DIY New Year's chest from a box. Santa Claus chest under the Christmas tree _ MK. The chest was covered with dark paint and left to dry.

On the eve of the New Year, I want to tell you how you can make various models yourself chests for your treasures.

Combines the simplest models chests a cardboard base from which the frame is glued, then either covered with newsprint, or thick drawing paper, or crumpled paper. If you have it in stock, you can cover your finished one. box pieces of suede, leather or leatherette (but it doesn’t stick well and immediately curls up). Then, at your request, either all this is painted with acrylic paints, or covered with fabric, or decorated using the decoupage technique, you can add decorative elements from papier-mâché and fur. What I like most, of course, is the leather version, painted on top with acrylic and covered with gems

There are several options for making the base:

Design examples chests different techniques:

Corrugated paper

Covering with fabric and fur

Design options for your chest a great variety - the main thing is to make a strong frame and you can create magic chest, which will delight and delight not only household members but also guests. And especially relevant chest under a Christmas tree with a bright New Year's theme and there is always enough room for imagination. Create and delight yourself and your friends with handmade gifts.

Master class on making chest -origami (Origami Treasure Chest (Robin Glynn)
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We will need: Bella cotton wool, acrylic paints, sculpture plasticine, wire, paste, newspapers, single-ply toilet paper, padding polyester, foil.

1. We make a blank from foil. We sculpt the face of Santa Claus from plasticine. The face of Santa Claus should be textured; you should not pay much attention to subtle details, they will still be hidden under a layer of paper.

2. Let's start making the paste. For this purpose, boil 200 g of water in a saucepan. Dilute 2 tablespoons of flour in 200 g of cold water. To avoid the formation of lumps, strain the resulting mixture through a sieve, mix well and add this mixture to boiling water. Bring the mixture to a boil, continuing to stir, then remove from heat. Since the paste does not store well, we prepare it immediately before work.

We thoroughly moisten Santa Claus's face with water and apply a layer of toilet paper on it. We do not use glue. The smaller the pieces of paper, the more accurately they will replicate the plasticine cast. We also make the second layer on water, but only from newsprint.

3. We make the remaining layers using paste. To preserve facial features and give the craft strength, we apply 8-9 layers to the face of our Santa Claus.

We dry the product near the battery for 24 hours. Then we remove the foil blank and the plasticine cast. The papier-mâché mask is ready.

4. Fill the space in the mask with padding polyester and form the back of the head. Glue a couple of thin layers of cotton wool on top.

5. To ensure ease of working with cotton wool, spread plastic film on the table. We apply a layer of paste on it and transfer this layer to a given place. We also thoroughly lubricate the dry side of the cotton wool with paste when it is already installed in a given place. Keep a towel and a bowl of water handy. This will allow you to start working with the next piece of cotton wool with dry and clean hands.

Draw a sketch of the craft on a piece of paper with a pencil. It will be determined by the size of the head. The rest should be 4.5 head heights. We make a wire frame according to the drawing. We give the given shape to the hands.

6. We wrap the frame with padding polyester, give the required volumes to the body parts, and secure everything on top with threads.

7. Install the head and cover the torso with cotton wool. Working with cotton wool is similar to working with fabric. We cut out pieces of cotton wool with scissors and cut out the required elements from them. Leave the craft to dry. It is necessary to dry until completely dry, otherwise the insects will start feasting on Santa Claus.

We also make a wire frame for the dress. We wrap the wire with threads, now the cotton wool will fit better on the frame. To wrap the frame we use knitting threads. These threads are thick and stick well to the wire.

8. We cover the frame with cotton wool and put a pre-made hat on Santa Claus’s head.

9. Dry the craft again. We make felt boots.

10. We finish the hat by attaching a fur trim to it.

11. Dry the craft again, this time even more thoroughly, since the volume of cotton wool is already very large.

We paint the fur coat with ordinary red acrylic paint.

12. Once the paint has dried, glue the collar and “fur” onto the fur coat.

Our favorite holiday is approaching - New Year. We want to create a fabulous atmosphere and festive atmosphere, and creative crafts will help us with this. In this article we will look at: how to make Father Frost and Santa Claus with your own hands.

You will need: foam ball with a diameter of 6 cm, faux fur, chabrak, bias tape, holofiber, hemispheres for eyes, pattern, snowflake sequins, sewing machine, iron with sleeve block, scissors, textile glue, blue crepe satin, white, nude and fleece blue, staff wand, silver braid.

Master Class

  1. Cut out 2 pieces of the body from chabrak, glue on crepe satin, then finish the long sections with bias tape.

  2. Place the pieces of crepe satin next to each other and sew long sections with a seam over the edge.
  3. Form into a round shape using an iron and a sleeve block.
  4. Cut out the details of the fur coat and handles from blue fleece.

  5. Sew, turn right side out, and leave holes in the handles for stuffing.
  6. Cover the ball with flesh-colored fleece and create a neck by wrapping excess fabric with thread.
  7. Make and attach a nose, then attach hemispheres for eyes.

