What hair color suits blue eyes. Hair color for blue-gray eyes: how to choose the best shade

Sometimes it's so difficult to make the right choice when trying to change your appearance. Which makeup should you choose? What things to choose for your wardrobe? What color should I dye my curls? Or, for example, what is the best hair color for blue-gray eyes?

I must say that blue-gray has always been considered unusually beautiful, rare and unusual. It invariably emphasizes the individuality, sophistication and uniqueness of the girl's natural beauty. And if a beautiful lady is lucky to have just such eyes, you should make the most of this happiness, emphasizing their hair, a palette of shades in clothes and makeup.

I must say that choosing a hair color for gray-blue eyes is not very easy, because this shade is quite rare. But you can always use a couple of universal and very simple recommendations, thanks to which you can create your own unique look.

So, for a girl, it is better to leave the hair color either natural, or take something very close to it, natural. These are the shades that suit the eyes best. But if you really want to radically change something in your own appearance, it is better to choose something warm and soft. The fact is that gray-blue is quite And if you dye your curls in an ashy or too cold light shade, the appearance can turn out to be icy and even repulsive. Of course, this won’t necessarily be the case, but it’s still better to consider something brighter and warmer first. This will create an interesting contrast, attractive and memorable. For greater naturalness, colors such as chestnut and black are also suitable.

But how to choose hair color? A photo will help with this best. Try modeling your face on the computer and experimenting with hairstyles and shades. This is the clearest and easiest way to make the right choice.

Hair color for blue-gray eyes should also match your skin tone. It must be said that this is the main point in the choice. If a girl has a warm tone or just tanned, then it is better to dye her hair in any dark shades - brown, dark red, black. The main thing is not to stray far from the natural color, no further than a couple of tones. With a cold type and pale skin, it is better to choose honey tones, bronze or copper shades. Ash color would also work.

When choosing a hair color for gray-blue eyes, you can seek the help of professionals by visiting a good beauty salon or a trusted hairdresser and stylist. The specialist will help you decide on the best hair shade.

It should be noted that in last years it was naturalness that became the most preferred choice both in makeup and in hair color. In the end, nature most often selects the best combination of shades in a person's appearance. And if something is still not very satisfactory, then it is only necessary to correct, and not change radically. Therefore, it is better to keep the hair color for gray-blue eyes that is given from birth, or close to it, and not rush into the maelstrom of crazy experiments.

How to choose hair color for blue and gray eyes is a controversial question and requires a detailed analysis. Blue or gray eyes are the lightest among all the variety of shades. Therefore, if you choose your hair color incorrectly, it can simply disappear on your face; you hardly want to look like a gray, inconspicuous mouse.

Today you will find out which hair colors are suitable for blue and gray eyes. in the best possible way and how to do it in a way that favorably emphasizes your individual and pure blue eye color. In addition, you will find many photos with fashionable and beautiful hair colors for blue and gray eyes.

Before you start choosing hair color for blue and gray eyes, you need to decide on the color type of your appearance. There are two main types - cold and warm. If you don’t know what color type you have, look at our material - it will help you choose the right color not only for your hair, but also for your clothes, makeup, and jewelry.

Hair color for gray/blue eyes with a warm color type

The warm color type is characterized by the presence of some orange or golden inclusions on the iris of the eye. The skin has a warm tint - olive, slightly golden, and a dark skin tone is not excluded.

For this color type, the ideal choice of hair color would be the same warm shades. Wheat, light brown, honey, caramel.

For dark-skinned, blue-eyed ladies, more saturated tones are suitable, otherwise light tones will look faded and bring disharmony into the room. appearance. Therefore, pay attention to cognac, the color of light walnut and light chestnut; you can also experiment with red, copper and shades of red. These colors will best highlight the depth of your blue eyes and highlight your golden skin tone.

Hair color for blue/gray eyes with a cool color type

The cold color type differs from the warm color type by the presence of lighter tones. Girls with a similar color type have eyes either bright blue, or light blue, or gray-blue. The skin is usually light, almost white, and looks like porcelain.

