Facial skin types and how to determine them. Facial skin types: characteristic signs and care

That is why you need to know how to determine your facial skin type in order to choose the right treatments and care cosmetics. This is a very important question before choosing cosmetics and creating home care, because by answering it correctly, you will simply save money and nerves when you buy cosmetics at random and decide that IT does not work. Unfortunately, as a rule, the question is different.It is important to distinguish between skin type and condition.Skin type is given to a person from birth and cannot change radically; it predetermines type of aging in the future. Depending on skin type normal, dry, oily and combination. But sensitive, allergic or dehydrated skin is already a skin condition and, if not properly cared for, can occur in any skin type. Therefore, a cosmetologist, conducting a consultation, asks 2 questions: your skin type and its condition, what worries you.

How about determine skin typeat home?

In a few steps:

1) Wash (assess the skin 15 minutes after washing)

2) Assess fat content and pore condition. Visually and using a dry cloth, identify areas with high fat content. Apply a napkin to different parts of the face and see if an imprint remains on it.

NORMAL: Basically, normal skin is matte, the pores are small, visible only in the T-zone, the skin color is flesh-colored, not dull, and shine is noticeable only in the T-zone, and even then not always. If shine is expressed in the T-zone and the pores are enlarged, then this is already a COMBINED type.

DRY:Most often it is thin, the pores are almost invisible. The color is uniform, the skin is matte, without shine.

FAT: There is an oily sheen in all areas, the pores are enlarged (especially in the T-zone). The epidermis is often thickened, there may be comedones, and the skin color may be dull due to hyperkeratosis, which more often accompanies oily skin than other types.

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Knowing your skin type, you can avoid mistakes when choosing your own home care when, for example:

1. Oily dehydrated skin,which comes to this condition with frequent use of alcohol-containing cosmetics, begins to show signs of dry skin. This is a common problem, especially at a young age. The first thing that comes to a young man’s mind is to use rich creams with a lot of oils, instead of quickly eliminating dehydrationmoisturizerswith a light or even fat-free texture.

2. Or owner of dry skin, with a lack of lipid mantle of the stratum corneumHaving acquired irritation or inflammation on the skin for various reasons, he immediately begins to “dry out” the skin with aggressive agents or simply cosmetics for oily and problem skin, thinking that it will eliminate acne, but in fact destroying the already poor fat (for dry skin type) hydro-lipid protective barrier, instead calming and anti-irritation cosmetics.

3. There are many examples, skin restoration is a complex process and will require time and consultation with a cosmetologist.

The surface of normal skin is acidic and its pH is 5.5, which is the first protective link against microbes. Therefore, frequent use of alkaline products (soap) can destroy the acid mantle and cause a decrease in the protective function of the stratum corneum - the first layer of the epidermis. It is the stratum corneum that all cosmetic products are aimed at!

The skin can heal wounds and repair damaged structures. If this process were the same throughout life, then the skin would never age.

Therefore, cosmetic products and procedures act by activating the regenerative powers of the skin! Exactly the right one cosmetologist cosmetics will help keep your facial skin beautiful and well-groomed! And incorrectly selected products can lead to rapid aging, irritation and inflammation.

Skin types. How to determine your skin type.

Depending on the functioning of the sebaceous glands and moisture content, the skin is conventionally divided into normal, oily, dry and combination (mixed type). Moisture content, balance of lipids and acids, sufficient facial blood circulation are the factors that shape the epidermis and, ultimately, the condition of our skin.
Having learned to determine your skin type, it is easy to take care of your face, maintaining youth and freshness.

Normal skin

Such skin is always distinguished by its even tone, elasticity and health. It is smooth and elastic with normal moisture and sebum content; slight shine is possible in the T-zone. People with this type have barely noticeable pores and wrinkles in the central part of the face. However, the first wrinkles appear only after 35 years. The normal type is resistant to external stimuli and changes in season. Those with normal skin do not experience problems with pimples, blackheads, irritation and flaking. The normal type is very rare, most often found in children and only 6% of cases in adults. Such skin does not bother you when you are young, and with proper care it ages slowly.

Oily skin

Oily skin is denser, it has porosity and a characteristic shine that does not go away even after washing. This type has acne, which at times becomes inflamed, and the enlarged pores are closed with blackheads. Oily skin is less susceptible to the negative influence of external factors. Abundant sebaceous lubrication prevents the evaporation of moisture, so the skin retains its youth longer. Wrinkles appear less frequently on oily skin types than on dry skin types. At a more mature age, this skin is replaced by a combined one.

Dry skin

The dry type is the exact opposite of the oily type. The skin is thinner, more delicate and sensitive with invisible pores and a characteristic pale color. She, as a rule, ages early, and therefore requires more attention and careful care. Until the age of 25, it does not cause any trouble and looks very attractive. But if you don’t take care of it or do it incorrectly, it will begin to peel off, tighten, lose elasticity and quickly become covered with wrinkles.
Temperature changes, wind, cold and heat - all this causes redness and peeling, leading to sagging. Soap causes discomfort, and there is a desire to quickly moisturize the skin.
A dry face is often covered with tiny red blood vessels, spots and pimples. The use of cosmetics, soaps and other products often cause skin allergies. Excessive dryness may indicate that the skin is lacking vitamins, fat, or diseases of the internal organs.

