Patterns of textile toys and dolls. Pattern of an interior doll with a big head and how to sew it

Girls at all times love to play with dolls most of all, and their mothers have no choice but to learn how to do it. do-it-yourself dolls made of fabric to give your child a little piece of a fairy tale. The difference between dolls that you make yourself and those plastic products sold in the store is that homemade products are endowed with individuality, you yourself can choose a theme for them, choose the right image so that the toy becomes an indispensable companion for children's games. However, no less often there are also, whose main task is to decorate the space around them. They are sewn not only for children, but even for adults, as a wonderful gift from childhood.

Make a doll with your own hands from fabric

To make a doll with your own hands from fabric, you, in fact, do not need so much - this is the correct pattern that will create the contours of the doll body, this is a fabric that is suitable in texture and shade, as well as a filler, by adjusting the amount of which, we can achieve either the stability of the body, or, conversely, its pleasant softness and plasticity. The rest of the details will be auxiliary: woolen threads for hair, threads for embroidering facial features or paints for the same purpose, as well as numerous pieces of different fabrics for creating clothes.

Creating a fabric girl is a whole art that has been around for many thousands of years, because at all times babies love to play mother-daughters with them, this is an integral part of growing up and shaping a future woman. When we grow up, the love for these toys does not seem to go away with us, but is transformed into a desire to provide our children with the most beautiful dolls that are possible. And, since it is a very beautiful and atmospheric thing, their own fashion trends and their own legislators of this very fashion began to appear in this craft.

The fashion pillars of modern decor include Tild dolls, which have already conquered the whole world. They are in the homes of people in various countries, and their sewing allows you to get a fashionable and very beautiful decor with your own hands, since Tild patterns and patterns are sold or placed everywhere for free. It is very difficult to describe what exactly is such an incredible attractiveness of Tild, these are toys with a stunningly kind appearance, they seem to personify home comfort. Among them there are also recognizable images, such as the one in which the girl's pattern is complemented by wings and a halo above her head, but the most popular are simple girls who have small wings behind their backs. They are all sewn from thin flesh-colored fabric (in hobby centers you can easily buy everything you need for work), and special attention is paid to clothes, hairstyles, as they always look like miniature copies of real things.

We can say that Tilda is the ideal option for those who are looking for lessons on creating do-it-yourself fabric dolls in stages, because the toy is very popular and there are simply plenty of master classes with photos, diagrams, videos. In the picture you can see the most common pattern options, as well as a diagram for assembling the finished toy. They are usually cut from two types of fabric, the corporal thin fabric is used to create arms, legs and head, and the body, which, according to the canons of Tild, remains closed by clothes, is made of another material, denser and softer, natural cotton or similar options are suitable. The arms and legs are sewn together and stuffed with filler through the seams that are not sewn to the end, which are then closed. But creating a frame is only the very first and simplest stage of the process,. Special attention should be paid to embroidering hair and creating hairstyles, as well as sewing clothes and accessories. However, after successfully completing your first such toy, you will probably want to repeat this creative process again and again.

Maybe it was the popularity of Tild, which thundered so a few years ago, that contributed to the fact that the needlewomen forgot about it and rushed into the creative search for the perfect doll. Therefore, modern fashion trends are inspired and developed by specific people, now their patterns and ideas are repeated by thousands of admirers. We will show you the two most popular varieties of fashion do-it-yourself dolls from fabric, master class which you can easily find: these are Snowballs and pumpkin heads.

Pumpkinheads are called unique do-it-yourself dolls from fabric, photo which you see above. Their body proportions are quite ordinary, but the head is made using a special technology - several sectors are sewn together, which makes it look like a pumpkin, hence the name. It is the head that can be called the main detail for the whole craft, so maximum attention is paid to it. Unlike Tild, for whom face painting is very symbolic, no special attention is paid to it, for pumpkin heads it is important that the face not only has large, beautiful features, but also expresses the given emotions. They draw a face with a thin brush, acrylic paints, literally endowing their creation with history, character, habits. The remaining parts of the body of the pumpkin head are made according to the puppet standard, complemented by clothes, shoes, and accessories.

