Congratulations to those born in the year of the boar. Happy New Year of the Boar. Video with beautiful New Year greetings to loved ones and friends

The international symbol of the New Year is, of course, the Christmas tree. To this day, the question of how to decorate a Christmas tree is very important for us on the eve of the upcoming holidays.

The tradition of annually decorating this tree came to us from Germany. It is believed that such an idea was first proposed by the church reformer Martin Luther (16th century). And today people try to outdo themselves in this matter and try to decorate the New Year tree as beautifully as possible. And I think this is relevant for all times.

And today we will talk about decorating the Christmas tree in detail and in detail. Let's try to approach this issue from different angles, consider it in theory and in the photo. And most importantly, we’ll pick up some interesting ideas for inspiration and creating a New Year’s mood.

The coming 2019, according to the eastern horoscope, is the Year of the Pig (Boar). This is a cute, good-natured animal that symbolizes innocence, comfort, and family joys. The pig also strives for comfort and material well-being.

This is generally the image of a homely, zealous housewife who knows how to work miracles in the kitchen, delight her family, and also manages to look after the children, tenderly cares for her beloved and generally brings only good news to her home.

In 2019 we celebrate the Year of the Yellow Earth Pig. This is a calm and cozy image, so it is believed that it is better to choose options for decorating the New Year tree among calm, warm tones and styles.

This brings us to two interesting ideas:

  1. Of course, the main character herself should be on the New Year's tree.
  2. The main color is yellow and its shades (pale, bright, golden, orange).

Let's try to visualize how these ideas can be implemented.

Symbol of the year - Yellow Earth Pig

Let's start with the main character - a cute pig who is ready to show off anywhere in the tree. It can be hung on the Christmas tree or placed under it (especially if the toy is quite large).

But in any case, the pig should become a kind of calling card - the center of attracting everyone's attention. This is very easy to achieve, because he has a very cute face that not only pleases, but even makes guests and owners laugh.

And of course, there are ready-made versions of pigs in the form of Christmas tree decorations made of glass and other shiny materials.

How to decorate a Christmas tree in the Year of the Boar: color

And now about the color scheme. The predominance of yellow does not mean the plot is monotonous. In fact, this color has very interesting, intriguing shades that symbolize wealth and well-being.

It is also the color of the sun, which is generally perceived by us as something warm, positive - in a word, cheerful.

Of course, it is not forbidden to use toys of the same size and shape, but in different shades of yellow. It would be good if they had a different surface - glossy, matte, mirror. After all, the eye is attracted not by monotony, but by diversity.

And this is how you can imagine this variety of toys of similar shades.

And those who like original, bold experiments can consider this option.

The abundance of yellow does not mean the absence of other colors. Mustard, brown, green, white and even red tones go well with this color scheme.

How to decorate a Christmas tree beautifully: TOP 5 effective tips

Of course, the most correct answer to the question of how to decorate a New Year tree is: the way you like. And to do this you just need to follow your own intuition and sense of beauty.

And it would be good to pay attention to classic design techniques that have long become familiar. These are simple principles for combining colors, styles, shapes and sizes. But first things first.

Live or artificial?

If this question does not arise, of course, you can immediately move on to the next section. And if you have certain doubts, you can simply listen to yourself and to those useful tips that have long been derived experimentally.

Of course, an artificial Christmas tree is a more practical option. Needles don’t fall from it, you won’t get pricked on its branches, and it’s also perfectly symmetrical, and all the branches can be bent to hang a toy, tinsel or garland as best as possible.

A living tree has its own undeniable advantage - it smells pleasantly of pine needles and frosty freshness. Therefore, if you achieve the same smell in a different way, a festive mood is guaranteed. And you can do this using:

  • branches of pine, spruce and other coniferous trees;

  • aroma lamps with fir oil;

  • Air fresheners are the simplest, but not entirely natural option.

Therefore, whether it is worth purchasing a living beauty that you will have to part with in just a few weeks is up to you to decide. Although it is obvious that there are many more arguments in favor of artificial spruce.

Choosing a Christmas tree style

And this question is the most important. Choosing a style means choosing:

  • color scheme;
  • patterns;
  • symbolic toys.

If you follow the current traditions of 2019, then, as already mentioned, you must definitely find a place for the pig and decorate the New Year’s tree in yellow tones. On the other hand, we can get creative and add other tones to yellow. And in general, you can create your own unique style.

Here are some examples for inspiration:

  • Perfect for lovers of the old and good retro style, which, by the way, can stand out against the backdrop of a variety of lush Christmas trees. This style involves the presence of antique toys or even rare originals. Do-it-yourself crafts, streamers, flags, chains and even... old photographs that can be placed in beautiful frames are welcome.

  • Single color Christmas tree– we have already considered such options using the example of the yellow range, which is relevant in 2019. Colorful Christmas trees are made up of almost the same color or similar shades. Therefore, to create variety, toys are used that are different in shape, size, and style.

  • But if you allow different colors, but at the same time use toys of only one type (albeit of different sizes) - this style is called European. It’s easy to see that this is how Christmas trees are often decorated in studios, shopping centers and other public places. This is a rather interesting technique that will be even more effective if, for example, we start “playing” with the color scheme.

  • Snow style for lovers of frost, silvery shades and generally everything winter. Decorations for such a Christmas tree are selected to match the snowy shades - these can be silver icicles, balls, cones and other beautiful toys.

How to hang garlands and tinsel

It would seem that what is so difficult about this? Garlands and tinsel are traditional Christmas tree decorations that are invariably used year after year in all countries and continents.

It is better to hang them first for practical and aesthetic reasons. If you first decorate the tree with toys, then the wires of the garlands will get tangled in them, and most importantly, then the overall design, the “filling” of the tree, will not be entirely clear.

