Tattoos are temporary. How to do at home: gel pen, henna, paint, stickers, color and black and white, eyeliner, marker, using a stencil. How to make a temporary tattoo

Not every person is ready to decorate their body with ink that is firmly driven under the skin. Tattoos are a matter of taste, some people prefer to "get stuck" for life, others prefer to get a drawing for a day, a week or a month. Consider the possible ways to create a temporary tattoo in order, highlight the main aspects, and give step-by-step instructions.

Method number 1. Eyeliner

Create a sketch. Before drawing a tattoo, it is necessary to think over its design. Try to create a sketch on paper, which will later be transferred to the skin. To translate the idea into reality, an ordinary eyeliner is suitable.

Stick to clear lines of medium thickness. Do not try to draw a pattern with thin intricate roundings, after the expiration of the period they will be smeared, the contour will no longer be visible.

To get a tattoo that looks like a real one, choose the optimal thumbnail size. A large pattern will look unnatural, while a smaller pattern will seem real to others.

Choose an eyeliner. Visit a cosmetics store, pick up an eyeliner with a sharpener. Do not buy oily or shiny products, prefer matte lead, it lasts longer on the skin. Stop buying liquid eyeliner. It is stable only on the eyelids, in the case of other parts of the body, cosmetics quickly spread and crack.

A black pencil is considered the most optimal, the final pattern will look like a permanent tattoo. However, this does not mean at all that bright saturated shades cannot be used, it all depends on individual preferences. The following colors go well with black: magenta, lilac, emerald green, purple, red.

Draw a sketch with an eyeliner. After selecting cosmetics, work out the sketch with the purchased pencil, bring the pattern to the ideal. Practice smooth lines and curls until you achieve the desired result. After that, make sure that the sketch with a regular pencil matches the drawing with cosmetics.

You can make a temporary tattoo with an eyeliner on any part of the body. However, it is better to give preference to skin covered with vegetation in minimal quantities. In this case, you need to draw on a clean, previously degreased and dry surface.

A cosmetic sponge will help you create shadows. You can also use it to shade the borders if the sketch involves a transition from one shade to another.

Cover the skin with hairspray. In order for a temporary tattoo to last about 7-10 hours, it is necessary to use strong hold hairspray. Spray the pattern with the composition, but do not "fill" it heavily. Wait until it dries completely, then evaluate the result.

If you don't wet the tattoo, it will last all day. It is advisable to wash off the drawing before going to bed, so as not to stain the linen. To do this, it is enough to rinse the skin with warm water and apply a cleansing foam, then lightly massage the treated area.

Method number 2. Paper for temporary tattoos

Purchase paper from a craft store. Many people have known tattoo paper since childhood. It wraps gum and candy. The composition is a combination of paper backing and self-adhesive film.

To use the paper for its intended purpose, the top layer with the picture is separated from the substrate and applied to the skin with the pattern down. You can buy paper at craft stores or online.

Create a sketch. Since paper is a blank canvas, you will have to create the drawing yourself. Use the graphic editor "Photoshop", think through everything to the smallest detail. If you are the proud owner of a color printer, the sketch may include many bright colors.

Choose colors according to your skin type. In the process of creating a drawing, it is important to remember one feature - the end result will look like a mirror (upside down). If you want to create a sketch with an inscription, put the letters back and forth.

Print the drawing on the printer. After creating a sketch, you need to print the future tattoo. The procedure is simple, the main thing is to insert a sheet of paper correctly. The final pattern should not be printed on the matte side of the paper, but on a self-adhesive film. After printing, cut out the tattoo with nail scissors.

Glue on the tattoo. Choose the most even area of ​​​​the skin, then attach the paper to it with the pattern down, press it evenly with the palm of your hand. Smooth the pattern with a soft towel, press again, leave for half a minute.

Pull on the free edge of the paper. If the pattern does not remain on the skin, lubricate the outside with water, wait for it to dry. Carefully remove the film, evaluate the result. The tattoo will last 5-7 days. To wash it off, use a washcloth, liquid soap and water.

Method number 3. Stencil

Make a stencil. For people who by nature do not know how to draw, a method using a homemade stencil is suitable. First, choose the size and shape of the tattoo, then draw it on a landscape sheet and cut out the inside with nail scissors. Using this technology, it is convenient to draw three-dimensional sketches like a diamond, cube, ball, or other geometric shapes.

