A large boat made of paper with your own hands. Origami paper boat for children: step-by-step instructions for the scheme. Handmade paper sailboat: diagram, instructions

From early childhood, children love to play with paper, draw, cut and fold various figures from it. To make this activity useful and enjoyable, the child can be taught the origami technique. In the article we r Let's look at step-by-step instructions on how to make a ship out of paper yourself.

Why origami

You can create from any available materials, it all depends on your imagination. Working with the origami technique, we train hand motor skills, attentiveness and logic. This will not require any foreign objects other than plain paper, which is available to everyone:

  • The child will also develop creative thinking, imagination and a sense of symmetry.
  • Sometimes parents stage entire performances using paper figures with scenes from fairy tales or famous cartoons.
  • It’s especially interesting to play with transformable products that can change their shape and size with one movement of the hand.
  • Mastering origami techniques should begin with making simple models, and then move on to multi-module structures.
  • This is an exciting and fun activity; parents can make a whole paper fleet with their child and arrange competitions.
  • Making paper crafts is real magic! After all, from a simple sheet you can make a real ship, boat or boat.
  • This is a reason to remember your childhood and feel nostalgic. After all, many people made such boats with friends or parents, and then launched them through streams or puddles.
  • Creating paper crafts together brings people together and helps develop team spirit. Therefore, teach your kids the origami technique and do it with them. How to make a simple paper ship with your own hands is shown in the video below.

Mastery Lessons

The ship must stay afloat for a long time and not sink. To make the design durable and reliable, use A4 sheets to create the layout.

Simple boat model

Classic is the creation of an ordinary boat. Even a beginner can cope with this task, since the technology is very simple and understandable. The folding pattern looks like in the picture.

Now let’s look at all the stages step by step:

  • We take an ordinary landscape sheet.
  • Fold it in half.
  • We mark the middle on the fold line, and then fold the upper corners diagonally towards the middle, as in the photo.
  • We also turn the remaining edges up. You should get a layout with a sharp corner at the top.
  • We take the layout from both sides from the bottom in the middle and pull it to the sides.
  • We carefully iron all the folds to form a small square.
  • Take the corners from both sides below and bend them upward.
  • Pull the top corners.
  • And the square turns into a boat!
  • Now we carefully straighten the hull and the boat is ready to sail! The model can be decorated with drawings, inscriptions or stickers.

Little boat

To create such a miniature steamer, we only need an A4 sheet. But if this is not enough for you, you can make a more complex design later. How to make a real warship out of paper will be shown in the video below. The operating diagram for a mini-steamer is as follows.

Let's start making:

  • Fold the sheet along a diagonal line.
  • We need an even square, so we should carefully cut off the excess edge from the bottom. Fold the sheet diagonally in the other direction and unfold it.
  • We bend all the corners to the center point.
  • The layout must be smooth. In the meantime, we have a smaller square.
  • We turn the workpiece face down and bend the corners to the center again.
  • The square turned out even smaller.
  • We turn the sheet over to the other side and again bend the corners to the center point.
  • The figure should look like in the photo.
  • We straighten two opposite corners to form the pipes of the ship.
  • We push the other two opposite corners apart by slightly pulling them.

    The rectangles must be connected to form the body of a mini-steamer.

A voluminous ship for long journeys

This is a more complex modular origami design. This way you can create a whole ship with raised sails that will take you to the distant depths of the sea. This product will especially appeal to boys who love to build complex and interesting structures.

How to make a bright ship with a raised sail out of paper is shown in the video below. To create such a model, we will have to be patient and persevering, because 1027 individual modules will be used.

You choose the dimensions of the elements yourself, based on the desired dimensions of the entire sailboat. You should also use colored paper in different shades, so determine the final spring look of your masterpiece in advance.

Let's get started:

Flat bottom ship

To create such a simple model, we only need an A4 sheet of any color.

