New Year's Eve in the hostel: a delicious dinner in spartan conditions. New Year in the dorm New Year's party for students in the dorm

New Year's Eve

The new year was beginning. The clock has just struck midnight. Cool champagne played temptingly in the crystal glasses of the Russians, throwing millions of bubbles to the surface. The tables were filled with colorful salads, appetizers, hot dishes and, of course, a variety of strong drinks. Someone had a pink martini on the table, the poorer neighbors had red semi-sweet wine. Three guys in hostel No. 4 of city N had a bottle of “Male Dignity”. On a plate with chipped edges lay expired sausage cut into thick slices from a nearby basement store. There were pieces of black bread lying on a piece of newspaper. On the lid of a three-liter jar lay delicious pieces of lard with thick layers of meat. With a feeling of regret, Volodka took this lard out of his bins. His mother sent him parcels from the village quite rarely, and he simply adored lard. He also took out a jar of pickled cucumbers and a jar of russula. Still, after all, New Year is a big holiday and you don’t need to go into it with empty stomachs. Volodka looked at Vitka sitting next to him and grinned. Vitek was from a small town R, where there was not a single higher education institution. His parents were workers at a local factory and lived in an apartment without their own garden or plot. Therefore, from Vitka on the festive table there was the same sausage and vodka that have already been mentioned. Vitya simply hypnotized Volodka’s lard, in his dreams imagining it on a piece of bread in his hands and really feeling its amazing taste on his tongue. Stealthily swallowing the flow of drool, Vitek glanced at Yashka. Yashka was from an orphanage, but he studied so well at school that the orphanage agreed with their university so that the boy would be accepted for study and given a place in the dormitory. Yashka did not steal, was not rude, did not cheat, as often happens in our time. After classes, he worked as a loader, sometimes unloading cars with coal. Additionally, he took a driving course, and the coveted license was just around the corner. He spent part of the money he earned on food and the essentials, and put part of it aside to purchase an old, battered “six”, which he had long been eyeing on the auto market. The owner asked little for her, but Yashka didn’t even have that yet. But for the New Year, he made an exception and spent part of the saved money on a piece of pork, which he cooked perfectly and was preparing to give such a gift to his friends.
Small camping tin glasses, rented from classmates, were already filled with alcohol. Volodka stood up.
- My friends! The new year has arrived, which we have been so looking forward to! I want to wish you that everything will be different for you in the coming year. May all your endeavors and dreams come true! So that you don't get expelled. May you find your one and only love! Well…. And I wish all this for myself too! Happy New Year!!!
The guys rose from their chairs and barked the traditional chorus: “Hurray-ah-ah!!!” Having drained the first glass each, they greedily pounced on the food. Here Yashka, slapping himself on the forehead, said:
- Stop, be afraid! Don't eat anything, now I'll give you a gift! – and rushed like lightning into the common kitchen.
15 minutes have passed. Volodka and Vitka were already tired of waiting and stealthily stole a piece of sausage from the table from each other. Then the door opened, and Yashka, white as chalk, appeared on the threshold. His hands were shaking.
- Yasha! What's happened??? – the guys were scared.
- Guys. I prepared pork in batter for your holiday. I left everything in the oven and warned everyone on the floor that it was ours. Moreover, everyone had already prepared everything for themselves and basically forgot about the kitchen. Well…. So I wanted to bring it to you now, but it disappeared. Someone stole it!!! Fir-trees, happy new year to you, - Yashka was simply in despair.
“Damn,” Volodka was upset, “Well, let’s go to the rooms and bother everyone.” I feel like someone is going to get punched in the face today.
- Yes-ah..., - Vitek said dreamily, - Meat would not hurt now. Eh...
Quickly slamming the second glass without a toast or the obligatory clinking glasses, the guys left the room.
Room No. 1

