How to meet a girl in a club. How to pick up girls in a club

Those guys who know how to meet people in a club always leave with girls.

Because a club is a place where girls come not to dance (as you can often hear from them), but to find a lover for one or several nights. This means that leaving there without a girl is throwing money away, spending large sums on admission and alcohol.

If you are used to leaving the club without a meal, then this article will help you finally get the ball rolling. And then, having gained a minimum amount of experience, you can easily meet almost any girl in the club.

First, you must understand that →

They scan you as soon as you enter

Even if it seems to you that the girls are communicating with their friends or doing something, don’t believe it.

Their main focus is where the club itself begins. Every guy that walks in undergoes careful analysis on confidence, positivity and success with the opposite sex (yes, girls in the club can easily determine this just by looking at you).

Immediately upon entering, pretend that you are waving to someone inside the club (the girls probably won’t understand who exactly you were waving to, so all you can do is make it natural). This is necessary in order to immediately create the image of a sought-after, sexually attractive man.

It is important to smile at the very beginning. Those who walk with a serious, confused or scared expression on their face show their insecurity and failure in life.

The look at girls should be very confident. It is important to look directly into the eyes and smile (at least a little). Don't hold your gaze for too long, but don't look away until she does it first.

Under no circumstances look at them or their charms with a hungry gaze. Otherwise, you will immediately set the whole seduction in the wrong direction.

And try to start communicating with everyone around you when you enter the club. After all →

Short communications are the key to success in the club

If you want to really successfully meet real beauties in a club, you must create the image of a guy in demand among women.

What can be done for this?

There is a very simple way - to arrange short communications (a few phrases are enough) with other beauties.

Of course you won't be the one you're talking to. And this is not necessary. But everyone who watches you (and believe me, dozens of girls are watching you, you just don’t notice it) will get the impression that you are really very cool if so many girls are talking to you.

During such . Even when they openly reject you. Don't be afraid to look weird in front of that girl who doesn't want to talk to you. After all, your task is to show everyone around you that communication is going well.

You shouldn't approach the girls you want to meet right away.

There are two reasons for this:

  1. There is a certain point of qualification that she is interested in you. Until this moment, acquaintance will contain some difficulties. And short communications with other girls help to interest your “victim”.
  2. Your potential “victims” should doubt their own attractiveness to you. When the thought begins to eat them up: “Why does he approach others and not me?”, consider that the job is done.

And the more such communications you do, the more people who are already interested in you will appear. This means that you can continue to communicate with them if the main “candidates” refuse you.

Moreover, you should not focus on just one girl. The club is a dynamic system: 5 minutes ago you were having an interesting conversation with a girl, and now she is kissing another guy. Therefore, it is stupid to focus on one that may not give you. Each of the girls with whom you communicate normally should receive about the same amount of attention from you as the others.

This way you will increase your chances of seducing at least someone and reduce all possible risks.

Don't look there!

The enchanted glances of guys directed at the dance floor always reveal their unluckiness. Because successful and confident men, who are constantly surrounded by female attention, do not look at the dance floor. They communicate with beauties and have fun.

You should do the same. As soon as you become “dull” and start looking at people dancing, consider that you have lost. At least your chances are greatly reduced.

The easiest way

This method is not only about how to meet people in a club. Thanks to him, you can seduce a girl that same night. And save a lot of effort and time.

You must walk around the club, casually touching the girls. And watch the reaction of each of them. If a girl doesn't jump away from you, it means seducing her. If she is openly “led” by you, then in the second round you can start communicating with her.

The advantage of this method is that you have a reason to touch a girl(move aside to pass). And immediately determine who you need to spend time on and who you shouldn’t spend time on at all. After all, sometimes a girl keeps up the conversation simply “out of politeness.” And only her reaction to your touch shows the presence or absence of interest.

Knowing these simple tips, you can easily meet new people in the club. And take the girls from there straight to their home. Implement these tips on your next club night, and you will see for yourself that girls are really ready for sex within two hours of meeting you.

A nightclub is the very place where girls specifically come to meet each other. Absolutely everything here is conducive to quick acquaintances and relaxed communication. We'll show you how to take advantage of these amazing benefits.

Advantages and disadvantages of club dating

Here are some of the main benefits of a club environment:

  • Atmosphere. Girls specifically come to the club to relax, dance, and meet new people. A charge of joy and good mood will contribute to your communication.
  • Alcohol. Most people in clubs are a little tipsy. Alcoholic drinks liberate girls and help quickly break mistrust.
  • No need to look for a reason. There is no need to look for a reason to meet someone in a club. All you have to do is walk up and say “Hello.”

The biggest drawback is the loud music, which makes dialogue difficult. Therefore, if you want to learn how to meet people in clubs. Learn to express your thoughts as briefly as possible and use gestures more often.

Where to start getting acquainted in the club

The first thing to start with is appearance.

The club environment is not so demanding for an ideal appearance. On the dance floor, in semi-darkness, in a crowd of people, no one will look closely at you.

The only recommendation is to wear more light-colored clothes: white and pastel-colored T-shirts, shirts and polos, light jeans or trousers. This is necessary so that you are more noticeable in the semi-darkness and stand out against the background of other people.

In addition, in some clubs you will be subject to strict face control at the entrance. Learn more about clubwear and face control in this video:

How to choose a girl and attract her attention

How to determine whether a girl is looking to meet you or has just come to relax and dance? If a girl wants to attract attention, then she will:

  • actively look around, “catch” guys’ glances;
  • willingly communicate with others, smile, flirt;
  • have fun laughing with friends;
  • she will be beautifully dressed and brightly made up;
  • located in a place where it is easy to approach: in the aisle or near the bar counter.

