How to marry a man according to your zodiac sign. How to marry a man and is it really possible to do it? How to marry a guy faster

...I'm getting married, I'm getting married - what kind of toys can there be...

Most women and girls dream of a wedding and family life. Marriage does not guarantee us eternal love, but it gives us confidence in the future. Many girls ask questions:

- “Why, my friends get married, but my relationship with a man is limited only to meetings and sex”;

- “Why doesn’t a man have the desire to propose to me?”

- “How to marry a man?”

So how can you marry a man, or, more simply, how can you make a man want to marry you?

The patterns that lead a man to desire to get married will be discussed in this article.

When I was still an unmarried girl, I was surprised and upset by the fact that when I fell in love, relationships with the opposite sex always ended in separation. On the contrary, men for whom I did not have strong feelings sought to win my hand and heart. The thing is that when we fall in love, we begin to idealize the relationship. We open up too much to a man. I don’t mean declarations of love, it’s just that our feelings become visible to the naked eye. We explain the actions of men who speak of their disinterest in us as mysterious and come up with various worthy excuses for them. And let’s continue to non-verbally broadcast the question - How to marry a man???

When a man is not very interested in us, we behave naturally and independently. This is what attracts men to us.

I don't encourage girls to remain indifferent. Love is a wonderful feeling that inspires us and makes us happy. I encourage you to be reasonable and far-sighted, even in those moments when the fire is raging in your soul.

What makes men propose?

1. Attractiveness

“It’s rags and love notes that make a woman attractive” - I read this statement in some book. The essence of this phrase is as follows: a woman should look good, dress with taste, take care of herself and arouse the interest of many men.

Clothing should highlight your femininity. Femininity is not when all the charms are visible at first sight, but when, when looking at you, men have a desire to lift the veil of secrecy - what is hidden under clothes. Too revealing, sexy clothes may make you want to have sex, but it is unlikely to propose marriage.

The most feminine outfit is a good dress. Whatever your figure, you can definitely highlight your strengths in it. If you want to get married, then of all the things in your wardrobe there should be dresses! Beautiful - hair and makeup in pastel colors will add soft confidence to your appearance. All men like well-groomed women. Love your appearance, devote time to it, and men will pay attention to you.

Let's move on to the "love notes." Your chosen one must understand that you are interesting not only to him. Every man is a conqueror. If he sees that the girl he wants to conquer is no longer interesting to anyone, the man will have a question: is this girl worth his efforts?

On the contrary, if several gentlemen are fighting for the heart of a lady, then the object is truly worthy. Such a girl should not think about how to marry a man. If a man emerges victorious in this battle, it emphasizes his “toughness.” You need to approach this game wisely. You should not demonstrate that you may be interested in several men at the same time. The task is to show that you are interesting to many, but at the same time you are a very constant and loyal girl. If you have chosen a man for yourself, then only he will be the subject of your attention. In this case, the man will take you seriously, and at the same time he will understand that if he loses you, you will not suffer alone.

2. Self-esteem

For some women, this quality is passed on through genes, or it is instilled in them by their parents from childhood. If you do not have self-esteem, you definitely need to develop it. Men, one way or another, subconsciously or consciously, will check whether you have it or not. Remember the wise phrase “We are treated the way we allow ourselves to be treated.” Under no circumstances should you show a man that you are concerned about the question - how to marry a man)))

One of my friends, a very pretty girl, is not having a serious relationship with the opposite sex. She falls in love, suffers, and then gets abandoned. Once at a New Year's party, my friend and I saw this picture. An acquaintance was waiting for a call from her boyfriend. They agreed that after the party, a friend would pick her up. Without waiting for the call, she called him herself and heard the following phrase: “Baby, I’m so tired, take a taxi and come to me.” And she went, despite our assurances that this should not be done under any circumstances. Of course, not even a month had passed since she was abandoned.

Never let men humiliate you, even if you don’t consider the relationship serious. If your behavior depends only on the desire or reluctance of the young man, then this relationship is doomed to failure. If a man doesn’t keep his promises, doesn’t listen to your opinion, endlessly emphasizes his freedom, and flirts with other girls in your presence, it means he doesn’t respect you.

If you allow him to continue to behave this way, he will soon become bored with you, with all the ensuing consequences. Don't be afraid to set conditions and highlight your interests. In this case, the likelihood that the man will change his attitude towards you is significantly high. But if the situation does not change, feel free to leave this young man. Don't waste your precious time. Perhaps he is a pathological boor and an ill-mannered person. Nothing good will come of this in family relationships.

One day, my boyfriend (who later became my husband) and I were invited to a wedding by friends. In the waiting room for the bride and groom, my friend approached a girl and they struck up a conversation. They talked for a long time and laughed. And I stood in the company of friends and was simply indignant! And it wasn't that I was jealous. I knew for sure that I was loved, and this girl was not the subject of my boyfriend’s interests.

But I was outraged by the fact that I was being treated with extreme disrespect. In front of everyone, my friend left me aside and devoted a very long time to another girl. I wasn't against him interacting with the opposite sex, but this wasn't how it should have happened. He had to introduce us to each other, and give me the opportunity to leave their conversation if it seemed uninteresting to me.

Of course, I didn’t make a scene of jealousy in front of everyone. But when their communication ended, and my friend decided to return to my company, I did not give him the opportunity to do this. I didn’t notice him all evening, I talked with his friends and my girlfriends. My friend couldn't wait until the party was over so he could be alone with me to talk. He guessed the reason for my coldness.

