Simple origami box diagram. How to make a paper box

Boxes help us organize the storage of many things: cosmetics, office supplies, cables, and so on. Of course, you can use ready-made packaging for products or equipment and then decorate it. But we suggest you learn how to make an origami box. It can not only serve as an organizer, but also as gift wrapping.

Origami paper box

Everyone knows that you can fold origami from almost any paper. In the case of a craft like a box, this rule does not apply a little. Why:

  • In the process of creating a box, the paper must be folded repeatedly and then unfolded, so paper that is too thick is not suitable.
  • The box is not just a craft. It will be used as an organizer or for gift wrapping. Therefore, too thin sheets are of no use here.

What happens? It is best to choose from 70 to 120 gsm. m. As for the type, you can fold ordinary colored sheets, special packaging sheets or for scrapbooking. The main thing is to have the right density.

Simple boxes

Take a square or rectangular piece of paper, depending on the type of origami box you need. Fold it in half twice (illustrations 1 and 2). Unfold the sheet once so that the fold line is in front of you, and fold the left and right corners towards the middle (picture 3).

Then fold the bottom part in half twice to form an accordion (Illustration 4). Turn the figure over (picture 5). Fold the right and left sides of the shape to the fold line in the center (Illustration 6). Now you need to fold the lower part of the part into an accordion twice (picture 7). Make folds in those parts of the figure that are shown in illustrations 8, 9 and 10.

Now all you have to do is unfold the part, tucking the top corner, as in picture 11. Such a box will be strong enough, even if you use ordinary paper to create it.

Packing box

Take a nice square piece of paper. When choosing, consider the size of what you plan to put there. That is, the larger the gift, the larger the sheet needed.

So, make two fold lines to form a cross. That is, fold the paper into a triangle shape, unfold it and fold it again, only connecting the other two corners. Now make an accordion by folding the leaf three times. Straighten the paper. Repeat the accordion fold, only now on the other side so that the new folds are perpendicular to the previous ones.

The packaging is ready. All that remains is to fold it. To do this, wrap the four vertices, as in the picture above, and begin to assemble the figure along the fold lines. Everything should just work out for you, without any effort.

In order for the origami box to be a full-fledged gift wrapping, you need to make holes at the edges and thread a ribbon.

Lockable boxes

This origami box with a lid is made as follows:

  1. Take a square piece of paper and fold it in half twice to form a cross from the fold lines (Illustration 1).
  2. Then straighten the leaf and curl each vertex towards the center (Illustration 2).
  3. Now fold the figure in half, bending one part back (illustration 3).
  4. Fold the right side to the left as shown in Illustration 4.
  5. Now you just need to fold the figure by pressing on the pocket (illustration 5).
  6. Turn the part over (Illustration 6).
  7. Repeat steps 4 and 5 on this side (Illustration 7).
  8. Open the pockets that are marked with red arrows in illustration 8.
  9. Expand the figure (Figure 9).
  10. Repeat step six on this side (Illustration 10).
  11. Fold the piece in half (Illustration 11).
  12. Fold the figure again as in illustration 12.
  13. Now fold both sides along the dotted lines in illustration 13.
  14. Pull the figure by the upper wings (illustration 14).

A wonderful origami box that can be closed is ready!

A handmade gift box will certainly delight your friends and family, and you will need very little time to make it. In addition, creating packaging is a very exciting activity. We offer you some ideas for creating and decorating cute gift boxes.

Lesson #1

In the first lesson, we invite you to learn how to make a completely ordinary box with a lid. But often what is needed is an ordinary box (for wrapping a gift or storing something). And you can decorate it to your liking, using any decorative elements, various ribbons and bows, draw something on it or use colored paper.

1. Take two square sheets of paper. Fold the first sheet in half diagonally with the colored side facing out.

2. Also fold the second sheet diagonally, but the resulting triangle should be slightly smaller than the first. Trim off the excess edge.

3. Unfold both pieces and fold them diagonally again, this time connecting opposite corners. As a result, you should have two parts with the intended folds.

4. Take the first square. In turn, bend each corner towards the middle and unfold the part again.

6. Turn the sheet of paper over and fold each corner so that it touches the first fold. Then make cuts along the dotted lines.

