Make snowflakes from A4 paper with your own hands. Do-it-yourself volumetric snowflakes. White volumetric snowflake

Every person has a lot of important things to do on the eve of the New Year and Christmas holidays. One of these things is searching and choosing gifts for your family and friends.

Everyone wants to please by making an original present, and stores offer many non-standard options, tempting you with crazy discounts and bright displays.

But in order for the recipient to like your gift and in no way offend him, you need to know the list of things that should absolutely not be given for the coming year of the Yellow Earth Pig. The editors of the site decided to look into this issue in detail and help those who absolutely do not know how to please their loved ones in the New Year.

Referring to the words of the astrologer, numerologist and tarot reader Lilia Romanova, the principle of the coming year is to give what a person needs and not to save. Despite the fact that the pig is a fairly docile and loyal animal to humans, it can be easily angered. To do this, it is enough to give for the New Year 2019 one of the things that we will now tell you about.

Sharp objects, tools and weapons

There are some items that should never be given as a gift. This includes weapons, tools, knives, axes. Superstition says that such gifts bring a quarrel between the giver and the gifted. Or they bring a quarrel into the house. A gift of a sharp object leads to problems that can happen right now - a stabbing could happen almost on New Year's Eve. As for weapons, problems will overtake a person in six months or several months. Therefore, one should refrain from giving gifts in the form of weapons in all its forms.


Gifted wristwatches can lead to death in the home or separation, warns Liliya Romanova. Time says that there are only a few minutes left; time spares no one. Therefore, if you do not want to be separated from the person, then it is better to refrain from such a gift, so as not to make temporary changes to someone’s home. As for wall clocks, this is a good option for a gift, but not this year. After all, a pig is a very material sign that absorbs the signs of all signs.

“All people this year become a little bit of pigs in the material sense of the word,” Romanova laughs and recalls the saying that “you can’t put a thank you in your pocket.”

If in the year of the Dog a bottle of champagne might look like a worthy gift, then the Pig will regard this gift as stinginess. In the year of the Yellow Earth Pig, high prices and abundance are valued.

Hygiene products

The gift is not bad, but it must be expensive. But here you need to take into account what is dear and necessary for this person personally or company at this moment. Expensive shampoo with aromatic additives, a huge piece of handmade soap with a fragrant smell will be worthy of appreciation.


Likewise. Representatives of this sign have a subtle taste for life, so giving a gift in the form of a box of beer will make you look ridiculous. But a bottle of a collectible and expensive drink will be to your liking and will be well received.

It is also worth noting that recognition is important this year. That is, you should not give surprises, but it is better to give what the person himself asks for, and what the person 100% needs. Therefore, it is better to ask and clearly reproduce his wishes.


It would seem that this is a very necessary thing in the household, but many people associate it with death and funerals. It is better to give some kind of woolen and warm blanket. But! If the towel is of good quality, from a decent company or brought from abroad, and also expensive, then the hostess will like this gift.


The boar is an animal that does not particularly like smells, so this gift will be regarded as slightly inappropriate and tactless on New Year's Eve. The exception is if you yourself were asked for such a gift. And these perfumes, of course, must be expensive, but at the same time you need to know the tastes of the person for whom you are choosing. Remember, experiments are not encouraged this year.


This year, a wallet can only be given with money. And the larger the bill, the more satisfied the pig will be. In general, money next year 2019 and everything connected with it will be an excellent gift.

You can give a money tree, dish, vase and other items that are shaped like coins.


What you should avoid are mirrors. It is believed that a mirror is a portal to another world. And even if you don’t believe in it, it’s still better not to take risks.


Gold can be given as a gift at any time of the year. In the form of rings, bars, earrings. But again, costume jewelry is not worth it. Remembering the same golden loaf of Viktor Yanukovych, which is a symbol of well-being and prosperity. This can also be a worthy gift, even in the form of a souvenir, which, like a magnet, will attract good luck, success and prosperity into the house. It’s not for nothing that they say that bread is the head of everything, the symbol of symbols.

