How long does eau de parfum last? Does perfume have an expiration date? And is it possible to use expired ones? Hatching on packaging

When purchasing perfume, many people wonder how long it retains its properties. Purely theoretically, it can be stored for at least a hundred years. But will the base, middle and trail notes remain unchanged, that is the question. How can I find out, after opening the code, what is the expiration date of perfumes and eau de toilette? This will be discussed further. This information is necessary for every owner of an elite piece of perfume art. Despite the high content of alcohol and essential oils, over time the liquid contained in the bottle may lose its former aroma or deteriorate.

Does perfume have an expiration date?

It is traditionally believed that unopened colognes last for several years. In accordance with European standards - 5, according to Russian GOSTs - 3 years. But many fans of exquisite fragrances know that retro perfumes that have been around for 20-30 years are now much more expensive than new ones. This means that after the recommended period, the product does not always deteriorate. The only caveat is that storage conditions must be observed. To obtain vintage perfume, it is advisable not to open it after purchase.

Aromatic products vary in concentration: eau de toilette is considered the lightest. When answering the question of whether perfumes have an expiration date, it should be noted that the more saturated the base is used, the longer the scent is stored. Due to the tightness of the packaging, bacteria do not get inside the container, and the liquid does not spoil for a long time. But if the bottle has already been opened, with the cap closed it will last up to two years. When the lid is open or you constantly use eau de toilette - no more than one year.

Where to look

All reputable brands include consumer-relevant information on the packaging. They should be located on the cologne itself or its box. There are many sites on the Internet that will help you check the expiration date of a perfume using the code of a specific cosmetic brand. Using an online calculator, you can find out for what period the selected colognes retain their original properties. For the convenience of customers, special applications have been developed for mobile devices that allow you to decipher the manufacturer’s code right in the store.

How to determine

When going to the perfume department, carefully study the packaging. Foreign brands often use special codes that are deciphered using a standard algorithm. The appropriate analysis method is chosen based on the labeling and the specific manufacturer.

Manufacturers calculate the shelf life of eau de parfum and other cosmetic products in different ways:

  • from the moment of manufacture;
  • from the time the bottle is opened by the buyer;
  • indicate only the bottling date, without giving information about how long the perfume will begin to lose its quality;
  • Often European and American companies do not put dates if the product can be stored for more than two and a half years.

By batch code

This is a set of numbers and letters that will give information about the recommended storage period and batch number. Unlike a barcode, it is not unified and varies from manufacturer to manufacturer. It is usually located next to the barcode on a sticker located on the bottle or side of the box. For example, the expiration date of perfumes according to the Christian Dior brand code is determined as follows: the first digit indicates the year of production. The following characters of the Latin alphabet correspond to the months of the year. In this case, “a” is January, “b” is the next month, and so on.
To decrypt, you need to ask the store clerk for a table developed by the manufacturer. It can also be obtained on the official website of the brand or found on the Internet on resources dedicated to cosmetics. There are many online calculators on the Internet where you can enter a product code and find out how long your irresistible scent will last. But there is no single database where all manufacturers would be collected. The information is provided by private developers, so it cannot be called completely reliable.

By barcode

Many people pay attention to the numbers depicted on the box, above which there are stripes of different lengths. But for an ordinary person it is extremely difficult to decipher a set of symbols and determine the freshness of an aromatic product from them. A regular barcode on a package carries almost complete information about the company that manufactured it and its characteristics. Using it you can find detailed product descriptions on special websites.

The first digits in the encoding indicate the country of origin. For example, 46 is Russia, and Finland is 64. The barcode may not have numbers, and this does not mean that the product is fake. Unfortunately, it is impossible to check whether eau de toilette and perfume have an expiration date. But it is possible to find out the authenticity of the perfume, because this guarantees that it is of high quality and will be stored for a long time. To do this, just perform simple arithmetic calculations:

  1. Add up all the even numbers in the barcode.
  2. Multiply the resulting amount by three.
  3. Get the sum of all odd digits except the thirteenth.
  4. Sum up the two results obtained earlier.
  5. Cross out the first digit from the resulting number.
  6. Subtract the result from ten. It should be equal to the thirteenth digit. If everything matches, then the barcode is genuine.

