a lot of space, food and long walks. If you intend to keep a dog in an apartment, then it is better to choose a husky. In addition, the Husky does not do well in hot rooms, so people living in the southern regions should not adopt it.

In addition, make sure that there is no “fake”; it is more difficult to find a common language with such dogs. This can be determined by the absence of characteristic spots on the body.

Video “First Husky training lessons”

From this video you will learn how to start training a husky.

To an inexperienced person, huskies and huskies seem very similar. First of all, because at first glance it is clear that these are northern dogs. In Russia, they are more accustomed to huskies, which is why they sometimes call huskies, which appeared quite recently, that way. However, these dogs are not even relatives and there are a number of significant differences between them.

Huskies are an independent breed of dog, and huskies are a whole group consisting of several breeds that differ from each other.

First of all, the purposes of huskies and huskies are different. Huskies are sled dogs bred to run in sleds, carrying loads and people across endless snowy expanses. An amazing feature of the husky is the ability to control the metabolism of its body. They know how to slow down or speed up their metabolism depending on the circumstances. This skill allows dogs to have unprecedented endurance. For example, huskies are capable of running in a heavy sled through the snow all day long without stopping. According to legend, in 1925 in the United States, a husky team saved an entire city from death by quickly delivering diphtheria vaccine hundreds of miles away. A statue of the team leader Balto stands in New York at the entrance to Central Park.

However, huskies are not capable of hunting with humans, since any caught game is regarded as their own prey. In addition, huskies originally lived in packs. Only a certain Leader had contact with the person. The man gave commands to the Leader, who controlled the rest of the dogs in the sled. It is interesting that the Leader had the right to his opinion in choosing the path. This was due to the fact that a person might not see a crack in the ice, which would cost everyone their lives. Most likely, this gave rise to the independence of the husky and the priority of its own interests over the interests of the owner in everyday life, which can be changed with proper upbringing and competent training. In addition, the husky most likely will not protect its owner or his property, since individuals aggressive towards humans have been destroyed from generation to generation.

Laikas are the most ancient hunting dogs. They accompanied hunters in the northern forest zones of Europe and Asia and helped people get food. They practically do not need to be trained, their hunting instinct is so strong. Laikas drive hidden feathered game out of the thickets, bring downed birds to the hunter, and drive wood grouse and black grouse into trees. In the trees the dog detects sable, squirrel and marten, in burrows - weasels, ferrets, raccoon dogs, and finds the under-ice paths of otters and minks. The husky also stops and detains such animals as lynx, bear, wolverine, elk, and wild boar.

Laikas received their Russian name due to the special art of barking. During the hunt, the husky silently follows the trail or searches for the animal, and only when it sees it, it gives a barking signal and either pursues the prey or forces it to stop until the hunter arrives. Moreover, the voice of the husky varies depending on the game. If a sable or marten is detected, the dog barks especially viciously. If there is a squirrel in a tree, the barking is persistent and even. Since the capercaillie is very careful not to scare it away, the dog barks in a low voice, without coming close. If the husky has caught up with a deer or elk, it stops in front of its muzzle and barks kindly in order to hold the ungulate, but not to frighten it. Hunters often train their dogs to bark at only one animal they need.

Some huskies are also used in harnesses, but for short distances, since their driving characteristics are rather modest.

Huskies can be easily distinguished from huskies by the fact that they hardly bark, but prefer to howl in a peculiar way.

The breed standardization documents indicate that the husky's country of origin is the USA. However, there is another version of the appearance of this breed. Russian researchers prove that the Siberian Husky is the direct ancestor of the polar dog, which was bred by the Chukchi. After the October Revolution, these dogs were banned from breeding by the Soviet authorities. Several flocks were purchased and taken to the USA, where their breeding continued. 70 years later, American huskies were smuggled into the former USSR from Finland. The name Husky itself is a corruption of "Eski", meaning "Eskimo".

Laikas are thought to have evolved from a large, wolf-shaped dog fossil and a smaller, jackal-shaped one.

