What is child adaptation in kindergarten? "Child's adaptation in the first days of kindergarten" consultation on the topic. As a conclusion

Reading time: 2 min

Adaptation of a child to kindergarten is the adaptation or adaptation of the child’s body to a new environment. For a child, kindergarten appears as an unknown space, with frightening new relationships and surroundings. The baby needs time to adapt to a new life. Adaptation of a child to kindergarten requires increased expenditure of mental energy, tension, and physical strength of the body.

The peculiarities of a child’s behavior during the adaptation period often frighten adults so much that they often wonder whether the child will ever be able to adapt and when will this “horror” end? Those behavioral features that worry parents are often typical for all children who are in the process of adapting to kindergarten. It is during this period that most mothers believe that their child is “non-kindergarten”, but other children feel much better and behave in kindergarten. However, it is not. Usually, a child’s adaptation to kindergarten is very difficult with negative changes in the child’s body. These shifts are being observed in all systems and at all levels.

It can be quite a challenge for children of all ages to start attending preschool. Each of the kids goes through a period of adaptation to kindergarten. During this period, his whole life changes radically. Changes burst into the established, familiar life of a child in the family: the absence of loved ones and relatives, a clear daily routine, the constant presence of other children, the need to obey and obey unfamiliar adults, a decrease in the amount of personal attention.

The new environment for the baby presents itself as neuropsychic tension, as well as stress, which does not stop for a minute in the first days. The baby shows changes during the period of adaptation to kindergarten. During the first days of being in kindergarten, each child experiences strongly expressed negative emotions: whining, crying for company, or constant paroxysmal crying.

The manifestations are bright. The child is often afraid of meeting unfamiliar children, of an unknown environment, of new teachers, and also of the fact that his parents will forget about him when they leave the kindergarten. The child thinks that he has been betrayed and that they will not come for him in the evening, so against the backdrop of a stressful state, anger flares up and bursts out. Arriving at the garden in the morning, the baby does not allow himself to be undressed, rolls up, and often hits the adult who is about to leave him.

Adaptation of a 2-3 year old child to kindergarten

Adaptation to a preschool institution is marked by a decrease in social activity. Even optimistic, sociable children become restless, tense, withdrawn and uncommunicative. Parents need to remember that children 2-3 years old play near each other, but not together. Narrative play in these children has not yet been developed, so do not be nervous if the baby does not interact with other peers.

The fact that habituation is successful can be concluded from the way the baby every day more and more willingly responds to the teacher’s requests, interacts with him, and follows routine moments.

Adaptation of a 2-3 year old child to kindergarten is marked by a decrease in cognitive activity or its complete absence. It happens that a child is not interested in toys and does not dare to play with them. Many children prefer to sit on the sidelines in order to get their bearings.

In the course of successful adaptation, the baby gradually masters the space of the group, and forays into toys become more frequent and daring. The child begins to ask cognitive questions to the teacher. During the first days of adaptation, a child, under the influence of new living conditions, is able to lose self-care skills for a short time. Successful adaptation is determined by the fact that the baby not only uses all his home skills, but also learns something new in kindergarten.

In some children, the vocabulary becomes impoverished or the child uses simple words and sentences. Parents don't need to worry. The baby's speech will be enriched and restored when adaptation is complete.

Some children become inhibited, while others become uncontrollably active. This directly depends on the baby’s temperament. Activities at home are also changing. A sign of successful adaptation is the restoration of previous activity at home, and then in the garden.

When leaving your baby in the garden for an afternoon nap, you need to be prepared that for the first time in a day, sleep will be poor. Children sometimes jump up during sleep, and, having fallen asleep, wake up crying. Also, at home you may experience restless sleep, which will certainly return to normal by the time adaptation is completed.

At first, a 2-3 year old child may experience decreased appetite. This is associated with unusual food (taste and appearance), and with stress reactions - the child simply does not want to eat. A good sign of adaptation will be the restoration of appetite, even if the child does not eat everything that is offered on the plate, but he is already starting to eat on his own.

A child’s adaptation to kindergarten and illness often begin with the first visits to a preschool institution. The reason for this is stress, which reduces the child’s immunity and resistance to infections. Some children begin to get sick in the first week, others a month after visiting kindergarten. It often happens that the cause of colds and chronic acute respiratory infections is a psychological factor. One of the well-known psychological defense mechanisms is flight into illness. But this does not mean that the baby gets sick on purpose in order to stay at home; he does this unconsciously. The body easily submits to such a hidden tendency: demonstrating amazing weakness, refusing to resist the cold.