As soon as you notice a suitable girl, you need to be in her line of sight. In order to attract her attention, you need to “catch” her gaze and smile. As soon as you receive an answering smile, you can safely approach and start getting to know each other.

How to approach her and start a conversation

An informal club atmosphere does not imply any special reasons for getting to know each other. Therefore, it is enough to simply approach her and say something like:

"Hello. I liked you. Let me buy you a cocktail” or “Hi. You dance great. My name is Aleksey."

This does not mean that you can only meet people on the dance floor. There are other great places to meet people, such as face control or a bar counter.

A very useful video that explains in detail all aspects of club dating:

Meet us at the entrance to the club

The entrance to the club and face control is a great place to meet people. There is usually a queue here and a great opportunity to talk. In order to start a dialogue, you can ask the girl something or make a comment. Here are some examples:

"Hello. Do you come here often? Do you like this club? This is my first time here."

“So many people today. Don't overcrowd."

Let's meet at the bar or at a table

If you see that a girl is sitting alone at the bar, then this is an ideal option to try to make an acquaintance.

The easiest way is to simply treat her to a cocktail. In addition, the same phrases that are used for meeting people on the dance floor are perfect.

Here are some useful tips:

  • Don't concentrate on one. There is no need to focus your attention on one girl, even if you really like her. The right strategy is to communicate with everyone a little and continue acquaintance only with those who have shown great interest in you.
  • Emotions. In club dating, your emotions play the biggest role. If you come there after a hard day at work, nothing good will happen. You need to come to the club well rested beforehand. It’s best to sleep a few hours before or just lie in bed.
  • Confidence. When communicating with women anywhere, it is important to be confident. The nightclub is no exception. Guys are often hampered by fear and shyness. To overcome them

Hello friends! My name is Vitakha Okhrimenko , and today I decided to prepare high-quality works for all men who are still (or already) interested in the question of how to pick up a girl in a club.

If desired, you can or even . But this is somewhat more complicated, because such places are not exactly intended for dating. Whether it's the nightclubs where Almost every girl is simply predisposed to meeting a guy with all the ensuing consequences. And she has a lot of time, in fact, and the scenery is suitable.

However, do not rush to immediately roll your lip on the most appetizing beauty of the club. Below I will give a classification of girls in the club based on their goals. Read on and the next time you visit a place of alcohol, dancing and debauchery, you will know exactly who to effectively hit on and who not. Although in any case, even a hopeless one, there is no need to rush to despair, because the very atmosphere of an idle life, with dimmed lights, dancing and alcohol, can induce any girl to obscenity.

To begin with, I want you to remember one phrase, which is especially relevant when picking up a girl in a club:

Do not pursue the one who avoids, just as avoid the one who pursues

Positive attitude

When it comes to how to pick up a girl in a club, first of all you need to talk about the correct installation. If you go to a club with the sole purpose of picking up some beauty at the bar, and initially you are determined to quickly pick up and leave this exciting establishment as soon as possible, then you don’t even have to go into it. You don’t need to think about how to meet a girl in a club, you need to first of all think about how to have a good time there.

Please excuse me for the platitudes, but you are unlikely to succeed if you show with all your appearance how much you want to get a girlfriend for the night in this club. Guys who scatter their gaze between all the girls of the establishment, constantly undress the beauties on the dance floor with their gaze, buy cocktails for all the beauties in the hope that at least one out of ten will be generous and give, usually go home alone and in full confidence that the stars are to blame, who agreed “not So". Even before entering the club, you should be in a positive mood (once again, I am sorry for the banality).

Go to the club with friends and expect bright, indescribable emotions from this evening. Hang out, have fun, socialize and enjoy every minute of your stay in the establishment of dirty dancing and vice. The goal in itself is a good time, it's fun, it's emotions, and getting to know all the consequences is rather a circumstance that follows from the goal, but not vice versa. It's best to go to a club with friends. In this case, you have time to take a closer look at the situation, the girls, and you are unlikely to look lonely and bored.

But if you came to the club yourself, then act directly from the entrance. Start getting acquainted after the first glass of gin, don’t put off your goals. Otherwise, girls will notice your doom and it’s unlikely that anyone will fall for you. But I repeat: it’s better not to go to the club alone, at least for the first time. Over time, you will begin to feel confident in a familiar place and solo trips will be quite acceptable; at the very first stages it is better to stick to a friendly company (together with a friendly friend is ideal).

Girls love easy-going, pleasant guys with a good sense of humor. Be cheerful, be sociable. Don’t swear or get into a fight, this is not the place where you need to get cocky and show “your masculinity,” at least if you are interested in how to pick up a girl in a nightclub.

Club seduction loves action

The club needs action. The walls are propped up by losers for whom nothing shines. You need to be confident and at the same time relaxed. If you are too tense, nothing will work out. Kent, sipping a lonely glass of booze at the bar and looking with a sad (or animalistic) look at the beauties on the dance floor, is doomed to failure. You need to appear confident, not show how much you want to take someone down.

In general, do what you want. Don’t put any barriers in front of yourself, everything is allowed to you. And the only person who can not allow you something is yourself. If you want to suck a girl, take it and suck it. You want to take her away with you until the morning, so what are you waiting for? You are a macho, you are a womanizer, today you are a walking emotion, the soul of any company that any girl in this establishment should be happy about.