Strictly speaking, there is only one way to hang a garland - by winding it in a spiral, starting from the top of the head and ending with the floor. What length is suitable?

The following ratio has been experimentally derived: 10 meters of colored light bulbs for every 2 meters of wood. That is, this option is just right for an indoor beauty. However, even if the length is 15 meters, it will not get worse - there is never too much light.

But you may need a little more tinsel. First of all, you need to choose it correctly. What is better for a Christmas tree - traditional serpentine or New Year's beads?

It all depends on the style of decoration and the prevailing color scheme, because both pictures can look very beautiful. The main condition is that the tinsel should not hang anyhow, but with a clear artistic design - waves, zigzags, etc.

Toys big or small

We can say: both, but subject to a harmonious combination. Of course, there are certain limits beyond which it is better not to go.

Too large toys that fit well on city Christmas trees are not suitable for indoor use. And miniature figures will simply get lost on the New Year's beauty - it is better to place them on souvenir and gift trees.

As for toys of acceptable sizes, when placing them it is better to follow these tips:

You can take figures of the same size and distribute them evenly across the tree. It could be, for example, only balls or only cones - that same European style.

You can take both large and medium toys. But then, first of all, it is better to distribute the dimensional figures. They should emphasize the main pattern or create a dominant color scheme. After this, you can hang smaller models.

And most importantly, you should not obviously overdo it with the number of toys. A decoration for a Christmas tree, but not a tree for decorations. After all, she is the main character of the evening. And toys are the decorative element that emphasizes its natural beauty.

How to decorate a Christmas tree: 10 consecutive steps

Based on all of the above, you can draw up some kind of instructions on how to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year:

  1. We decide on a specific tree - artificial or natural.
  2. Choosing a place for the Christmas tree. The best thing is that it can be viewed from all sides. If the room has a kind of center of attraction, like a false fireplace, this is the best option.
  3. We choose the style of the Christmas tree, note the features of a particular year (fashionable color and image of the patron according to the eastern calendar).
  4. Deciding how to arrange the garland. Most often this is the classic version with full coverage of the entire tree. You can add light bulbs along the edges, and also at the bottom to highlight the gifts.
  5. After the garland “lay down” on the branches, we check how evenly it is positioned. To do this, you need to look at it from different angles and sides, closer and further, right and left.
  6. Now it’s the turn of tinsel, with the help of which we determine the main pattern and motif - these can be traditional, but still relevant waves with one or another arc angle, zigzags and other motifs.
  7. The next step is toys. Let's start with large balls, figures and the top of the head. We distribute them evenly among the branches from top to bottom. If there are any iconic, special decorations, it is better to direct additional garland lights at them, or even hang additional white-yellow lamps.
  8. We evaluate our creation and fill the voids with smaller toys. Or we leave it as is - after all, decorating a Christmas tree does not mean hanging it with different figures. Perhaps all the beauty will be in the branches, illuminated with garlands and decorated with tinsel.
  9. We check what the tree looks like in daylight, and most importantly, in the dark. After all, the beauty is that at the sacred hour all the lights will go out, and only a burning garland will remain. This will be the whole charm of the holiday.
  10. Finally, we decorate the place under the tree - it will be a magical island with gifts, where, of course, you can put Father Frost with the Snow Maiden and a kind pig, which will certainly bring good luck to the whole family in the new year.

Decorating a Christmas tree in an apartment: photos and unusual techniques

Since it is usually customary to celebrate the New Year with family, friends and just pleasant people, most often we decorate the Christmas tree in the apartment. The apartment is, of course, not Red Square or even a shopping center with its high ceilings.

But on the other hand, every home has its own design potential. After all, it is in your home environment that you can create a cozy, pleasant Christmas tree, where you will enjoy relaxing every day of the New Year holidays. Here are some good options with photos and descriptions.

It is better to place a New Year's tree against a background of light wallpaper and in general in rooms with a light design.

Contrasting options are also good - for example, any shades of blue in an interior with a warm color scheme.

Not every apartment has enough space to place the main decoration in the center. Then we’ll place it in the corner - we won’t waste precious space.

As already mentioned, the most successful option for placing a New Year's tree is next to a place that attracts attention, best of all - with a false fireplace. But even if it is not there, it is appropriate to place the Christmas tree not far from the chest of drawers, the surface of which can also play along as a place for additional decorations (candles, gifts, photo frames, tinsel and others).

Lucky beauty: decorate the Christmas tree in your area

It’s good to have your own dacha, where you can come not only in summer, but also in winter. And even better - to have its own spruce growing in such a plot, which can be decorated every year.

Most often, of course, we are talking about a large perennial tree. Of course, you need to decorate it with toys of the appropriate size.

Well, if the Christmas tree is small, you can stock up on the most ordinary balls and figures. And the most important thing is, of course, the lighting, because it will create all the beauty.

Lighting is generally a powerful tool for a designer. It can be used to decorate not only the Christmas tree, but also the house, fence, gazebo.

These are some interesting options for decorating real, large Christmas trees. You will probably want to conduct whole round dances around such a tree. And sing funny songs - just like the good old days.

Going to work is like going to a holiday: the best ideas for decorating an office Christmas tree

The workplace is part of the public space, so when decorating office Christmas trees you should use classic and creative design ideas that will appeal to almost all colleagues. This means that the tree is decorated sequentially, using toys of the same color and shape, following a pre-designed style or pattern.

Let's use all parts of the workspace - let the holiday burst into every square meter.

Of course, creativity is not only not forbidden, but also recommended. It’s good if the decorations reflect the scope of the company’s activities and its specifics.

For example, from this photo it’s easy to guess that employees are delivering correspondence and other important cargo.

