How to make a watermelon gift original. Watermelon party script

We love watermelons very much and buy them often during the season. But just eating your favorite berry is boring, and two years ago, when Galina was a little over three, we had our first watermelon party. In August last year, repeated several times. It's a very good family tradition.

There are a lot of ideas for a watermelon holiday:

First of all, we made a garland:

The most simple, from colored paper. So we hang it for the third year. Maybe next time we'll come up with something more sophisticated)

Balls red and green create the right watermelon mood, without them a holiday is not a holiday.

Do not forget about the dress code - we warn guests in advance that all those present at the party must be dressed in green, red, or have something watermelon. So far no one has surpassed the jackdaw, she has a watermelon dress:

I'm cool too - with watermelon earrings and a watermelon ring!

I dream of knitting such watermelon socks)))

And get a manicure

Unfortunately, we have almost no pictures from the very first party ... We found one, accidentally preserved - our guest snapped a piece of watermelon splendor. Here you can see a dress and a watermelon cap on Galina's head. And in the hands - a watermelon ball.

Behind the sofa cushions are homemade watermelon caps, painted by Galina herself. On the table - watermelon muzzles, also her handiwork. The caps are alive and well, but the muzzles are not preserved. My mom knitted a watermelon potholder. We also bought watermelon marmalade, some kind of watermelon-flavored drink and made a "watermelon" salad.

In the previous picture, the watermelon salad is a little clumsy, but in the photo below (a year later) it is already more beautiful:

We prepare this salad by laying out layers of potatoes, cheese, eggs, we coat each layer with sour cream sauce. And on top we decorate with tomatoes, cucumbers and olives. Red pulp can also be created from sweet pepper, for example, but then Galina will not eat it)

By the way, the collages were made by Galya) The photo shows that we have pasta cooked in watermelon colors: with tomato sauce and zucchini)) And next to it is "pizza". At the base is a large watermelon circle, the rind was not cut off, it was decorated on top with whipped cream, kiwi, banana, grapes and sprinkled with coconut flakes.

Spectacular fruit pizza in the form of a watermelon is obtained from strawberries and kiwi. We haven't hit on it yet. But we plan

I really want to cook these snacks for one of the watermelon parties:

And surprise guests with watermelon waffles:

And you can make jelly watermelons:

And cut watermelon stars or lay out a butterfly:

There are many serving ideas on the net:

At our watermelon parties, we color watermelons for speed, remember and guess watermelon riddles, watch watermelon video collections, make watermelon cards. Have not tried these yet (photos found on the net):

If you collect girlfriends, then you can make a watermelon rim:

Our guests leave the watermelon holiday with symbolic gifts. Two years ago we gave watermelon soap (now there are a lot of soap makers, it is not difficult to find a master)

And last year they handed out such leaflets for recording in the form of a watermelon:

But the main thing, of course, is to choose the right watermelon. Yummy and sweet))

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Family holiday for children and parents "Watermelon". Scenario

Rudneva Tatyana Vitalievna, head of the creative workshop "Rainbow" of the Center for Children's and Youth Creativity. Hero of the Soviet Union E.M. Rudneva
Description: The scenario of the holiday is designed for younger children school age.
Organize meaningful leisure activities for children and parents.
1. Strengthen family relationships.
2. Create positive emotional mood.
3. Develop speech, fantasy, Creative skills, skill to work in team.
Decor: Tables according to the number of family teams (each table should have a tray, a watermelon and a knife), sheets of paper and pens according to the number of teams, a demonstration board with sheets of A2 paper according to the number of teams, a handkerchief, a green marker, a bucket, costumes for the king, princess and jester, two chairs in the form of thrones for the king and princess, a stool for the jester, two balls in the form of watermelons.
Characters: presenter, King Watermelon, Princess Watermelon, jester Watermelon.


The screen saver from the program "Visiting a fairy tale" sounds.
Boys and girls, as well as their parents,
Do you want to hear the story about the watermelon?


Then listen. In a certain kingdom, in the Watermelon State, there lived and there was a king Watermelon. And he had a beautiful daughter Arbuzina HP. And also a funny jester Watermelon. And every year they had a big watermelon party to which they invited all their friends. It is at this event that we have the honor to be present today.

Fun music sounds. The jester runs.

Watermelons and melons, zucchini and eggplant, cucumbers and tomatoes, I ask everyone to stand up - the royal retinue is coming.