Purchase permanent markers. To make a temporary tattoo look like a real one, use a black marker. Complement it with other shades as desired.

When choosing felt-tip pens, be careful, look for the mark "for application to the skin." Such accessories are harmful to humans, so you can not use industrial products.

If you can't buy permanent markers, use regular markers. In this case, the tattoo will last less.

Get a tattoo. Choose a flat surface for the tattoo. You can remove excess hair on the body if the situation requires it. Degrease the skin with vodka, medical alcohol or antiseptic.

Attach a stencil to it, fix it on all sides with adhesive tape or adhesive tape, hold the inside with your fingers. Start painting over the pattern with felt-tip pens, then remove the paper, leave the pattern to dry completely.

An alternative to felt-tip pens is paint for seals and stamps. If you want to use this kind of ink, just soak a cosmetic swab in it, and then apply it to the skin with driving movements.

Method number 4. Permanent marker «Sharpie»

  1. Purchase the necessary materials. Creating a temporary tattoo using the Sharpie marker is the easiest and most advantageous method. You need to pre-purchase baby talcum powder (powder) without fragrance or with chamomile, strong hold hairspray and the felt-tip pen itself. You can buy "Sharp" in any stationery store or on the Internet.
  2. Create a sketch. Draw the future pattern with one or more colors, first on paper, then on the skin. Wait for the ink to dry, then sprinkle the treated area with talcum powder. Rub the children's composition with patting movements, shake off the remnants.
  3. Fix the tattoo. Apply hairspray to the pattern from a distance of 20-25 cm, do not "fill" the skin completely, 2-3 sprays are enough. If you applied too much varnish, soak a cotton pad in cold water, process the drawing with wet movements, removing excess. The tattoo lasts for about 3 weeks, in some cases longer.
  1. It is important to always remember that the Sharpie marker is not designed to work on human skin. It contains many chemicals, so the composition should be applied in minimal quantities.
  2. If you're fixing the tattoo with hairspray, don't touch the design until it's dry. The sketch is washed off with running water.
  3. To increase the duration of the exposure of the tattoo on the skin, sprinkle hairspray with unscented baby talcum powder. However, in this case the picture may become matte.

You can make a temporary tattoo at home, using already available improvised means or special purchased materials. If desired, combine several methods with each other, create a pattern at your discretion. For example, a stencil can be combined with pencil technology by drawing an outline with a Sharpie marker.

Video: how to make a tattoo for a month

Many girls have recently begun to decorate their bodies with tattoos. However, not everyone can afford them for one reason or another. In this case, a temporary tattoo can come to the rescue. The image will beautify your body for 2-4 weeks and after that it will be easily washed off from the skin. It can be done in many ways, and the most popular of them is a temporary henna tattoo. However, such a tattoo is also not suitable for everyone, as it often causes a burn on the skin, especially if the epidermis is very sensitive. That is why in this article we will find out how to make a temporary tattoo without henna on our own.

Types of temporary tattoos

eyeliner tattoo

Performing this tattoo is quite a difficult task. It will require some skill and drawing skills from you. Such a tattoo will please you for only 3-4 days, but you can often change the pattern and its location. In addition, its implementation does not require any special tools. Everything you need for applying it, you can easily purchase at almost any store at an affordable price.

drawing around the eye with black eyeliner with rhinestones black eyeliner on face


The execution of this tattoo involves the use of a special tool with which the drawing is applied. It is filled with a special water-based composition, which is used for tattooing. Such an image will please you for about 10 days.

one-color airbrush on the face multi-colored airbrush on the shoulder blade airbrush parrot

jagua gel tattoo

Such a tattoo is performed with a special jagua gel and a stencil. There is nothing complicated in its implementation, so even a beginner without experience can do it. This tattoo will last approximately 14 days. Do not be afraid if it did not appear immediately. The drawing becomes brighter if the next day after its execution.

jagua gel on back and arm jagua gel on hand

Crystal tattoos

These tattoos are performed using precious stones or rhinestones. Such drawings, as a rule, are made only for some kind of solemn event or theme party. It can last up to 10 days, but with careless handling, small particles can fall off and ruin the whole look of the tattoo.

snake with rhinestones on the back rhinestone pattern on hand shiny butterfly

Applying a temporary tattoo

Preparing for a tattoo

Whatever method of applying a temporary tattoo you choose, the preparation for its implementation will be general.