7. Bend one edge of the part inward and glue it. Do the same on the other side.

8. Fold the cut corners so that they form the side walls of the future box. After this, wrap the remaining parts of the figure, bend them and glue them. The box lid is ready!

9. Fold and glue the second square in the same way.

Tip: if you glue together several small squares of scrapbooking paper of different colors, you can fold a box in a patchwork style.

Master class No. 2

With the help of the second lesson you will learn how to make a box with a non-separable lid. It is perfect for wrapping a gift or souvenir.

You will need

  • square sheet of colored paper measuring 27.5 x 27.5 cm
  • scissors;
  • double sided tape;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • decorative tape or braid;
  • decorations (optional).

1. To begin, fold a piece of paper in half and cut it to make two strips measuring 13.75 x 27.5 cm. On each strip, make marks with a pencil at a distance of 5, 7.5, 16.25 and 18.75 cm from the edge.

2. Cut strips 2.5 cm wide and 7.5 cm long from both edges, then bend the piece according to the marks made. Make small cuts at a distance of 16.25 and 18.75 cm from the edge for the sides of the box and fold them inward.

Instruction No. 3

In the third tutorial we will show you how to make decorations for boxes. You can decorate anything with these paper roses, not just a gift box.

You will need:

  • gift box;
  • colored paper;
  • decorative ribbon;
  • scissors;
  • hot glue gun.

1. Cut circles with a diameter of approximately 5 cm from colored paper. You can use either a special hole punch (if you are going to decorate several boxes with roses) or cut out the circles manually using scissors or a stationery knife.

2. Cut the finished circles into a spiral. To begin with, you can draw auxiliary lines with a pencil, although this is not necessary. After you roll the spiral, the uneven edges will still not be noticeable. Please note that the fewer “turns” in the spiral, the less voluminous the finished flower will be.

3. Now you need to roll up each spiral. Start at the outer edge and continue to “roll” the piece until you reach the middle. After this, straighten the flower so that the “petals” are distributed evenly.

4. Wrap the box with decorative tape and secure it with a hot glue gun. After this, apply a drop of glue to the underside of the rose and glue it to the tape. Decorate the box this way by gluing two or three flowers.

Lesson #4

To decorate the box you will need:

  • napkins (white or colored), 20-30 sheets;
  • wire;
  • scissors.

1. Take napkins, fold the sheets together and fold them like an accordion. In this case, the width of each fold should be approximately 3.5 cm.

2. Now take a piece of wire 45 cm long and fold it in half and wrap it around an accordion of napkins. Using scissors, round off the ends of the piece.

On the eve of the New Year holidays, store windows are full of gift boxes, decorative bags, and wrapping paper for every taste. Smiling sellers helpfully offer to provide wrapping services for New Year's gifts. And all this seems great, because you must admit, it’s much nicer to receive a New Year’s trinket in a beautiful package. But on the other hand, the whole meaning of the gift is lost, the very gift that should be intended specifically for you.

The recipient of the gift will be doubly pleased if, in addition to choosing the gift, you spend a little more time on wrapping it. In this article we will teach you how to make gift boxes from paper or cardboard with your own hands. This is not at all difficult to do, because all the crafts presented with us are accompanied by ready-made diagrams, templates and step-by-step master classes. All you have to do is choose the appropriate box option, print out the diagram and glue the paper box together according to the instructions. By the way, some of the boxes we present are made using the origami technique, which means that you don’t even need glue!

So, before we get started, let's check if everything is ready. To make a paper gift box with your own hands, you will need: beautiful wrapping paper (you can get by with plain white paper and then decorate it), scissors, pencil, ruler, glue or double-sided tape, and a stationery knife. Everything is? Well then, let's create!

#1 Box “Herringbone”

A great way to pack a small trinket for friends or family is this New Year's themed box. By the way, it’s very easy to do. You'll need green paper and hole punchers (although you can do without). Well, any rhinestones, beads, sequins are suitable for decoration, in general, to your taste!

#2 Gift box “Mint Candy”

And here is another original version of a gift box, which you can very easily make with your own hands, especially with our step-by-step master class. You will need red construction paper (for the box itself), as well as white paper for decoration. You can make the upper part of the box with applique or simply color the white sheet with pencils or felt-tip pens. By the way, there doesn’t have to be a lollipop on top. You can get creative with a New Year's theme and decorate the box on top, for example, with a snowflake, a Christmas ball or red angry M&M's.

