What are the most expensive gems in the world: a detailed review. What stones are the most expensive

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We are used to thinking that diamonds are some of the most expensive stones. But there are crystals that cost tens or hundreds of times more, since there are negligibly few of them in the world. And there are also precious stones that have no price at all, since no one has ever bought them or used them in jewelry.
Such rare stones are often declared the property of the country and are not transferred into private hands, because no one knows exactly how many of them are left in the world. Therefore, the average person can mainly see these stones only in photographs. Although often even this is impressive and makes us think about how many more mysteries our planet is going to present us with.


In 2005, the Guinness Book of Records awarded painite the title of the world's rarest gemstone mineral. It was first discovered in Myanmar by British mineralogist Arthur Pyne in 1950. For many decades, there were only two discovered crystals of this mineral in the world. By 2005, about 25 had been found.

Today, painites are not as rare as they once were. According to the California Institute of Technology for Geological and Planetary Sciences, another deposit of this mineral has been discovered in Myanmar. In addition, two more large painite mining sites were found in the area of ​​the Burmese city of Mogok. To date, about several thousand crystals of this stone have been found. And yet, it is still one of the rarest gems on Earth.


Tanzanite is found in nature almost 1000 times less frequently than diamond. And this is natural, since there is only one place in the world where these stones can be found. They are mined in the foothills of Kilimanjaro, and the number of stones that go on sale is extremely limited. Like alexandrite, tanzanite has the property of changing its color depending on the orientation of the crystal and lighting conditions. But unlike alexandrite, tanzanite is characterized by trichroism. This means that it has three colors, not just one. The mineral changes color from blue to purple, and then to red. According to research, these color variations are largely caused by the presence of vanadium ions in the stone.

In its natural state, tanzanite is blue or purple with brown or yellow areas. Therefore, for jewelry purposes, all stones are exposed to high temperatures in order to get rid of yellow inclusions and give the crystal a uniform and rich blue-violet color.


It was discovered by chance among cut gems. In 1945, Count Richard Taaffe noticed a stone among the faceted spinel crystals he had purchased that was slightly different in color from the rest. Taaffe sent it for examination to the laboratory of the London Chamber of Commerce and Industry for identification. The conclusion said that this was a new mineral, still unknown to mankind. Until this time, most taaffeites were mistaken for spinel.

Thus, taaffeite became the only stone that was discovered after it was processed. For many years afterwards, it was known in only a few examples, and is still one of the rarest gem crystals in the world.


It is this mineral, a direct “relative” of taaffeite, that is the rarest in the world. Currently, only 14 musgravites are registered in the world. This stone was first found in 1967 in the Musgrave Ranges of South Australia.

Later, individual crystals were found in Greenland, Madagascar, and Antarctica. But only those found in Australia are considered gem-quality stones.


This amazing blue stone was discovered, as its name suggests, at the mouth of the San Benito River in California.

One of the most distinctive features of this stone is how amazing it looks under UV light. Under such lighting it fluoresces acid blue. The strange thing is that, although it was first described at the beginning of the twentieth century, its origin and the substances that give it its fluorescent properties are not yet fully understood.


This bluish-green mineral is found almost exclusively in Madagascar, although the first, and apparently only, faceted specimen was found in Sri Lanka. Like alexandrite and tanzanite, grandidierite has the ability to pleochroate, and can change color from blue to green to white.


The first examples of poudrettite were found in the mid-1960s at the Poudrette Quarry in Quebec, but it was not recognized as a new type of mineral until 1987. Therefore, a detailed description of this gemstone was not compiled until 2003. According to some sources, this was done because few people have a chance of ever encountering powdertitis, and even more people have probably never even heard of it.


First found in Siberia at the end of the 19th century. After this, several gem-quality crystals were discovered in Namibia. The largest faceted jeremiahite on Earth weighs only 60 carats (about 12 grams).

Red Beryl

Red beryl (also known as bixbite or “scarlet emerald”) was first described in 1904, and at that time, due to its fairly similar chemical composition, it was mistaken for the color variety of emerald or aquamarine.