Having knocked demandingly on the door, Volodka walked away so as not to disturb those who would open it. Music and voices could be heard in the room. A few seconds later, the door was opened by Maxim, a tall, prominent guy, but he stuttered and had a terrible complex because of this.
- H-h-hello, guys! Happy New Year! C-c-come to our s-table! – Maxim cordially invited them into the room.
- Thank you! Happy New Year! What's hot for you today? – Volodka began the conversation briskly, walking into the room.
- M-m-Marinochka made us a goose! Garnish with g-g-buckwheat! Help yourself! D-d-don't be shy! – the guy proudly suggested.
- Thank you, Max. “We’re almost full,” Yashka sighed sadly. – We’ll probably go already.
From the far corner of the room, where music was playing and a mysterious twilight reigned, two charming brunettes and Maxim’s roommate Denis came out.
- Hi guys!!! Happy New Year!!! Max, quickly pour us all a glass of Belenkaya! – Denis immediately took power into his own hands.
The girls squealed with pleasure from the large male company, in anticipation of a gorgeous evening. The guys drank.
- Well, now we will introduce you to our ladies. Here, to my left is Alena, studying at a medical college, playing the guitar amazingly! And how he sings... - Denis dreamily introduced the long-haired beauty.
“Very nice,” Vitek said in a metallic voice.
“Mutually,” Alena smiled when Denis introduced the guys to her.
- But to the right of me there is an angelic creature - this is my girlfriend Marinochka! Marinochka studies in the 11th grade, dances in the local group “Improvt”, you’ve probably heard! And, by the way, it is to her that we owe the appearance of a gorgeous, juicy goose on our student table! – Maxim introduced the second brunette.
“Very nice,” Volodka said a memorized phrase.
“So, thank you very much guys for the warm welcome, for the pleasant acquaintance and in general, but it’s time for us to run, it’s urgent,” Yashka snapped, for whom it was not so much a pleasure to meet and drink, but rather it was important to find his amazing pork, which had taken so long to cook .
- N-n-no really! First, w-we'll listen to how our Alyonushka sings! Here's your guitar, c-c-come on, defeat us! – Maxim began to fuss.
- Exactly! Make us happy, maybe the boys will change their minds about leaving! - Denis counterfeited.
Thoughtfully picking up the guitar, Alena thought for a second. Then a wonderful song from the movie “Big Change” called “Black and White” started playing. The girl’s clear, beautiful voice flowed like a silver waterfall, her thin fingers skillfully plucked the strings, extracting truly magical sounds from her. When the song ended, Volodka looked at Alena with fascination and silently kissed her hand.
- Amazing! Never heard anything like it before! Goddess! – Vitek admired.
“Yes-ah,” Yashka drawled. And then, as if waking up from a dream, he quickly began urging his exhausted friends to the exit, until they completely lost their heads over this sweet girl.
- Thank you very much! We'll come see you again! Let's just solve our urgent matter! Wait for us!.. – Volodka and Vitka were already shouting vying with each other from behind the door.
- See for yourself! We will be waiting! Happy New Year!!! – Alena shouted back.