Remember that this New Year should be celebrated brightly and not skimp on gifts or what will be on the table. The more generously you greet 2019, the more prosperous it will be for you.

DIY gifts

An embroidered shirt, a bag or even a towel with an expensive and stylish handmade ornament can impress. It should be clear that you put a lot of money and soul into this. Even the slightest hint that you were trying to save money will be a negative for you.


Of course, a mink coat worth tens of thousands of hryvnia will really please the person receiving the gift from you. Moreover, this will cause a fountain of joyful emotions in any girl. “The pig must get what he wants,” the astrologer emphasizes.

Basic rules for choosing the perfect gift

So, first of all, it is important to remember that each person interprets the concept of an ideal gift in his own way, taking into account some personal preferences and lifestyle. Therefore, it is important to build on the tastes of the recipient. But there are also general rules that will help you make your choice:

  • Gifts don't have to be very expensive;
  • Expensive things are not given to people you have recently met;
  • Uniqueness is much more important than price;
  • Don't forget about romance when choosing a gift for your loved one;
  • Don't rush to buy the thing you like. Think about whether the person to whom this is addressed will share your taste;
  • It is important to “keep your distance” when choosing colleagues and superiors;
  • Give preference to universal ideas if you have not yet had time to study a person’s tastes;
  • Do not forget that comic gifts are intended exclusively for people with a sense of humor;
  • If you are choosing a gift for a child, consult his parents first;
  • A children's gift must first of all be of high quality and safe.

To summarize, this New Year, when choosing a gift, it is better to pay attention to practicality and good quality. Take an interest in the hobbies of your loved ones or even ask directly what the person would like to receive from you as a gift. In the coming year, it is important that the gift is relevant and that the person uses it in the future. And remember, the brighter and more generously you celebrate the Year of the Pig, the richer you will spend it!

Polishchuk Yulia

The most pressing topic on the eve of the New Year holidays is gifts. Each of us tries to acquire a high-quality and useful thing that would suit the tastes of the person for whom it is intended.

There are a huge number of options for New Year's gifts, but there is also a specific list of what cannot be given for the New Year 2018.

Carefully study each of the positions so that you don’t have to experience inconvenience at the holiday and blush for your gift.

The most useless gifts in the Year of the Dog

According to the Eastern calendar, 2018 will be held under the auspices of the Yellow Dog. This is an intelligent, good-natured and devoted animal that loves affection and warmth.

In order not to make a mistake with a gift, try to give sweet and sincere gifts. Of course, you can find out in advance what your friend, loved one, relative or colleague dreams of.

But, you see, it’s more pleasant to surprise with an original, and most importantly, a successful gift that will show how much you value the existing relationship. There is a list of things that are not intended for gifting on New Year's Day, especially in the Year of the Dog.

Let's take a look at it right now.

  • Valuable jewellery. This option is allowed, but you should not buy those that are worn around the neck or wrist. The patron animal will not approve of such a gift and will not allow it to be used for a long time.
  • Various toiletries such as shower gels, shampoos, washcloths, comb sets and other small items. In addition, perfume is considered bad form in gifts. To present perfumes, you need to thoroughly know the person’s preferences, because otherwise your gift will be useless.
  • Porcelain figurines. A figurine is a banal and uncomplicated gift that will not reveal the whole bouquet of your feelings for the recipient. On the contrary, it will show that you lack imagination and act primitively - you buy the first thing that catches your eye.
  • Animal. If you decide to give someone a dog, cat or any other animal without warning, you risk upsetting your friend. A pet requires attention, care, affection, and before making such a surprise, it is better to ask the person whether he needs this animal. This would be very appropriate if your friend has long dreamed of having animals at home and constantly talks about it.
  • Watch. Giving someone a watch is considered bad manners and many people view such a gift with suspicion. Superstitious people believe that a given watch will bring misfortune, and if it was given by a loved one, it also portends separation. If the recipient insists on such a New Year's gift, let him pay a couple of coins for it, as if he were making a purchase.
  • Home clothes. Shirts, a robe, slippers, towels - all this should not be placed under the Christmas tree. You may not guess the size, and the gift will simply gather dust on the shelf.