Known deposits of this stone are limited to the US states of Utah and New Mexico, and their extraction is extremely difficult and therefore expensive. The weight of the largest cut stone to date is 10 carats.

Red diamond

Despite the fact that the diamond itself is not a rare stone, its color varieties are a less common phenomenon. And red diamonds are something incredibly exclusive.

This is the rarest type of diamond. And this fact is clearly confirmed by the fact that the largest red diamond found, Mussaif, weighs a little more than one gram or 5.11 carats.

Katerina Lezhneva

There is a misconception that the most expensive gemstone is a diamond. However, this is not the case. The cost of a stone is determined not only by its beauty and high demand, but also by the rarity of the gem. We present the top 10 most expensive gemstones in the world, many of which can only be purchased privately, without disclosing the secret of the purchase.

1. Red Diamond

The number of such “stones” is only a few, and most of them have a negligible weight, which does not exceed 0.5 carats. Gemstone experts, gemologists, define the color of this stone as purple-red. The gem is mined in Australia, and the price of one can reach more than $1 million. You can only buy a red diamond at a closed auction.

2. Grandidierite

A rare translucent stone of green and blue shades was first found in Sri Lanka. Currently, there are no more than 20 faceted grandidierites in the world, and the cost per carat reaches 30 thousand dollars.

3. Padparadscha

The name of this mineral translated from Tamil means “the color of the rising sun.” It is mined in Madagascar, Sri Lanka and Tanzania. Padparadscha is practically no longer found in its natural form: the last such stone was sold 20 years ago at a closed auction, and an artificial gem is obtained by heating the corundum mineral in a furnace at a certain temperature.

4. Jadeite

Greenish jadeite (or imperial) has long remained one of the most mysterious stones: our distant ancestors believed that the stone could change the weather. The mineral “lives” in China, Japan, Mexico, and is mined in Kazakhstan and the USA. For one carat of jadeite they offer up to 20 thousand dollars.

5. Diamond

Now we get to the diamond, which is perhaps the most popular gemstone due to its cut. Perfect diamonds sell for $15,000 per carat. Diamonds are not only found on Earth. In 2004, in the vastness of the Universe, scientists managed to discover a gigantic “jewel” weighing several trillion carats, which was the core of an extinct star.

6. Ruby

The mineral is famous for its rich color. Ruby deposits can be found on all continents, with the only exception being Antarctica. Almost all natural rubies are processed at high temperatures to enhance clarity and color saturation. From time immemorial, ruby ​​has been a symbol of life and love. It is believed to impart power, courage and dignity to its owner.

7. Blue tourmaline

Blue tourmaline or Paraiba was discovered relatively recently - in 1987 in Brazil. It was believed that this was the only “habitat” of this stone, but already in 2001 it was discovered in Nigeria, and even the most experienced jewelers found it difficult to distinguish stones found on different continents. The cut stone is famous for its stunning “game”: the radiance of the mineral cannot be ignored even with a muted color.

8. Alexandrite

The amazing property of this mineral is its ability to change color: in the sun it has greenish tints, and in artificial light it becomes pink, crimson and even violet-red. The very first crystal was found in the vicinity of Yekaterinburg in 1833. The cost of one carat ranges from 10 to 15 thousand US dollars.

9. Bixbit

This mineral is familiar only to experienced jewelers and collectors due to the small number of similar stones mined and offered for sale. The cost of one carat starts from 12 thousand conventional units, and it is mined exclusively in the states of Utah and New Mexico (USA). The largest cut bixbite weighs only 10 carats.

10. Emerald

Pure natural emeralds have recently not been mined as actively as before, which determines their high cost: for one carat of the green mineral they offer 8 thousand dollars. The gem is quite fragile, and even the slightest blow can cause a crack to form on the surface. The largest gemstone was found in Brazil and weighs 28 kg. An interesting fact is that the Roman Emperor Nero used an emerald as a monocle while watching gladiator fights.

Not so long ago, on January 28, 2012, the largest emerald, measuring almost 58 thousand carats, was sold at an auction in Canada. This giant gem weighs more than 11 kilograms.