What can be considered late

Fashionistas are often interested in how to find out the expiration date of perfumes and perfumes, but often a visual inspection is sufficient. One of the characteristic signs is sediment at the bottom of the container. Most often it has a brown or yellow tint. In such a situation, it is not always correct to conclude that perfume is unsuitable for use. If the product is fresh, sediment may indicate that it is based on synthetic oils.

The second symptom is that the liquid has become cloudy or changed color. In this scenario, it is better not to use cologne. The third sign is the appearance of an unpleasant odor due to the entry of components into a chemical reaction. Such a liquid will not please its owner, but on the contrary will cause rejection.

Often the information on the packaging leads to doubts about vintage scents. As a perfume ages, some notes may disappear. The light essential oils contained in the top chords evaporate first. But the rest of the pyramid is only revealed better and refined, like an elite wine. Therefore, perfumes with heavy aromatic ingredients that have a long period of use often become collectible objects.

Storage conditions for an opened bottle

It is convenient to associate the storage of eau de toilette with the preservation of expensive wines. Alcoholic grape drinks are stored in the cellar inside sealed bottles without access to sunlight. The wine spends many years in an almost motionless state, no one shakes it. If it becomes clear how to find out the expiration date of perfumes and perfumes, it is useful to remember what conditions are optimal for its existence. Perfumes should be kept in stable conditions, without temperature fluctuations and strong dampness.

Many ladies place their perfume collection in the most visible place, such as a dressing table. But this decision is wrong, since in the light the aromatic components will evaporate and lose their properties. For perfect preservation of the sealed product, you must follow the following rules:

  • It is important to keep the bottle stationary. You cannot put it in a dresser drawer or carry it with you in a bag.
  • The recommended indoor humidity level is no more than 70 percent, without sudden changes.
  • In order for the information on the product packaging to be useful, it is necessary to observe the temperature regime during storage. The optimal temperature is from +20 to +25 degrees.
  • Keep in tightly closed packaging, protect from direct sunlight. Otherwise, alcohol, which is the main preservative, will evaporate.
  • It is not recommended to leave perfumes on the bathroom shelf.
  • Particles of foreign materials should not get inside the bottle. Therefore, when using a bottle without a sprayer, do not press the neck of the container close to your skin or clothing. Otherwise, the components will react with particles of the epidermis or fabric fibers.
  • There is no need to put the precious aroma in the refrigerator; it deteriorates at low temperatures.
  • If some of the valuable liquid is spilled, you cannot put it back into the bottle.

Ladies who prefer to place the bottle in a visible place need to spend the perfume before the expiration of the period of use. For home exhibitions, it is better to use universal scents that can be worn daily. Then they will not stand idle for years and deteriorate.

Is it possible to extend the expiration date

You should not try to add preservatives to your perfume yourself. Some ladies, when the bottle is half empty, top it up with alcohol or vodka. As a result, the composition deteriorates. But every effort can be made to ensure that the creation of perfume art is preserved for as long as possible.

First rule. It is unmistakable to choose perfumes for storage. Options made from synthetic components or essential oils retain their quality longer. For long-term canning, use only original branded products with high-quality perfume composition. If you are going to receive a retro scent, it is better not to print the purchased product. There is also no need to pour it into another container.

Pay special attention to closing the lid tightly. If the bottle cannot be closed hermetically, you should buy a special seal for the lid. Containers with a sprayer better preserve the quality of the product, so they are more suitable for long-term storage. For daily use, you can buy a small bottle with a miniature of the composition. Then the remaining contents of the main bottle can be left in the pantry or dark closet for as long as possible.

Find the ideal place for the bottle - dark, without changes in temperature and humidity. Perfumes deteriorate from constant shaking; it is recommended to leave them in the bedroom or closet. Remember to close the lid tightly if you occasionally open it to inhale the bouquet.

