External and internal causes of dry lips. Dry lips (men, women)

Quite often, lips dry in women and men of different ages. Let's talk about the reasons for this phenomenon and what to do in each of the cases. Such a problem may arise due to temperature fluctuations or a malfunction of the internal organs. But dry lips should not be ignored, as this is a rather unpleasant sensation.

Not always a person will go to the doctor to get rid of such a syndrome. More often we resort to improvised cosmetics or folk recipes to moisturize delicate skin. But sometimes it is still worth paying more attention to the problem, especially if it is accompanied by a number of other symptoms.

Why dry lips in women?

Dermatologists have established such reasons why the fair sex is faced with a similar problem:

  1. weather conditions and temperature fluctuations. In winter, cold and wind are especially aggressive, which damage the delicate skin on the lips. It is peeling, covered with a crust, cracks. But even in summer the environment is not very favorable. At this time, the negative effects of sunlight and ultraviolet radiation on the skin increase, which leads to dehydration of surfaces and excessive dryness.
  2. Unbalanced diet, when vitamins are not enough. Particularly important for the condition of the skin and lips in the human diet are vitamins B2, A, D and E. When there is a deficiency of these microelements, the lips dry out strongly, and this is also accompanied by their redness, burning, small but painful cracks. After increasing the necessary vitamins in the diet, the condition gradually normalizes.
  3. A number of serious diseases of the internal organs. At the same time, not only dryness can appear on the lips, but also an inflammatory process, the so-called. This symptom is already a sign of diabetes mellitus, fungal infection, psoriasis, erythematosis, syphilis, tuberculosis, some neurological disorders, thyroid disorders, and dental problems. Also, chronic gastritis or gastroduodenitis can lead to excessive dryness. In this case, the condition is characterized by the appearance of an unpleasant odor, knits in the mouth, rashes form on the lower or upper lip.
  4. Unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits, lack of sleep, etc. Chronic stress, worries and anxieties can manifest themselves in the form of so-called psychosomatics. If addictions in the form of alcoholism, drug addiction, smoking are added to this, then the condition of the lips only worsens. Other harmless habits also affect their appearance - biting, constantly licking a pencil or pen, etc.
  5. Occupational problems leading to long-term consequences for human health. This is especially true for musicians who play wind instruments. With constant contact with the mouthpieces and pipes, itching, burning, and other signs of an allergic reaction occur. Such contact dermatitis develops into a chronic problem and is manifested by dryness and flaking.
  6. As a result of the constant use of certain drugs. Usually such a side effect is indicated in the instructions for use. Among those that make the skin dry and sensitive, such products as Acnecutane, Roaccutane and Erase stand out.
  7. Allergic reaction to food or cosmetics. At the same time, other unpleasant and sometimes dangerous symptoms appear - itching, redness, burning of the mucosa, runny nose or tearing, swelling, etc. It is important to immediately drink an antihistamine, exclude exposure to the allergen and consult a doctor for help.
  8. Pregnancy - during the first trimester, a woman undergoes a strong restructuring of the whole organism. And the state of the hormonal background significantly affects the skin, mucous membranes, and general well-being. Most often, it is enough just to wait out this temporary factor and by the middle of pregnancy everything will be normal.
  9. Dehydration is one of the most common causes of dry skin, including lips. If a person does not consume enough clean liquid per day, then all organs begin to suffer. This also leads to increased air temperature in the room, low room humidity.

Dry lips in children and men - causes

Almost all of the above factors can affect people of different genders and ages. But there are problems that, for one reason or another, are more often faced by men. For example, if women use balms and hygienic lipsticks to protect themselves from wind, frost or ultraviolet radiation, then the representatives of the stronger sex practically do not resort to such means. From what their lips suffer much more.

Also, the factor that most often affects the male part of the population in this matter is smoking and other bad habits. This affects not only the skin and mucous membranes, but also all internal organs. Due to the constant exposure to aggressive substances, the immune system worsens and the person gets sick more often.

In children, the corners of the lips dry for the following reasons:

  • fungal lesions (candidiasis) with the concomitant appearance of a curdled plaque on the mucous membrane, more often occurs in infants;
  • dehydration of the body due to dry air in the room and high temperatures;
  • malnutrition, lack of vitamins and minerals;
  • problems with nasal breathing in respiratory diseases, then the child has to breathe through the mouth, which quickly dries up the mucous membrane.


What to do if lips dry?

If you are sure that the problem is temporary and is associated with some objective external causes, then it is enough to wait or just moisturize the surface of the lips. When all else fails and the skin condition worsens, you should consult a doctor for advice, undergo an examination and determine the underlying problem that caused dryness around the mouth.

Depending on the factors found, it is required to treat the underlying disease accordingly. In each of the cases, their own methods are selected:

  1. In case of serious internal pathologies, drug therapy is prescribed. These can be antifungal drugs, antibiotics, etc. In this case, even taking pills at home, you must strictly follow the instructions of doctors.
  2. With an allergic reaction, it is important to accurately identify the allergen and avoid it in the future. With intense symptoms, you can drink an antihistamine (Tavegil, Suprastin). If the condition is accompanied by itching and swelling of the mucosa, it is better to call an ambulance.
  3. When the cause of dry lips was a banal change in air temperature and adverse weather conditions, then it is enough to anoint them so that they do not dry out.
  4. Avitaminosis and lack of certain vitamins are eliminated much longer. And if you add healthy foods to your daily diet, then relief will come no earlier than in a week or two. For a faster improvement in the condition, you need to drink vitamin complexes sold in pharmacies without a prescription.
  5. Carry out diagnostics and sanitation of the oral cavity in time so that caries, gingivitis and other dental problems do not cause the infection to spread throughout the mucosa.
  6. To moisturize, nourish and soften the skin on the lips, you can lubricate them at night with vegetable oils, special ointments, and make masks from available products.
  7. When cracks appear, they can be healed with the help of medicinal plants, honey or the Aevit complex.
  8. Daily massage also works well on the lips. It should be done with a soft toothbrush.

Video: why your lips dry (Live Healthy).