  1. Clear your skin. To do this, wash the body with a washcloth or sponge and soap. After that, treat the skin with a scrub and rinse it off with warm water.
  2. Decide on the part of the body on which the tattoo will be located. In this case, the following principles should be followed. The tattoo should be visible to others and it should be in contact with clothing as little as possible.
  3. Treat the selected area with alcohol or a product that contains alcohol. This will degrease the epidermis and make it easier for you to tattoo.

Temporary tattoo technique

Now we have to figure out how to make a temporary tattoo without henna at home.

eyeliner tattoo

You need:

  1. Hydrogen peroxide.
  2. Talc for children.
  3. Marker.
  4. Copy.
  5. Powder brush.
  6. Oily eyeliner pencil.

On the treated area of ​​​​the epidermis, apply a drawing with a felt-tip pen. After that, circle the contour with eyeliner and sprinkle talc on top of the tattoo. Next, “brush” the drawing with a powder brush and treat it with hydrogen peroxide. Leave for a few minutes and rinse the area with warm water. Tattoo is ready.

black eyeliner

airbrush tattoo


  1. Tools for performing aerotatu.
  2. Talc for children.
  3. Stencil with a pattern.
  4. Powder brush.

Place a stencil on the treated area of ​​the skin and apply paint over the office with a special preparation. Be careful not to spill the paint outside the stencil. If this happens, then immediately wipe the area with alcohol. After that, carefully remove the stencil and dust the tattoo with talcum powder. Leave it on for a couple of minutes and brush off with a powder brush.

airbrush on shoulder and back airbrush flower with hieroglyphs on the back

jagua gel tattoo

Required tools:

  1. Jugua gel.
  2. Adhesive stencil.
  3. Wooden stick.

Stick the stencil on the previously prepared area of ​​the epidermis. Apply jugua gel with a stick and leave to dry completely. There is no way to speed up this process. Otherwise, the result may differ from what you expect. After that, as the gel has hardened, remove its remnants together with a stencil using a stick. Tattoo completed.

jagua gel full hand

crystal tattoo

This tattoo can be done in several ways.

Method 1

You need:

  1. Finished images.

You can buy them at any specialized store. They are simply glued to the skin and the tattoo is ready.

Method 2


  1. Film templates.

In a specialized store, you can purchase a special film and on it yourself, using rhinestones or precious stones, you perform a drawing. Then it is fixed on the skin and the tattoo will be completed.

Method 3


  1. Lenses.
  2. Special glue.
  3. Tweezers.

Apply special glue to the epidermis prepared in advance. Next, using tweezers, make a pattern of lenses. The tattoo is ready.

crystal pattern in blue-violet tones rhinestone hearts on the chest

Knowing how to make a temporary tattoo without henna, you can decorate your body with various patterns without harming your skin. We hope that our advice will help you to achieve this.

  • News

DIY temporary tattoos with a gel pen

If you feel like trying your own temporary tattoo design, then try this method! In this public we will tell you how to make it using stationery gel pens, which we write with and can be bought at every stationery and art supply store.

Idea for a temporary gel tattoo

First you need to present the design of your temporary tattoo before proceeding to make a tattoo. Before you start, figure out exactly what you want. The tattoo will stay on the skin for several days, so make sure it's the one you like. Look for images of your favorite tattoo designs and chances are you'll come up with tons of new ideas.

Temporary tattoo mockup

Draw the drawing with a dark gel pen. The ink in the gel pen will happily print off the paper onto your skin once you're done. Just draw the image on tracing paper or parchment paper with a pencil, and then carefully color it with a gel pen. Do not overdo it so that the pattern does not spread.

Place for a tattoo

Step by step:

Soak a piece of cloth in warm water.

Attach the paper with the image to the place where you want the tattoo. Press the wet cloth firmly against the tattoo image for 30 seconds.

Slowly and gently lift the edge of the paper to make sure the tattoo has completely blended into the skin. If this is not the case, press the fabric against the image for a few more seconds and then check again.

As soon as the tattoo is imprinted on the skin, remove the rag and paper. Let the tattoo dry well, being careful not to touch it with clothing or other parts of the body.