Darker and more contrasting shades can be recommended for a similar color type. Take a closer look at chestnut, dark shades of red and copper, as well as dark blond, chocolate and almost black colors. Such colors will focus attention on the eyes, which is undoubtedly attractive.

In addition to the listed hair colors, for blue and gray eyes with a cold color type, very light tones of ashy and platinum colors are also suitable.

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Eye color- one of the determining factors when choosing hair dye, in addition to skin tone, together they determine the color type of appearance. Combined shades will make the image brighter, more interesting and attractive.

Hair color for brown eyes

Dark skin Girls with dark skin are perfect for all the tones of chocolate, as well as chestnut shades. To refresh the image, you can resort to light toning using reddish, honey, caramel shades. A dark face does not go well with completely bleached hair. Of the famous women, this image can be attributed to Kim Kardashian, Jennifer Lopez, Jessica Alba and Eva Longoria. These beautiful girls skillfully emphasize their brown eyes with the help of hair color.
Bright skin

Among fair-skinned brown-eyed girls, blond and reddish natural hair are the most common. In this case, the eyes have a lighter shade - golden or honey. For the perfect combination, preference should be given to red, honey, gold and copper paints. Avoid shades of a cold type, which will spoil the appearance, make it faded, unnatural. Among the “forbidden” tones are burgundy, ash brown, eggplant, and black. I can be considered as a bright representative of this type Keira Knightley, Emma Watson and Olivia Palermo.
Is blonde appropriate?

Light shades, which look unusual in combination with brown eyes, deserve special attention. If blonde is a dream that you cannot refuse, then pay attention to light brown or sandy tones, but do not bleach your hair and refuse cool shades. As an option - graduation, ombre or light highlighting using blond. These dyeing methods have a minor effect on the condition of the hair, but can affect the appearance visually.

For example, brown-eyed Jessica Alba She looks great not only with dark hair, but also with blonde hair, she chooses light golden shades of blonde.

Speaking about brown eyes and light hair color, one cannot help but recall two “star” girls - Shakira And Jessica Simpson. They never change their light hair color, which in combination with their dark eyes creates a bright image.

Hair color for blue eyes

Dark skin

For those with a warm color type and light natural hair, golden blonde shades are perfect. You can dye your hair caramel or sunny red tones. If your natural hair is a darker shade, try golden walnut or golden chestnut.

American actress Denise Richards chooses light warm shades of hair, which in combination with dark skin and large blue eyes look great.
Bright skin

Has nature rewarded you with fair skin, ashy hair and an “icy” shade of eyes? Enhance your beauty with wheat or ash coloring. Natural dark hair is best transformed with the “black tulip” tone. Do not use rich dark colors if the blue shade of your eyes is too light - as a result, it will become even more faded.

A significant part of both Russian and foreign stars belong to this color type.

For example, the Russian model Natalya Vodyanova prefers a warm light brown hair color, and the singer Vera Brezhneva chooses golden blonde.

One of the brightest and most attractive representatives of blue eyes is Megan Fox, her dark hair combined with sky blue eyes creates a unique and very impressive image.

Hair color to match green eyes

Dark skin

Those with dark skin have a small selection of: the best option light and dark tones of chocolate and brown are considered, which can emphasize the brightness and expressiveness of the skin and eyes. Light colors are excluded in this case, as they will make your appearance unnatural.

Probably the most striking owner of dark skin and green eyes is Tyra Banks- American model and TV presenter. Her appearance is completely untypical, but Tyra skillfully selects different shades of hair to suit her look.
Bright skin

Fair-skinned girls are much luckier, thanks to the opportunity to dye their hair light colors. Green eyes along with fair skin will look amazing against the background of honey hair color, as well as brown, red, copper, gold, red and even black - this color type is difficult to spoil.

red-haired actress Demi Moore demonstrates a beautiful combination of green eyes and red hair, which she never changes.

Also the owner of green eyes is the most beautiful woman in Hollywood - Angelina Jolie, the image of this star is always impeccable; she prefers calm, natural shades of hair.

