Shaved short whiskey for girls and women: trendy haircut options. Shaved temples for girls: fashionable women's haircuts

A unisex hairstyle with elements for a typewriter is a way to change the image, to shock the public. Hollywood divas - Rihanna, Pink, Avril Lavigne - became the trendsetters of shaved temples and the back of the head. From the podium, a shocking haircut came to the masses, instantly capturing the highest positions of trends.

The idea of ​​shaved temples on the sides belongs to DJ and rock frontman Skrillex from California, from which the name of the element is derived.

The popularity of haircuts with shaved temples and the back of the head is explained by the advantages important for girls:

  • it is stylish, unusual, expresses originality, characterizes the personality;
  • convenience - a haircut does not require much time for styling;
  • practicality - correction of the back of the head or sides is easy to do on your own;
  • versatility - shaving the temples can be implemented at any length, hair color;
  • the haircut is suitable for different styles of clothing, makeup, accessories, looks great with trendy massive jewelry;
  • corrects imperfections.

Who is trending after
makes a wonderful image
brunette street amazing

In the new season, haircuts with shaving of the temples and the back of the head are a hot hit. He is at the top of the "top 10 most fashionable hairstyles" ranking.

Shaved head for girls with patterns

Skrillex is performed with a machine (nozzle 3-8 mm). Rarely are heads bald to zero. The higher the level of the open lower zone rises relative to the side parting, the greater the field for imagination when cutting.

Skrillex whiskey can be decorated with an interesting design.

  1. Shaving patterns on the sides or on the back of the head - stripes, inscriptions, drawings, hieroglyphs, ornament. Flames, stars, semantic abbreviations, dynamic graffiti are possible.
  2. The parting shaved with an arrow looks original. The element is cut off from the crown, then expands into a triangle shape in the frontal part.
  3. Artistic coloring - vegetable, animal, geometric prints on the temples are made with resistant paint, more often under a stencil for accurate reproduction of the pattern.
  4. You can see brindle, leopard or zebra color. It looks even cooler on the back of the head of a snake, a lizard, an animal grin. You can create a drawing for one time, for example, for a theme party. For this, decorative cosmetics, mascara are used. Effectively decorated with rhinestones glued along the contour of the pattern.
  5. Tattoo - with a complete zeroing of the temples, the back of the head, temporary mehendi based on henna is usually made. Extreme permanent color or monochrome tattoo.

On natural blondes, shaving is almost imperceptible. Exit - the masters paint or stuff the pattern.
Technically high-quality, really advanced design can only be done by professionals. Each such master has a catalog of his author's works, from which you can choose something original for yourself.

Interestingly, the fashion for skrillex with a pattern has touched even the children's audience. Not only boys, but also girls of school, preschool age can be seen with a haircut and bows, flowers or cartoon characters shaved at the temples or the back of the head.

Older boys and girls prefer intricate patterns, which makes them stand out in any youth get-together.

List of women's hairstyles with shaved nape and temples

The names boxing, half-boxing, tennis, tomboy, British used to be associated with model haircuts for men. The current fashion is more democratic.

On the side of the strip defiantly
curls on long curls stars
blonde at the hairdresser's

No one is surprised by girls and even mature ladies with shaved temples, the back of their heads or a completely bald head. The quintessence of masculinity and feminine charm in a single image is unusual, which is why it is so attractive.

The advantage of extraordinary haircuts is variability. Skrillex whiskey is made by:

  • simultaneously lateral zone + back of the head;
  • shaved temples - on one or both sides;
  • only the back of the head;
  • on short, medium or long curls;
  • structure - curly, straight hair, thick hair;
  • area - from a thin strip to half the head.

A new reading this year was received by the men's undercut haircut in the female version. As well as hairstyles that can be called "transformer", "chameleon" or similar.

These are models of haircuts with shaved temples, the back of the head with medium or long hair. The bottom line is that Skrillex can be hidden for everyone in your business area, but open to the eye in the company of friends, at a club party.

trendy haircuts:

  • grunge bob;
  • Iroquois;
  • pixies;
  • asymmetry.

Kare with shaved temples

Side zones cut on the right, left or both sides can turn even a conservative model into a creative hairstyle. Therefore, you can update your image without changing your haircut with the help of skrillex.

  • skrillex of the temporal zone - looks advantageous on a classic square or with elongated strands to the face;
  • shaved nape - looks impressive on the model "on the leg", especially with a beautiful pattern in the open area;
  • face type - any, this haircut with clipped temples or the back of the head can hide flaws;
  • structure - medium or thick curls.