Of course, a friend told me that this was his former classmate, etc. I explained to my chosen one how I felt in this situation. He asked for forgiveness, and such insinuations were not repeated among us. There were other moments when I felt uncomfortable because of some of his actions. The friend did not do them intentionally.

Perhaps other girls had previously allowed him to do similar things, and for this reason he considered them the norm. Perhaps the fact that I constantly emphasized that I demanded respect, and not just love, made a man want to propose to me.

Remember, a man can introduce you as his wife only if he respects you.

3. Independence

Under no circumstances show your chosen one that you depend on his decision to make you happy. One of my friends met the man of her dreams, and of course she really wanted to marry him. But until the last moment she kept her mark. Soon the young man invited her to move in with him. After his divorce from his first wife, he did not offer cohabitation to any girl.

By this act, he wanted to emphasize that their relationship had entered a serious phase, but this was not yet a marriage proposal. Of course she wanted to live together. But my friend took time to think. She made it clear to the young man that she was used to living alone and this had its advantages, and that the question of how to marry a man definitely did not arise for her.

The friend demonstrated to her man that it was not he who made her happy with his invitation, but she, by agreeing to live with him, compromised her habits and thereby demonstrated her trust in him. She constantly made it clear that if they separated, she would not disappear. She is a completely independent person. The man proposed to her, because otherwise he could lose her.

Your independence should also manifest itself in the presence of personal interests and hobbies. A man must understand that your life is filled not only with him.

I have a cousin, a very successful and quite wealthy man. After his first unsuccessful marriage, he just can’t meet the woman he would like to propose to. Moreover, he purposefully searches, meets girls, and does not find them. Once I asked him “Who are you looking for? There are so many free, beautiful, smart girls around, is there really no worthy one?”

“I want her to be smart, beautiful, understanding, caring and definitely strive for something. I tried to realize myself. It doesn’t matter who she will be - a businesswoman or a teacher, the main thing is that she is captivated by something other than me. Only with such a person will I be interested.”

4. Women's weakness

It would seem, how can you be an independent and at the same time a weak wife? This is possible. You need to emphasize your weakness in the little things. Ask a man to help you sort out a difficult situation, fix a shelf for you in your apartment, or bring medicine when you are sick. Give a man the opportunity to take care of you, realize his masculine significance, and use his strength and intelligence. Just don't do it too often.

5. Compliments

Who among us doesn't like compliments? Praise your chosen one. Highlight his best qualities. Appreciate achievements. Do it sincerely. If a man next to you feels like the “king of the world,” he will want this feeling to last as long as possible.

6. Optimism

Which of us likes sad people? A woman who is always complaining about her fate cannot arouse the interest of a man for a long time. Be cheerful, exude optimism and then the man will be comfortable in your company. He will want the celebration of life to always be nearby. During my student years, when there was no Internet yet, young people very often met on the street. I remember when my friends and I were walking, cheerfully discussing something, crumpled, they were sure to try to get to know us.

7. Attention to the hobbies of the chosen one

People who have something to talk about are interested in being together. Find out as much as possible about how your man lives, what interests him, what he is interested in, what books he reads, what films he watches. It is not at all necessary to agree with his opinion on all points. You can argue or agree - the main thing is not to be indifferent. Be an interesting conversationalist, and then he will not want to look for communication on the side. Tell him about your hobbies, maybe they will interest him too. Look for as many points of contact between your interests as possible.

8. Rules of conduct

The man is a hunter. And no matter how much you want to force things, you cannot forget about the nature of male behavior. At the stage of the candy-bouquet period, the most active actions you can take is the process of getting to know each other. A girl can take the first step to attract a man's attention. This strategic moment must be used to the maximum.

Once, even before marriage, I was in a club, and one man caught my attention. He was the center of attention as he was the organizer of the party. And I was sitting in a circle of friends and didn’t really stand out from the general background. I invited him to a slow dance myself. During the dance we met, I expressed my admiration for the organization of the event, and complimented him. He sensed my interest.

After the dance, I no longer paid attention to his person. We were chatting happily with our friends, and I didn’t even look in his direction. Of course, the man was intrigued, and he himself began to take active steps.

Do not impose yourself on a man under any circumstances. Especially at the first stage of your meetings. Let him plan the process of winning your attention. Let the man be the initiator of calls and dates. And if he is very interested, try to spend time with him as often as possible.

Simply put, it’s not you who should think about how to marry a man, but the man who should think about how to make you want to marry him!

Let him get used to your presence. But a break is still needed. The moment when it is needed must be felt. When you realize that a man is already very passionate, disappear from his sight for a while. Don't warn him about your absence. Let him be tormented by doubts and feel how much he misses you. And when you return, be sure to provide an important reason for your absence. A man should not think that you are frivolous.

9. Attitude towards money and gifts

Your behavior when a man pays and gives you gifts is also a very important and subtle nuance. If you emphasize that a man is obliged to give expensive gifts and take him to prestigious restaurants, you will become like a prostitute. But they don’t marry prostitutes, they are kept.

I am always surprised by the behavior of some girls, for whom it is important that an acquaintance takes them to restaurants, treats them to expensive dishes and rare drinks. Telling their friends about the coolness of the restaurant, they will not be able to hide their attitude towards this fact and the man.

