Happy birthday wishes. happy birthday wishes

We all lack spiritual warmth, in the bustle of weekdays, we forget about those who are dear to us and who love and miss us. We say warm words only when some kind of event occurs, and if you think about it, pleasant wishes to people can be given daily. No need to wait for a holiday event. No wonder they were invented. Remind your loved ones about yourself, show that you love them, think about them and miss them.

Send good wishes and they will answer you and appreciate your deed. May the world become a little kinder and brighter thanks to you.

The best pleasant wishes to people, we have collected on our website Krasivo Pozdrav.ru, on this page.

best wishes for people

Let every minute of life be bright
saturated, extraordinary,
full of unforgettable experiences
and pleasant surprises!

May a beautiful and bright dream
Like an air moth, it strives up,
Inspiration and happiness are always waiting!
Like today, all life will be joyful!

I wish you to live in happiness
No matter what happens.
See only the positive
No matter how life beats.

Never lose heart
Smile, believe.
Good happiness
Don't measure money.

Let the heart melt in bright love,
May luck come often
Life showers gifts!
Let happiness bloom!

May happiness always be in your heart
And the look shines with tenderness,
The house will be warmed by family comfort,
Where affection and sensitivity reign!

Smiles, the joy of every day
Your whole life will be full
May all your dreams come true
Good luck, love and warmth!

good wishes for people

Let life become brighter from happiness
And gives joyful days
And a sunny flower of luck
And the quivering flower of love!

Let every moment become
Even more beautiful and kinder!
Good luck, smiles, inspiration!
Let everything be done soon!

Let the soul not know the cold
Like a clear day, like a garden in bloom,
May the heart be forever young
Welcome to kindness!

May there be no evil on your way,
Let there be no envy and jealousy,
I want to wish you well
May your life be happy!

I only wish good
So that you can get happiness with your hands,
So that grief does not touch you,
So that joy smiles at you
Faithful and eternal love -
Here are my wishes!

Heartfelt Wishes

Let there be everything that is needed in life,
What is good about life:
Love, health, happiness, friendship
And always a kind soul.

I wish you a good, beautiful day,
Good luck to every moment!
Traffic on the road is safe,
And I was waiting for a compliment at work!

Let plans come true today
And even in small things you are lucky!
Let good things happen to you
And let happiness come to you!

The sun is splashing on the streets
The blue sky is calling.
My cat, don't you dare frown today
Better lose count of smiles.

Let the funny devils company
Jumping all day in your eyes
Everything will work out, as if by magic.
I'll take care of the prizes.

We wish you with great love
Success, joy, warmth,
Health and health again
To have a happy life.
So that all good things come true
And the new Day gave good,
To never fade
In your soul you have invisible forces.

If wishes mean anything
Then I wish you good luck
For the sun to shine on you
For your heart to love
So that all sorrows and troubles
Turned into your victories.

With all my heart without verbosity
Wish You happiness and health.
I want to live without old age
Work without fatigue.
I wish you earthly blessings -
I know. You deserve them.

7 I wish you all the best,
The happiest
Health - chocolate,
Fun - grape,
Life is endless
Youth is eternal
Smiles - strawberry!
And life will be easier.

The most important holiday for every person is his birthday. After all, only on such a day you can be completely in the spotlight, only today you can get a huge number of different wishes and interesting gifts from relatives, friends, colleagues and just close people.


Very often a person thinks about what to wish for a birthday, because you don’t want to be banal. However, sometimes it is better to say a couple of simple and well-known phrases. So, a loved one is absolutely necessary. And this is regardless of how old the birthday person is - 15 or 80. Health is always necessary and important, because when a person is sick, he simply does not succeed. Therefore, congratulating a person, you must definitely say: “Happy birthday! I wish you health ... ”, and then develop your thought, continuing to shower the birthday man with subsequent wishes.


There is also a slightly different, but quite common wish. Often, congratulating a birthday person, people say: “Happy birthday! I wish you happiness! And that might be enough. After all, happiness is for everyone. By this word, any person understands for himself something individual, secret, intimate. Therefore, we can say that this is a very extensive and universal congratulation.

"Dream come true"

What else to wish for You can tell the birthday man that all his dreams come true. It is also a very versatile phrase that covers enough information and is voluminous. “May all your wishes come true and all your goals be achieved” - this is another good congratulation.


A few more tips on what to wish for your birthday. You can tell a person that everything goes very well in his work or study. Schoolchildren and students wish easy study and successful completion. For people who work - career advancement and just success in professional work.


Developing the topic of what to wish for a birthday, do not forget about material wealth. It can be said in different ways. So, wish for a pay rise, winning the lottery, random wealth, etc. Still, you should not forget about this, because for most people the money issue is quite acute.

Self improvement

It is also good to wish a person to grow. However, not in terms of the physical (although this is possible if you congratulate the child), but in terms of the spiritual. Such a wish is suitable for people who are concerned about self-development, trying to learn as much as possible, learn and be in time. Well, this is also a good and useful wish.


It is necessary to wish every person love. Lonely people - to find their mate and truly love, family people or those who have already found their soul mate - strong relationships and peace. This feeling is not limited. It is necessary to love not only a person of the opposite sex, but also parents, friends, and the Motherland. That's the kind of all-encompassing feeling you want.