Shaved areas during haircuts eat up a large amount of hair. Therefore, skrillex at the temples is not done with a fine strand structure, but can be performed in the back of the head.

Bob with shaved head

This haircut looks more restrained, since there is no pronounced contrast between the total mass of hair and the side zones cut under the typewriter.

Skrillex and shaved whiskey for a bob haircut will suit:

  • under any hair structure - if you do styling with the effect of negligence;
  • face type - except for a heavy chin or rough features, otherwise after a haircut there is a risk of looking like a guy;
  • the ideal option is a shaved area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe temples on the right or left, plus an elongated oblique bang.

A bob with cropped elements looks very creative, so it is classified as a youth fashion. Stylists do not recommend this hairstyle for older ladies, it may look unnatural.

Asymmetric haircut with shaved temple

It can be said that skrillex is the base of asymmetry, which is modeled on the difference in length on the sides. Suitable for brave girls who value extravagance.

pink long
back view with patterns

Shaved bangs

In the past and this season, an ultra-short bang, which barely departs from the marginal hairline, is breaking popularity records. It is worn by both girls and ladies of mature age. A striking example is Kristen Stewart, Charlize Theron with shaved bangs.

Who will go:

  • forehead - low or medium;
  • face type - for an oval, rounded or rectangular shape, as it visually lengthens the contour;
  • skin - without pimples, mimic wrinkles in the forehead.

Shaved head and temples for girls with long hair

The novelty of the season - curls below the shoulders, combined with a deep skrillex of the side zone of the vis on one side or at the bottom of the head.

The trend is a shaved nape and temple, decorated with a curly pattern. It can be an original color or a tattoo. Emphasis on shaved temples or the back of the head can be done with an appropriate hairstyle from long hair.

  1. Bundle - suitable for every day, easy to comb and style on your own, focuses on shaving the back of the head or sides, if the hair is twisted at the crown.
  2. The tail will soften the contrast. Will draw eyes to the design at the temples or the back of the head. Laying with a high ponytail looks spectacular on thick curls.
  3. Bow - modeled from hair, creates an unusual impression of rebelliousness and femininity.
  4. Weaving is the most spectacular hairstyle that is applicable both in everyday life and for an evening look.

Women's haircuts with shaved temples for medium hair

This is a universal length of curls for creating trendy hairstyles and a variety of styling. Suitable for all ages, any type of hair, face, style of dress and make-up, including shaved temples or the back of the head. It all depends on how to comb and wear a haircut with medium hair.

Which models are combined with shaved temples and the back of the head:

  • variations of a caret;
  • undercard;
  • session;
  • elongated bean;
  • any modification of the cascade;
  • ladder;
  • multi-level haircuts;
  • fringe;
  • layered options.

Haircuts with medium hair, decorated with skrillex and a curly pattern on shaved temples, look interesting. Look at the photo.

Short women's haircuts with shaved nape and temples

The introduction of skrillex into the style makes the model simply super-enchanting. And ultra-short hairstyles in themselves look stylish and bold. Shaved temples and the back of the head in combination with short hair is suitable if you have:

  • face in the form of an oval, rectangle, heart, circle, square or elongated;
  • any hair structure;
  • soft features, high cheekbones, expressive eyes, beautiful lip contour, swan neck;
  • no skin problems (pimples, birthmarks, etc.);
  • there are no obvious shortcomings (big nose, protruding ears).

Creative haircuts of the latest trends.

Fashion is incredibly fast paced. More recently, girls could not even imagine that a female haircut with shaved temples would someday become popular. Hairdressers provided this service mainly to men. Another well-established cliche is that only young people who identify themselves with any subculture (Goths, punks, and others) shave whiskey. Today you will not surprise anyone with such a haircut.

Women's hair fashion, like clothing fashion, often borrows ideas from men's fashion. Now shaved whiskey for girls is not only normal and acceptable, but also beautiful, creative and fresh. This fashion trend is used all over the world, all female representatives. Even Hollywood beauties are not afraid to show open whiskey. On the red carpet, star events, you can increasingly meet fashionistas with this particular haircut. A couple of years ago, women's haircuts with shaved temples were found only in subcultures. But now everything has changed! From now on, this hairstyle is one of the most popular among many Hollywood stars, as well as ordinary women.