It turns out that in a relationship with a man, what is important to them is not his attention, not his personality, but free food, even in an expensive restaurant. And this will be worse than prostitution. It turns out they sell themselves for food. A man will definitely feel it. His attitude will be appropriate. Of course, you don’t need to be like feminists and offer to pay yourself on every occasion. If you are invited to a restaurant, let the man know that the most important thing this evening is him. You enjoy being with him. Do not order the most expensive and rare dishes; in some cases it will be better to let the man choose.

10. Housework

"The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." Really, who doesn't like to eat delicious food? Your ability to cook, most likely, will not be the decisive factor, but if you are excellent in this matter, the young man simply will have no choice. What can bring you together the most is cooking dinner together. Firstly, there will be an opportunity to find out your boyfriend’s culinary preferences, and secondly, this ritual is very reminiscent of a family idyll.

11. Gaining the authority of loved ones

There will come a time when a man wants to introduce you to his friends, people close to him, and possibly his parents. This is your chance to strengthen your position. Your task is to charm them. Positive reviews about you will give an additional incentive to a man to decide to connect his life with you.

Under no circumstances should you flirt with your partner's friends. You will be perceived as a girl of easy virtue. The best way to get them to praise you is to behave naturally, joke, tell interesting stories, listen carefully to other storytellers, ask relevant questions, etc. You need to behave with more restraint with your parents and demonstrate your respect for them as much as possible. When meeting with your parents, choose more modest clothing. Older people are critical of frivolity in clothing.

12. Seriousness of intentions

In many articles devoted to this topic, I read the following thought: “There is no need to put pressure on a man to decide to propose to you.” Some women are really not interested in the issue of legal marriage; it is quite enough for them to be together and love each other. But this article is not for them. This article is for those who really want to get married!

I do not agree with the above statement that you need to pretend that the issue of wedding and marriage does not interest you. This is an outright lie, and by following these tips, you yourself will lead the relationship in a direction that is not in the direction you expect.

I have one friend. She met her chosen one ten years ago. He fell in love with her and proposed to live together. They are still together and have two children. Quite a prosperous family. Recently, my friend and I had to fill out documents and at that moment it turned out that she had a maiden name. I asked her a question, why didn’t they legalize their relationship? And she heard the answer that her man never proposed, but her friend did not insist, because they were already happy together, and official marriage was only a formality. But why was she so uncomfortable saying her maiden name?

This is not the saddest outcome of events. Most often, people meet, fall in love, live together for a while, and then separate. And for some reason, the man to whom he sang the possibility of sincerity in a relationship only without a stamp in his passport, leads another girl down the aisle.

I believe that it is necessary to raise the question of the seriousness of intentions. You just need to do it in a timely manner.

If your relationship has just begun, at the height of romance, the so-called candy-bouquet period, talking about a wedding can really scare a man away. But if you have been living together for more than a year, he says words of love to you and does not propose, you need to ask yourself the question of how serious he is about you. Of course, no stamp in your passport will guarantee eternal love.

An official proposal only says that your chosen one plans to be with you all his life. And if there is no offer, it means the man doesn’t think so, and no longer believes in the sincerity and seriousness of his feelings. But how can you give birth to children, be confident in the future, if at any moment a man can say: “We are free people and I have decided to break up with you.”

I believe that by living with a woman for a long time and not proposing to her, a man thereby humiliates her dignity. He demonstrates to her and everyone around him that his feelings and intentions are not serious.

One of my friends found herself in this situation. They had been dating a young man for over a year. He confessed his love to her. But he was in no hurry to propose marriage. Then she decided to have a serious conversation. She said that she loved him too, that she wanted to marry him.

But she also understands that his attitude towards her is not serious enough to propose. The friend wants to start a family and is already ready for this step, and considers it a humiliation for herself to continue this relationship that is unclear to her. Therefore, she decided to leave. What did her chosen one do? He ran for flowers, got down on his knee and proposed to her.

So I forced you to take this step? my friend asked him.

I would make it myself later. I just wanted to become more wealthy first, because today you earn more than me.

They have been married for several years. And now his salary significantly exceeds that of my friend. But I am sure that if the friend had allowed the chosen one to wait for this bright moment, and it came two years later, after her ultimatum, these people would have fled like ships at sea.

And I know many such cases. Men have various excuses to delay the moment when they sign up for their lack of freedom. But if a man values ​​a woman and really doesn’t want to lose her, he will take this step. He just needs help sometimes.

The principled conversation I described can only happen once. And having decided on it, you must be sure that if such a conversation is not followed by a marriage proposal, you will really end this connection. The lack of a positive reaction from a man to your ultimatum will only confirm the fact that his intentions are not serious. And if there are no feelings, why waste time?

Remember, the most important thing is that men are divided into two categories:

Those who, in principle, are not going to get married (there are very few of them) and, of course, we are not interested in them. If you understand that a man is a pathological bachelor, do not waste your precious time on him.

Most men want to get married. They are simply looking for exactly the woman with whom they want to live a family life. And how to show him that you are exactly that woman is described above.

Reading time: 2 min

How to marry a man - this question is of interest to many representatives of the fair sex who want to tie themselves in hymen knots with the chosen one. Do not despair if all attempts to date have been doomed to failure. It should be remembered that in love, all methods are good, so you need to achieve your goal if you really like the man.

