I draw with chalk: a bright and unexpected solution for bold fashionistas or how to use colored chalk to color hair. New trend: coloring hair with colored chalks How many hair chalks do you have?

But there is a reasonable alternative - hair chalks. They are easy to use, safe and easy to wash off.

Types of crayons

It’s worth considering that hair crayons are very different from the ones you used to draw on the asphalt as a child. Therefore, “don’t be fooled” by the call to make them yourself, take them from your younger sister, or buy them at an art store.

The only place where you can buy special crayons is at points of sale of hair coloring products. They offer either chalk shadows (Hot Huez are the most popular and high-quality) or dry pastels in a stick (Master Pastel, Hair Chalk, STARLOOK).

How to use hair chalks

    Before using crayons, wash your hair with shampoo. Do not use oils, sprays or “liquid silk” - the slightest particles of fat will prevent color pigments from sticking to your hair.
    Dry your hair, prepare crayons, straightener, hair dryer, and hairspray. If you are a brunette, you will also need a spray bottle of water.
    Put on home clothes - although dust from crayons can be washed off well, chiffon can be damaged irrevocably. Comb your hair (you can’t do this after dyeing), if you are a brunette, moisten the strands with a small amount of water using a spray bottle.
    Now it's time for painting. If you chose shadow chalks, then simply place a strand of hair between the container with the chalk and the lid and sweep from roots to ends several times. Crayons-sticks are used differently: a strand of hair is twisted into a flagellum and painted evenly on all sides.
    If you have very light hair, you can dissolve the chalk in a small amount of water and apply the resulting mixture to your hair, allowing it to dry naturally.
    After dyeing, the colored pigment is fixed using a curling iron or iron, and sprayed with varnish on top.

How long do crayons last on hair?

If you follow all the rules and choose a quality product, you can surprise passers-by with your bright hairstyle for several days. But while sleeping, there is a risk of leaving marks on the bed, so it is best to apply makeup before certain events (photo shoot, party, etc.).

How and with what to wash off paint?

The coloring pigments of the crayons are washed off with regular shampoo in two soapings. After using them, your hair may become dry, so you should use a nourishing mask or moisturizer.

The process of using crayons is simple, and if you follow all the rules and choose the right shade, you can achieve amazing results! Don't be afraid to experiment, because bright hair color is the hit of the season!

Don’t feed modern girls bread - let them conduct another experiment on their appearance. Some limit themselves to a new hairstyle, manicure or dress, others act more radically: cut their hair, get piercings or tattoos.

Hair chalks allow you to quickly transform without long-term consequences.

The most common way to experiment with your image and appearance is to dye your hair in a wide variety of colors. On store shelves you can find products with different durations of effect and all sorts of shades - from the usual platinum blonde or blue-black to fiery red, swamp water color or crystal blue.

For girls who want to stand out, but do not risk changing their image right away, hair chalks, also known as dry pastels, come to the rescue. What kind of remedy is this and what is its miraculousness? Let's talk!

Why do you need hair chalks?

More and more often on the street you can meet girls and even adult women with a non-standard shade of hair - red, pink, blue, purple and even green. The fashion for such extravagant hairstyles came almost simultaneously from America and Japan, and now even women of serious age ask stylists to “add some sparkle” to the usual ombre.

There are three ways to give your hair a custom shade:

  • paint that gives an effect for 3-4 weeks with proper care;
  • tinting agent (color will last up to 2.5 weeks);
  • crayons for coloring (before the next hair wash).

Each option has positive sides and pitfalls. Most of the fair sex have heard about the harmful effects of dyes on the health of their hair, so they avoid them as much as possible.

In fact, many manufacturers who have a line with bright shades are aimed at young people, so their dyes do not contain most chemicals that adversely affect the condition of the hair, and the coloring element is obtained in the most natural way possible.

Some manufacturers even advise dyeing your hair at night and washing off the dye in the morning, claiming that such tricks will in no way affect the health and beauty of your hair. And what’s most surprising is that the effect fully meets expectations. But such paints have one significant drawback - durability. Not every girl is ready to take a risk and radically change her usual image.

Most often, girls use tinting products (aka tonics). Their main advantage over paints is the short duration of the effect. As a rule, two weeks is enough to “play around” with a bright color. Other positive aspects are also added: the ability to easily remove the remaining toner, bringing the color to its “original” state, and a reasonable price.