Often, having achieved emotional balance, tendencies to illness are overcome. However, most mothers expect that negative aspects of behavior and reaction will disappear within the first few days, so they get upset and angry if this does not happen.

The child’s adaptation to kindergarten occurs by the end of the 4th week, but it happens that it is delayed for 4 months.

During the period of adaptation to kindergarten, the baby is so vulnerable that everything becomes a reason for the nursery. There are frequent cases of depressive reactions and inhibition of emotions. The first days in the garden pass without positive emotions; the baby is very upset by parting with his mother, as well as with his usual environment. If the baby smiles, it is often a reaction to a bright stimulus or novelty (an unusual game, a bright toy).

Separation from the mother is a stressful situation for a child. The child perceives kindergarten as a new, terrible environment with unfamiliar children who do not care about him. In order to survive in new circumstances, he should behave differently and differently than at home. However, not knowing the new form of behavior and suffering as a result, the baby is afraid of doing something wrong. Children's fear supports stress - separation from the mother.

Adaptation of 3-5 year old boys to kindergarten is more difficult than for girls. During this period, boys react painfully to separation from their mother, because they are very strongly attached to her.

The crisis of three years, which overlaps with the period of adaptation of the child to kindergarten, often complicates its passage. Some children easily adapt to kindergarten, and their negative aspects disappear in the 3rd week, while others are more difficult, and adaptation drags on for up to 2 months. If the baby is not adapted after 3 months, then such adaptation is considered difficult and requires the help of a psychologist.

It is especially difficult for those children who were not told about their upcoming visit to a preschool institution and for them this is a surprise. Parents can help their baby adapt to new conditions faster. The set of measures includes creating a caring environment at home that is gentle on the child’s nervous system.

In the presence of your child, you should always speak positively about the teachers and the kindergarten itself, even if you don’t like something. The child will have to go to this kindergarten, and by respecting the teachers it is easier to do this;

When talking about the kindergarten with the baby, you need to tell someone else in his presence about what a wonderful kindergarten the baby is going to now, and what good teachers work there;

On weekends, it is necessary to follow a clear daily routine for the child. You can let him sleep a little longer, but you don’t need to let him sleep for very long. During the adaptation period, you should not overload the baby, because he is going through life changes, and he does not need stress on the nervous system.

During the child’s adaptation period to kindergarten, parents need to be patient. Negative emotions will certainly be replaced by positive ones, indicating the end of this period. Some babies will cry for a long time when parting, but this does not indicate poor adaptation. If the baby calms down after his mother leaves after some time, then the adaptation is going well.

How to adapt a child to kindergarten

Parents need to prepare the baby in advance for visiting the kindergarten: several months before this event. Preparation includes reading fairy tales about visiting the kindergarten, playing “kindergarten”, walking near the kindergarten, telling the child about visiting this institution soon and making new friends for playing together.

If the parents had the opportunity to introduce the child to the teachers in advance, then it will be easier for the baby psychologically. It is especially important that the mother is present at this moment, and the child walks around the group and talks with the teachers.

It will be easier to adapt a child to kindergarten if he is physically healthy, without chronic diseases and without a predisposition to colds. Since the period of adaptation is marked by tension, all the body’s forces are directed towards adaptation, and if the body does not waste energy on fighting diseases, then this will be a good start.

Adaptation will be successful if the baby has the skills of independence in the following moments: partial dressing, using the potty, eating food independently. If a child can do all this, then he will not waste energy on urgent learning and will use the existing skills.

It’s easier for those kids whose routine is close to the kindergarten routine to get used to it. A month before entering kindergarten, parents should bring the child’s routine to that of kindergarten. To do this, you should check the preschool’s daily schedule in advance, and to get up easily in the morning, you should put your baby to bed no later than 20:30.

It is difficult for those children during the period of adaptation for whom several or one of these above conditions are not met.

It is necessary for the baby to be surrounded by a calm atmosphere at home. You should hug the baby more often, speak kind words, stroke his head, note his improvement in behavior, successes, and also praise him more, since he needs the support of his parents. Parents should be tolerant of the whims that arise due to overload of the nervous system. By hugging your child, you can help him calm down and quickly switch to another activity.