The bottle should be stored upright, not on its side or upside down. Dry perfumes that do not contain alcohol will last a long time in an airtight aluminum jar or cardboard box. The biggest enemy of aromatic components is heat, from which they quickly turn into a gaseous state and evaporate even through the lid. Therefore, there should be no heating devices nearby.

You should not mix different colognes with each other, otherwise they may react with each other. Then the smell will deteriorate, and when applied to the skin it can cause irritation. This applies even to identical perfumes from different batches, because manufacturers constantly modify the composition.

Basic Rules

Naturally, to know whether a perfume has an expiration date, it is better to ask the store directly. The product itself must be sold in glass, not plastic, otherwise it will deteriorate very quickly. Having chosen the option you like, you need to find where the information about the storage period is located. Many leading brands indicate barcodes and batch codes next to each other. On perfumes produced in the Russian Federation, two dates are usually simply indicated. In the case of a famous foreign brand, you can use a ready-made formula for decoding.

If the brand is little-known, you should ask the sales consultant to demonstrate a table with batch codes. This information should also be posted on the manufacturer’s official website. If there is no sign, it is convenient to use an online calculator or mobile application to read it. When purchasing vintage perfumes, there is no point in paying attention to this parameter. To check whether a perfume is suitable for use, it is worth inspecting the perfume. If the liquid has a strange color, there is sediment at the bottom of the container, or there is a musty smell, there is no need to buy it.

Be sure to follow storage rules immediately after purchase. Otherwise, the aroma will deteriorate before the end of the date specified by the manufacturer. Even newly released eau de toilette will quickly dry out and lose some of its notes if not handled correctly.

Risk of using expired products

If a person continues to use stale perfume, then this is fraught with consequences for him. Often, buyers regret the amount spent and do not want to throw away their favorite bottle. If you use a damaged product, complications may arise. Allergic reactions begin, not only in those who wear this eau de toilette, but also in those around them. This often happens to older people who accumulated many packages many years ago and stored them for decades.

If you already know how to check the shelf life of perfumes and eau de toilette after opening, then to prevent the product from deteriorating, you should not allow the main preservative, alcohol, to evaporate. Without it, the components are no longer disinfected and begin to deteriorate. As a result, fungi or bacteria grow in the liquid. Using such perfume can lead to hives, respiratory tract irritation, fungal diseases, headaches and even asthma.

When purchasing food products and cosmetics, many people look at the date of manufacture and shelf life. However, not everyone is interested in the expiration date of perfumes and eau de toilette, believing that perfumes can be used many years after purchase. Meanwhile, the use of such products that have expired is fraught with skin reactions and other unpleasant consequences. But this usually happens when perfumes are stored incorrectly.

Is there an expiration date for perfumes?

Does a perfume have a set expiration date and how long does it last? Indeed, any perfumed product has a shelf life, which is reported by the manufacturer by putting the date on the packaging. The shelf life of domestically produced perfumes ranges from 3 to 5 years on average. And imported manufacturers most often do not set specific dates, but only put a special code on the box, where information about the release date of the perfume and its period of suitability is presented in encrypted form.

Restrictions on the storage of bottles with fragrant contents should not be confusing. Even after the “critical” period has passed, perfumes remain suitable for application to the body if storage rules are observed.

Important! Manufacturers put expiration dates on perfume packages to protect themselves from consumer complaints from people who do not know how to properly store their products.

For example, the popular French Chanel perfume is stored unopened for up to 60 months, and 0.5-1 year when opened.

How to determine and what does it depend on?

When buying Russian perfumes, it is easy to find out what expiration date they have - just examine the cardboard box. The release date and the number of months of storage, or the month and year of expiration date may be indicated.

Imported perfumed products that are delivered to Russia on legal terms have Rosstandart stickers indicating the expiration date. It is equal to the validity period of the certificate for a batch of products and usually does not exceed 36 months.