A Amanda Seyfried- a bright actress with big green eyes and fair skin chooses a “wheat blond” shade.

If you have blue eyes and you don’t know what color to dye your hair based on your appearance, we will help you with this more than just a choice. This doesn't require much.

Choosing hair color for blue eyes!

Blue eyes: what hair color to choose? Today, most beauties believe that the most successful hair color for blue eyes- this is blond. This statement can be considered a stereotype that has taken root in people’s minds along with the emergence of a recognized standard of beauty for slender blondes with soft blue eyes. In fact, there are several factors that need to be paid attention to, because blue eyes (we will tell you what hair color would be suitable below) are a gift of nature, and it must be presented competently. First you need to determine the color shade of blue eyes. Oddly enough, it has a close connection with hair color. It is either grayish blue, pale blue, or deep blue. When it comes to skin tones, there are two types: cool and warm. Hair color should be chosen based on these characteristics. If the hair in its natural appearance is red, golden or peach-colored, then it is most likely a warm type. Black as well as light shades of hair without golden elements indicate that women have the first skin type. Now, it's time to learn about the most beautiful combinations of skin, pale blue eyes and hair color.

Blue eyes and fair skin

Sky blue eyes themselves are very beautiful, and if they are paired with fair skin, then their duo creates the image of a queen, a sophisticated sophistication that, to tell the truth, is rare. Girls with such external characteristics are bright individuals who always attract attention. Women with fair skin have a wide range of hair color choices. If a girl by nature has blond hair and blue eyes, then with fair skin, chestnut colors of warm variations, as well as shades of copper color will be the most advantageous option.

Warm shades are well suited for this skin type, helping to highlight the skin tone itself. So, blue eyes and fair skin go well with light brown, light brown, ash, wheat color shades, as well as black and dark chocolate shades.

As a familiar illustration, we can cite one of the sexiest and most attractive representatives of Hollywood, Megan Fox, who is naturally blessed with blue eyes and fair skin. Today, the actress’s hair color is “bitter chocolate,” which harmonizes perfectly with her skin tone. She serves as an excellent example of what dark hair and blue eyes– a burning, daring and alluring option.

For fair-skinned brunettes, copper-brown shades will be a great way to transform. They will add tenderness and fragility to the image. Red hair and blue eyes- this is something!

Blue eyes and olive skin

For girls with olive-colored skin, cold, rather than warm, color variations are suitable. So, it is advisable for blondes to choose ash and beige colors. A sandy hair color will also become an attractive accent. As an option, you can paint it black. And what ideas can be developed for a couple? blue eyes - black hair"? For brunettes with blue-gray eyes, shades of coffee and chestnut (from light to dark) are primarily suitable. They focus attention on light contrast, which will give the lady’s appearance chic and originality.

Stylists also recommend a monochromatic hair color for all those girls whose skin tone is matte olive. Golden strands can be the most ideal accent for them. You can also pay attention to the combination “ brown hair blue eyes“- this variation is relatively common at fashion shows of famous fashion houses. Light brown hair color envelops a woman with olive skin color with a certain mystery and attractive force. However, you should buy a dye that does not contain yellowness - it can give the hair the effect of weakness and lifelessness.

Blue eyes and dark (swarthy) skin

What advice can you give to fashionistas with dark skin? What hair color will show them off in a favorable light? So the skin is not light shades looks more sophisticated with copper, as well as chocolate brown and black hair colors. Ladies with short hair have the right to boldly turn their gaze to the lightest color variations: white hair and dark skin in this case will make the girl stand out from the crowd, hinting at her courage of character. The shade of burgundy is also suitable for those with dark skin and blue eyes.
We should also talk about the symbiosis of red hair and blue eyes. Stylists collectively characterize this appearance as exclusive. It is no coincidence that since ancient times, beauties with red hair, dark skin and blue eyes have been associated with passion and provocative behavior, thereby attracting the admiring glances of men and the envy of women. It is taking all this into account that today many blue-eyed fashionistas decide to change their appearance, changing their natural hair color to red. This will be an ideal renewal option only if the skin is not too light (i.e. not cold). Otherwise, the appearance will become aggressive and even repulsive.

