How to knit two-color patterns with knitting needles: diagrams and descriptions. Two-color patterns knitted with knitting needles 2 and 3 color winter patterns knitting patterns

It aroused great interest among our readers, so we decided to please you and make a selection in which you will find many knitting patterns for lazy patterns.

Lazy patterns are also called false or lazy patterns. Lazy patterns are lazy because they do not require much experience and take much less time than classic patterns. When knitting lazy patterns, there is no change of threads in a row: every two rows are knitted from one ball in one color, and the pattern is obtained by removing elongated loops in a certain order. This technique allows you not only to make the work easier and faster, but also to avoid tight knitting and uneven loops, which is not uncommon when knitting classic patterns if experience is insufficient.

So, let's see how to knit lazy patterns and what rules their knitting technique follows.

  • Two rows in a row are knitted with a thread of the same color: the front row and the reverse, purl row. Thus, the change of threads of different colors occurs along the side edge of the knitted fabric, on the right.
  • In odd, front rows, in removed loops, the thread is left behind the work, and in even, purl rows - before work. Thus, broaches, as in classic jacquards, are obtained on the wrong side.
  • In even, purl rows, the loops are knitted according to the pattern, i.e., the same as they lie on the knitting needle (usually purl), and the removed loops are again removed unknitted, taking into account the previous rule.

A selection of lazy patterns

The diagram shows the front and back rows.

Pattern repeat 8 loops (+ 5 loops for symmetry). Repeat in height from the 1st to the 4th row.

IMPORTANT: We knit 2 installation rows with white thread, 1 row with knit stitches, 2nd row with purl stitches, then according to the pattern.

1.2 row - blue thread, 3.4 row - white thread.

Symbols for the diagram:

Empty square - FACE LOOP (knit - in front rows, purl - in purl rows)

IMPORTANT: When repeating the rappoport in the 5th row (like the 1st) “We knit a loop with 2 knit yarn overs.”

2. Lazy steps

Pattern diagram

The diagram shows the front and back rows. Pattern repeat is 6 loops wide (knit 1 loop before the repeat and 1 loop after). Repeat in height from the 1st to the 12th row.

3. Lazy crosses

Pattern diagram

The diagram shows the front and back rows. Pattern repeat is 10 loops wide (knit 1 loop before the repeat and 2 loops after). Repeat in height from the 1st to the 20th row.

4. Florentine Frieze

Description for this pattern (this description was taken from the forum What kind of handmade women we have, one of the participants in this forum compiled it herself from a drawing. This pattern was made exactly according to this description, only without crochets.

Here, the pattern uses yarn of two contrasting colors.

Cast on a number of loops that are a multiple of 4 +1 +2 edge stitches. We knit the edges as usual, I won’t mention them in the description.
Row 1 (white yarn - B) - knit all
Row 2 (B) - purl all
Row 3 (dark yarn - T) k1, slip 1, thread BEFORE work - knit like this until the end of the row
Row 4 (T) - purl all stitches
Row 5 (B) K1, slip 1 stitch, thread BEHIND work, slip 1, thread BEFORE work, slip 1, thread BEHIND work - so on until the end of the row. It should end with 1 persons.
6 row (B) 1 purl, 1 yarn over, remove 3 loops, thread BEHIND the work (i.e. stretching on the front side of the knit), k1, 1 yarn over Remove 3, thread at work - so until the end of the row.
Row 7 (T) - knit all stitches, do NOT knit yarn overs, discard when knitting from a knitting needle (to increase the stretch for ticks)
Row 8 (T) - purl all stitches
Row 9 (B) - k1, slip 1, thread at work, throw a long broach, which was formed 3 rows below, over a loop on the left knitting needle and knit a loop together with the knit broach, slip 1, thread at work, k1, 1 remove, thread at work, again we throw a long broach from the bottom row onto a loop on the left knitting needle and knit them together with the front one and so on, until the end of the row.
Row 10 (B) K1, slip 1, thread before work, p1, slip 1, thread before work, k1, slip 1, thread before work, knit until the end of the row.
11 (T) - facial
12 (T) - purl
Then the pattern is repeated from rows 3 to 12, only you need to change the color of the thread. Now where there was white yarn there will be dark yarn and vice versa.