  • Mirror. Since ancient times, the mirror has been treated with special reverence. People believed that it contained certain magical qualities, and most importantly, a piece of the human soul. It’s not for nothing that they say that a mirror hanging in the house absorbs the energy of the household and contains individual information about them. Therefore, the future owner should directly purchase such an item.
  • Candles. This is a good practical thing, but by no means an option for. Even decorative candles, of which a huge number are now produced, cannot serve as a good present.
  • Socks. Lately, many people think that socks are a wonderful gift that can be given for any holiday. Women, without thinking twice, take them in packs and give them to their lovers. Of course, this is a practical and always necessary thing, but you can buy it just like that, by the way, and not buy it specifically for the New Year.
  • Money. Giving money for a holiday has always been considered bad form. Nowadays, of course, an envelope with money no longer seems so banal, but it’s still better to do without it. If you have already decided to use the money idea, then present a certificate for a certain amount, for example, to a perfume and cosmetics store.

What about flowers?

If you want to please your beloved woman with a beautiful bouquet of flowers, then this is a must. There are no signs or superstitions about this among the people. In addition, in European countries this issue is not even discussed - men can give lovely flowers to their lady even for no reason. In Russia, a woman gets a bouquet, for the most part, only on holidays.

For the New Year, you can give a bright ikibana, consisting not only of buds, but also of spruce branches, cones, rowan berries and other winter material.

And what masterpieces modern florists create. They are capable of creating a real miracle, which will undoubtedly become the main decoration of the festive table. Such a bouquet can be given not only to close people, but also to work colleagues, boss and business partners.

Coming to the end, we want to believe that you will be able to successfully choose a New Year's gift and approach its choice not only from a practical, but also from a creative side. These are the gifts that are most appreciated and bring a lot of pleasure. Don’t delay in making a list of the things you will present for the holiday, because the New Year is just around the corner.

Many people have probably heard that giving a watch as a gift is a bad omen. But this is the generalized meaning of popular superstition. But whether you can give a watch for the New Year or not, we’ll find out right now.

Primary sources of folk superstition

This sign has two versions of origin. Some predictors believe that the arrows on the clock are like the edge of scissors or a knife, and therefore belong to sharp objects. This is where the belief came from that watches, like knives and scissors, are not recommended to be given as gifts. It is believed that such an item attracts negativity and can transfer to the owner of the gift.

Ancient Chinese soothsayers believe that such a New Year's gift is an invitation to a funeral. Others claim that the gifted watch will begin to count down the time until separation and separation. In Japan, it is generally accepted that the person who gave this item wishes the owner of the new item to die.

In ancient Slavic superstitions, a watch given for the New Year foreshadows disappointment, pain, emptiness and tears.

For a loved one

You cannot give a watch to your loved one for the New Year. As popular beliefs say, this can lead to separation. Even if the clockwork works for a long time, sooner or later you will part. In the event that the arrows stop, discord in the relationship occurs instantly. Therefore, try not to do this if you really value your soulmate.

Considering that girls are more superstitious than guys, under no circumstances give them a watch for the New Year. Such a gift may offend and alarm them. It is a reason to think that the young man thus wants to get rid of his beloved. And believe me, it doesn’t matter whether it’s a wall clock or a gold wristwatch - it will be received with dissatisfaction and resentment.

Whether you believe in such a popular belief or not is up to you to decide. Experience shows that many couples wear watches as gifts and tolerate their breakage quite calmly. However, for superstitious ladies and men it is better to choose gifts of a different type.

For friends

You can give watches to your friends for the New Year. But before you give such a gift, make sure that they do not believe in folk signs and superstitions. Many believe that if the gifted watch stops on this significant holiday, then the friendship between these people will end. So if you don't want to risk your friendships, you might not want to bring such a gift to your friends' house.

When purchasing such a gift, make sure that it has a new mechanism installed. After all, who would like it if a gifted watch stops working after 1-2 days? This phenomenon will alert not only your friends, but also yourself.