The flat-bottomed ship is very easy to assemble:

  • We make an accordion of three parts from a sheet of paper. We'll look at how to make such a boat from A4 landscape paper below in the video step by step.
  • We leave the middle part, unbend the first, and bend the outer one in half.
  • Let's straighten everything out again.
  • We bend the upper corners inward, then do the same with the other parts.
  • On the other side, fold only one corner towards the middle.
  • We bend one half to the outside and bend it again.
  • On the side of the folded corners we bend four more corners, then on the other side another one.
  • We divide the layout exactly in half and begin to create the desired shape.
  • We bend one part, bend it again, and open the layout exactly in the middle. This is how we made the bow of the ship.
  • To form the back part, open the workpiece on the other side.
  • The flat bottom boat is ready!

Cardboard sailboat

In order to make this miracle, we will need:

Creation step by step:

  • First you need to use your imagination and figure out what your boat will ultimately look like. We draw a diagram: 2 parts for the bottom, 2 for the side and 1 for the stern. Don't forget about the mast; the crossbar requires 2 elements. For the warping for the steering wheel, we cut out 1 element. We cut out all the parts and glue them together. How to make such a pirate ship out of paper, let's see in the video below.

  • We decorate the bow and tail parts. You can draw and cut out the tail and head of a fairytale dragon. We attach the head at the sides, and insert the tail into the aft part and fix it with tape.
  • In the middle of the boat we glue two cardboard crossbars to insert the mast into. For it, you can find a skewer, a cocktail tube, and also glue together several matches or toothpicks, wrapping them in colored or gift paper.
  • Cut out a steering wheel from cardboard and glue matches in a circle. The steering wheel can be held on a matchbox base. We place the entire installation in the bow of our model.
  • We draw the sail on colored paper and carefully cut it out along the contour. It can be decorated with a pattern or a beautiful ornament. We insert the sail into the mast, having first made two small holes at the top and bottom of the part. To hide the top of the mast, you can glue a bright flag.
  • Draw a small anchor on cardboard and cut it out. We hang it on the tail section, tying it with threads.
  • The cardboard sailboat is almost ready to sail, all that remains is to paint it.

    Entrust this responsible task to your baby.

Every boy in childhood folded boats and airplanes out of paper. Now these boys have grown up and have their own children, to whom someone should also explain. Unfortunately, not every parent will be able to easily remember how to make this spring craft in a matter of minutes, so you will have to brush up on your origami skills.

Making a paper boat with your own hands

Fans of making paper crafts know very well that the easiest way to make such products is from special paper; it can be colored, patterned and even foil. To make a boat, it is better to use thick paper, which does not absorb moisture well. If there is none at the right time, you can increase the stability of the boat using beeswax or paraffin. One has only to dip the craft in one of these compounds, and the boat will stay afloat longer.

How to make a regular paper boat and how to decorate it? You can decorate the ship using improvised means, the main thing is not to upset the balance. Decorations should be as light as possible, quickly installed and held firmly. The most popular decorative option is considered to be a sail made of toothpicks and textiles, multi-colored napkins, and plain paper.

Now let's move on to the main thing - instructions on how to make a boat out of paper. The first method is simpler and familiar to you from childhood. All you need is a sheet of A4 paper.

The ship is ordinary

  1. Place a sheet of paper in front of you, fold it in half, then bend it in half again;
  2. Press the fold line well, then straighten the sheet;
  3. Place the right corner in the middle of the sheet, towards the bend line;
  4. Repeat step #3 on the other side;
  5. The lower part of the sheet consists of two layers. Fold the first one up so that its edges extend beyond the triangle;
  6. Fold the edges of the top rectangle to cover the sides of the triangle;
  7. Turn the boat over and fold the bottom edge up in the same way;
  8. Open the product, straighten it thoroughly;
  9. Squeeze the product to form a diamond shape. Iron its sides well;
  10. Measure 1 cm from the top edge of the diamond (you can do it by eye), mark it with a pencil. Fold the bottom edge to the intended point;
  11. Turn the product over, fold the bottom edge in the same way as in the previous step;
  12. Open the product again as shown below;
  13. Hold the product by the sides with two fingers;
  14. And straighten it, pulling it out by the side wings;
  15. Level the craft (especially the bottom part). Now you know how to make a regular paper boat in just a few minutes. The finished product can be seen below.