And of course, you can make Christmas trees with your own hands - any available material will do, even.

For real originals: TOP 5 creative Christmas trees

What if all the traditional options have become too familiar and no longer evoke those bright emotions that are the essence of the holiday? No problem - let's try something new. Here are some unusual ideas that will tell you how to creatively decorate your Christmas tree for the New Year.

Techno-tree - for lovers of everything new, progressive, technological. It can be decorated with CDs (or even made from them), souvenir gadgets and other material evidence of the progress of civilization.

The literary Christmas tree is made up of books decorated with garlands. Although you can take an ordinary tree as a basis, which needs to be creatively decorated.

On such a Christmas tree, souvenir books will be a mandatory decoration, and you can also add portraits of your favorite writers, pens - in short, everything that we associate with the art of literature.

A Christmas tree made of pillows is created from several blanks of the same shape, but of different sizes. They can be sewn by hand or purchased ready-made options.

Hanging Christmas tree - no comments needed, inspiration can be caught at first sight.

And finally, an inverted Christmas tree is an option that may initially seem strange. And if you look closely, this design of the New Year tree is also not without design potential. A festive chandelier, a New Year's vine - these are the associations that may arise when viewing a photo of this beauty.

Through the eyes of a child: decorating the Christmas tree with children

Decorating a New Year tree is, without exaggeration, a family affair, because each of us can literally have a hand in it. And it’s especially great when kids take part in the festive event. They can not only be a great help in this matter, but also offer their original ideas.

And in order to make it more interesting for them, we will use the following techniques:

  1. Good old, long-tested advice - hang it on the tree and put not only beautiful, but also edible figures under it. Until recently, it was customary to decorate with a lot of chocolates. Why not revive this tradition? Moreover, such Christmas trees can be given to a dear person, colleague, neighbor - anyone.

  1. A similar method will work on a large Christmas tree. It would also be great if the main New Year’s fruit, tangerines, which themselves resemble interesting bright balls, also find their place.

How to decorate a Christmas tree with tangerines? Several visual methods are shown here.

  1. And the most important thing. Children are perhaps the most creative people. And they will probably offer to decorate the Christmas tree with their favorite toys, figurines, and crafts. Of course, we will give them this opportunity - let the desired toy take the best place on the New Year's beauty. After all, everything that creates a good mood is good.

Happy New Year!

New Year is a holiday that people always look forward to and for which they begin to prepare in advance. The Christmas tree is considered one of the most important symbols of the New Year holidays.

On New Year's Eve, this is exactly the element of the interior that receives the most attention. Therefore, the design of the New Year tree should be such that not only you, but also all your guests can like it.

Since it is quite difficult to please a large number of people, you need to prepare in advance for the process of decorating the Christmas tree and think through all the details.

The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree came to Russia from Germany

The tradition of decorating a Christmas tree came to us from Germany, although according to the first written recorded evidence, decorating a Christmas tree became possible after the decree of Nicholas I, which encouraged the use of many German traditions in everyday life, including this one. And so the Christmas tree became the main symbol of the New Year.

Toys and garlands - traditional decoration of the New Year tree

Please note that you must decorate the New Year tree not only in accordance with the basic rules of decoration. Of course, you need to start, first of all, from its aesthetic functions.

But do not forget that every New Year is symbolic, and if you want to make next year happy, attract good luck and luck, you need to decorate the Christmas tree in accordance with the basic rules that this year requires.

Therefore, before telling you about the features of decorating a New Year tree, let's figure out what is the main symbol of the New Year 2018.

Symbols and colors of 2018

White and green are the best color combination: frosty, clean, fresh

According to the Chinese calendar, 2018 is the year of the Yellow Earth Dog. To attract good luck for the entire next year, it is necessary to take into account the main features of such a symbol, and first of all, It is advisable to use only natural materials. This suggests that installing an artificial Christmas tree this New Year is not advisable.

Advice: If the size of your room is not large enough, pick up a small young Christmas tree or decorate the room with Christmas tree branches.

The style of decorating a room for the New Year 2018 should not be too pretentious or cumbersome. This is due to the fact that a dog is a domestic animal, sedate, so it is advisable to decorate the New Year tree with massive and bright New Year tree decorations.

Homemade toys and decorations will add originality to the design of the New Year tree.

How to decorate the Christmas tree if you don’t want luck to pass your family by? Decorate the Christmas tree as harmoniously as possible, better let her have some toys, but they will all be hung correctly.

In the coming year, the fashion for DIY Christmas tree decorations is at the peak of popularity.

Secondly, a great idea for decorating the New Year tree in accordance with the symbols of 2018 would be themed Christmas toys. You can decorate the Christmas tree using small soft dog toys or make them yourself - for example, crocheting them.

DIY Christmas tree decorations in 2018 are as relevant as before. And since it is desirable to use everything natural, you can decorate the Christmas tree using toys made of wood, dough or other natural materials.

You can decorate your New Year's fluffy beauty in red and white colors - do you like it?

As for shades, this issue should also be carefully considered, because each symbol of the New Year is associated with its own colors. For the New Year 2018, Christmas tree decorations in the following colors are perfect:

  • combination of gold and silver;
  • blue and silver options;
  • brown and white colors;
  • bright rich shades: yellow, red, orange;
  • white and green shades.

Fabric decorations for the Christmas tree

By the way, if you believe in symbolism, you can attract the Dog into your home with the help of your favorite treats: in this case, decorate the New Year tree with festive cookies. To attract good luck, you can also decorate the Christmas tree with toys tied with woolen thread or ringing bells.