Also, do not forget about what a person wants more than anything in the world. These are the achievements of this and you need to wish the birthday man. He will be doubly pleased to hear about this from the lips of a dear person.

Hello dear friends! Do you know how to prepare congratulations in your own words?

Yes Yes. Today we will talk about the "stumbling block" of many people when presenting gifts - about congratulations. Even if you have prepared a chic present, it is still desirable to present it beautifully. At a minimum, accompanying this process with pleasant words and wishes. I confess that I do not like the common version of reading a poem from a postcard bought on the way.

I prefer congratulations in my own words. But the question arises: where can we get these very “our own words”, if everything we usually want fits into the standard set of “health, success, love, wealth and joy”?

In general, strictly speaking, all these wishes fit into a single wish of "happiness". But this term is so vague and "hackneyed" that when we pronounce it, it sounds rather boring. Because the word, in fact, does not carry any informational load, let alone positive emotions. And when the fifth guest utters this wish, its meaning is completely lost and leveled.

No, there is, of course, some variety in congratulations. For example, we often hear: “I wish you all the very best!” or "All that you wish for yourself!" . Original, isn't it?

I do not think that such congratulations will inspire the hero of the holiday. Remember, we talked about this in the article.

But we want a different result! It is important for us to make the birthday man pleasant, to give him vivid emotions, right?

Therefore, I propose to go the other way and discuss how to pronounce the original congratulations. An excellent answer to this question is given in their book "Birthday" by S. Afanasiev and L. Gruzdeva (by the way, the book is excellent, it has a lot of cool ideas for preparing for a birthday).

I decided to introduce you to the ideas from this book, because. This information is relevant to many and will definitely come in handy.

Congratulations in your own words: beautiful congratulations based on 5 wishes

So, it turns out that everything that we want to see at the birthday man in the future does not differ in originality. So maybe it's worth going the other way? For example, to add variety to the wishes pronounced by replacing the most common words with their synonyms. Let's look at examples of how to prepare original congratulations.

Health Wishes

Instead of the word "health" in the wish, you can use synonyms of this word with the prefix "not". Moreover, you can come up with cool words yourself, without worrying too much about their correctness - this is a holiday, you can fool around!

That is, instead of health, we can wish the birthday man not to cough, not to get sick, not to get sore throats, not to catch a cold, not to report, not to get sick and not to wither.

You can specify what kind of health we want to wish him. For example, bearish, Siberian, steel, heroic.

It is also permissible to replace the word health with concepts similar in meaning: strength, vivacity, good health, stress resistance, athletic form and a flourishing appearance, and as a result of health - longevity.

Or you can take and list all the organs that should be healthy from that moment on for the congratulatory person. This will be fun and definitely original - that’s why congratulations are wonderful in your own words 🙂!

Wealth Wishes

Instead of the word "wealth" and its popular substitute for "material well-being", one can wish for specific sources of their receipt.

For example, “So that you receive a huge inheritance from a distant relative!”, “So that you win the lottery”, “So that you are paid a huge fee”, “So that a large amount of money suddenly appears on your bank account!” etc.

Joy Wishes

Instead of a general concept of joy, specify the source of its receipt for the hero of the holiday. For example: “Let children, grandchildren, relatives, friends, neighbors, colleagues, weather, harvest, government, president, please you,” etc.

You can also specify the size of the desired joy. For example, to wish great, great, great, immeasurable, endless joy.

And you can also come up with suitable substitutes for joy. For example, to wish you a great mood, a huge number of minutes of pleasure, a buzz from life, and that birds always sing in your soul and butterflies fly.

Well, given our association of joy with relaxation, it would not be out of place to wish more rest, always getting enough sleep, great travels, more time for yourself and even so many free hours to read all the books in his personal (or city 😉) library.

Wishes for success

Instead of a rather broad concept of "success", one may wish for improvements in a specific area. This is easy to do if you know the recipient well. In this case, you are aware of what the birthday man lives, dreams and thinks about. Lately. Wish him this! It is always nice when you are wished success exactly where you would like to receive it.

For example, wish you success in completing your studies, in passing certification, in getting an excellent harvest in the country, in fulfilling your dream of visiting a particular city or country, in submitting a quarterly report, in managing a team, etc.

You can also switch to synonyms for success - close concepts that characterize it. Wish recognition of the merits of the birthday man, the implementation of his plans and hopes for something, the fulfillment of his desires and that his dreams always come true!

Love Wishes

Love love strife, agree?

For some, this is “healthy sex”, and for others, “family comfort”. Someone dreams of "fiery passion", and some of the "crowd of fans." And there is also love for the Motherland, for the Fatherland, for life, for nature, for children and animals.

By combining these concepts, you can pronounce interesting, original words that are suitable for a particular birthday person.

For example, based on the materials of this article, I tried to compose a congratulation for a young guy. I got the following.

