Dita Von Teese images. Dita Von Teese. Photos from different years

Tips for creating the image of a burlesque queen from the unrivaled Dita Von Teese, writes wday.ru.

The story of the transformation of cute blonde Heather Renee Sweet into style icon Dita Von Teese with raven hair is a ready-made script for the film. She owes her reputation not so much to her high-profile marriage to Marilyn Manson, who drew public attention to her. Not even the famous dance in a glass of champagne, which allows you to appreciate all her merits, but her enviable devotion to the image of the Hollywood diva of the 40s, which she brought to stylistic perfection.

1. Lay the foundation

The little black sheath dress, highlighting all the curves of Dita Von Teese's perfect figure, is the basis of her wardrobe. A supporter of minimalism in accessories, she traditionally limits herself to pumps with the highest heels and one really expensive piece of jewelry. But the star’s makeup definitely cannot be called laconic: wide black eyeliner, false eyelashes and red lipstick are her basic set.

2. Love fur

Animal advocates can relax - the true diva Dita Von Teese wore, wears and will wear fur. At least as a trim on the cape with which she covers her shoulders in a Jean Paul Gaultier Couture dress with unusual trim in the spirit of hussar uniforms. Pay attention to the wave styling in the style of the 20s - it requires remarkable skill. By the way, you can create a stylish look using faux fur clothing.

3. Explore the past

It looks like there is a time machine in Dita von Teese's dressing room - her images in the style of the 40s of the twentieth century are authentic to the smallest detail. In a checkered blouse with an intricate knot and puffed sleeves, a conservative black skirt below the knees, closed loafers and a pillbox hat, she looks more like a teacher at a post-war school for noble maidens than an artist of a racy genre.

4. Find inspiration

In her own clothing line Muse for the Australian department store David Jones, Dita Von Teese turned to her favorite pin-up style. Large floral patterns, shades of red and pink, and an essential body-hugging silhouette fit her style perfectly. It must be said that floral print is the only one that Dita von Teese allows herself.

5. Study fashion history

Dita Von Teese often wears outfits made of thick fabrics with draperies, focusing attention on her assets, and loves to cut in the style of the great couturiers of the past. For example, a closed John Galliano dress with a complex asymmetrical drapery could easily be mistaken for a creation by Christian Dior.

6. Remember your mother's advice

Dita Von Teese sets the rules herself, and the fact that today's glossy magazines are not too fond of tone-on-tone accessories is of little concern to the dancer, actress and designer. In the era where the star “came” from, this was a rule of good manners, and therefore so be it. It’s hard to argue when elbow-length burgundy gloves, a clutch and shoes so harmoniously complement a structured satin dress in a lighter shade.

7. Change your role

This happens extremely rarely, but sometimes Dita Von Teese allows herself to play “man’s games.” Flared high-waisted black trousers, a crisp white shirt with an imitation of an untied bow tie and a top hat would have turned her from a lady into a gentleman, if not for the maroon lipstick, gold clutch and high heels. Oddly enough, sexy Dita did a good job of creating an image a la garçon.

8. Choose carefully

An important talent of Dita von Teese is the ability to choose exactly what suits her and matches her integral style, among the whole variety of designer novelties. The blue Christian Dior coat, with its accented shoulders and embroidered sleeves, has been in her wardrobe since 2007 and continues to receive regular plaudits for its contemporary design. By the way, blue is one of the few bright colors that Von Teese recognizes.

9. Love your body

Tempting, intriguing and seducing are actually Dita von Teese's job responsibilities, and we must admit that she copes with them perfectly. The star is not shy about highlighting her assets (chief among them is her stunning neckline) and for important events she chooses dresses in the style of the Golden Age of Hollywood - an antique silhouette made of flowing fabrics such as satin and metallic lamé. And he never goes overboard with jewelry.