The shelf life of perfumes is influenced by the specific type of scented products. If the necessary information is not indicated on the packaging, you must be guided by the guaranteed general standards for the duration of suitability of various types of perfume:

  • any perfumes, including oil ones, - 24 months if unopened and 10 months if unopened;
  • eau de toilette - 48 months in a sealed bottle and 24 months in an open bottle;
  • perfumed water - unopened does not lose its properties for 36 months, and unpacked - for 18 months;
  • cologne - can be stored in a closed bottle for 60 months, in an open bottle - 30 months.

In practice, due to the significant proportion of alcohol, perfumes can be preserved without problems much longer than the guaranteed periods. They can be compared to wine, which the older it is, the higher its value.

Important! Failure to comply with storage conditions leads to the transformation of perfume into a liquid unsuitable for application to the skin, and this should definitely be taken into account.

A barcode is always applied to a perfume box, which is information encoded in numbers and stripes. It is difficult for an ordinary buyer to decipher it. Such information is intended for product distributors, inspection organizations and merchandise experts in stores. It is impossible to find out the shelf life of perfumes using a barcode, since it only contains data about the country of origin, the trademark registrar and the serial number of the batch.

Without access to specialized catalogs, the buyer will not be able to identify information about the production date of the perfume. But you can check the expiration date of the product using the batch code. This encrypted information must be applied both to the packaging and directly to the bottle. The coincidence of two codes on a product indicates its authenticity.

The batch code is designed to encrypt the production date and shelf life of the product. To find out such information, you should use special online services. To do this, you will need to enter the code in the appropriate field and click on the “Define” button.

Attention! When purchasing a copy of a fragrance, the codes on the box and bottle will be different, and the online service will most likely give a result indicating that the expiration date has expired. In fact, the perfume is unlikely to be expired, because replicas (copies) of the original perfumes are quickly sold out in stores.

Self-checking using the batch code does not always give a 100% accurate result. If you have doubts about the “freshness” of perfume, it is better to contact the official supplier. If it turns out that the product is truly unsuitable for use, and the rules for its storage have been followed, the buyer has the right to contact the Society for the Protection of Consumer Rights.

What is considered late?

Not in all cases, the expiration date is grounds for sending perfume or eau de toilette to the trash bin. If you store perfume correctly, it is quite suitable for use for a long time. However, there are signs that a fragrance has expired, indicating that it is really time to part with the bottle.

  • Change in scent. This is the first sign that deserves attention. In expired perfumes, some notes become more muted, while others, on the contrary, become brighter. Gradually, the entire aromatic range disappears, and the contents of the bottle acquire a rancid smell.
  • Occurrence of precipitation and turbidity. If the liquid becomes cloudy, foreign impurities are clearly visible, it’s probably time to throw away the perfume.
  • Color change. A spoiled transparent perfume becomes yellowish, and the initially colored liquid changes shade to a darker or lighter one.
  • Consistency viscosity. A perfume composition that is not suitable for use thickens and takes on an oily structure.

Storage conditions and rules

Whatever expiration date is indicated on the package with your favorite scent, it can expire much earlier than expected if storage conditions are not followed. There are a number of rules, following which will help preserve the original qualities of the perfume for as long as possible after opening it.

  • The fragrance should be kept in the original bottle as far as possible from sunlight, preferably in a dark place.
  • Perfume is “afraid” of high humidity (60% and above), so there is no need to put it in the bathroom.
  • Frequent temperature fluctuations negatively affect the quality of perfumes. For perfumery, the optimal air temperature is between +21…+24 degrees. For example, such conditions can be provided in any locker. But you shouldn’t store the aroma in the refrigerator.
  • Frequent penetration of air and dust particles has a bad effect on the quality of perfumes and leads to their rapid deterioration. For this reason, it is necessary to tightly seal the cap of the bottle each time (of course, if it is not equipped with a sprayer).
  • It is unacceptable to shake perfume frequently, and there is no need to shake the bottle once again. The fragrant composition should be stored in large quantities at home, and for a portable cosmetic bag it is optimal to use perfume in small bottles.