Every needlewoman always wants to create something truly original and exclusive. Even if you think that you know how to knit perfectly, there will still be those moments that not everyone knows about. Nowadays, needlewomen are offered a wide variety of knitting patterns. You can choose what you like the most.

Types of knitting patterns and their features

The proposed collection of knitting patterns is distinguished by its beauty, versatility, practicality and variety. It is well systematized. Based on all these patterns, even the most experienced knitters will be able to create a gorgeous creation that will always delight your loved ones, yourself, and friends.

Beautiful patterns are a great reason to practice your technique until you personally reach the desired level of skill and can create beautiful masterpieces yourself. Airy and original patterns, as well as braids, structural patterns and weaves. All this can be used to directly knit summer and winter clothes for everyone. By choosing one of the patterns to work with, you can fully experience the pleasure of knitting.

Types of patterns: relief, patterns of crossed loops, openwork patterns, original lazy patterns, patterns of plaits and braids and others.

So, let's look at these knitting patterns like relief. They are distinguished by their beauty and luxury. These patterns are simple and perfect for all novice needlewomen. These patterns are often loved by beginning knitters. Even though they are simple, they still look stylish and beautiful. You can come up with new and incredibly beautiful patterns with their help.

There are a large variety of such patterns for knitting. By simply changing the purl and knit stitches you can get different effects without any problems. For example, waves, also cells, cages and others. Each option is memorable and beautiful in its own way.

Openwork patterns fascinate everyone with their variety of options. They are incredibly beautiful. Such patterns can consist of large or rather small motifs, also have a complex and simple texture and have a vertical or horizontal orientation.

Lazy patterns are no less chic and attractive. They are cleverly designed. Absolutely every two rows are knitted with a thread of the same color, and then the color is changed. A chic pattern is obtained by slightly elongated loops directly from the previous rows. For their lightness and simplicity, such patterns received the original name “lazy”.

It is worth saying that knitters do not often use such patterns. Choose the options you like and knit to your heart’s content.

The skill of knitting is an amazing art. Once you get it, it is impossible to recover. That is why for many, a passion for this craft quickly becomes an opportunity to implement interesting ideas in creating clothing models. But professionalism begins with simple skills and techniques that allow you to quickly move beyond the amateur level and turn a craft into an art. The topic of today's publication is how to knit a two-color pattern with knitting needles varying degrees of complexity, what rules apply when making such knitwear and how to make the work easier. Let's get acquainted with the descriptions and diagrams of some patterns, which are based on the interweaving of two colors.

Two-color lazy knitting patterns

The simplest in the huge segment of two-color patterns are the so-called lazy patterns. These are elementary patterns based on the alternating use of threads of different colors, i.e. one or several rows are made with yarn of one color, the next or several next rows with a thread of a different color. Hence the name of the lazy pattern, since in jacquard patterns the work is complicated by the fact that both threads are used in constructing one row, alternating in knitting loops.

Rules for knitting two-color patterns

Before moving on to the description of two-color patterns, let's learn some rules:

Yarn colors are selected based on your own preferences, but slightly muted tones, rather than oppositely bright ones, look better in knitted fabric;

Thread of both colors is selected according to the same thickness and yarn structure. Often, failure to fulfill this condition negates all the efforts of the master: the canvas will not look organic;

Beginning needlewomen should choose yarn of medium thickness (300-400 meters in a standard 100-gram skein), which is considered the most optimal and convenient. The best knitting needle size for it is No. 2 -2.5;

The thread tension should be adjusted - do not tighten too much, but do not loosen too much.

Video: two-color knitting

So, let's start with the simplest knitted fabrics. For example, this relief pattern, often used in outerwear patterns (cardigans, coats, hats or scarves), is knitted simply, but looks very decent.

A pattern such as a honeycomb is also common. .

Another popular pattern, “two-color granules,” imitates the fabric weave familiar to us from classic Chanel-style jackets. The fabric made with this pattern holds its shape perfectly; it is both dense and elastic.