Features of installing a Christmas tree for the New Year

It is advisable to install a Christmas tree in the most spacious room in your home. After all, you are probably going to surround it with gifts or take a photo in front of it. Even if you do not have such an opportunity, position the Christmas tree so that it is not covered by furniture or other interior elements. Let your Christmas tree be visible and immediately catch your eye when entering the room.

Place the tree in a corner so it won’t disturb anyone

Regardless of which Christmas tree you choose (natural or artificial), make sure that it is located at a safe distance from radiators, fireplaces, outlets or electrical appliances. It is better not to light holiday candles near the New Year tree.

Remember! If you don’t want to ruin the holiday, pay attention to the stability of the Christmas tree. It must be carefully secured. This is especially important if your family has animals or children.

Pay attention to the location of your tree. According to Eastern traditions, placing a Christmas tree in the far right corner of the room will attract love into your home, so if you haven't found your soulmate yet, feel free to put it in such a place.

New Year tree - a symbol of peace and prosperity

By placing a Christmas tree in the near right corner, you can hope for a new addition to the family. The far left corner is suitable if you want to achieve financial well-being.

New Year tree decoration 2018

The place has already been chosen, the Christmas tree has been bought, now it begins the most exciting process is decorating the Christmas tree.

How to decorate a Christmas tree in a New Year's style? Check out the idea!

When choosing toys, do not forget that you must follow the rule of proportionality. That is, it is undesirable to hang large toys on a small Christmas tree and vice versa.

Original tiered arrangement of colored balls on the Christmas tree

The options for decorating the Christmas tree are amazing, but still the process of decorating the New Year's beauty begins with garlands. You can choose one- or multi-colored garlands, choose options with iridescent shades of various shapes.

Remember! When choosing a garland, be sure to consult about its quality and safety. As a rule, cheap garlands are prone to frequent breakdowns and can lead to short circuits.

If you want to decorate the tree with several garlands, we do not recommend using more than three, because this can cause network overload, and such an abundance of lanterns will not look very nice on the tree.

And this Christmas tree seems to have just been brought from the forest...

The next important stage is decorating the Christmas tree with toys. Since the tree tapers towards the top, the toys must match its shape. That is, it is preferable to hang larger toys on the bottom side, and smaller ones closer to the top.

In addition to toys and garlands, the Christmas tree can be decorated with beads and crafts made from beads, paper, cotton wool

Decorating the top is also considered a very important step. You can decorate the top of the Christmas tree with a star, a spire, an angel-shaped toy or an original bow.

By the way, don’t forget about the rain, streamers and tinsel - due to their bright and iridescent colors, they will add additional shine to the Christmas tree and create a festive atmosphere.

Advice: Toys made with your own hands will look great on the New Year tree. For example, you can make homemade toys from cardboard, papier-mâché, and ordinary threads. You can also decorate the Christmas tree using original New Year's cookies or candies: your children will certainly be delighted with this option.

If you believe in the effect of visualizing wishes, you can decorate the New Year tree with toy cars or hang keys on it. After all, the New Year is exactly the holiday when miracles happen - and who knows, maybe you will be really lucky?

Original decor ideas

How to decorate the 2018 New Year tree with your own hands? We invite you to familiarize yourself with several successful options for decorating a New Year tree.

More options for decorating the Christmas tree - pine cones, large beads and bright red ribbons

The first way is to decorate the Christmas tree using glass balls: they don’t have to be completely transparent; you can use balls with sparkles or original designs. Due to their transparency, such toys will be associated with winter and ice, so this option will create an atmosphere of lightness and freshness. Such decorations can be combined with silver or white toys and bright yellow garlands.

Christmas tree decoration with purple accent

Since recently it has become very popular to decorate the Christmas tree using homemade items, you can hang on it various knitted toys in the shape of Christmas trees, nuts, snowmen, Snow Maidens or snowflakes. You can also try making original Christmas tree decorations from felt.

Transparent balls with interesting filling - another original decoration

The next way to decorate a New Year tree is using toys of different colors and creating several levels of shades. For example, start with blue at the bottom of the tree and gradually move on to other shades. This method of combination will give your Christmas tree elegance and originality and will fit perfectly into any interior.

By the way, to make the Christmas tree as festive and elegant as possible, do not forget to use beads, confetti, sparkles. You can decorate the branches with cotton wool or artificial snow.

Yes, yes, and don’t forget to put gifts under the tree!

You can come up with many more different options for decorating the Christmas tree for the New Year. But we won’t tell you all the secrets, because the New Year tree should personify your inner state, so it’s better to show your imagination. And since the New Year is a family holiday, involve your whole family in this process.

Photo of a decorated Christmas tree - waiting for the chimes to strike!

We decorate and decorate the Christmas tree at home for the New Year together, as a family, and the children decorate the tree with great enthusiasm and excitement. This is another reason to feel like a big and friendly family. We told you how to beautifully decorate a Christmas tree, all that remains is to stock up on the necessary materials and make decorations for the New Year’s beauty.

Why not decorate the Christmas tree with your children?

We wish you creative success, and may the New Year 2018 be associated with you only with positivity and joy and bring only good luck, peace and prosperity to everyone.

If you are not one of those who just on New Year's Eve takes out all the toys from the back drawer and hangs everything on a tree. If you are accustomed to treating design and decor issues responsibly, how to decorate a Christmas tree for the New Year 2019 will bother you at least a month before the celebration.

Color spectrum

That the coming year? 2019 will be held under the banner of the Yellow Earth Pig, which loves the following colors:

  • Yellow
  • Grey
  • Brown
  • Gold.

So if you trust astrological forecasts and eastern horoscopes, decorate your home in these colors. In addition, they will look harmonious against the backdrop of lush green needles. This color scheme is often used in holiday decor, but here it would be a sin not to use it.