What should you look like to pick up a girl in a club?

Any nightclub is, first of all, a pretentious place where each (!) member of the visitor is judged by his appearance and behavior. We'll talk about behavior a little later, but now's the time to talk about appearance. Before you understand how to seduce a girl in a club, you need to understand how you should look to do this. And no matter what your status in this world is and how much money you can spend today, the requirements for appearance remain the same: a sleek look, stylish clothes, appropriate hairstyle and a pleasant smell.

Sleek look

I understand that you are a man, and hanging around the mirror for hours is not a man’s business. However, I assure you: forget about prejudices, spend an hour before going out on your appearance and thereby you will increase your chances of success. Well-groomed hands, neatly trimmed nails, neat clothes, polished shoes (preferably not too worn) - all these points are MANDATORY!

How to dress for a club?

Your appearance should match the environment. Dress should not be conservative; this is a club, not a board of directors. In general, great advice: wear your newest and most favorite clothes. Just keep in mind that the main purpose of clothing is to hide figure flaws, and vice versa – to show off your strengths. For example, a tight T-shirt is not a very good item of clothing for both very thin and overweight guys.

A shirt in the club is welcome, but it is highly desirable that it is not classic, like all clothes. It goes without saying that clothes should be clean, neat and in size. It would be nice if one of the elements of the garment was of variegated colors. Just without extremes, okay, no need to pretend to be a rainbow or a Christmas tree based on the color palette. Without fanaticism, in short.

I advise brunettes to pay attention to red and green tones; blondes look best with blue in all shades. White and black tones are universal, but I would still advise saving dark clothes for work or funerals (God forbid). It pays to look bright in the club!


I assure you, girls will not mistake you for an “edarast” (or “peduard”, I don’t remember which is correct) if you steal half a fortune of hair foam from your sister and wear your hair in a hippie style. Just don't try to look like a pioneer. It’s good for the hairstyle to be controlled and chaotic, with the hair styled and tousled.

Pleasant aroma

Girls are the beautiful half of humanity, which means they necessarily notice everything beautiful. One of my friends said: “a man should smell of blood, sweat and fumes.” Of course, if we talk about gladiators, or about those men who preferred war to a peaceful life, then yes, then this is correct. However, if we are talking about how to properly meet a girl in a club, then our stereotype should be slightly modified: “perfume, fumes and sex.” In short, don’t forget to spray a little of your favorite eau de toilette on a clean shirt before going out. And the more expensive it is, the better.

What exactly you should not do

Don't even think about starting with trivial questions. In clubs this is the most unworkable technique. I’m talking about questions like: “hi, I’m so-and-so, shall we meet each other?”; “Girl, can I meet you?”; “Do you mind if I sit down?”; “Who do you work for?” and other boring stuff. The club is a place to have fun, the tackle should be unobtrusive, communication should be easy.

You can start with something that will provoke her to ask a question. For example: “The DJ here sucks, in my club the music is much more interesting.” She will be interested in what kind of “my club” we are talking about, and after a couple of leading questions you will answer that you meant a club in your area (near your home). Well, or something like that. The main task is to play on the main female vice - her curiosity!

Don't offer to buy her a drink before the actual introduction has taken place. Keep it casual and don’t show with all your appearance how much you want to fuck her. Demonstrate your interest, but at the same time act as if you practically don’t care how further acquaintance will go. But you should not get acquainted for the purpose of acquaintance. Pretend that you are getting to know each other for the purpose of communication, this technique is much more appreciated by girls.

Never wonder if a girl has a boyfriend or husband. All you need to know is if he's here. If he is not here, then the girl is free today. Except when her boyfriend's friends may be in the club. In this case, you will inevitably face a turnaround without explanation.

Dancing in a club is a powerful weapon of seduction. But if you are 100% sure that you don’t know how to dance, it’s better not to do it. A guy dancing funny looks funny (oops, that was a pun). Girls like funny guys, not jokes.

Is it easy to pick up a girl in a club?

As a matter of fact, I have already answered this question a little higher. But in order to increase your chances of success you need to:

  1. Determine by external signs how predisposed the chosen girl is to intimate acquaintance (and to acquaintance in general). Choose, again based on external characteristics, which girls will be best/easiest to shoot.
  2. It's right to get to know her. The very first thing I will advise you to do is to enjoy the game. Remember, your trip to the club is a game where everyone is an actor. As I already said, focusing on results can deprive you of this result. Hang out, go for a walk, enjoy the process. The result is really not that important, the real thrill is in the game of seduction. Pleasure begins not when you leave the club with a girl in your arms, but when you, all so sleek and confident, cross the threshold of this hot spot.

Classifications of girls in the club

I propose to conditionally divide all the party girls who will meet you in the evening - X, into several groups.


These are the type of ladies who get a kick out of blowing guys off. They dress provocatively, look damn appetizing and make a notch on their handbag every time, rejecting some loser who mistakenly decided that he could just... get acquainted with her in general. These are the queens of the evening who look unapproachable and desirable, who act arrogantly, but at the same time love to feel the devouring male gaze on them. These girls tend to always remain in sight. And the more you will be able to please her pride, the more spectators your shame will have.

On the one hand, it is appropriate to recall the saying: “ steal like a million, kiss like a queen“, but on the other hand, it’s better to take care of your self-esteem and stay away from dynamos. If such girls allow themselves to be seduced, then only by independently choosing a victim.