The example shows a white, unremarkable boat; make your model more original, paint it or install a colored sail.

Paper boat

How to make paper boats is more or less clear, but what about more complex models? There is nothing impossible in origami, and now you will see it. To create a boat you need to take a regular sheet of paper 20x20 cm and glue.

  1. Place the sheet in front of you and bend it diagonally. Straighten the sheet and bend it diagonally again so that the inside is divided into four equal parts;
  2. Straighten the sheet and bend one corner to its center, as shown below;
  3. Fold the sheet in half (diagonally);
  4. Fold the sheet in half as shown below to create a triangle;
  5. Expand the resulting pocket;
  6. Press it down to make a square;
  7. The triangle on top has two layers. Fold the first one down, do the same with the other side;
  8. Fold both sides at once, a small triangle should form at the top, bend it well in both directions to get clear bend lines;
  9. Straighten the product and bend its upper corner down literally 0.5 cm;
  10. Reassemble the model as shown below. This will be the boat's pipe;
  11. Fold the second layer of paper to the fold line, bend it back and do the same step with the other side;
  12. Straighten the sheet, fold the left edge to the fold line formed from step 11. Do this on the other side;
  13. Lift the entire structure and place it on the table;
  14. Fold the bottom up, iron the edges of the product well;
  15. Turn the figure over, bend the bottom edge and fold it up, iron the edges well with your hands;
  16. Unfold the structure, turn the bottom edges up;
  17. Align the edges well;
  18. Turn the product over, fold the small rectangles down (do this on both sides);
  19. You should end up with a model like this;
  20. Glue the two parts together with regular glue or double-sided tape;
  21. Press the paper well, wait until the parts stick together;
  22. The finished boat looks like this. Now you have figured out how to make paper boats in just 10 minutes.

It’s easy to learn how to make paper crafts; the origami technique is available to everyone. Daily origami practice helps to increase concentration, develops hand motor skills, eye, constructive thinking and creative potential of the child. The origami technique will reveal many secrets, thanks to which you will learn how to make paper boats, airplanes, tanks, figurines of wild animals and much more.

Not only children can master the origami technique. Adults can also develop and improve qualities such as perseverance and determination. Every adult knows how to make a boat out of paper, but more complex crafts require more time and effort. Diversify your leisure time, get to know the art of origami, and this activity will definitely captivate you.

Merry drops have been sounding outside the window for a long time, our brisk river is babbling nearby... spring has not yet begun, but outside the window it is shining brightly and the spring mood is gradually penetrating into our house! The other day my little son asked me to tell and show him. Remembering school years and restoring memories different patterns for making paper ships, boats and steamboats, laid out colored paper on a large desk and, together with my son, began to make paper boat...

Preschoolers and elementary school students love to practice origami - folding paper figures. The process becomes especially entertaining when parents participate in it. But such activities have a beneficial effect on the development of the child. About, how to make a paper boat with your own hands or paper steamer We will tell you in detail below and with the help of master classes with photos you can easily make beautiful paper boats to launch in the nearest body of water.
Creating jewelry, decorative elements and various toys can captivate any restless person when he sees how paper comes to life in his hands. Don't forget to allocate a shelf for finished products so that they can be shown to friends and all guests.

We were all once children and loved to make paper boats with our own hands. Years have passed, now the time has come to teach this art to the next generation, and at the same time return briefly to childhood and remember the happiest and most carefree period of life. Some made snow-white paper ships that looked like large steamships, others preferred red or blue motor boats, some girls painted the top of a white paper boat pink, and scarlet sails appeared on it.