Do-it-yourself temporary tattoo with a gel pen is ready

Enjoy your new tattoo! It won't stay for long, but it's good for a party or other event as it stays fresh all day long. Note: After contact with water, the tattoo will begin to wear off quickly. P.S. If this option does not suit you, then try to make a temporary tattoo using a regular pencil or a permanent marker. You can order tattoos with your own design here. Please leave a like below if you enjoyed the article. Thank you.)

Many people at some point light up with the idea of ​​decorating their body with a simple pattern or an original colorful pattern - someone is driven by a subconscious desire to stand out from the gray mass, someone wants to establish their character and outlook on life through a tattoo, while others just like to give such a spectacular way the highlight of their appearance, but not everyone dares to put a permanent tattoo on their skin, so temporary tattoos are chosen as an alternative. What is this? What are they? How much they hold and what is their approximate cost - read below.

What is a temporary tattoo

If we delve into the interpretation of these two words separately, it becomes clear that temporary tattoos are drawings on the skin that are applied for a short period of time, which is how they differ from permanent tattoos made using a special machine and located deep in the skin structure (depth, by which a needle with a special pigment penetrates is approximately a millimeter). Washable short-term pictures are applied to the upper layer of the skin - the epidermis, so they do not injure it, but at the same time they do not differ in durability.

Where to get a temporary tattoo

The technology for applying most types of temporary body art does not require the use of special equipment, so it can be done both in a salon that provides such services, and at home. You can simply buy a skin painting kit or well-known translation stickers with a finished picture and tattoo an accessible part of your body yourself.

Types of temporary tattoos

There are several varieties of temporary tattoos, which depend on the material or tool used to apply the ornament. There are three main groups of short-term tattoos:

  • biotatu - applied using only natural biological materials;
  • transfer tattoos - the drawing is transferred to the skin from a special sticker;
  • aerotatu - the master draws a pattern on the body using a stencil and a paint sprayer.

Each of the types of temporary pictures has its own characteristics of application, which will be discussed below.

henna tattoo

The most harmless and affordable way to decorate your body is to use henna, because it is the only harmless vegetable dye that rarely causes allergies or other unpleasant skin reactions. The fashion for artistic skin painting was borrowed from Eastern women, so you can often find another name for this technique: in the original - mehendi, or a modern modification of the name - mehndi tattoo.

The stores sell a ready-made solution of henna for tattooing. All you need to draw something on yourself with henna is a thin brush and basic artistic skills. If the talent of the artist is dormant, and straight lines are given to you with great difficulty, it is better to use the services of a professional master.

Bio tattoo

Biotattooing is a whole group of temporary body art techniques, which are distinguished by the use of exclusively natural materials, chemical components in the composition of dyes for biotattoo are simply unacceptable. These include:

  • the aforementioned henna tattoos;
  • crystal tattoos (the basis of the picture is rhinestones, which are glued to the body with a special organic glue);
  • glitter tattoo (the tattoo is made of bright sparkles, which are attached to a harmless adhesive base);
  • drawings on the skin with ordinary gel pens or special markers for tattoos.

Transfer tattoos

This method of drawing a picture on the skin is familiar to all of us from childhood. These are the same films with chewing gum patterns that you just need to stick to the body area, and then carefully remove. In a few minutes, a color picture will appear on your body, but it will also disappear from it just as quickly, because transfer tattoos, like most temporary body art techniques, stay on the skin for a very short time. On sale in a large assortment are both female pictures and options for men.

One of the newfangled varieties of transfer tattoos is very popular among girls - a flash tattoo. Flash tattoo is an imitation of gold or silver jewelry, applied to the body with plain water and a sponge, which needs some time to press the pattern to the skin. It is as easy to wipe off as needed as it is to apply. You just need to thoroughly rub the picture with a washcloth and soap.


Another type of temporary body art is aerotatu. Drawing in this technique is applied to the skin using a special apparatus, an airbrush. The paints used are liquid, waterproof, but still the aero decoration remains short-lived and disappears from the body for two weeks. Aerotatu can only be applied in a salon that provides such a service.

How to make a temporary tattoo at home

Temporary tattoos do not require special skills and equipment, so some of them can easily be done at home. First you need to choose the technique in which you want to draw on the body, then buy the necessary materials and start applying the tattoo. The easiest way is to find a special kit, which contains not only the necessary materials, but also detailed instructions. In order to avoid problems with applying paint or other materials, and for the tattoo to last longer, it is worth remembering some important points:

  1. Before starting the procedure, the skin in the desired area should be washed well with soap and degreased.
  2. If there are small hairs, it is better to remove them in advance with the help of depilatory products.
  3. Lemon juice can be used as a color fixer in the early days.
  4. The first day after the tattoo, do not wet the drawing, avoid a long stay of the tattooed area in the sun.
  5. Do not apply the pattern to areas of the skin that are constantly amenable to clothing friction and bending.