After agreeing with the teacher, you should give your child a small soft toy in the kindergarten. Often babies need a toy as a substitute for their mother. The child will be much calmer when he cuddles something soft, which is a piece of home.

Having your parents come up with their own fairy tale about a little bunny who went to kindergarten for the first time, and how he was a little scared and uncomfortable, but then friends appeared and it became fun, will allow the baby to step more confidently into preschool. Psychologists advise playing out this fairy tale with toys. The key moment in the fairy tale, as well as in the game, is the return of the mother for the baby, so until this moment comes, you cannot interrupt the story. All this is started so that the baby understands: mom will definitely return.

It has been noted that the child and parent are most upset when they separate. How to organize the morning correctly so that both mother and baby have a successful day, and most importantly, a calm day?

Advice from psychologists: a calm mother means a calm baby. The mother's insecurity is transmitted to the child, and he becomes even more upset. Both in the garden and at home, you need to talk to your baby confidently and calmly. You should show benevolent persistence in the morning when waking up, then when getting dressed, and in a preschool institution when undressing. You need to talk to your baby not in a loud voice, but in a firm and confident voice. Often, when waking up, a good helper is the very favorite toy that the baby takes with him to the garden. Seeing that the bear “really wants to go to the garden”, the child will be infected with a good mood and his confidence.

Psychologists advise taking the baby to the adult with whom it is easier for him to part. It has long been noticed that a child can part with one of the parents quite calmly, but with the other it is difficult, continuing to suffer after his departure. It is important to designate and tell the child when he will be picked up: after lunch, after a walk, or after he sleeps.

It’s easier for a baby to know that his mother will come for him after some routine moment than to wait for her every minute. Parents should not linger, but should keep their promises. You need to come up with your own farewell ritual: kiss, say “bye,” wave. After this, you should immediately leave: without turning around and confidently. The longer adults show indecisiveness, the more worried the baby is. Adults often make serious mistakes that make adaptation difficult.

Parents should not do the following during the adaptation period:

You should not get angry or punish your baby for crying at home or when breaking up after mentioning the need to go to preschool. The baby has the right to such a reaction, but a strict reminder of the child’s promise not to cry is not effective. Kids of this age do not yet know how to “keep their word.” It is better to tell the baby about your love and that you will definitely take him;

You should avoid talking with other family members about the child's tears in his presence. Children feel their mother’s concern at a subtle level, and this further intensifies their anxiety;

You cannot scare with the garden, because this place will thus never become loved;

You can’t speak negatively about the kindergarten and the teachers when you have a baby;

You can’t lie by promising that you’ll pick him up soon, but the baby waits for half a day, losing trust in a loved one.

Parents also need psychological help, since entering kindergarten is a test not only for children, but also for parents who experience great anxiety. Parents need to be confident in the need to attend kindergarten, then the baby, seeing the mother’s confidence, will adapt faster. You have to believe that the child is in fact not a weak creature at all and his adaptation system will endure, and he will cope. It is much worse if the child does not cry at all and is stressed. Crying acts as an assistant to the nervous system, preventing it from being overloaded. Therefore, you should not be afraid of a child’s crying or angry with the baby. In severe cases, you can use the help of a child psychologist who will tell parents how adaptation is going and assure them that really attentive people work in the garden.

Often, parents really need to know that their baby calms down quickly and easily after they leave, and this information is provided by psychologists and educators who monitor children during the adaptation process. Adults should also seek support from other parents whose children attend kindergarten. While supporting each other, it is important to celebrate and enjoy the successes of the kids, as well as ourselves.

Speaker of the Medical and Psychological Center "PsychoMed"

Galina Maksimenko
“The first day is the most difficult.” Adaptation of children to kindergarten conditions

Here are the latest documents collected. It's time to go to kindergarten. For parents, this is a step in unknown: how will the child be received, will he like it in the garden, how long will it last adaptation? We understand you perfectly, fellow parents. After all, you are giving your beloved child into the hands of strangers. But it is no less important for us that your children go with pleasure to kindergarten. After all, your, and now our children, spend more time in the garden than at home. It is very gratifying for us when children come to us with great pleasure, and sometimes do not want to go home. This means only one thing - we are moving in the right direction.

Each child has his own adaptation period. For some it goes unnoticed, for others this period is long and painful.