To prevent dry lips, it is desirable for both men and women to adhere to the following rules:

  • Regardless of the weather and season, before going out, lubricate your lips with hygienic balms.
  • Adjust your diet so that it is balanced and complete.
  • Give up bad habits.
  • Be sure to keep track of your daily fluid intake. For an adult, this is 1.5-2 liters of pure water.
  • Do not lick your lips and do not remove pieces of exfoliated skin with your fingers.
  • It is important for women to wash off all daytime makeup every night before going to bed.
  • Maintain optimal temperature and humidity in the room where you are most of the time.

With changing weather conditions, especially with the onset of the cold season, many are faced with the problem of dry lips, which manifests itself in the occurrence of cracks and peeling.

But it happens that this problem occurs regardless of the time of year and weather conditions.

And then it is quite reasonable to raise the question of the causes of this phenomenon and methods of treatment.

Why do lips crack in women?

The disease, the symptoms of which are dryness, peeling of the lips and cracks on them, is called cheilitis, during which the stratum corneum of the skin becomes inflamed.

It is worth noting that a similar problem occurs not only in women, but also in men, and even in children.

And the reasons for this can be completely different:

  • dehydration of the body;
  • allergy;
  • malnutrition;
  • viral or infectious diseases;
  • bad weather;
  • side effects from medications;
  • having bad habits.

In details:

  1. Lack of water in the body is a fairly common cause of dry lips, which can be caused by insufficient fluid intake by a person or being in a dry environment.
  2. Also, quite often peeling and dryness of the lips appear in the cold season, especially with a sharp drop in temperature and air humidity (for example, when a person comes from the street into a warm room with fairly high humidity).
  3. Similar dehydration also occurs during a person's illness, when an infection or virus absorbs all the person's energy.
  4. Especially high is the risk that the corners of the lips and the lips themselves will peel off and crack if a person has a runny nose.
  5. If the treatment is accompanied by the use of antibiotics, then this can cause dysbacteriosis, which in turn will cause chapping and peeling.
  6. Particular attention is paid to cases of peeling lips due to allergies or side effects of drugs, since in most cases it is necessary to consult a doctor. In addition, both factors are necessarily accompanied by a number of other symptoms in the form of redness, itching, rash, etc.

Why do lips crack in men and children?

A rather serious reason for the appearance of dryness, peeling and cracks on the lips is the wrong diet.

After all, in the absence of certain vitamins, nutrients needed by the body, a similar reaction occurs.

Especially if the body is deficient in B vitamins or if a person has low hemoglobin.

And an equally common reason for the appearance of such unpleasant symptoms in both men and women is bad habits that have a negative effect on immunity, weakening it, thereby the skin is much more susceptible to negative influences and begins to “sick”.

Sometimes dry lips and their peeling can be caused by diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, poor oral hygiene, thermal or mechanical irritation of the lips as a result of eating excessively hot food, liquids containing caffeine, allergies to toothpaste, lipstick, etc.

Also, experts identify a number of toothpastes that contain an excess of fluoride, which negatively affects the condition of the skin around the mouth, especially if it is very sensitive to any influences.

Dry lips in children in most cases are associated with dehydration or beriberi.

The baby has cracks on the lips or corners of the mouth, which is quite painful, especially when the child eats.

So, the most famous causes of cracks in children are:

  1. The skin is infected with a fungus. This usually manifests itself in the appearance of a whitish coating on the lower lip.
  2. Dehydration caused by dry and hot air in the room where children are.
  3. Lack of vitamins and minerals.
  4. Impaired nasal breathing, which may be caused by diseases of the nasopharynx or allergies.

It is necessary to ensure that the baby receives all the necessary vitamins, is in rooms with normal humidity, drinks the right amount of a variety of liquids.

In addition, the appearance of these symptoms in men and children is due to the fact that they do not use certain cosmetic products that women actively use in their everyday life.

To accurately determine the cause that caused cheilitis, contact a therapist, who, in turn, will refer you to a doctor of a narrower specialization (immunologist, dermatologist).

What to do if lips dry - treatment and prevention

As soon as the cause of dryness and flaking of the lips is determined, you need to start a course of treatment.

Usually, it includes vitamin therapy, treatment with local medicines, as well as the use of cosmetics.

The first two forms of treatment are prescribed by a doctor, but you choose cosmetics yourself.

For treatment to be effective, each such remedy must include:

  1. A complex of fat-soluble vitamins.
  2. Components that promote the healing of cracks (chamomile extract, succession, propolis, honey, aevit) -
  3. Elements designed to create a protective layer and strengthen the immune system (beeswax, C vitamins).
  4. Components that moisturize the skin to the mouth area (plant oils).

A rather high efficiency is characterized by lip massage, due to which blood flow improves and dead cells are exfoliated.

The massage itself can be done with a toothbrush or fingertips and using almond or sea buckthorn oil.

In addition, there are a sufficient number of recipes for special masks that provide moisturizing, nourishing and peeling effects.

Prevention of dry lips

The prevention of cheilitis is also essential:

  • Normalization of the diet with a complete composition of vitamins and nutrients;
  • Drinking enough fluids;
  • Getting rid of bad habits, especially smoking;
  • The use of balms or creams when going outside, regardless of the time of year.
  • Causes of dry lips
  • Dry lips as a sign of illness
  • Dry lips in children
  • Dry lips treatment
  • Home remedies for dry lips

The skin of the lips is characterized by increased sensitivity and reacts sharply both to external irritating factors and to internal pathologies of the body. This is due to its structure: the intermediate zone and the border of the lips are areas of very thin skin, which contains a large number of nerve endings and small blood vessels located close to the surface. Dry lips are a common problem faced by women, men and children. If the problem is limited to mild dryness, it can be solved with the help of special care products that provide the skin with additional nutrition, protection and softening. If we are talking about more serious disorders, one of the signs of which is very dry skin of the lips, medication may be required.