10. Master the art of making a dramatic entrance.

Wherever you meet Dita Von Teese, you can say with almost 100% certainty that she will look luxurious. Even at the airport, hiding her eyes, tired from a long flight, behind dark glasses, she did not refuse a pencil skirt, a spectacular bolero and red lipstick, and perhaps changed her sky-high heels to a little more down-to-earth ones.

Dita Von Teese rushes home from a Christmas party held at the Playboy Club (London, England) in early December last year. The luxurious burlesque star did not flaunt all her charms, but elegantly exposed only her legs. Despite the overtones of the party, where the most curvaceous and outspoken celebrities gathered, Dita wore a very modest black and pink lace dress and cute satin shoes from Christian Louboutin. She looked truly feminine and sexy that evening, emphasizing her wasp waist. Thanks to Dita, I was once again convinced that sexuality comes from within and it doesn’t matter what you’re wearing... Clothes are an entourage.

Dita is photographed sitting in her car leaving the event. At 39 years old, her figure is magnificent and her legs are gorgeous!

Dita leaves Gourmet Oaks Cafe in Los Angeles. The image of the “black widow” does not suit everyone, but among these “everyone” the name Dita Von Teese is not included. She perfectly presents everything that is put on her ideal body, and even such a frankly unremarkable dress looks like a glove on her.

The tights are great! The arrow on the back is quite “spicy”...

Noticing the paparazzi, Dita smiles sweetly and goes about her business, leaving the parked Cadillac behind her. In Los Angeles, Dita looks more reserved than usual, but she always wears classic curls and permanent red lipstick. In a vintage look, combining stylish high-waisted capri trousers and a black jumper, she looks very simple and stylish. The look is successfully complemented by cat-eye glasses that are fashionable today, as well as a handbag (presumably a Birkin). Dita has found her style and there is no one that could outshine her modernized image of the 20s.

Dita on a walk in France. The image is simple and one might even say not in the style of Dita Von Teese, but it is cold outside and it is certainly necessary to warm yourself for the sake of your own health. A classic black coat in combination with rubber boots does not look ridiculous, there is no dissonance, although I don’t really like rubber boots, which are now in trends. This image is really good. The Chanel crossbody bag was the best accessory Tiz could choose to complement this look.

Dressed head to toe in red, Dita Von Teese rocks West Hollywood. She, of course, is a magical woman who should have been born not now, but much earlier (I think a century or two ago she would have been a style icon), but this outfit confused me a little. I don’t like it when everyone wears everything in the same color scheme. Maybe I'm being picky, but it would be worth diluting the scarlet atmosphere with black accessories or other details. But her cars are always cool!

Pay attention to the shoes!

Dita and Theo Hutchcraft, with whom she is actively credited with a romantic relationship, leave the restaurant. Kelly Osbourne was also in the company with them, but she was not included in the camera. Dita and Theo would make a colorful couple, but he is 14 years younger than her, and this is a significant age difference. Be that as it may, men change, but Von Teese remains as luxurious as ever. For dinner at the restaurant, she chose a gray off-the-shoulder dress, put on black leather gloves, picked up a large clutch, and also paid tribute to Christian Louboutin again and chose his studded creation over all shoes. A stunning image of a mature, confident lady.

PR or not?

Dita with friends at the Coachella festival. In a juicy dress with a print of cherries, Dita looks good, free and somehow unusual, because in most cases she chooses strict but feminine dresses. Coachella influences everyone present, and therefore Dita cheated on herself a little. I don’t really like round glasses, but Dita is such a woman that almost everything suits her. White leather contrasts perfectly with black wardrobe details.

Today we are discussing Dita von Teese - an American singer, fashion model, and burlesque performer. The Hollywood film star and socialite always looks great. She has turned her entire life into serving style and, unlike many stars, she dresses stylishly not only for the red carpet, but also for a simple shopping trip.

Dita Von Teese: street style

The actress is very particular about her appearance. The natural blonde radically changed her style about 20 years ago, after which her hair became raven black, and all outfits are now selected very carefully, the main preference being given to the style of the 40s and 50s.