Hair chalks appeared on the market of the CIS countries relatively recently - from Japan and China. Perhaps their price is not affordable for everyone, but manufacturers promise a miracle effect that is worth paying the money for. Transforming into a bold rocker or an avid party girl with a head of pink hair for just one party - isn't it wonderful? This is truly a salvation for those who want to experiment. But crayons also have quite a few pros and cons.

How safe are crayons for hair coloring?

Hair chalks come in two types: dry and in the form of shadows.

Advantages of coloring crayons:

  • non-toxic;
  • when used correctly, they do not harm the hair;
  • allow you to radically change your image in a short period of time;
  • easy to wash off;
  • the dyeing process does not require special skills or equipment;
  • a huge variety of colors;
  • Even children can use it.

Do not forget that all of the above advantages apply only to a quality product! One chalk cannot cost less than 150–200 rubles, otherwise you will be offered either a fake or an ordinary art pastel.

The second option can also add a tint to blonde hair, but, rather, it will crumble a lot and only get your hands dirty. Repeated use will burn the hair so much that it will be extremely difficult to restore it. The cost of chalk in the form of shadows is slightly higher: from 250–300 rubles per piece.

Dyeing hair with crayons at home

The painting process is very simple, does not take much time and does not require special preparation. You just need to follow a simple procedure:

It is important to remember that after dyeing, hair may contaminate clothing for some time. It’s easy to avoid this: spray your hair with hairspray to fix it. If the pastel does get on the fabric, do not panic, the crayons can be easily washed off.

Coloring hair with crayons (video)

A few more tricks

What can you do to prevent coloring with crayons from worsening the condition of your hair?

The effect of bright hair after using crayons cannot last more than two days, even if your strands are severely damaged. However, stylists recommend not to put a bright image above the health of your hair and not to leave crayons on your curls for more than 6-8 hours. Don't forget also that if you don't wash your hair after coloring it like this, you'll wake up the next morning with a multi-colored pillow.

So, to prevent hair chalks from leaving a negative mark on your hair, follow these rules:

How to care for your hair after coloring with crayons

We talked about how to dye your hair with multi-colored crayons, now let's figure out how to care for your hair so that the dyeing procedure does not harm.

Sometimes the crayons are not washed out the first time, this brings a lot of joy to children and discomfort to the hair. If, after thoroughly washing your hair with shampoo, you still see remnants of experiments, it is better not to be lazy and repeat the wash.

An exception to the rule is naturally light or heavily bleached hair, into which the pigment can be absorbed for several days.

Be sure to use a moisturizing balm or conditioner. It is ideal if you have the opportunity to rinse your hair with your own prepared herbal decoction. Chamomile, marigold, calendula, basil, rosemary, mint are suitable.

Give your hair a little more time and apply a nourishing mask that protects it from drying out and the harmful effects of external factors. Here are several options for masks for hair colored with chalk that you can prepare yourself:

After using hair chalks for the first time, do not rush to color your hair a second time. Follow the above tips and carefully care for your hair, diligently nourishing it with useful substances and constantly moisturizing it.

Hair chalks are used mainly by relaxed young people who are ready to change every day without spending a lot of time on it. It is crayons that allow you to create a completely original image and know that tomorrow it can be even cooler.

What do hair chalks look like?

They come in two types. Long colored blocks, reminiscent of chalk for drawing on a blackboard or asphalt. The hair is colored with these crayons by placing a thick sheet of paper under the strands or hanging on the strands, holding the stretched strand of hair with your hands.

In the form of round boxes, inside of which there is a coloring composition, the consistency of which resembles solid eye shadow. These chalks are applied to the hair by pressing the strand of hair to be dyed between the flaps of the box.

What kind of hair are crayons suitable for?

You can color absolutely any hair with crayons: long and short, light and dark, soft and hard. Just don’t experiment with African-type hair (hard curly). On a full head of hair, multi-colored strands will not look very attractive, but will resemble a multi-colored haystack tousled by the wind. But if you really want to try it, then you need to use chalk before treating your hair.

Coloring stages

To ensure the best coloring result, follow these rules:

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo and dry it with a hairdryer or naturally.
  2. Throw a special cape or an old sheet over your shoulders to prevent dust from crayons from staining your clothes and skin.
  3. Using a comb, separate the section of hair you are going to dye, moisten it with a small water spray and twist it into a rope.
  4. Place a sheet of thick paper under the damp strand and begin to move the chalk along the hair in the direction of its growth.
  5. Wait until the dyed strand dries, and then fix the result with hairspray.
  6. Paint the second and subsequent strands in the same way, but only after the previous one has completely dried.