Usually, the audience reacts to these words simply with a smile, so the jester then adds another remark.

Well, why are you sitting? Get up! The king must be greeted standing up!

The Radetzky March by I. Strauss sounds, the king and princess enter. The jester runs from the king to the princess and escorts them to the center of the hall.

Come in, Your Majesty, come in, Your Highness!

Hello ladies and gentlemen!

Hello ladies and gentlemen!

Hello honest people!

Of course, you know who I am, but not everyone knows how my name stands for.
A - attractions
R - draws
B - pampering
U - passion
Z - fun.

Princess:(stomps feet)
I want entertainment, rides, pranks! Want Want want!

Don't worry, Your Highness. All will be! In the meantime, take your royal seats.

Our holiday opens with a show ballet.

Girls with balls in the form of watermelons perform a dance to R. Gazmanov's song "Karapuzy".

Our holiday today is not ordinary, but family. Family teams take part in it.

There is a presentation of the teams, they take their places at their tables.

Dear holiday guests! Look at these watermelons in front of you. They are the most common. But now a miracle will happen before your eyes - from a simple delicacy they will turn into something extraordinary. And in what - we will soon find out.

Cheerful music sounds, and parents with children begin to "revive" their watermelons. After 5 minutes, each of the teams is given a word to represent the image.

Dear guests, look at these wonders! Our teams are magic! But that is not all. Now our parents have to show their artistic ability and draw a portrait of King Watermelon.

Parents take turns drawing a portrait on a demonstration board with a green marker while blindfolded. Each portrait is glued to the author's table.

Your Majesty, did you like your portraits? Which one is the most beautiful?

King's answer.

Attention attention! Now there will be an attraction of strong men! Each child needs to pick up their own watermelon.

The girl just needs to lift her watermelon a little, the boy can lift it higher.

Well done boys! You are real strongmen! And now you have to show your literary abilities. Now you and your parents need to compose an ode to the watermelon king. And we will solve riddles with the audience for now.

He is so green...
We will fill it with water.
What a big toddler
Sweet will grow ... (Watermelon)

This delicious yellow fruit
Sailing straight from Africa
Monkeys in the zoo
food whole year gives. (Banana)

Itself it with a fist,
Has a red barrel
Touch - smoothly
And take a bite - sweet. (Apple)

He looks like an orange
WITH rough skin, juicy.
There is one drawback -
It is very sour .. (Lemon)

He is warmed by the hot sun,
In a skin, as in a uniform, dressed.
Surprise us today
Thick-skinned ... (Pineapple)

What kind of fruit do we have in the garden?
Small, freckled cheeks.
A large swarm of wasps flew in -
Sweet, soft ... (Apricot)

This fruit is like a tumbler
Dressed in a yellow shirt.
Breaking the peace in the garden
Fell off the tree ... (Pear)

He looks like a red ball
Just don't jump around.
It has vitamin C
This is a ripe ... (orange)

She is so fragrant
What a sweet pulp!
We love from now on
Queen of the field ... (Melon)

In a yellow box
Pinkish patches.
It is a bittersweet fruit.
And he is called ... (Grapefruit)

Before we ate it
Everyone had time to cry.

In these yellow pyramids
Hundreds of delicious grains.

Balls hang on knots
Turned blue from the heat.

Grass above the ground
Burgundy head underground.

As in the garden under the leaf
The chump rolled up -
Zelenets remote,
Delicious little vegetable.

Red beads hang
They are looking at us from the bushes.
Love these beads
Children, birds and bears.

It happens, children, different -
Yellow, herbal and red.
Now he is burning, then he is sweet,
You need to know his habits.
And in the kitchen - the head of spices!
Guessed? This is ... (Pepper)

Well, now it's time for us to listen to the odes that our teams composed for King Watermelon.

Each team reads their essay.

And we with royal family also made something for you.

Here is a thought that came to me recently when I was thinking about the meaning of life:
Mother Nature, if you had not sometimes sent such fruits to the world, the field of life would have dried up.