No less beautiful are the Snowballs, which are also the author's toy, which everyone has been repeating with rapture for several years. Even in the photo you can see how Snowballs differ from others - they are wide, well-stuffed legs that make the figure stable, while the faces are not just schematically made, they are generally practically clean, with small dots instead of eyes and an obligatory blush on the cheeks. Many people do it in the style of Snowballs when toys are intended for New Year's compositions, decorating shelves and coffee tables.

DIY fabric doll for beginners

The beauty of many varieties of children's toys allows them to compete with the most expensive ones, but if you remember that children's play should be the original goal, then the simplest varieties will come in handy. No wonder do-it-yourself cloth doll for beginners in many ways it will be so similar to those dolls that our great-grandmothers had the opportunity to play with.

But before we talk about the so-called primitives or attic dolls, let's look at another variety, which can also be classified as simple. However, another reason was the fact that this is a toy, and not an interior decoration, and the toy is useful, developing. It's about about the so-called Waldorf doll, which is used in educational gardens and schools working on the Waldorf technique. Such a doll for a child will become an ideal companion for games, because the proportions of her body will ideally repeat real human proportions, both for adults and for doll children. Therefore, for sewing Waldorf toys, you need to correctly adhere to the proportions, make the puppet body itself correct and beautiful. The second aspect of the toy is a schematic representation of the face, it is believed that the child himself will endow his toy with a character, he himself will “think out” and imagine, without any imposed stereotypes. That is why we can say that sewing just such a doll is both an exciting creative process and an important point in the pedagogical program. And if you already know how to make fabric, then you will certainly be able to do such a product, especially since this is really a very useful thing for the development of a child.

For beginners who do not have experience with complex patterns and specific materials, the so-called primitives, which can also often be recognized under the name of attic dolls, are suitable. These are toys that absolutely anyone can sew, we can say that pillows are more difficult to make than them. Primitives are distinguished not only by their sketchy faces, but also by their clothes. Their bodies have the most elementary shape, they do not stuff much, so that it is convenient to take them in the hands of even a small child, and absolutely all the shreds that you can find in your home will be useful for sewing.

Children all over the world adore primitives, as they are very convenient to play, sleep, carry everywhere with them, and mom can sew them so much that they can be used to tell the largest fairy tale with many characters. Standing apart among them is the Raggedy Ann doll, with a face made of patches. Such a doll has its own history, it has become a real symbol of America, but is loved by girls all over the world.

Do-it-yourself dolls from fabric with patterns

Sewing primitives, as we have already said, is quite simple, and so that you can see this, we will show you several manufacturing methods. do-it-yourself dolls from fabric with patterns.

The good thing about this variety is also the fact that you are not at all limited in the choice of fabric, materials, degree of stuffing, you have a huge field for experimentation in search of the perfect toy for the baby.

Do-it-yourself doll made of fabric

Popular even in modern interiors is gaining the so-called do-it-yourself amulet doll made of fabric. I recall ancient folk traditions, when it was believed that by creating a small semblance of a person, one can endow him with magical qualities, not only using it as a toy for a child, but also as an amulet that protects from evil forces, giving goodness and fulfillment of desires.

You can find many master classes on such a folk toy, and they can differ significantly depending on the region where they were once invented. Modern amulets, in addition to their mystical meaning, are also very decorative, they are complemented by skillful embroidery in folk style, the most beautiful dresses are made with it, braids are woven from woolen threads. But the face is not made for them at all, and this fact is very important for those who believe in the miraculous power of amulets. Here for do-it-yourself Shrovetide dolls made of fabric a slightly different approach is used - this is an image of the embodiment of winter, so her facial features can be painted, but her age is not long, since the effigy of Maslenitsa was usually burned at the end of the Maslenitsa week.

Do-it-yourself motanka dolls made of fabric

Various amulets have regional features, but the most popular can be called a motanka - a piece of ribbon rolled around hay or sticks, decorated with fabric imitating clothes. The face for the motanka is decorated with a ribbon with the image of a cross, and in general they are considered a very powerful amulet for the well-being of the house, hearth and household.

The doll can become not only a decoration for the house, but also a favorite toy for your child. This article tells the secrets of sewing this product and offers patterns.