Two-color knitting patterns for children's things

Knitting for children is a separate block in needlework. An important feature of two-color children's patterns is the selection of color combinations suitable for a particular age. After all, it is well known that colored patterns that look great on children’s suits look very ridiculous on models for adults. For a young age, pastel colors are considered to be the optimal colors; older children are more impressed by bright, cheerful colors in various combinations. And the best pattern structure for children's clothing has become small patterns. It is for children that lazy two-colors are preferred, since many of them are quite dense and, therefore, warm.

This simple knitting patterns, which are based on alternation rows with various options for removing loops without knitting.

An example would be pattern with elongated loops

When performing purl rows (1st and 5th), to maintain an even structure of the pattern, the loops are knitted as follows: knitted in the previous row on the front wall, removed on the back wall.

Two-color children's knitting patterns diversify textured patterns. For example, lattice - a simple but interesting pattern with a textured base. This pattern also does not take into account the edges (they are done together with the drawing).

Of dense patterns, they are famous for their remarkable unusual texture.two-color stars.

For the sample, cast on the knitting needles a number of loops that are a multiple of 6 + 4 loops for the symmetry of the pattern + 2 edge loops.

Many craftswomen are passionate about making fabric decorated with braids and arans. For knitting lovers two-tone braids We offer a simplified version of the “caterpillar” relief braids.

The number of loops for the sample should be a multiple of 6 + 2 edge loops. The first 2 rows are basic and they are knitted like this (color A): 1st row with knit stitches, 2nd row with purl stitches.

Caterpillar braid pattern

Video about the two-color Braid pattern

Not only knitted fabrics can be made by interlacing two colors. The two-color patent elastic band looks great. A similar pattern is made on double-pointed knitting needles. The pattern requires an odd number of loops.

The lazy method is often used to create patterns with repeating patterns called jacquards. This method significantly simplifies the work, since with a thread of each color only the corresponding loops of the front and back rows are knitted according to the pattern, without knitting those that require yarn of a different color. They are performed in the next two rows, and those knitted earlier are removed.

Thus, alternating the execution of each two rows with a different color, jacquard patterns are knitted, and as a result, a dense knitted fabric is obtained, examples of which we present. Jacquard patterns are diverse: these include geometric shapes, stars, zigzags, and diamonds.

The “lazy” option is not just the easiest option for making jacquard patterns, but also creates a more accurate fabric, since there are no thread pulls that are formed when making a classic jacquard. Starting work, the first two rows are knitted as base rows in one color, and then proceed to the design. Knit stitches are knitted on the front side, and purl stitches are knitted on the back side.

Rules for performing a lazy jacquard pattern

There are several rules for knitting lazy jacquards, the implementation of which will make the fabric beautiful, even and neat:

    do not remove 2 loops in a row;

    the same loop should not be removed repeatedly, it is performed in the purl row;

    at the beginning and end of the row, in addition to the edge loops, you can make one more additional loop, which does not participate in the pattern, but makes the fabric neater.

One of the varieties of such jacquards is the legendary “houndstooth” pattern, a knitting pattern and pattern of which we demonstrate in the publication. The number of loops for the sample is 6 + 2 edge loops.

Scheme of the drawing

Video about lazy two-color knitting patterns

Making knitted models in various color variations is acceptable not only for children's clothing models. For example, various zigzags and missoni are extremely impressive patterns that have long been successfully used in the production of women's clothing, in particular, dresses and skirts.

Patterns imitating waves and zigzags are knitted from yarn of two or more colors. To make a knitted fabric according to the presented sample, the number of loops must be a multiple of 14 + 1 to achieve symmetry of the pattern + 2 edge loops. Knit as follows:

Popular designs are often diversified by adding openwork, which makes them even more elegant and graceful. For example, missoni patterns with openwork stripes, which are extremely in demand today, noticeably “lighten” the canvas, making it soft and floaty.

Missoni is not only popular, clothing models made with similar patterns are always unique and interesting. Like all patterns with a wavy texture, they can not only be two-color, but also combine up to a dozen different colors. The selection of shades for such paintings is individual, but even the craziest combination of shades often attracts the eye. There are many options for alternating color stripes, their width can be different. It is only important that the pattern is zigzag.