If a blue-eyed girl is afraid of making a mistake in choosing a hair shade, then the right decision would be to contact a stylist or hairdresser, who, taking into account her skin type, will advise her on the appropriate color shades. So no need to limit yourself! Brighten up your everyday life, delighting yourself and those around you!

Interesting combination White hair - blue eyes and the charming Julianne Hough!

Brown, black, marsh, amber, cornflower blue and even yellow - whatever color eyes are found in nature. However, today we will talk about one of the oldest and most interesting shades of the iris and its combination with one or another hair color.

So extraordinary

Gray-blue combines two colors at once, indicating that their owner is a contradictory nature. The mood of such a person can quickly change from complete apathy to the same complete euphoria. This nature is both gentle and narcissistic. Depending on the intensity of the shade of gray-blue eyes, their owner can be either a tough moralizer, unable to compromise, or a particularly sentimental, sublime, sensual person.

Such individuals are also distinguished by their analytical mindset, determination, and ability to achieve their goals. They are able to succumb to negative emotions and at the same time are considered one of the best and most reliable partners, always ready to help those who are dear and close to them. In short, the description turns out to be quite contradictory. But that’s how grey-blue-eyed people are! The shade of their iris can also change - from almost blue to dark gray.

A bit of esotericism

However, there is the main thing that unites everyone whom nature has awarded with gray-blue eyes. This is beauty. But, even being truly attractive, the fair sex will never miss an opportunity to make their appearance even more interesting and memorable. Therefore, many of them wonder: what hair color suits blue-gray eyes?

People have been paying attention to the combination of eye color with the shade and appearance of hair since ancient times. According to centuries-old observations, gray eyes are in harmony with almost any hair color, and blue eyes are in harmony with any curls except burning red ones. Gray-blue eyes look great with blond hair. People with such “clear eyes” are not afraid of even gray hair, which looks natural and noble. One of the best options is the combination of gray-blue eyes with light brown hair. This is exactly what our Slavic ancestors once looked like. And modern women often strive for such an ideal.

Time for a wig?

Experts advise: before you change anything, you should take a close look at yourself. Perhaps the natural hair color given at birth is the only suitable one.

There is nothing stopping you from experimenting first in a wig salon. You can try on a black or brown model that belongs to the neutral category, or, on the contrary, choose a warm red-red shade to contrast with the cold tone of your eyes.

After visiting the image studio, some girls will probably decide to stay in their previous appearance, others will be able to decide on a color, while others will want to continue their search.

For dark-skinned women

The last thing to remember is that a lot depends on your skin type. If we talk about what hair color suits blue-gray eyes and dark skin, then it would be best to opt for dark shades: black, rich brown, chestnut, dark red. However, when purchasing paint, we must not forget that its color should not differ from the natural one by more than one or two tones.

For young girls, you can also try to choose a pinkish tint, and for older ladies, a cool, ashy shade. You just need to know that plain ashy hair looks dull and lifeless. Therefore, after dyeing, you should definitely do some coloring using a tinting balm or shampoo. After this procedure, hair will not only take on a natural shade, but will also become softer and more manageable. And if you don’t like the resulting color, you can easily and quickly wash it off with regular shampoo and try some other option.

Those whose skin is distinguished by its exquisite pallor, contrary to popular belief, should not opt ​​for silver tones - this will make the appearance absolutely expressionless. Answering the question, what hair color suits blue-gray eyes and fair skin; stylists note bronze, copper, caramel, and golden shades of blonde. A few chocolate or reddish strands will add brightness to the look, for coloring which it is best to use a mix of several colors. A large number of thin stripes evenly spaced on the hair will look best. To create the desired effect, highlighting on foil is ideal. Of course, you can dye your hair at home, but a professional hairdresser can handle this much better, who will help you decide on the desired shade, mix and apply the dyes correctly, and at the same time recommend the most advantageous hairstyle, thanks to which the owner of blue-gray eyes will look a real beauty queen.