How long does a temporary tattoo last

No master can say for sure how long your tattoo will be able to keep its original appearance, because it depends on several factors: execution technique, material quality, skin type, surface treatment before drawing and caring for it. If the area with the tattoo is constantly rubbing with clothes or you like to spend the whole day on the beach, it is clear that your tattoo will not last long and will very quickly become like a shapeless pockmarked spot. If you wear the drawing carefully, it can look presentable for a relatively long time.

Depending on the technique of body art, you can roughly determine the maximum period for wearing a picture:

  • henna tattoo - up to three weeks;
  • crystal tattoo and glitter tattoo - up to two weeks;
  • tattoo stickers - up to 7 days;
  • aerotatu - up to two weeks;
  • drawing with a pen or marker - from a couple of hours to a couple of days.

If you are interested in a temporary tattoo for a year or even more, then it is worth noting that none of the techniques can create such a long-lived tattoo. However, many masters offer temporary tattoos for such a time. They just make a drawing using a technology similar to applying a permanent tattoo, but to a lesser depth. The skin still suffers from the needle, and the pattern does not disappear without a trace over time, but turns into an ugly dirty spot that needs to be corrected.

How much does a temporary tattoo cost

The answer to the question, how much does a temporary tattoo cost, also cannot be unambiguous, because it is determined by many factors. It is clear that, for example, in the salons of Moscow and St. Petersburg, prices will vary greatly, not to mention the difference in prices in provincial salons. It will be much cheaper to buy a tattoo kit and do it yourself. Approximate prices for short-term tattoos in Moscow can be found in the table below.

Type of tattoo

Salon procedure price, rubles

Price of materials in rubles

Henna drawing

A tattoo is a way to express yourself, emphasize individuality and demonstrate the creative side of your nature. For young people, a tattoo is a sign of emancipation and even rebellion, but adults get tattoos for a specific purpose - for example, to perpetuate the name of a loved one on their body.

Be that as it may, a tattoo is a responsible step, because it remains with a person for life. And for those who do not dare to get a permanent tattoo, there is a great alternative: a temporary tattoo. With a temporary tattoo, you can take a closer look at the pattern and decide for yourself whether you are ready to wear a tattoo for life.

What is a temporary tattoo?

A temporary tattoo, unlike a permanent one, is performed by drawing strictly on the surface of the skin, and not under it. Therefore, after a certain number of washes and contacts with detergents, the pattern is completely erased from the surface of the skin. Almost all tattoo parlors offer temporary tattoos.

In addition, it is possible to choose the durability of coloring materials: from one week to several months. You can also make a temporary tattoo yourself by purchasing the necessary materials. There are several types of temporary tattoos - they differ from each other in materials and durability.

transfer tattoo

The pattern is transferred to the skin using special paper. The principle of such a tattoo resembles children's stickers on the skin. Of course, such a tattoo will not last long, but sometimes even a few days are enough to understand how appropriate a real tattoo would be on your body.

Transfer tattoo is the best way to get used to the pattern

How to make a transfer tattoo?

Moisten the selected area of ​​skin with plenty of water. Carefully peel off the protective film from the transfer tattoo and stick it firmly to the skin with the pattern down. Remember that the pattern will be on the skin in a mirror position, so unfold the pattern in advance in the correct direction. Hold the design on the skin for 15 seconds, then slowly peel off the skin.

Let the pattern dry. For greater durability, you can sprinkle the tattoo with a thin layer of hairspray. It is recommended to choose a skin area for a decal tattoo that does not come into contact with water too often, otherwise the pattern may begin to crack on the day of application.

Aero tattoo of the body

The design is applied to the skin using a special gun that sprays water-based paint. Airbrushing is similar to body art, but its coverage area is much smaller. An airbrush tattoo is highly detailed and of high quality. This pattern will last up to one week.

An example of temporary airbrushing: the moment of removal of the stencil film

How to make a tattoo with an airbrush?

