How to invite a man on a date without him refusing: phrases, SMS and other ideas. How to ask a guy out first: fail-safe phrases and methods

Even the most confident girl finds it difficult to invite a guy out on her own. Some are afraid of seeming too intrusive, others are not ready to take the first step. Many people assume that a woman has no right to be active towards a man. There is a chance that the young man will lose interest in such an active person. With the right approach, this will not happen. She can always hint to the gentleman about a meeting or use other methods.

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    Find out information about the guy

    It is important for a girl to understand the interests of the object of her adoration. Leisure should be interesting and exciting for a young man. If she invites an ardent football fan to a concert at the Philharmonic, she has a greater chance of being rejected.

    It is recommended to talk to the guy's friends. If it is impossible to contact them, then the Internet will help. On a social network page, it’s worth looking at what kind of music he listens to, what hobbies he enjoys, etc. Based on the information received, it will be easier to come up with an event that will definitely interest him.

    Invitation methods

    The invitation must be submitted correctly. There are several ways to ask a guy to meet:

    • hint;
    • disguise a date as a friendly meeting;
    • be sincere;
    • ask for help.

    The choice of one method or another depends on self-confidence. For those girls who are not confident in themselves, it is much easier to use various excuses. Others have no problem saying their intentions directly. But, regardless of the method, preparatory work needs to be done.


    The initiative does not have to come from a woman. If you wish, you can easily push the guy to decide on a date himself. To do this, the girl just needs to hint to the young man that she has no plans for the coming weekend and will have to spend it alone.

    It is worth clarifying that the girl would not mind going to a concert or other event, but all her friends are busy. There is no need to get hung up on this topic, just make a slight hint. If a man has sympathy for a girl, he will definitely grab this opportunity.

    It must be remembered that for some young people, subtle hints are an incomprehensible science. Therefore, if a man does not offer himself as a companion, this does not mean that he has no interest.

    Masking Intentions

    To prevent a guy from refusing or being embarrassed by meeting a girl one-on-one, you should use friends. This is especially true for young boys.

    You can invite a young man to a party of one of his comrades. Knowing that his friends are present at the event, he will feel much more confident. At the same time, such a meeting should be considered a date, since the girl and the object of her adoration will come together or chat.

    You should not invite a guy to an unfamiliar company. In this situation, he will feel even more insecure and refuse the meeting.


    If a girl is far from intrigue or does not know how to give hints, then you should not fuss. Older men value and respect sincere representatives of the fair sex more.

    It is enough to honestly admit that the person is attractive and invite him to spend time together. However, you need to act carefully and not put too much pressure on your gentleman.

    Ask for help

    In order for a guy to be guaranteed to agree to meet a girl, she must demonstrate to him that she is helpless. For example, if a woman says that she has difficulties installing a particular program on her computer, then a man will be pleased to show off his skills in working with technology. The excuse could be a broken car, apartment renovations, or moving. If a young man is actively involved in sports, then it is worth asking him to help create a training course.

    First you need to find out what exactly the young man is strong at, so as not to put him in an awkward situation.

    What phrases to use

    You can invite a guy on a date or for a walk:

    • via SMS;
    • using social networks;
    • personally.

    When talking or texting, don't rant for too long. It is recommended to use the following phrases:

    1. 1. “I have an extra movie ticket, we could go together.”
    2. 2. “There will be an interesting exhibition (or concert) soon, I think you would be interested in visiting it.”
    3. 3. “You and I have a lot of topics to talk about, I suggest we chat in a restaurant over a glass of wine.”
    4. 4. “My friend’s wedding is coming this weekend, I need a gentleman.”
    5. 5. “I want to go out of town, you love nature, so we could go together.”
    6. 6. “I read on the Internet that very rare animals were brought to the zoo.”
    7. 7. “I want to do a photo shoot, I’m sure you could take a photo of me.”
    8. 8. “I dream of going on a bike ride, but I don’t have company.”

    These phrases can easily be adapted to any other pretext.

Undoubtedly, guys and men should be the first to invite girls and women on a date, but there are times when you need to know how invite a guy, a man on date so as not to reject him and so that he agrees. After all, when a girl likes a guy, but he doesn’t ask her out first, then the girl can be the first to invite him, and there’s nothing wrong with that.

