What needs to be done so that the husband does not drink: non-traditional ways. What can a woman do so that her husband does not drink

Many women are interested in what to do so that their husband does not drink. This topic often appears in the feeds of women's forums, as well as on various sites. Alcoholism is a terrible disease. And it needs to be fought. Sometimes even a small amount of alcohol consumption is a serious harmful addiction, which needs special attention. What advice and recommendations can be given to a woman to defeat her husband's alcoholism? Is there salvation?

We are looking for a reason

What to do for a husband Most often, alcoholism is a defensive reaction of the body. The thing is that constant stress, failures at work or in bed, scandals at home, as well as just other experiences - all this can lead to the emergence of harmful addictions.

What can I do to prevent my husband from drinking alcohol? The first step is to find out what is the reason for this phenomenon. It is best to normalize the emotional background, try to provide a pleasant and light atmosphere in the house. Then, it is likely that a person will be able to calm down, relax, and also forget about alcohol. Less nerves, more care, affection, love and tranquility.

medical intervention

What can I do to stop my husband from drinking? In fact, if you can’t understand the reasons for the addiction, you need to turn to specialists. A simple addiction to alcohol is recommended to stop immediately. After all, if you bring the matter to alcoholism, you will not be able to solve the problem on your own.

You need to take the man to the doctor and encode. The so-called torpedo is a success. This is a good way to code for alcoholics. Although there are no guarantees that a person will be able to get rid of addiction. As the doctors themselves say, until a man wants to stop drinking alcohol and cure alcoholism, it will not be possible to completely get rid of the problem.

The main nuance is that alcohol-dependent people do not recognize their condition. Therefore, you have to constantly think about how to make a person not drink. The issue is usually solved by different methods, if neither the search for the cause nor the appeal to the doctors helps.


What can be done so that the husband does not drink? If the addiction under study has just begun to be observed, the wife must definitely talk with her soulmate. Without emotions, tantrums and screams. Moreover, it is desirable to select the time so that the husband is in a sober state. One rule should be understood: it is useless to talk on important topics with a drunk or drunk.

You can try to find a replacement for alcohol. Food often helps. Not the most efficient, but quite an interesting approach to solving the problem. It is relevant when the husband himself does not mind getting rid of a bad habit. Instead of alcohol, it is recommended to consume some food or snacks. It is likely that this will help.

Shock therapy

What can I do to make my husband stop drinking forever? The next option sometimes helps, and very well. Psychologists assure that in some situations it is possible to apply the so-called This method is not effective for inveterate alcoholics. But it's good enough for beginners.

When the husband drinks again, you need to set up some kind of shocking situation. One that would be instructive. Each has its own methods of influence. Therefore, you will have to choose the method of shock therapy yourself.

What can I do to stop my husband from drinking? It is also proposed as a sobering and shocking effect to offer to live separately. You need to talk about this when the spouse is not drunk. It is recommended to "go to the mother with the children" and let the husband think about his behavior. A sincerely loving person will perceive such a situation as a shock. This will serve as an incentive to give up alcohol.


The situation under study seriously worries women. In the fight against alcoholism of a husband, many are ready to agree to any measures. Up to the people. Some indicate that various conspiracies help them. It is necessary to read them over a sleeping husband. Or, in general, somehow take the spouse to the witch grandmother, who will heal him.

In fact, there is no efficiency in this method. Conspiracies are more of a myth. Or hope for those who believe in conspiracies, evil eye and corruption. Trying to cure alcoholism in a husband by this method should not be.


But what to do so that the husband does not drink? A more mundane version of "conspiracies" is hypnosis. The thing is that you can try not to encode a person, but to hypnotize him. Set your brain to reject alcohol.

The effectiveness of this method has not been confirmed, but many claim that hypnosis really helped. It should be noted that this kind of approach helps a lot if the spouse is easily suggestible. But for people whose suggestion is not too pronounced, hypnotists and psychologists may not help. There are no guarantees, but as an alternative solution, this option should be considered.