How can you marry a man if he doesn’t talk about it? The main rule on the path to one’s cherished desire is that the chosen one should under no circumstances immediately find out that the woman wants to marry him. This can scare him and push him away from you, since men have a different psychology from women. Men's view of the world is different and parting with freedom does not flatter them.

How to marry a man if he does not notice the woman, but only sees her as a good comrade? Don't despair. A woman will be able to captivate the man she desires only with bold and decisive actions and, of course, one hundred percent confidence that she really needs him.

So, the first step to marry a man is to search for information about your chosen one. You need to find out all the possible information about your lover. The presence of common interests will favorably contribute to the formation of attachment, since common interests are an inexhaustible topic for leisurely joint conversations. It should be remembered that every man has his own standard of beauty and ideal of femininity, the character of his future life partner. Therefore, if a woman knows what kind of women he likes, then we can assume that half the key to the heart of a representative of the stronger half is already in his hands.

However, in this case, the woman may be faced with pitfalls, since when planning to spend the rest of her life with this man, it would be better to remain herself. Because there is a danger that the chosen one will fall in love not with a woman, but with an invented image. The next male feature that should be taken into account in the fight for the heart of a representative of the stronger half is that for the most part a man loves with his eyes. Therefore, if a woman previously preferred a comfortable sporty style or a business look, then she needs to go shopping to update her wardrobe, which will make her more feminine, attractive and give her appearance elegance and mystery.

A man whom a woman seeks to conquer must see her as a woman with a capital letter. But in the pursuit of changing your image, you must not overdo it. The representative of the stronger half should have room for flight of imagination in order to create a desire to find out what is hiding under the clothes. Dressing stylishly, beautifully, elegantly, but at the same time looking feminine, attractive and seductive is an entire art that is important to comprehend in order to fight for the heart of a representative of the stronger half.

It often happens that a man liked a girl outwardly, but after communicating with her, she stopped liking her. This happens because the stronger half values ​​\u200b\u200ba woman. They like representatives of the beautiful part of the population who are interesting and smart, who know how to carry on a conversation. It is important to remember that men like women who are not overly emotional, who are reasonable, reasonable, who are not only able to maintain a conversation at the proper level, but also who know how to listen. Therefore, if a woman has a conversation with a representative of the stronger half, to whom her heart is aimed, then she should remind herself that he is not a girlfriend with whom you can chat incessantly, listing any events.

A man should be constantly surprised to keep his interest. A girl about whom everything is known becomes uninteresting. An active demonstration of a woman's confidence in her own attractiveness will help keep a man's attention on herself. If a woman has complexes that relate to external attractiveness, then you should not mention them to your chosen one. A girl who is confident in herself and her own beauty will always look more desirable and seductive.

Often in long-term relationships there comes a point when the woman wants to get married, but the man would gladly not do this. Every woman wants to feel desired and loved and someday hear the cherished words: “marry me.” How to achieve what you want?

If your loved one offers to move in with him, then it is better to immediately carefully clarify: “is the period of civil marriage only the beginning of our relationship?” And you should roughly indicate the period for checking the strength of your relationship. If your chosen one says that you can live like this for 10 years, then you should not immediately agree to move in with him.

If a woman has been living in a civil marriage for a long time and she is worried about why a man does not propose, then it is better to ask him directly about it, choosing the right moment. If the answer to the question is that he will think about it and discuss it with you later, then this is great, but if he says that there is no money for this, so good, there is no time, then it is worth thinking: is such a relationship necessary?

So, if, nevertheless, the decision to live together has been made, but the desire to marry a man persists, then you must adhere to the following basic rules of the ideal woman:

Look beautiful;

Delicious cooking;

Listen to a man when he needs to;

Make love whenever he wants;

Leave him alone when he doesn't want to communicate or is tired.

So, the woman is already ideal, but he does not propose, how can you marry a man? A huge role in attracting the chosen one is played by the behavior of the woman and her. It is important for a man to become a true friend, and not just a mistress with a pot in the kitchen. It is necessary to make sure that he has no friends closer to the woman. You always need to help, support and console him. The chosen one should feel a loved one in a woman and rest with her soul. Most of all, representatives of the stronger half value tenderness, sensuality, femininity, honesty, beauty, gentleness, sincerity, caring, unobtrusiveness, modesty, seductiveness, the ability to empathize and understand; ability to love; respect the rights to hobbies, your secrets and personal affairs. Of course, each representative of the stronger half will have his own personal preferences, but practically everyone likes the above qualities. Therefore, you should try to have as many of them in a woman’s character as possible.

You can marry a man quickly by avoiding mistakes. Firstly, you cannot put pressure on your chosen one, demand that you devote all your free time to a woman. He should always feel comfortable and, if necessary, take care of personal matters at any time. You can't be too curious. A representative of the stronger half has the right to secrets, so you cannot demand what he does not want to tell. Of course, you can’t look through his email, mobile phone, or be endlessly jealous. It is recommended to praise men and give compliments. There is no need to look for a special reason for praise. You just need to say something nice, but sincere.

How to marry a man? It is necessary to show a man that in bed he gives a woman real pleasure. Therefore, you should refuse intimacy less, be the initiator yourself and learn how to please a man in bed. It is very important to take care of a man. If a woman becomes indispensable to him, then he himself will not want to let her go. You shouldn’t overdo it by talking about the wedding, it really irritates men. As soon as the chosen one is ready to get married, he will run for the wedding rings himself, and before the woman has time to look back, she will become his wife.