For a long time the doll was not only a toy, but also a talisman for a child. The doll was not brought from the store, but did it yourself. It was believed that a thing made by one's own hands was conspired to achieve a certain result: to make a person happy, healthy, to help him find his own path in life or love.

What dolls - protectors of children, has long been forgotten and lost its meaning. Modern toys are made from different materials: plastic, wood, textiles, porcelain. The appearance of modern dolls is sometimes not only surprising, but even shocking: monster dolls, Barbie doll, Winx and even zombie dolls.

For those who wish to please the child at any age, to instill in him a love of toys, a love of beauty and give him a “faithful companion” for all his childhood, will come in handy patterns and tips for self-creation of a textile doll.

For work, you can absolutely come in handy any textile material from what is available at home or purchased in a store: linen, cotton, synthetics, felt, lace and ribbons for decoration. The doll's hair is made from woolen threads, and buttons and embroidery can be used to create facial features.

In this craft, you can express all your creativity. You can make a doll realistic or create a famous fairy tale character. It was previously believed that the doll (in order to become a protector) should repeat the features of your child: the same eye color, hair, favorite clothes, smile and so on.

IMPORTANT: A simple and understandable pattern will help you plan your work correctly so that you get a neat product.

Patterns for a homemade textile doll, step-by-step creation

Finished products, textile dolls:

Unusual doll "nanny"

Realistic gardener doll Little teenage doll

Fleece dolls

Textile fairy dolls

DIY doll

Motanka doll - a talisman for a child Popular Rag Doll Style Doll

boy doll Textile doll in a lace dress Fidelina doll

Waldorf doll

Video: "Master class" We sew a textile doll "review"

How to sew a beautiful fabric doll: instructions for beginners

Recently, they have become increasingly popular dolls made of combined materials. To create the face and limbs, modern needlewomen began to use flesh-colored capron. This material easily fits the base, the doll acquires the “correct” color, and with the help of sewing secrets, she can give the necessary shape(even make facial features).

On the other hand, if you are not very experienced in this needlework, you can use a simple pattern and create detailed features using acrylic paints(quick dry, water resistant). You can sew doll patterns using sewing machine- it's fast and high quality. If you don't have one (or just don't know how to use it) All work can be done manually.

Pattern for a textile doll:

simple pattern

Step work. First stage:

  • Print the pattern on the printer or accurately copy the shapes.
  • Cut out a pattern from paper and attach to the fabric
  • Choose nude and beige fabrics to make your doll look natural and aesthetic.
  • Attach the patterns to the fabric, fix them, circle them with a pencil and cut out the figures, leaving room with a margin around the edges.

Paper cutting

Cutting patterns from fabric

Step work. Second phase:

  • Fold the cut fabric patterns together
  • Each pattern should be stitched, leaving one side intact (for filling the doll).
  • To turn out the arms and legs, which are too thin, as well as stuff them, use a pencil.
  • All details turn inside out
  • All details must be ironed

Sewing fabric patterns

Turning to the front

Ironing details

Step work. Third stage:

  • It is necessary to stuff the doll from the head
  • You can stuff the doll with padding polyester, cotton wool and scraps of fabric.
  • We stuff the head very tightly and sew it with a thread
  • A body pattern should be put on the head and stretched down.
  • We sew the body to the head from the wrong side and only then stuff it.
  • After that, the arms and legs are stuffed, sewn neatly to the body.
  • The doll's face is painted with acrylics. You can sew or glue blanks from the store: eyes and sponges.
  • Knitting threads are folded in bunches and sewn to the head.
  • From the remnants of multi-colored fabric, sew a dress or any other clothes for the doll, decorate with decorative elements: lace, ribbons, beads.

Step by step creation of a doll

How to sew a doll face?

The easiest way to "make" a doll a face is paint it with acrylics. As already mentioned, they are resistant to water and moisture, dry quickly, leave a rubberized film on the fabric surface, have a large number of colors and are pleasant to work with.

Painting a puppet face with acrylic paints:

Doll's facial features painted with acrylic paints

Drawing a doll's face with a marker and acrylic paints

Another way to create features on the face is to tighten with a needle and thread. To do this, you first need decide on the filling of the doll: cotton wool, holofiber, synthetic winterizer.