You can color your hair with crayons yourself, but it’s better to invite a friend to help. This is especially true if you are going to dye a lot of strands and create an extravagant hairstyle.

What hairstyle to make from dyed strands

Dyed strands are absolutely no different from regular hair except color. Therefore, you can do any hairstyle on your head. A variety of colored braids and hair bows look good.

Chalks can add visual lift to short or long hair when applied to the ends.

With the help of crayons, you can even try on a completely extraordinary look if you dye absolutely all your hair the same color.

How to choose crayons color

Choose the color of the crayons depending on your personal preferences and the image you have in mind. If you are in doubt about your choice, then pay attention to the palette of crayons according to the seasons. If you know your female type, then choosing the appropriate shades of crayons will not be difficult.

How often can you use crayons?

Hair chalks contain artificial pigments, which, if used too zealously, dry out and thin the hair. It is because of this that crayons should not be used very often. After you remove the chalky dye from your hair by first combing it with a brush and then washing it with shampoo, be sure to apply a moisturizing mask.

Hair chalks are great for little girls who are going to play a fairy tale role in a home play or take part in a performance at a children's party. Mom can independently create an absolutely incredible look for her little princess or take her to a salon where they provide chalk hair coloring services.

By their appearance, hair chalks are quite difficult to distinguish from those that children use to draw on the asphalt. They contain chalk, pigments and zinc white.

Today you can find several types of hair chalks in stores. Let's look at each of them:

  1. Oilseeds - their main ingredient is flaxseed oil. They are sold in small boxes and resemble eye shadow. Their disadvantage is that they run out quickly. In addition, girls with oily hair are prohibited from using them;
  2. Dry pastel is a large, thick pencil. It is made from a coloring substance tightly compressed into a single form. Can be applied to mixed and oily strands;
  3. Waxes are made from beeswax. Suitable for those with brittle, dry hair.

IMPORTANT! Thanks to the gentle ingredients, the strands do not dry out, because the dyes do not penetrate deep into the hair, remaining on the surface.

Sometimes girls use regular crayons to change their hair color. However, they quickly fall off the strands, look pale, and have a strong drying effect. They can easily ruin their hair, so experts do not recommend changing your appearance this way.

There are people who believe that acrylic paints can also be used to color curls. This is a mistake, because such a dye not only spoils the hair, but is also difficult to wash off. To get rid of it, you will have to wash your hair with body oil or use conditioner several times.

Hair Chalk

As for the dyeing product being analyzed, we can safely say that it cannot cause any harm to the hair only if it is used infrequently.

How to use

Uniform coloring of hair can be achieved if you know in advance how to properly use special hair chalks:

  • Light crayons should be applied to dry hair, otherwise it will be quite difficult to wash off the color;
  • You can achieve the best effect from dyeing dark strands if you first smear your head with hair balm, which does not need to be washed off, or simply wet your curls;
  • Dark crayons can be additionally moistened with water before use. This does not cause them to deteriorate, but after a while they dry out completely;
  • If you want to paint most of your head with one color, then to do this as quickly as possible, you can dissolve the shadows or hard pencil in clean, warm water. After waiting for the substance to completely dissolve, the hair is dipped into the liquid, pulled out of it and dried with a hairdryer.


How to dye your hair with chalks

Dyeing your hair with special crayons is very easy. You don’t need any special knowledge or skills for this, so all the work can be easily done at home:

  • If there is initially gel or other styling products on the hair, they need to be washed off and the head dried;
  • Put disposable gloves on your hands;
  • Comb your hair, because after dyeing the strands, doing so will be prohibited;
  • Wet your hair a little so that it becomes slightly damp if you are a brunette;
  • Drag the chalk from the roots towards the ends, evenly coloring all the curls.

ATTENTION! Before starting the procedure, do not forget to cover your shoulders with some kind of towel or diaper so as not to stain your clothes.

To prevent the paint from falling off after just a few minutes, each curl must be dried with a hairdryer, ironed with a hair straightener (so it will straighten) or curled into a curl, and also sprinkled with strong-hold varnish.

Poll: Do you use hair chalk?

Video instruction

How to remove chalk from hair

The process of washing off the chalk is best done 8 or 10 hours after application (although the composition can last a maximum of 48 hours). Otherwise, it will begin to spoil your hair, dry it out, make it brittle and dull.