The largest emerald was named "Theodora". This unusual and very expensive stone was mined in the depths of Brazil, then it was stolen and it ended up in India, but still it ended up at an auction in British Columbia, Canada.

The owner of this stone was Reagan Rainey, who still indignantly claims that it is not a pure emerald. As he says: “It is certainly an emerald, but the exact amount of this material in the stone is unknown.”

Although of course this is possible, because there is heterogeneity of color in it, which indicates that there is a completely different material inside, this is “beryl”, this is an old form of emerald.

And so this unusual stone was sold to Reagan Rainey for 1,150 thousand dollars, someone will say that this is not such a high price for the largest emerald in the world, but according to “knowledgeable people” it is a good price.


The most expensive emerald

Today, the most expensive emerald is valued at $150 million. The unique stone was given the name Fura after the place where it was discovered. The rock was mined in the area of ​​Mount Fura, located 80 km north of the Colombian capital Bogota. The weight of the giant is 11,350 carats or 2.27 kg. The owner of the extraordinary find is Colombian industrialist Victor Carranza, who has been mining emeralds for half a century.

Emerald Fura

Realizing the high value of the acquisition, Victor Carranza hid the news from the public for more than 10 years. He is also the proud owner of another large and clear green emerald called Thera. It weighs 2000 carats or 0.4 kg. The owner deliberately does not cut the Fura and Tera emeralds in order to preserve their natural beauty.

The most expensive sapphires

The huge Millennium sapphire, found in 1995 in Madagascar, is valued at $180 million. This incredible natural wonder is the size of a soccer ball. The stone weighs 61.5 thousand carats or 12.3 kg. The treasure was processed by the Italian artist Alessio Boschi. Dimensions and carvings are the main value of the specimen. Millennium is not particularly bright in color.

Sapphire Millennium

The stone is carved with images of the greatest geniuses of mankind - Ludwig van Beethoven, Michelangelo, William Shakespeare, Albert Einstein and others. It took 2 years to create a unique work of art.

In its raw form, the gem reached a diameter of 28 cm and weighed 90 carats. After carving and polishing, the sapphire lost almost a third of its weight.

Queensland's Black Star Stone has a rich history. The largest stellar black sapphire in the world was discovered in Australia. The weight of the find was 1156 carats. After cutting, the sapphire lost 423 carats of weight. Weighing 733 carats, the cut corundum creates a six-pointed star-shaped sparkle in natural or artificial light. Experts estimate it today at $88 million.

Queensland Black Star Stone

The Rockefeller Sapphire changed hands several times. In 1991, at a Sotheby's auction in New York, the stone was sold for $3.03 million. This is the highest price that has been paid for a blue sapphire. The first mention of the gem dates back to 1934. It was bought by an American multimillionaire from the Indian Maharajah. The treasure is valued for its pure, rich blue color. Initially, the weight of the stone was 66.03 carats. After cutting, the unique sapphire acquired a rectangular shape and weighed 62.02 carats.

Rockefeller Sapphire

According to the federal law of our country, natural diamonds, rubies, alexandrites and emeralds, pearls and sapphires, as well as amber, both in raw and processed form, are considered precious stones. Let's figure out what the most expensive stone in the world is and how much it costs in 2017-2018.

A gemstone is a complex composition of chemical elements found in nature. The gem is evaluated according to the following criteria:

  • By color;
  • By cleanliness;
  • By weight;
  • By location of the deposit;
  • In terms of durability.

Crystals are divided into organic and inorganic. The latter are compounds of special strength, in which the chemical structure is unchanged. About a hundred minerals are mined in the world, and only twenty to thirty of them are classified as precious, including the most expensive stone in the world. Precious minerals are wear-resistant, rare and very beautiful.

Organic gemstones, such as amber or pearls, are created by animals or plants.

Stones have always attracted attention due to their fascinating appearance, as well as the properties that they have on humans. What is the most expensive stone in the world? Diamonds have long been considered the most expensive gem.