#3 Box with lid (diagram)

Well, if you don’t have the time or desire to tinker with the box for a long time, you can use a simple ready-made template. You need to download it, print it, cut it and glue it. Voila, the box is ready! Please note that we have prepared 2 diagrams for you: square (size 5x5) and rectangular (size 7x6x4).

#4 Cup with a gift

But here is a gift packaging option for those who want to surprise with originality - a gift box-cup. It's quite simple to do, but looks impressive! To create, you will need thick paper, scissors and glue. And of course our step-by-step instructions!

#5 New Year's box “Cake”

If the New Year's party is planned in a large company, for example with a large family, it makes sense to pack gifts for everyone in one large multi-pack box. The cake packaging box consists of 8-10 pieces, each of which is a separate paper gift box.

#6 Gift box with lid for muffins and other small items

During the New Year holidays, edible gifts are quite common: various sweets and baked goods. An original gift will be a muffin prepared with your own hands in a designer gift box.

#7 New Year's box “Diamond”

You can pack a New Year's gift in a diamond-shaped gift box. With our scheme, making such intricate packaging will not be difficult. All you have to do is print out the box template, cut it out and glue it according to the instructions. It's simple!

#8 New Year's packaging "Santa"

A very cute New Year's package will be made from a regular paper bag, decorated with a paper Santa. Download the Santa pattern, cut it out and glue it onto the bag. DIY Christmas packaging is ready!

#9 Boxes “Harry Potter”

Fans of stories about Harry Potter will be indescribably delighted when they receive a piece of their favorite hero as a gift. By the way, such a box with magic sweet beans can be a wonderful addition to a set of books about the adventures of a young wizard.

#10 Box “Gingerbread House”

The symbol of the Christmas and New Year holidays, well known to everyone from Hollywood films, is the gingerbread man. You can make a paper box in the shape of a gingerbread man's house. By the way, putting the gingerbread men themselves in such a house will be very symbolic, but if you also make them with your own hands, there is no price for such a gift at all! The “Gingerbread House” box is made according to a special pattern, which you can download below. Also below is a master class on making a box with your own hands.

New Year's time is coming - a time of miracles, when everyone can feel like a little helper...

#11 Box “Heart of four parts”

A cute package consisting of four boxes can be made using our pattern. Giving your loved one not one, but four New Year's gifts at once is a true manifestation of love. You can download the diagram with four boxes and the base for them below.

#12 Box made using origami technique

To make such a gift box you will not need a diagram or template. To make a paper box with a lid, you only need a sheet of paper. The main condition is that the sheet must be square. Strictly follow the instructions of the master class and in 10 minutes you will have the cutest origami gift box made by yourself.

#13 And another option for an origami box

This box is very similar in appearance to the previous one, but the manufacturing method is slightly different. To make this box you will need scissors, but you don’t need a diagram: just a square sheet of paper. Follow the instructions of the master class and you will succeed!

#14 Box using origami technique “Volume Triangle”

If you want to get confused and ready-made templates are not for you, then be sure to pay attention to this complex and very impressive gift box. You will need paper and patience. Well, then follow the instructions and everything will work out!

If you like to make gift boxes without templates, glue and scissors, but only with the help of the correct folds of paper, then you will appreciate this box.

#16 Closing box using origami technique

Well, another version of the box using the origami technique. It's quite easy to do, especially if you follow the instructions. By the way, the steps of making the box are described below in the photo instructions.

#17 Box “Cupcake”

An original gift packaging for a New Year's gift will be a box in the shape of a cupcake. It looks very impressive, but it will take a little work to create. In general, there is nothing complicated in creating this box; you just need patience and imagination! See the step-by-step master class below.

#18 And another "Cupcake"

And here is another variation on the theme of a gift box in the form of a cupcake. The manufacturing scheme is very similar to the previous one, but you might like it!

#19 Gift box for cookies

A ready-made diagram for making a cardboard box with your own hands. All you need is to use our ready-made diagram, which you need to print, cut out of cardboard, and then glue it together in accordance with the master class.