Huskies also differ from huskies in appearance. Husky males grow up to 60 cm at the withers and weigh about 28 kg. The shape of their head is quite similar to that of a wolf. Almond-shaped eyes can be brown, but blue-eyed huskies are especially popular among dog breeders. Huskies have softer fur. The color of a husky can be very different - from completely snow-white to black. On the head there is often a remarkable difference of this breed - a pattern in the form of glasses, an asterisk, a clover leaf, stripes, grooves, strokes, a heart and others. Unlike the husky, the husky holds its tail without letting it fall over its back. Another feature of the husky is the absence of the characteristic dog smell and wider paw pads, which allows them to move through deep snow.

Since several breeds belong to the group of huskies, they can differ quite greatly in appearance. The largest is the East Siberian Laika. The height at the withers of males reaches 64 cm. The weight of huskies reaches up to 23 kilograms. Laikas come in black, black and piebald, red, gray and brown in all shades.

The West Siberian Laika reaches a height of 60 cm and can be of all colors, both piebald and solid, except brown. This is the calmest and most balanced among the huskies, it successfully hunts ducks and large animals, and follows a cold trail well. The Karelian-Finnish husky is distinguished by a very lively, active temperament, which allows them to effectively hunt squirrels and game birds, but makes it difficult to learn to work on the cold trail of an animal. There are also Russian-European, Finnish, Hantei, Mansi and other breeds of huskies.

All huskies, unlike huskies, have a characteristic smell, longer hair and a tail in a tight ring laid on the back.

Huskies and huskies are distinguished by their purpose. First of all, huskies are sled dogs and therefore more resilient, while huskies are hunting dogs and are well suited as guard dogs.
Unlike huskies, which are an independent breed, huskies are a whole group of breeds.
A distinctive feature of the Husky is that it can control its body's metabolism.
A distinctive feature of huskies is that they use different techniques and tactics to bark at different prey, depending on its size and behavior.
Unlike huskies, huskies usually do not share their prey and are a more freedom-loving breed, which can be changed with proper education and training.
Some huskies, like huskies, can be used in harnesses, but not for long distances.
Huskies are very different from huskies in appearance. The main differences include eye color and a characteristic pattern in the form of glasses, stars, cloverleaf, stripes, grooves, strokes, hearts and others. The husky holds his tail without letting it fall on his back. Another feature of the husky is the absence of a characteristic dog smell.
Laikas are slimmer, unlike huskies, which are tightly built. Husky paw pads are wider.
Usually huskies howl and huskies bark.

For just a dog lover, huskies and huskies look exactly the same. Therefore, when meeting these dogs on the street, as a rule, people always call them huskies, although these breeds are not at all related to each other!

But differences that are not noticeable at first glance are still present in these breeds.


Let's first figure out whether these are independent breeds, and not just a variety of colors within one and whether a husky and a husky are just the same dog? Let's consider history.

The history of the origin of the Husky goes back to the times when it first appeared thanks to the Chukchi of northeastern Siberia. In the early 20s of the 20th century, during the great gold rush in Alaska and the heyday of dog sled racing, these dogs were so loved by Americans that they were brought to the continent and gained unprecedented popularity there. In our country, acquaintance with this breed began again only in the mid-nineties of the twentieth century, when the first husky nursery appeared, where dogs were brought from Belgium and the Czech Republic.

Name husky come from a distorted "eski", denoting Eskimos. This name was assigned to the Eskimo husky. But after moving to America, these dogs began to be called “Siberian Huskies,” which made it possible to preserve the history of their place of origin.

It is worth noting that practically nothing is known about the history of huskies. The first and only mention, or rather the image of a husky, can be found on the frescoes of a temple from the Kievan Rus period. The next mention of these dogs occurs only in the middle of the 19th century, when the first breeding work began.

This is due to the fact that Everyone in Rus' had huskies, both princes and peasants, they were considered primarily yard dogs, and therefore were not given special attention. And the name “Lika” itself was given to dogs not so long ago. Previously, they were called “pointy-eared”, “yard dogs” or “northern dogs”.

Well, as you can see, these are two dogs that are completely different in origin and we can already see what the difference is between them! Let's move on to the differences.

What is the difference?



  • Husky: The normal weight of an adult cable is from 21 to 28 kg, for females - 16-23 kg. Height at the withers: cable 54-60 cm, female - 50-56 cm.
  • Laika: the height at the withers of an adult can reach 70 cm, but 63-65 cm is more common. Weight reaches 23 kg.