Dry skin of the lips: causes

The problem of dry lips can have both external and internal prerequisites. In the first case, we are usually talking about such provoking factors as:

  • Insufficient air humidity. This problem is especially relevant for the heating season, when the air in the room becomes hotter and drier. So that dry lips do not cause discomfort at this time, it is recommended to additionally saturate the air with moisture: both special humidifiers and water containers placed along the central heating radiators are suitable for this purpose.
  • Exposure to frost, wind, sunlight. Both high and low temperatures are a real test for the skin. Extremely dry and chapped lips can result from exposure to harsh weather conditions. The reason for this problem is explained by the fact that during frost and wind, the skin becomes covered with microscopic cracks, loses its own moisture supply, and loses elasticity. With regard to exposure to direct sunlight, the lips are more vulnerable to ultraviolet radiation than the rest of the face. Due to the negative effects of UV rays, their skin dries, flakes and ages faster.
  • Use of unsuitable cosmetics. Persistent decorative cosmetics (especially matte lipsticks) tend to dry the skin. As a result of the frequent use of such cosmetics, many women complain of dry lips, peeling and the appearance of microscopic cracks on them. Therefore, if you use persistent lipsticks, choose products that contain caring ingredients - vegetable oils, animal fats, beeswax, vitamins, etc.
  • The habit of licking and biting lips. When a person bites his lips, small cracks form on their surface, and when licking, their water-lipid protective layer is broken.
  • Smoking. Smoking leads to a decrease in salivation. Due to this, the smoker licks his lips more often, disrupting their protective water-fat balance and leading to dry skin.

Dry lips as a sign of illness

In some cases, internal pathologies of individual organs and systems can manifest themselves through the skin. What, in addition to external factors, can cause dry lips? What disease can cause this unpleasant symptom?

  • Fungal attack. The most common cause of inflammation of the skin around the mouth is the fungus Candida Ablicans. This microorganism causes peeling of the border of the lips, and also provokes the appearance of small wounds in the corners of the mouth.
  • Cheilite. This disease can affect both the lips themselves and the skin around them and the mucous membrane. The disease manifests itself in the form of peeling, the formation of small crusts and wounds. In the presence of these symptoms, the patient experiences difficulty in eating and drinking, talking.
  • Herpes. The presence in the human body of the herpes simplex virus of the first type manifests itself in the form of dryness of the lips, their itching, the appearance of bubbles filled with liquid on their surface.
  • Diseases of the endocrine system (diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism)
  • Low hemoglobin level. One of the signs of a low level of hemoglobin in the blood is the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth.
  • Certain medications (hormonal drugs)
  • Psoriasis. With this disease, areas of the skin around the mouth may suffer: they begin to peel off, itching and pain appear.
  • Allergy. Dry lips can be a sign of an allergic reaction to the components that make up decorative cosmetics and toothpaste, as well as to a number of other allergens - household dust, plant pollen, food, etc.
  • Hypovitaminosis. Lack of vitamins B2, PP, E, C and A often causes dry lips, peeling and cracking on their surface.
  • Dehydration. Dry lips can be a sign of insufficient fluid intake. Dehydration can also be caused by the loss of large amounts of fluid from the body due to diarrhea, vomiting, excessive sweating, or taking diuretics (water pills).

Dry lips in a newborn and an older child

Dry corners of the lips, cracks on them, the appearance of itching and small wounds cause a lot of inconvenience to both the baby and his parents. The child experiences discomfort and pain during meals, becomes irritable and whiny. Often parents cannot understand the reason for this condition of the baby. It is difficult to detect dry lips in a baby in time, for the reason that outwardly the problem is not always visible, and the child himself is not yet able to explain to mom and dad what worries him.

Why are lips dry and flaky? The reasons for the appearance of such a problem in children can be as follows:

  • Atopic dermatitis. Peeling and redness of the skin in the area of ​​the nasolabial triangle, accompanied by severe itching, is a common symptom of atopic dermatitis. In addition, cracks and small wounds can be observed on the lips.
  • Lip licking. Small children have a habit of putting things in their mouths and licking them. Because of this, saliva gets on the skin, which is a rather aggressive alkaline liquid that causes irritation.
  • Nasal congestion. If it is difficult for a child to breathe through his nose, he does it through his mouth. As a result, the lips become chapped and dry.
  • Increase in body temperature. High fever is often accompanied by dry skin, including dry and cracked lips.

In addition to the above reasons, dry lips in a child can be caused by dehydration, systemic pathologies, exposure to high / low temperatures, etc.

Dry lips: treatment

If dry lips are a symptom of some internal pathology, treatment should be aimed at eliminating the root cause of dryness. In this case, therapy is prescribed by a doctor, taking into account the general condition of the patient. To speed up recovery, vitamin therapy, correction of the daily diet, application of special nourishing and moisturizing external agents can be recommended. If dry lips are accompanied by the formation of wounds and cracks on them, into which the infection enters, as a result of which inflammation begins, the doctor may prescribe anti-inflammatory drugs.

Dry lips: treatment at home

If the feeling of tightness and the formation of microcracks on the lips are caused by external factors and you have no internal pathologies, treatment may be limited to the use of folk remedies.

The following recipes are good for softening the skin:

  • 0.5 tsp chamomile flowers pour 100 ml of boiling water and let it brew until it cools completely. The resulting infusion moisten a cotton pad and put it on the lips for 10 minutes.
  • Honey works well with cracked lips. It should be applied to the affected areas for 10 minutes, then washed off.
  • Sea buckthorn, mustard and linseed oils soften and nourish the skin. It is necessary to apply any of these oils for 5-10 minutes, and then gently blot the residue with a soft cloth.

Dry skin of the lips: what to do for prevention?

If you do not want to have the problem of dry and flaky lips, follow these simple preventive tips. What are the basic rules of care to remember?

  • Don't lick your lips - especially outside.
  • Avoid eating both very hot and extremely cold foods.
  • Before going outside, use hygienic lipstick for dry lips. For this purpose, La Cree lip balm is well suited. The composition of the product includes such active ingredients as almond and castor oil, shea and rosewood oils, licorice, aloe and vanilla extracts, as well as vitamins A and E, panthenol, allantoin and bisabolol. They have a beneficial effect on the skin of the lips, nourishing, moisturizing, regenerating and softening it.
  • Minimize the use of long-lasting matte lipsticks.
  • Do not forget to remove the remnants of makeup every day, from time to time carry out a delicate peeling, make nourishing lip masks.
  • Eat right and balanced.

Diseases that cause dryness

Let's talk in more detail about the diseases and conditions of the body due to which the lips can constantly dry out strongly in both women and men and what to do about it.

Mouth fungus

Usually caused by fungi of the genus candida and is called candidiasis. This disease can be caused by a number of reasons:

  • hypothermia;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • smoking;
  • thyroid disease;
  • improper nutrition.