#20 Chinese style gift box

You can put anything you want in this handmade box. And most importantly, it is done quickly and simply. You can download the box diagram from the link below.
Download the diagram

#21 Gift box in the shape of a cup

Truly original packaged gifts are valued much more than gifts in a regular gift bag. Pay special attention to this charming paper box, which you can make with your own hands using our pattern.

How to make a cup

How to make a lid

#22 Box “New Year's Sweater”

This beautiful gift box can be made with your own hands. To do this you will need a diagram, which you can download on our website, scissors, glue and a little patience.

#23 Box with bow closure

Quite simple to make, but very original gift box. You will need a square sheet of wrapping paper, glue and instructions from the master class. 15 minutes - and your gift box is ready!

It’s very easy to make a cardboard box for a New Year’s gift, but for this you will need not only cardboard, but also scissors (a stationery knife) and glue or double-sided tape (for secure fixation). Below is a step-by-step manufacturing master class, following which you can quickly and easily make a cardboard box with your own hands.

If you want to give a delicious gift in the form of cupcakes or muffins, then a paper egg tray would be the ideal packaging for such a gift. Cut the required number of compartments, decorate the top of the box with decorative elements, tie with a ribbon and Voila! The gift is ready!

You may be interested in:

#26 Original box “Milk package”

Another incredibly cool New Year's box that will amaze anyone. You can pack a simple trinket in such an unusual box. It’s quite simple to make it if you use a ready-made diagram, which you can download on our website.

#27 Box with lid

Using our simple pattern, you can easily make a gift box with a paper lid with your own hands in just a few minutes. You can put anything in such a box as a gift: from a cute trinket to handmade sweets. You can download the box diagram below.

#28 Packaging box with flower clasp

A simple design for a cute packaging box with a flower clasp. Fast, beautiful, original. Please your loved ones with a handmade gift. You can download the finished diagram from the link below.

#29 Gift box “Petals”

You can make a wonderful box for a New Year's gift with a petal-shaped lid with your own hands. In fact, making such a charm not only won’t take much time, but will also delight you with its cutest quality.

#30 Gift box for New Year's cupcake

You can make a very cute cardboard box with your own hands. It will turn out no worse than store bought. You can make a special bottom for the cake in the box. By placing your little delicious gift in a special stand, you don’t have to worry that all the cream will remain on the box. To make such a cardboard box with your own hands, you need to print the template and follow the instructions of the master class.

#31 Gift box for children “Ice cream”

A New Year's gift should be packed not just well, but with taste. In the “Ice Cream” gift box, your gift will be appreciated! With our scheme, making a delicious box will only bring pleasure!

#32 Packaging box “Candy”

Another option for “delicious” packaging would be a candy-shaped box. To create a New Year's atmosphere, the packaging can be slightly enlivened by adding eyes and a mouth. Download the diagram, print it and glue the box in the right places.

#33 Gift box “Cheerful Bunny”

You always want to give a special gift to your dear and close people. And it’s best when this gift is not only special, but also in special packaging that emphasizes the significance of a particular person. Making such a paper box with your own hands is not difficult if you download the diagram from the link below.
Download the diagram

#35 Box “Funny Frog”

Another very cheerful and positive box for New Year's gifts is “Cheerful Frog”. It’s done quickly and gives a lot of emotions! Download the diagram and please your loved ones with a merry New Year's box.

#36 Box with a face

You can also pack a gift in an original way in a box made of plain white paper, adding some details on it in the form of eyes and a mouth, thus bringing the gift to life. With our ready-made diagram, making such a box is not at all difficult. Just download the diagram, print and glue.

#37 Gift box “Birdhouse”

Let's start with perhaps the most unusual paper gift box. Making such a birdhouse is quite simple when you have a ready-made diagram. The diagram needs to be printed, transferred to suitable paper, cut out and glued in certain places. Complex and intricate at first glance, DIY boxes will be ready in 10-15 minutes.

#38 Box “Apple”

A gift in a paper box in the shape of an apple will be original. With such a box, choosing a gift is quite easy - gelatin worms will come in handy. Making such a box with your own hands with the appropriate diagram is very simple; the manufacturing process will take no more than 10 minutes!