In the article, psychologists will tell you how to invite a guy or a man for a date so that he agrees or even make sure that he asks you out on a date first.

To ask a guy out on a date, you just need to call or text him, but this doesn’t always work, since some guys are not used to being asked by girls first. Therefore, it is advisable to make sure that the guy asks you out on a date first.

To do this, you just need to understand what kind of girls this guy likes, and whether you can become the ideal girl for him. Often guys are the first to not ask girls out because they are afraid or they simply don’t like this or that girl.

Seduce a guy with your eyes

The best way ask a guy out on a date , is to seduce him with your gaze so that he has no other choice than to get to know you. You should also look nice and beautiful, since the first thing guys pay attention to is appearance, and also take care of an attractive gait.

To invite a man on a date and not get rejected, you need to think about how to correct yourself so that the man himself wants to ask you on a date. There is no need to be the first to propose a meeting, since in most cases it will be unsuccessful, since the man did not have any special attractions to you.

You need to seduce a man first and if he is just afraid of you invite you on a date , do it first. If a man is confident and courageous, then he will approach you himself and offer a meeting. You don’t need to be too intrusive, but don’t immediately reject men’s offers for a date. Find out:.

Chat with a guy or man

Girls and women do not need to ask guys and men out on a date first, as this is enough to simply communicate with a man or a guy until he gets used to you and wants to ask you out. This method and method has helped many girls and women to seduce and make a guy and a man fall in love with them to such an extent that he himself began to propose a date.

Signal to a guy or man that you like him

A common reason why a guy or man does not want to invite a girl or woman to date The first is that he sees that you are not interested in him and is afraid of being rejected. Therefore, give a sign to a man or guy that you like him, and then if he likes you, he will definitely meet you and offer you a date.

Be yourself and be confident

You don't have to turn into an easy-to-get girl or woman to ask a guy or man out on a date. It is enough just to maintain feminine pride and be worthy, not accessible. Become bold and confident and then you will find the guy or man you like and then it won’t matter who decides to ask you out first, or he howled.

By hinting at a date to a guy, a girl can make sure that he doesn’t realize that the initiative doesn’t come from him. Flirting and an alluring look are enough. And if signs of sympathy are noticeable, he only needs a push to action in the form of an encouraging smile and a clear desire to communicate with him.

But when a young man is timid and he clearly likes the girl, he will be glad that the initiative comes from her. For a shy lady, the option of an email, SMS message or the help of friends will be suitable, who will hint to the guy that she is interested.


Many guys like it when girls pay attention to them and do not hide their interest. Women's initiative is welcome, but only if the man himself is not against the relationship. To invite him first, you need to take into account important conditions:

  • young people have known each other for some time;
  • the guy is a little interested;
  • he is shy and indecisive around girls;
  • She has been in love for a long time and is tired of revealing her feelings.

If it is obvious that a man is indifferent and cold in communication, you should not be the first to invite him to a meeting. We need to wait some more time and find out more information. You should remember what he likes in women and what annoys him. It is important to understand his interests and how he likes to spend his time. Then it’s worth showing him that the woman has the necessary qualities, that they have the same tastes and hobbies.

Having decided to take the first step towards a relationship, a girl should not forget that men first pay attention to external data. Therefore, you need to look attractive, seductive and feminine. The guy should be interested and charmed so that he agrees to the meeting. It is important to show your best side, skillfully emphasizing your strengths and hiding your weaknesses.

Girls who have a decisive character and are not shy about inviting a guy for a walk should follow this plan:

  1. 1. Make sure he is not dating another woman.
  2. 2. Think about the day and place of the meeting in advance.
  3. 3. Choose a place where there will be no distractions.
  4. 4. Be prepared for the fact that the guy is busy with something and has no time for dates.
  5. 5. Set yourself in a positive mood, be moderately relaxed and confident.
  6. 6. Do not insist or impose if he is not sure and is hesitating.