The head of the doll is made of white fabric, the pattern is stuffed. The head is again covered with flesh-colored nylon. By compressing the folds, the needle is threaded through the material, the thread is pulled together and fixed.

How to make a doll face step by step:

How to make a doll face?

Painstaking and detailed work to create the doll's facial features

Video: “Face tightening and creation of doll facial expressions”

How to sew a soft toy doll: pattern, photo

A doll made for a child with their own hands from textiles may well become his favorite soft toy, which he will take with him to sleep, travel, kindergarten, for a walk. A doll will be able to please a child when it conveys some pleasant emotions or suggests associations.

For example, you can dress up a doll in a dress made from your personal wardrobe item: a bathrobe, an old dress, a blouse. Another option is to sew dresses from the same fabric for the child and the doll.

IMPORTANT: Ask in advance which dolls your baby likes: tall, small, with long legs or baby dolls, fairies, sorceresses, angels, and only then start looking for a suitable pattern.

Soft toy pattern: angel doll Finished product: angel doll

How to sew a textile toy doll: pattern

Any needlewoman can sew a textile doll. To do this, it is absolutely not necessary to buy a large amount of materials. You can use the ones you have at home. You can get a neat and beautiful product only with the help of a similar pattern.

Patterns for textile dolls:

Pattern for a textile doll, option number 1 Pattern for a textile doll, option number 2 Pattern for a textile doll, option number 3

How to sew a Russian folk doll: pattern

Folk dolls are very simple to perform. They have very simple patterns, but quite complex detailed costumes. You will need to pay attention to any little thing: braids with ribbons, scarves, ruffles on skirts, lace, buttons and bows on suits.

IMPORTANT: If you have the opportunity, choose materials for tailoring dolls that are as similar as possible to folk costumes: floral and floral prints, Khokhloma, polka dots.

Patterns for sewing folk dolls:

A simple pattern for sewing a folk doll No. 1

A simple pattern for sewing a folk doll No. 2 Motanka doll, patterns

Finished products, folk dolls:

Proskovia doll

Simple folk dolls without a painted face

Motanka doll

How to sew a large life size puppet: pattern

Large life-size puppet, as a rule, is used for performances for children. The limbs of the doll can be attached to the hands and feet of a person, as a result of which the doll literally “comes to life”.

You can sew a growth doll according to the patterns of an ordinary toy, but increased several times. You can give the doll any appearance and features of a fairy-tale character. Such a doll must have tightly stuffed head and torso and the arms and legs should be thin and light enough to be easy to move.

Big puppet

Video: "How to make a life-size puppet with a human face?"

How to sew a Snow Maiden doll: pattern

The Snow Maiden doll will become a favorite toy on New Year's holidays. She will evoke pleasant associations in the child, she will be able to decorate the house. You can also put the Snow Maiden under the Christmas tree. Snow Maiden doll with kokoshnik Tilda doll in a romantic way

Doll Tilda blonde and doll Tilda brunette

Video: “Sewing a Tilda doll”

This MK for sewing a doll from fabric from Elizaveta Titova is suitable for beginner needlewomen, but those craftswomen who have experience can find a couple of interesting points here.


● fabric (when creating the MC, Korean cotton was taken)
● doll pattern
● scissors, thread, sewing machine, pencil
● buttons
● bamboo skewer
● stuffing stick (can be Chinese for sushi)
● stuffing material (holofiber was used here)

According to this pattern, a doll with a height of ~ 24 cm should be obtained. Do not sew up the places marked with a dotted line. The way the equity goes is marked on the pattern with arrows.

Fold the fabric face inward to transfer the pattern onto it. The author of MK made blanks for two dolls at once, a piece of material 45 × 35 cm was enough for her. Leave 5 mm allowances everywhere except for the head and neck - they need 1 cm allowances. Sew all parts of the dolls on a typewriter (stitch length 1.5 mm), excluding the head. Do not forget to leave holes - later you will turn out the details with them.Cut out the parts of the head.

Sew the tucks on them, fold them with the right side inward and sew along the contour, leaving a hole for eversion (it is located between the tucks).

Cut out the details. You will need zigzag scissors for this. If they are not, just make notches in rounded places. Sew the toe on the legs. Now it's time to turn everything out.