How are they different: The husky is lighter than the husky and looks more miniature.

Look at the difference in the photo:

Wool, color

  • Husky: The coat is short with a thick undercoat. The most common color is black and white or gray and white. Less common are brown and white huskies, brown, black and white. Each dog has its own unique white or black mask on the face in the form of glasses, clover, star or heart, and two vertical stripes on the forehead at the base of the nose.
    Husky fur is odorless. Molting occurs 2 times a year.
  • Laika: The coat is longer, smoother and shiny. Formed from a thick, soft, well-developed undercoat and coarse hairs on the head, ears and limbs. Different parts of the dog’s body have their own specific characteristics. On the neck the fur is lush and forms a muff. The color may be the same as that of a husky.

    Wool does not have a distinct odor. The husky sheds once a year.

How to distinguish: despite the fact that the color of the Siberian husky and husky may be similar, there are still serious differences - Huskies have short hair and don't smell at all.!

West Siberian Laika


  • Husky: The head is medium-sized, pronounced, shaped like a wolf. High-set ears of medium size.
  • Laika: The head is shaped like a wedge-shaped oval. Ears with sharp ends.

How to distinguish: Husky is very similar to a wolf, and Laika is a typical dog.


  • Husky: They are almond shaped. They can be brown, olive, amber, blue, and also multi-colored. But, the standard colors are black, brown and gray.
  • Laika: The husky's eyes are of a regular shape and can be of light or dark shades. As a rule, gray, brown, green, blue are found - only in Yakut Laikas.

What is the difference between dogs: Huskies have a “calling card” - crystal blue eyes, regardless of color. Only Yakut huskies can have these.


  • Husky: Looks like a fox, fluffy, beautifully curved towards the back.
  • Laika: Always curled and carried high towards the withers.

Result: The husky has a tail like a donut and is thrown over its back, while the husky has a straight, fluffy tail:



  • Husky: Has a massive bone corset, in profile the length of the body from the shoulder to the rear point is slightly, but longer than the height of the body from the ground to the top of the withers. Outwardly more well-fed, with wide paws, this can be seen in the photo below. The pads on the paws are wider, stronger and specifically designed for long distance riding in deep snow.
  • Laika: Although they have developed muscles and a strong physique, they are still more graceful than huskies. Laikas have thinner, more slender legs.

Conclusion: The husky seems more well-fed, with powerful paws, and the husky is slimmer.



  • Husky: They howl the same way in all cases.
  • Laika: They bark with different intonations, depending on the situation.

Remainder: huskies bark, huskies howl.

Love for children

  • Husky: Huskies love all children. All ages. This can be explained quite simply: these are very active dogs; running and jumping all day long is their dream. And with whom can this be done without worries - only with children. It is known that the Eskimos trusted these dogs with their newborn children..
  • Laika: Laikas treat their owner’s children with reverence and protect them like the owner himself. But when strangers appear, they are wary, watch carefully and are ready for any action if necessary.

Qualities of a hunter and guard

  • Husky:

    due to its genetic relationship with wolves, Huskies have an excellent hunting instinct. But we should not forget that these are willful and capricious animals. They are excellent hunters, but they do it only for themselves. Therefore, if you decide to take a husky hunting, you should remember that he will find game, but you just have to go after it yourself.

    The situation is approximately the same with the protective qualities of these dogs. Since aggression has been suppressed in them for centuries by exterminating aggressive individuals, this gene is practically not found in modern huskies. Of course, under certain conditions they can show the qualities of a good guard, but this will depend on the circumstances that arise and the heredity of the dog.

  • Laika:

    were specially introduced to help the hunter. Therefore, they are professionals in this matter - they easily and quickly find, kill and bring game to the owner. Laikas are able to find and catch small animals, birds, and detain large animals until the owner arrives. Therefore, you simply cannot find a better hunting companion.

    Laikas are very loyal to their owner; from birth they consider themselves members of his family. They are capable of a lot for their owner, and his family is protected as the owner himself. Aggression is only shown if they feel a real threat.

Difference: Huskies are good hunters, but bad guards. Likes are good in two areas.