For bright, bold and young, not a simple shaving of the temple is suitable, but shaving in the form of some kind of pattern. It is important to know that shaving a pattern is not suitable for all types of hair. Dry hair is difficult to style, so it will be difficult to apply a pattern on them. And even harder to keep. A haircut with shaved temples for girls involves different types of styling and hairstyles. If the temple is shaved on only one side, then styling with combed hair on one side will do. They will emphasize the contrast of length, as well as demonstrate the haircut in all its glory. If the temples are shaved on both sides, you can safely collect your hair in a high or low ponytail, weave all types of braids and do any other types of hairstyles. It is better to replace the classic bangs with a very short one or comb a long bang to the side. It is important to know that a haircut with shaved temples for girls is a youthful, bold idea and involves following the appropriate style of clothing. A classic, business wardrobe will not fit such a haircut. If you still don’t want to drastically change your image or are just looking to change it, you can make a simple hairstyle that will show whether a shaved temple suits you.

In the recent past, extravagant haircuts were quite rare and were perceived extremely ambiguously, but today the situation has changed radically - many, on the contrary, seek to express their originality and uniqueness using a hairstyle for this. One of the fashionable and modern trends for women is a haircut with shaved temples, which appeared not so long ago, but quickly gained popularity. Stylists have come up with many varieties of such a hairstyle, so you can always choose the right option that will harmoniously fit into your everyday look. However, not everyone can afford a haircut with shaved temples; it suits bright and bold, creative and original ladies who love to be in the spotlight.

How to create an image with shaved temples?

Shaved temples in women always attract a lot of attention, so you need to think about creating an image as a whole. It is necessary to carefully consider the style, accessories, shoes. You can add details or complement the image with rock paraphernalia. You can wear bright stylish earrings, bracelets, rings. Jeans, long T-shirts, shirts look spectacular. Sneakers, sneakers and other grunge shoes complete the look. Sometimes not only whiskey is shaved, but also the back of the head. At the same time, at the crown, the strands can remain long. The short nape emphasizes the long neck well.

Being at the peak of fashion, hairstyles with a shaved temple are not suitable for everyone. Experts say that dark hair color, an oval face shape, as well as soft features and a beautiful head shape will be an ideal option. Hair should be thick enough and thick - one of the main conditions. If you want to make a haircut “for yourself”, remember our tips: Very long hair is ideal for a rectangular face shape. If you want to cut your hair, stop at an elongated bang - it will hide sharp cheekbones and make the features softer; For a round face, different hair lengths and elongated oblique bangs are suitable; A square face type needs long strands in the back.

The most fashionable women's haircuts with shaved temples

The advantage of such a haircut is a huge amount. It is not only fashionable, but also very comfortable, as it does not require constant visits to the hairdresser. You can shave your temple yourself at home. She looks quite bold, but harmoniously combined with romantic images. In any case, you will attract the attention of others. Unfortunately, haircuts with shaved temples are not suitable for everyone. It is ideal for women with oval and round face shape and dark hair color. For blondes with thin, sparse hair, it is better to refuse such a haircut, as it will look ridiculous. A girl with absolutely any length of hair can shave whiskey, there are no restrictions, since in any case it will look beautiful and stylish. In addition, you can always experiment with the size of the shaved strip. It can be narrow or quite wide. Some especially brave women create amazing images by shaving half their heads.

A hairstyle with shaved temples can be made even brighter with a tattoo or intricate patterns. Not the last place in the decoration of hairstyles is played by the type of coloring. It can be contrasting, when the temporal areas are made darker or lighter than the main hair, or they are dyed in incredible colors - blue, pink, purple, etc. Or it can be animalistic, when the hair on the temples is dyed under the skin of a tiger, zebra, leopard. Unusual bracelets, cuffs on an open ear, massive bright earrings, and jewelry around the neck will help to complement the image. Choose makeup and the right style of clothing (rock, casual or grunge). Remember that you will have to refuse items that do not match the style.

Fashionable asymmetrical haircut with shaved temples 2017

Such a haircut is obtained when one temple is shaved. It is performed both on short and long strands, it can be combined with a square. This option with bangs also looks good, and the transition to the temple can be made smooth or sharp. Which side to shave the temple? Stylists recommend leaving the hair on the side where the hair is thicker and grows better, so the hairstyle will look more voluminous and spectacular. You can emphasize a shaved temple if you comb the strands to the opposite side. Such styling is done as follows:

    • comb all hair well;
    • shift them to the right side;
    • from the total mass of curls we separate several strands located near the shaved temple and stab them so that they do not interfere yet;
    • on the rest of the hair we make a pile, fix it with varnish;
    • we shift the previously stabbed strands and cover them with a pile;
    • fix the styling with varnish.