Of course, the best time to enroll children's kindergarten - warm season. In this period adaptation proceeds more calmly. IN first the child is in children's institution no more than 2-3 hours. In these first days the children are in the kindergarten, we give you this opportunity to be with them and play. Try to talk more with your children and encourage positive emotions from visiting them. garden. Children should feel that they are needed. And in the future, don’t delay the process of saying goodbye in the morning. Don't hurt yours children!

It should be noted that each child is individual, therefore the process adaptation It goes differently for everyone.

Kids who sit at home and have little contact with other children live in a kind of halo of the same microorganisms. Each toddler has its own specific bacteria, which it receives exclusively from its family. As soon as a child goes to kindergarten, close communication occurs between children and, as a result, an exchange of microorganisms occurs. The other baby has his own bacteria, different ones. The child's body perceives "strangers" microorganisms as a potential threat and he develops a disease. The baby who was the source of these "strangers" disease does not occur from microorganisms, since these microorganisms are his, and he is constantly in contact with them. So the little ones in the kindergarten exchange their microbes until they get sick from all of them.

This picture is especially typical for children who go to kindergarten for first few weeks. Children's immunity is reduced at this time. Finding a child without a mother is a stressful situation, and stress has a detrimental effect on the functioning of all systems, especially the immune system.

There are 3 degrees adaptation:

1. Mild degree adaptation- At this degree, changes in the child’s behavior occur within 20-30 days. Appetite does not change or decreases slightly, but gradually returns to normal over the course of a week. At the same time, the amount of daily food intake corresponds to age. Sleep at home is not disturbed, but conditions The kindergarten is restored within a week. The child’s speech activity, his emotional state, and communication with children usually normalize within 15 to 20 days, but most often earlier. The relationship with adults is not impaired, the baby is active and in constant motion. Diseases during this period occur rarely, and if they do occur, they are mild, there is no protracted course, there are no relapses or complications. Mild degree adaptation typical for healthy children. These are children who were born healthy and practically did not get sick. first years of life, all vaccinations were completed according to the calendar. Also such children My parents constantly toughened me up; they eat almost everything.

2. Average degree adaptation- This degree of severity is typical for children who have any health problems. For example, if there were complications during childbirth - asphyxia, or if the baby was born premature, or was often sick first years of life. For moderate severity adaptive disturbance processes are more pronounced and longer lasting. Normalization of sleep and appetite in the garden and at home occurs no earlier than after 20 - 30 days. Kids cannot yet establish contact with other children right away; this usually takes time, about 20 days. During this time the child is in the group, his emotional state is not stable. Also, this degree of severity is characterized by a delay in motor activity, and recovery occurs only a month after visiting a preschool institution. The incidence is most pronounced in first months, and complications are possible.

3. Severe degree adaptation- Severe degree is characterized by a duration of two months to six months, in some cases even more. In addition, all manifestations are pronounced; children get sick very quickly within first week, and the disease recurs 4–8 or more times during the year. A decrease in the intensity of diseases occurs only in the second year of stay in kindergarten. Only from the second year do children begin to attend regularly kindergarten. In other children, inappropriate behavior persists for a longer period of time and borders on neurotic states. The toddler is a couple of blocks behind in speech and play development. Most of all this adaptation is typical for children with developmental defects suffering from severe chronic diseases. Such adaptation It is also possible for allergy sufferers. In addition to the biological factors that influence the development of the baby, the social environment also has an impact.

IN first We offer preschool visit days. Dear parents, fill out the forms. They are aimed at getting to know your child better, finding an approach to him faster and thus most facilitate adaptation.

For a child the first days of kindergarten, Certainly, stress: there are unfamiliar faces around, a foreign environment, completely different from those at home - rules of behavior (requirements).In order to adaptation was not so painful for the child, we try to distract children, interest in simple games. These games are mainly aimed at causing children are in a good mood, and only then to teach them something.

We offer you, dear parents, several simple games to make it easier adaptation. This, of course, is a small fraction of those adaptation games which we play with the guys. Today we offer you games that you can try for yourself. Imagine that you are small children who find themselves in an unfamiliar environment.

1. Hide and seek game

From infancy to primary school age, children tend to play hide and seek. This technique promotes a sense of intimacy and emotional balance.

The game can start spontaneously. If a child is hiding behind a chair, the teacher can say: “Oh, I don’t see you! Where are you?" these words will serve as a signal to start the game.