If you are lucky and this snow queen decided today to put a notch on the opposite side of her handbag, then you will understand this very quickly. Languid glances in your direction, sexual poses and movements under your gaze. In general, you are not the one filming, they are filming you. If you are sure that this is what is happening now, don’t get confused and boldly approach, most likely it will turn out to be successful.

In appearance, dynamos can be distinguished by their arrogant look. They hang out, have fun (often, by the way, hardly drink), and always look expensive. Dynamos are driven by money, and if your high status and fat wallet allows you to stand out among the “common people,” then they themselves will notice you and give signs that they are interested in you.

By the way, dynamos are local in 80% of cases.


We're talking about those girls for whom club life is the norm.. Who hang out in this club all weekend. They stand out among other visitors for their confidence. Of course they are beautifully dressed, of course they are appetizing. They always have a lot of friends in the club (including bartenders and security guards), they feel at ease and they really have fun. However, if among the locals we discard 50% of the pretentious bitches (they are also dynamos), then these girls usually evaluate each male representative already during his entry into the club.

Most of the girls in clubs are like this. They hang out there every Friday and Saturday, and therefore feel almost at home. They shuffle in groups, dance near mirrors or on stage (usually in the most visible places), and look like they are in charge of the situation. The risk of failure when we talk about locals is approximately 55-65 percent.

It is true that it is appropriate to note that the local guys have become boring to the local girls for a long time (besides, everyone has already slept with everyone), but the new faces entering may bring new interesting acquaintances for them. Most of them do not have a permanent boyfriend, and if they do, then he is most likely here and very soon you will understand if this is true. And even if, by a monstrous coincidence of circumstances, he is not here, then his friends are definitely there. And no matter how much she likes you in front of them, you have no chance (unless there is a chance to get punched in the nose).

However, you shouldn’t try too hard on the locals, these girls are terribly tired of all these standard tackles. Locals are desirable objects for acquaintance and seduction, but here’s how not to fall into the dynamo, of which there are a good half of the locals. And you can hook such a baby in one of two options: either you will really surprise her with something, or she will give you unambiguous signals that can well be regarded as a call to action (as is the case with dynamos).


It's about all the girls who are rare guests of the nightclub, which means they won’t be able to read the question in your eyes: “who would they pick up in this club today.” Often these are gray mice that accidentally wandered into the club. Most likely they are somewhere in a large company, although this is not necessary. They can celebrate her birthday together with their best friend. In any case, they are guests here, their goal is to have fun.

Strays can be divided into two types: those who will shy away from guys, and those who want to have a blast.

Gray vagrants

On the one hand, such girls will avoid guys, almost shy away. Well, on the other hand, they are not spoiled by all these standard “glues” in clubs, which means it’s not so difficult to approach them. And the chance is quite high: with a successful approach, the probability of success is 60–80 percent. But there are not many chances to spend that night with her immediately after meeting her, because such girls are wary of spontaneous, non-binding sex.

True, “gray vagrants” often don’t even notice how they gain weight. And a drunk girl, as you know, is “weak at the front.” But whether one can be proud of such a victory is a big question.

You can identify them by their gray clothes, constrained movements and frightened eyes.

Vagrants on the breakaway

The rarest, and at the same time the most sought after type of girls in the club. A girl whose goals coincide with yours. Today she is a hunter like you. Like you, she will scan the room, choose an interesting man and begin to process him. She's having fun, having a blast. She doesn't come to the club so often that she loses some opportunities. She wants to be filmed, with all her appearance she shows the desire to be filmed.

It is difficult to determine her by her clothes, because she can be dressed both like a dynamo and like a gray vagrant. But judging by the quality of the breakaway, by the alcohol consumed and by those hungry eyes that scan every man who enters the club, it’s not difficult to figure out the stray on the breakaway. If she likes you, she will very quickly make sure that you pay attention to her. If you paid attention, but still hesitate and do not move into the active phase, you can be calm: there will be someone else who will take her home today.

Such girls are simply a gift for pick-up artists in the club. One caveat: there are really few of them, and they “disperse” very quickly. I would like to immediately draw your attention to one factor: look at whether the girl drinks or not. Of all the types described above, dynamos are the most teetotal. They value their reputation too much; for them the club is a familiar, almost everyday place. So they don't have to drink. So we remember the old Ukrainian proverb: “if a person doesn’t drink, either he’s sick or he’s a bastard” (if a person doesn’t drink, he’s either sick or a bastard).

Mini preparation

Before getting acquainted, it would be useful to prepare the ground. There are several options: a long, confident look at the girl you like; some kind of backhanded compliment with deletion; winking or “clinking glasses from a distance.” It would be great to exchange a few phrases at the bar. Some kind of ambiguity with an opaque hint is better.

For example: “I wonder what you can put in such a small handbag. I don't even think my phone will fit. Just money and condoms.”

Then smile and move away. You've already left an impression!

How to meet a girl in a nightclub while dancing

Dancing with a girl, which in the old days was also called slow dancing, has changed a lot thanks to club culture and provides many opportunities for more intimate hugs, which greatly excites both partners. Don't be afraid to squeeze her, this way you will achieve your goal faster. You don't have to be a dance floor star to dance with a girl. When dancing with her, don’t try to satisfy her, the main thing is that it makes you feel comfortable.

Non-verbal communication is key on the dance floor. Words in the noisy atmosphere of dance are more of a reason for closer communication. So don't pay much attention to words, pay more attention to your gaze and touch. Touch her not only on the dance floor, touch her a lot and often. If she smiles back and responds by touching you, then victory is already in your pocket. Very soon it will be time to call a taxi and take her to your box (or where are you going to take her?). You shouldn’t delay this, because you can lose her interest in you.