Knitting pattern

Practical application of two-color patterns

Having considered the presented two-color knitting patterns, diagrams and descriptions, we note that there are a lot of techniques for making knitted fabric, as well as patterns. What can we say about clothing models knitted with two-color patterns!

For example, a sweater for a boy, created by patent elastic, ideally combines ease of execution, practicality of the solution, attractiveness and functionality of the model. To make sizes 32-34 you will need 150-200 grams. yarn of blue and dark blue colors (wool blend 250 m/100 g), knitting needles No. 2 and 2.5, auxiliary knitting needle No. 2.5.

The sweater is knitted with a patent elastic band, the knitting pattern of which is indicated in the article. The knitting density according to the pattern is 22 loops and 52 rows in 10*10 cm. Based on this pattern, overlaps are made to form large braids. “Braid” of 12 loops:

6 pet. leave on the auxiliary needle while working, 6 stitches. knit with patent elastic, then knit 6 stitches. with an additional knitting needle.

Back: 94 pet. cast on knitting needles No. 2 and, knitting with a 1x1 elastic band, knit 4 cm. Then switch to knitting needles No. 2.5 and knit with a patent elastic band according to the pattern:

56 rows of two-color patent elastic (DPR);

57th row: edge, 16 pets. DPR, “braid”, 12 pets. DPR, “braid”, 12 pets. DPR, “braid”, 16 pets. DPR, regional;

58-92nd rows: DPR;

93rd row: edge, 28 pets. DPR, braid, 12 pets. DPR, braid, 28 pets. DPR, regional;

94-128th rows: DPR;

Row 129: 16 stitches. DPR, “braid”, 12 pets. DPR, “braid”, 12 pets. DPR, “braid”, 16 pets. DPR, regional;

Having knitted 40-44 cm, bind off the middle 22 loops and finish the piece by sewing each side separately and casting off 3 p., 2 p., 1 p. in each front row. Close the shoulder seam (30 p.) 2 cm from the neck line.

Before: performed in the same way as the back, only the neckline begins at a height of 36-40 cm. First, close 14 central loops, then in every 2nd row, decrease once - 4 p., 3 p., 2 p., 1 p. The remaining 30 loops of each shoulder section are closed at the same height as the back.

Sleeves: for elastic (knitting needles No. 2), cast on 45 loops, knit 4 cm. Continue on knitting needles No. 2.5 DPR. On both sides for bevels, add 1 loop 19 times in every 8th row. At a height of 30-32 cm, the sleeve is closed.

To process the neckline, the loops are collected on circular knitting needles, having previously sewn the shoulder sections on one side. Make a binding; if desired, you can knit a high collar. Having closed the loops, sew the second shoulder section, side seams, and sew in the sleeves.

Knitted socks with two-tone pattern

Not only clothes are created using two-color knitting. Models of socks and house shoes made from yarn of two colors have long become an excellent alternative to store-bought items. A good example is the socks shown in the photo (size 37-38).

They are performed like this:

Yarn of two colors (but the same texture) of medium thickness (200 m/100 g), knitting needles No. 2.5.

Cast on 49 stitches with thread C and knit 2 rows, and then, changing thread (B), knit 2 more rows.

Row 5 (thread C): edge stitch, *slip 1 loop, knit 1.* knit the last edge stitch purlwise. As a result of alternation, loops of different colors will appear on the needle.

6th row (C): edge, *1 remove NPR, 1 person.*

7-8, 11-12 rows (thread B): all persons.
Row 9 (C): edge, the next 23 loops are knitted, repeating the algorithm * slip 1 loop, knit 1. * Then the 24th. remove the loop, and from the 25th knit 9 loops (knit, yo, knit, yo, etc.), then until the end of the row * remove 1 loop, 1 knit*

Row 10 (C): work in the same way as row 6, but the central inc stitches are knitted.

Repeating the sequence of knitting rows from the 9th to the 12th, knit up to 7 repeats of increase, i.e., a chain of 7 “bells” is formed in the center of the sock. The next 4 rows are performed as rows 5 to 8.

At this stage, the knitting of the top of the sock is completed. There are 98 stitches on the needles. The trail and heel are made on 10 central loops. There are 44 loops left on each side ((98 - 10)/2).