Stuff the head and body as tightly as possible. You need to sew up the stuffing hole that you left in the head. Insert a bamboo skewer into the neck of the doll with the sharp side down, stopping approximately in the middle, break it off, leaving about 2 cm. Leave the chip - it will still come in handy.

Try on the head to the body and make a mark on the back of the head where you will later insert the skewer. Make a small hole like in the photo

1. With a piece of skewer, slide the stuffing to the sides through it. Straighten all seams. You can also add padding if needed, as shown in the photo.

2. Attach the head to the body as shown.

3. Sew it to the neck in a circle with a blind seam - it will not be visible later from under the hair (Figure 4).

Due to its direction of the lobar thread, the head seems to be slightly elongated upwards.

If you cut it the other way around, it will be shorter and wider, as in photo 5. In the 6th photo you can see from the side what the head will turn out to be.

Stuff the toe and heel on your feet. Draw your fingers on them with a pencil. Through the stuffing hole, insert the needle and thread into one of the drawn lines and begin to pull the fabric with a seam back to the needle with tiny stitches.

Do this with all fingers. The legs also need to be stuffed very carefully, sewing up the hole left earlier with a hidden seam.

The same applies to the fingers on the hands. To make it easier to stuff and turn them, you will need a wooden stick. Stuff your hands to the middle. Next, photo 2 shows how to put your hands and make a mark on them where the fasteners will be. Thread the thread in two additions into the needle, tie a knot and insert it into the attachment point, leading out into the stuffing hole, as in picture 3. Sew on the button, Through the stuffing hole, insert the needle into the attachment point from the inside out, as in the 4th photo. Pull the thread and hide the button inside your hand. Cut off the end of the thread where the needle is. Now the button should be inside, and there will also be two ends of the threads on the front side - with and without a knot. Stuff your hands lightly to the end and sew up the stuffing opening with a blind stitch. The result should be like in picture 6.

If this is difficult for you, you can do another option - immediately fill your arms completely and do them with the buttons out, like at the legs.

Set the toy's arms and legs aside - it's time to paint the doll's face.

To do this, you need several materials and tools:

● dark blue, light blue, white and black acrylic;
pencil, eraser;
synthetic brushes No. 4 and No. 1;
red-brown and white pastel pencils, as well as sepia in two different light shades, one lighter than the other;
pastel crayons - white and peach shade;
● sandpaper;
● water;
spray matt varnish.

Lightly mark two circles on your face with a pencil - this will be the iris. To make it smoother, you can circle the buttons, as in picture 1. Next, draw whites, eyelids, arches of the eyebrows, as in photo 2, nose and lips (picture 3). Circle the eyebrows, the middle of the eyelids, the contours of the squirrel, the lips, the nostrils with a sepia pastel pencil (picture 4).

With a lighter sepia pencil, draw the contours of the eyes, lips, nose. Paint over the lips with a red-brown pastel pencil, and draw the top of the nose with it (picture 1). Brush number 4 need to shade all the lines. Paint over the eyelids with white pastel, the tip of the nose, and outline the highlights on the lips (picture 2).

Draw squirrels with white acrylic, draw an iris with blue, blue can be mixed with blue. Draw the pupils in black. Add some white to the blue acrylic and circle the bottom of the iris. Again dilute the color with white to brighten the iris even more, as in photos 3 and 4.

Dilute the blue color with white but a light blue hue and use brush No. 1 to apply thin strokes to the iris (picture 1). Mark the highlights with white acrylic (picture 2). Rub the peach and white crayons on the sandpaper, mix (picture 3) and apply a blush on the cheeks with a large brush. Circle the contours of the eyes with the darkest pastel pencil, draw eyelashes. Using a nearly dry brush, apply white highlights to lips and nose. Fix the result with spray varnish.

Now you need to sew on the legs.

They will need to be sewn on with buttons. Tighten tightly and tie knots, hiding the ends of the threads in the body.

Sew on your hands.

The long end of the thread without a knot must be inserted into one shoulder, the end of the thread from the second hand into the other shoulder. Tie the ends of the threads tightly, tightly pulling your arms close to your body. Hide the ends of the thread inside it.

Sometimes you really want to create something unusual, sincere, beautiful, for example, to sew a lovely doll. But one little thing stops ... To work, you need a full-size textile.