If, in addition to the fact that the lips dry, they also crack, this means that there are not enough vitamins A, D, E, C and B vitamins in the body. This occurs as a result of an unbalanced diet, an excess of sugar consumed, a violation of the digestive system, and the abuse of alcohol and cigarettes. Especially acutely our body is in need of vitamins in the spring season.


An excess of vitamins can cause a number of serious disorders in the body. In particular, excessive intake of vitamin A can lead to flaky and sensitive skin.


It can be caused by heat, intense physical activity, lack of water intake, as well as vomiting and diarrhea as a result of poisoning or infection. When this condition occurs, the body sounds the alarm and in every possible way signals a lack of fluid - one of the signals is dry skin.

Allergic reaction

Allergy occurs as a result of increased sensitivity of the body to substances and elements that can provoke dryness. Each person has their own allergens, some have almost none, and someone is forced to bypass animals, flowers and a number of food products.

Symptoms and diagnosis

With various diseases and problems with the body, in addition to dryness, other symptoms will also appear.

Symptoms of oral fungus

Candidiasis is accompanied by itching, peeling, dryness and pain of the lips, redness and swelling. The main sign that allows you to accurately diagnose the fungus is a white coating on the inside of the lips. If this plaque is removed, the skin underneath will be injured and swollen.

Which doctor should I contact in this case? A pediatrician, dentist, or mycologist will help you in accurate diagnosis and solution of this problem.


A lack of vitamins in the body is often indicated by dry skin, hair loss, brittle nails, dryness and painful cracks in the corners of the mouth. It is recommended to consult a therapist.

Vitamin A hypervitaminosis

The signs of this condition are similar to those of beriberi: dryness, cracks in the corners of the mouth, brittle nails, hair loss, peeling and itching of the skin. In the case of acute hypervitaminosis, headache, nausea and vomiting, pain in the abdomen and joints are added to the listed symptoms. If you suspect an excess of vitamins in the body, then you need to urgently visit a therapist.

Symptoms of dehydration

Signs of water imbalance in the body are the viscosity of saliva, dryness in the mouth, dry skin, nausea and fever.

Contact a therapist. If the cause of dehydration is an infection, then you need the help of an infectious disease specialist. In case of a serious condition caused by severe dehydration, call an ambulance.


A condition such as an allergy has a huge variety of forms and symptoms. It is very easy to confuse its symptoms with other diseases, so self-accurate diagnosis of allergies is rather difficult. Dry skin can cause dermatosis - a form of allergy in which the patient experiences itching, peeling, rashes, blisters, redness and dryness of the skin.

Which doctor should I contact for allergies? An allergist specializes in this area. If you're not sure if your skin condition is caused by an allergy, see a dermatologist or therapist.

Dry lips treatment

If your lips are dry, flaky and cracked as a result of causes caused by external factors, then treatment should be based on the exclusion or minimization of their effects, as well as the use of products designed to nourish, heal and protect the skin.

Eliminate spicy foods from your diet, try not to lick or bite your lips. Before going to the solarium or outside, during sunny or frosty weather, use special balms.

Do not forget to use them before going to bed, as at night there is an active restoration of damaged skin cells.

With problems that are caused by medical reasons, it is better to consult a specialist, so you can avoid the negative consequences of erroneous self-diagnosis and subsequent incorrect treatment.

Folk care methods

What to do and how to smear dry lips if there is no balm at hand? There are many ways to improve your skin with natural products that you can find at home or buy at the grocery store.

Honey masks and peels

Honey perfectly heals and nourishes the skin. A honey mask helps exfoliate dead skin cells. After applying honey, leave the mask on for 15 minutes, then massage gently for better absorption and exfoliation. Rinse off the mask with water - lips will be soft, smooth and moisturized.

Olive oil

Another folk remedy with amazing properties. Antioxidants and vitamin A in the composition, allow olive oil to occupy the forefront in home care. Regular application of a thin layer of this product on the lips will allow the skin to quickly recover and get everything it needs for recovery and a healthy glow.

Vitamin E

This tool can be bought at the pharmacy in capsules or drops. At a fairly budget cost, vitamin E can work wonders. Apply a couple of drops and do not rinse. Such a vitamin mask will allow the lips to quickly get rid of dryness and become soft and healthy.

Also, as folk remedies, cream, cocoa butter, almond and shea butter, carrot juice and wax are used. All of these funds can be mixed in various proportions and create masks, focusing on the result that you want to get.

  1. Purchase or make your own nourishing lip balm or lip balm and keep it handy at all times.
  2. In case of herpes, refuse balms for the duration of treatment. Otherwise, you will prolong the duration of the disease and most likely get infected from the old balm after recovery.
  3. Try to exclude smoking and alcohol - they adversely affect the condition of the skin and the whole body.
  4. Always apply a balm 15 minutes before applying make-up, especially matte lipsticks.
  5. Try not to lick your lips - this will definitely lead to chapping, even in the warm season.
  6. Arrange spa treatments for your lips at least once a week. Scrubs, masks and massages will help them always be in excellent condition.

We offer a step-by-step guide to action to solve the problem of dry lips .


Your lips need constant care at any time of the year. To prevent dryness and cracks, you should regularly, about once every 3 hours, use special balms and hygienic lipsticks.

Keep one tube each at home, at work and in your purse, use them when you experience the slightest discomfort and dryness. Over time, this will become a habit, and you will feel the need to use the balm in time.

Don't forget masks and scrubs. These procedures should be carried out at least once or twice a week. Extra nutrition and massage will make them soft and you will enjoy the feeling of hydration and healthy skin.

Our lips have very delicate and sensitive skin that needs constant protection and care. With timely treatment and regular prevention, you can enjoy your lips without experiencing discomfort and discomfort.

The red border on the outside and the mucous membrane of the lips from the side of the oral cavity have a slightly different structure, resistance to adverse factors and properties. The "chapping" of the lips or the appearance of cracks on them are manifestations familiar to many people, especially during cold windy weather and a lack of vitamins. Many conditions, such as fever, a viral infection, or an allergic reaction, can appear on the lips.

Cheilitis is a benign inflammatory disease of the lips. There are actually cheilitis and symptomatic inflammation in other diseases.