Yellow bells, gray snowflakes, brown gingerbread, golden rain - this is one of a million possible combinations.

At the same time, following the morals of the animal, you should abandon red, blue and green. By the way, in this case you can use white wood (artificial, of course) as a basis. White Christmas trees, if decorated correctly, look amazing!

Creating harmony in the home

Every year it is customary to buy new toys, balls or other decorative elements to bring newness and freshness to the house. How to choose the right colors for jewelry to create the perfect composition?

  • The main advice is to let the shades resonate with those already in your room. If you have active turquoise (for example, curtains and a sofa in this color), let the forest beauty also be dressed in turquoise tones.

  • The theme of the holiday decoration should be seen throughout the house in the same style. It will be ridiculous to see the silver accessories of the Snow Queen in one room, and warm wooden country style motifs in another.

  • Modern decorators offer to bring monochrome compositions to life. There's no need to cover everything in red if that's your favorite color. We are talking about the competent use of all shades of this spectrum. Use this gradient option: pink-fuchsia-cherry-ruby-cranberry-burgundy. Similarly, you can stretch any color and choose balls, ribbons, garlands, metafan in your own shade.

Color combination options

Traditionally, the usual shades that we associate with the New Year are red, green, gold and silver. However, any color can become the basis for a beautiful design.

When combining shades, use this tip:

Colors of the same depth and intensity combine well with each other. For example, pastels are easy to make friends with their own kind: pink, peach, light yellow, blue, lilac, beige complement each other perfectly.

So, here are more options for combinations that can be used to decorate both an artificial and live Christmas tree.

  • Green and red
  • Red with white
  • Green and white
  • Completely snow-white decor
  • Blue, white and silver
  • Ivory and matte gold
  • Grey-green, ivory and pewter
  • Bright purple, blue and green
  • Ice blue, lilac and silver
  • Beige, brown, golden yellow and rust
  • Green, burgundy and gold.

New Year is a holiday when magnificent outfits are welcomed and create the right mood. So give free rein to your imagination, be creative and don’t be shy about expressing your own self in decor.

Stylistic design

Nowadays, themed parties have become fashionable, when all guests carefully select costumes, according to the theme of the evening, think through the menu and competition program. Decor is one of the most important details that can set the desired tone.

We offer you 10 modern and relevant thematic design ideas. Without pop and vulgarity, only harmony, beauty and style.


Finally, this trend has reached our area. The most important thing this year will be to remove all unnecessary things from the eyes and allow natural beauty to appear. Carefully hang a garland of small light bulbs on the Christmas tree and let the beauty twinkle with a dozen lights.

Mood color – pink

Let brightness and playful mood come into your life. If you manage to find a rose gold colored tree – Bingo! Otherwise, just cover the traditional one with strawberry toys and balls.

For sports fans

Fans of football, basketball, racing and other sports can hang themed paraphernalia on the pine tree. Let it be balls, cars, instead of rain - scarves and pennants with the symbols of your favorite team.

Sea Sea

In the cold winter season, suddenly you want to remember the bright sun and warm sea? Throw a nautical themed party. Your tree will be decorated with starfish, shells and sailor ribbons.

Blooming garden

Who said that flowers don't grow on spruce trees?! This doesn't happen on New Year's Day. Complement traditional accessories with large and expressive flowers made of paper or ribbons, and your home will turn into a beautiful greenhouse.

A Christmas tree decorated with elegant flowers looks at least original.

Retro style

Remember how in the cartoon Prostokvashino they decorated a tree with everything that was found in the attic? We invite you to rummage through your grandmother’s chests and get out antiques from there. Such jewelry is filled with family history and love that is passed down from generation to generation.

Family dinner

On this family holiday, it will be important to hang family heirlooms and photos on green branches. This could be your child's pacifier, your husband's first sneaker, your crown from kindergarten. Imagine how many memories and warm moments you will experience while dressing up your beauty.


Continuing the theme of warmth and unity, we invite you to be transported to a village hut, where handicrafts made from natural materials made with your own hands are used as decoration.
Knitted balls and toys, felt figures, and wooden crafts will be used.

Shabby chic

This trend is characterized by luxurious antiques or specially aged interior items. Pastel shades, beads and bows, lace and ribbons, flowers and hearts - all this creates a pleasant atmosphere.

Boho chic

An incredibly fashionable trend that is now popular both in clothing and in decor. This is an explosion of colors and bright elements, a mixture of textures and materials. Ethnic motifs, hand-made items, beads and pom-poms – this is where the real holiday lies.

When the tree is small

In recent years, the eco-trend for Christmas trees in pots has been gaining popularity. Many people buy such beauties to plant them in their garden after using them as a New Year’s symbol.

So how to decorate a small Christmas tree? The main thing here is not to overdo it. Just a garland will be enough. If desired, you can hang up to 10 small figures.

We suggest focusing on the base and replacing the portable potty with something beautiful:

  • Wicker basket
  • Bright bucket
  • Wooden box
  • Original flowerpot.

What you can't do without

Having looked at the New Year's fair, it is easy to get lost in all the variety of goods offered, and impulsively buy a bunch of unnecessary things.

Remember, you can do some of the decor yourself, so put away those expensive balls and buy a simpler option and paints with a brush.

So what do we need to beautifully decorate the Christmas tree with our own hands?

  • Garland. There are countless options for shapes and colors. If we are leaning towards minimalistic decoration, pay attention to modest small lights of the same color. Light bulbs that change color from red to green, then to blue and yellow are popular. Chains in the shape of stars, droplets, and lanterns look beautiful.

  • Balls. You can, of course, do it without them. But, paying tribute to traditions, you should not forget about them. Choose several colors depending on your style.