Combination (mixed) skin

Those with a combination type usually have oily skin in the T-zone, sometimes shiny, enlarged pores are clearly visible, and there are pimples, blackheads and acne. In another part of the face, namely along the edges, on the temples, around the eyes, on the cheeks and neck, the pores are invisible, the skin here is thin and dry, there are wrinkles and peeling.
When caring for combination skin, you need to use two types of cosmetics at once - one for oily skin and the other for dry skin. Or cosmetics specially created for this type. Over the years, the combined type, with proper care, can turn into normal.
Yes, and any skin type becomes less hydrated and less oily over the years.

Although practical experience shows that enlarged pores and oily shine can cause concern not only in adolescence, but also in more mature years, after 30 years and older.

Phototype according to Fitzpatrick

You should also take into account your phototype when selecting cosmetics and procedures in salon care in order to obtain the desired and actual result.

Why do you need a consultation with a cosmetologist?

A cosmetologist, after diagnosing your skin and listening to your answers to questions about what worries you, what problems brought you to him, analyzes the information and selects care procedures and a line of cosmetics based on your skin type, age and current condition to solve the problem , which you are contacting. Everything is based on professional study and understanding of the structure of human skin, thanks to which the method he chooses gives a positive and lasting result. So,

The structure of human skin

Skin is one of the human organs that perform a protective role and a number of biological functions. Skin covers the entire human body, and depending on height and weight, its area ranges from 1.5 to 2 m2. Skin is a complex organ that is the outer covering of the body. It performs many functions and ensures the normal functioning of the entire body.

Skin functions

The main purpose of leather is, of course, protection from external environmental influences. But our skin is multifunctional and complex and takes part in a number of biological processes occurring in the body.

Let's look at the main functions of the skin:

mechanical protection- the skin prevents soft tissues from mechanical stress, radiation, microbes and bacteria, and the entry of foreign bodies into the tissues.

UV protection- under the influence of solar treatment, melanin is formed in the skin as a protective reaction to external adverse effects (during prolonged exposure to the sun). Melanin causes the skin to become temporarily darker in color. A temporary increase in the amount of melanin in the skin increases its ability to block ultraviolet radiation (retains more than 90% of radiation) and helps neutralize free radicals formed in the skin when exposed to the sun (acts as an antioxidant).

thermoregulation- participates in the process of maintaining a constant temperature of the whole body, due to the work of the sweat glands and the thermal insulating properties of the hypodermis layer, consisting mainly of adipose tissue.

tactile sensations- due to nerve endings and various receptors located close to the surface of the skin, a person feels the influence of the external environment in the form of tactile sensations (touch), and also perceives temperature changes.

maintaining water balance- through the skin, the body, if necessary, can secrete up to 3 liters of fluid per day through the sweat glands.

metabolic processes- through the skin, the body partially removes by-products of its vital activity (urea, acetone, bile pigments, salts, toxic substances, ammonia, etc.). The body is also capable of absorbing some biological elements from the environment (microelements, vitamins, etc.), including oxygen (2% of the body’s total gas exchange).

vitamin D synthesis- under the influence of ultraviolet radiation (sun), vitamin D is synthesized in the inner layers of the skin, which is subsequently absorbed by the body for its needs.

Skin structure

The skin consists of three main layers:

  1. epidermis(epidermis)
  2. dermis(corium)
  3. hypodermis(subcutis) or subcutaneous fat tissue

In turn, each layer of skin consists of its own individual structures and cells. Let's look at the structure of each layer in more detail.


The epidermis is the outer layer of skin, formed mainly from the protein keratin and consisting of five layers:

  • horny- the uppermost layer, consists of several layers of keratinized epithelial cells called corneocytes (horny plates), which contain the insoluble protein keratin. It has 12 - 15 layers of dead cells, which gradually exfoliate. All elements of this part of the epidermis are reliably connected to each other and provide protection from mechanical damage and microbial invasion.Keratinization is a complex process that takes place in the cells of the epidermis and ends with the deposition of keratin (protein substance) and fats in the stratum corneum, as a result of which the stratum corneum of the skin acquires strength and elasticity. Keratin is formed from amino acids released during the degeneration of cells of the spinous layer of the epidermis, fat - mainly from keratohyalin of the granular layer. Disruption of the keratinization process is observed in various skin problems.
  • brilliant- consists of 3-4 rows of cells, elongated in shape, with an irregular geometric contour, containing eleidin, from which keratin is subsequently formed. The main significance of this element in the structure of the skin is the separation of living and dead cells
  • grainy- consists of 2-3 rows of cells of a cylindrical or cubic shape, and closer to the surface of the skin - diamond-shaped. This is a site of wandering epidermal macrophages formed from keratinocytes of the spinous type and epidermocytes of the process type. Here there are cells that include useful granules of two types in the cytoplasm: keratoglian and lamellar. Accordingly, keratin formation and additional protection from moisture occur here.
  • spiny- consists of 3-6 rows of spinous keratinocytes, polygonal in shape. Consists predominantly of keratinocytes. This is where the production of ceramides occurs, which create protection for the inner layers of cells. Therefore, the significance of this layer is especially great. Also, the spinous region of the epidermis includes desmosomes, which form the structure of the skin.Its function is to mechanically protect the cell nucleus from damage.
  • basal (germ)- the lowest layer of the epidermis, which ensures its regeneration, and consists of 1 row of cells called basal keratinocytes. Due to the functionality of cell division activity of keratinocytes, the basal and spinous layers are combined into the germinal layer of Malpighi. Normally, the process of regeneration of the epidermis is provided by the basal layer, but if damaged, the spinous layer can also take on the cambial function. Represented by basal keratinocytes associated with desmosomes. They are located directly on the basement membrane, to which they are connected by hemidesmosomes. In thin skin they are cylindrical, in thick skin they are oval. They have a set of general-purpose organelles, tonofilaments, tonofibrils that form a support network, as well as melanosomes. Melanosomes are melanin granules that protect against ultraviolet radiation; keratinocytes are obtained from melanocytes. In addition to keratonocytes and melanocytes, there are other cells in the basal layer. These are Langerhans, Merkel, Greenstein cells, intraepidermal T-lymphocytes. The germinal layer includes the entire basal layer and part of the spinous layer. It is here that melanin is synthesized, which can increase in the summer due to frequent exposure to the sun.

Epidermis: structure

The epidermis is constantly renewed. A similar effect is associated with specific transformations and migration of keratinocytes from deep to external layers during their differentiation. Together with the peeling scales, chemical and biological pathogens are removed from the surface of the skin. The epidermis does not contain blood vessels, so the supply of nutrients from the inner layers of the skin to the epidermis occurs due to diffusion (penetration of one substance into another) of tissue (intercellular) fluid from the dermis layer to the layers of the epidermis.

Intercellular fluid is a mixture of lymph and blood plasma. It fills the space between cells. Tissue fluid enters the intercellular space from the terminal loops of blood capillaries. There is a constant exchange of substances between tissue fluid and the circulatory system. Blood delivers nutrients to the intercellular space and removes cell waste products through the lymphatic system.

Keratinocytes. These are the elements that produce keratin. This function can be performed by different types of cells: spinous, basal, granular. Keratin is responsible for the elasticity and firmness of human skin.

Corneocytes. These are transformed anucleate keratinocytes filled with keratin. They rise to the upper balls, become flat and perform a protective function, being a reliable barrier between the human body and the outside world.The scales of the stratum corneum (corneocytes) are connected to each other by lipids consisting of ceramides and phospholipids. Due to the lipid layer, the stratum corneum is practically impermeable to aqueous solutions, but solutions based on fat-soluble substances are able to penetrate through it.

Ceramides or ceramides. These are specific fats that hold corneocytes together. They absorb moisture and fats.

Melanocytes. These cells determine the shade of a person's skin. They also provide partial protection from radiation and infrared radiation, preventing harmful sun rays from passing deeper.

Langerhans cells. They actively protect the body from invasion of microbes and bacteria through the skin.

The thickness of the epidermis is approximately 0.07 - 0.12 mm, which is equal to the thickness of a simple sheet of paper.

In some areas of the body, the thickness of the epidermis is slightly thicker and can be up to 2 mm. The most developed stratum corneum is on the palms and soles, much thinner on the abdomen, flexor surfaces of the arms and legs, sides, eyelid skin and genitals.

Acidity or pH of the skin

Skin acidity pH is 3.8-5.6.

The normal acid-base state is different for different anatomical and physiological zones of the body. The pH balance of the scalp is from 4.5 to 5.5, the chest - from 5.1 to 5.5, the palmar surface of the hands - from 6.2 to 6.5. The greatest shift in balance to the alkaline side is observed in the axillary and groin areas.

Women have higher skin acidity than men.

Its different values ​​are determined even in different areas of the face. So, for example, in the area of ​​the eyelids and corners of the eyes it approaches neutral, in the frontal area - from 4.0 to 5.5, and the pH of the facial skin in the cheek area is from 4.2 to 5.9.

How do human skin cells grow?

In the basal layer of the epidermis, cell division occurs, their growth and subsequent movement to the outer stratum corneum. As the cell matures and approaches the stratum corneum, the protein keratin accumulates in it. Cells lose their nucleus and major organelles, turning into a “sac” filled with keratin. As a result, the cells die and form the uppermost layer of skin from keratinized scales. These scales shed over time from the surface of the skin and are replaced by new cells.

The entire process from the birth of a cell to its exfoliation from the surface of the skin takes an average of 2-4 weeks.

Color of the skin

Inside the basal layer there are melanocyte cells that secrete melanin, the substance on which skin color depends. Melanin is formed from tyrosine in the presence of copper ions and vitamin C, under the control of hormones secreted by the pituitary gland. The more melanin contained in one cell, the darker the color of a person's skin. The higher the melanin content in the cell, the better the skin protects from exposure to ultraviolet radiation.