Creative haircut with shaved temples 2017 photo ideas options

In this case, the temples are not just shaved, but they depict a pattern or create a relief. Diamonds, zigzags, stripes, leopard prints are quite popular. Variants are also common when the temple is highlighted with a color that contrasts with the general shade of the hair or this place is decorated with a temporary or permanent tattoo. A haircut with shaved temples is a fashionable and bold experiment that will allow you to always be in the spotlight and tell others about your originality. At the same time, do not forget to complement your image with appropriate clothing, bright accessories and eye-catching makeup. Before deciding to shave the strands at the temples and create a vivid image for yourself, you need to think through everything well and weigh the advantages and disadvantages of a haircut.

Do you like this type of haircut? Share your opinion in the comments!

Fashionable women's haircuts with shaved temples. Non-standard hairstyles 💂💂 always attract the curious glances of others. Among these are shaved temples, which gradually moved from the category of men's haircuts to the category of women's. We are sure that some will round their eyes in surprise because of such impudence, because a shaved head has never been associated with tenderness and femininity. Let's try to argue. Haircuts with shaved temples can be quite feminine and romantic.

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Photo gallery: Shaved temples for girls: the latest trend or excessive audacity?

Just a few years ago, shaven haircuts were most common among representatives of rather gloomy subcultures. Today, everything has changed dramatically. Now this is an original, trendy hairstyle, which the most famous women of fashion from all over the world do not disdain. All because they are very spectacular, bright and always unique.

Women's haircuts with shaved temples

The advantage of such a haircut is a huge amount. It is not only fashionable, but also very comfortable, as it does not require constant visits to the hairdresser. You can shave your temple yourself at home. She looks quite bold, but harmoniously combined with romantic images. In any case, you will attract the attention of others.

Unfortunately, haircuts with shaved temples are not suitable for everyone. It is ideal for women with oval and round face shape and dark hair color. For blondes with thin, sparse hair, it is better to refuse such a haircut, as it will look ridiculous.

A girl with absolutely any length of hair can shave whiskey, there are no restrictions, since in any case it will look beautiful and stylish. In addition, you can always experiment with the size of the shaved strip. It can be narrow or quite wide. Some especially brave women create amazing images by shaving half their heads.

Shaved temple of a girl with long hair

How to shave your temple yourself?

As we have already said, hair care is quite simple. You can maintain the ideal length of hair at the temples on your own, it is enough to arm yourself with a share of accuracy and patience. The first time it is better to do it in the salon, the master will give the correct shape and do everything symmetrically. Next, you just need to adjust a little according to the “ready-made template”.

To shave whiskey, it is best to use a clipper. Use the appropriate nozzle depending on the desired length. Stretch the scalp a little and lightly move it over the head.

As you can see, everything is very simple. The main thing is not to rush and carefully shave along the contour. As a result, you will have an original fashionable haircut that does not require special care.

In hairdressing, non-standard solutions have always attracted others, but girls with shaved temples deserve special attention, since such an accent can mainly be found in men's haircuts.

Haircuts with shaved temples

More recently, shaved whiskey among girls was associated with various youth subcultures - punks, goths. Today everything has changed, this type of haircut is not only considered trendy, it can even be seen on the heads of Hollywood divas. If you like original and bold looks, don't be afraid to do hairstyles with shaved temples, because they look impressive not only on the red carpet, but also in everyday life.

The advantages of such a haircut are that:

  • it is stylish and daring, you will definitely attract attention in any situation;
  • it is easy to maintain in its primary state even at home with a razor or trimmer;
  • large jewelry is perfectly combined with it;
  • it is easy to hide it by making a symmetrical parting.

Who will go shaved whiskey?

The essence of a haircut with shaved temples is voluminous, flowing curls. That is, short hair should be only on the temporal region. When deciding to do such a hairstyle, remember that women's haircuts with shaved temples will not look good on blond hair, and will not suit every face shape. Owners of thin and sparse hair are also better off looking at other hairstyle options.

This model looks attractive on:

  • brown-haired women;
  • brunettes;
  • those who have soft facial features;
  • girls with an oval or.