  • Toys. Various figures of Santa Clauses, angels, tin soldiers and other characters are becoming a thing of the past. Abstraction is popular now - stars, snowflakes, circles, etc. If your hands have grown out of the right place, knit something of your choice.

But no one hangs rain on the Christmas tree anymore. In its place came ribbons, beads, and burlap.

If you are decorating a room with a child, invite him to prepare the decor together. Bake funny gingerbread men, dry oranges, wrap nuts in foil. In the end, you can simply hang candies on strings and allow you to eat one piece straight from the tree on each day of the holidays.

Nowadays it is fashionable to lay out beautifully wrapped gift boxes under a tree. It could just be a dummy, because the gifts definitely won’t last that long.

Let the design of the boxes be a stylistic continuation of the Christmas tree. Use the same colors and elements.

And the holiday is getting closer

Try to approach the design completely differently this year than you are used to. Experiment. Use bold techniques.

When else can you let magic into your home, if not on the eve of the New Year? Choose new colors, shapes, styles. Surprise your family and guests. After all, we often complain that we are tired of everything old, but at the same time we repeat the same thing year after year, even in such things as the decor of the New Year's symbol.

May your home be full of happiness, light and comfort in the New Year! Happy upcoming holiday!

The spruce itself can be different, synthetic, real or in the form of a modest branch, which is no less capable of imparting a magical atmosphere to the holiday. In order for the coming year of the Yellow Dog to bring exclusively positive emotions, happiness and prosperity to your home, you need to take care of the correct selection of jewelry.

Which Christmas tree to choose?

It is recommended to choose a live fluffy spruce in 2018. Not only will it be able to fully saturate the home with comfort and joy, but it will also provide it with the necessary energy that will protect it from adversity over the next 12 months.

It is better to buy an artificial beauty only if there are no conditions or possibilities for installing a real spruce. It is worth learning a few rules:

  • The tree should be checked for the presence of beetles or other living creatures that pose a health hazard.
  • When purchasing a live spruce, you need to check the date of felling and pay attention to the color of the needles; they should not be yellowed.

  • It is better to shop for such a purchase during the day so that you can examine all the flaws.
  • The spruce can be shaken, but the needles should not fall off it.
  • The best time to purchase is December 25-27.
  • It is recommended not to select trees in suspicious locations. For this purpose, there are specially designated markets and nurseries for New Year trees.
  • If you pick a few needles and rub them in your hands, the smell should be rich and pronounced.
  • The presence of mold, dark spots or fungus is excluded on the cut of the trunk.
  • The branches at the bottom of the spruce are directed upward.

When it comes to purchasing artificial decoration for your home, you need to check the material for the presence of harmful chemicals. They can manifest themselves through an unpleasant odor and specific storage conditions.

If a family, in principle, installs only pine every year, it is also worth considering a few simple rules. The main thing for this tree is freshness. To check this, you need to examine the needles. They should be bright green and free of yellow or brown spots. If there is a waxy coating on it, this means that the pine was cut down quite recently, which means you can safely buy it.

Each tree branch should be elastic and lush. It is also worth trying to lift the pine; if it is light for its size, it is better to continue the search.

Selecting a location

Before you start installing the tree and decorating it, you should take care of the proper preparation of the room. The main goal in 2018 is to appease the owner of the next 12 months, that is, the Yellow Dog. Depending on the needs of the family, spruce can be installed in the following parts of the house:

  • If family members have health problems, pine or spruce should be installed in the center of the room. It is there that the energy aimed at enriching life force is concentrated;

  • to improve your financial situation, you need to find the south-eastern part of the apartment and place a tree there. This will help you get a long-awaited career promotion or a bonus at work;

  • to increase mental capacity, it is better to install a New Year's pine tree in the northeast;

  • those people who are planning to travel need to prepare a place indoors in the northwestern part;

  • some couples will hope for a replenishment in the New Year 2018; for everything to go well, the pine tree needs to be moved in a westerly direction;

  • if there is discord in the family and relationships are on the verge of breaking, the spruce should be in the southern part of the room.

Colors for decoration

In order to decorate the New Year tree beautifully and with maximum benefit for each family member, you need to use the teachings of the science of Feng Shui. A fundamental role is played not only by the correct location of the tree, but also by the objects used to decorate it and their color.

In the year of the dog, it is recommended to use accessories of yellow and all its shades, as well as sand shades of tinsel. Gold and red balls will help to successfully dilute the composition.

The last color is best used for decoration with ribbons, hearts or threads. Yellow can be used with brown; it is also the main color in the Year of the Dog. It is advisable to use bright orange and beige colored balls. In addition to the necessary energy, they will provide an atmosphere of comfort on New Year's Eve.

Decorate the pine tree with orange tangerines

To attract good luck, you can place accessories with autumn shades on the pine tree. Other successful solutions will include blue, silver and green decorations.

For those who are going to use two colors, the following combinations must be observed:

Yellow with gold

Green with its shades

White with silver

Beige with brown

If we are talking about colors not mentioned above, their quantity should be moderate. Do not oversaturate the spruce with red or purple.


The most important figure in 2018 will be the Dog. It can be made in the form of a figurine or toy for the pine tree, which is recommended to be installed on its top. On the festive table it is found in the form of a salad with the figure or face of a dog. If the toy is large, it can be under the Christmas tree, this will also bring prosperity and good luck to the house.

Don’t be shy about using all the paraphernalia associated with the dog. These could be dog kennels, bones, bowls or collars. All items can be bought or made yourself from scrap materials or even food. As for other toys, standard symbols such as angel wings, Bethlehem stars, cherubs or postcards with scenes from the Bible are also perfect for the New Year 2018.