With intense exposure to ultraviolet radiation on the skin, the production of melanin in the skin sharply increases, which provides the skin with a tan. With excessive abuse of the sun and solarium, there is a high probability of the appearance of such a cosmetic defect as uneven pigmentation.

The effect of cosmetics on the skin

All cosmetics and procedures intended for skin care mainly affect only the top layer of skin - the epidermis. Modern hardware techniques, medium and deep acid peels, make it possible to solve the problems of aging, hyperpigmentation, post-acne scars and many other problems of modern man at the dermal level. Solving some problems, with such deep human intervention in the functioning of the body, can cause complications, which you must first familiarize yourself with and make an informed decision on the use of this or that technology. And so, let's consider the second main layer, where our “living” cells are formed,


The dermis is the inner layer of skin, ranging from 0.5 to 5 mm thick depending on the part of the body. The dermis consists of living cells, is supplied with blood and lymphatic vessels, contains hair follicles, sweat glands, various receptors and nerve endings. The basis of cells in the dermis is fibroplast, which synthesizes the extracellular matrix, including collagen, hyaluronic acid and elastin.

The dermis consists of two layers:

  • reticulate(pars reticularis) - extends from the base of the papillary layer to the subcutaneous fatty tissue. Its structure is formed mainly from bundles of thick collagen fibers located parallel to the surface of the skin. The reticular layer contains lymphatic and blood vessels, hair follicles, nerve endings, glands, elastic, collagen and other fibers. This layer provides the skin with firmness and elasticity.
  • papillary(pars papillaris), consisting of an amorphous structureless substance and thin connective tissue (collagen, elastic and reticular) fibers that form papillae lying between the epithelial ridges of spinous cells.

And briefly, let's look at the third layer of skin,

Hypodermis (subcutaneous fat tissue)

The hypodermis is a layer consisting primarily of adipose tissue, which acts as a heat insulator, protecting the body from temperature changes.The hypodermis accumulates nutrients necessary for skin cells, including fat-soluble vitamins (A, E, F, K).

It is located directly under the dermis, but there is no clear boundary between these layers, thereforeThe hypodermis, as well as the dermis, contains:collagen fibers;elastin fibers;nerve endings;blood vessels;lymphatic vessels; sweat glands; hair roots.

In the hypodermis, as in the dermis, collagen and elastin fibers form a network, like a honeycomb.

Difference lies in the fact that in the dermis the honeycombs are filled predominantly with hyaluronic acid, and in the hypodermis - with fat cells - adipocytes, which make upform the basis of the hypodermis.

They contain a drop of fat that can increase in size. When excess fat enters the body, the adipocyte accumulates it, and the fat drop grows. As the drop grows, it gradually pushes the organs toward the shell and eventually occupies almost the entire space of the cell. In this way, the adipocyte can accumulate very large amounts of fat. As a result of the growth of the fat droplet, the adipocyte itself stretches. The size of the adipocyte can increase tenfold. Moreover, this process is not reversible. That is, if the adipocyte is “blown away,” it will no longer be able to “lose weight” to its original size. If you burn the fat that fills it, the cell will be empty, but its size will remain the same. And with an excess intake of calories into the body, the adipocyte will quickly restore its fat reserves. That's why when we're exhausteddiet, we start eating again as usual (and often intensified) and everything that we are “starved of” comes back again.

All effective anti-cellulite components of cosmetics are aimed specifically at stimulating beta receptors. The most effective component in this regard is the brown algae fucus. More details in article: "How body cosmetics work"

How knowledge of skin structure is used in cosmetology

Why are procedures prescribed in a course every 5-7-10-14 days?

As new cells emerge, old dead skin cells are sloughed off and replaced. It's a simple biology called epidermal renewal. In addition to eliminating old cells, this process also involves the removal of toxins and waste accumulated in the lymph and blood. They are absorbed by cells and eliminated by exfoliation. Complete renewal of the epidermis (from the basement membrane to the stratum corneum) can last 21 days (in young people) and from 1 to 2-3 months at an older age. Therefore, the cosmetologist selects the course and frequency of application of the selected techniques, based on age indicators and taking into account the condition of the skin.


To get the expected result:
- you should consult a cosmetologist,
- determine your skin type, skin condition, and only then choose cosmetics,
- create a home care program for several years, based on the type of aging,
- supplement, if necessary, beauty salon procedures, hardware techniques,
- and follow the cosmetologist’s recommendations when caring at home.

And your face will delight you for many years!
Beauty and health to you!

How important it is for every woman to know her skin type is evidenced by the fact that the choice of even the most basic cosmetics depends on it. Almost all women believe that they know their skin type - however, not everyone knows exactly how to determine their facial skin type.
In addition, facial skin types can change with age, and identifying these changes is sometimes not so easy either.

Of course, the structure of the skin itself is approximately the same in all people; only the intensity of the work of the sebaceous glands differs. This determines how your skin looks, what type of skin you have and what kind of care it requires.
Let's look at skin types and their characteristics.
Traditionally, there are four types of facial skin:
Dry skin type
Dry skin looks very beautiful - it is matte and soft, it is not characterized by an oily sheen, and the pores are almost invisible. However, dry skin is very sensitive not only to weather conditions (sun, wind), but also reacts extremely negatively to improper care.