The first time the baby needs to be shown how to fold a paper boat correctly(or it’s better to immediately teach him how to work with a paper craft making scheme). If you cannot remember the sequence of necessary actions, use the proposed paper boat diagram (below). When the watercraft is ready, you can play with your child.

Origami allows you to spend time fun and usefully. The baby develops imagination, he realizes that for a good mood it is not necessary to run and jump, you can sit quietly and do something very exciting. Folding paper with small fingers is painstaking work that improves fine motor skills.

Paper crafts can reveal the creative personality in a child and give rise to new achievements in this area. Even if the subsequent hobby is not related to origami, the first impetus may be given by simple boats.

The process does not end once the boat is ready. You can fold several boats, a steamboat, ships and go for a walk with your child to put them on the water. Taking into account the parameters of our watercraft, we conclude that a puddle, a ditch and other similar bodies of water will serve as an excellent sea for them. It will be great if the weather pleases with sunshine and a light breeze that will push the boat to set off on a long voyage. Forget about your worries for a moment, go back to childhood and play with your child. Sending paper boats on a voyage, even if not very far, is very funny and fun. Children are delighted with such entertainment.

Next you will find step-by-step diagrams with photos, as well as explanations about how to make a paper boat with your own hands fast and simple. But paper can be used to make not only classic boat, but also a paper steamer or boat. When you look at the diagrams with photos of the stages of work, pay attention to the fold lines so that our paper boat turns out smooth and without unnecessary dents. On the pages of our website you will find many lessons and master classes on making paper crafts using the origami technique , as well as other materials on how to quickly make beautiful paper boat together with your children.

How to make a paper boat

How to make a paper boat

How to make a paper steamer

We hope that now you can easily make both a boat and paper steamer or boat together with your child. Even a small child can make a simple paper boat with his own hands. , so teach him the basics of the art of origami, give him a square-shaped sheet of paper and invite your child to try to make a paper boat on his own.

All children love to float boats on the water. If you don’t know how to make a paper boat for a child or want to make a paper boat with him, our article will help you with this.

We will look at the most interesting and simple options that can be made only with paper using the origami method, using diagrams and step-by-step instructions.

In order to make a simple paper boat with your own hands, you will need the minimum amount of available materials. Or rather, just paper. This can be either colored paper or a regular piece of paper from a school notebook.

Simple paper boat

Prepare a sheet of paper. It’s very good if it’s a sheet of A4 size - then the boat will turn out to be large, dense, and, of course, stable. This means that it will stay afloat for a long time and still defeat its opponent.

The steps for creating a paper boat are as follows::

Fold a sheet of paper prepared in advance in half. Place the folded side up and fold it in half again.

  1. Bend the upper corners at right angles towards the center.
  2. Fold all free edges of the sheet up on both sides.
  3. Carefully tuck all free corners inward. You will get a triangle.
  4. Bring the corners at the base of the shape together. This should create a square.
  5. Fold the bottom corners of the square on both sides so that you again form a triangle.
  6. Bring the corners at its base together - you get a square. Take it by the upper corners and gently pull it to the sides until the figure is completely revealed and the boat is formed.
  7. Smooth out the sides of the boat to give it maximum stability.

It’s better to figure out how to make this boat, a visual diagram will help you:

Congratulations, your simple paper boat is ready! If you wish, you can paint it with pencils, felt-tip pens and paints and even make additional applications on the walls. And small handmade masts, sails and flags, carefully placed on board, will certainly delight children and make the boat even better. Playing with such a paper friend is a pleasure!

For greater clarity, we invite you to watch a short video that shows in detail the process of creating a paper boat with your own hands

The process of creating a two-pipe boat is not as complicated as it might seem. You will again need a familiar sheet of paper and an additional tool - scissors.