Prepare the airbrush: rinse it and fill it with the paint of the chosen color. Also prepare a ready-made tattoo stencil or create it yourself by drawing and cutting out of paper. Before spraying the paint, it is necessary to degrease the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe skin on which it will be applied. To do this, thoroughly wipe the skin with medical alcohol.

Then, using a special hypoallergenic glue, glue the stencil to the skin and cover it with paint, periodically pressing and releasing the gun button. Remove the stencil. If there are errors in the pattern, correct them. If desired, you can decorate the tattoo with sparkles or colored rhinestones.


This type of temporary tattoo has oriental roots and is called mehndi. The drawing is applied with natural henna-based paint. Henna for drawing is fundamentally different from henna for hair coloring - it is finer grinding, has a different structure and shade. The color of the biotattoo can vary from golden to dark brown.

An example of a temporary biotattoo: patterned mehndi on the ankle

Bio-tattoos in the form of lace patterns still adorn their bodies with many women in Eastern countries. A henna-based tattoo does not cause allergic reactions and has sufficient durability: subject to all application rules, the pattern lasts for at least two weeks.

How to make a biotattoo?

Dilute henna powder with lemon juice and add some sugar. This is necessary so that the composition is more viscous and better adheres to the skin. You can also add essential oils to the mixture - then the color of the picture will be more saturated. Put the henna paste into a plastic bottle with a conical tip. Wipe the tattooed area with rubbing alcohol for additional drying.

If you have drawing skills, you can apply a tattoo by hand; if not, prepare a stencil or draw a contour with a thin water-based felt-tip pen and draw henna on top. The thicker the dye layer, the brighter the tattoo will be. After the procedure, a prerequisite is the application of eucalyptus oil to the pattern.

Thanks to this manipulation, the color of the tattoo will become more saturated and more absorbed into the skin. For the first two hours after application, the biotat should not be wetted or rubbed against the skin, otherwise the pattern may be smeared. In order for the biotattoo to remain on the skin longer, it is recommended to lubricate it with vegetable oil before each contact with water.

crystal tattoo

This type of temporary tattoo is aimed at a female audience. A tattoo is created by sticking stones on the skin in the form of a pattern. Stones can be of any size and shade. Glue for fixing a tattoo is very resistant and absolutely safe for the skin, does not cause irritation and allergies. With careful treatment, a crystal tattoo stays on the skin for up to one week.

An example of a temporary crystal tattoo with a summer pattern

How to make a crystal tattoo?

There are two options for a crystal tattoo: gluing a finished stencil and creating a pattern by hand. Of course, it is easiest to stick a finished pattern, but such a tattoo will not last long. Piece-by-piece gluing of stones, although more laborious, results in a high-quality, durable pattern.

To create a tattoo, draw a sketch of the drawing with a thin marker. Then, along the lines of the sketch, in turn, put pebbles on a special glue, varying their color and shape as desired. After applying a crystal tattoo, you can not wet the skin during the day.

Glitter tattoo (shine tattoo)

Such a tattoo is created using glue and small sparkles. The pattern, consisting of iridescent glitter, looks very impressive. If the drawing is applied to an area of ​​​​skin that rarely comes into contact with clothing, such a tattoo can last up to two weeks. Also glitter tattoo goes well with other types of temporary tattoos.

An example of a temporary glitter tattoo: the process of creating patterns on the skin

How to make a glitter tattoo?

As a rule, a glitter tattoo is created using a ready-made stencil - sparkles do not require detailed drawing, they only fill in the finished pattern. Thoroughly degrease the skin before applying the tattoo, because the durability of the pattern directly depends on the degree of dryness of the skin. Glue the stencil tightly to the skin.

Fill the stencil with special glue and immediately remove it while the glue is still wet. Then, using a brush, apply glitter of the required shades to the glue with driving movements. Wait a few minutes, then brush away any excess glitter with a wide flat brush and fix the tattoo with a special fixing spray.

How to care for a temporary tattoo?

In order for a temporary tattoo to last longer on the skin, you must follow simple rules.

  • Do not wet the tattoo during the first day after its application.
  • Do not rub the drawing with a washcloth during water procedures.
  • Use a mild, soap-free detergent because lye will quickly remove glue and paint.
  • Apply the tattoo in places that are not in contact with straps, buttons, elastic bands of clothing and a belt.
  • While wearing a tattoo, do not engage in active sports - sweating will provoke the rapid disappearance of the pattern.