Changes in weather immediately affect peeling skin; with age, irritation becomes more noticeable, wrinkles appear early, and the skin practically does not retain much-needed moisture. In addition, dry skin is very sensitive even to specialized cosmetics and requires careful ongoing care.
Oily facial skin type
The most common skin type is oily. The problem of oily skin appears in adolescence and how you care for your skin largely determines how your skin type will change in the future. Oily skin is also typical for people who abuse fatty foods and alcohol; for those who suffer from hormonal imbalance; for obese people and people with metabolic disorders.

In addition to cosmetics, a diet that excludes fats, carbohydrates, spices, etc. is required for skin care. But it often happens that this skin type occurs due to improper care, for example, the abuse of fatty creams. Oily skin is characterized by shine, enlarged pores, acne, noticeable capillaries; Unlike dry skin, oily skin is practically insensitive to the weather.
Normal facial skin type
Normal skin type is the most problem-free. The skin has an even, matte color and does not have any pronounced defects, practically does not cause problems either when the weather changes or under other conditions, and requires very minimal care.

The main thing is not to disrupt the natural fat balance by clogging the pores, which can happen if you overuse creams. Combination facial skin type
The fourth skin type is combination or mixed. It is characterized by the presence of different skin types in different facial areas. Most often, in the “T” zone (nose, forehead and chin) there is oily skin, in other areas it is either normal or dry. In this case, each zone needs its own individual care, depending on its skin type.

In order to correctly determine in which specific areas oily skin predominates, it is enough to apply and carefully press a napkin to your face in the morning. Grease spots that appear on the paper will accurately determine the presence of problem areas.
Even knowing the characteristics of each skin type, it is not always possible to adequately determine your own skin type. At the same time, determining your skin type is very important not only in order to look good, but also so that proper care will help keep your skin fresh and healthy longer.
How to determine your facial skin type?
It's quite simple. You can determine your facial skin type yourself, the main thing is to carefully observe and follow all the steps:
Cleanse skin thoroughly from cosmetics and pollution.
Give your skin a rest for two to three hours.
In daylight, using a mirror with a magnifying effect, examine the skin carefully for enlarged pores, peeling, oily sheen.
Applying a dry cloth to the skin, you can judge whether your skin is oily or not. If greasy stains appear on the napkin, the skin has increased sebum secretion.

Test: Determining facial skin type

Such a test can give an adequate answer to the question - how to find out your facial skin type. And properly selected creams, lotions, masks and other cosmetics after it will allow you to preserve the natural beauty of your skin longer, always feel young and satisfied with your appearance.

In order for self-care to be correct, it is necessary to know about its characteristics, since the human skin is a complex organism that combines a large number of functions. And it depends only on us whether she will be beautiful and healthy.

All people have exactly the same skin structure, but the sebaceous glands work differently, in some people it is too weak, in others it is normal, and in others it is too active. In addition, the percentage of moisture contained in the dermis affects the appearance of the skin. This means that in order to choose the right cosmetics, you need to determine your skin type.

Facial skin types and their characteristics

Often women confidently declare that they are a sensitive type. However, in reality this type of skin does not exist, since sensitivity is only an additional characteristic. This confusion is the result of the fact that in numerous books and articles there are different classifications. However, each of them is based on four main skin types. Each has its own pros and cons and each of them needs careful care and attention.

Normal skin

Such skin is always fresh, elastic and healthy. It’s not for nothing that it is compared to a ruddy apple. It is smooth and elastic with normal moisture and oil content, with a slight shine in the T-zone. People with this type have barely noticeable pores and wrinkles in the central part of the face. However, the first wrinkles appear only after 35 years.

The normal type is resistant to external irritants, the change of season, and also do not affect its condition. Happy owners of normal skin do not experience problems with pimples, blackheads, irritation and flaking. The normal type is very rare, most often found in children and only 6% of cases in adults. Such skin does not bother you when you are young, and with proper care it ages slowly.


Oily skin is denser, it has porosity and a characteristic shine that does not go away even after washing. This type has acne, which at times becomes inflamed, and the enlarged pores are closed with blackheads. Oily skin is less susceptible to the negative influence of external factors. Abundant sebaceous lubrication prevents the evaporation of moisture, so the skin retains its youth longer. Wrinkles appear less frequently on oily skin types than on dry skin types. At a more mature age, this skin is replaced by a combined one.


The dry type is the exact opposite of the oily type. The skin is thinner, more delicate and sensitive with invisible pores and a characteristic pale color. She, as a rule, ages early, and therefore requires more attention and careful care. Until the age of 25, it does not cause any trouble and looks very attractive. But if you don’t take care of it or do it incorrectly, it will begin to peel off, tighten, lose elasticity and quickly become covered with wrinkles.

Temperature changes, wind, cold and heat - all this causes redness and peeling, leading to sagging. The skin begins to feel like tissue paper. Soap causes discomfort, and there is a desire to quickly moisturize the skin.