How to marry a divorced man? If the chosen one was married and he did not like this experience, then it will be very difficult to get him to build a new family. You shouldn’t rush things and get bored with the desire to get married. The representative of the stronger half should feel like the master of the situation, since by nature he strives to dominate. It is necessary to give him the opportunity to make his own decisions and take initiative in relationships. First, you should become indispensable in his heart, in everyday life, in his schedule. It is necessary to be involved in the life of your loved one, to help him in business. And one day make it clear that all this can disappear in an instant. And then he will ask to register the relationship in order to keep his beloved close to him.

How to divorce a married man and marry yourself? There are different ways to divorce and marry a man, but they all require determination, endurance, and confidence in one’s actions. It is necessary to personify unpretentiousness, devotion, undemandingness and show that nothing is needed from a man except the opportunity to simply love him. You should combine naive romanticism, emotionality, care and reliability. These listed qualities will have an alluring and magical effect on the chosen one. There is no need to try to replace your man's wife. These actions can push a man away. You cannot cook, wash, or clean in front of your loved one. A man, coming to a woman, expects to take a break from everyday problems and enjoy harmony and peace. Therefore, you need to meet him with someone who is loving, beautiful, and capable of giving unforgettable moments of joy and happiness. He should not share his woman with the washing machine or the kitchen.

If a married man has set aside time to spend with a woman, then this should be appreciated. This behavior contributes to the growth of male interest, which over time can develop into a strong feeling.

To get a married man to marry you, you shouldn’t throw him hysterics for any reason or no reason. If your loved one suddenly canceled a meeting due to the need to solve some problems, you need to react calmly, supporting the man. A woman must initially understand what she is getting into, so her constant qualities in life should be endurance, patience and outward calm. This is a kind of foundation on which further serious relationships are based.

In order to marry a married man, it is not recommended to whine in front of him or express dissatisfaction with something. You should find a hobby or something to do while your loved one decides on his own affairs. Before destroying someone else's family, you should think about whether you have the strength to do everything possible for the happiness of your loved one. You shouldn't try to be very intrusive. You shouldn’t call endlessly and send SMS. If a woman is interested in a man, then it is necessary to give him the opportunity to court her. The representative of the stronger half should think that it is he who wins the woman, and not all this thanks to a well-thought-out female strategy. You should forget about groundless accusations, reproaches and excessive jealousy. This is what often overshadows relationships and leads to cooling of feelings. It is necessary to learn to solve emerging problems calmly with the help of a compromise, and not spoil the mood for both.

Whenever you meet with a married man, you should always be in a great mood, and you need to look 100% stunning, while remaining a little mysterious. A representative of the stronger half must be sure that his woman has a life full of interesting events. You should not show a man that you dress up exclusively for his arrival. From time to time, do not answer your loved one’s calls and refuse meetings, citing urgent matters. This will prove to the man that a woman’s life is in full swing, and she cannot run to him on dates at his first whim. This behavior will contribute to the fact that the man himself will begin to seek dates, but you should not refuse meetings frequently, as this will lead to the opposite result.

The listed methods will not give a 100% guarantee that your loved one will immediately get divorced, but certainly such meetings will remain in his memory for a long time and he will strive for them again. The main advice to all women is to always remain unobtrusive, unpretentious, undemanding, patient, and then your cherished desire will definitely come true.

From the moment you meet the Man of your Dreams until he decides to propose to you, it usually takes about 15 months, the authors calculated. Throughout this entire period, ladies suggest keeping the man at a decent distance from themselves:

“Let him pursue you. Don't meet him more than two or three times a week, refuse to go on a week's vacation with him, don't move in with him... Then you will help him fall in love with you and want to marry you. He will want to see you more often, not less often... In just a year, if not faster, he will have a desire not only to marry you, but also to see you more often, to truly possess you.”

The problem, the authors emphasized, is not whether he will marry, but when he will marry, because men can date without commitment for years. Therefore, contrary to the modern tradition of trial marriages, they recommended: “If he suggests living together, tell him that you are old-fashioned and want to wait until the wedding.”

If the wedding is postponed

If a year or two has passed and he still doesn’t offer to marry him, start behaving in a way that makes him wary. Go away for the weekend with your friends, cancel your Saturday date with him, stay late at work, tell him about your plans that do not involve a future together (for example, you are thinking about going to Africa as a volunteer for a year).


Of course, you can start talking about marriage directly. But what if it turns out that the man is not at all ready to marry you? To keep your self-esteem intact, Fein and Schneider recommended following these rules:

  1. Don't tell him that you're hurt and upset. Don't blame him for fooling you in vain. It was your decision to wait patiently while he took his time. If you agreed to live together, it’s your own fault, you’ve already shown that a “relationship without obligations” is acceptable to you.
  2. It is useless to suggest that he learn to take on responsibilities. A man is able to take them upon himself. Fear of commitment occurs when a woman is stalking him, is too available, or he simply doesn't love the woman.
  3. Don't believe him if he says marriage isn't important to him. If he doesn't want to get married, he just hopes to meet someone else.
  4. If you have lived with him for more than one year, do not believe that he still “needs time” to survive the aftermath of a previous terrible marriage and divorce.”
  5. Don’t let them assure you for years that he will get married as soon as he is freer at work or when his financial situation improves. The flow of problems never ends.