So, in order to make a two-pipe boat, you will need:

    1. Fold the bottom left corner of the sheet of paper so that its top side lies completely on the right side. Cut off the resulting excess part. Having completely unfolded the sheet, you will see a square in front of you.
    2. Since there is already one fold line on it, it is necessary to make a second one intersecting with it. To do this, the square should be bent diagonally.
    3. Fold all four corners towards the center to form a small square.
    4. Turn the resulting figure over with the bent corners facing down. Next, repeat the third point - bend all corners towards the center.

  1. A square sheet of paper (it can be easily made from a rectangular one by folding one of the corners and cutting off the excess) needs to be folded along the central axis and diagonals in such a way as to obtain 16 small squares.
  2. Bend all four corners of the square towards the center, and then align the two edges of the workpiece with each other and with the center.
  3. Do a similar procedure with all corners. Turn the workpiece over and bend it in half diagonally.
  4. Connect the small triangles on the right side of the figure to each other. They will appear in the form of a sail.

Second way

This method is traditional for the Japanese. To implement it you will need:

  1. Take a square sheet of paper and bend it diagonally.
  2. Also carefully bend two corners along the center line.
  3. Next, you need to bend the bottom corner and align it with the top, thus forming a horizontal line.
  4. Also bend the two sides along the axial vertical line.
  5. Carefully bend the side with an obtuse angle and bend it at an angle of 90 degrees to the horizontal sheet.
  6. For greater persuasiveness, bend the vertical sheet slightly on the sides.

Japanese ship - the sailboat is ready!

Usually it is recommended to make a sailboat from colored paper, because it is much brighter and more beautiful this way. Don't forget to paint and decorate it as you wish, and also make several more similar products. After all, the more of them, the more interesting.

The process of creating a paper boat - a sailboat - is shown in the following video

Paper boat

The boat creation scheme is also simple and will only take a few minutes. All you need is patience, accuracy and attentiveness.

In order to create a paper boat, you need very little time and effort. Fold the A4 sheet in half, first lengthwise and then crosswise. Pay close attention that the closed edges should be on top.

The next step involves working with the corners - the top ones need to be folded towards the center line, and the top and bottom edges, which are currently open, need to be folded up.

Then you need to bend the triangle. Once you do this, you will have a square in front of you, the bottom corners of which are open. Now fold the front and back corners up.

From the resulting triangle, make a square again. Now slowly pull the ends of the upper corners of the square in different directions, and a real paper boat will appear in front of you.

Wait until spring comes and, putting on rubber boots, run through the melting snow. Better yet, go launch boats into the nearest stream. This is what our parents and our grandparents did. And the technology for their manufacture has been familiar to everyone for a long time. In our article we will introduce readers to the technique of assembling a paper boat. And, if you like this activity, you can make a whole fleet.

This article presents 10 ways to make a paper boat with your own hands with step-by-step unique photographs and videos.

Boats made of paper will appeal to all children. This is an old game, but despite this, it has not lost its relevance today. Probably everyone was fond of making them in childhood, attracting friends and parents to this activity. And then they ran to throw it into the nearest stream - you probably still remember these feelings. Make your little one happy by making a whole paper flotilla with him. You'll see, this will make him happy!

How to make a paper boat with your own hands

There are probably no parents who are not familiar with the technology of making boats. But perhaps it has faded a little from your memory. Now that you have a preschool or primary school-aged child, it's time to brush up on this activity. Make this wonderful spring craft with your child.

A boat made of paper is an excellent craft. This activity will help develop fine motor skills and is an excellent exercise in spatial thinking.

Among other things, you will receive an entertaining toy. And the baby will be able to play, inviting friends and relatives with him. There are a lot of game options, for example you can arrange a race or an expedition. Or you can give it to your grandfather or father as a gift.

They can be made from colored paper, and can also be painted or painted. You can select a whole crew for the ship using small soldiers. If the weather outside is not very good, you can play by letting them swim in the bathtub. And at the dacha you can use a basin for this. In a word, this is an extremely exciting activity.