In addition, modern watches perform many additional functions. Therefore, if the new mechanism suddenly breaks down, you can easily fix the situation. Show your boyfriend or girlfriend the calendar that comes with your watch. He will be very useful. Also, the new watch has beautiful lighting, which can be an excellent decor for a room, etc.

For the elderly

When asked whether watches are given to older people for the New Year, predictors give a clear answer - no! The thing is that such people are very superstitious and consider such a gift to be the beginning of the countdown of worldly life. Well, if the clock stops altogether, such a sign can cause great distress and panic.

Therefore, under no circumstances should you give a new watch to a person of advanced age, especially if he is sick.

Who can you give it to?

You can safely and without hesitation give such a gift to a watch collector. Such a thing will bring him a lot of joy. And believe me, he will not think about any superstitions at this moment, since a watch is the best gift for him on such a day.

According to predictors, you can give a new watch:

  • brother;
  • husband;
  • son;
  • to the boss.

Surely many of you know how valuable and important a gift an officer’s watch is. Many men want to have them. Therefore, if you buy and give them as a gift, the man will appreciate it.

So that the omen does not come true

Not every person is familiar with the signs about giving a watch. Therefore, if you give such a gift, the reaction will not necessarily be unambiguous.

If you want to play it safe, you should do the following. When presenting such a gift, ask for a nominal fee for it. In most cases, change is used to pay off. Therefore, you can take a few coins and put them in the hand of the watch giver. This way you neutralize the signs that are associated with the gifted watch.

Konstantin Chalabov/RIA Novosti

At first glance, the idea of ​​giving a Christmas tree decoration for the New Year seems quite logical - the item conveys the atmosphere of the upcoming holiday and, most likely, will be used for its intended purpose. However, this can only be done if you know exactly the traditions that people observe for the New Year.

For many, this is a family holiday, so they try to decorate the holiday tree with toys that they inherited from their great-grandmothers. Others, on the contrary, are convinced that decorating the Christmas tree costs differently every year. For example, in a certain style of toys or colors. So before you run to the souvenir store, think about whether your gold and red balls will be useful to the person who this year decided to decorate the Christmas tree, say, in ultraviolet, which was popular in 2018?

Figures-symbols of the coming year

One of the most common gifts is a symbol of the coming year in accordance with the eastern calendar. Marketers do everything possible to make a figurine of a horse, monkey or dog look attractive. Beautiful packaging and advertising slogans are used to convince how the item will contribute to happiness in the family and financial well-being. True, it is still unclear what to do with the collection of animals collecting dust on the shelves. These don’t look much like unique things that I would like to pass on by inheritance, and they are unlikely to be useful to children.

New Year themed clothing

Sweaters and pajamas with prints of deer and Christmas trees have long gone out of fashion. Now such products look stupid and tasteless. And it’s quite difficult to guess a colleague’s size and style preferences - some like it looser, others tighter. Add to this the requirements for fabric and color scheme. In addition, there is always a set limit for gifts in Secret Santa, which is unlikely to be met if you want to give a quality item.


Sergey Pyatakov/RIA Novosti

It's hard to think of a more meaningless gift than a calendar. Firstly, this is the 21st century and all gadgets have long had built-in organizers. Secondly, most offices provide their employees with all the equipment necessary for work, and they are required to issue calendars for the coming year. Such a gift can be regarded as complete indifference to the recipient.

Body care gift sets

It seems that everyone knows why you shouldn’t give gift sets with personal care products. But, nevertheless, there is always a person in the office who disregards the rule. Once again: people always choose personal hygiene products for themselves, and such sets are simply re-gifted. If you don’t have time to buy a gift at all, it’s better to limit yourself to a gift certificate.

Chocolate candies

Another gift from the category “bought at the last moment what came to hand” is sets of chocolates. They are given throughout life and for any occasion. Have pity on your colleagues, during the New Year holidays everyone gains a couple of extra pounds, and then there’s the sweets.

Made by yourself

Not everyone can appreciate a gift made with their own hands. For most, such a thing brings joy only if it is the fruit of the efforts of a beloved child. So, in order to avoid misunderstanding on the faces of colleagues, we recommend discarding this idea. Are you convinced that handmade is your thing? You can take a risk. Just don’t be surprised later why for a year your colleague never came wearing the mittens and hat that you knitted for him.