Knit 44 sts + 10 sts, knit the next 2 sts together. The work is turned and 10 loops are knitted, and one of the next 2 is knitted again. Continuing in this manner, knit until the side loops run out. Having finished the work, the loops are closed and the heel is sewn.

We have talked about only a small part of the wonderful art of knitting in two colors. By putting the listed techniques into practice and using them for your own ideas and subsequent implementation in models, you can significantly improve your level of skill and learn how to create unique knitwear.

Learning to knit and choosing two-color patterns

Learning to knit and choosing two-color patterns

The appearance of knitted products depends on the choice of quality threads by needlewomen, on their personal skill, as well as on the pattern. It is possible to obtain a huge variety of spectacular reliefs by knitting many types of loops, as well as their combination with each other. In addition, there is a technique for creating patterns on knitted fabric using threads of two or more colors. Knit with yarn of different shades according to the instructions in the pattern, and you will be able to form spectacular two-color patterns with knitting needles on knitted fabric. Using the technique of forming two-color patterns, needlewomen can knit stylish items on the simplest fabric made with stockinette stitch. In the photo below you see one example of a pattern on the front surface, knitted with threads of two colors. In this case, the drawing is made according to the diagram. You can create such a simple scheme yourself by choosing a drawing that you like.

In order to transfer such a homemade pattern to canvas, you need to master the method of making a two-color pattern. You will get this opportunity by studying all the photo and video materials in this lesson.

Types of loops in knitting two-color patterns

Beginning needlewomen can be advised to knit a two-color pattern with knitting needles using a smooth fabric, that is, stockinette stitch. This fabric is made exclusively from front loops (LP) and purl loops (IP). In this case, you just need to correctly alternate the thread colors you need at the moment. The method of alternation will depend only on what kind of pattern you need. These could be just dots, or other small relief.
The pattern in the photo is a lazy jacquard, which has the most primitive and uncomplicated patterns. Lazy jacquard is most often used for knitting children's items. But perhaps you don’t need dots, but horizontal or vertical stripes, then the alternation will be completely different. Having mastered a simple technique, move on to more complex patterns, such as geometric shapes, then snowflakes, deer and Christmas trees. It should be noted that two-color patterns are knitted not only by alternating colors, but also by using different stitches. This can be LP and IP, the technique of using yarn overs, slipped loops (P), as well as broaches. Experienced knitters often knit such motifs using more complex techniques, such as broaches, crossed and moved stitches.

Two-color patterns for children

If you look closely at the two-color themes,
, it is not always possible to determine for what age they are more suitable. Most of the two-tone motifs are absolutely suitable for both adults and children. If you need to choose a color pattern for your child, then you will probably turn to two-color knitting patterns. Choosing a knitting motif for children is much easier than for adults, because most shades, as well as many designs with colored yarn, are suitable for small citizens. We make a distinction only depending on the gender and age of the child. For newborns and children under ten years of age, you need to take yarn in very bright colors. As for older children, colorful, but more restrained drawings are suitable for them. When choosing a knitting pattern for boys, you need to focus on a theme that suits them, as in the photo.

For little princesses, bright pink and blue shades, as well as flower patterns, are more suitable.

Beginning craftswomen can be offered the simplest option for making children's two-color drawings. It consists of knitting rows alternately of two threads of different shades. We knit with different threads in even and odd rows, and we get stripes that form a two-color pattern that looks quite original. Experienced needlewomen who find such simple stripes too primitive can be offered a more complex pattern. It consists in the formation of removed loops, performed periodically, at equal distances. The second technique is knitting crossed loops, which perfectly decorate winter sweaters and hats for children, making them warm and voluminous. In this case, the shade of the thread changes after two rows, front and back, forming the original relief and volume of the fabric.

At the end of this lesson, we offer a video master class on knitting a two-color pattern with knitting needles for children. The diagram contains 14 rows, of which two are auxiliary, and 12 constitute vertical repeat. The horizontal repeat of the motif has six loops. Repeat all the steps in the video lesson to gain experience in forming a two-color motif with knitting needles. Video: Simple children's pattern

Patterns for adults

Unlike knitting patterns for children, two-color patterns for adults are knitted using multi-colored threads in calmer and muted tones. Typically, diagrams depicting geometric shapes are chosen for this purpose. This can be a mesh shape, knitted in the form of diamonds, as well as other geometric shapes, plaits and braids.