  • Husky: dogs of this breed are very friendly, kind and calm on the one hand, and very smart and curious on the other. They require constant activity. The role of leader, historically inherent in these animals, sometimes causes them to display such qualities as waywardness and self-will. Therefore, the owner of such a dog should always be persistent and demanding of the pet.
  • Laika: very smart and inquisitive animals. But very touchy and it is very difficult to endure separation from the owner. They are not characterized by servility and arrogance, but they can be very persistent. Absolutely indifferent to strangers. They love to spend time actively with their owner.

Activity and endurance

Husky and husky: Both of these breeds are very active due to their purpose. The husky, bred to ride long distances in the snow, and the husky, created as a professional hunter, still today require constant activity from their owners. They need to run, jump, pull harnesses and chase game. And due to these same qualities they are very resilient and strong. Physically strong, they are adapted to work in northern latitudes.


  • Husky:

    able to adapt to any living conditions, be it an apartment or a private house. But they will never be able to come to terms with life on a chain. If you decide to have a husky in your apartment, then remember, this is not the kind of dog that will lie on the couch all day.

    You should provide her with long walks every day so that the dog can expend all the energy accumulated during the day. Otherwise, you won't be able to avoid your pet's little pranks. Because he needs to put the energy bubbling inside him somewhere.

    If you live in a private house, then it is also worth remembering that your pet is fearless, curious and not afraid of frost. Therefore, you should not lock him up within 4 walls. But also he won't sit in the booth. For him it is necessary to organize a spacious enclosure made of durable (preferably steel rods) so that the dog has room to turn around. If you neglected the enclosure, then remember the fact that huskies love to dig. And digging under the fence is real fun for them.

  • Laika:

    They are also not apartment dwellers; they do not adapt well to them. Laika gets bored quickly. A dog that has lost interest in freedom begins to show aggression, expressed in damage to furniture, interior items and clothing. Therefore, she needs to be provided with daily active exercise in the fresh air.

    The best option for a husky is a comfortable enclosure. There are no cases of huskies escaping from houses in the literature. Therefore, an enclosure for her can usually be made of chain-link mesh, strengthening the base of the enclosure - the foundation.


  • Husky: fairly clean dogs. Their fur is odorless. Their fur undergoes self-cleaning, with the help of which the characteristic fur disappears. They should be brushed once a week, and every day during the molting period. They are not slobbery and very neat. It is necessary to monitor the condition of your ears and clean them periodically. Check the paws for injuries, splinters, etc.
  • Laika: You should bathe dogs only when absolutely necessary, because frequent “baths” can damage the special structure of the coat and wash away natural fats from it. It is worth brushing once a week. Regular examination and cleaning of the ears, preventive wiping of the eyes with a damp swab. It is also worth periodically inspecting the paws for damage.

Who is bigger?

Definitely husky. After all, this is a breed for sledding in the north, where there is heavy snowfall. By the way, huskies have one amazing feature - they can slow down or speed up their metabolism, so they are very hardy.

Who is better?

It depends on what for. For protection - likes. For hunting, perhaps, huskies too, it’s in their blood. Both are absolutely not suitable for an apartment. Beauty is a matter of taste! Personally, we believe that all dogs are wonderful and unique and it’s stupid to choose one of them, you need to enjoy them all :) If you like to be active not only on weekends, but also on weekdays, then huskies and huskies are your option. But who to choose?

Of course, in the capable hands of an experienced dog breeder, both of these dogs will become wonderful friends. But getting loyalty from a husky will be faster. She is an excellent hunting companion, loyal, devoted, and will protect her owner and his family if necessary at the cost of her own life. She is wary of strangers and will not tolerate other pets in the house. Living in an apartment is completely unsuitable for her, because the free spirit is eager to be free.

To achieve loyalty from a husky, its owner will have to prove that he is a real strong leader, the leader of the pack, and then the husky will become loyal and dutiful. These dogs selflessly love children and get along well with other pets in the house. They are worthless guards, but under certain circumstances this quality is not alien to them.

These dogs adapt to life in any conditions. But no matter where they live, they need a daily outlet of energy in the form of active games and long walks. Better yet, they will be able to get into the harness and realize their historical destiny.

How to distinguish puppies?