You can finally get rid of this product from your head by following these recommendations:

  1. Wash your hair with shampoo at least twice;
  2. The water should not be hot. It's better to make it warm;
  3. Apply a moisturizing or nourishing mask to wet hair to help the strands recover.

Choosing shades of crayons according to hair color

If you want to change your image for a few hours, you should remember that any transformation should follow common sense. When choosing a crayon color for a specific hair shade, follow these tips:

  • Blondes are more suitable for delicate lilac, pink, blue, red, yellow, orange tones;
  • For brunettes, blue green, purple, white shades;
  • For fair-haired and brown-haired women, blue, turquoise, and green colors are suitable.


Reviews and photos

According to the reviews presented on the Internet, most of them are positive, which confirms the popularity of crayons.

Elena: “I ordered a set of pastel crayons from a well-known brand from China. I was completely satisfied with the result, because the application process took only a few minutes. Other women may be advised to use moisturizing masks and conditioners after washing off the paint.”

Marina: “I’ve been dreaming about hair chalks for a long time, because I always wanted to look bright and stylish. After the first use, I was satisfied. I only use them for holidays or parties, because I understand that my hair becomes really dry after using chalks.”

Kate: “The only advantage of the product being analyzed is its bright color. She didn’t like it because after using it, everything around her becomes dirty (including things and hands), because the chalk crumbles a lot while the coloring process is going on.”

Photos of girls

Review of popular hair chalks

It will be possible to cause as little damage to the strands as possible from the use of crayons only if you use products from well-known manufacturers who confirm the quality of their products.

Fixed price

This is a set of 4 oil crayons. Due to the presence of a small case in which each of them is located, coloring curls with them is very simple and convenient. The colors are varied, suitable for girls with dark and blond hair.

Style Me Up

Consist of three colors. The manufacturer indicates in the instructions that this product is approved for children over 8 years of age. The dyes are easily washed off and do not have a harmful effect on the strands if you use them no more than once a week.

Faberlic (faberlic)

The company offers a hair coloring product available in many shades. Each of them is located between plastic holders that press the curls tightly and color them evenly. As a result of this design, hands always remain clean and crayons are used sparingly.

Hot Нuez

The set consists of 4 crayons. The manufacturer recommends dyeing curls with them after first wetting the curls. Thanks to the convenient release form (small box), one strand is placed between the walls of the container and passed over the coloring composition. As a result, it is easy to give your hair new shades even without outside help.

Hair Сhalk

The company offers 4 colors of crayons. They are produced in the form of shadows, which are convenient to apply with special sponges included in the kit. The product does not affect the structure of the hair, is easily washed off and gives the strands a rich, bright color if they are intensively dyed. Otherwise, the shade will turn out dull and inexpressive.

Brite organix

The Australian brand presents unique crayons that change color when exposed to high temperature (hair dryer, curling iron). For example, in a matter of seconds you can make peach from gray, and blue from purple. This makes it possible to buy several pieces and get the entire palette of shades.

Loreal (Loreal)

The global brand offers women liquid crayons that do not penetrate the strands, but gently envelop them, creating surprisingly bright shades. They do not cause any harm to the hair, are easily washed off, and do not cause any inconvenience during application.

Loreal hair chalk


This hair coloring product is easy to use. It moderately dries the strands and washes off well with regular shampoo. Gives hair a rich, vibrant color.

How to make crayons with your own hands

Finding special crayons for hair coloring is not so easy. They have to be ordered online or purchased in certain stores. In order not to spend extra money, you can conduct an experiment and make them at home.

The simplest recipe consists of the following components:

  1. Plaster;
  2. Water;
  3. Dye.

Additionally, you will need a container in which the prepared mass will subsequently solidify. It could be a box of shadows, an empty case from a children's kinder, or just a piece of paper rolled into a tube.

To prepare crayons, you need to mix water with plaster until it is completely dissolved. After this, dye is mixed into the mass. All ingredients are poured into a mold and waited for complete hardening. It will be easier to remove frozen chalk if you first coat the mold with Vaseline.

IMPORTANT! Make sure that during the process of stirring all the components in the mass there are as few air bubbles as possible. Otherwise, the crayons will turn out fragile.

Crayons are an excellent solution to change your appearance for a short period of time. They do not cause any harm to health, so they can be safely applied to curls, combining several colors at the same time. Try to apply moisturizing masks to your head after each use, which will help the strands recover and maintain their natural structure.