Don't forget about other traditional characters, these can be Santa Clauses, Snow Maidens, penguins, deer, northern bears, snowmen and hares. All this will not spoil the energy of the celebration. You can also hang edible decorations on the spruce - nuts, fruits, tangerines, bagels, candies and oranges, and wheat grains packed in bags will bring financial wealth to your home.

Feng Shui symbolism

Families who use Eastern philosophy to ensure well-being and peace of mind should also resort to some techniques:

  • to improve relationships within the family, you can hang bags of coffee beans on the Christmas tree;

  • the most important thing is health; for longevity and getting rid of diseases, you need to hang large, plain balls on the pine tree;

  • success in the financial sphere and general material wealth can be provided by coins, rolls of banknotes or decorative treasure chests. Jewelry will also come in handy;

  • bells and jingles are hung on the New Year's tree in order to scare away evil spirits and attract good ones;

  • Those who are going to have children are advised to hang up any children's things and toys. These could be socks, rattles or pacifiers;

"Children's" decorations for the holiday

  • To meet your soul mate in the New Year 2018 or strengthen an existing relationship, you need to hang up paired toys. For example, hearts, doves or angels.

  • On the night from December 31 to January 1, any figurines, toys or other reminders of the Yellow Dog will bring well-being in all areas.

Symbol of the Yellow Dog for the coming year

On the eve of the New Year, everyone strives to buy the most beautiful Christmas tree and decorate it in an original way. It would seem that there is nothing complicated: you install a forest beauty, hang multi-colored balls, tinsel and other decorations that are in the magic New Year's box. But it's not that simple. As in any other business, there are rules and nuances here.

If you want a decorated Christmas tree to delight you throughout the winter holidays, then you need to make every effort and imagination when decorating it. Today we will tell you about all the secrets of decorating the New Year tree.

How to properly install a Christmas tree

Well, you bought a Christmas tree at the market or cut it down yourself in a special nursery. What to do next? Don’t rush to immediately bring the tree into a warm house: let it “acclimatize” a little in the new place. To do this, leave it in a cool place for a couple of hours.

In the meantime, select “fasteners” for the forest beauty. There are several options here:

  1. Wooden cross
  2. Iron tripod
  3. Bucket with sand or earth
  4. Bucket filled with plastic bottles

After bringing the tree into the house, place it in a bucket of cold water for several hours. After that, choose the place where you will install the Christmas tree. Immediately exclude places located near fireplaces, stoves, radiators and other heat sources. Choose a cool place: near the balcony, window, or at least in the center of the room, where heating will be minimal. This way the tree will last you much longer. Naturally, all this concerns a “living” tree. If you prefer the artificial option, then the place where you install the coniferous beauty does not play a big role.

But let’s continue talking about installing live spruce or pine. If you use a bucket of soil, sand or plastic bottles as a base, but pour a little water into it - this will help the tree stay fresh and lush longer. Trim the lower branches, but do not throw them away. If in some places in the upper part the tree is not very fluffy, you can additionally tie cut branches to the trunk using wire (preferably green). Secure the tree in a bucket, tripod or cross.

Decoration materials

How to decorate the forest beauty? Let's name the materials that are most often used to decorate Christmas trees:

  • traditional glass toys;
  • modern plastic toys;
  • electric garlands;
  • homemade toys made of paper, fabric, felt, etc.;
  • gingerbread;
  • tangerines, apples;
  • cinnamon, dried fruits, star anise and other natural elements;
  • textile ribbons and bows;
  • beads;
  • tinsel;
  • "rain";
  • artificial snow, glitter and other materials to create an imitation of snow or frost (semolina mixed with white paint; shaving cream and starch);
  • natural materials: different types of cones, acorns, nuts, etc.

Basic principles of decorating a Christmas tree

There are several basic rules and principles that are recommended to be followed when decorating any New Year tree:

  • The Christmas tree should be decorated from the bottom up;
  • First, electric garland and tinsel are hung, and only then toys;
  • larger toys are hung on the lower branches, and smaller ones - on the upper ones;
  • if you use artificial snow, then sprinkle it on the tree only after all the toys have already been hung;
  • gift wrapping under the tree should match the overall color scheme;
  • more beautiful toys are hung in the foreground, and less beautiful ones are hung on branches that are located closer to the trunk.

Color combinations for decorating the Christmas tree 2016

As you know, 2016 is the year of the Fire Monkey, so when decorating the New Year tree, try to use bright and rich colors: red, yellow, orange, gold, burgundy, as well as traditional colors such as dark green, white.

Christmas tree in red and gold colors

Gold and red are the traditional colors of the New Year. To decorate the Christmas tree, use glass, paper or plastic balls of different shapes, octagonal stars that are reminiscent of Bethlehem, voluminous bows, beads, gold glitter, and long ribbons.

Christmas tree in orange colors

Orange is the color of joy, kindness and fun, so a Christmas tree decorated in such sunny colors will bring a good atmosphere to your home. Use New Year's balls of different shades of orange, bells, beads, as well as natural decorations - tangerines, oranges and apples.

Christmas tree in red colors

Red is the main color of 2016, so a Christmas tree in this color scheme will bring prosperity and happiness in the coming year. To decorate a New Year's tree in this color, use lush bows, ribbons, voluminous balls, tinsel and rain, as well as candies in shiny red wrappers. An electric garland will make your Christmas tree more colorful.

Christmas tree in red and green colors

If you prefer a traditional style of decorating your Christmas tree, then the red and green color scheme will be the ideal option for you in this case. Glass balls, felt boots, bows, stars and paper Christmas trees - all this will make your New Year's tree a real beauty.

Christmas tree in white

White is the traditional color of winter and New Year. A Christmas tree decorated in this color scheme will create a real winter-fairy-tale atmosphere in your home. For decoration, use snowflakes, angels, cones, decorated with spray paint, artificial snow.