You've probably heard about such situations when a man lived for years with a woman to whom he told that he was not ready to formalize the relationship, and then separated from her and immediately married another? If he really loves you, write Fein and Schneider, and your actions (but not words!) show him that you are ready to let yourself off the hook, his “unreadiness for marriage” will evaporate, as if by magic.

After you’ve put the pressure on a guy and he proposes to you, it’s too early to relax. Be on the alert so as not to end up in the “eternal brides”, and do not miss the alarm bells that indicate that he is in no hurry to actually lead you to the altar (or, in our version, to submit an application to the registry office):

  1. He thinks it's cool to be the bride and groom so why rush to get married?
  2. He was married, it was a nightmare, and he has no desire to tie the knot again. He proposed to keep you (that is, so that you would not date anyone else), and now he is happy with everything.
  3. He is young, wants to flit around with friends and does not want to be in a cage. Although you managed to get him to agree to be ringed, he is not yet ready to set a date for saying goodbye to freedom.
  4. You were already living together at the time he proposed, but it is not yet clear when you will get married. What to do? In general, it is worth mentioning this immediately after the offer or shortly after it. No more than a year should pass between the proposal and the wedding. Otherwise, you're wasting your time.

In the event that all the tricks turned out to be in vain and the man did not fit into the scheme of “waiting a year until he asks you to marry, and another year until he gets married,” the authors of “The Rules” suggested turning around and leaving: “You don’t have to hate yourself, blame yourself and count loser. Breaking up a bad relationship is a learning experience... You're not the first, sometimes you tried your best... Allow yourself to grieve. Who wouldn't be upset? But don't give up and keep believing! Perhaps your Dream Man is around the corner!”

Usually, when entering into a romantic relationship, most women assume that their chosen one may later turn out to be their husband. However, some men do not at all believe that a romance should necessarily lead to an official marriage or simply do not want to rush into a proposal. How can I change this?

Possible reasons

  • He was already married and had negative impressions from this experience. Perhaps his ex-wife was unfaithful or in some other way did not correspond to his ideas about an ideal life partner. Be that as it may, the man concluded that starting a family is not always good and can lead to serious disappointments.
  • He likes the feeling of freedom. In his view, marriage seriously limits a person and does not allow him to live a full life. Your chosen one probably has hobbies that, in his opinion, are not comparable to family life. For example, now he can go on a trip with friends for a few days or start flirting with the girl he likes. He may not do any of this, but he has this opportunity, and in marriage he will probably lose it.
  • He's too young. These days, many guys don't think about starting a family until they're 25. They prefer to devote this time to studying, finding “their place” in life, and only then getting ready to take responsibility for someone else.
  • He believes that he will not be able to create a full-fledged family. Perhaps he has problems with his financial situation, living conditions and the like. It is also possible that he is now actively building a career and believes that marriage cannot fit into his immediate plans.
  • You do not seem to him a worthy contender for the role of a wife. Perhaps your business skills are far from exemplary, but for your chosen one this is an important aspect. It is also possible that there are too many conflicts and dissatisfaction with each other in your relationship, and the guy believes that under such circumstances getting married is stupid. It is also possible that the young man considers you too flighty and for some reason not ready for marriage, even if this is not the case.

What the statistics say

As a rule, long-term relationships, one way or another, lead to marriage. Living with his beloved under the same roof, a man is ready for her to become his wife. However, many women are not ready to live in uncertainty for a long time, and it is important for them that the relationship be legalized. If you don’t care about the stamp in your passport, then probably, sooner or later, you will wait for the day when your chosen one decides to get married.

Psychologists advise not to “put pressure” on a man by giving him ultimatums and throwing tantrums about his unpreparedness for an official relationship. Realizing that you are trying to force him to do something, he will begin to resist out of a sense of contradiction. Your job is to show him all the advantages of family life, and he will have to decide whether he wants to propose to you or not.

How to push a guy to take decisive action

I want him to propose

Try not to live in a civil marriage with a man, preferring meetings in neutral territories. Explain to your lover that you have always been opposed to cohabitation, and, despite your feelings for him, you are not ready to give up your beliefs. However, periodically spend a long time together so that he can see what a wonderful wife he can lose in you. For example, you can go on a trip for a couple of days, living together for this period, or go with friends for an overnight stay in nature - such situations will be a chance for you to demonstrate your skills in everyday life, show your best side and make the guy bored after the “departure” "

Also, the boyfriend should see that you are an excellent candidate for starting a family. Try not to show him the negative sides of your character and work to eradicate them - a good wife should not be grumpy, touchy, uncompromising, flighty or lacking initiative. Many guys from their youth dream about what their ideal wife will be like, and in these dreams, most often, she is well-groomed, beautiful, caring, passionate, thrifty, charming, passionate about interesting hobbies and attentive. Try to get closer to this ideal, and then not only your chosen one will want to see you in the status of his wife.

For a man to want a family

Many men live by prejudices or are based on their negative experiences - it seems to them that marriage does not promise any changes for the better, but only worsens the relationship. If in your close circle there is a happy married couple whose family you can call exemplary, then your companion should get to know these people. Meet in couples, invite them to visit - let the example of this successful family periodically flash before the eyes of your chosen one.

And, of course, a man should strive to spend as much time as possible with you personally. You can become an integral and most enjoyable part of his life, and the decision to subsequently marry will become completely natural and logical for him. To achieve this, take care of your chosen one, do not limit him in sex, do not provoke him into conflicts, do not throw hysterics, become his best friend and main support.