But the secrets of nature are unknown, and some time ago another beautiful gem was discovered, costing much more than its fellows. This most expensive stone in the world is called and is the most expensive of the diamond family, as well as among other jewelry in the world. There is only one deposit of this mineral in nature, and it is located in Australia. And, even though the mine has existed for many years, during its entire existence, people have mined only a few copies of red diamond. At the same time, the maximum size of the stone did not exceed half a carat. Specialists from gemological centers claim that the color of the gem is purple-red. This most expensive stone in the world, the photo of which you will see below, costs $1 million and can be bought mainly at auctions.

What is the most expensive stone in the world? Top Ten!

Crystals, which have a number of valuable qualities, are highly valued in the jewelry market, as well as among collectors and lovers of presentable jewelry. Some copies are sold exclusively from hand to hand, never ending up on the shelves of regular stores.

Below you will see a list of gems and their approximate cost. The most expensive stone in the world is discussed above, and therefore is not included in this list.

  • Grandidierite from 100 thousand.
  • Padparadscha from 30 thousand
  • Jadeite (imperial) from 20 thousand.
  • Diamond - 15-17 thousand.
  • Ruby from 16 thousand.
  • Alexandrite from 12 thousand.
  • Paraiba tourmaline - 13-14 thousand.
  • Bixbit - 10-12 thousand.
  • Sapphire from 9 thousand.
  • Emerald from 8 thousand.

Other gems known to mankind

In addition to the stones that we talked about above, there are others that delight people with their beauty and positive properties. Among them you can find: pearls and coral, aquamarine and heliodor, garnet and chrysolite, beryl and chrysoprase, topaz and opal, amber and many others. In our article we will look at the most beautiful and famous crystals.

Delicate pearls

This mineral is of organic origin and is a waste product of mollusks, which is formed as a result of a foreign body entering their shell. The stone is extracted from the sea or river bottom, and it can also be grown in artificially created conditions.

The advantage of pearls is that they do not need special treatment. Nature made it beautiful, it has the correct shape.

This most expensive organic stone in the world comes in different colors.

  • Pink pearls are mined on the Indian coast, in the Bahamas or in the Gulf of California;
  • Panama gives the world gold-colored stones, sometimes with brown inclusions;
  • The red mineral is mined in Mexico;
  • In Japan or Australia, white and silver stone is found;
  • There are deposits of yellow and cream pearls in the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf;
  • Tahiti is famous for its black pearl stones.

People also learned how to fish for river pearls. It can be found in China, Russia and Germany.

It is believed that this not the most expensive stone in the world, the photo of which you will see below, protects against infections, accumulates vital energy and promotes longevity.

If you want to extend the life of your pearls, you need to care for them correctly and on time. Do not allow cosmetics and household chemicals to come into contact with their surface, do not overdry the stones or expose them to excessive moisture. The cost of this gemstone depends on how smooth and even it is, as well as the size of the pearl and its color and brightness.

Previously, it was believed that only unmarried girls could wear pearl jewelry. They can be worn during daylight hours.

Mesmerizing ruby

This stone belongs to the corundum class and differs from the others in its red color. Its cost is determined by its antiquity. Crystals are formed due to the movement and interaction of tectonic plates: magma and the earth's crust. Currently, such a process does not occur, and deposits of rubies can only be found in those rocks that are more than five hundred thousand years old. Ruby is not the most expensive stone in the world, but it is very beautiful.

The color palette of the mineral ranges from light pink with a hint of raspberry to fiery red. The rarest representative of rubies is a stone of bright red color with a purple tint. In our country, the mineral is mined in the polar Urals. Other countries are India, Burma, Ceylon and Thailand.

The stone helps a person strengthen those qualities that are given to him by nature. It is believed that you cannot wear a ruby ​​all the time, as it can turn into an energy vampire.

Back in the nineteenth century, ruby ​​was the most expensive stone in the world, and cost more than diamond. Today, the cost of low-quality minerals mined in Burma does not exceed three dozen dollars per carat, while elite specimens cost $100,000 per carat.

Mysterious emerald

When answering the question about what is the most expensive stone in the world, one cannot ignore the mysterious emerald, which belongs to the beryl group. Its color varies from light green to green-blue, light or dark. Mining is carried out in such countries as:

Brazil, Russia, Colombia, Egypt. The darker the stone, the higher its value, so color is the deciding factor in determining value, not transparency.