And this article will just help needlewomen solve this problem. From here, the life-size textile of the manufacturing technique that most of all impresses him will migrate to the master's piggy bank. And then let your imagination help you create something that will surprise and conquer everyone around.

Such different hand-sewn dolls!

The child learns the world through the game. And that is why textile dolls appeared on earth. They served as toys for children from poor families and were created using the most primitive technology.

But gradually, manufacturing as a separate type of creativity occupied its niche in needlework. It can even be called one of the trends in art. Today there are dolls not only for games, but also for decorating the interior. Often they are also used as a heating pad for a teapot.

Arms and legs are sewn to the body in the right places. Some put shovchik in their knees. Then the tilde will be able to bend its legs. Just don't stuff too much in this case.

The face of the tilde is not very developed. Usually the master is limited to small eyes, sewing on buttons or beads, or embroidering a small “dot”. But more attention should be paid to hair - this is an important part of the appearance of a real tilde.

waldorf doll

Most often, the tilde is an interior decoration. But the Waldof doll is quite suitable as a children's toy. And all because the face of these cute babies is worked out with greater accuracy than it is done with tildes.

A distinctive feature of these dolls is their protruding nose. Making it is not as difficult as it might seem at first glance. It is enough to first make a blank for the head - make a ball out of the fabric and fill it tightly with filler. Then a bead or a smaller ball is attached to the template - it will imitate a spout. A thin layer of padding polyester is laid on top of the resulting workpiece and the main fabric is stretched. Now it is clearly visible that the nose rises above the cheeks.

The face itself is either carefully drawn with paints or embroidered with floss threads.

Sometimes craftsmen pay special attention to the toes and handles of pupae. This is true for those toys that depict babies. It will help the master so that a textile doll has such feet, a master class.

pumpkin head patterns

And these dolls have their own technique for making the most important part - the head. It is cut out of four to six identical parts resembling a flower petal. Here is the head of which is made of 6 parts.

Hands and feet are sewn in the same way as for dolls made using other techniques. But the problem with keeping a fairly large head of a toy on a thin neck may arise before the master. Experts advise using wooden skewers to solve it. First, the body of the doll is pierced with a skewer, bringing the sharp end 4-5 cm above the cut on the neck. Then the pumpkin head, already ready, stuffed with filler, is pricked on the point. For insurance, you can use a couple or even three skewers. It is best to break off the lower end and take it out at the level of the pupa's waist.

Each master must understand that he has every right to make his own changes to the appearance of the product. Indeed, only thanks to the manifestation of the creative imagination of the authors, new technologies for the manufacture of textile dolls appear in the world and this type of creativity develops.

For me, textile dolls were opened by our website, FF, namely Olga (Olga Krym) - thank you very much! And also many thanks to Irina Khochin oh - a wonderful puppet maker and her website "Make Fun" for the opportunity to be inspired by her work! And also many thanks to such puppet sites as "Decorate Your World", "School of Toys", "Collection of Puppet Fantasy" and, of course, the "Fair of Masters" for the wide variety of different master classes for making puppets - I studied there.
And yet, before starting, I want to make a reservation - what I will write below is by no means the only correct option, it may not be entirely correct))), but this is how I do it, I like it so much - and I want to tell you how I do it))
1. Pattern
There are a lot of different patterns of dolls on the net, but this one - shared by Irina Khochina on her website - suits me perfectly! The only change that I made to it was to slightly reduce the ears after sewing the first dolls, otherwise my godfather somehow made a remark to me “It hurts, the ears are too big!”)))