2. Paper tearing

The proposed technique gives children a lot of positive emotions, gives them an outlet for energy, and liberates them.

To work, you need to have old newspapers and magazines, or other unnecessary paper. First, you need to explain the rules that you can only tear this paper, and then you need to clean up everything after yourself.

Then the teacher begins to tear newspapers and paper, showing the children how best to do it. The children join in, and together they throw the paper into the center of the room. When the pile becomes large, everyone energetically begins to throw the paper into the air, it scatters throughout the room, and the children become indescribably delighted. This technique can be used in various stories: "Snowfall", "Leaf Fall", "Holiday fireworks" and etc.

3."Games with pens", finger games

Finger games help an adult quickly and easily attract a child’s attention, find contact with him, win him over, arouse interest and a desire to play together. These games help develop the child’s emotional sphere, develop fine motor skills and speech. children.

You can also use: nursery rhymes for beginners and persuasion, games for self-knowledge. These are the games How: "White-sided Magpie", “A squirrel is sitting on a cart...”, "Little finger, where have you been", "Okay, okay" and others.


Sparkling, iridescent soap bubbles are a favorite entertainment for children of any age. All children love to blow bubbles! All you need to do is open a jar of soapy water and blow out a bubble! And you will immediately see the happiness that will sparkle in your child’s eyes!

5."Sunny bunnies"

For the game we will only need a small mirror.

In bright sunny day use a mirror to place a light spot on the wall (sunny bunny). Slowly move the “bunny” so that the baby can reach it touch:

Sunny bunnies

They play on the wall

You catch them with your finger -

Let them come to you!

Is your baby going to kindergarten this fall? If so, you probably want your child to accept the changes in his life as calmly as possible, get along with teachers and other children, and go to kindergarten every morning with joy and without whims.
But often parents do not behave entirely correctly and unwittingly prevent their child from adapting to kindergarten. Child and family psychologist Ekaterina Kes tells how this happens and how to avoid the most common mistakes.

Over the course of many years of my psychological practice, every fall parents come to me whose children are having a hard time. In this article I want to tell you about the most common mistakes that parents make when sending their child to kindergarten. Because of these mistakes, the child, as a rule, develops a negative attitude towards kindergarten, fears and anxieties, and adaptation is delayed for many months. It is important to know about these mistakes so as not to make them and harm your baby.

Mistake #1 - “Mom’s Disappearance”

When a mother comes to kindergarten with her child for the first time, the baby is often relaxed and interested in what he sees. The fact is that he has not yet had the experience of being in the garden without his mother. This is why children often stay in kindergarten quite cheerfully the first day, but on the second and third days they go with resistance. As we know, it is easy to attract the attention of a small child with something new and interesting. Therefore, the baby boldly leaves his mother and becomes interested in new toys and children in the group. Most likely, he has already heard from his mother more than once that his mother will leave him in the group, but in his mind, while his mother is waiting for him in the corridor. Or maybe he forgot that mom was getting ready to leave.

And this is where the following happens. The mother is very glad that the child is carried away by the game, and quietly, so as not to “scare him away,” she runs away without saying goodbye to the child or telling him that she is leaving. Now imagine how a small child feels, whose mother suddenly disappeared to an unknown location, without saying goodbye, and it is unknown when she will come or whether she will come at all. For a child, this is like getting lost in a huge supermarket. And even if 10 of the kindest people calm the baby down and offer him sweets and toys, he will be terribly scared, overwhelmed with fear and anxiety. Even if you have told your child many times that he will be alone in kindergarten, without his mother, never leave unnoticed.

The child has the feeling that now his mother can suddenly disappear at any moment of his life, without warning or saying goodbye to him, that is, he can simply lose his mother. And he literally “sticks” to her both psychologically and physically for many months, afraid of losing sight of her. In many cases, kindergarten simply has to be postponed for at least six months because the child becomes hysterical at the slightest mention of kindergarten, let alone going there.

Mistake #2 - “Long Stay”

Some parents believe that it is better to immediately leave the child for half a day or a whole day so that he can quickly get used to the children and the teacher. This is a mistake. Visiting the kindergarten should begin gradually. There are different visiting patterns that psychologists recommend following. The general idea is this: first come and walk on the same playground where the group is walking, then bring the child to the group for 30 minutes - 1 hour during free play activity and wait for the child in the corridor and then pick him up. Gradually the child gets used to the children, the teacher, and the environment. Then you can leave him alone for 1-2 hours, then from the morning until lunch, then with lunch, then pick him up after the walk. After a while, leave it for lunch and pick it up, then leave it for a nap and pick it up. Then leave it for the whole day. There are no clear recommendations for how long each stage should last. You need to look at the child’s well-being and your maternal intuition.