Many people wonder what is the difference between husky and husky puppies (look at the photo below). The main difference between the dogs is very noticeable when visually compared: huskies look serious, frowning thanks to their signature color. The husky puppy looks like they are smiling:



The breed that is so similar to huskies and huskies is the Alaskan Malamute! Just look at his photo, it’s no wonder they are always confused:


Be smart, find the differences between the dogs and write in the comments who is where:


A very clear video that will dispel all doubts if you still do not understand how to distinguish these two breeds externally:

Dear dog breeders! Laikas or huskies? Join the debate and tell us about your best pet in the world!

So similar and so different at the same time, these breeds are not even distant relatives. The article compared these wonderful breeds so that every dog ​​lover, meeting them on the street, will never be mistaken where the husky goes and where the husky goes!

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Laika Husky appeared, or was bred, among the Chukchi as a hardy sled dog. When changing conditions forced these semi-nomadic people to expand their hunting grounds, they developed a unique breed of sled dog on which their survival depended, capable of carrying light loads at moderate speed over long distances in low temperatures and with minimal energy expenditure. This animal is graceful, playful, extremely hardy, friendly and calm of medium size, possessing tact and an independent character, but despite its mistrust, it lacks the aggressiveness and protective instincts inherent in guard dogs. She is very clean by nature and no dog smell, easily adapts to various living conditions, but the instinct of a vagabond forces owners to constantly monitor the behavior of their pets.

The Laika Husky is friendly, gentle, and sociable. and at the same time alive, although reserved character. She does not show the qualities inherent in the dog, she is peaceful with strangers and with other dogs. This animal's intelligence, obedience and easy-going nature make it a pleasant companion and a hard worker. The Chukchi compensated for the small size of the dogs by the increased size of a typical team, numbering 15-17 animals. Chukchi dogs live directly in their homes, so they turned out to be extremely non-aggressive towards people and love to mess with children.

Dog sleds were the main means of transportation in the North before the world switched to snowmobiles. But until now, on long treks, sleds are very often used as a means that is certainly superior to snowmobiles in reliability. And the revival of the sport of sled dog racing, which began in the 1970s, has only gained momentum since then.

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The general appearance of a dog of this breed is, first of all, the appearance of lightness and speed. This is a medium-sized mammal with a compact build. When viewed from the side, the length of the body from the glenohumeral joint to the ischial tuberosity is slightly greater than the height at the withers. The coat is quite thick, with a well-developed undercoat. The ears are erect, the tail is shaped like a feather, unlike others. The animal works well in harness, easily transports light loads, and has unique endurance. Males differ in appearance from females due to their stronger bone structure and body proportions. Bitches, accordingly, have a more fragile and refined skeleton, but they cannot be called weak. If dogs of this breed are fed properly, they will not become overweight when kept at home.

At this time, huskies can be divided into 3 categories.

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The rarest - workers. This is where the development of the breed began. “Workhorses” that transport not particularly heavy loads over long distances, and at the same time quite quickly. Smart, unpretentious, not sparkling with beauty, not very fast, but amazingly hardy. These are dogs that have been used since ancient times to transport mail, firewood, and meat. Huskies are no longer used as working animals today. The north has its own aboriginal dogs, and they are exploited. The closest to working use can be called tourism and dog riding. Such animals work day after day throughout the season.

Husky racing- These are dogs for sport. The speeds they develop are much higher than the speeds typical of “horses”. These dogs are specific in appearance. The widespread opinion about them that they are uncontrollable and disobedient is only a myth. Such pets live quietly in the city and participate in exhibitions. Racing huskies, depending on their activity, are divided into subgroups. For skijoring, teams of 2-4 dogs, animals with a height of 60 cm and above are preferred. These are large, long-legged dogs, capable of running quickly in small groups and at the same time dragging their owner along with them. For those running in sixes and larger teams, the height requirements are moderate, they are closer to their ancestors. In general, racing dogs differ from kennel to kennel. Each nursery has its own type of animal, depending on the preferences of the owner. A common feature of all Husky racing huskies is short fur.

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Huskies show("show") are dogs whose job is to show in the ring. A successful show dog is a talented actor. Such animals are very different in appearance, much depends on the nursery. But you can divide show huskies into two large subgroups - American and European. American ones are heavier, more powerful, and, as a rule, taller. European dogs are lighter and more graceful. A common feature of all show huskies is a shortened muzzle, which gives the dog a more attractive appearance, but worsens the warming of the inhaled frosty air.