What can be done so that the husband does not drink? Often the answer is disappointing: nothing. As already mentioned, you first need to find out what is the reason for this behavior. If stress is to blame, or just a person has "slipped in the wrong direction," then the situation can be corrected.

But at the same time, it is worth considering the genetic predisposition to alcoholism. The thing is that craving for alcoholic beverages can be inherited. Even after a generation. Therefore, do not be surprised if the husband grew up in a family where someone abused alcohol, and now he is following in the same footsteps.

In this situation, there are no effective methods. You can encode your husband, but over time, alcoholism will still make itself felt. It will manifest itself either quickly or after decades. But it will not be possible to completely forget about the problem. Therefore, it remains either to come to terms with the situation, or to turn to a psychologist for help and get a divorce. The exception is cases in which the husband himself wants to get rid of the addiction. Here you will have to use hypnosis, various medications, and medical help.


And it also happens that husbands begin to drink, as they say, "for the company." For example, with colleagues or friends. At the same time, without them, a person does not feel the desire to drink alcohol at all.

How to solve a similar problem? Protect the husband from the company in which he drinks. It's best to talk to your spouse about it. It is recommended to simply change the circle of communication. For example, make friends with "teetotalers".


Now it’s clear how to make the husband not drink. In fact, there is no single solution to this problem. It is difficult to force a person to give up such a serious addiction. Almost impossible.

It has already been said: until a man wants to, he will not stop drinking. It is advisable to conduct explanatory conversations at the first signs of alcohol abuse. But without tantrums and quarrels. You need to direct your husband, point out to him the danger of his actions. Only then will it be possible to defeat the craving for alcoholic beverages.

What can I do to stop my loved one from drinking? How to help him? A drinking husband, son or mother is a disaster in the family. Such a person is not able to take care of his family, give love and tenderness. The meaning of his life is another dose of alcohol. Life with an alcoholic is hard and joyless, so at the first sign of addiction, you need to take action.

When to sound the alarm

Don't Wait for Your Loved One to Decide to Quit Drinking . After all, the main problem is that dependent people usually do not recognize the existing problem. They confidently state that they can easily quit alcohol any day. You can of course wait for the fulfillment of promises. But, most likely this will not happen, and your loved one, as he drank, will continue to drink.

So, if your husband or son drinks, as he says in moderation, look out for the following symptoms of addiction.

  1. At the mention of alcohol, the mood rises, increased excitement is observed, eyes shine.
  2. There are new occasions or reasons for drinking.
  3. There are mood swings, outbursts of aggression, especially if alcohol is currently banned.
  4. A person, starting to drink, loses control over the amount of alcohol consumed.
  5. Loss of interest in many aspects of life. There are problems in the family and at work.

The one who drinks may not notice any changes in his life. But others should pay attention to such signs and help get rid of excessive cravings for alcoholic beverages. Otherwise, addiction will develop, and it will not be easy to deal with it.

Why is he drinking

Before taking any action, it is very important to understand the causes of frequent drinking. Most often, a person drinks in such cases:

There may be other reasons as well. You need to try to find out and eliminate or change your attitude towards them. To better cope with this problem, you can contact a psychologist. Try to convince the drinker of the need for such a visit. A specialist can also help to recognize the presence of addiction and believe in the need for treatment.

The first step to healing is admitting alcohol addiction

How to deal with a drinker

In order for a wife, husband or son to stop drinking alcohol, you need to be patient and show attention.

Determination of the cause

If your loved one has never abused alcohol and suddenly began to drink regularly, something pushed him to this step. It is very important to understand the causes and try to eradicate them. If this is a heavy loss that cannot be returned, you need to help accept the situation and learn how to live on. If you cannot do this on your own, you should contact a psychotherapist. Sessions with a specialist will help you cope with the shock, stop drinking and return to a normal rhythm of life.