Emerald is a very fragile precious crystal. Quite often, small defects can be found on natural stones, which easily disappear after various synthetic treatments.


Another not the most expensive stone in the world, but still worthy of attention, is sapphire. It is also a type of corundum. It is characterized by high hardness and strong shine. In nature, blue, white, yellow, pink, as well as black and star colors of this stone are found. The last color is characterized by an optical effect when a small star is visible on an opaque background.

Sapphires are mined in bulk in the following mines on the planet:

  • In India. The blue-colored mineral is mined here. Now you know what the most expensive stone in the world is among the “sapphire” family;
  • In Australia. The largest-scale stone mining takes place here, and stones of all colors are found here;
  • Pink and blue sapphires are mined in Sri Lanka;
  • In Thailand (greenish, not the best quality), Russia and the USA.

Sapphires are actively used by people for the production of jewelry, as well as for industrial purposes.

This crystal is a symbol of purity and purity; it helps to reveal the positive traits of human character; even a child can wear it.

Precious diamond

Another most expensive stone in the world is the diamond, which is particularly popular. After cutting, it acquires another name – diamond. It is the oldest among gems known to mankind.

The first diamond deposits appeared in India, and then in Brazil. Today, about twenty tons of this precious stone are mined every year in countries such as Africa, Russia and Australia.

It should be noted that large stones are quite rare; usually their maximum weight is no more than one carat. Diamond differs from other minerals in its varied range of colors; in nature you can find: black, red, white, yellow, green, orange, blue, pink and even brown diamonds.

Due to the fact that the described crystal has increased strength characteristics, it is widely used in industrial applications.

There are more than a thousand types of jewelry diamonds in nature, and all of them are without defects.

The average price of a 2-carat stone in Russia is about 120 thousand rubles.

The largest diamonds in the world:

  • "Kullian" - equal to 94 tons of gold;
  • "Hope" - costs 350 million dollars;
  • "Century" - estimated at $100 million.

By the way, it was diamonds and precious metals that were used to create the most expensive phone in the world

What stones are rare in the world?

The rarest stones:

Eremeevit. It comes in light yellow, white and blue. First discovered in Russia (Trans-Baikal Territory). The name was given in honor of Pavel Eremeev, a mineralogist. There are 100 products in the world that include faceted stone. Externally similar to aquamarine. Costs $1,500 per carat.

Blue Garnet . It changes shade depending on the lighting; in daylight it has blue, cyan and green tints, and in artificial light it has red or purple tints. It was found in Madagascar at the end of the last century. Currently mined in Norway and Tanzania, as well as Sri Lanka.

Demantoid. It is a variety of pomegranate and has a yellow-green or green color. This most expensive stone is found among rare ones in Russia, Kenya, Iran and Pakistan. Until recently, it was known only among collectors, and it was not sold in jewelry stores. Today, the crystal is becoming increasingly popular, which contributes to an increase in its price, which is already more than $2,000 per carat.

Taaffeit. Shimmers in all sorts of shades of pink. It was accidentally discovered by Eduard Taaffe, who drew attention to an interesting sample located among the crystals of other cut stones. Stone deposits are located in China, Sri Lanka, and Southern Tanzania. The cost ranges from two to five thousand dollars per carat.

It's powdery. There are about six hundred gems of different texture, quality and richness in the world. They are all pink. The first deposits were discovered in Canada in the eighties of the twentieth century. The mine is owned by the Poudret family, however, there are no more gems there (hence the name). Currently, the main mining sites for this stone have been exhausted, and it is no longer mined. The cost ranges from three to five thousand US dollars.

Musgravit. Similar to the stone described above. Mineral deposits are located in Greenland, Australia, Madagascar, Tanzania and Antarctica. This stone is greenish and purple in color. Moreover, green costs from 2 to 3 thousand dollars, and purple is less common, so its price reaches 6 thousand dollars.