The celebrity has a non-standard figure, she has a chic figure, and her waist is considered one of the thinnest in the world: in a corset, her circumference is only 42 centimeters! Dita skillfully takes advantage of this advantage, constantly emphasizing the grace of her figure. Her body type is hourglass, which means that she can afford almost any outfit.

The actress is a big fan of feminine style, and therefore her wardrobe is filled with skirts and dresses. Even for a simple trip to the store, the actress chooses beautiful retro dresses and suits with skirts.

It is worth noting that the burlesque performer loves floral prints and rich colors, which harmonize very well with her porcelain skin.

A thin waist is one of the main weapons of a celebrity, so it is advisable to emphasize it with clothes and accessories, which the actress does with great success by choosing high-waisted outfits.

Also an excellent move is to select outfits with a belt at the waist, and contrasting dresses and suits that have a clear border at the waist.

Without exaggeration, Dita von Teese's style can be called ideal, carefully thought out. The length of her dresses is almost always just below the knee, or as they also call it, midi. This is a very good choice, because her figure and height only benefit from such a decision.

In addition to floral print, leopard print is also popular with celebrities. At various times, she was seen in public wearing a leopard print scarf and carrying a bag of the same color.

A scarf like the star’s can be ordered on the online platform.

We mentioned earlier that there are very few trousers in the celebrity’s wardrobe, but they still exist. These are oversized models, or overalls with a belt, the emphasis in these cases is on the waist.

It is also very rare that a star can be seen in flat shoes and short dresses. Often, the actress prefers to wear wedges or stilettos even when going to the store.

In cool weather, the burlesque dancer wears a coat. Like all other clothes, all her coats emphasize Dita's thin waist. The correct length of the coat and the model emphasize the girl’s refined figure.

You can buy a similar coat in the online store.

Since we give preference to retro style, then the accessories should fully match the look. Thus, Dita Von Teese appears in public wearing retro glasses, gloves, hats and small bags.

Sunglasses like the star's can be bought in the online store.

Dita Von Teese: red carpet

Dita's figure and porcelain skin are the envy of many women. She is truly beautiful, and perfectly chosen outfits only emphasize her beauty.

Bustier dresses suit Von Teese crazy. So, for one of the important events, Christian Dior created a dress especially for the star. She looked perfect in it.

The pale blue Gaultier dress perfectly emphasized all the seductive curves of her body.

Many women strive to be like Dita Von Teese. The queen of burlesque, with her unchanging style and impeccable appearance, evokes admiration among both men and women.
Dita von Teese is a feminine, attractive and spectacular show business heroine, as well as the ex-wife of Marilyn Manson. This burlesque queen has a delicate taste that evokes the envy of women and the admiration of men.

This woman, whose real name is Heather Renee Sweet, can charm at first sight. If you need to drive a man crazy with your appearance, pay attention to Dita's style. In her wardrobe you cannot find anything other than elegant outfits. According to the celebrity, a woman should always wear makeup, even when wearing simple jeans and a T-shirt. When walking, in a cafe or at a special event, a woman’s beauty should be emphasized by suitable makeup.

Dita is often compared to a porcelain doll. She is the happy owner of snow-white skin. The celebrity always appears in public with an impeccable hairstyle, perfect makeup and neat manicure. Of course, to complement her natural beauty comes a stunning outfit. Dita's images are perfect; no one has ever seen her in an unkempt state. This is one of the many reasons why the celebrity idolizes the fashion world. In fact, the main role of Dita von Teese is to be a muse for designers, the subject of male fantasies and female envy.

Almost every woman dreams of owning at least part of Dita’s wardrobe. They are real treasures for fashionistas. This sacred place houses hundreds of charming dresses and many equally elegant and stylish accessories. These include lace corsets, feather boas, evening gloves decorated with stones, a variety of handbags, endless rows of shoes and numerous shimmering jewelry.