Leisure organization

It is very important that free time is occupied, because some people start drinking out of boredom. When there is nothing to do, going out to places of entertainment, gatherings with friends over a bottle of vodka or wine become more frequent. It is not uncommon for a man or woman to drink alone after a working day, not knowing how to organize their leisure time in a different way.

Try to convey that you can relax in another way. This is not difficult to do if you know what your loved one is interested in. Maybe it's fishing or hunting. Or maybe he likes to do something with his own hands. Give yourself the opportunity to devote a few hours to your favorite hobby. This is especially important for people who are overly loaded with work and life, they often see relaxation in alcohol. Having been given the opportunity to escape from everyday stress in this way, they increasingly use this method of relaxation and, as a result, become an inveterate drunkard.

Plan your days off in advance. You can organize a holiday in the countryside with friends or go horseback riding with the whole family. If the weather does not allow, organize a small house party. Prepare something delicious, you can make original non-alcoholic cocktails. Children can prepare interesting contests or games. Such leisure will be exciting and help to get closer.

Sports and physical activity

An active lifestyle gives energy and a positive attitude to life. If a person for a long time drank, he just needs feasible physical activity. No need to choose a hard sport, classes should be gentle. It is worth remembering that alcohol abuse affects health, especially the cardiovascular system suffers. It is very useful in this case to go swimming or horseback riding. However, you can choose any sport, the main thing is that it gives pleasure.

If you have a summer cottage, you can grow vegetables or flowers. Such a pastime will be not only useful, but also enjoyable. Having received the result from his work, a person will feel pride and self-satisfaction.

Traditional addiction treatment

If alcoholism has passed into the second or third stage, it is difficult to help only with such actions, the help of a psychologist and a narcologist will be required. These specialists will help convey to the person that he is sick and needs treatment. With a doctor, you can choose the most suitable method. They can be roughly divided into three types.

In order for the treatment to be effective, it is important to have a positive attitude towards healing and completely eliminate the use of alcoholic beverages.

Folk ways

It is not always possible to convince the patient of the need to be treated by a narcologist. In this case, folk remedies are used. But it is worth remembering that they are effective only at the initial stage of the disease.

To help someone who drinks, you need to put a lot of effort and patience. But in any case, it will give its results. Do not despair, if the first time you do not succeed in doing this, try new ways. With the help of specialists and the support of loved ones, a person can get rid of alcoholism and return to a full life.

All materials on our site are intended for those who care about their health. But we do not recommend self-medication - each person is unique, and one or another means and methods cannot be used without consulting a doctor. Be healthy!

A drinking husband is always grief for the whole family. He is not able to take care of loved ones and brings them nothing but trouble, so when the first signs of alcoholism appear, you need to start fighting this problem.

First you need to understand why the husband drinks. This can happen in the following cases:

  • lack of understanding in the family, so alcohol can cause a feeling of happiness and satisfaction with life;
  • failures and problems at work;
  • lack of a normal income and a good job, which makes it impossible to support a family and causes a feeling of helplessness;
  • constant use of alcohol in the family where the man grew up;
  • separation from a loved one, as well as his death. Alcohol is often viewed by people as the only way to numb the pain and stress of losing a loved one;
  • heredity, but this happens very rarely;
  • dissatisfaction with one's life;
  • traditions, which means the need for drinking on all important occasions from the point of view of an alcoholic: buying a home, raising salaries, birthdays, New Year's holidays, corporate parties and others;
  • With the constant use of alcohol, there is a disruption in the functioning of all body systems, therefore, to restore cell performance, it requires an even larger dose. This forms an addiction to alcohol.

Also, the husband’s alcoholism has other reasons, so you need to start treatment precisely with their clarification. Then you should remove them or, if this is not possible, try to change the attitude towards them. IN this case a professional psychologist can help, to which you need to come with your husband. The specialist will quickly identify the signs and symptoms of alcohol addiction and convince the drinking husband to start treatment.