As can be seen from the attached photos, two-color patterns are made with light and dark threads, but without flashy brightness. It is necessary to note one important feature of two-color patterns, which are formed by alternating tones in rows. The fact is that their schematic drawings often do not coincide with the pattern that appears on the product. Often, each new pattern combination produces a two-color pattern that is completely unexpected.

Video: Learning to knit patterns of two colors

Tweed patterns knitted from leftover yarn

Tweed patterns get their name from the fabric whose appearance they so successfully imitate. In knitting textbooks you can find them under the names “multi-colored bouclé” and “fabric”. In most cases, a sample is offered from threads of two colors, although nothing prevents you from creating a multi-colored fabric, which is held in high esteem in the fashion world. Tweed patterns are counted, that is, the number of loops must be a multiple of a certain number, but unlike many openwork and aran, the correction when knitting will be two or three loops, which has little effect on the size.

In the first tweed pattern, the number of loops is a multiple of two plus one loop. The work is carried out with a thread of only one color, which is much simpler. The color of the thread changes every two rows.

First row (front side): 1 front, * thread before work, slip 1 loop as a purl, thread behind work, 1 front, from * repeat to the end of the row.

Second row: purl two, *thread behind work, slip one stitch as purl, thread before work, purl one, repeat from * to end of row.

Perform the third row with a thread of a different color according to the description of the first row, and so on.

The second tweed pattern is more textured and the number of loops in it is a multiple of four plus one loop. As with knitting the first, all rows are carried out with only one thread, the color of which changes every two rows.

First row (right side): knit four, *slip the thread as a purl, knit three, remove the thread as a purl, repeat until * the last four stitches in the row, which are knitted.

Second row: knit four, thread before work, slip one loop as purl, thread behind work, * knit three, thread before work, slip one loop as purl, thread behind work, repeat from* to the last four loops, which are knitted.

The third row is done in a different color: knit one, then remove one as a purl, knit one, and so on until the end of the row.

Fourth row: knit one, *thread before work, slip one stitch as purl, thread behind work, knit one, from* repeat until end of row.

The fifth row is knitted according to the description of the first and so on.

For the third tweed pattern, the number of stitches should be a multiple of six plus three stitches. The color of the thread, as in the first two versions of the pattern, changes every two rows.

The first row (front side) is three knits, then alternate three purls with three knits until the end of the row.

The second row completely copies the first.

The third row is knitted with a different thread according to the description of the first row, and the fourth - like the second, and so on.

A tweed pattern with threads of three colors can be made defiantly contrasting or simply play with shades; the number of loops in it is a multiple of three plus two more.

The first row (wrong side) is made with purl stitches.

The second row begins with changing the thread and knitting two knit stitches, and then remove one loop as a purl and repeat two knit stitches until the end of the row.

The third row is all purl.

The fourth row begins with two knit stitches and one loop is removed as a purl, then two knit stitches are alternated with one loop removed as a purl until the last three loops on the knitting needle, which are knitted with knit stitches.

The fifth row is knitted with purl threads of the third color, which are used only for this row.

The sixth row returns to work the threads of the first color and three knit stitches and one removed as a purl, after which two knit stitches and one removed as a purl loop are repeated alternately until the last knit stitch, which is also knitted with a knit stitch.

And the last fifth version of the tweed pattern is made with threads of at least two colors and the number of loops in it is a multiple of four plus three more loops.

The first row begins with a purl loop, the thread behind the work, remove one loop as a purl, the thread before the work, and so on until the last loop, which is knitted purl.

Second row: knit one, slip one as a purl, then * three knit stitches, slip one stitch as a purl, from * repeat until the last stitch, which is knitted.

The third row begins with a change of color and is knitted like the first row.

Fourth row: knit three, * slip one as a purl, knit three, and so on until the end of the row.

Tweed patterns are coming back into fashion; with their help you can create the most incredible knitted fabrics from the abundance of small balls that any needlewoman accumulates.