Perfume that has passed its expiration date can be used if there is no change in aroma, consistency or color. And to extend the “life” of your favorite perfume composition, you just need to follow simple storage rules. The ideal place to put your perfume bottle is in a closed cabinet with low humidity and a suitable temperature. And in order to definitely exclude the use of expired perfume, you do not need to buy too large volumes of products, and you also need to regularly monitor the condition of the perfumed product.

Each thing has its own service life, and perfume in this matter not an exception.

Different types of perfume have different expiration dates, which depend not only on the brand, but also on how the bottle is stored.

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Does a perfume have a lifespan, what is it before and after opening?

The production and use of perfume products is regulated GOSTs 31678-2012 and 32117-2013.

Perfume– a perfume containing a large amount of essential oils (from 15 to 30% or more) and alcohol (96%), which increases the persistence of the smell.

Unopened perfumes are stored for 3 to 5 years, and when opened - 6-18 months.

Chanel brand perfumes have a shelf life of 3 to 5 years in a closed bottle, and from 6 to 12 months in an open bottle.

Eau de Toilette contains 4-10% essential oils and 80-90% alcohol, unlike perfume it has a less pungent aroma. When closed it lasts for 4 years, when opened – for 2 years.

Cologne– flavored water with 70% alcohol and 2-5% aromatics. When unopened, the shelf life is 5 years, and when opened – 2 years.

Where can I find out?

Manufacturers you can trust always indicate expiration dates on the package or directly on the bottle.

Two dates are indicated: the production date and the day on which the perfume becomes unusable.

How to determine and calculate?

Batch code- this is a set of numbers and letters indicating the batch number and expiration date of the product. It is different for different manufacturers.

There is no single code base, but you can use Internet resources for decryption. Just enter it in online calculator calculation of codes.

Encrypted codes can also be verified on the manufacturer's website perfume.

cipher in the form of stripes and numbers. It contains information about the manufacturer, batch number and organization that registered the brand.

The encoded month and year of production of the product can be located at the beginning or end of the string of numbers.

Storage conditions for opened and unopened bottles

Improper storage of perfume can lead to a reduction in its shelf life, which is why it is worth considering simple storage rules that must be followed.

Perfume retains its aromatic properties if certain storage conditions are met. Unopened bottle save like this:

  • bottles must be in a standing position;
  • The packaging of the perfume must be safe, it is better to pack it hermetically sealed it in a plastic bag;
  • comply with certain temperature regime.

Concerning opened bottle, then the storage conditions will be as follows:

  1. Do not expose direct sunlight, since a chemical reaction of the components will occur and deteriorate faster;
  2. Do not put fragrance in fridge. Temperature changes are harmful, optimal storage is at 17-20 degrees;
  3. Air humidity B should not exceed 70%, so perfume cannot be placed in the bathroom;
  4. It's better for the aroma if it is motionless, so you shouldn’t carry the brand in your purse and shake it;
  5. Necessary close the bottles tightly and isolate them from each other to avoid mixing odors.

What is considered late, how to determine?

Delay can be determined if it is possible to notice various changes.

In most cases they are associated with appearance the bottle and what's inside it, but sometimes the smell itself can change.

  • Presence of sediment(brown or yellow) at the bottom of the bottle. This sign does not always indicate a delay.
  • If the base contains various synthetic ones, then sediment can be considered normal.

  • Liquid color. Expired perfume may lighten or darken, or a yellowish tint may appear.
  • Change in consistency. Perfume should not resemble an oily liquid (very thick or viscous) in consistency.
  • Smell. When it is overdue, you can notice how the original smell has changed. It becomes weaker or changes completely.

When buying groceries or cosmetics, we are already accustomed to paying attention to the expiration date of the product, but for some reason many people still buy perfumed products without even thinking about the fact that they also have storage restrictions. Many people don’t even know if perfumes have an expiration date?