  1. By using single-sided colored paper, you will get a unique toy, since the boat will be partially painted in a certain color.
  2. A sailboat can be made using a regular toothpick, and a sail can be made from fabric, colored cardboard, foil, leaves, colored napkins and much more.
  3. This toy can be made using office paper. And so that the boat does not get too wet while floating, it can be made from a coated magazine sheet.
  4. Dipping the toy into melted wax or paraffin will make it waterproof.
  5. Using a white sheet, you can show your imagination - decorate and paint it in any color.

A simple boat made using origami technique

There are many options for folding a paper boat. But among them there is one that is probably familiar to many. This is the pattern our parents used, so we need to introduce it to our children as well. A distinctive feature of such a boat is its ability to float on the water, and the duration of the voyage largely depends on the density of the material used. The step-by-step creation of such a boat using the origami technique is shown in this master class.

To make it, any rectangular sheet will be sufficient.

First, fold it in half, and mark the middle on the side with the fold.

Now, focusing on this mark, we bend the sides in the form of triangles.

The parts protruding from the bottom must be bent upward. First we do this on one side.

Turning the workpiece over, make the same upward fold.

There are corners on the sides that need to be tucked in. First, we bend the corner located on top, bringing it behind the main part of our craft.

Now on the other side (bottom corner) you need to do the same.

By repeating the steps on both sides of the triangle, we got such a blank for the future boat.

At this stage, our craft is similar to a hat, which is made according to the same pattern.

It needs to be shaped into a square.

Fold the bottom corner of the top layer of the square up.

We turn the workpiece over and make the same fold of the corner upward.

Again, our workpiece needs to be straightened.

And fold it into a square.

Now we carefully begin to pull the upper corners to the sides.

As a result, we get a boat that just needs some finishing touches.

You need to straighten its bottom and sides for greater stability. Our origami boat is ready for children's games.

DIY sailboat

The origami technique involves turning a simple sheet of paper into various crafts. As a rule, a square is used for this. This is exactly the form we need to take to create the next craft.

This master class presents step-by-step production of a ship with a sail.

Let's prepare for work:

  • square sheet;
  • glue stick.

Let's start making the boat by folding the square in half in two directions. This way we will outline the necessary folds for further work.

Now we bend the lower and upper parts of the workpiece towards the middle line.

The sides also need to be folded towards the middle.

To create the sides, you need to straighten the corners and give them a different shape. We begin to straighten the upper right corner, smooth out its lower fold diagonally.

Smooth the top of the workpiece. This is how we formed one of the corners.

In a similar way, straighten the lower right corner.

With the left side you need to do the same. This is how we formed the sides.

In order for our craft to look like a ship, you need to take it with your hands and pull the halves in different directions - the left one away from you, and the right one towards you. As a result, the workpiece should take the following form.

We turn the lower protruding corner to the right and place it horizontally.

The bow requires a little gluing, connecting the right and left sides together.

Our boat with a sail is ready!

You can go sailing not only in reality, but also in your fantasies. This is especially true for children who easily immerse themselves in the game, imagining themselves as various heroes. If a child dreams of the sea and imagines himself as a sailor, then to support his fantasy one cannot do without a boat with white sails, made using the origami technique. In this master class we will show how to make it.

To create such a boat with sails, you only need a square sheet of colored single-sided paper, we used blue.

First, fold the square in half.

After this, we perform another transverse fold. As a result, our square turned out to be divided into 4 equal parts by folds.

Now we turn the workpiece over to the other side and fold it diagonally.

Then we fold the square along the other diagonal and turn it over to the front side.

Turn the workpiece over again with the white side up and bend 2 opposite corners towards the center.

Now we need to start shaping the sails. To do this, we begin to fold it inward on one side.

You need to fold it so that a vertical white triangle is formed on top.

We do the same with the other side. As a result, we see that 2 white sails have become noticeable.

But one of them needs to be reduced a little. To do this, bend the right sail down.