There are actually a whole lot of ways and methods of meeting a girl in a club. For example, you squeeze across the dance floor towards a girl whom you previously noticed and approved. It is better to move towards, face to face. Before you get close, you allow yourself to be noticed, and of course you smile with a Hollywood smile (remember Bruce in Die Hard). If the dance floor is quite crowded (it would be better if it were so), then you seem to accidentally press yourself as close as possible to the girl you like as you pass. And it seems that for the convenience of passing, you hug her and slowly run your hand over her body while moving (it’s too early to hold on to her bust, but running it over her ass or stomach is just right).

Or you dance near her, squeezing closer (again, it’s very important that the dance floor be crowded, then it will be at most relaxed). We don’t have to talk about the dance floor, you can also sit at the bar counter. The main thing is that there are a lot of people per square meter. You caught her hand, held it in yours, stopped and watched her reaction. If they don’t pull back their hand and look at you without bewilderment, then everything is fine. He pulled her hand towards himself, for the sake of decency, asked about her ability to dance and dragged her towards the dance floor.

Or another option: you dance somewhere near her, periodically glancing at the object of attention and smiling sincerely. When a girl shows interest, turn half a turn towards her (or turn away altogether) and dance a little for your own pleasure. Then turn to her and continue the staring game. In the rhythm of the dance, you involuntarily approach her, brazenly take her hand with the words: “apparently, until we dance, you will not leave me alone,” and begin to spin her around in the dance. Moreover, these words from the song “you have nowhere to go” are very suitable, because your behavior should be for her something like a tsunami, from which it is impossible (and you don’t want to) escape.

How to seduce a girl in a nightclub

Remember: the club is one of the best places to meet people thanks to the loud music. When you approach a girl, you easily hug her around the waist and whisper (or shout) something in her ear. In the club it will be as relaxed as possible, even with a completely unfamiliar young lady. It’s very exciting when at this time you seem to accidentally touch her ear with your lips. By the way, the opposite technique: you say something confidently, but deliberately quietly, which provokes the girl to lean towards you. A very workable technique.

Trivial conversations and questions are prohibited. At the same time, the look in the club plays a bigger role than words. But this is only in the case of direct communication. There should be interest and warm emotions in your gaze. The eyes are a powerful seduction tool. The look should be intriguing and at the same time “with a sparkle.” You can turn on a girl with just one look. When you look at her, say to yourself: “today I will be on top, and you will scream.” Mentally pronounce sexual attitudes, no matter how absurd it may sound, but it works.

There is no need to spend money on a girl from the first minutes. Guys often think that a girl will give after the first drink, but this is far from the case.

Save money for the martini you'll take with you and the taxi you'll take her to continue the night. However, be sure to treat her to a cocktail or something else if you see that everything is going in the right direction; girls turn off stingy guys once or twice even after a successful acquaintance.

Don’t start your advance with a too bright compliment, and especially don’t ask her if you can get her to meet her. It’s better to start with some ambiguous phrase, like: “you dance interestingly” or “I didn’t think you could dance like that in heels.”

Watch her carefully, turn on a psychologist-observer and be able to draw the correct conclusions about her condition through her appearance. If she is comfortable, then she can act. If she is uncomfortable, then create conditions for comfort. If you see that a girl is not very comfortable, tell her something like: don’t pay attention to my impudence, it’s just difficult to remain adequate when talking with such a beauty.”

What to do after meeting a girl in a club?

Play with her. Don't pay attention to just one girl. Chat with her, then leave, or smile at someone else. After some time, return to this girl. She will already have time to be offended by you, angry, jealous and bored. Use charm and it's done. After you've met a girl, don't be cold to her friends. Get to know them, and try to please them (just don’t go out of your way). But soon try to isolate her from her friends. Take her to the bar or just give her a tour of the club. Introduce her to everyone you know (and even to the security guard and the waiter) as your girlfriend. This will help you get close to her as quickly as possible, and therefore improve your results in seducing a girl in the club.

Don't get hung up on one girl. If a girl too brazenly demonstrates her reluctance to communicate with you or generally behaves ugly, turn around, walk ten meters away and meet another girl. Let a prick of jealousy prick her, and her eyes pierce you - she had a chance.

Don't run after a girl you met at the club. It would be more correct to show her with all your appearance that if necessary, you can easily find a replacement for her.

Extreme, but damn effective technique

Another cool assistant of yours is your arrogance. You see a lonely girl on the dance floor, even a very beautiful girl who can be classified as a dynamo. You approach her from the front, put your arm around her waist and start dancing. It is important that she is a little under the driver. The girl will not immediately understand what is happening.

But know that only the overwhelming minority of us know how to take an overlap. Instead of asking her name, ask if she likes to have an orgasm. Most likely, the girl will immediately be confused and answer the truth (of course she loves, who doesn’t). Then with the next phrase, invite her to have the most vivid orgasm of her life, and before she has time to come to her senses, take her hand and take her away from here.

I assure you, although the method seems absurd, it works! And if it doesn’t work out, then the problem is not so much with the girl, but with your arrogance. In order for it to work, you must be a lightning-fast and daring conqueror; resisting the energy of which simply does not make sense. And of course you should feel very, very confident. The method will not suit those guys who are new (or even the first 5 times) in this establishment. Because a real sense of confidence comes when you know all the nooks and crannies of club life. But anyone can try it, and if you have enough charm and audacity, then it’s a done deal!