Signs of alcoholism

The symptoms of this disease are as follows:

  • raising mood even at the mere mention of alcohol, as well as an excited and joyful state before drinking alcohol;
  • search for reasons for the constant intake of alcohol;
  • sudden mood swings and aggressiveness when it is impossible to drink;
  • lack of control over the amount of alcohol consumed;
  • problems at work and in the family;
  • the ability to withstand large doses of alcohol;
  • withdrawal syndrome, that is, the constant need to increase the amount of alcohol.

Treatment Methods


Alcoholism can be treated with special medications prescribed by a doctor. They cause a persistent aversion to taking alcohol, so the patient stops drinking altogether. These drugs may be given as tablets or injections. There are also alternative medical treatments for alcohol dependence.

These include acupuncture and laser exposure. Acupuncture involves the impact of needles on certain points on the body, which allows you to permanently get rid of cravings for alcohol. With the help of a laser, it is possible not only to remove dependence on alcohol, but also to improve the functioning of all internal organs.

Folk remedies

For the treatment of drunkenness in Russia, the beneficial properties of plants have long been used. Among the most popular herbs for getting rid of alcoholism, the following were used: wormwood, thyme, centaury. But many plants, including those listed above, have toxic substances in their composition. Therefore, you need to correctly observe the dosage and take these natural medicines with caution, taking into account all the characteristics of the body.

Among the most famous recipes for drunkenness are the following:

  • thyme, Bogorodskaya grass and thyme should be taken 15 grams each. Then they need to be crushed and pour a glass of boiling water. After the herb has been infused for 20 minutes, you can give your husband a drink;
  • you need to take 10 grams of bearberry leaves, finely crush them and then pour water, one glass. On low heat, this composition is kept for about 20 minutes. Then the decoction can be taken one tablespoon several times a day;
  • To wean an alcoholic to drink, you can try the following method. Take dry birch firewood, sprinkle it heavily with sugar and set it on fire. When the fire flares up, it will need to be extinguished. Then you should let the alcoholic breathe the smoke from this fire for 10 minutes. Then he is given one glass of vodka to drink. It is not known how this method works, but in folk medicine there is an opinion that he will no longer drink alcohol;
  • taking the herb Leuzea safflower-like, as well as thyme, helps to cure her husband's drunkenness. These herbs are incompatible with alcohol. If they are taken with him, then the patient will begin to vomit. In the future, a persistent rejection of alcohol may develop;
  • if you drink a decoction of St. John's wort, you can get rid of alcohol addiction in 10 days. To prepare a decoction, you need 4 tbsp. l herbs pour ½ boiling water. Then it must be put in a water bath and kept for 30 minutes. You need to drink the decoction cold before meals 2 times a day;
  • well helps from the alcoholism of her husband and a decoction of unpeeled oats. Oats with husks should be placed in a three-liter pan to the top. Pour in water and boil for 30 minutes. After that, the broth must be drained and add calendula in the form of flowers to it, about 100 grams. Wrap the pan in a towel and leave for 12 hours. Then you can give your husband 3 times a day before meals. In total, you need to drink a glass of broth at a time;
  • help from alcoholism and mint drops. Peppermint leaves are poured with one glass of vodka or alcohol. It takes a week to insist. On a glass of cold water, you need to drop 20 drops of mint tincture and drink it to a drunk person.
  • mildly acting include eating fresh fruits of barberry and its juice, as well as raspberries and sour apples. These products suppress dependence on alcohol.


This method is considered by many doctors to be the most effective for getting rid of alcoholism, but the patient must decide on his own to refuse to take alcohol.

The doctor will require the written consent of the patient to this procedure and explain to him all the consequences of further alcohol consumption. A special drug based on disulfiram is injected under the patient's skin or into his vein.