Mistake No. 3 - “Wrong daily routine”

Many parents do not think about how the child’s daily routine today corresponds to the daily routine that will need to be followed when kindergarten begins. A child who is used to going to bed after 10 pm will find it extremely difficult to wake up at 7 am. And in kindergarten, as a rule, you need to get up very early. Remember how your baby feels when he doesn't get enough sleep? He rubs his eyes, is capricious, does not understand what he wants, and becomes whiny. Children whose parents did not transfer to the kindergarten daily routine in advance are immediately visible in the group in the mornings in the first days. They rub their sleepy eyes, they are whiny and irritable, they perceive painfully everything that happens around them.

How a child feels in the first days in kindergarten leaves an imprint on his entire subsequent attitude towards this place. Remember the saying: You never get a second chance to make a first impression.” This fully applies to kindergarten. To ensure that your child’s first experience in kindergarten is painted with positive colors, do not be too lazy to transfer your baby to the correct mode in advance. Then he will be able to wake up easily and go to the group in a good mood!

Mistake #4 - “Quick fees”

This error partly echoes the previous one. Since parents feel sorry for waking up the baby and want him to sleep as long as possible, he is woken up almost right in time for the time when he needs to go to kindergarten. As a result, getting ready is nervous and hasty; the mother does not have time to give the baby the attention and tenderness that he needs, especially when he is still basking in bed. The child only hears: “Come on quickly,” “Come on faster,” “We’re late for kindergarten,” “We’ll talk later,” etc. Often the baby still cannot think well in the morning and the mother gets irritated, raises her voice and the whole morning turns out to be chaotic and conflicting. Everyone’s mood is spoiled, and the child goes to kindergarten in upset feelings, just like the mother, who no longer has the moral strength to say any kind parting words.

Therefore, wake up yourself and wake up the baby in advance so that you have enough time to leisurely get ready, so that you can pay attention to the baby while he is in bed - give a massage, stroke the legs and head, sing a song, tickle, kiss and other gentle words and actions. All this is so important for a good mood for both of you! Also leave for kindergarten in advance, with plenty of time, so that you don’t get nervous on the way and can set your child up in a positive mood.

What is the “Farewell Ritual”?

Well, we've sorted out 4 common mistakes that you definitely won't make now! I am sure that you will be able to gradually transfer your baby to a new daily routine, you will wake up and leave for kindergarten in advance, you will leave your child in the group gradually and you will always inform him that you are leaving and say goodbye correctly.

You will learn about other common mistakes parents make and how to avoid them from my

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Adaptation is a person’s getting used to new circumstances and a new environment; in a particular case, it is a child’s getting used to kindergarten. The child’s age of 2-2.5 years is characterized by heightened sensitivity to separation from the mother and fear of novelty. Therefore, adaptation to a preschool institution is very painful. This period must be organized in such a way as to traumatize the child as little as possible.

THERE ARE FOUR DEGREES OF SEVERITY OF ADAPTATION: Easy adaptation: by the 20th day of stay in a child care facility, sleep is normalized, the child eats normally, does not refuse contacts with peers and adults, and makes contact himself. The incidence is no more than once for a period of no more than 10 days, without complications. Weight unchanged. Adaptation of moderate severity: behavioral reactions are restored after 1-2 months of stay in a children's institution. Neuropsychic development slows down somewhat (slower activity). The incidence is up to two times for a period of no more than 10 days, without complications. The weight has not changed or decreased slightly. Severe adaptation: characterized by a significant duration (from two to six months) and severity of all manifestations. Super-heavy adaptation: about six months or more. The question arises: should the child stay in kindergarten? Perhaps he is a “non-kindergarten” child. ● ●