  8. Place the fur coat on the chabrak piece, insert the head into the hole in the body, then sew it on.
  9. Make a hat this way: cut out a rectangle to fit your head from blue fleece, sew the short side and wrap the top with thread.
  10. Prepare strips of fur for the lapel of the hat and the trim of the fur coat.
  11. Attach the blue hat with a basting stitch to the head, then sew the fur strip butt to the blue fleece and turn the fur up.

  12. Stuff the handles with holofiber, sew up the holes, decorate the wrists with fur and sew on the hands.
  13. Make a beard this way: cut out several rectangles of flesh-colored fleece with a difference in length of 1.5 cm. It is worth noting that the rectangles need to be cut so that the fleece stretches along the long side of the rectangle. Cut the fringe.
  14. Sew the beard pieces to the head, starting with long pieces and gradually working your way up to the nose.

  15. Stretch and curl your beard into curls.
  16. Decorate your fur coat by attaching snowflake sequins.
  17. Wrap silver braid around the stick to make a staff.

Gorgeous Santa Claus is ready!

You will need: red napkin, template, marker, glue, scissors, paper, printer, hole punch, twine.

Master Class

Santa Claus from a napkin is ready!

You will need: cotton wool, ice cream sticks, red felt, decorative eyes, red pompom, glue gun, flesh-colored paint, brush, scissors.

Master Class

Santa Claus made from cotton wool is ready!

You will need: felt 1 mm thick in beige, white and black, white felt 3 mm thick, thick beige cotton fabric, white felting wool, padding polyester, wire, template, black beads for eyes, black and beige threads, scissors, pencil, glue gun, small bell and other decorations.

Master Class

  1. Print the template.

  2. Cut out the body of Santa Claus and transfer it to thick white felt.
  3. Cut out the body of Santa Claus from felt.

  4. Cut out the same body part, only from thin white felt.
  5. Cut the boots from thick white felt, then the same boots from thin black felt.
  6. Cut out the boot cuffs from thin white felt.

  7. Draw the mittens and cut them out of thick white felt.
  8. Cut out parts from thin beige felt - the trim of the fur coat and hat.
  9. Cut 2 circles according to the template from beige cotton fabric.

  10. Make a spout from a small circle: pull the thread, stuff it with padding polyester and sew the spout to the large circle.
  11. Sew black beads for eyes.
  12. Sew the face to the body from thin felt. It is worth noting that during sewing you need to add a little padding polyester for volume.

  13. Make the eyebrows and beard from felting wool, then attach with a glue gun.
  14. Glue the trim of the hat and fur coat.

  15. Prepare 4 pieces of wire, twist them onto a pencil, giving them the shape as in the photo.
  16. Glue the parts of Frost's body from thin and dense felt, gluing wire between them in place of the arms and legs.

  17. Glue the mittens and boots to the twisted pieces of wire.
  18. Twist a wire bell holder and glue it to the mitten.

  19. Stitch the Santa Claus figurine with beige thread.

You will need: bottle of champagne, hook, yarn, centimeter, edge, filler, regular threads, needle, doll strands, glue, decorations.

Master Class

  1. Knit the head with single crochets using beige yarn, according to the principle of knitting a ball. It is worth noting that the number of rows without increases and decreases should be two rows less than for the ball.

  2. Make the base of the doll from red yarn: double crochet a circle, fold it in half and make knots at a distance, as shown in the photo.
  3. Knit your arms and torso in circular rows that taper towards the bottom.

  4. Tie the nozzle onto the bottle from beige yarn and don’t forget to constantly try it on so that it doesn’t fit too tightly.
  5. Connect the bottom of the nozzle and the workpiece with your hands on the bottle.

  6. Fill the handles of the red blank and the empty space with filler.
  7. Dimensions: head circumference 30 cm; arm length 18 cm; body width 30 cm; body height 16 cm.

  8. Knit and decorate clothes.
  9. Clothes dimensions: hat blank diameter 10 cm; sleeve length 12 cm; fur coat length 28 cm; sleeve volume 18 cm; fur coat volume 47 cm; The circumference of the finished hat is 32 cm.
  10. Sew the clothes with regular threads, the sewing lines are indicated in the photo.

  11. Attach the doll strands to the yarn and secure with glue. Make a beard from long strands, and use shorter strands for your hairstyle.

  12. Glue the hat to your head.

You will need: red cardboard, flesh-colored paper, 2 openwork napkins, scissors, marker, pencil, glue.

Master Class

Santa Claus from an openwork napkin is ready!

You will need: bright and flesh-colored cotton fabric, white and red fleece, felt, padding polyester or holofiber, combed tape (wool for felting), foam rubber, felting needle, thick and thin wire, glue gun, Moment-Crystal glue, thick cardboard, acrylic paints and brushes, wire cutters, pliers, stationery knife, buttons, beads, beads, floss.