It allows you to block the synthesis of enzymes in the liver that produce the breakdown of ethyl alcohol. After that, the patient will not be able to tolerate alcohol and he will develop an aversion to these drinks. Even if he drinks a little alcohol, such unpleasant symptoms as nausea, vomiting, dizziness immediately appear. In some cases, a person may end up in a hospital bed or die.

Thus, for the success of this method, a strong desire of the alcoholic to cure this addiction, as well as a complete refusal to drink, is necessary.

Psychological help

Hypnosis is one of the most important psychological methods of treatment. It should be used only with the desire and consent of the patient, as the doctor affects his subconscious. This method gives the patient a setting for a complete rejection of the use of alcoholic beverages. There is also a suggestion about the possibility of a sober life that brings joy and happiness. This method will be especially effective if the patient is highly suggestible.

Placing a patient in a rehabilitation center is also one of the most effective methods of dealing with a husband's drunkenness. This allows you to tear him away from his usual lifestyle and friends. In addition to eliminating the symptoms of alcoholism, much attention is paid to restoring the mental health of the individual, so the treatment is carried out in a complex.

Not everyone believes in God, but when the husband starts drinking in the family, most women come to church. Their prayers bring long-awaited success and the husband stops drinking.

There is a special icon of the Mother of God "", which helps to quickly get rid of this disease. But you can pray to the Mother of God at any of her icons. You can also go to the monastery with your drinking husband to quickly find a way out of this situation.

In any case, the one who seeks will always find a way out. You should fight for your husband and not give up, then the treatment will give the expected result. Only in this case, you can return a person to a full life.

  • You can not constantly control your husband, as well as manipulate or threaten him. A wife may lose her strength in vain, but this will not affect her husband in any way;
  • you don’t need to forcefully drag your husband to be treated or secretly pour drugs into his vodka. If you combine the actions of medications or folk methods with alcohol, you can get an unpredictable reaction. The husband must take responsibility for his own life;
  • it is impossible to deny her husband food, shelter in the house and intimacy in a sober state, manipulating in this way. The husband must feel loved;
  • you should not protect him at work, pay off his debts, create conditions for constant drinking, put him to bed and take care of him. He himself must understand what his alcoholism leads to and ask for help.
  • in no case should you make scandals, but it is better to take care of your life, including your favorite thing.

An alcoholic is a real disaster for his family. A drunk person is a danger both to himself and to others.

drinking husband

In cases where he becomes aggressive after drinking, there is an even greater threat to the health and life of others. If a husband drinks every day, is unwilling to do anything to help change his own lifestyle, his wife will have to make a choice - either she or he. So say all the advice of a psychologist.

There is no third

Living in one with an alcohol lover day after day is quite problematic - it destroys a woman, her health, psyche and life itself. You can leave a drinking man forever and, no matter how difficult it is, it will be even better than becoming a victim of codependency of his weakness. When alcohol began to become a part of the life of a person who does not want to cure this disease, his significant other, without their knowledge, risks:

  • convince yourself that it is she who is the cause of her husband's drunkenness;
  • start doing everything to turn your loved one's addiction to alcohol into a secret;
  • throw all your strength into ensuring that the drunkard is comfortable in the house and in the process of drinking, and after it;
  • strive by all means to help the alcoholic to cope with his debts and other problems with the outside world;
  • get used to being proud of how selflessly she bears the burden of responsibility and every day she bears all the hardships of existence.

All of the above are the reasons why a woman becomes co-dependent, because of which she completely dissolves in the problems of her husband's alcoholism. You can avoid this, you just need to do everything to persuade or force the drunkard to help him realize the need for treatment. In extreme cases, it will be possible to help a drinking husband without his consent and even knowledge, for example, to discourage him from drinking by pouring funds into alcohol to form a sustainable aversion to his taste and smell. However, as the advice of a psychologist says, in order for therapy to become truly effective, a man needs to begin to want to get rid of addiction.