Classification of lip diseases

There are several types of cheilitis, which differ depending on the causes and characteristics of the clinical course.
  1. Actually cheilitis: exfoliative, glandular, meteorological and actinic.
  2. Symptomatic cheilitis: atopic, eczematous, chronic cracked lips, cheilitis with hypovitaminosis and other forms.

Exfoliative cheilitis

Causes of development: stress, hereditary predisposition, mental disorders, decreased immunity. Manifestations:

  • with a dry form - the appearance of dry light peeling crusts over the entire zone of the red border of the lips, redness, peeling. There is a habit of constantly licking the lips.
  • in the exudative form - soreness, redness, burning and swelling of the lips, the appearance of gray-yellow crusts in the Klein zone (between the red border and the mucous membrane). The crusts are easily removed, there are no erosions under them.

Treatment: soothing sedatives, lubricating lips with indifferent creams, removing crusts with 2% solution of boric acid and exposure to boundary rays (Bucca radiation) 2 Gy 2 times a week. At the same time, drugs are prescribed that increase the reactivity of the body, for example, Pyrogenal.

Glandular cheilitis

Inflammatory disease of the lips associated with the work of the small salivary glands located in this area. It is more common in men over 50 years of age.

Manifestations: red dots are observed on the red border of the lips, from which droplets of saliva appear - a symptom of "dew drops". Due to constant moisturizing and evaporation of moisture, dry lips quickly develop, cracks and erosion appear. If an infection enters the dilated ducts of the glands, pus, swelling and severe soreness of the lips appear.

Treatment: anti-inflammatory ointments (hydrocortisone, prednisolone), electrocoagulation and excision of enlarged salivary glands.

Meteorological cheilitis

Under the influence of adverse environmental factors (humidity, cold, wind, frost, etc.), meteorological cheilitis may develop. An important role is played by the structural features of the skin and the presence of chronic skin diseases.

Manifestations: lips become red, swollen, there is a feeling of tightening of the lips, peeling, dryness. With prolonged flow, cracks may appear. A person constantly licks his lips, trying to moisturize them.

Treatment: avoid adverse environmental factors, treat lips with protective emollient creams, corticosteroid ointments (if necessary), drink a course of multivitamins.

actinic cheilitis

This form of inflammation of the lips is associated with their increased sensitivity to ultraviolet rays. The disease worsens with prolonged exposure to the sun.

Manifestations: the disease begins with dry lips, redness, the appearance of cracks and the formation of scales. In the future, long-term non-healing erosions, ulcers, and areas of lip compaction may form. With the development of the chronic form, there is a risk of malignancy of the disease and its transition to precancer.

Treatment: the use of photoprotective creams on the street, corticosteroid ointments (prednisolone, Flucinar). A course of vitamins, nicotinic acid is prescribed, in some cases antimalarial drugs (Delagil 0.25 g 2 times a day for 2-3 weeks) and corticosteroids (prednisolone 10 mg per day) are added to the treatment.

Atopic cheilitis

This disease is one of the symptoms of neurodermatitis and is often found in children and adolescents.

Causes: the action of allergens - medicines, household dust, plant pollen, microorganisms, bacteria,.

Manifestations: the red border of the lips and the surrounding skin become red, dry, flaky, cracks form on them. A person feels burning, itching, dry skin.

Treatment: antiallergic drugs are recommended (Suprastin, Claritin, Phenkarol), vitamins of group B. With a long course, corticosteroids are prescribed for 2-3 weeks. Corticosteroid ointments are used locally 4-5 times a day. Good results are obtained by the use of Bucca's boundary beams. It is recommended to exclude possible allergens from food during treatment, to limit the intake of carbohydrates.

Eczematous cheilitis

It is a symptom of a general eczematous process - inflammation of the surface layers of the skin of a neuroallergic nature.

Manifestations: in the acute stage, vesicles, crusts, scales on the red border are observed, the lips swell, the person feels pain, itching, burning. The process extends to the surrounding skin. In the chronic course of the disease, swelling and redness are much less, areas of the lips and affected skin become denser, scales and peeling appear on them.

Treatment: prescribe desensitizing and sedative drugs. Inflamed areas are treated locally with corticosteroid ointments, antimicrobials (Lorinden C, Sinalar-N, Dexocort).

Chronic cracked lips

Smoking is one of the factors contributing to chronic chapped lips.

A crack is a linear violation of the integrity of tissues, it can form on the red border of the lips, on the skin, in the corners of the mouth. It occurs often, heals for a long time.

Causes: individual characteristics of the structure of the lips, their dryness, chronic trauma, bad habits (licking, sucking), smoking, stress, chronic diseases.

Manifestations: a single deep linear crack occurs, located transversely on the red border of the lips, very painful, can spread to the skin. With a long course, the crack is covered with brown crusts, around it the tissue becomes swollen, painful. Healing is difficult due to the constant movement of the lips during conversation, eating. Relapses of lip defects appear in the same places. In 6% of cases, cracks can become malignant.

Treatment: wound healing agents (sea buckthorn oil, rosehip oil, Solcoseryl), anti-inflammatory drugs (indomethacin, tetracycline or calendula-based ointment).

Lip diseases are common. Not all people pay due attention to the manifestations of inflammation on the lips and do not carry out the correct treatment. Nevertheless, it should be remembered that with prolonged existence, they can turn into a more serious disease - precancer of the lips. It is not at all difficult to seek advice from a doctor with frequent exacerbations of the disease. If emollient protective balms, creams, lipsticks do not give a positive effect and the inflammation of the lips only intensifies, the need for the use of special means becomes obvious, which only a doctor can choose.

Which doctor to contact

If cracks, dryness, crusts appear on the lips, you should consult a dentist. Additional assistance will be provided by a dermatologist and cosmetologist. In the allergic nature of the disease, consultation with an allergist is necessary.

Lips are a very sensitive part of the human body. They feel the slightest touch, a breath of wind, react to excessive moisture, changes in general well-being. Burning on the lips has more serious causes, consisting in various kinds of diseases. Their surface is easily inflamed, changing its appearance, acquiring a bright color or pallor, unevenness, bleeding. Noticeable small scales or sores may appear on it. Feelings on the lips in this case are itchy, burning, painful. I want to constantly lick them, which sometimes brings temporary relief, but exacerbates the problem.