Benitoite . It is a deep blue mineral. When exposed to ultraviolet light, a fluorescent glow appears on it. There is only one known deposit of this stone, and it is located in the USA, in California. It is considered a gem of national significance for this state, as it is very rare. On the jewelry market it is estimated at 4–6 thousand US dollars per carat.

Tanzanite - is a blue crystal and belongs to cyosites. The deposit is located in Tanzania, on Mount Kilimanjaro. The color of the stone improves as the air temperature rises.

Larminar, which is mined in the Dominican Republic, has a bluish tint. For quite a long time, no importance was attached to the stone, although it was known for several centuries, as gems were thrown onto the sea coast. Deposits were found only in the 70s of the last century, and the mineral began to be mined.

Bright turquoise Paraibe TourmalineA. It was found in the late 80s, last century, in Brazil. The peculiarity of the stone is that, by transmitting light through itself, it creates a glow similar to neon. In the early 21st century, turquoise minerals were found in Mozambique and Nigeria.

Grandidierite blue-green color. Named after the French explorer Alfred Grandidier. It was discovered in Madagascar. Deposits of the mineral are distributed throughout the planet, however, the highest quality stones can be found, in addition to Madagascar, in Sri Lanka. Most minerals are translucent, and therefore the most transparent of them are considered the most expensive.

Red beryl – or red emerald. It forms its shade due to the presence of manganese impurities. Found in the USA and Mexico. It cannot be cut or faceted due to its microscopic size.

Alexandrite . It is a chameleon - in the sun it turns blue-green, and in artificial light it turns red-violet. It was found in Russia and named after Emperor Alexander II. If the stone weighs one carat, its price will not be more than 15 thousand dollars. If the mass of the mineral is higher, then its price can reach 70 thousand dollars per carat. The stone belongs to the chrysoberyl class.

Black opal. Its peculiarity is that its surface shimmers in different shades, the number of which reaches several hundred. The color of the stone ranges from creamy white to black, and includes all the colors of the rainbow. The most expensive representatives of this mineral are dark specimens with bright inclusions. This stone is mined in Australia, Brazil and Mexico. It costs from 2 thousand dollars per carat.

Painite . It is a dark red mineral. It is considered one and only, and therefore is kept in the London Museum. A little later, over a thousand similar stones were found in Myanmar, but they were all of low quality.

Gems and precious stones

According to their properties, as well as their effect on humans, precious stones are classified by color:

  • White minerals are a symbol of perfection, loneliness and concentration (pearl, diamond);
  • Greens are considered a symbol of harmony, wisdom and peace (emerald, malachite, tourmaline);
  • Blue – an indicator of practicality and peace, as well as peace (sapphire, topaz);
  • Red stones symbolize strength, power and passion (ruby, garnet and others);
  • Violet is a symbol of honesty, mysticism and receptivity (amethyst).

Remember that when buying jewelry there is always a risk that you will purchase a fake, so ask the seller for complete information about the stone, its origin and processing method.
Read it, you might find it interesting!

Precious stones have fascinated people for centuries. They were passed down from generation to generation in the form of amulets, protecting against evil spirits and diseases.

Some believed that gems were able to predict the future and even influence fate. Later it became clear that some gems are stronger than others and are much less common in nature. Nowadays, such gems are valued at shocking sums. So which gemstones are the most expensive? Let's start in order.


Fine pearls are born differently than other gems. It is born from a grain of sand that accidentally fell into a mollusk shell. Trying to get rid of the foreign body, the oyster envelops it with mother-of-pearl, layer by layer. The longer this process takes, the larger and more expensive the pearl will be.

The cost of pearls is influenced by many factors: mother of pearl thickness, shape, luster, color. Most of the characteristics depend on growing conditions. Saltwater pearls are considered the rarest, because it is quite difficult to extract a pearl-bearing shell from the bottom of the sea. Such pearls are distinguished by their large size, regular round shape and perfectly smooth iridescent surface.

It is much easier to obtain freshwater pearls, and freshwater mollusks can grow several pearls at the same time. River stones are smaller than standard sea pearls, have a flattened shape, and are often covered with grooves and indentations.