Master Class

  1. Make a pattern from cardboard: cone with sides 13 cm; circle with a diameter of 6 cm and handles (optional).
  2. Draw a line through the center of the circle and divide it into 3 equal segments, then make holes for the wire at their joints.

  3. Place a padding polyester circle and a slightly larger diameter cotton circle on the cardboard circle, then pull the fabric around the cardboard using thread and a needle as shown in the image.
  4. Bend a thick wire into the letter P, then insert it through the holes in the cardboard, padding polyester and fabric.
  5. Bend the ends of the wire so that you get feet.

  6. Prepare a piece of thin wire 25 cm long and screw it to a thick wire, then glue it with hot glue. At this stage, make sure that the structure is stable.
  7. Prepare 2 pieces of cotton fabric 22 cm long and 4 cm wide. Fold in half lengthwise, sew, turn out, pull over the legs and sew with a blind seam to the bottom.
  8. Make a cone pattern from flesh-colored fabric, fold it in half, sew, leaving 2 mm of the tops unsewn, fold the edge around the circumference, baste and turn the cone out.
  9. Place the cone on a thin wire, leading its end through the hole in the top. Stuff the cone with holofiber so that the wire is in the center of the body, then sew the folded edge to the body around the circumference with a blind seam.
  10. Cut out large feet from cardboard, then hot glue them to the wire feet.
  11. Cut the boots out of foam and make a recess in the back for the ankle wire, then attach them.

  12. Cut 2 ovals from red fleece, cut a triangle at the top, cover the foam boots, sew the heel with a blind stitch and pull the fleece around the cardboard sole.
  13. Cut 2 felt ovals slightly larger than the cardboard sole, hot glue them to the sole, trim off the excess and sew the felt to the fleece with a blind stitch.
  14. Mark the lines for the top of the jacket and the bottom of the cap on the cone, then roll a padding polyester ball, cut a circle from the fabric, pull it along the edge and sew the nose in place.
  15. Draw a face to your liking.

  16. Cut the red fleece jacket into a truncated cone shape, fold it in half, sew along the edge, then turn it inside out.
  17. Sew handles and gloves from red fleece and cotton fabric as shown in the image.
  18. Pull the jacket over the body-cone and sew at the bottom and along the neck with a hidden seam.
  19. Cut out figures from felt - Christmas trees, houses, then glue them with Crystal glue and only then sew them on as desired.
  20. Sew a white fleece snowdrift ribbon with a hidden seam and decorate the composition with beads and buttons.
  21. Cut boot cuffs and cuffs from white fleece, fold in half, sew along the edges, stretch over the arms and legs, then hand sew. Make a wavy collar in the same way.

  22. Sew the arms to the body using a button fastening: pull the thread a little, tie a knot and glue it with Moment.
  23. Tear 10 cm of wool from the combed strip, gather it into a bun and felt the beard with a felting needle.
  24. Tear off a bunch 2 times thinner and 2 times longer, then roll it in place of the mustache.
  25. Tear off 2 more bunches as for the beard, then roll on both sides of the face.
  26. Felt the hair on the sides and back of the head in the same way.
  27. Cut out an elongated and narrowed cap from cotton fabric based on half a cone, sew it together, leaving a hole at the top.

  28. Turn it inside out and put the cap on, bringing the wire through the hole and sew it along the edge to the head. Bend the end of the wire into a loop.
  29. Make a pom pom and flap out of white fleece, then sew them on.
  30. Make a small felt Christmas tree and glue it to the hat as a decoration.

You will need: red and white colored paper, scissors, glue, marker, pencil, wooden bead.

Master Class

Santa Claus from a plate

You will need: paper plate, colored paper, scissors, glue, marker, printer, eyes, hole punch, rope.

Master Class

You will need: box, colored paper, scissors, glue, marker, pencil, button, eraser, envelope.

Master Class

You will need: plastic bottle, paints, colored paper, pompom, scissors, buttons, 2 bushings, glue, cotton wool, white and black lace.

Master Class

Santa Claus from a bottle is ready!

You will need: white and red paper, scissors, template, printer, pencils or markers.

Master Class

Creative grandpa is ready!

You will need: cotton pads, plastic spoon, glue, red yarn, buttons for eyes, ribbon or thread for hanging, red felt-tip pen, scissors.

Master Class

  1. Take a cotton pad.
  2. Fold its side into the center.

  3. Make cuts along the edge of the circle.
  4. Draw a smile with a felt-tip pen.
  5. Take a plastic spoon.

  6. Apply glue to the spoon, leaving the tip without glue.
  7. Wind the yarn tightly.
  8. Apply glue on both sides to the tip of the spoon and glue the face of Santa Claus to the convex part.

  9. Glue a clean cotton pad onto the concave part of the spoon.
  10. Cut a circle out of a cotton pad and glue it onto the tip of a spoon handle.
  11. Cut a circle from a cotton pad, color it with a felt-tip pen and glue it as a nose.