Over time, the intelligence and endurance of a sled dog were not in demand, so the husky breed moved away from its origins and received a new direction of development as a participant in beauty competitions. Now, due to their friendly nature and beautiful appearance, Huskies are used as companion dogs, even for apartment living. It was in this capacity that they began their new spread around the world in the 1970s. Dogs of this breed are very friendly, devoted to their owner, they are excellent partners in children's games, they are very active and tireless. That's why they continue to gain popularity. But future owners of the Laika Husky should remember that this is still an animal that has not gone very far from its working ancestors, and even if it does not require enormous loads, it is not worth making from a Siberian. He needs a fairly long walk and jogging with his owner.

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The difference between huskies and other huskies.

Husky is a breed of sled dog, which mushers harness into sleds and plow on them across the endless snowy expanses. Yes, there are sledding huskies, but they are completely inferior in terms of characteristics to huskies. They cannot withstand long journeys and do not develop such speed. The main difference and advantage of the Husky breed is their ability to control their metabolism. They can speed up or slow down their metabolism, which is what allows them to be so resilient. They are able to run non-stop all day; other huskies are not capable of such feats.

What is this?
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Laikas were bred as hunting dogs. They hunt bears, wild boars, fur-bearing animals, ungulates, forest and waterfowl. Hunting is problematic with Huskies. They can help with hunting, but it is almost impossible to teach them to bring prey. If a husky catches a hare, then by the time you reach it, all that will be left of it is scraps. In general, they are excellent hunters, capable of hunting independently in the forest and living without an owner. for a long time. They hunt especially well in a pack like wolves.

Other huskies have a characteristic smell compared to huskies, although not as strong as other dogs. There is no smell at all from the husky. Nature also rewarded them with strong immunity. Among the main differences in appearance, the following can be noted: shorter hair, the tail does not lie on the back like a donut, it is feather-like and the dog always holds it, without letting it fall onto the back. Huskies shed twice a year. Also, ordinary huskies bark, but huskies, although they know how to bark, practically do not do it, they either howl or sing, in this regard they are very similar to wolves, wolves also very rarely bark and mainly express their emotions by howling.

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In a litter, a female Husky Husky brings from 4 to 6 puppies. Up to one and a half months, puppies feed on their mother’s milk, and then they are ready to switch to a meat diet. Their eyes open 14-16 days after birth. In order to raise a dog capable of following the owner’s commands, you need to raise a puppy from infancy.

Training young animals is possible from the age of 2-3 months in the form of various games. Special dog toys will help you: rubber balls, balls, bones, etc. From the very beginning of training, animals should see you as a real owner, the leader of their pack. However, if you want a dog with the highest level of obedience, a husky is not for you. Unlike, for example, the German breed, this breed is unlikely to be trained to unquestioning obedience.

It is also important to understand that this is a sled dog, so it needs to move a lot. If the husky is unable to “throw out” its irrepressible energy on a long walk, it will result in a tendency to run away and destructive behavior at home - at least a little “destruction” and damage to furniture are guaranteed. Therefore, if your living conditions or work schedule do not allow you to give this husky maximum exercise and outdoor activities, opt for another breed.

The question of the differences between these two breeds is acute not only among ordinary people, but also among experienced dog breeders. Indeed, dogs are very similar in appearance, have similar character traits and functionality. But the differences between them are significant. First of all, you should turn to the history of origin.

History and

It is worth mentioning that Laikas are a group of breeds that come not only from the north. Indeed, the first dogs descended from northern wolves and lived near humans in the Chukchi tribes. They helped them in everyday life: hunting, transporting food, heating the house, entertaining and raising children. There are at least 9 separate breeds registered in the Laek subgroup.

Huskies, according to the official version, were bred in the USA. Although in fact, their direct ancestors are Eskimo northern dogs (the name is a distorted transcription of the word “Eski”). The Soviet government banned the breeding of the breed after the revolution, considering it unsuitable for transporting heavy loads. America bought the puppies. After 7 decades, animals were brought to Russia through Finland.