Room No. 2

You fucking Romeo! A girl with a guitar is, of course, good, but my gift to you is more valuable to me! – Yashka was nervous.
- Yes, okay, cool down! We will find your meat, don’t worry! – Vitek reassured his friend.
Volodka, regretting that he had to leave the company so quickly, sighed heavily. Stopping in front of the second room, Volodka turned to his friends and said:
- No more gatherings now. We ask about the hot stuff and move on. Agreed?
- Great! - Yashka rejoiced, who wanted to celebrate the New Year with his friends, and not with his acquaintances.
Volodka knocked on the door. From behind her, cheerful girlish laughter and jokes could be heard. The door was opened by a friend Oksana. She studied in the same group as Vitka and often ran into their room under the pretext of taking lectures. But in fact, she really liked Volodka. The guys immediately noticed this trick and often made fun of her about it, although Oksanka was very pretty. The red-haired, grey-eyed pretty girl fell in love with a short, brunette dude.
- Oh! Hello! – Oksanka could only breathe out.
Vitka and Yashka burst out laughing:
- The joy took my breath away! Make sure she doesn't faint, Vovan!
And Oksana’s face really turned pale, her eyes were afraid to meet Volodka’s gaze.
- Oksan, Happy New Year! Can I ask a rude question? – Volodka blurted out.
- Rude? – Oksana finally raised her eyes. - Try.
- What's on your holiday table today? – Volodka said in one breath and blushed, it was too impudent to wish Happy New Year to the girl who likes you and who you liked a little.
“With us?..” Oksana was taken aback, it was clear that she certainly did not expect such a question. – We have salads: Olivier salad, vinaigrette, tomato and cucumber salad. Sandwiches with sausage and cheese, with sprat...
- No, no, I mean, what do you have for hot? – Volodka lunged again.
- Salmon baked in foil. Tamara made it at her grandmother’s and brought it. And what happened? – Oksana asked confused.
“Yes, that’s all right,” Yashka emerged from behind Volodka’s back. - Happy New Year with a new happiness! It is time!
- Maybe you can come through? Shall we have a drink? Let's talk about life? Shall we dance? Let's relax? – from behind the set table came the voice of Irka, a local second-hand girl.
Oksana lowered her eyes, Volodka noticed how the tips of her ears turned red.
- Thank you, Ira! Happy New Year! It is time! – Volodka shouted through Oksana.
- Happy New Year, Volodya... – Oksana almost whispered and closed the door.
Volodka turned to his friends. They pretended to be a miniature of two love doves, then abruptly changed their pose and portrayed a worker and a collective farmer. Volodka, smiling, shook his head and, showing them his fist, moved further along the corridor. Laughing and fooling around, Vitek and Yashka caught up with him.
Room No. 3.

The guys stopped in front of the door. It seemed that no sounds were heard from the room, but from the gap between the door and the wall came the tart smell of women's perfume, mixed with cigarette smoke.
Volodka knocked. For about five minutes the guys just stood in front of the door. The room was quiet, but the guys had already guessed that there was definitely someone there.
“You don’t knock like that, learn while I’m alive, son,” Yashka joked.
There were heavy blows on the unfortunate door from boots with tractor soles. You could hear something rustling and fidgeting in the room.
- My signature knock always works! – Yashka said proudly.
Footsteps were heard and the door opened slightly. The room was dark, but through the crack the guys saw a table set for two, candles, clothes on the floor. Squinting from the light in the corridor, the head of Tolik, a sort of “Casanova” of the university, emerged from the darkness.
- Guys! What are you doing? I told you that in the New Year I will be busy so that no one will touch me! – Tolik said in a whisper.
- Tolyan, stop it! We understand everything, we don’t need your chicks. It's a matter of life and death! Let me pass! – Vitek said indifferently, making his way into the room.
- Guys! Get out of here!!! – Tolik stood at the entrance to the room.
- Come on, we only need to look at one thing on your table and we’ll leave! – Volodka began to convince “Casanova”.
Having piled on the small guy, the friends broke through the defenses of the room and flew in. Yashka flicked the light switch. Tolik had beautiful salads on the table, and for main course there was rice with beef goulash. Yashka understood this from the smell; it was not cooked at home, but in an expensive restaurant. There was a pause in the room. Turning their eyes from the table to the bed, the guys were dumbfounded. Covered with a blanket up to her chin, Lyudmila Sergeevna Shadrina, a forty-three-year-old economics teacher, was lying on the bed. Or so.
“Hello, Lyudmila Sergeevna...” the guys drawled out of habit, dumbfounded.
“Hello,” said the teacher in a low voice, who had failed Yashka’s test just the day before.
Yashka smiled carnivorously.
- Lyudmila Sergeevna, we probably didn’t see anything? - Yashka hinted mockingly.
The teacher blushed.
“Maybe it seemed like it,” she said.
“Only now my grade book constantly opens my eyes to you in your student’s bed, where the inscription “FAIL” shines so ugly... - Yashka has already said openly.
“Come to my office on the third of January with your record book,” Lyudmila Sergeevna lowered her eyes.
Yashka immediately perked up, bowing and shuffling, he pushed his friends out of the room and went out himself. A tense silence hung in the room. Then the door opened slightly, Shadrina and “Casanova” tensed up like weightlifters. Yashka’s head poked through the opening.
- Happy New Year! With new happiness! – he said and closed the door behind him.
Room No. 4