THREE PHASES OF THE ADAPTATION PROCESS Acute phase or period of maladjustment. It is accompanied by various fluctuations in the somatic state and mental status, which leads to weight loss, frequent respiratory diseases, sleep disturbances, decreased appetite, regression in speech development (lasts on average one month). Subacute phase or adaptation itself. It is characterized by adequate behavior of the child, that is, changes decrease and are recorded only in certain parameters against the background of a slower pace of development, especially mental, compared to average age norms (lasts three to five months). Compensation phase or adaptation period. It is characterized by an acceleration of the pace of development; as a result, by the end of the school year, children overcome the above-mentioned delay in the pace of development and begin to behave calmer. ● ●

THE ADAPTATION PERIOD IN CHILDREN MAY BE ACCOMPANIED BY VARIOUS NEGATIVE SHIFTES Physiologically and psychologically: increased temperature and pressure; weight loss, temporary growth arrest; decreased immunity, increased number of colds; increased nervousness; worsening sleep; a drop in the level of speech activity, a reduction in vocabulary; Mental development temporarily stops, and a kind of return to an earlier age may occur. ● ● ● ● In behavioral terms: stubbornness, rudeness, impudence, disrespect for adults, deceit, laziness (a kind of protest, desire to attract attention).

THERE ARE TWO MAIN CRITERIA FOR SUCCESSFUL ADAPTATION: - INTERNAL COMFORT - EMOTIONAL SATISFACTION, - EXTERNAL ADEQUACY OF BEHAVIOR - THE ABILITY TO EASILY AND ACCURATELY FOLLOW THE REQUIREMENTS OF THE ENVIRONMENT. The goal of the work of teachers and specialists in the process of adaptation of children to a preschool institution is to create conditions that facilitate the adaptation period when a child enters a preschool institution through interaction between the kindergarten and the family. Adaptation should not be considered as a one-sided process, that is, the child’s getting used to kindergarten. It is more advisable to take into account 3 sides: parents, educators, and children, since each of these sides adapts. ● ● ●

THE SUCCESS OF IMPLEMENTING THE MODEL OF ORGANIZING THE ADAPTATION PERIOD WHEN A CHILD ADMISSIONS TO A PRESCHOOL INSTITUTION ALSO IMPLIES THE SEQUENCE OF ITS STAGES The first stage is the forecast of adaptation. The second stage is the interaction of a teacher-psychologist, teachers of early childhood groups and parents of children. The third stage is the beginning of the child’s attendance at a preschool institution in accordance with the algorithm for gradual entry into kindergarten. The fourth stage is conducting adaptation classes with the children's team. Such entry into kindergarten has a positive effect: children get used to the new environment more easily, get sick less, contact arises with parents and teachers, and the number of conflicts and mutual claims between them decreases.

ADAPTATION FORECAST - HELPS TO DETERMINE THE DEGREE OF SEVERITY OF A BABY'S ADAPTATION AND ORIENT ADULTS TO THE EXPECTED RESULT. The following parameters are determined that determine the success of adaptation, such as: the general emotional background of the baby, ● relationships with an unfamiliar adult, ● the level of development of objective activity. ● The child’s skills and abilities that facilitate the adaptation period are identified through a survey of parents.

ALGORITHM FOR GRADUAL ENTRY INTO A PRESCHOOL INSTITUTION For a child, a less painful separation from his mother is a gradual separation. Taking into account the peculiarities of this period: fear of novelty, heightened sensitivity to separation from mother, fear of a closed room, an algorithm was compiled according to which children step by step get used to being left without their parents for the whole day. Step 1 - the child comes with his parents only for a walk; Step 2 - the child stays for 2-3 hours during a walk or during free play activities; Step 3 - the child stays from breakfast until lunch; 4th step - the child stays to sleep, but immediately after sleep his parents take him; Step 5 - the child stays for the whole day. ● ● ●

GAME ACTIVITY The main activity of a child at this age is object-based play. Based on this knowledge, you need to build an educational strategy and find forms of interaction with the child. Adaptation occurs most easily in children who can act with objects in a variety of ways and with concentration. When they enter kindergarten, they quickly respond to the teacher’s invitation to play. For them this is a common thing.

THUS, THE ORGANIZATION OF ADAPTATION ACTIVITIES AT AN EARLY AGE SUGGESTS THAT: Educating adults, psychologists, educators, parents should be direct active participants - charge children with their positive emotions, evoke a desire to take part in the game, set patterns for performing actions. The size of the adaptation group should not exceed 10-12 children. It is undesirable to interrupt or skip without good reason any of the stages of the model for organizing the adaptation period when a child enters a preschool institution.