If we talk about the length of creative haircuts with a shaved temple, then there are no restrictions, just as there are no prohibitions and boundaries on the volume of the shaved area. Someone prefers a graceful and thin strip, while someone likes to have half of the head shaved off. This type of hairstyle goes well with elongated bangs and any kind of coloring, including highlighting, coloring.

Shaved patterns and prints

Many girls prefer to emphasize the shaved area more expressively with the help of drawings and prints. It is incredibly fashionable this season.

  1. Shaved patterns on the temples have the only drawback: curly curls will have to be abandoned. Stylists believe that cute and romantic curls are not at all what should be next to brutal and daring shaved temples.
  2. Before making shaved strips on the temples, it is worth consulting with your hairdresser, since the type of hair is very important in this case. So, dry and brittle hair grows in different directions and is difficult to style, that is, the peculiar charm of shaved temples created can simply be lost.

Haircut styling with shaved temples

When making such a creative image, you need to be prepared for the fact that it requires daily support. AND we are talking not only about styling, but also about the general style: clothes, makeup, jewelry and other accessories. Perhaps something from your wardrobe will have to be temporarily not worn.

But, of course, styling takes first place. If you have one temple shaved with long hair, then you can straighten your hair, give it volume, and throw it to one side, emphasizing the contrast of length. Short haircuts with a shaved temple will become more beautiful when volume is created on the head from the remaining hair. In this case, it is better to comb the oblique bangs to the side.

About seven billion people live in the world. Most of us want to stand out from the crowd, to be the one and only. Everyone goes their own way: someone wears bright clothes, someone gets tattoos that make them look after their owners, and someone does hairstyles that make many hair stand on end. The most popular option for an extravagant hairstyle today is shaved temples.

Before talking about the options for the execution of this work of art, let's figure out where the legs grow from. If a few years ago shaved temples were associated with punks or goths, today it is the peak of fashion and most girls dream of such a hairstyle. There is no doubt that movie stars and scenes played an important role in the popularity of this one. It doesn't matter who was the first top model Alice Dellal, the German actress Sophia Thomalla or the singer Rihanna, what matters is that it became popular.

Yesterday you saw a girl with a scattering of slightly curly long hair and associated her with the standard of femininity and innocence. Today the same girl walks down the street with her temples shaved. Everything is so cute and beautiful. Shaved temples in the right way will add to your sexuality and attract even more looks, and will not make you a masculine punk.

There are a lot of options for this hairstyle. To begin with, you can shave both temples or just one. Hairstyle with one shaved temple is the most popular, because if you shave both temples, you will have to braid your hair in a braid or ponytail to show all the charms of your haircut. With one shaved temple, you will only need to resort to various styling products.

Which temple to shave depends on the direction of hair growth. If you look at the photos of the stars, they choose the temple, where the volume of hair is less, so that in the final version of the hairstyle, a lush shock leaves the shaved temple. The hairstyle can be with or without bangs, on long or short, straight or curly hair.

Before going to the master, you should decide on the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe shaved area. Some shave only a small strip, in other cases, girls prefer to shave about a quarter of the total head area. You also need to decide how long to shave your hair. If you are the owner of long hair, stop at a length of shaved hair of at least a centimeter. Shaving your hair shorter is not worth it, as the image may be inharmonious. In the case of short hair, you can shave the temple to zero. Everything is individual and depends on your lifestyle and the life you live.

To make the hairstyle even brighter, you can paint the shaved area in a bright color, or make the coloring in the form of a pattern. Among the stars of show business, leopard motifs are very popular. Also, this hairstyle looks very good with highlighting hair.

Opinions about what shape of the face will most favorably emphasize this hairstyle differ. It is preferable that the girl has a face in the form of a circle or an oval with soft features. It is also worth paying attention to the fact that if you have thin and sparse hair, then you should abandon this one. Do not forget that any hairstyle looks better on clean, healthy hair.

A hairstyle with a shaved temple needs to be adjusted in time. Hair growing on the temple does not always look neat, do not forget to follow them and contact your master in time. In the event of an unfortunate combination of circumstances on long hair, it is easy to hide a shaved temple. You just need to part your hair with a straight parting and close the temple. On short hair, this will not work and you will have to wait until the hair grows back.

Consider all the pros and cons of this hairstyle, choose a good master and discuss all the nuances with him in order to remain satisfied and walk the streets with your head held high.