Is it worth forcing him to marry if he doesn’t want to?

Of course, you don't need to do this! A man himself must decide to marry, and a woman has the right only to push him to this. You can easily determine that your boyfriend does not see you as his future wife. So, what are the signs that he's not in the mood for marriage?

1. “The stamp in the passport means nothing!”

Perhaps this is a universal phrase used by men who do not want to get married. In fact, if the stamp in the passport did not mean anything, then your boyfriend would easily agree to it, and especially if you think differently, and the signature is important to you personally. Moreover, it is obvious that the young man is disingenuous, because the stamp in the passport still means something! Firstly, this speaks of a man’s willingness to take responsibility for his chosen one, his desire to give her a feeling of security and much more!

2. “We need to wait for a better time”

If you are ready to get married without much pomp and expense, and the chosen one declares that he wants to wait for “better times,” then, apparently, he is disingenuous. Of course, if you yourself demand a magnificent wedding, for which you both do not yet have the funds, then the “pause” that has arisen is justified. But if you say that an ordinary painting and a cozy evening with your closest ones are enough for you, and the man plans to “get ready for the wedding,” then, most likely, he hopes to somehow delay the moment of marriage.

3. “We need to solve all problems”

Unfortunately, problems tend to appear again and again, but at the same time loving people manage to create families, give birth and raise children. If a guy suggests to you “wait until your mother gets better”, then “until the repairs are finished”, “until he finds a new job”, “until they raise the salary” and the like, then he simply does not want to marry you. If it were otherwise, he would look for compromises with you, because perhaps you would be quite willing to get married during the period when he is “solving problems.”

Is it possible to get married after a civil marriage?

There is no clear opinion on this matter, so civil marriage has both its fans and its opponents. So, what are the pros and cons of cohabitation?


  • Living in a civil marriage, a woman subconsciously understands that the final choice has not been made, and it was not made by the person from their couple who delays the signature or declares that the stamp in the passport will not change anything.
  • Most men are quite easy about such marriages, and it is much easier for them to leave their common-law wife than to leave their official one.
  • Being a common-law wife, a woman may feel insecure about her life partner. In addition, in the company of married friends, she most often feels a little deprived, although she may not even admit it to herself.
  • It is also better for the couple's common children to be brought up in an official marriage rather than in a civil one - in the event of a separation of the spouses, they will be legally protected.
  • Society, most often, does not take civil marriages seriously, and even after several years of your life together, many mutual friends and relatives will not consider you a real family.
  • Separation in such marriages is also quite easy. A common-law husband can break off the relationship without going into unnecessary explanations. With an official marriage, this would not happen - the court divorces the spouses, and it also deals with the division of property.
  • Having not lived together before marriage, many people are subsequently forced to face unpleasant discoveries about their other half. It may turn out that the wife is completely unable to cope with basic household issues, and the man is accustomed to the woman taking on the main responsibilities of running the household. Of course, most often before marriage, couples try to discuss the main nuances of their future life together, but theory often diverges from practice. This is the main advantage of cohabitation. If you do not want such a development of the situation, but are against civil marriages, then try living together for a couple of weeks after the engagement.
  • Perhaps you yourself want to end the relationship abruptly - the absence of a stamp in your passport will help you avoid various legal vicissitudes.
  • If you have not lived with a man before, then in a civil marriage you gain experience of living together, which, even in the event of separation, will be useful to you in the future.

How to divorce a married man and marry him

Before you divorce a married man, you have to become his mistress. It is perhaps difficult to find a story in which a man would decide to leave his family simply by talking to another woman. If this status does not bother you, you are convinced that this is the person you need and are ready to move towards the desired goal, then some recommendations may help you.

1) Don't throw tantrums. If your lover’s wife suspects that he is having an affair, then most likely he has enough conflicts at home. It is unlikely that a man will want to exchange one dissatisfied woman for another - divorce is accompanied by certain difficulties and changes in life, and the chosen one is unlikely to agree to all this if he considers you hysterical.

2) Well-groomed appearance. Many wives, some time after marriage, begin to pay less attention to their appearance. Some people don’t have time for this due to everyday worries and household chores, others are simply lazy and sincerely believe that they no longer need it, because they are already married. However, a man always notices whether his companion is well-groomed or not. You need to always look great on dates with your lover. Clean hair, neat manicure, regular hair removal, skin care, light makeup - all this should be on the list of rules without exceptions. Also, never forget about seductive underwear and clothes that will highlight your assets as much as possible.

3) Intimate life. Most men commit adultery because they are dissatisfied with the intimate side of life with their spouse. Of course, there should not be such problems in your relationship. Show your lover that he is a desirable man for you and you always want intimacy with him. Many women tie their lovers to themselves through sex, understanding how important it is for most males. Naturally, there can be no question of refusing intimacy to a lover, being dissatisfied with something or trying to manipulate him in this way. This behavior will not bind you to him, but will only push you away.

4) The image of a possible wife. Well, of course, you should show that you are good not only as a mistress, but also as a possible wife. When dating a man, show him your skills in everyday life, mention some household chores that you recently did. A man should not get the impression that you are beautiful, well-groomed and always in a good mood because you are not busy with housework. On the contrary, let him know that all of the listed positive qualities are adjacent to another of your advantages - thriftiness. But at the same time, show your chosen one that cooking and taking care of the house are easy and relaxed for you, and that they do not interfere with your development in other directions. Such a discovery will give you a significant advantage over his wife.