- Tree sticks! This is a new year! Who would have thought that our Tolyan would seduce the teacher!!! – Vitek and Volodka were excitedly discussing, glancing at Yashka.
And at this time Yashka, it seemed, had already forgotten about his delicious pork and was digesting the score he had just given with joy in his eyes.
The guys stopped in front of the next room. You could hear people walking there happily and wildly. Joyful cries, the clinking of glasses and glasses were heard, men's voices loudly and heartily sang drinking songs.
Vitek knocked. Hasty steps were heard, the door opened, and an unfamiliar guy appeared on the threshold.
- Listen to you! – the guy’s voice was pleasant, with some gentle notes.
- Happy New Year! Is Andrey here? – Vityok was a little confused.
- Andreyka! The boys have come to you! – the guy who opened the door shouted behind himself.
The guys immediately saw a rich table set, champagne, martinis, wine, many different snacks, fruits. And an all-male company of four young men. A handsome boy in a white shirt with a silver tie separated from the company.
- Oh, guys, hello! Happy New Year! Come quickly! Join us! – Andrei rejoiced at their arrival, as if he had been waiting for them all his life.
The guys walked into the room, they were immediately seated at the table, champagne was poured into expensive glasses, fruits and sweets were pushed towards them.
- Meet Vladimir, Victor and Yakov! – Andrey introduced them.
- Very very nice! Here's to a new year and new happiness! – the one who opened the door said a toast. - My name is Daniel!
- I'm Valentin! – a charming blonde with a yellow scarf around his neck introduced himself.
- My name is Ilya, but everyone calls me Muromets! - joked a young man with cute curls on his head.
- Because you are a hero! – Andrey said somehow affectionately.
Volodka exchanged glances with Yashka.
- Well, we... this... we have a question for you... - Yashka began hesitantly.
- Yes, honey! I'm listening to you very carefully, kitten! – Daniil picked up the conversation.
Yashka broke out in a sweat. He instantly realized who they happened to be visiting when Valentin, who was sitting next to him, began stroking his knee.
“What’s your main dish?” Volodka blurted out in fear.
- For something hot? There are cute handcuffs, a chic leather gag, and a charming whip! What would you like to try first? – Muromets smiled.
“Ahhh... No, I’m talking about the festive table...” Volodka said in a fog.
- Well, we have baked halibut with french fries on the side. Are you sure you don't want to try the whip? – Daniel asked playfully.
- No thanks! “Basically, that’s all we wanted to know,” Yashka quickly stood up and managed to push Vitka in the side with his elbow.
- Well, what are you talking about! We won't let you go so quickly! We are now scheduled to start dancing! – Valentin caught himself.
- Boys, boys! Muromets will now show us his most fiery dance, and you definitely won’t want to leave! – Andrey began to speak animatedly.
Ilya-Muromets got up from the table and walked behind the screen, while Daniil put on a disc the song of Boris Moiseev and Nikolai Trubach - “Blue Moon”.
Volodka shuddered, Vitek swayed like a drunk, and Yashka shrank into his chair in fear.
Muromets appeared from behind the screen in small leather shorts, high boots and a wide collar with small plastic spikes. Moving gracefully to the sounds of a well-known song, he began to perform a depraved dance. The guys were left in a daze. Meanwhile, Muromets came up to the table, kissed Andrei’s hickey, licked Valentin’s nose, and tickled Daniil’s chin. And he began to approach the guys, erotically licking his lips and biting them.
- Thank you very much for a pleasant evening! – Volodka jumped out of his chair, grabbed Yashka by the hand and pushed Vitka hard.
Running out of the room and slamming the door behind him, Volodka could not catch his breath for a long time.
- Oh, damn it, we almost got stuck!!! – Yashka cleared his throat, his throat instantly dry.
- Holy shit, the new year is starting!!! – Vitek was amazed.
- Maybe, well, this pork? Let's go to our place, to our already started bottle of vodka and to the bacon! What do you think of my proposal? – Volodka asked in an apologetic tone.
- We agree!!! – Yashka and Vitka said in one voice.