Read in this article

Common Causes of Burning

There are many nerve endings and pain receptors in the area of ​​the face and lips. Impact on them leads to irritation, transmission of impulses to the brain. The sensitivity of the lips increases, turning into discomfort and soreness. Their surface is thin, not protected from the inside by fatty tissue, which makes this area of ​​the body vulnerable not only to external, but also internal stimuli.
To make the lips dry, inflamed, lead to discomfort can:

  • Allergy. Intolerance to food, drugs, cosmetics causes a rejection reaction in it. This affects the composition of the blood, antibodies appear in it. This is how protective forces are revealed. And the lips are well supplied with blood. Due to the presence of atypical components in it, they can “catch fire”, acquire swelling and redness.
Quincke's edema with a manifestation on the upper lip
  • Oral infections. A huge variety of bacteria is settled on the mucous membrane of this zone and teeth. It is enough to catch a little cold, not to heal caries, as an erosive area and burning sensation appear.
  • vitamin deficiency. The lack of folic and ascorbic acids in the body, as well as other necessary substances, leads to a disruption in the supply of oxygen to tissues, a deterioration in their condition. This is manifested by dry lips and soreness. Their surface becomes thinner, becomes more uneven.
  • Dry mouth. This phenomenon becomes one of the signs of problems with the throat, salivary glands or their ducts. The same is noted in diabetes mellitus, when you are constantly thirsty. Some medicines have a similar effect. You have to constantly lick your lips, which is why their shell dries, cracks and stings.
  • CNS overexcitation. From an excess of emotions, metabolic reactions are accelerated, which can lead to a rush of blood to the face and irritation of the nerves in the lips. The surface begins to burn, as if they are overflowing from the inside.
  • Chemical exposure. It's about low-quality cosmetics for the lips. Not only women are at risk, because men sometimes apply hygienic lipstick on them. And it may contain substances that burn the delicate skin of the lips.

Possible lip diseases with similar symptoms

Burning on the lips can occur due to a disease that directly affects this area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe body or located nearby. Their nature and manifestations are different, each has other distinctive features.


Inflammatory disease of the red border of the lips can excite different microorganisms, but all its types are combined under the name of cheilitis.

Types of cheilitis a brief description of Photo
catarrhal It manifests itself after prolonged exposure to cold, and also due to trauma to the lips. Scales appear on them, general swelling, a feeling of discomfort
Glandular There is a problem with the salivary glands, the malfunctioning of which causes constant moisture on the lips. Evaporating, it provokes drying, the surface cracks until blood appears, due to which ulcers form on it.
exfoliative Loose nerves, depression, and an overactive thyroid gland can lead to flaky lips, accompanied by severe pain. But the crusts on the lips that form with such cheilitis are easily removed.
eczematous It is provoked by general disorders in the body. Pinching sores, spots of a different color, scales appear on the lips.
atopic Occurs due to external unwanted influence. It is manifested by redness and swelling of the lips, the appearance of small rashes on them, itching. With the development of the problem, they acquire painful cracks and erosion.
actinic This species is provoked by the sun's rays, if there is an increased sensitivity to them. The lips become red, dry, cracked and sting.

Chronic cracked lips

Problems with the look and feel of the vermilion border area of ​​the lips may show up due to chronic fissure. This damage is localized not only on their surface, but also in closely located areas of the skin, in the corners of the mouth. Contribute to the appearance of chronic cracks can:

  • individual features of the anatomy of the lips;
  • smoking;
  • bad habits like constant licking of their surface, biting;
  • stress.

The pathology is a deep lesion across the lip from which blood can ooze. At rest, the crack dries up, but when eating, talking, the tissues that tightened it tear again, causing pain. There is swelling around.

The problem is prone to recurrence. And its frequent resumption can lead to the appearance of malignant cells.


Burning in the area of ​​​​the lips can be provoked by the herpes virus. Once infected with it, the problem cannot be completely eliminated. This does not mean that now you have to always walk with sores on your face. But periodically occurring exacerbations cause:

  • burning above the upper lip or below, on the side;
  • almost immediately redness;
  • swelling of the mucous membrane and skin, on which transparent blisters quickly form;
  • clouding of painful blisters;
  • the formation of crusts on them.

The whole process can occur against the background of general malaise, with fever, weakness.

They provoke exacerbations for a long stay in the cold or heat, the occurrence of other diseases. People with reduced immunity, smokers who do not pay enough attention to nutrition, as well as women on critical days often suffer from herpetic eruptions.


Microorganisms are constantly present in the oral cavity, and therefore, around the lips. But normally this is not a problem. And only some have cracks in the corners of the lips on the inside or outside. These are seizures, which are based on inflammation. It does not occur out of the blue, but is a signal that the body's defenses are weakened, they cannot control the pathogenic microflora.

The problem begins to develop with the appearance of small spherical thickenings or bubbles in the corners of the mouth. The skin and mucous membranes itch, pinch. From mechanical impact (it is difficult to resist combing these places), the bubbles are damaged, forming cracks that ooze fluid and blood. At this point, an ulcer is formed.

Seizures are provoked not only by bacteria (usually streptococcus), but also by fungi and viruses. The problem is more likely to occur in diabetics, people with malocclusion, diseases of the salivary glands, in which excess fluid is produced. Contributes to the appearance of jam long treatment with hormones and antibiotics. Can push relapse:

  • insufficient hygiene;
  • hypothermia and overheating;
  • digestive pathologies;
  • anemia.


Discomfort and unsightly external changes on the surface of the lips can be a manifestation of dental problems. On the red border, sores are found, white rounded spots that hurt and interfere with speaking, eating. This is stomatitis, which often occurs on the gums, the inside of the cheeks. But sometimes they remain clean, and burning lips will alert you to a problem.