After this, we bend it upward, at the same time forming a small fold.

We tuck the resulting fold inward. Now our boat has white sails.

Its lower part needs to be folded to the reverse side.

From the front side our sailboat looks like this.

Our boat with white sails using the origami technique is ready.

How to make a manigami boat from a paper bill

The model of the boat presented in this master class is quite simple. What is it remarkable for in the first place? The craft is made from a real banknote. This is a Manigami boat. This article will help you remember how to fold an origami boat. This is a good old folding method, very popular, which every child should know. The resulting boat can even float on the water, but only if you don’t mind the bills. Let's consider the stages of modeling step by step.

Materials required for work:

  • banknote;
  • ruler for smoothing paper.

How to fold a boat out of money step by step

The banknote you have prepared must be folded twice in height, that is, bend the rectangle in half, first matching the longer sides, then the shorter ones. Smooth out the paper and unfold. The central cross-shaped line is a mark for further work.

Bend the workpiece crosswise so that the front part remains inside. Now bend the side where the fold is visible into a house, closing the two upper corners in the center.

Turn the resulting house over to face you. Leave the upper corner (the kind of roof) unchanged in the future; you need to work with the rest of the paper (with the kind of walls). Lift the bottom layer up, aligning it with the base of the isosceles triangle.

Lift the other side in the same way. The two square parts of the bill will be symmetrically folded, and the isosceles triangle will remain inside.

Bend the top layer back to its original position and begin processing the bottom layer. First lower one corner down, align the fold line with the side of the isosceles triangle.

Then bend the second corner, aligning it with the second same side of the triangle (you are working with an isosceles geometric figure).

Do the same with the bottom part. Now the bill consists of 2 identical isosceles triangles connected by the bases.

Bend the workpiece in half so as to obtain a multi-layer triangle. You can split it from below with your fingers. This is a kind of paper model of a triangle that everyone knows.

Bring your fingers inward from below and stretch so that the resulting triangle again looks like a square. At the same time, the model will become smaller and more multi-layered.

Pull the side corners a little, straightening the bill.

Fold the resulting square again to make the square even smaller.

For the last time, stretch the sharp corners in the resulting workpiece to the sides so that you get a boat. A right angle of an isosceles triangle will be visible in the center. This is the roof of a house that was built earlier.

The manigami ship is ready. You can repeat the entire folding procedure on plain paper if you need to make a craft of a different color.

Now you know how to make an interesting souvenir with your own hands from real money. You can also buy souvenir bills to make just an imitation of manigami.

DIY boat for beginners

A paper boat is an excellent solution if a boy is growing up in your family. Especially if he is interested in marine themes! This craft is very easy to create; you only need paper and 5-7 minutes of free time.

To make this boat you will need the following materials and tools:

  • a square sheet of colored paper with a side of 15-20 cm;
  • scissors.

Step 1: Make the first folds

Cut out a neat square from the sheet. If your sheet is initially square, you can skip this step.

Fold your square in half horizontally.

Expand. Now fold the bottom of the sheet towards the center line.

Also fold the top of the sheet towards the center line.

Fold the craft along the center line in the other direction. You should have an accordion-shaped figure with 4 longitudinal folds.

Step 2: Fold the corners. Open one side.

Fold the top left corner toward the center fold.

Also fold the right corner to the central fold, symmetrically to the left.

On the other side, also bend the corners to the middle line.

Step 3: Expand. Now fold the craft in half.

Open it up. You have a boat, but you still need to trim it.

To do this, fold the “bow” of the boat on one side towards the central fold. Press the folds well.

The “nose part” on the other side also wraps towards the center line. You should have a hexagon-shaped figure.

Bend the opposite corners of this hexagon symmetrically by approximately 0.5 cm.

Open the craft.

Fold the “side” part on one side towards the central fold. Repeat on the other side.

Press the corners inside the boat well on all four sides. Thanks to this, the lower part of the craft will look very neat.