#39 Box “Christmas wreath”

There is no limit to your originality, we just give you direction, and then you create on your own. You can come up with a lot of boxes for the New Year theme, for example, in the form of a Christmas wreath. Very symbolic!

Well, what would a real New Year be without the Nutcracker and music from the famous ballet by P.I. Tchaikovsky? A great gift would be a bag of nuts with a nutcracker tag attached. You can draw the fairytale hero yourself, but if you have no inclination to draw, you can find an image of the Nutcracker on the Internet and print it, then cut it out and attach it to the bag.

Anyone who has small children knows how difficult it is to get a child to clean up scattered toys and maintain order in the children's room. A child must be taught to maintain order and neatness from an early age so that it becomes a habit. Children will thank you later, because these qualities will help them in the future not to waste time looking for the right things, but to use it for useful activities.

Organizer box for small items

If there is a schoolchild in your family, then you can help him properly organize his desk space. First you need to sort all the small school supplies. To do this, it is most convenient to use organizers - containers of various shapes and sizes. It’s easy to make a variety of organizing boxes for paper clips, pins and other small office supplies with your child using paper. Our master class suggests creating just such a simple craft.

To make an organizer box we will prepare:

  • a sheet of colored paper;
  • ruler;
  • pencil;
  • scissors.

The immediate blanks for our box will be squares measuring 6x6 cm. We will need 3 such blanks.

Each of these squares must be folded in a certain way. First, fold the square diagonally.

Then we need to bend the right corner of the resulting triangle to the top.

After this, we proceed in the same way with the left corner of the triangle, bending it towards the apex.

Let's straighten the folds we just made. We have the following type of workpiece.

After this, we bend the top of our triangle down.

If we turn the resulting triangle over, we will see one of the three elements of the future organizer box.

From the remaining two squares we make similar modules.

Now we need to connect our elements. To do this, we insert the side corner of one of them inside the corner of the other element.

Our modules need to be connected up to the fold line.

Add a third module.

Now the resulting structure needs to be closed into a ring. Thus we got a small box with three walls and a bottom.

It is convenient to put some small stationery items (for example, paper clips) in it.

The master class was prepared by Marina.


In this master class I will show you how to make a paper box using the origami technique. This decorative craft will help you wrap a gift beautifully or act as a small box.

Materials for making the box:

  • colored or decorative paper,
  • scissors,
  • glue.

First you need to make a square out of A4 paper (or initially take a square-shaped sheet).

Fold the sheet diagonally. Cut off the excess.

Now fold the square sheet of paper diagonally, with the corner facing up. Fold the resulting triangle in half.

Open the right corner and fold it.

Turn the figure over.

Open and fold the right corner again.

Bend the upper right corner down.

Do the same with the upper left corner.

Open up the corners.

Open each corner and fold it as in the photo.

Turn the workpiece over.

Fold the two corners back toward the center line.

Open the right and left corners and fold them.

Wrap the two right corner layers inside the workpiece.

Now fold the two left layers inside.

Bend the top corner down.

Now bend the corner up.

Fold the corner down again.

Open the corner and you will see two outlined lines.

Fold the corner inward along the marked lines into a pocket.

Now turn the workpiece over and repeat the procedure on this side.

First, fold the corner down.

Now bend the corner up.

And bend it down again.

Tuck the resulting part into the pocket.

This is what the final product looks like.

Now, holding two opposite corners, bend them to the sides. The workpiece will open and turn into a box.

Flatten all sides of the box well.

Glue the handles on top with a drop of glue.

Paper boxes are a great way to decorate gifts with your own hands, create original packaging for storing household items, and also a great opportunity to bring creative impulses to life.

A big plus is that you can start training on plain paper or unnecessary thick cardboard, after which you can move on to making beautiful boxes from special paper.

To make your own gift box neat and attractive, it would be a good idea to take the advice of professionals and follow the step-by-step instructions with photographs and diagrams that can be found in our material.

Method No. 1: Square origami box

Beautiful and easy to make - this is how the first homemade box should be. This is exactly how it will turn out if you do it according to these simple instructions. IN in this case origami style is used.