By the way, before you use it, you must be fully armed and clearly know what and where you will take it. And you should definitely have a bottle of whiskey/champagne/martini in short, a delicious alcoholic drink that you will sip in between love breaks.

All I ask from you in return is to tell me about your results in the comments. Well, if you share the recording with your friends, then you have no value at all!

Good luck, friend! See you on the pages of FitKis.

With wishes of success, Vitakha Okhrimenko!

91 comments on ““How to pick up a girl in a club in an interesting and effective way””

    Yes, Vitaly, this is no longer an article - it’s almost half a book, so you described everything in detail. I'm sure many young guys will have something to learn from it. Well, as always, I giggled cheerfully at the classification of club girls. The “flyaways on the breakaway” smiled especially))

    In fact, I finished writing and am sitting in shock. I dream of learning how to write short articles, but the desire to take into account every detailed nuance and make the topic “complete” prevents me from doing this

    You really cover the topic very thoroughly, and I think that’s a plus. Usually you want to add something to articles, like: but you didn’t take this reason into account or something like that. This doesn’t happen to me with your articles.

    To be honest, I don’t like the expression “picking up a girl”; you can pick up, let’s say, a priestess of love. And they meet ordinary girls.

    Vitaly, maybe it makes sense to divide one article into two, because... Long articles are a little tiring, but it’s up to you, of course, to decide.

    This expression also made me smile. In fact, such strays are very often caught on the breakaway.))

    Damn, I started off on the wrong foot. I forgot to say: girls are strictly prohibited from entering

    If you do that, they will come here in droves))

    Will not help. I would like more respect for the female sex!

    Respect as much as you like.
    It’s really problematic to write articles for men when you’re blogging for everyone. Let's agree: I will write in the title: girls don't read, and you won't read
    I’ll also write something similar for men and they won’t go there.

    This means I deliberately deprive visitors of the opportunity to add something. No, from now on we must deliberately ignore at least a couple of points

    Yes, I already tried it. I think it makes sense... although on the other hand it’s stupid to somehow promote two pages for one request. Although you will probably have to do this, you can really get tired by the time you finish reading it

    Wow, they won’t come up with anything, they even already have special filming instructions, but what if girls read this?

    As you can see from the comments, only girls read

    Young guys need to get the necessary skills somewhere. Let Vitaly's blog help them with this.

    I think that readers have already appreciated your desire, Vitaly, to write complete, good articles.

    By dividing one article into two, it is more likely that each will be read more thoroughly.

    And it’s not surprising that there are all these categories of girls in the club - otherwise, why would they go there?

    But, Ekaterina, the meaning of this article is quite definite. And it’s not about meeting girls, but just about renting.

    And the forbidden fruit, as you know, is sweet. What can we come up with so that girls do not read what they are not supposed to read?

    Because girls learn a lot of interesting things about themselves. Something we had never imagined before.

    Haha, Vitaly! An interesting option, but unlikely to work. But it's worth a try.))

    I think that some girls are even starting to radically change their behavior.

    I read it with interest, thank you! I had one moment of acquaintance in a club, I came to the club and took a glass of beer from the bar. After sitting for about ten minutes I noticed that one young lady was looking at me. Then she came up to me to invite me to dance, but in response I asked her to leave... She agreed)))

    For me, the word “eat” is too brutal.

    Now guys are learning very quickly. The Internet almost always helps))

    Thanks for the story!
    Yes, that happens. I think there is no need to say what goals this young lady pursued that evening. No, maybe, of course, you just really liked you, but most likely this girl was “on the hunt” and you introduced yourself to her as the most desired “victim”!

    It would be necessary to somehow password-protect, close, encode articles for men from women, and articles for women from men. Really, how to come up with gender identification...

    The main thing for me is to shoot, but how and where does not matter.

    Women's curiosity is strongest, passwords will not help, they will find a loophole and read it.

    Club is different from club. I visited the wrong clubs with face control and other attributes.

    Flying on the break sounds beautiful. I have an association with horses and carriages. With mares in general.

    Irina, it means you need to go to clubs with your girlfriends more often and find an addition to the article.

    Ekaterina, there is nothing better than the practice of visiting a club. Everywhere has its own nuances.

    Common teenage and male slang. Take it off for me and get to know me for a long time and fuck once. The word has different meanings.

    I picked up a girl, met her, liked her, got married. Happens often.

    I feel kind of uncomfortable in the club. Wild music, there is no crowd, no one can be seen beyond a few meters.

    And you, Evgeny, were probably wearing the same cap as in your avatar? I would also come right away!…

    They will read and fall for these scams

    Why should Irina go there?
    Irina has a husband

    Vitah, and it will turn out the other way around.
    Where the girls are not allowed, they will go.
    And where are the men, they will look there.

    What does face control have to do with picking up girls?
    Yarik, maybe it’s enough to inflate the comments quantitatively. In the announcement of the competition, I wrote about the need for “high-quality” comments. I'm afraid that such "things" will cause you to be disappointed when the winners of the competition are announced.

    Curiosity is a terrible vice of the human race

    Yes, it’s impossible to escape from this “phenomenon”. Damn, at least don’t publish “same-sex” articles, otherwise I’ll really set all our male tricks on fire

    ... only they will already know that this is a scam
    If a girl’s goal is to leave the club not alone and have a good time, then this benefit will only work in her favor, she will know how to behave appropriately

    But the atmosphere that reigns there in the club stimulates debauchery even among those guys and girls who initially did not set this goal for themselves

    Hello, Vitaly! I wanted to ask for a long time... how does your wife feel about your “outpourings”? I would have nailed mine long ago))))). And you are so detailed about the filming, etc. you describe. Logically, you had to do all this yourself... That is, you had a stormy personal life. This means that he “tried” a lot of girls. My brain would have boiled long ago from ideas and fantasies (what happened and with whom - I have a very wild imagination). So how does the wife feel about all this?