Dita von Teese worked with many famous brands, gave master classes to models, and organized striptease shows. All her clothes are extravagant. But, despite this, the burlesque queen is today one of the most fashionable and chic women in the fashion world. Dita never turned to stylists for advice. When working with a star, famous designers, in addition to the fee, present the celebrity with their things: dresses, handbags, shoes.

As Dita’s experience shows, it’s enough to find your own style and stick to it to create intrigue around yourself. The celebrity tested this from her own experience. To find the perfect image, Heather Renee Sweet looked to the 30s and 40s for inspiration. Film stars of the last century pushed her to create her current image. Veronica Lake, Marlene Dietrich, and Dita Parlo played an important role in its emergence. The latter's name gave rise to the idea for creating a celebrity pseudonym. Maintaining ideal proportions in everything, Heather turned into a style icon. Only minor changes occur in the star's image over time.

As already mentioned, Dita von Teese is a muse for famous designers. But that's not all. Based on Heather's style, every woman has the opportunity to sew interesting clothes in a vintage style for herself or for her dolls. After all, it is the vintage, in which you can so often find Dita, that is ideal for doll proportions. Outfits made based on Dita von Teese's dresses will look harmonious and original.

Charming outfits of the burlesque queen:

Dita von Teese (real name Heather Renee Sweet) was born on September 28, 1972 in a small town in Michigan in the family of a manicurist and a machinist.

The girl studied from an early age and dreamed of becoming a ballerina, but at the same time she was dissatisfied with her appearance and style. Little Dita von Teese considered herself an unattractive and even clumsy girl. Later, she began to admire actresses and dancers of the first half of the 20th century and imitate them in everything, which quickly affected her style of clothing and makeup.

At the age of 15, Dita worked part-time in a lingerie store, which became more important to her later in life. And after graduating from school, she went to continue her education at college, where she decided to study the history of fashion and costume. At this time, Dita fell in love.

Upon reaching the age of 18, she gets a job in a small strip club, and over time begins to perform in stockings with garters, corsets and long gloves, sometimes dancing on pointe shoes.

Soon, Dita von Teese came up with her own number with swimming in a glass of champagne, with which she went on a solo tour. Dita was noticed by Carmen Electra and invited her to participate in a joint show. Thanks to this collaboration, Dita met the founder of a famous magazine, Hugh Hefner. He invited Dita to become the heroine of one of the future issues of the magazine. The result of their collaboration was one of the best shoots in the history of the magazine.

Over time, Dita von Teese changed and began to call herself a burlesque dancer.

Now Dita Von Teese is one of the best dressed celebrities. She always looks flawless, no matter where she is - at a special event, at the airport or at the grocery store. At the same time, the queen of burlesque refuses the services of a stylist, and respects the style only of those celebrities who are able to dress themselves, without outside help.

Her studies in college, where Dita studied the history of fashion and the costume, were not in vain; this knowledge always helped Dita von Teese, both when she was a dancer in a club, and when she began to come up with outfits for her own shows.

In everyday life, Dita von Teese is her own stylist and makeup artist; even when going to an important event, she does her own makeup, hairstyle, and selects clothes and accessories. Dita only once had experience working with a professional stylist, who advised her to wear jeans with shoes from the 30s. Dita did not recognize jeans in a woman’s wardrobe, and simply wondered why someone should tell her how to dress correctly. You can only see Dita in jeans at Halloween, where she comes dressed like everyone else.

In addition to her professional activities, Dita remains true to her style even when traveling. She appears at international airports in feminine retro dresses and coats, stiletto heels, and neat handbags, and it looks beautiful and appropriate.

The burlesque queen's favorite color is black. But don’t think that she avoids bright colors - in the summer she wears light, romantic dresses with expressive prints, embroidery and appliqués.

An interesting fact is Dita’s natural hair color, she is a natural blonde, but having chosen the image and style of a bright brunette, she has not changed it for many years.

Sometimes she acts in films, but she has no intention of becoming an actress; Dita agrees only to those roles that she could call her own.

Dita Von Teese's style on video