You should speak to him in a calm tone and not show off your love. He shouldn't think that he can play on a girl's feelings and treat her with disrespect. Let him see that he is being given a chance to have a relationship with an interesting, proud, brave and confident woman.

How to ask a girl to date


Not all girls can invite a man on a date. The reason lies in moral principles, pride or shyness.

A girl who is serious and ready to be the first to invite a guy for a walk needs to use the following methods:

Methods Psychology of relationships
Directly, in personal communicationThis is the easiest and most sincere way to ask a guy out on a date. Thus, the girl immediately shows interest and gives the opportunity to meet her halfway. You just need to think through your words in advance, tune in to reciprocity and not be upset if you refuse
Under indirect pretextYou can ask for help, ask the guy’s opinion and interest him in an unusual offer. One way to attract attention is to go with a group and be alone, and then say in a frivolous tone that the girl specially arranged everything so that she could be alone with him. If he takes the joke correctly, you should offer to meet again, and if he starts getting ready to go home, react calmly and part as friends. He may still change his mind
Through a common hobbyIf young people communicate for a while, it means they already know something about each other. You can unite through common interests and hobbies. It is worth suggesting not a date, but a joint hike, a bike ride or a competition on a game console or computer game. Guys rarely do not accept a challenge from a girl who promises to beat her. By spending time on common hobbies, a woman will make him feel her worth and her sympathy. The main thing is to look seductive so as not to go into the “friend” status, from which it will be difficult to get out
With the help of friendsThis method is suitable if young people do not know each other or see each other extremely rarely. You need to ask a mutual friend to tell you about the girl the guy is interested in. So that the assistant does not let you down, you should tell him how best to do it

You can invite a guy on a date through correspondence over the Internet. This is why there are email accounts and social networks. You can start communicating with a young man through a social network . There are many cases where people reveal themselves during correspondence. After communicating for a while and not waiting for an offer to meet, you can jokingly ask the guy if he really wants to prove that he is right. He will understand her desire to meet and decide in advance whether he wants a relationship with her.

You should carefully insert guiding words into messages, hinting at a date, using phrases such as: “see you again,” “you’ll show me when we meet,” or “when we meet, then we’ll discuss it.” If he doesn’t offer to see you, you should offer to meet yourself. So that he does not refuse, you can joke that the girl will be offended and will not correspond with him for several days, or give him time to think about it.

In a telephone conversation, as in an SMS message, you can say that you need to meet and discuss some details. And when meeting in person, it’s worth admitting that the girl wanted to see him. The message must be written correctly, choosing words carefully. Psychologists do not recommend using more than four sentences in a message and adding emoticons to it. Men are more willing to respond if they receive a humorous and positive message; it will resemble flirting and promise a pleasant pastime.

  1. 1. “We have a lot in common, would you like to continue the conversation tomorrow (evening) alone?”
  2. 2. "You seem interesting to me."
  3. 3. "I've never met a guy like you."
  4. 4. "Any girl would be happy to date a guy like this."
  5. 5. "I want to get to know you better."
  6. 6. "Let's meet and go for a walk somewhere."

During the meeting and conversation, it is necessary for the guy to notice that the girl enjoys his company. It is important to show that she is cheerful, capricious and charming. There needs to be more talk about how they have many common interests and that she supports his point of view. And in order to completely conquer, you need to laugh at his jokes, emphasize that he is witty and strong.

How to make a boy fall in love with you

How to invite your ex-boyfriend?

Asking your ex-boyfriend out on a date is not difficult if he wants it. It is enough for him to hint that the girl is free and bored alone, and he himself will offer to meet. If a girl’s feelings haven’t gone away, and the young man has already cooled off, it’s almost impossible to get him back, and it’s worth thinking about whether she’s okay with him being around only out of pity.

When an ex-boyfriend wants to come back, but does not want to be the first to reconcile, he needs to see her beautiful, happy and satisfied with her life. After observing the girl, he will call her to meet and, perhaps, offer to start all over again.

If a woman cannot imagine life without her beloved, she needs to reproduce the actions of the first meeting and more often remind them how happy they were and that they broke up due to stubbornness and emotional immaturity.