The pearls that can be found in jewelry stores today are cultured. By and large, its characteristics do not differ from natural pearls, with the exception of human intervention in the process of “conception” of the pearl. The process of forming a bead on a special farm takes only 2-3 years, so such pearls are much cheaper than those retrieved from the depths.

The price of the stone also depends on the color, which, in turn, is influenced by the type of mollusk. The most expensive pearls are black pearls from Tahiti, the only type dyed a spectacular dark cobalt color by nature itself. The parents of the rarest pearls are Pinctada Margaritifera mollusks, which live off the coast of French Polynesia.

However, the most expensive pearl has a classic cream color. This is the La Peregrina stone from a Cartier necklace that belonged to Elizabeth Taylor. In 2011, a perfect pear-shaped pearl weighing 203 grams was valued at almost $12 million.


Ruby is a type of corundum mineral, one of the most valuable gems born in the depths of our planet. For the formation of ruby, a temperature of at least 450 C0 is required, so deposits of the stone can be found at a depth of 10–29 kilometers.

Ruby color can vary from brown to pink; It is this factor that primarily determines the final price of the found gem. Jewelers also pay attention to the number of foreign inclusions - the fewer, the better. To give a ruby ​​an untarnished shine, it is “ennobled” by hand through heat treatment. The inclusions disappear, but the stone loses weight and value.

The rarest stones have a rare shade - the so-called “pigeon blood color”. Such rubies are mined from deposits in Myanmar and Sri Lanka. In 2015, a ruby ​​of this color was sold for a record $30 million.


Emerald is also classified as a first-order gemstone. The gem is a subspecies of beryl, a mineral characterized by a greenish color. Among other beryl formations, emerald has the most saturated color and is the only one that retains color under artificial light.

An emerald freshly mined from the rock is covered with a dense network of cracks, dents and foreign inclusions; its color is uneven, unlike artificial emeralds of a uniform, dense green color.

The most expensive emerald is the two-kilogram Fura stone, found in Colombia. It was valued at $150 million. Another record holder among emeralds is the Teodora gem, recovered from a mine in Brazil. It weighs five times more than the Fura emerald (11.5 kilograms), but experts valued it at only $1.5 million.

The Theodora is the fifth largest emerald ever mined and the largest ever cut. Before treatment he weighed 28 kilograms.


As you know, during their engagement, Prince Charles gave the future Princess Diana a ring decorated not with a diamond, but with a sapphire. The most valuable and high-quality sapphires are mined in Kashmir - local stones have a standard cornflower blue color that does not fade even under artificial lighting, and a signature shine that makes you hold your breath to watch the iridescence on the edges. Stones of darker and paler shades are less valuable.

The most expensive sapphire is the Millennium stone, weighing 61.5 thousand carats. On its edges, the artist Alessio Boschi carved 134 portraits of prominent personalities. The stone is currently on sale for $180 million.


The most expensive jewelry stone consists of a single chemical element - it is based on pure carbon atoms. There are several hypotheses about the origin of diamonds; the most common one is that diamond deposits were formed in the Earth’s mantle under pressure, and then were thrown out by magma into the rock with a so-called “explosion tube.” Scientists cannot specifically determine the age of diamonds, believing that it ranges from 900 million to 2.5 billion years.

Colored diamonds are almost impossible to find in nature

The most expensive diamond

The most expensive diamond in the world is called “Cullinan” - “Star of Africa”. In 1905, it was discovered in one of the mines in South Africa. After examining the recovered jewel, the miners realized that before them lay something grandiose: the stone weighed 530 grams (3106 carats) and had no defects except a black spot in the center.

In 1907, it was presented to the British monarch Edward VII, who entrusted the cutting to the Dutch company. For several months, the best cutter in Europe, Joseph Ascher, studied the stone. Unfortunately, there were cracks in the stone, so it was impossible to make one colossal diamond. Asher meticulously calculated the breaking point and broke the diamond into 9 large stones and 96 small fragments, losing consciousness from excitement upon impact. Every part of the giant was used in royal decorations. The largest fragment, weighing 530 carats, went into the scepter of Edward VII. The second largest fragment adorns the crown of the British Empire.

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