There are several types of stomatitis, which are distinguished by the pathogen:

  • Bacterial. It is caused by staphylococci or streptococci, but it happens that other microorganisms also. The lips turn red, inflamed, covered with cracks and sores. An unpleasant odor is distinctly coming from the mouth.
  • candida. It is caused by a fungus that, if it is impossible to control the immune system, multiplies pathologically. Candidiasis stomatitis covers the lips with a white, easily removable film. The surface underneath is red, inflamed and itchy.
  • aphthous. It is characterized by the appearance of white or yellowish painful spots, starting with the formation of bubbles on the surface of the lips. Aphthous stomatitis can cause fever, general weakness.
Aphthous stomatitis
  • Traumatic. The cause of this type of disease is unsuccessful fillings, dentures or braces. The protruding parts of these structures can permanently damage the surface of the lips. The presence of an unremovable traumatic factor leads to chronic inflammation.
  • Allergic. The reason may be hidden deep in the oral cavity and be a means of fastening the prosthesis, a medicine placed in the tooth cavity or used in the treatment of other diseases, but requiring resorption. The skin first becomes bright red and too smooth, then blisters form on it, merging into large spots. They are damaged with the formation of painful ulcers.

About why lips dry and what to do about it, see this video:

Dryness and burning of the lips should not be taken only as a cosmetic defect and always hope that it will disappear on its own. In some cases, this happens, but the persistence of the pathology causing the problem will necessarily lead to a relapse. Therefore, with a long existence of pain and rashes on the lips, cracks and crusts, or the frequent occurrence of unpleasant sensations and a changed appearance, one should look for the cause of this. Only its elimination will return the former attractiveness and comfort to the lips.

The first cracks, roughness and sores on the lips can bring discomfort into everyday life.

In addition, they can be the cause of the disease.

Causes and treatment

If the lips are peeling and cracking, then there is a reason for that.

Causes of cracks:

  • prolonged wind chill:
  • exposure to dry air;
  • non-compliance with the rules of personal hygiene;
  • the habit of licking lips in the wind;
  • anemia;
  • insufficient amount of B vitamins;
  • allergic reaction;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • dermatological diseases;
  • bite problems.

When the lips crack, small cracks appear on the delicate skin with peeling skins. Sometimes this problem ends with bleeding wounds.

In this case, the best way out is to see a doctor, since infection with streptococcal and bacterial infections is possible.

Only a specialist can prescribe the correct diagnosis and find out the root cause of such discomfort. It is especially worth being vigilant in the formation of seizures, which can be of secondary origin. Then no "Kulibin" and folk methods will help. Only a doctor can save you.

The principles of treatment of cracks and wounds on the lips depend on the type and stage of the disease. With a mild form of the disease, herbal medicine and measures to strengthen the immune system will help.

If the presence of herpes infection or Zhiber's disease is confirmed, complex treatment will have to be completed, in which antibiotics will also take part.

Why lips crack and peel

If the lips are peeling and cracking, what should I do? Initially, you need to eliminate the causes.

To do this, avoid prolonged exposure to the wind and licking your lips:

  1. As a result of licking, saliva remaining on the skin of the lips can cause irritation. This is due to the content of acid in it, which has a negative effect on the epidermal lining of the lips.
  2. If the skin on the lips begins to crack and peel off, you need to try to find a universal method of treatment. The main one is the use of therapeutic balm and hygienic lipstick, saturated with vitamins and immunostimulants. Of the preparations on a natural basis, cosmetic products based on bee products have a positive effect. Of the medications - Panthenol, which has anti-inflammatory and healing effects, can help.
  3. Before going outside, the patient should give up acidic, salty foods that have a negative effect on the digestive tract.
  4. Sometimes a problem with the lips manifests itself in the form of seizures, which are easily eliminated with synthomycin ointment. By diversifying the treatment with a course of taking vitamins, the problem of cracked lips will eliminate itself.
  5. In the presence of a herpes infection, a qualified specialist is able to save from the disease.

What to do if the border of the lips is inflamed - the most frequently asked questions of the owners of beautiful lips.

Well, of course, immediately contact a dermatologist.

Perhaps the culprit is a bacterial infection that can only be cured with drugs:

  1. If the diagnosis shows beriberi, you will have to pay attention to the fortification of the body and saturation of its macro- and microelements.
  2. When allergies are the cause of chapped lips, it's a good idea to fill your daily walkie-talkie with greens and vegetables like spinach, parsley, nuts, and fish.
  3. If the peeling of the lips is accompanied by a change in the color of the lips, it is urgent to stop smoking and enjoy more fresh air. Most likely, your body began to falter and needs rest. Eight hours of sleep should be observed unquestioningly, and oral hygiene will only benefit.

What makes sponges dry

Sponges crack and hurt, bleeding wounds appear - you need to take appropriate measures.

The main causes of jaw cracking are:

  1. The damaging effects of UV rays. When the skin of the lips is burned in the sun, their flaking occurs, accompanied by unbearable itching, pain and swelling.
  2. Zaedy. This word is familiar to everyone. Painful cracks in the corners of the mouth bring not only discomfort while eating, but also in Everyday life. In these places, the skin is literally torn to pieces. As a rule, the reason lies in the lack of vitamins.
  3. Herpes infection. Its appearance is accompanied by the appearance of itchy sensations, infrequently ending in blisters. The skin dries up and breaks. The cause of herpes is the presence of SARS.
  4. Cheilite. Inflammatory processes of the border of the lips, the cause of which is the use of low-quality cosmetic preparations. In addition to cosmetics, yeast-like fungi that make lips flaky and red can cause the disease. When diagnosing candidiasis, the surface of the lips peels off to wounds. Pain, burning and dryness are the main symptoms of the disease.
  5. Hives. The main symptom of hives is dryness and cracking of the delicate skin. Urticaria covers the entire surface around the mouth. Its appearance is associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, alcohol abuse and smoking, prolonged stress and depression, and mental problems. Sometimes the causes of urticaria are some hidden diseases of the body.
  6. The impact of cold. The main cause of chapped lips. When weathering, the patient feels tightness of the skin, accompanied by bursting and cracks.

Constant problem of cracks

In addition to the reasons mentioned earlier, there are others that are of an internal nature. They are the signal of a serious illness.