Functionally, Laikas can cope with hunting, transporting people, and protecting livestock. Initially they were used only for hunting. Huskies are natural sled dogs. They are much more resilient, need less rest and nutrition, but they will not make hunters; dogs cannot be trained to bring prey intact.

External differences

Externally, the dogs are similar, but they can be distinguished by several criteria:

  1. Size. Huskies, according to the standard, reach 55-60 cm at the withers and weigh up to 28 kg. Since there are several Laeks, it is impossible to talk about their size. The largest is the East Siberian - 64-66 cm at the withers; small – Karelo-Finnish – 42-50 cm.
  2. Format and body. Almost all Laikas are of a square format - the length of the body is equal to the height of the withers. Huskies are rectangular.
  3. Tail. A characteristic feature of the Laika is its curled tail, thrown over its back. For the second breed, a straight long tail is prescribed, hanging down in a calm state and reaching the hock joint.
  4. Coat, colors. The standard prescribes for the Husky straight, fluffy, hard coat with a dense undercoat and a standard black-gray or black-and-white color. They often have glasses on their face - circles around the eyes. The coat type and color of Laikas depends on the specific breed. They come in red, brown, gray, black, and white. Often, dogs have medium, hard hair with noticeable thickening around the neck (collar) and on the head.
  5. Paws. Huskies have more powerful limbs, which is associated with their direct functionality, the metacarpus is wider, and the fingers are stronger.

Character and habits

The main difference in dogs' habits is barking. Huskies do not tend to bark, they would rather howl or sing like wolves. But Laikas were named due to their ability to intonate. Usually, they hunt in silence, but when they find game, they begin to bark loudly, and their intonation will depend on the type of prey (for example, when catching a capercaillie, so as not to scare it away, the dog will not honk loudly).

Huskies are distinguished by their endurance and good innate physical shape.. They can slow down their metabolism, which allows them to travel for a long time without stopping to feed. Dogs easily cover long distances at high speed. Sled Laikas (bred specifically for harness) are not so strong and are only suitable for transporting light loads over short distances.

Likes are less communicative. They are independent and trust only the leader of the pack, and if there is no leader, then the only person - the owner. Through it, any problems with the outside world are solved: conflicts with household members, other pets. Dogs are characterized by the following character traits: independence, phlegmatic, love of freedom.

West Siberian Laika

Huskies are much more loving. They treat all people warmly, even those I don’t know. They lack a protective instinct, unlike Laikas. Therefore, it will not be possible to turn them into defenders. It is believed that such a pet quickly becomes attached to the family and gets along better with others.

Conditions of detention

Of course, both dogs were created for the northern climate, for hard work, life in snowy conditions. For this purpose - long hair and development of the muscular system. But more and more often, pets are kept in a city apartment; of course, Huskies are better suited for this.

Animals need constant physical activity, training, and long runs. Therefore, the owner must understand that the dog will have to be walked at least 2 times a day for 2 hours.

If we talk about the pros and cons of keeping them, it is worth mentioning that Laikas have a specific smell, they shed more often and more. Huskies do not smell at all and shed less hair (this is individual and depends on the climate and the humidity in the room).


All animals need vaccination, regardless of their innate health and immunity. Both breeds are hardened and have good frost resistance. Talking about health is difficult. The fact is that Laek has a higher genetic reserve, because Huskies were bred artificially and were under the influence of selection. But the owners claim that the latter are much hardier and get sick less.


Externally, the puppies are similar in all respects, except for color - fluffy little balls with a perky character. It is difficult to recognize a mestizo among a group of kids. Therefore, you need to buy a pet only from an official nursery or club. The average cost of a Husky is 30-60 thousand rubles, and a Laika is 10-40 thousand rubles.

Photos of Husky puppies

Photos of Laika puppies

Not every experienced dog breeder can raise Laika, because her character is more difficult to break. Therefore, before purchasing, you need to consider the option of purchasing both breeds and choose the appropriate one.

In all other respects (care, nutrition, training) the animals are similar. Both breeds require competent socialization and constant education. The owner needs to prove his leadership. Breeders really don't like it when dogs are confused. This also insults the feelings of the owners. Despite the opinion that Husky is a descendant of Laika, both species are included in the book of standards and are described by different criteria.