Watermelon ... How much in this sound
Merged for the Russian heart
How much resonated with him.
Everything here is planting and weeding,
Copperhead control and cleaning.
And now, oh wonderful, wondrous moment -
I stick a knife - the watermelon crunches.
A ripe, juicy fruit trembles.
Another effort and...
The darkness opened up, revealing to the world,
Divine core.
Alley of dawn and more beautiful sun
She lies in the middle of the bowl.
Oh, wonderful smell, wonderful taste!
Let's eat some watermelon!
It's time to try this wonderful fruit. And no matter how sorry we are to part with these almost revived watermelons, after all, their main purpose is to serve us as a delicious treat. So, the next test for our adults. You need to cut the watermelon as carefully as possible.

To cheerful music, family teams remove paraphernalia from watermelons. After that, adults cut watermelons into pieces.

Our adults did a great job. Now it's the turn of the children. Now we will find out who we have the fastest watermelon eater.

To cheerful music, children compete to see who can eat their piece of watermelon the fastest.

Let's summarize. The fastest turned out to be (the name is called). But, children, remember, you should always eat slowly, carefully chewing each bite. Our stomachs don't have teeth! But you have in your hands watermelon rinds. Now we will compete in accuracy.

A bucket is exposed, and the children need to hit it with their watermelon peel.

Children, you are great. You have brilliantly coped with your tasks. Now rest, and we will invite adults to compete in accuracy too.

Adults are given three watermelon pits, which need to get into the bucket.

Our parents also did a great job. And now I want to ask Princess Armelon. Your Highness, did you have fun at the party?

Princess answer.

Your Majesty, do you think our teams did their job well?

King's answer.

Well then, let's throw a feast with a mountain!

The holiday ends with a treat with watermelons for all those present.

Timosha turned one year old on June 9th. We devoted this day to the child, took him for a walk to VDNKh, bought a pistol with soap bubbles, did not invite any guests and did not tire. But on the first festive day in June, we began to prepare for the celebration!
I prayed for the weather, which was terribly changeable. Since no food was planned to be cooked, I was engaged in decorating.
This is what the table looked like before the guests arrived.

I will say a few words about why the birthday was held in such a subject. In general, I always liked the idea of ​​rainbow birthdays, but I didn’t really want to celebrate “like everyone else”. I thought about beating the rainbow from the end, like in the School of the Seven Dwarfs, but I also changed my mind. And then an idea came to my mind: since our family is a lover of green, then let all Tima's birthdays be two-color: the first is red + green, the second is orange plus green, etc. I also thought of linking two colors with some kind of fruit or berry for ease of design: the first is watermelon, the second will be orange, the third lemon, and then we'll see. Maybe 4 years (green + green) will be celebrated somewhere in the forest, and blue + green at sea))
In general, the watermelon theme seemed to me successful, and for several months I was slowly preparing.

We called the guests at four o'clock, but the arrival lasted for an hour, which we were glad of - at least everyone had time!
Timon's gifts were just awesome!
From Nadia with Max (godmother with her husband) huge trampoline for children from one year old.
From Nastya and Serezha (friends) LEGO Duplo set for kids.
From Ksyusha and Sasha (friends) two-level parking.
From aunt and uncle healthy play tent with a set of balls for a dry pool.
From my sister big car .
And my dad and I gave our son balance bike for children from one year) True, Tim has not yet understood its charms)
Tim was terribly pleased. At first I played with LEGO, I didn’t even expect it) We collected the parking lot later, so he didn’t see it in others. The trampoline was also inflated later. But the tent was immediately deployed, Tim climbed in there ... and only they saw him. Everyone played with him, threw balls at him, and he laughed and was happy like no one else.

Then we went to barbecue. It rained a little, but then the weather cleared up, and we just had a great walk!

me and my sister)

We returned home, my aunt and uncle were already getting ready - the youth stayed to spend the night, and they had to go far. I gave them presents and they left.
And we stayed to have fun. I held my contests, giving out tokens to everyone for correct answers (a quiz, a guessing game "what the birthday boy eats" - everyone liked this contest, because I put up only jars with fruit puree, everyone ate it). My sister deservedly became the winner - she received a minibook prize with Timka's most funny pictures.
And the rest of the guests received mugs, magnets and key rings with photographs of the birthday boy. Were very happy))
Then they began to drink tea from the same mugs with an awesomely delicious cake made to order.