    It’s great if the article has a positive impact on girls and they change their behavior for the better.

    No, I don't really like clubs. Even when I was single, I almost didn’t wear them. With my girlfriends, we like to go to theaters or cafes)) I actually have a theory that it is very unlikely to start a serious relationship with a guy after meeting him in a club. The guys at the club are not in the mood for that. At work, at school, at some courses - it’s a completely different matter. Although, of course, there are exceptions to all rules.

    The clubs themselves have created a frivolous reputation for dating, also due to the behavior of the girls.

    And most of the guys who go to the club are already in a frivolous mood. Tatyana, you are probably very jealous. Both pipkin doctors

    Hah, what kind of “victim” would refuse to change the water for the fish in a 3-story penthouse

    No, actually the article is useful. Because girls are by nature more curious and sociable, and they quickly learn and understand how to behave in a club. And more open and relaxed. But it’s more difficult for guys. And the length of the article is quite appropriate, I felt comfortable reading it. Thanks for the article and interesting thoughts. And in general, the girls should still say thank you for such articles) there will be fewer rednecks and bores in vacation spots!)

Very often, men come to a club to meet each other, but all they can do is look at a sexy woman for an hour, admire how she dances and imagine sex with her. This problem is due to the fact that the guy cannot dare to approach the young lady and speak. He doesn’t know where to start the conversation, what it will look like from the outside. And finally, he is sure that such a beautiful girl will not want to meet him at the club.
To solve this problem, I wrote this article. In it I’ll tell you how to meet a girl in a club or disco, how to approach her and what to say to reduce the number of refusals to a minimum.

Now let's continue. The biggest mistake a guy makes when meeting someone at a disco is that he shows himself to be in need of sex. Everyone understands that in the club, beauties often dress sexy, and a man who hasn’t had sex for a long time looks with hungry eyes and thinks: “I wish I’d ​​caught you in my bed right now.”

The problem is that when a young lady dances, she looks to see who reacts to her and how. And if a person looks in her direction without interruption, it will show him hungry and in need of sex. This picture can also be seen when a guy walks alone around a club and looks at all the women he can meet at the disco.

Never pretend that you came to the club to find a girl for sex. A hungry person never gets food. If a young lady notices that you are walking alone, no one needs you, then no matter how confidently you approach there, and no matter what magical first phrase you come up with, the chances of successfully meeting a girl at a disco will be minimal.

Just remember this, and vice versa - show yourself as if there are already many women in your life. You must show your high status, then the question of how to meet a girl in a nightclub will be funny, and the girls themselves will provoke you into conversation.

Your appearance also plays an important role when meeting people in a club. This doesn't mean you have to be handsome. Not at all. Just dress cool to suit your figure. Clothing plays an important role and a lot has already been written about it on this site. They meet you by their clothes. And this is the first thing any beauty will pay attention to when you want to meet her at a disco.

Also, don’t forget about good perfume and a cool comb. The better you look, the more impression you will make on the young lady.

Don’t think that only women need to sit in front of a mirror for half the day. Men need this too. Of course, you don’t need half a day, but you definitely need to set aside some time.

If you come to the club with a group of friends, then, of course, it’s a little easier for you, because you have someone to talk to and you won’t look like a lonely and abandoned boy. But there are times when such a company simply does not exist. Then you need to start meeting a girl in a club as soon as you enter the disco.

If you stand and look at a girl and then approach her, the chances of a successful acquaintance will decrease.
The maximum time you can allow yourself to stand is 2-3 minutes to quietly assess where the cool women are and what they are like. After that, you can think about how to meet a girl at a disco.

I want to immediately note that if a young lady comes to a club, it means she wants to meet someone and have sex. Just always remember - she dances so that a cool guy like you will pay attention to her and finally decide to approach her. And no matter how much she assures you that she just likes to dance or cool music, this is not true.

She can turn on music and dance at home. But the club differs from the house in that there are cool guys there. Therefore, you should not think that a woman has a boyfriend or is married. At a disco, usually all the beauties are free and open to dating.

After you see a woman in a club that you really would like to meet, confidently head towards her and start communicating. The important thing here is that she sees you approaching. The best thing is to catch her eye and immediately head towards her.

Once you've approached, it doesn't really matter what you say to her. Much more important is how you do it and how you look. So when you approach, be sure to smile and speak loudly, depending on the tone of the music. Also remember to look her straight in the eye. This will show you to be confident, and your success in successfully meeting a girl in a club will increase several times.

You can start a conversation on topics that surround you and her. You can start saying how much you like it here and ask her about it. You can simply compliment a girl on the way she dances or looks. But again, if you give a compliment, the main thing is that it is truly from the heart and truthful.

Also don't forget about dancing. If you can dance well, then This is very good. You can invite girl to dance. Nothing ignites passion like dance.

After you have talked to her at the disco, there are two options for the development of events: try to take her home, or just take her phone number and end your communication there.

I propose to try to achieve the first goal and go home with the young lady in order to have sex. Of course, before that, you need to think about what she will go with you on and where. I already wrote about how to do this correctly: “How to invite a girl home? 5 effective ways."