2. Fabric preparation
I sewed different dolls from three types of fabric: white cotton with elastane, an old Soviet cotton sheet, and white calico. I also think that shirting fabric is also suitable - there are leftovers, I will try. I dye the fabric with either a decoction of tea or coffee, or both) I boil the pieces of fabric in a decoction (10-15 minutes) in a wide saucepan so that the fabric bends less, because. the folds are unevenly stained. And if the fabric is dyed unevenly - it's okay, usually these spots are not visible on the other side, and you can cut it there) After dyeing, rinse the fabric in cold water, dry and iron.
3. Dolly details
We cut the paired parts in the same way - either along the lobar or across (otherwise it may turn out that when stuffing one limb “stretches” more than the other)) The head can also be cut along the oblique, then the face will turn out to be more elongated. The doll in this MK had a head cut along the share. I sew the cut parts with milk-colored threads. Darts on the head are made both in front and behind. Leave open for stuffing: the top of the head between the darts, the opening of the neck, the back shoulder of the handles and the back of the thigh of the legs. After notching all the strategic places, we turn the parts out. Be sure to notch the allowance between the palm and thumb! I fill the dolls with either synthetic winterizer (I buy by the footage), or silicone (I dissolve the pillows)). I like silicone better - it is more elastic, the details turn out to be “more magnificent”. But it is more difficult for me to get it, therefore, if possible, I fill my head with silicone, and everything else with padding polyester.
3.1 Head
First, we fill the ears a little and sew a line on a typewriter, separating the ear from the head, and after that we fill the whole head, but not yet very tight. And debug to the side)
3.2 Torso
We fill it very, very, very tightly (I use scissors), after inserting the “frame” into the body - a thick wire rounded on both sides. I agree, it’s hard to push the synthetic winterizer through a small neck hole, in which the wire also sticks out, but you have to try!)) And you still have to try to fill the body evenly, tamping the filler equally on both sides so that it doesn’t warp!
3.3 Head-torso
And now, when the body is already tightly stuffed, we take the head and carefully make a cruciform incision with nail scissors about 1 cm from the seam of the chin. We insert the neck into this incision and carefully sew it with the same milky threads. And after that we fill the head very, very, very tightly, forming a chin, making the face more convex. After we sew up the hole at the top of the head (between the darts).

3.4 Legs
We fill the arms and legs very tightly, while it is already possible immediately, planning the right and left arms and legs, to make the necessary bend of the limb. In the handles, we leave the upper part of the shoulder unfilled, and in the legs, the upper part of the thigh.
So we have prepared all the details for the next step -
4. Assembly
I fasten the legs and arms with buttons (the smallest, most unnecessary)).
We take a thick and long needle, very strong threads and buttons, and proceed. As you can see in the photo, we string everything in this order: the first button, the first handle / leg (from the inside of the part, approximately in the middle of an imaginary circle created by the bend of the shoulder / hip) (I hope I wrote clearly)), torso, second handle / leg (we make the entrance outside the part, again in the middle of the circle, and make sure that both hands are sewn at the same level, and the legs, respectively), the second button. Way of the needle back - we wrap the buttons in another hole and everything in the reverse order. At the same time, I stick the needle into the body on the way back and forth on both sides of the side seam somewhere 3-4 mm apart (not into the seam - so as not to break the seam thread!).

And then we pull the thread at both ends, tightly pulling the arms with the shoulders, and the legs with the lower part of the body, we tie it - firmly and reliably!). Now you can fill the filler shoulders and hips to failure)) and sew up the holes!
"Pig" is ready! Hooray! The most boring and tedious work is over! (well, that's how it is for me)

5. Face and toe tightening
Draw the face of the doll with a simple pencil. At the same time, I observe the following parameters: the line of the lips lies on the same line with the earlobes, from the line of the lips upwards by 1-1.5 cm I set aside the points of the inner corners of the eyes (between them about 1-1.5 cm), the length of the eye is also approximately 1.5 cm.

There are many different schemes for tightening the face, I once tried this one, I found it, I don’t remember on which site, and I liked it. I just don't drag out points 3 and 4 - I don't like the "holes" on the nose)) And I also drag out a point under the lip line (lower lip), and two points above the line (upper lip). And, of course, from the degree of bending of the lip line, we will get a different degree of “smiling”))

I pull my face with strong white threads. I tried somehow monofilament - I was not impressed)) Cons - it is inconvenient to sew, it confuses, pluses - it is not visible. But after all, we will paint over the white thread later))
And this beauty is obtained after tightening:
(girls, I'm sorry, but the photo with a painted face and with a pulled one are different dolls - it just so happened ...)