Ways to place toys on the Christmas tree

Have you ever thought that toys arranged in a certain pattern look more attractive on the Christmas tree than if you simply hang them in random order? There are several most common ways to place decorations on a Christmas tree.


Using this method, you will have to hang decorations along the meridians of the Christmas tree. Decorations can be effectively emphasized with tinsel and ribbons. To do this, lower several decorations from the top to the bottom. You can also make bows and hang them along the lines. Toys are also located along the meridians. Remember the principle that the decorations should get smaller as you get to the top of the tree. This is the most rigorous way to decorate a New Year's tree.


As the name suggests, this is an arrangement of toys in a circle. It will be very beautiful if you choose toys of the same shape, for example, balls.

The higher the decorations are located, the smaller they should be. Toys can be different, but colors that harmonize well with each other.

You can also choose jewelry of the same color, but in different shades.


Using this method, you need to select toys of the same type (for example, balls) and different colors, and toys of the same color should be of different sizes - from large to small.

For example, if you have a tall Christmas tree, then it can be divided into three or four “spirals”. Then you will need balls, for example, red, orange, yellow and white. The colors are given as an example, you can use any others. When hanging decorations, you should follow the geometry of the spiral staircase. You can first decorate the Christmas tree with an electric garland, also observing the basic principle.

The first thing you need to do when decorating a Christmas tree is to decorate its base. Agree, an iron or wooden stand does not look very festive. The easiest way to make it feel festive is to wrap it in some beautiful fabric. Just don’t overdo it with brightness - the textiles should be soft pastel colors, otherwise all the attention will be taken by the stand, and not the tree itself.

It’s great if you have garlands that have lost their attractiveness - they can be used to decorate the trunk of a Christmas tree very beautifully. You can also use unnecessary rain for this purpose.

If you use a bucket or box as a stand, you can decorate them using the decoupage technique, wrap them with twine, and decorate them with unnecessary jewelry, buttons and other items.

It is also very important to fill the space under the tree. Take several unwanted boxes of different sizes and wrap them in gift paper. Please note that its color should be in harmony with the overall color scheme of the Christmas tree decorations. It will also be very beautiful if you make New Year's scenes from soft toys, a traditional couple - Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, and wooden figurines. If your tree is decorated in a European style, then scenes from a Christmas nativity scene will look very good.

What style should you decorate your Christmas tree in?

Modern European

Modern European style involves the use of jewelry of one or two colors. At the same time, toys should not differ in species diversity - it will be enough to choose three or four types. Rain and tinsel are not used when decorating, but you can decorate the Christmas tree with bows and ribbons. The top is also decorated with a lush bow, made in the main color scheme, or left without decoration at all.

The classic colors are red, gold and white. If we are talking about combinations, then you should choose red-green, red-gold, white-red or silver-blue.

Traditional Russian

A traditional Russian Christmas tree should be full of all the colors of the rainbow. So there are no restrictions here either in colors or in the form of toys. The top of the forest beauty should definitely be decorated with a large red or golden five-pointed star. Another feature of the traditional Russian Christmas tree is a large amount of tinsel and rain.

And don’t forget about the main characters of the holiday - cotton-wool Santa Claus and Snow Maiden, who will take pride of place under the Christmas tree. You can also diversify Christmas tree decorations with “edible toys” - sweets in bright wrappers and tangerines.

Lately, we have been hearing the words “eco”, “ecologically friendly”, etc. more and more often. Did you know that the Christmas tree can also be decorated in this interesting style. What will it take?

The most important rule is the use of natural materials. All toys can be made with your own hands from cones, acorns, small chocolates, sweets and cookies. The only “unnatural” decoration allowed in an eco-Christmas tree is an electric garland of small light bulbs. You can diversify your toys with the help of tangerines and textile decorations. Some ideas that will be useful for decorating a Christmas tree in this style are described in our article “DIY Christmas tree decorations”.

A minimalist style Christmas tree is an excellent option for decorating a modern apartment. If you don’t like chic and glitter, then a Christmas tree decorated in this style is what you need.

Use glitter or glitter hairspray. The image is completed by several large, most often one-color, glass balls, which are located chaotically. You can also decorate the Christmas tree with a garland with single-color light bulbs.

However, with all this, you should remember the basic rule: the tree should be as fluffy and voluminous as possible.

This style is most suitable for apartments of older people, whose childhood and youth were spent in the USSR. If you have a whole box of toys left over from the times of the Soviet Union, then you can decorate a very beautiful retro Christmas tree. The top is usually decorated with a five-pointed red star or "spade". In this case, rain, old electric garlands, tinsel are also used, and traditional Father Frost and Snow Maiden made of cotton wool are placed under the tree.

Do you like everything modern and new? Then it's time to decorate the Christmas tree in high-tech style. The ideal option would be an artificial tree, not necessarily green in color and with fluffy branches. You can choose any color - from red to white, the main thing is that the design resembles a Christmas tree in shape.

The decorations chosen are extravagant - computer chips, pieces of disks and cables. Just make sure that the “toys” are united by one theme. And also don’t forget about ultra-modern garlands!

Do you want to recreate a piece of ancient Europe in your apartment? Then you can take this opportunity and do it with a Christmas tree. Rag crafts made of burlap and cotton fabric in pastel discreet colors, various household utensils made of brass, and crafts made of craft paper are used as decorations. The image can also be complemented with apples, nuts and cones.

In addition, they use old garland lanterns, as well as candles. But it is better to choose decorative ones that cannot be set on fire, otherwise there is a risk of burning down your apartment or house. The top is decorated with angels or an eight-pointed star.

We wish you interesting New Year's ideas and inspiration :)