Their room

Having sat down at their poor but decent table and drank a glass, the guys only now began to understand how lucky they were to be at home.
- Guys, I wonder where my pork went? Along the corridor after Andrei’s room there were only three rooms left, but in two of them the owners had definitely gone to their parents,” Yashka reasoned.
- I don’t know about you, but I’m not going anywhere else! – Vitek shook his head.
- Well, let me go. “If you really need this pork,” Volodka decided.
At this time there was a knock on the door. The guys looked at each other. Volodka rose from his chair and walked to the door. Looking back at his friends, he opened the door. Oksana stood outside the door.
- Hello again, Volodya! I made sandwiches here in the kitchen and in the cupboard where we have common spices, well, there’s also sugar, salt, coffee…. In general, I found meat in batter there in a bag. Tanya told me that Yasha was cooking today, and judging by the fact that you were so interested in our hot dish, I thought that someone simply transferred the pork from the sheet into a bag and put it away. If this is yours, please take it,” Oksana hesitantly handed Volodka a colorful package, “I warmed it up a little, it’s already almost cooled down...
Dormitory No. 4 of city N has not heard such a roar of laughter for a long time. Yashka was lying on the floor, squealing with laughter like a pig. Vitek doubled over, clutching his stomach, and neighed so hard that good horses would be jealous. Volodka stood and looked at this unfortunate pork, because of which their holiday went from ordinary to unforgettable. Oksana huddled forlornly at the door, still holding out the package. Volodka pulled out the meat and put it on the newspaper.
Yashka and Vitka attacked him as if out of fear. Volodka turned to the girl, walked up to her, hugged her and said:
- Oksana, let's meet?
The girl silently raised her eyes to him and blossomed like a May rose.

These are the kinds of stories that happen in ordinary hostels in ordinary cities and in unusual relationships!

The New Year holidays are a favorite time for many, when a lot of usual worries and the burden of everyday work fade into the background. In their duration, they resemble a small vacation, and it is customary to spend them with great fun in the circle of close and dear people. An abundance of colorful toys, garlands and decorated Christmas trees envelops all cities, turning into a real fairy tale for children. And if you have not yet decided where and how to spend these wonderful days, then a trip to Moscow will turn out to be a real adventure with a lot of new emotions.

However, Moscow is a very expensive city, especially in terms of accommodation, even if you stay in a hotel far from the center. Wouldn’t it be better to spend it on gifts or entertainment, because is it worth sitting in your comfortable room at such moments?

Not everyone knows that you can stay in Moscow for the holidays for a small fee by choosing a hostel. What is a hostel? At its core, it resembles a hostel, only the word itself comes from Germany. It is used largely because Russian people now strongly associate hostels with student “dorms,” but hostels, of course, are different from them. You shouldn’t imagine a room with torn walls, cockroaches and one socket, and even that one is straight out of the fifties and does not support modern plugs, no! Modern hostels are much more comfortable and therefore people of all ages and social status stay in them.

The peculiarity of the hostel is its population density; as a rule, the rooms accommodate from 2 to 16 people. Not everyone likes to live with strangers, but if you are going to Moscow for the New Year with a large group or family with children, then why not rent one room for everyone, because it will cost much less than living in a hotel? How much cheaper exactly?