A dry face is often covered with tiny red blood vessels, spots and pimples. The use of cosmetics, soaps and other products often cause skin allergies. Excessive dryness may indicate that the skin is lacking vitamins, fat, or diseases of the internal organs.

Combined (mixed)

Many people have a combination hair color that is darker in color. In the T-zone, the skin is oily, shiny, enlarged pores are clearly visible, there are pimples, blackheads and comedones, which most often bother you on the eve of your period. In another part of the face, namely along the edges, on the temples, around the eyes, on the cheeks and neck, the pores are invisible, the skin here is thin and dry, there are wrinkles and peeling.

When caring for combination skin, you need to use two types of cosmetics at once - one for oily skin and the other for dry skin. Over the years, the combined type, with proper care, can turn into normal.

Test: how to find out your skin type

When you get out of bed in the morning with the intention of finally finding out what type of skin you have, the first thing you need to do is wash your face. During morning procedures, you can use cosmetics, but not tonics, because their presence may give an incorrect result during “napkin” testing.

Within two hours after sleeping and washing, you can go about your business, the only thing you can’t do is apply makeup. After the set time has passed, you need to apply a dry cloth to your face and press it tightly. And then examine the marks left on the thin paper.

  • If there are no traces left on the napkin, then you have dry skin.
  • If minor fatty spots are noticeable, then the skin should be classified as normal.
  • If the napkin is well saturated with sebum, then this indicates that the skin to which the thin paper was applied is oily.
  • If the spots outlined a T-shaped zone, i.e. appeared only on the forehead, nose and chin, then we can say with confidence that your skin belongs to the combined type.

Care for different skin types

It doesn’t matter what type of skin you have, because each of them needs proper daily care. To maintain your youth and beauty, your face needs to be regularly cleansed, toned, moisturized and nourished using special cosmetics.

Now that you have figured out your type, the next question arises: how to choose the right cosmetics for home care? If you do not have a personal cosmetologist, then there are two options:

  1. Visit a specialized store and choose a jar, for example, with the inscription: “Nourishing cream for dry skin 35+.”
  2. Learn to read the ingredients, understand it and choose products the way cosmetologists do.

Video: how to understand what skin type you have

Well-groomed skin is the main measure of external female beauty. And any lady who strives to be called a beauty knows about this. Skin requires proper and proper care, and therefore the first thing to do is to determine what type it is. How to do it? Yes, very simple, watch the following video and you will find the answer to your question.

It is necessary to take care of your facial skin regularly and consistently, but first you need to determine your skin type. It is important to do this because the skin care program, as well as the selection of cosmetics, depends on the skin type.

Facial skin types

There are four main skin types: normal, oily, dry and combination (or mixed). Each skin type produces different amounts of sebum and contains moisture.

Such skin looks smooth and fresh, it is elastic, has no problems associated with peeling or oil secretion, and when you touch it, you will feel that it is smooth and elastic.

Pores on normal skin are almost invisible, which is why so-called blackheads rarely appear. Unfortunately, this skin type is quite rare.

Oily facial skin

It is characterized by excessive shine, which appears on its surface due to increased greasiness and insufficient blood supply. Since the skin produces a large amount of oil, it clogs the pores, which is why acne, pimples, blackheads and other problems often appear. As a rule, the pores on such skin are enlarged, and it does not feel as smooth to the touch as normal skin. Before menstruation, the skin becomes even more rough and inflamed.

However, despite all its problems and disadvantages, oily skin has one huge advantage - due to its insensitivity and constant lubrication in the form of natural fat, it remains young for a long time. In addition, oily skin tends to change with age. By the age of thirty, those with oily skin feel that their skin condition has improved somewhat and it becomes combination skin.

Dry facial skin

The dry skin of a young girl or young woman looks delicate and has a matte tint, the pores on it are narrowed and almost invisible, but wrinkles begin to appear early. For this reason, such skin needs proper and careful care from youth. In the absence of this, pockets of irritation and a feeling of tightness may appear on it.

Dry skin reacts sensitively to sudden changes in temperature, soap also has a negative effect on it, and it also does not tolerate certain medicinal and cosmetic preparations (ointments, creams, etc.).

Increased dryness of the skin is caused by a lack of fat, which may be due to both insufficient intake with food and to impaired fat metabolism inside the body due to various diseases (diseases of the liver or pancreas). Also, dry skin can be caused by a lack of vitamins A, C, PP.

Combination (mixed) facial skin

This skin type is the most common and is characterized by an uneven distribution of fat in different areas. Most often, the greatest secretion of fatty lubricant occurs in the so-called T-zone, which includes the nose, forehead and chin. In these areas, the skin is of the oily type, has a constant shine, enlarged pores, and possible acne. The skin on the cheeks and around the eyes is dry, and therefore small wrinkles quickly appear there. For this reason, different products should be used to care for different areas of the face.

More often than not, this skin type can change over the years, becoming normal.

Makeup and skin type

The type of makeup is selected according to the type of appearance, age, as well as the time of day and event. However, one very important part of it is selected based on skin type. Of course we're talking about about choosing a foundation.