How to determine the expiration date of perfume?

Meanwhile, there are often cases when, after repeated use of expired eau de toilette, such sad consequences as irritation, dermatitis, and even allergies, including Quincke's edema, occurred.

Therefore, to prevent this from happening to you, please do not forget to check the date of manufacture when purchasing perfumes.

We will tell you how long and how you can store perfumes, eau de toilette and colognes, sealed and open, and what the actual expiration date of perfumes is. It is written by the manufacturer on the original packaging. It will be enough to check the date of manufacture and add to it the expiration date of the perfume known to you.

True, some brand manufacturers, such as Dior or Chanel, offer to determine the date of manufacture by the code that is printed at the bottom of the perfume box. This code will not tell the buyer much; rather, it is aimed at informing retail chains and sellers who sell products.

It is difficult to determine the expiration date of perfumes by code, since manufacturers put the code in different places. It usually contains information about the month and year of production, which is located at the beginning or end of the number row.

One important nuance - buy perfumed products exclusively at branded points of sale. Then you will not only avoid buying a cheap fake, but also avoid buying perfume that has expired.

How long can perfume be stored?

And now more about the shelf life of different types of perfume - perfume, eau de toilette and cologne:

  • Perfume can be stored sealed for two years, and an unopened bottle for no more than 10 months. The shelf life of oil perfumes is the same;
  • Eau de parfum is not as long lasting as perfume, due to the fact that the concentration of perfume oils is less. But you can store it longer. When closed - 3 years, and when unsealed - one and a half years;
  • Eau de toilette lasts even longer. You can use it for about two years, and if closed it can be stored for four years;
  • And the absolute record holder among all is cologne. It can be used for two years, but can be stored sealed for at least five years.

How to extend the shelf life of perfume?

This is what the official shelf life is all about. But it turns out that cunning manufacturers know that in fact their products can be used longer if they are stored correctly. By indicating the release date, the manufacturer is insured against claims that they may face for poor-quality goods if they are stored improperly (in the light, in the cold, or in a dresser drawer).

After all, perfumed products, due to the large proportion of alcohol in their composition, which is an excellent preservative, unlike creams or cosmetics, can be stored longer than the above-mentioned periods.

Here you can even compare perfumes with wine, on which the date of bottling is also written, but for a slightly different purpose. After all, the older the wine, the more valued it is.

But wine can also turn into vinegar if it is stored at the wrong temperature or humidity, this statement also applies to perfumes.

It is known that vintage perfumes that are already 15-25 years old are valued and cost more. This applies to such perfumed products as the well-known “Chanel No. 5”. So it turns out that Chanel’s shelf life is initially higher than that of other brands’ perfumes? Of course not.

They were simply stored at the right temperature, and were able to retain their unique aroma over the years, which, by the way, has already changed its formula. Therefore, you should not only find out the expiration date of perfumes, but also learn how to distinguish spoiled from unspoiled ones and how to store them correctly?

How to properly store perfumes?

In fact, you can easily distinguish good perfumes from spoiled ones. For example, due to the appearance of a brown or yellow sediment at the bottom of the bottle.

While sediment is not always a sign of spoilage, sometimes it is evidence that natural oils were used in production.

Therefore, if you are sure that perfumed products are fresh, but sediment has appeared in it, this is not a reason to throw it away, of course, if there are no other signs. Such as changes in color, for example. A perfume that has changed its color is definitely spoiled. Also if his smell has changed.

And now you can learn about the storage conditions of perfume, so that its aroma will delight you not just for 10 months, but for many years.

The first rule is that storage should be carried out in a dark place. Any light, solar or electric, is the enemy of perfumed products. Light and warmth. Try, for example, leaving sunflower oil on the window so that the sun falls on it.

Within a few days it will become rancid, as the light will start the process of adolic confession in it. Exactly the same thing happens with perfumes.

Many additionally store perfumed products in boxes from the manufacturer, and the manufacturers themselves protect themselves from unfortunate buyers by making bottles from dark glass.