If the first goal was not achieved, then you need to take the beauty’s number and after a while call back and make an appointment.

Then, in order not to waste time, you can approach another girl and meet her at the club. Even if at first you don’t have a very successful meeting with a girl at a disco, the main thing is don’t stop, but continue what you started. Over time, you will learn to meet people without problems, take numbers from women and invite them home.

Well, that’s all for the topic “How to meet a girl in a club.” I wish you good luck, dear friend!

Dating and Pickup

How to meet a girl in a club

Meeting a girl in a club is one of the most interesting and exciting experiences that a guy can have. And the trick is that girls initially come to the club to have a good time and meet interesting people, hence we have a huge number of pretty girls and great competition among men.

However, absolutely any guy can grab a nice girl who will not only brighten up his evening at the club, but will also agree to continue a closer relationship later. To do this, you just need to know the basic principles of dating and avoid dynamo scammers.

Dating in a club - basic theory

So, when a girl is going to go to a club, she expects to have a good time there, have fun and meet interesting people. It is for this reason that the girl tries to show herself in all her glory and achieve admiration from others. And the main rule of meeting a girl in a club is based on this principle: “A guy should look so that a girl feels that he is the one who makes her popular and successful.”

However, it should be obvious to you that if you try to pick out a girl who is very popular with men, and she herself is drawn from such attention, then this option will be a failure for you. Therefore, immediately dismiss all girls who fit this category.

Next, you should understand that a large number of busy girls also come to the club, who simply dance there and take a break from their serious relationships. Most often, they can be identified by a large amount of drinking and a condescending look at the girls of the first category. It is better to exclude such girls, although if their boyfriend has not been at his best lately, you can get to know them, but this is at your own peril and risk.

There is a separate category of girls who “eat and drink” at someone else’s expense. Most often, they look quite impressive, their movements are slow, and they prefer to be near older men, although there are also plenty of hunters for young guys. Naturally, it’s better not to approach such girls, since you won’t achieve anything other than losing money. However, if you have agility and cunning, and the girl sees this, then she will be interested in you, because they love guys of their type.

The best option for dating is a modest girl who is not active on the dance floor and is slightly shocked by everything around her. Most often, such girls are brought for company by friends of other categories, and they do not understand what they should do. This is the ideal victim.

  • Firstly, she will be grateful to you that, among all the showy and pompous girls, you paid attention to her. She also wants to feel popular and successful.
  • Secondly, she will want to outdo her friends, because it was such a gorgeous guy who approached her. Oh, this female competition and envy!
  • Thirdly, these are the girls who most often leave you a real phone number and subsequently have sex with you.

It is important to know about dating in a club. If you are trying to pick up a girl in a club who will have sex with you on the first night, then you can do it. But the quality of such a girl and the safety of sex with her will raise many questions. Therefore, if you understand that a girl is ready to have sex with you on the first night of meeting you - Change the Girl!

How to pick up girls

Obviously, in addition to you, there will be plenty of guys in the club, both with money and with a good appearance, so you shouldn’t put the main emphasis on these two indicators. Your task is simply to look “normal and calm.” Those. If it’s customary for guys your age to wear shirts and trousers to a club, then wear a shirt and trousers: no more, no less. In some places you even have to blend in with the crowd.

You shouldn't count on drinking either. Firstly, now there are such girls that they will make any man drunk, and secondly, a drunk girl will not be able to adequately accept your communication. And this is a guarantee that the very next day after your message or call, she will ignore you. This means you wasted your energy, time and money.

Therefore, you should rely solely on your confidence and ability to convince girls that you are exactly the man they have been looking for and waiting for for so long. And this is achieved by the following rules:

1) On the dance floor you behave calmly, respectably and carefully. No sudden movements of arms or legs. You can take a lot of space around you to show your confidence, but you shouldn't do it too pompously and fiercely, as sometimes happens.

2) You should not keep your hands in your pockets and drink excessively near the bar or at your place. Girls prefer neat and restrained guys, not those who pour themselves a heavy dose of alcohol, or, on the contrary, squeeze themselves into a corner.

3) Although your behavior should be calm, you should radiate joy and positivity. Girls like it when guys act happy. This is a great opportunity to give yourself a plus.

How to attract a girl's attention in a club

The best way to attract a girl's attention and “test the waters” is with a glance, a smile and a slight shake of the head. You kind of look at the girl and let her know that she is interested in you, and then you wait for an answer from her.

  • If she was embarrassed or smiled back at you, it’s “Yes.”
  • If she made a straight face, it was “No.”

This way you can choose a girl who will be glad to have your attention, which means we are working with her.

When you approach her, you will first need to say a couple of banal words, “Hi, how are you,” and then immediately move on to a cheerful conversation: “I saw you, and I was just in shock. I said to myself: “Alexander, you must meet such a nice girl, and here I am.”

What to talk about with a girl in a club

By the girl’s reaction to meeting you and her appearance, you can easily determine: she wants to chat or it’s time to drag her to dance.

Conversations are usually about:

  • The reasons why she came to the club;
  • Who came to the club with her;
  • Where does she live, what does she do?

After these answers, start acting as if you have known her for a long time, and now you need to have fun, not talk. After all, the girl will be glad that you kept her company.

What to do at the end of an evening at the club

After you talk to the girl and find a common language with her, you will need to take her phone, or whatsAPP, or something else like that. Don’t even try to persuade the girl to go to her or to your place that evening. For her, let you remain a decent guy who liked her and had a good time together. This will help you in the future to reach her, and only then seduce her and bring the matter to a victorious end.