In fact, it just seems that choosing a foundation is a trivial matter, because the main thing is that it matches the color. However, the foundation should be selected not only according to the color of your skin, but also to its type and condition. Only in this case the tone will lie in an even, imperceptible layer and make your makeup flawless.

The wrong foundation will not only be noticeable on your face, but can also prevent your skin from breathing normally and can also cause irritation.

So, for dry skin it is better to choose a rich, creamy foundation, as it will provide additional hydration. If you have oily skin, opt for a low- or oil-free, water-based foundation. In this case, the foundation should be solid, for example, in the form of a pencil. Women with normal skin type can purchase any foundation. Choose a tone based only on personal preferences.

Liquid foundations are suitable for any skin type in their form. When purchasing, you should ask the seller what the fat content is in the foundation. If you purchased foundation without first knowing how much fat it contains, or you were given foundation as a gift, you can easily find out at home. A simple experiment will help you with this.

So, pour water into a saucer and add some foundation to it. If the cream dissolves quickly and easily, forming a cloudy mixture, then your foundation contains little or no fat and is water-based. This product is suitable for oily skin. If the foundation does not dissolve in water, looks like a small bubble, and when stirred, crumbles into even smaller bubbles, then your foundation contains a large amount of fat and is only suitable for dry skin.

And if it also suffers from natural dryness, then its tendency to thinning increases significantly.

But dry skin is not a death sentence, but only a reason for more thorough and careful care.

Characteristics of dry skin type

Dry skin looks incredibly beautiful: smooth, with a peach tint, without greasy shine, eternal blackheads and enlarged pores.

But with age, it becomes thinner, the smallest capillaries and vessels are visible through it, and wrinkles on the forehead, in the corners of the eyes and near the lips can no longer be seen only when smiling.

In addition, the increased sensitivity of dry skin to external influences (precipitation, wind and polluted air) causes more and more discomfort with age.

What is the reason? The phenomenon of dryness is objectively characterized by impaired lipid and water metabolism, a slightly acidic pH reaction and impaired functioning of the sebaceous and sweat glands.

Dry skin is different:

  • fine porous structure;
  • lethargy;
  • pallor (dull shade);
  • dryness and flaking;
  • feeling of tightness;
  • frequent irritations.

Dry skin, unlike others (, and), is smaller, because it produces significantly less oil and practically no natural protective film is formed on it.

With age, this becomes more noticeable, since fat production decreases by the age of 20, and by the age of 30, such skin requires special care.

Dry skin care

Dry skin types must be carefully and promptly cared for, otherwise wrinkles will inevitably appear, which every woman is so afraid of.

This is not difficult to do, because on the shelves of pharmacies and stores there are enough products intended for dry skin. But it’s better to buy them after consulting a cosmetologist - do not blindly trust advertising or advice from friends.

Cosmetical tools

Ideally, it is better to test trial samples on your skin, but if the cosmetics suit you, then purchase the entire series.

The effect of modern skin care products is not limited to a few hours, but appears throughout the day. If you use high-quality products regularly, their long-term effect is ensured.

Please note that if, after applying a moisturizer, you still want to apply a cream, then you should discard your moisturizer. Most likely, it does not contain enough fat and will be completely useless for you.

For dry skin types, products containing nanospheres, thalaspheres, ceramides And liposomes, which are designed to bind moisture in the skin.

Creams that contain: linolic (gamma-linolic) acid or Sassanqua oil.

Rules for regular care

You need to take care of dry skin regularly, it must be constantly nourished, moisturized, and be sure to protect it from exposure to sunlight.

Clean it at least 2 times a day.


Use in the morning toilet milk, liquid cream or oil, then wipe the face with lotion and apply cream, the excess of which is removed with a paper napkin.

During the day

Dry skin type is cleansed milk or cosmetic cream. After cleansing, apply a nourishing cream containing vitamins. For dry skin types, you should regularly make nourishing and moisturizing masks at least 2 times a week.


It is advisable to cleanse dry skin in the evening with a soft milk with nutrients. Then apply a night cream with moisturizing ingredients. You can additionally apply gel if your skin lacks moisture.

Proper care of dry skin ensures its magnificent and well-groomed appearance; the skin will not lose its beauty over time.

Any cleansing preparations intended for dry skin should not remove natural oil from the skin, but contain moisturizing substances.

It is advisable not to use eau de toilette or any products containing alcohol..

Even ordinary water can cause inflammation and irritation, so It is advisable to use special lotions or melt water for washing.

If you don’t have melted water on hand, you can use plain water, adding a little soda to it, or wash your face with milk diluted with water.

To cleanse dry skin, use gentle lotions.

Soft rose petal lotion You can easily prepare it yourself: three glasses of dry petals are poured with almond (peach) oil to cover the petals. Keep in a steam bath until the petals lose their color. This lotion can be used 2-3 times a day.

Water for washing in winter should be at room temperature, and cooler in summer.

Dry skin tolerates washing more easily if it is first lubricated with vegetable oil or fermented milk products (sour cream, kefir, yogurt). You can also lubricate dry skin with a rich cream or cream before washing (15 minutes before).

Decoctions (infusions) of medicinal herbs are also excellent for washing.