Our regular reader shared an effective method that saved her husband from ALCOHOLISM. It seemed that nothing would help, there were several codings, treatment at the dispensary, nothing helped. An effective method recommended by Elena Malysheva helped. ACTIVE METHOD

Non-traditional methods

It must be admitted that it is extremely rare for a drinking man to be forced to get rid of addiction. However, this can be done without his knowledge. Help to do this can:

Take the rapid test and receive a free brochure "Drunken Alcoholism and How to Cope with It".

Did you have any relatives in your family who went into long-term "binge drinking"?

Do you "hangover" the day after drinking a large dose of alcohol?

Do you get "easier" if you "hangover" (drink) sutra after a stormy feast?

What is your usual blood pressure?

Do you have an "acute" desire to "drink" after taking a small dose of alcohol?

Do you have self-confidence, looseness after drinking alcohol?

  • folk remedies (decoctions, infusions);
  • metaphysical methods (prayer, conspiracy).

Folk methods are usually effective if he started drinking relatively recently. You can pour your husband into alcohol drugs based on plants:

  • European hoof;
  • thyme;
  • wormwood;
  • lovage;
  • centaury;
  • noble laurel.

Sometimes a man's wife tries to cure her husband almost against his will. She adds, without his knowledge, to alcoholic beverages such dubious means as:

  • crushed cancer shells;
  • ground hot red pepper;
  • green bugs.

Important: before you wean your husband from alcohol, you should definitely consult a doctor - he will talk about unpredictable side effects, from which the treatment will become life-threatening.

Faith Healing

When all the advice of a psychologist and all the recipes of alternative medicine have been tried, a woman has to go to extreme measures. No, do not try to forcefully deliver him to a drug treatment clinic. The very last attempt to cure a beloved man without his consent and even knowledge is prayer.

Believers believe that alcohol primarily affects not so much the body as the soul of a person. If the husband drinks, he is possessed by the “green serpent” that has taken possession of the immortal soul without the knowledge of the drinker. Prayer can make him leave the body of an alcoholic husband if the wife sincerely asks for it in front of the icon of the Mother of God "Inexhaustible Chalice", praying for quenching spiritual thirst and finding joy and comfort for her beloved spouse.

There are referrals to:

  • John of Kronstadt;
  • Reverend Moses Murin;
  • healer Panteleimon;
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker;
  • Matrona of Moscow;
  • Martyr Boniface.

Prayer will help cure mental and bodily cravings for alcoholic beverages. You can pronounce it in the church in front of the icons of Jesus Christ, the Mother of God and the Holy Saints, or you can pray at home, provided that the requests addressed to the higher power are sincere and are pronounced with a pure heart.

If the drinking person himself wanted to cure himself, he would have to attend a service in the church with the blessing of water to Jesus Christ, the Holy Mother of God, the martyr Boniface and the healer Panteleimon. Consecrated water, like prayer, will become one of the medicines against alcohol.

Not the most orthodox ways

Women who are ready to do anything and grasp at any straw. Among the methods that they are ready to use, there is not only prayer, but also a conspiracy.

Important: a conspiracy is not a prayer. Conspiracies are not approved by the Church and, even if they are able to cure a person, believers are not recommended to resort to their help. Magical rituals are the means of treatment with which the wives of alcoholics operate at their own peril and risk. If this does not scare you, you can try this technique. As the psychologist's advice says, no help will be superfluous, especially if the husband has strong faith in supernatural powers.

Read on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday. The ritual can be done with water, food, fire, wax, photograph, hair and nails of the "patient". There are so-called "cemetery" conspiracies and rituals with a widow's ring.

Means are justified

The modern world offers women a unique opportunity to get rid of the problem of a drinking husband once and for all - divorce. And many wives resort to this method if their man began to drink heavily. All the more respect deserves those who are trying their best to save the family, not dissolving in the problem of their spouse, but trying to do everything in such a way as to cure him. Consultations and advice from a psychologist, the addition of unknown means, prayer and conspiracy - everything is being used so that he begins to return to normal life.