I already love the chrysalis at this stage of manufacture. And although my son calls them "voodoo dolls")), but they already have a character, they are already different, and this difference literally depends on millimeters to the right and left)) - I agree with Irina Khochina on this, she wrote about this on your site.
We try to pull through the lower part of the head (there is “thinner”), and this is how the back of my head looks after tightening:

We pull the fingers with threads of milky color, while I hide the beginning and end of the thread (without knots) in the body of the handle.
(pulled handles will be lower - I messed up a little with the chronological sequence when photographing))

6. Hair
I use cotton threads for hair, they do not tangle. I think everything is clear in the photo:

I fix the threads with strips of adhesive tape so that they do not fall apart after cutting. Then I sew it into tress - with a small seam on a typewriter (back and forth 3-4 times) with threads of the most approximate shade. To make the tress long enough, you need to make a winding 2-2.5 books long)) I sew the tress to the head from ear to ear, but it can also be done in a spiral, the main thing is that the first two rows from the forehead should be closer to each other so that the head didn’t “shine”) If the length of the tress is not enough to the neck, then I sew the threads of the last row to the head, again, so that there are no bald patches) When planning the tress, one should take into account - either long hair, but less often, or shorter, but thicker ) (this is when only one skein of thread is available). And finally, we trim the hair, if necessary!

7. Toning of the face and fingers
Various face toning MKs offer the use of oil paints. But, alas, I’m not friends with them ... I don’t know how ... Therefore, I tint with blush (I don’t use them, but there are several samplers available). In my work I use my cosmetic brushes. With a beige blush I tint (very gently, a little bit!) Under the eyebrows, around the eyes, nostrils, lip line (especially at the ends, in the dimples), ears and fingers. I tint the cheeks with a beige-pink blush (a little stronger) and then lightly - the forehead, nose, chin, the whole face along the outer oval.

And finally, the promised fingers)):

8. Face painting
The face is painted with acrylic paints for fabric. I use DECOLA paints, they are wonderfully diluted with water.
I strongly advise you to look for a good, detailed MK on drawing a face on the sites I indicated at the beginning. I will try to explain how I draw, but I am still learning how to do it).
We do not use pure black paint in our work! At one MK, I read that dolls then look more vulgar, and I agree with this. And one more thing - I do not use pure colors, as they are proposed by the manufacturer, in the palette. They are so very bright, and we need natural colors, right? To achieve any color, I mix several paints.
Protein - draw with white paint, but slightly with the addition of blueness, do not paint over the upper eyelid. It can then be, if desired, toned with shades of beige or blue.

Iris - draw it so that it is slightly covered by the upper eyelid, that is, it is not round, but cut off from above. I get cyan and blue by mixing blue, white, cyan and black. Brown - black, yellow, white, red. Green - green, blue, yellow. Something like this)) Along the edges and under the upper eyelid, the iris is darker than in the middle. And you can also draw radial stripes on top that are slightly different from the main color of the iris.

Pupil - draw in the center of the iris, that is, it tends to the upper eyelid. I mix blue and a little black paint.

Eyebrows - draw with brown shades, very carefully, with a semi-dry brush. We circle the eyelash growth line with brown paint, the upper one is stronger, the lower one is thinner.

Eyelashes - very, very carefully, with a thin brush, well, try very hard not to smear! (the silicone fibers that come out after tightening may interfere - we carefully pull them out with tweezers).

Highlights - draw with a slightly damp brush, white paint. You can one, two, three highlights, but be sure - symmetrically on both eyes!

Mouth - I confess honestly, I don’t know how to draw it ... I dream of learning how to draw natural sponges, the way Irina Khochina draws them ... Therefore, I can only say that I mix red, white, brown, yellow paints. And somehow I draw))

9. Clothes
Girls, since you are here, I have nothing to teach you in terms of sewing clothes)) Turn on your imagination, take out claps, balls, ribbons, ribbons, various beautiful things and ... CREATE!
I'll show you pantaloons, I sew them for all the dolls, well, how can I do without them))

Oh yes! Socks - we draw them with paints, before the slippers are knitted / sewn.

OK it's all over Now! I hope I helped those craftswomen who are already interested in the topic of textile dolls, and interested those who got here by accident!))
Sorry for possible errors and inaccuracies, if you find - show, please.
I understand that I could not cover everything and not take into account something, so if you have any questions - ask, I will be happy to answer!