Heat, which has a detrimental effect on perfumed products, is described above. Also, due to intense evaporation under the influence of heat, we lose not only the amount of perfumed water, but also its aroma, as the top notes evaporate. But it turns out that the cold is also one of the enemies.

Therefore, do not store your favorite perfumes in the refrigerator - this will not save them, but will ruin them. Not to mention the fact that your favorite “Chanel” can adopt something from the aromas of herring or garlic stored nearby. Temperature changes are also harmful to scented products. Therefore, it is best to store them in the back of a closet, for example in the bedroom, in the range of 15 to 25 degrees.

Women are often worried about the question of what to do with perfume that has expired? Is it possible to use them if there is a lot of perfume left in the bottle, but the aroma remains the same as before? Why do some perfumes spoil before the specified period, while others can be used even after its expiration?

About shelf life

The official shelf life of perfumes is from 3 to 5 years, if the perfume has not been opened. After opening the bottle, eau de toilette and perfume

retain their aroma without changing for 6-18 months. For this reason, you can hear recommendations that any fragrance should be used within the specified time frame.

It is not uncommon for women to continue to use their favorite scent even after the expiration date. The release date is printed on the bottle or packaging primarily to ensure that perfume companies do not receive claims if the product is damaged due to improper storage.

There are vintage perfumes that are not 5, but 15 and even 25 years old. And they cost a lot. Owners of vintage perfumes had the opportunity to find out how certain perfumes smelled at the dawn of their appearance and during times of enormous popularity. Vintage perfumes are also called perfumes that were popular in “their” time, but for various reasons they stopped being produced or are still being produced for many years (for example, Chanel 5). Perfumes survived mainly only because they were stored correctly. Vintage perfumes often lose top notes, especially if they contained citrus aromas, but otherwise the composition does not change.

Any perfume, even a completely new one, can go bad within a week after opening. The reason is improper storage. Such perfumes are not difficult to recognize:

  • the smell changes, which makes it impossible to use the aroma;
  • sediment appears at the bottom, which is clearly visible.

Enemies of perfume

Perfumes are afraid of light, humidity and heat. The following factors can spoil the aroma:

  • 1. Air temperature, which cannot be very high or low. Women love to put bottles of perfume on the shelf in the bathroom, and there are also those who store perfume in the refrigerator. Perfume does not like such conditions, and along with them, temperature changes. Fragrances should be stored in the bedroom or in a room where the air temperature changes only slightly during the day.
  • 2. The bottles of many eau de toilettes and perfumes are so bright and beautiful that you want to admire them all the time, and the desire to hide such beauty in a cabinet does not even arise. Bright, designer bottles resembling flowers, stars, as well as other equally unusual packaging can really decorate a dressing table, shimmering in the bright rays of the sun. Perfumers would experience a real shock if they saw a bottle of exclusive perfume flaunting in the sun. Light causes the spoilage of any aromas, as it triggers chemical reactions in them.
  • It is recommended to store perfumes not only in a dark closet, but preferably also in a box. The box becomes an additional protection from light, especially if the fragrance is bottled in a transparent or light-colored glass bottle
  • 3. Perfumes contain alcohol, which is responsible for preserving the aroma. The bottle must be closed tightly so that the alcohol dissipates as slowly as possible. With sprays it is easier, since air does not have access to the liquid.
  • 4.Do not store perfumes in drawers or carry them in handbags. To renew the scent throughout the day, you should purchase a miniature copy of it, designed specifically for daily carrying in your bag. It cannot also be stored in the bathroom because there are not only temperature changes, but also high humidity.

So, perfumes should be stored:

  • in a dark place, but not in cabinet drawers. Away from the sun's rays. Light bottles are stored in the boxes in which they were sold;
  • at an air temperature of 20 to 25 degrees;
  • in a room with humidity no more than 70%;
  • in a bottle with a sealed, always working spray bottle or with a tightly closed lid if the spray bottle is not provided by the manufacturer.