To invite your ex-boyfriend on a date and hear words of regret from him, you need to arrange “random” meetings and ask friends to talk about her fun life. And when you see him, be sincerely happy, ask about life, show empathy and offer support. Having become accustomed to seeing his ex-lover often, the guy will begin to get bored, and when his melancholy becomes obvious, you can invite him to have dinner together and remember the pleasant moments.

For your loved one to call

How to hint about a date?

If you are shy, feel insecure, and fear that the guy will refuse, you need to call him so that he does not think that this is a date. Initiative on the part of a woman does not have to be direct. A girl can simply hint at a meeting without showing her love.

The following phrases are suitable for a hidden invitation to a first date:

  1. 1. “I’m going to my friend’s birthday party, do you want to come with me?”
  2. 2. “I’m looking for a company for a short trip to a neighboring city (for nature), are you free for the weekend?”
  3. 3. “Have you heard about the new club (cafe)? They say it’s interesting and has a pleasant atmosphere. A friend has some work to do, and I’m already in the mood to have fun. Will you come with me?”
  4. 4. “There are two tickets to the concert (of his favorite band), will you come with me?”
  5. 5. “My friends left for the weekend, but I really wanted to go somewhere.”
  6. 6. “I have an extra movie ticket, can you join me?”

When spending time together for the first time, you need to establish tactile contact. You can accidentally take someone by the hand, hug them playfully and show sincere joy. The guy should see that it’s a pleasure to spend time with him, then he himself will offer to meet again.

And a little about secrets...

The story of one of our readers, Irina Volodina:

I was especially distressed by my eyes, which were surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and puffiness. How to completely remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person more than his eyes.

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Do you like a man and really want to ask him out on a date? Today we will tell you how to do this unobtrusively so that he does not refuse. Here you will find a list of suitable phrases and methods of invitation. We will also discuss the topic: is it possible for a girl to invite a guy to a meeting first? In addition, you will learn how to hint him on a date, what to say and write.

The first step on the part of a woman is appropriate if:

  • the guy has liked her for a long time;
  • the couple has known each other for several days;
  • a man is characterized by increased modesty or isolation;
  • the girl is head over heels in love, and she doesn’t care how it looks from the outside.

You need to clarify the guy’s marital status in advance so that you don’t end up asking a married man out on a date.

Women's initiative is not as scary as it seems. But if a man is indifferent, you should not be active - there is a high risk of being rejected. It is undesirable to invite him even when it will negatively affect the woman’s reputation (a boss invites a subordinate).

Invitation methods

If a lady nevertheless decides to make such a gesture, she needs to present the proposal correctly. It can be done as follows:

  • via SMS - this can be convenient if a woman is afraid of rejection;
  • through social networks;
  • directly, in personal communication;
  • under an indirect pretext in real communication (there is an extra ticket to the cinema, theater, concert).

In real communication, you should find out what the guy is interested in, and only then invite him somewhere. Otherwise, for a football fan, going to a classical music concert may not seem tempting.

Do you want to know all the secrets of seducing men? We recommend watching free video course Alexey Chernozem "12 laws of seduction for women." You will receive a step-by-step 12-step plan on how to drive any man crazy and keep his affection for many years.

The video course is free. To watch, go to this page, leave your e-mail and you will receive an email with a link to the video.

Phrases for making a date

Excessive ranting is not encouraged here, so the following phrases will do:

  • I have an extra movie/theater ticket, would you like to go with me?
  • I have an exhibition/performance coming up soon and I would love to see you at the event.
  • We have so much in common! Would you like to continue chatting over a glass of wine in a restaurant tomorrow?
  • I would be interested in continuing this conversation with you tomorrow in an informal setting.
  • My friend has a wedding/birthday this weekend, let's go together.
  • I'm looking for a company for a trip out of town for the weekend, are you free?

Phrases should be unobtrusive and short.

Usually girls are embarrassed to invite men somewhere directly and are afraid that they may be refused, so they look for a suitable reason. This could be a friends wedding, a trip to the cinema, or even a broken laptop that urgently needs to be fixed. The girl’s task is to offer the man some leisure time that can smoothly flow into interesting communication.