Open it up. Align and straighten where required.

Your paper boat using the origami technique is ready!

Origami boat

How to make a boat like this? It's actually very easy! All you need is a square sheet of paper and 10-12 minutes of free time.

This cute origami is perfect for crafts with children of primary and secondary school age.

Materials and tools:

  • square sheet 15-18 cm;
  • scissors.

Cut a 4 square from an A sheet of paper.

Fold in half horizontally.

Expand. Fold one half of the sheet to the center fold and open.

The other half of the sheet is also folded towards the center line.

Carefully iron the fold, then lift the paper and attach it to the next, third fold. Make a neat bend.

Place the craft vertically.

Fold the top right corner to a vertical fold.

Also fold the upper left corner towards the vertical fold.

Fold the left corner again. Gently press the fold with your fingers.

On the right side, also fold the corner forward one more time.

Change position. Fold the entire bottom edge towards the horizontal center line.

Change position again. Fold the lower right corner to the horizontal center line.

Fold down the entire top part in the origami area where you are currently working.

Turn over to the other side.

Using an accordion, fold the paper over the area to be worked twice. You should stop exactly on the center line of your square.

Place the workpiece in front of you so that all the formed bends are at the bottom on the right side.

Fold the upper left corner to the previously made vertical fold.

Also fold the upper right corner towards the vertical fold.

Fold the corner one more time on the top right side, and again on the top left side.

Change position. On the opposite side, fold the bottom corner to the middle line.

Fold the top side down towards the middle line as well.

Fold the entire top part down along the middle line.

Open one side.

Fold the corner symmetrically to the corner at the back of the craft. Return the paper to its place.

On the other side, also open one gateway. Fold the second corner symmetrically to the existing corner.

Close the paper. Open the craft in the middle.

DIY origami paper boat is ready!

A boat made of colored paper

This most popular summer-themed craft can be made not only using the origami technique. In this master class I will show you how to make such a bright sailboat from colored paper.

Necessary materials:

  • colored half-cardboard in red, yellow and blue tones;
  • skewer;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • ruler;
  • marker;
  • pencil.

We create the frame of a sailboat. To do this, take blue half-cardboard and cut out two identical strips with dimensions of 18 x 2.5 cm.

Using a ruler and pencil, divide each strip into three equal parts. We bend in those places.

Glue the two parts of the boat base together along the sides.

Next we will create a small part of the ship's deck. We use blue half-cardboard again.

Cut out a small rectangle. We measure 1.5 cm from the sides for gluing.

We bend along vertical lines and glue the part into the middle of the ship between the bases.

Now let's prepare a wooden skewer and two pieces of yellow paper of different lengths to create sails.

Create small holes in each rectangle. We insert a skewer through them.

Cut out a small square from a red sheet. Glue it to the deck. We make a small hole along the diameter of the wide part of the skewer. We insert it.

Now we cut out a beautiful flag from red paper that will flutter in the wind. Use a black marker to highlight the contour lines.

Glue the flag to the highest point of the sailboat.

Using a black marker, we draw in the portholes and other important details on the paper boat.

A wonderful paper boat is ready for sea voyages! On the deck you can place small toys of pirates, sailors and the ship's captain.

How to make an applique - paper boat

Another craft option.

See how to make one like this here.

Original options for folding a ship - video tutorials

Ship with a sail using origami technique

How to make a boat out of paper

Original sailboat

Video lesson on folding a ship

Almost all designs for assembling paper boats are not complicated. And with a little practice, you can make them without a diagram. Today there are a great variety of different options for assembling sailboats that a child of any age can master. To do this, you will need various training materials, which today are presented in the form of diagrams, instructions and videos.

This exciting activity will bring pleasure not only to kids, but also to adults. With the onset of spring, children quickly run outside to play, setting their paper fleet afloat. Made from simple materials, they become a simple and accessible game.

Read how to do it here.