Another interesting thing on the table was a watermelon "boat": a scraped half of a watermelon filled with kiwi cubes, banana slices, cherries, strawberries and sweet cherries. I stuck skewers along the edge of the crust so that it would be convenient to take fruits and berries. There were also cupcakes, marmalade, marshmallow ... a sweet table, in short. After kebabs and sausages, he was very in the subject)
When Timokha fell asleep, they played Imaginarium, but everyone was already tired, so they decided to slowly disperse to sleep.
It was a great holiday, everything turned out, the gifts were super, everyone liked everything, the barbecue was even a success, despite the rain - but it was not hot, which is also not bad)
And I'm already making plans for my next birthday....

Participation rules:

  • Everyone is welcome (dance experience is not required);
  • Entrance ticket - watermelon, melon or fruit (1 for each participant);
  • Dress code is cool
  • In the presence of a great mood.

Where: choreographic hall DDT.

In a programme: various games, jokes, dances and entertainment.


Leading. Hello dear guests! Welcome to our home. Today we have a holiday. We always welcome guests. The treat for the guests is already ready. Did you, the guests, bring a good mood with you? And the desire to have fun and play? Have you forgotten laughter and jokes at home? Do you know what today's holiday is called? Where did it come from and who invented it? I will now tell you the story of the creation of this holiday. (Tells).

Leading. Guests promised to visit us for the holiday. Many guests from different parishes. This is the first guest.

His caftan is green
And the heart is like a kumach.
Tastes like sweet sugar
It looks like a ball. (Watermelon)

Watermelon appears to the music.


I am green, round, smooth,
And inside I'm red, sweet.
Every toddler knows
What is my name watermelon.

“I’m also funny and love to be praised. Do you know how to praise a watermelon? To praise me, you need to break into beds.

Leading. Not on the beds, watermelon, but on the teams.

Children are divided into teams using multi-colored tokens.

- And now I propose to each team to grow their own watermelon. Each team is given a watermelon peel, and the pulp must be collected. Whoever has more pulp will win.

Game "Grow a watermelon"

Leading. And now it's time to invite our next guest.

As in the garden under the leaf
The chump rolled up
Zelenets remote,
Delicious little vegetable. (Cucumber)


Cucumber under the tops
Lurking like a chick:
Being dangerous in plain sight
I'm going to sunbathe!

- Today I came not just like that, but with my game. I love it when there are a lot of people and everyone is cheerful! The game is called Cucumber and Mouse. And to play it, you need to remember the words:

- Cucumber, cucumber,
Don't go to that end
The mouse lives there
Your tail will bite off.

- Where is our mouse? Here she is!

Held Game "Cucumber and Mouse".

Leading. And who is our next guest? Let's guess.

Red beads hang
They are looking at us from the bushes.
Love these beads
Children, birds and bears. (Raspberries)

Raspberries. Hello!

I am a bit of summer
On a thin leg
Weaving for me
Bodies and bows.

I brought for you interesting game. It's called "Pass the handkerchief."

- Each team builds one after the other. I will knit a handkerchief for the first participant. He must remove the scarf from himself and tie it to the next participant, kissing him. The team wins, the last member of which ties a scarf to the first player, with whom it all started.

Game "Pass the handkerchief"

Leading. And about the next guest, such a mystery: they grow in summer, fall off in autumn. (Leaves)

leaflet: Hello guys! I flew to you with a gust of wind and I want to play the game "Nose to nose" with you.

To the music, everyone runs, jumps, has fun, and when the music ends, everyone listens to me and connects with any participant in a pair, for example, nose to nose.

Nose to nose game

Leading. Attention, dear guests! An auction is being held today at our celebration. I am the seller, you are the buyers. Everyone plays. I explain the game. I show you a vegetable or fruit, and you have to name a dish that can be prepared from it. Whoever names the dish last, he takes the fruit for himself.

An auction is being held.

Leading. Aunt Varya was going to visit us. Guys, have you met Aunt Varia? Nobody saw Aunt Varya.

Leading. Aunt Varya, aunt Varya, where have you been,

T.V. At the farmer's market

Leading. Varya aunt, Varya aunt, what did you buy, what are you carrying?

I carry two miracles,
In each miracle - two pounds.
They don't have legs or arms.
No shirts, no trousers,
Only two huge belly

Leading. We know, we know, two watermelons

Aunt Varya appears with two watermelons.

T.V.: Hello my dear. I brought you guests for the holiday. Do you like them?

Children: Yes! T.V., and now I suggest that each of you turn into a watermelon when the music ends.

The game "Turn into a watermelon" is being played.

I invite all children and adults to treat themselves to the gifts of autumn.