The listed phrases can also be used for invitations via SMS. They are quite short, but still effective.

For the next meeting to take place, it is necessary. How to prepare for it, how to behave, what you can say, how to dress - another material has all the answers.

We have prepared instructions for you. These tips will help you get rid of fear, choose the right clothes, prepare phrases for conversation, and think through your behavior.

You can find it here. You will find out where it is best to go in spring, summer, autumn, winter, and what not to choose.

Our article on why will help you avoid mistakes. You will learn what girls do wrong and you will not do the same.

And here you will find tips on... The information is broken down based on the chosen location and season. It also says what to avoid.

How to hint a guy on a date

The initiative on the part of the woman does not have to be direct; you can simply hint at a date and make him call for it first. Here's how to do it:

  • The girl should emphasize that she will spend the next weekend alone, and this upsets her.
  • If a man mentions an event, such as a concert, you can talk about your desire to go too.
  • The lady should establish tactile contact: accidentally take the man’s hand, hug him.
  • When communicating, you should be cheerful, laugh at men’s jokes, so that he wants to continue the conversation in an informal setting.

The main thing in such a situation is to focus on the man. A lady should emphasize in every possible way how interesting she is in the company of a guy, how much they have in common. Common interests will become an incentive to continue communication at a concert of your favorite band or while watching a new movie.

Useful video on the topic:

Modern men rarely show courage in communicating with ladies, so a woman’s initiative can result in quick personal happiness.

A study by the University of Salamanca involving more than 1,500 respondents aged 16-86 years old proved that women need at least five to six meetings to finally decide whether to start a relationship with a partner, while men are more likely to fall prey to lightning sympathy. One out of five representatives of the stronger sex has experienced love at first sight at least once in their lives, and more than half have experienced love after the first date. What could make him lose his head here and now?

1. Minimum makeup

Men more often use the phrase “the plaster has crumbled” in relation to a woman’s make-up than a peeling wall. The more natural beauty looks, the greater the chances of spending this evening in a good restaurant in good company.

2. Naturalness in communication

Naturalness captivates not only in appearance, but also in communication. Never try to pretend to be someone you are not. Standing men cannot stand affectation and falsehood. Be yourself, no matter how naive and uninteresting it may sound: other people’s gestures, words and habits, like shoes that don’t fit, cause a lot of trouble and inconvenience.

3. Curiosity

Yes, brains are still sexy. Men love women who can support a conversation on any topic and calmly argue their own point of view. And if you can distinguish rugby from handball, a corner from a penalty, and Vasily Berezutsky from his brother Alexei, get ready for the fact that already on the third date he will introduce you to his parents.

4. Laughter

5. Tight-fitting long dress or skirt

There are fabrics and styles that will compliment your figure better than an experienced plastic surgeon. No miniskirts or cleavage work as excitingly as a toned and defined silhouette as a whole - this gives room for his imagination.

6. Perfume

The main love potion in the whole image is, of course, perfume. A weapon that will help you make him fall in love with you literally with his eyes closed. Fragrant cheat sheet: notes of vanilla are associated with tenderness; jasmine is synonymous with temptation; patchouli helps to relax, and the tropical motif, like citruses, increases sexual desire in every fourth man. We take everything into service at once. Moreover, a trouble-free composition is in the Lacoste brand fragrance portfolio - EAU DE LACOSTE L.12.12 Magnetic Pour Elle.

7. Open look

When you look your partner in the eyes, you verbally tell him: you have nothing to hide. You know, most of all men are afraid of a dirty trick.

8. Template break

9. Shoulders

Men love beautiful shoulders - and this, in fact, is a medical fact that needs to be taken for granted and be able to emphasize. For example, a drop of perfume.

10. Moles

Those who do not agree with this point, let Cindy Crawford tell you how to win men. Others may flirtatiously mention a “lucky mole” on their body - believe me, he will certainly want to find it. Men, like children, love to look at treasure maps.

11. Be sexy, but don't know it

All of the above (including clothes and perfume) is a natural extension of our personality and works on a subconscious level without your additional intervention. Behave as naturally as possible and if you really like a man, don’t be afraid to show him it.