Box of tangerines

Nina Zotina/RIA Novosti

Some even think of making a joke and giving a box of tangerines as a gift. We warn you in advance: the gift will definitely not be classified in the “wanted to be the coolest” category; rather, you will simply be considered an idiot. In addition, such a present will raise many questions. Firstly, how to take tangerines home, secondly, what to do with them if you are allergic to citrus fruits, and, finally, why a whole box if tangerines have already been bought for the holiday table a long time ago? The only thing that could be worse is the gift of a bowl of Olivier.

He: “Happy holiday! You have never received such a gift as mine from anyone!”
She: “Plane or yacht?”
Him: “Purple pencil. :)”

Jokes aside, each of us is worried in our hearts about whether it is possible to give gifts in advance. They are not often given as a gift, usually for some holiday or memorable date. In this case, the gift acts as a symbol of something pleasant for the person, emotions are touched, memories are connected.

Yes, you can present it in advance, even open it, but will it bring joy on the right day, will the person experience exciting moments of anticipation? Will this be taken as a bad omen?

What if you can’t deliver the gift on time? A man has gathered, and he is called to Sweden to receive the Nobel Prize. I returned from the ceremony at my best friend's, but the child was sick at home, and there was no way to leave him.

Of course, there is always a way out. First you need to understand what is more important: the date or the gift itself. If it’s a gift, then you can give it at any time, without tying it to holidays. You can say something like: “You know, I came across this thing, and I decided that it would be useful to you,” or “I saw this cute little thing, and it reminded me of how we met.”

Another option is when the gift implies a certain date, but it is impossible to give it on the right day. Then you should think about how to transfer the item: through mutual friends, a courier service, hiding it in a secluded place in advance, or find an even more original way. Ideally, in addition to the gift there will be a postcard or envelope with a wish. Even a few words will make the gift more personal and will not be seen as a gift for show.

Is it possible to give gifts in advance for a birthday?


Attention! It is still not customary to give birthday gifts in advance.

Perhaps this is due to the reluctance to inform in advance about what has not yet happened - after all, the person has not yet been born - so as not to attract attention to it, so that other people's negative thoughts or even actions do not interfere with a favorable result - the birth of a person.

Or maybe there is a connection with an ancient belief that arose in Rus' back in the pre-Christian era, when the words accompanying a gift were considered a spell. If a person “has not yet been born,” then the spirits of his ancestors have not yet gathered next to him to protect him, so the spell could be heard by dark forces. In order not to attract them, the birthday could not be celebrated before the present date. Accordingly, it was also possible to give a gift only every day.

Now, if you can’t meet the birthday boy on his birthday, you can find different ways to congratulate him - send it through someone or do it yourself, just later.

Is it possible to give gifts in advance on the wedding day?


Important! When a gift is presented specifically as a wedding gift, then no other day other than the wedding is no longer appropriate.

If you still can’t come to the celebration yourself, but you really want to, or for some reason you need to give a gift, then you can contact the organizer of the holiday or the parents of the newlyweds and transfer the gifts through them, send them by courier or by mail. Another option is to give the newlyweds a gift in advance, but ask not to open it until the wedding day. In this case, the bride and groom will experience the feelings and emotions associated with the gift only at the moment of opening, which means it cannot be considered given in advance)

Is it possible to give gifts in advance for the New Year?


Unlike birthdays or weddings, gifts are often given in advance, because on New Year's Eve itself it is impossible to see all colleagues, friends and relatives! Gifts given in advance create a festive mood. There is also a sign why you can give gifts for the New Year ahead of time - in this way we hasten the approach of all the good things that are in store for us in the coming year and say goodbye to all the negative things that we have experienced or experienced in the outgoing year.

If you are still worried about a gift given to you or by you in advance, then agree not to open the packaging or not to use the gift before the agreed day. It turns out that you will only use or enjoy this thing when you print it out and take it out. And this will be done at the right time!