Article: “First days in kindergarten”

Zhabina Irina Vladimirovna
Position, place of work: teacher of the 1st qualification category of the MDOU general developmental kindergarten No. 43 “Sosenka”, Moscow region, Dmitrovsky district, Tseleevo village.
Description of material: The presented publication will be of interest to educators, methodologists and preschool teachers. The information can be used in practical work with preschoolers, for pedagogical education at parent meetings and teacher councils.
Target: clarification of teachers’ ideas about the behavioral characteristics of preschoolers in the first days of visiting a preschool educational institution.
- contribute to improving pedagogical competence;
- develop the creative activity and initiative of teachers;
- increase teachers’ interest in expanding their knowledge;
- develop a creative approach in working with children entering preschool educational institutions.

Public preschool education has a great influence on the child, his family, and relationships with others.
When entering a preschool institution, a child ceases to be only a son or daughter, but also becomes a kindergarten student. The lifestyle is changing. His I provide to close people tsya not only mom, dad, grandma and other family members, but also all teaching and service staff of the kindergarten, peers . All these changes occur at once and require awareness. Often children cannot master their new position, get lost and cry, not because they do not want to part with their mother (of course, this also happens), but mainly because they find it difficult to relate the familiar to the new , understand its necessity, get used to new people. All this requires complex mental activity, and The teacher must understand the child’s condition , the difficulties that confronted him, and, consequently, the reasons for his behavior, grief and worries.

A new social situation places new demands on a child. : establishing certain relationships with elders and peers, following the rules of behavior in children's society - walking with other children, eating, playing, studying, and then making friends, showing mutual sympathy, helping each other. All this requires the formation of moral ideas, concepts, correlation of one’s behavior with them, an understanding of responsibility to educators, to parents, to comrades, as well as the ability to coordinate one’s interests with the interests of others. In this complex process, the mental and moral formation of the child’s personality occurs simultaneously. Gradually, he assimilates social ideas, realizes the requirements placed on him and is guided by them in personal behavior, in relationships with peers and adults. But the process of awareness is a long and complex process ; it is expressed in versatile mental activity. It is impossible to “transfer” knowledge, requirements and rules into the child’s consciousness; it cannot be assumed that, once understood and assimilated by memory, certain ideas will become a direct guide to behavior.

For example, one boy began to take away another’s car. What should a teacher do? Separate the fighters, shame them without engaging in lengthy moralizing, repeat the demands that they cannot fight, and... not be upset that his words seem to have no influence on the children? Education is a long process of influence and gradual transformation of the teacher’s demands into the demands of the child himself., into the habit of doing what is necessary and refraining from doing what is not necessary. The teacher must break down the general requirements into a number of specific ones: play together, do not take toys from each other, but politely ask, share toys; if there are few of them, play, taking turns, putting away toys together, etc. Specific requirements and rules are easier for children to assimilate, but in their behavior, children, especially younger ones, are more often guided by them, only when reminded by the teacher. There is a certain pattern in the assimilation of the rules of social behavior. At the very beginning, children not only do not remember this or that rule or requirement, but also, as it were, do not hear it. Later, the child acquires knowledge and requirements in relation to others, but not yet in relation to himself. He begins to closely monitor that other children comply with them, and complains to the teacher if the requirement is violated by anyone. There are children who often complain about another: “He splashes himself with water and doesn’t wash his hands... Katya eats with her hands... Nikita didn’t put the car away, but threw it under the closet... Dima takes away Igor’s car...” etc. etc. And this is not a complaint with the intention of causing trouble for someone. This is a protest against breaking a rule , one or another requirement based on knowledge about it, awareness of fulfillment by others. Why only others? Because the violation of others is more visible, more obvious. And besides, speaking about something else, the child, as it were, tests himself, confirms the need to follow this rule. Finally, the child is completely confirmed in the inviolability of this or that knowledge, the rule based on it, and it becomes his rule .

This complex process is determined by the fact that knowledge is not the same as action . The child can acquire knowledge, but does not yet know how to act accordingly. Knowledge is quickly absorbed by the child’s mind and stored in memory. An action requires skill, skill, it correlates with the circumstances of a given time, can be motivated in different ways, can conflict with other feelings, etc. The teacher must have a clear understanding of the development of these processes, determine the extent and sequence of communicating knowledge about the laws of life of the children's society, the sequence of formation of social experience, or, as A.P. Usova called it, “feelings of the public.”