In the evening, it is better to cleanse dry skin not with water, but with a cleansing cream, herbal infusion or kefir.

As much as possible use less soap(both when washing and bathing). Using oatmeal you can perfectly wash dry skin, both face and body. Simply place oatmeal in a linen bag and use it as a washcloth. Oatmeal contains beneficial substances that nourish the skin and do not wash away its fat layer.

One of the most important stages of caring for any skin is toning.

Many women are sure that it is enough to cleanse their face and that using toner is not necessary, but this is not true.

Using a toner improves blood microcirculation, thereby preparing the skin for the application of cosmetics and greatly improving their effect (by almost a third).

To ensure that cleansers and toners complement each other, use the same cosmetic line.

Tonics intended for dry skin should not contain alcohol, and they should contain a sufficient amount of moisturizing and softening components.

To tone, you can use rose water or glycerin lotion - they perfectly moisturize and cleanse. Nettle juice gently tones aging dry skin.

Well-toned products that include:

  • algae extracts;
  • silk and wheat proteins;
  • wheat germ extract;
  • vitamins;
  • marine collagen.

Masks for dry skin

For dry skin types, it is advisable to make masks that smooth its surface, making it elastic, smooth and beautiful. You can buy them ready-made or make them yourself. Natural masks perfectly nourish and moisturize the skin, supply it with vitamins. Natural fats (vegetable oil, sour cream, cream, etc.) must be present in such masks.

Apple mask

Apples have an excellent moisturizing effect; to make a mask out of them, grate 1 apple and apply the resulting mixture to your face for 15 minutes. Afterwards, rinse off the mask and rinse your face with cool water.

Potato-curd mask

With the help of such a mask it is easy to restore the skin's water balance. Boil a medium potato in its jacket, peel it and mash it with a fork. Add 1 tbsp to the resulting puree. a spoonful of cottage cheese and olive or vegetable oil and 1 teaspoon of glycerin. Mix the mixture thoroughly. Apply a warm mask for 20 minutes; if it does not stick well to your face, then place gauze on top. Remove the mask with warm water, and rinse your face with cool water.

Aloe juice mask

1 tbsp. a spoonful of aloe juice is mixed with 2 tbsp. spoons of warmed honey and apply for 15 minutes. This mask quickly improves complexion, because it stimulates natural processes in the skin (blood flow, metabolism, formation of new cells).

Oatmeal mask with yolk

Pour some rolled oats into boiling milk, do not cook. The consistency of the mask can be anything, but it is better if it is thick. After cooling the mass, add 1 teaspoon of vegetable or olive oil and one yolk, which must be beaten well. Mix everything and the mask is ready.

Yeast mask

Mash the package of compressed yeast and pour milk over it to obtain the consistency of thick sour cream. The mass is applied to the face in a dense layer, washed off after 15-20 minutes with warm water. Yeast contains many B vitamins, which are essential for our skin.

Flaxseed mask

2 tbsp. Boil spoons of flaxseed in 2 glasses of water. The finished porridge is applied warm to the face for 20 minutes. This mask will help restore dry skin that is irritated by wind and cold.

Moisturizing cosmetics for dry skin

Dry skin type requires mandatory nutrition and protection. Therefore, before a walk, it is better to use a moisturizer, which must be applied for 10-15 minutes, and then remove its excess.

For dry skin, use nourishing moisturizing day cream.

When choosing it, pay attention to the consistency: if the cream is light and resembles milk, then most likely it will not be fat enough.

Apply day cream after washing, and then after 5 minutes additionally lubricate the driest areas of the face.

Be sure to use a night cream; if you have dry skin, you should not use the same product both morning and evening. Night creams contain fats that promote skin cell renewal, so using them is a must.

Video: Getting rid of dry skin

Prevention of premature age-related changes

If you have a dry skin type, it is not recommended to frequently visit the sauna, swim in chlorinated water, or indulge in diaphoretic sports. Since the protective properties of the skin are washed away, it is very difficult to replenish them. After such procedures, apply a thick layer of nourishing fatty cream or make a moisturizing mask. It is advisable to rub in moisture-resistant sunscreen before visiting the pool.

Dry skin does not require cleansing with peelings or scrubs, they only harm it. Alcohol-containing cosmetics, as well as hard masks, will also harm it.

You should not experiment with new moisturizers in winter, because in the cold the protective properties of the skin weaken.

The body's moisture reserves are reduced by exposure to sun, wind, dry wind and improper care. In cold weather, use special protective products: oils or creams suitable for dry skin.

Dehydration of the body and, accordingly, the skin is facilitated by the intake of alcohol, laxatives and diuretic teas.

Air conditioning, central heating, fans - all this additionally dries out our skin.

A sufficient amount of fluid in our body helps to moisturize the skin, improve all metabolic processes, and remove toxins.

Protect your skin from sun exposure not only in summer. Thanks to this, you can avoid dehydration, early appearance of age spots and wrinkles, and premature skin aging.

To keep your skin looking young and fresh, it needs proper rest. Go to bed before 12 o'clock at night, try not to work at night, otherwise all this will be reflected on your face.