Thus, the body defends itself and tries to convey to its owner that the immune system has malfunctioned and requires urgent action:

  • diseases of the gastric tract - gastritis and gastroduodenitis, requiring sparing nutrition and changing the daily routine;
  • dehydration of the body - indicates its exhaustion and problems with immunity;
  • kidney disease - cause dryness and cracks on the lips, only a competent therapist can help in this case;
  • diabetes - dry lips, mouth and constant thirst are the first symptoms of diabetes;
  • improper functioning of the thyroid gland - as a rule, its occurrence is associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, stress and hormonal disruptions;
  • dermatological diseases - can spoil the appearance of the lips and bring its owner or owner to depression;
  • beriberi - a lack of vitamins of groups E and B, first of all, is reflected on the lips;
  • pregnancy period - the forces of the body are spent not on one person, but on at least two, a hormonal imbalance occurs, manifested in the appearance of flaky crusts and cracks on the lips.

Ignoring these reasons means not respecting your body and yourself.

The appearance of peeling, cracks and wounds on the skin of the lips can be not only a cosmetic defect, but also a signal of the onset of a serious disease! This is especially true for those men, women and children in whom dryness of the lips and oral cavity is permanent.


Crack in the middle and what to do about it

Why do lips crack in the middle:

  • avitaminosis;
  • weathering;
  • excessive dryness;
  • period of pregnancy.

With beriberi, a lack of vitamins can provoke the appearance of both a small and a large, deep crack.

Usually such a crack begins to bleed and gives a feeling of soreness to its owner.

If timely treatment is not taken, it may become infected.

If the lips crack in the middle, this indicates a weakening of the immune system. A clear example of this is the period of pregnancy. In this case, only vitaminization of the body will help, and lubrication of the lips with nourishing creams and balms on a natural basis.

In the absence of a bacterial infection on the lips, folk remedies are effective methods of treating cracked lips in the middle.

Pathology on the edges of the lips

These cracks are called jams, and can disturb a person for a long time. Not paying attention to such a phenomenon can be considered frivolous, since the body gives a signal to pay attention to it.

The main reason for seizures is a lack of vitamins. This leads to dry lips and cracks.

In addition, there are a number of other reasons:

  1. Ignoring the rules of personal hygiene.

Failure to care for the oral cavity, improper brushing of teeth and the presence of undertreated teeth contribute to the occurrence of infection.

  1. Malocclusion.

The reason for the appearance of cracks in the corners of the mouth is the incorrect structure of the jaw, which protrudes above the lip and irritates it.

  1. Allergic reaction.

Incorrectly chosen soap or low-quality cosmetic preparations can provoke an allergic reaction and the appearance of seizures.

  1. Anemia.

Iron deficiency in the body can change the color of the lips towards white and contribute to the occurrence of seizures.

  1. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Violation of metabolic processes in the body.

If you suspect any of these reasons, you should contact a medical institution for help.

Only qualified specialists can help find the right solution to eliminate the cause of cracked and rough lips.

The appearance of seizures can be the cause of a precancerous condition and infection of the body. If the disease is accompanied by weakness and swelling under the eyes, start sounding the alarm. The body needs help!

We get rid of at home with the help of folk remedies

As folk methods for treating cracked lips are the following:

  1. Honey ointment. To prepare it, you need 2 tbsp. mix honey with st. l. visceral fat and lubricate painful areas of the lips three times a day.
  2. Oils. Treatment of cracks with olive, sea buckthorn, rosehip and peach oils nourishes the surface of the lips, heals wounds and relieves inflammation.
  3. Garlic juice. Garlic has bactericidal, healing and immunomodulatory properties. Lubrication of the corners of the mouth with garlic juice promotes their rapid healing.
  4. Plantain juice. Freshly squeezed plantain juice relieves inflammation on the lips and quickly heals wounds.
  5. Creative mask. Pre-shredded fatty cottage cheese, diluted with vegetable oil, is able to remove any inflammatory processes from the lips.

The main goal of treating cracked and rough lips at home is to moisturize them and maximize their nutrition with natural substances.

If you ignore folk methods, you can turn to effective medications, which can be chosen drugs Levomekol and Vishnevsky ointment.

Features of nutrition with this problem

Help in the fight against the problem of chapped lips can be observed following the rules of nutrition, which include the following recommendations:

  • refusal of salty and sour foods that can irritate the surface of the skin of the lips;
  • rejection of citrus fruits and figs, which are capable of provoking cracks under the influence of acid;
  • refusal to use alcohol and tobacco, which depress the immune system;
  • refusal of chewing gum and sweets stuffed with dyes and GMOs;
  • preference should be given to fruits and vegetables, nuts, olive oil, sour cream, red meat;
  • in the presence of cracks, it is necessary to eat in small portions and a small spoon, which will help not to open your mouth too much and create conditions for deepening the crack;
  • Saturate your daily diet with fiber-rich foods as much as possible.

Crack Prevention

To ensure the beauty of the face and give it grooming, it is necessary to take preventive measures to care for the skin of the lips and prevent the occurrence of various diseases.

Prevention of the skin of the lips provides for the following recommendations:

  1. Performing a massage.

An ordinary toothbrush can be used as a lip massage. Before starting the procedure, you need to lubricate the surface of the lips with a nourishing cream or fortified oil. With circular gentle movements for 2 minutes, the lips are massaged with a brush. Lip massage accelerates blood circulation in the lips, makes them appetizing and sexy.

  1. Refusal of low-quality bright and saturated tones of lipsticks.

As a rule, such cosmetics contain a lot of dyes that dry out the surface of the lips, and contribute to the appearance of microcracks on them.

  1. Application of nourishing and natural healing oils before applying lip color cosmetics.
  2. Daily use of cosmetic products with a moisturizing effect in the morning toilet.
  3. The use of aromatherapy, which has a positive effect not only on the epidermis of the lips, but also on the whole organism.
  4. Refusal of self-medication. Sometimes the cause of problems on the lips is not a lack of vitamins and hypothermia, but the presence of a herpes infection. In this case, the use of moisturizers will not save. You will have to undergo medical treatment.
  5. Minimizing the time spent above freezing and dry wind.
  6. Maintaining a healthy diet and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
  7. Compliance with the rules of personal hygiene.

In conclusion, we can say that the problem of cracking and peeling of the lips worries not only adults, but also children with teenagers. Its occurrence can be provoked by both weather factors and some internal diseases of the body.

As a treatment for cracked and flaky lips, both medication and folk remedies can be used. It all depends on what diagnosis the attending physician makes.

Why lips crack - causes and treatment

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