Probably, any woman whose husband is regularly applied to the bottle asks the question more than once or twice a day - How to make your husband stop drinking? And there is nothing surprising in this. Life with a drinking man always turns into hell, which lasts for many years, and sometimes for a lifetime.

Why is it necessary to force a husband to stop drinking?

How does a married woman live, whose strong half does not touch alcohol? She lives in happiness. She is always confident in the future. She knows for sure that any problems that may arise in her life will be resolved in the shortest possible time by her chosen one. Almost always, there are no financial problems in such families - even if a woman stays at home and raises children, a man who does not drink on principle earns enough money so that his family does not need anything.

How does a woman live who would like to force her husband to stop drinking, but cannot achieve any success in this field? Her life is one of constant stress and fear. She knows very well that her husband can disappear from home for several days along with the entire salary or even family savings saved for a "rainy day", and then return in the company of unfamiliar men and women, in a completely insane state. She never knows what she will see at home when she gets back from work - perhaps her husband fell asleep with a cigarette and burned down, destroying all the property acquired in his life. Children are often beaten up. No one deals with them, which would allow them to reach their maximum potential in life, and they certainly will not have a worthy example of what a real man should be. Of course, it is very difficult for such a person to get a job, so their wives often have to drag the whole family on themselves, working two or three jobs and managing not only to earn utility bills, some food and cheap clothes for themselves and children, but also for a drink to her husband.
Isn't it amazing how terrible the difference between these two families is? But the only difference is that in one there is an alcoholic, and in the other, all members are well aware that alcohol is an unacceptable evil.

Is it possible to force a husband to stop drinking?

Of course, any woman whose husband drinks at least from time to time often wonders - Is it possible to force a husband to stop drinking? Alas, as practice shows, it is almost impossible to do this. Still, alcoholism is an individual evil of each person, so it is simply impossible to force him to give it up.

So what to do so that the husband does not drink?

First of all, look around. How tidy are you and your home? Often men simply start drinking because life turns its back on them, and there is not the slightest hope of a light in it. So maybe by changing yourself and your life, you will set a positive example for your husband? Just try to talk to him and find out what he lacks in life, what void is he trying to fill with alcohol? Sometimes it is a heart-to-heart talk that allows an alcoholic to look at himself from the outside, to understand how many mistakes he has made, and as a result of this, he simply begins to lead a completely different lifestyle, in which there is simply no place for vodka and any other alcohol. Just remember - you can't force your husband to stop drinking alcohol.. Only psychological support and a demonstration of one's readiness to always help a loved one, to solve any problems together, can really provide invaluable support in the most neglected situations.

What to do if you failed to get your husband to stop drinking?

Alas, very often there are situations when a person has fallen and degraded so much that he physically cannot live without alcohol. The body - the liver, brain and other organs - are so affected by poison that a person has actually ceased to be a person. What to do in such a situation? Alas, the answer is simple.

You just need to get a divorce, cut off any contact with this person and start living for yourself and your loved ones.
Many women are ready to endure fear, beatings and humiliation for children, firmly believing that children need a father, even such. All this is just speculation and fear of change. It is better to let the children grow up without a father than they will constantly be beaten, live in poverty and simply hate their parent. A strong and intelligent woman will always be able to raise her children so that they become people, and not repeat the path of their father.

Of course, in no case should you try to stay with your degraded husband longer than the situation requires. Never try to understand it by keeping company over a bottle. This is the beginning of the path into the abyss into which your husband is already rolling.
But sometimes it's better to just not bring it up. After all, any narcologist knows perfectly well that the path to alcoholism begins with a glass of vodka or a bottle of beer. So if you succeed in persuading make my husband stop drinking beer, you can quietly rejoice - for sure you saved both him and your whole destiny. So, you won the terrible duel for your own happiness.