  1. Colored or wrapping paper for gifts;
  2. Scissors;
  3. Ruler;
  4. Pencil;
  5. Decorations optional - satin, velvet or lace ribbon, voluminous applique, flower bud.

How to make a box:

To make gift wrapping easy, it will come in handy step by step instructions with photos. In order to make a beautiful box, you need to take care of creating the lid and the main part in the same style. The top can be presentable, bright or playful. The bottom can be made from plain paper of a suitable color.

  • You should start by creating a lid for the box. You will need square paper for this. The sizes can be anything - depending on the author’s idea. In this case, the square will be 21.5x21.5 cm. You need to draw a square of paper diagonally to make a cross, as in the photo below.
  • The bottom corner must be bent so that it lies at the central point of intersection of the drawn lines. You can navigate by the photo. Then you need to bend the resulting fold again, but this time so that its edge exactly coincides with the drawn strip. The folds must be smoothed out well so that they are imprinted on the paper. You can use the body of a pencil. After this, we bend the square back, keeping on the paper the folds necessary for further work.

  • We repeat these steps for the three remaining corners, resulting in a finished square with a grid of folds we need. After this, we cut two side parts on both sides, which now look like houses.

  • We do the next step according to the photographs: we fold the lid of the future box.

  • After this, you can begin to make the base of the box. To create it, you will need a square of paper 3 mm smaller than the previous one. In our case - 21.2x21.2 cm. The bottom is folded in the same way as the lid. The result is a beautiful box that can be decorated with ribbon, applique, or flower.
  • The inner ends can be glued on the inside with double tape.

We learned how to make a box out of paper, but there are also more reliable materials for such an important product as gift wrapping.

For clarity, you can watch a video where the box is also made in origami style:

Method No. 2: Rectangular box made of thick paper

Plain paper is good, but a gift box made from this will not always be a good idea if its purpose is to keep a heavier gift intact. For the next craft, you will need thick paper - that is, cardboard.

To make the box you will need:

  1. Cardboard;
  2. Double-sided tape/glue;
  3. Scissors;
  4. Pencil;
  5. Ruler;
  6. Decorative decorations.

How to make a box:

  • First you need to print and cut out the template. If this is not possible, you can redraw it on your thick paper, taking into account the required dimensions. The main thing is to maintain proportions.


  • Having cut out the future box from cardboard, you need to bend all the ends in the places marked with a dotted line. Since the paper is thick, you can help draw the fold lines with an object with a sharp end (pencil, nail file, screwdriver).
  • Now that the silhouette of the gift box has already appeared, you need to stick double-sided tape or apply glue to the places where the edges of the paper should meet - that is, on the sides, as in the photo. Then all that remains is to fold the cardboard into a finished box and, if desired, decorate the product with stamps, appliqués, ribbons, and inscriptions.

Method No. 3: Triangular cake box

From paper and cardboard you can make not only simple square and rectangular boxes, but also gift and packaging products of very original shapes. Step-by-step photographs will help you understand the manufacturing process faster.

As in the previous case, making this box will greatly facilitate the work of a ready-made template. The edges of the lid can be wavy, which is associated with cream, or straight. You can choose the colors of the paper at your discretion, the main thing is that everything looks harmonious together. The dimensions of the future box can be anything, the main thing is that the bottom template is 3 mm smaller than the lid template.

To make the box you will need:

  1. Cardboard or thick paper;
  2. Glue;
  3. Scissors;
  4. Pencil;
  5. Ruler;
  6. Decorative decorations - optional.

How to make a box:

Advice: For the first time, you should try to make this box from plain paper to understand the manufacturing principle, and only then proceed to the original on more expensive paper.


Box lid template with straight edges. Box lid template with wavy edges. Template for the base of the “cake” box.

Important: Be sure to check the template sizes, these examples may not fit each other in size. The dimensions of the base template should be slightly smaller than the dimensions of the lid template.

  • We draw a template for the lid and the base of the box on two separate sheets. Cut out blanks from paper.
    If this is the final version of the product, and you want to work with cardboard, then you need to attach paper templates to the cardboard and outline the edges, mark the dotted lines of the folds, and then cut out the components of the box.

  • Then you need to make even folds on the cardboard in the dotted areas. You can help yourself with a ruler and a pointed object.