The price of staying in a hostel depends on the distance from the center, the capacity of the rooms, and can vary from a little over a hundred rubles to almost several thousand. The road to the hostel may not be difficult. So, if you are traveling to Moscow for the winter holidays with a group and don’t know where to stay, the Labyrinth network of hostels and dormitories will save your finances by providing comfort and homeliness.

Dorm New Year

Concerns about the session interrupted all other thoughts. People, students, New Year is just around the corner! There is no need to relax, but you can think about in advance where, with whom and when the holiday will be celebrated. My classmates, who are staying to celebrate the arrival of 2011 in the dorm, were upset. But this is not a reason to be sad! Quite the contrary - this is a chance to organize a program that will be remembered for a lifetime.

New Year's mood, if it does not come on its own, you need to create it yourself. Start in your dorm room. Usually from 2 to 8 people live together, so buying a small artificial Christmas tree, streamers, “rain” and decorations for it should not be a problem. Everyone can donate money together, but one person can choose and buy New Year’s little things. You can cut costs by crossing off an artificial Christmas tree from your shopping list. In the nearest forest you can pick up a couple of small pine branches - it’s not at all necessary to run around with a saw, because the dorm rooms are small in size.

Take the initiative into your own hands - decorate the corridor, kitchen, dorm hall. This will lift your New Year's mood and earn praise (and maybe a bonus) from the commandant. You can organize other students who live in the dorm with you to do this. Distribute responsibilities. The main thing is that everything is in moderation and with taste.

The next step is to ask who is still staying at the hostel for New Year and what they are planning to do. You can go to a cafe together. They usually organize entertainment programs and special New Year's cuisine. Thus, for the holiday you only need a beautiful outfit and a certain amount.

If celebrating in a cafe or club is expensive for you, you should take care of the entertainment program yourself. Unless, of course, you plan to celebrate the New Year alone in front of the TV. The holiday script can be downloaded on the Internet and supplemented and corrected. And if you have a good imagination, you can write completely in an original style (again, the collective mind decides).

The script can be based on a specific theme. Most often this is an animal whose year is next. 2011 is the year of the white/metal rabbit. You can think of appropriate costumes for everyone and warn in advance who should dress how or what masks and accessories to take with them.

Creating a mini concert program is as easy as shelling pears. Find out from those with whom you are going to celebrate - maybe they can do something that others cannot. For example, oriental dancing, capoera, magic tricks, songs, playing musical instruments. Let them demonstrate their skills. The presence of several competitions in the script will diversify the evening. You can hold a competition for the most original story about how one of the previous New Year holidays went. Prizes can be provided based on the total budget, having previously collected money from everyone.

Important: how you celebrate the New Year is how you want it. It turns out that you have nothing to lose by organizing the holiday yourself. I’ll probably write about the best scenarios later. So follow my articles ;)

With wishes for a happy New Year, Victoria Lyubimenko

On December 24, literally the day after the student holiday at the college, New Year's Eve took place in the dormitory of the Novosibirsk College of Light Industry and Service. And although some of the girls had already gone home (they passed the exam ahead of schedule), the students showed creativity and the holiday was a great success!

They began to prepare for the holiday in advance: they decorated floors, rooms, landings, learned roles, and rehearsed.

The organizer of the holiday, director and screenwriter was Yulia Gavrilenko, a student of group 3K-9, chairman of the College Student Council, who showed imagination and acting skills during the evening. The students showed a theatrical performance of “Valenki”.

During the New Year's performance, fun competitions and games were held, and prizes were awarded. Everything was very fun, there was a kind of homely atmosphere!

And the holiday ended with tea.

The students were congratulated by the commandant of the hostel Marina Ivanovna Vylegzhanina, the teachers wished the girls all the best in the New Year and presented small gifts to those students whose rooms were particularly clean and tidy!

G.A.Keyyan, teacher of the NKLPiS dormitory,

Yulia Gavrilenko, student of group 3K-9

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