“Today, on your birthday, we wish you:

  • always be in great shape,
  • have steel health (at least so that the arms are strong and the legs are fast).
  • do not wither away from love, but enjoy the attention of fans.
  • so that your financial well-being is always at a high level thanks to huge fees for your services.
  • We wish your dream come true: so that this year you “get on the wave” and master a new water sport (we believe that nothing is impossible for you!)!
  • let your parents please you with their health, and colleagues and friends give you a good mood.
  • We wish you to remain as strong, courageous and enjoy every new day!
  • happy Birthday to You!".

Agree, this is more interesting than happiness, happiness, a lot of money and once again happiness 🙂!

The main thing is to understand that it is possible to give the same content a slightly new form each time. And then your congratulations in your own words will shine with bright colors, become a pleasant bonus to the prepared gift and will be information-filled and pleasant for the birthday man .

In the next article, I propose to consider cool congratulations for men. Having a couple of these in stock, you can immediately congratulate in an interesting and unusual way.

In the meantime, I invite you to see how they are made and read about.

Always glad to see you on the blog pages.

Sincerely, Olga Mamin.

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Let life become a long journey full of adventures and discoveries, every day promises a holiday, and the night - a fairy tale!

Hello! Congratulations on your new age! May it bring you vivid impressions and new invaluable experience, as well as more joy and happiness!

Good wishes with DR in prose

Congratulations on your birthday! On this day, I want to give you a huge bouquet of compliments, and all of them will be true. Many can envy your sharp mind, beautiful appearance, excellent character and sparkling humor. Everything works out for you, everything works out - fate is favorable to you, and this is very pleasant. May everything you want, dream about, come true quickly, easily and beautifully. On your birthday, I want to wish you joy, kindness, health and good luck. She already accompanies you in everything, may Fortune continue to be favorable to you. And I also wish you great personal happiness, so that it warms every day of your life, fills your soul with love and warmth. Happy birthday, and may this day be bright, beautiful and happy!

Universal wish from the bottom of my heart

I congratulate you with all my heart on your birthday! May everything always come true! I wish you many smiles, kindness and joy, so that there are true friends, pure and mutual love, good health, endless happiness, great life patience, all unearthly blessings and all the very best, beautiful, and radiant!

I wish you live to be a hundred years old! Let the motor in your chest run without interruption and without repairs. Let your life be a wide and even track without potholes and potholes. I also wish that you do not skid on sharp turns, that you always firmly hold the steering wheel of your life in firm hands. Good luck and happy journey!

Happy birthday wishes for a man

Dear birthday boy! On your birthday, I sincerely wish ...
So that the green "Mercedes" of your life easily and happily takes you through life, overcoming all obstacles and difficulties, so that the road goes through a flowering garden and all those you need are nearby. For your well-being and success!

Beautiful birthday wishes from the heart

I wish you to move to the heights of life, while not being afraid of difficulties, joyfully meet every new day and believe in the fulfillment of a dream. And then, without a doubt, you will succeed! Happy holiday!

Specially for the site

Universal congratulations in your own words with deep meaning

Enjoy every minute of your life. Drink it carefully, in small sips, without spilling a single precious drop. Admire nature, because she also admires you. You have everything you need to be happy and you will definitely achieve everything you want. Believe in your strength, in your dream! Happy birthday!

I wish you health, temper yourself in minor troubles and develop immunity to all troubles. Regularly take vitamins of joy and enjoy sweet moments of happiness, and start your morning with a smile! And more vivid impressions - they are needed like air!

Specially for the site

Beautiful birthday words from myself

On your birthday, I want to wish you spiritual harmony, determination and a reliable environment that will support you in any endeavors. Let life be full of rich and bright moments, and the goals achieved motivate you to new achievements!

Specially for the site

Interesting birthday greetings in prose

On my birthday, I wish you lightness of feelings, spiritual vigor, clarity of thoughts and bright positive feelings. May life energy help you achieve the most incredible ideas.

Specially for the site

Positive birthday wishes for a man in your own words

I want to wish you not only well-being and a good life, but also good luck in any endeavors. Be proud of your achievements - you deserve it. Live brightly and smile every day!

Specially for the site

Good congratulations to a woman in ordinary words

Congratulations! Today you will be given a lot of gifts, but I wish you earthly female happiness: may your beloved man give you a good mood, attention and gentle kisses all year long, may the children please you with success, be affectionate and obedient. Let your reflection in the mirror always respond with a reassuring smile, and tears in your eyes appear only from an excess of feelings or a bright tropical sun.

Specially for the site

Congratulatory words to a woman happy birthday

Happy birthday!
I congratulate you from the bottom of my heart! I wish you health and happiness! May you be lucky in life and work!
Always stay the way you are. How much positive energy and human dignity you have!!!
Your intuition and charm make you special. You have many other wonderful qualities. Take care of it all. Always remain the same sincere person!
Let life circumstances develop in such a way that this list is only replenished.

A short text of congratulations to the DR

Let a kind artist paint your life only with bright colors, and let the days bring impressions that you want to remember. Happy birthday!

Specially for the site

A beautiful universal wish in prose

Health, happiness, happy birthday! I wish your dreams come true, your luck - to be always there, indicating the path of life. May this path be brighter with dreams and hopes that come true. May prosperity always be in your soul.