Pregnancy is a reason for marriage

If we are not talking about a married lover, but about your common-law husband or boyfriend, then pregnancy significantly increases the chances of marriage. Of course, if your future child is conceived outside of an official marriage, then be prepared for the fact that the situation may not turn out in the most favorable way for you personally. If a man was previously not at all inclined to register in the registry office, then the prospect of becoming a father may completely alienate him.

More often than not, it happens differently. A man cannot decide for a long time what he wants, but the message that his beloved is expecting a baby from him can push him to take active action. He can come to this decision himself, the public in the person of relatives can put pressure on him, or for the couple this will be a logical outcome, which was discussed earlier.

In addition, if previously a man preferred to live in some kind of incomplete certainty, then after the news that the woman he loves will soon give birth to a child, he will most likely change his mind. If you want to give birth to a baby and know that your chosen one would also like to become a father, then, most likely, pregnancy will bring only positive changes to your life together. Most often, a man needs some kind of “push” in order to propose to his chosen one, and the news that his beloved will soon give birth to a baby from him is a sufficient reason for this.

Magic spells for a quick wedding

Some girls eventually despair of getting a marriage proposal from their lover, so they decide to turn to magical rituals. If you sincerely believe that rituals can provide you with a long-awaited marriage, then you can resort to this magical advice: after someone else’s wedding, which you attend, try immediately after the celebration to get the shoes that the bride was wearing.

When washing these shoes on the street at night, say:

“Tread on your shoes, work for me so that I can get married as soon as possible.
Keep your mouth shut, keep quiet about everything. Amen".

It is possible that this particular ritual will help you achieve your goal.

I want to get married, I want to get married.
Don't be afraid, I'll pay for everything.

Group "Cote d'Azur"

And indeed, no matter what tricks a desperate woman is ready to do in order to marry a man. Even pay for the whole spree yourself. And for what? For a dress with a veil? Or how to avoid being an old maid?

And yet - what kind of tricks are these? After all, there is no way to force a guy into the registry office. Let's consider all the possibilities and determine where we can make a mistake and ruin our lives, and where we will hit the bull's eye.

What do psychology experts say about this? If a man, dating a woman, did not propose to her in the first year, then he clearly doubts the correctness of this decision. Moreover, avid bachelors generally do not particularly try to tie the knot. And there are good reasons for this:

    Legally he is free. If anything - no paperwork with divorce and division of property.

    Protection against unplanned pregnancy. At any time he can “make his feet” without registering a child.

    Prospect for new love. He will be honest with the other girl, telling her that he is not married. In fact, this is true.

    And most importantly - complete freedom. You can live alone, throw your socks around, eat anything with a loud burp, snore and swear.

This is why men don't want to get married. Freedom is the protection of the privacy of every bachelor. In our country, civil marriage is still considered unofficial. And only now they want to pass a law that a couple who have lived together for five years is automatically considered spouses. But all the same, I want a wedding, a dress, stability, and also sign up for his last name.

Why doesn't your man marry you yet? This means that something in your union is not yet stable, and he is not satisfied with such a relationship. Think about it - what's wrong with you? Frequent quarrels? Different interests? Confrontation from relatives? So maybe you shouldn’t continue the relationship at all? Why get married if you can barely tolerate each other?

But you probably have your own reasons for dragging a bachelor to the registry office:

  • years go by, but no one gets married;
  • he is too eligible a bachelor;
  • “I love but I can’t”, I want to marry him down the aisle.

OK. Let's think about how to lure him down the aisle. But first, read the article to be confident in your choice. Well, in the meantime, go shopping in search of a wedding dress.

Flirting is the most common way women use to force a man to marry her. Although more often than not, this is not malicious intent, but a surprise. Well, what else did this couple want - both did not use protection, hoping for the chance by calculating the days of ovulation and interrupted intercourse. But apparently they missed. More precisely, they hit the target.

If a man is a noble knight, then he will immediately propose marriage - the easiest way to marriage. But there are three more options that also cannot be excluded:

    The guy will still stick to his opinion: It is not necessary to get married; you can live with a child in a civil marriage. And indeed, many families live like this, although the marriage is not registered. And even the child is registered in his father’s last name.

    The decision to have an abortion. In general, in some cases this is correct if it is not possible to support a child and he is completely unwanted. But for some women this is a clue - since this has happened, then we can’t get away from each other now.

    She risks becoming a loner. The marriage is not registered, try to prove that the baby is from the man you love. And if she didn’t want an abortion, then that’s her problem. And again, the man will be right, no matter how offended the abandoned woman may be. Well, he’s not ready for family life!

But there is another side of the coin: when pregnancy is the only way to get a man to propose. Ugly, disgusting way. It seemed like there was protection, but “something went wrong.”

And the secret of this “wrong” is well known to the insidious woman. Well, other ladies can guess:

    The birth control pills were stopped. Or instead, the lady demonstratively took dummy vitamins.

    The man's biological material remains in the condom. What to do with sperm is already clear. And there was supposedly a microcrack in the rubber band.

    The woman lied about the time of ovulation. Yes, and sperm released into a napkin may later get to where it is needed.

This is how the unfortunate seven are formed, starting with deception. And then such vipers crawl onto all sorts of talk shows, donate DNA, shed false tears asking that this bastard be punished. And the child becomes just bait on the hook. Here's some advice for you - never do that, no matter how much you want to get married.

This is how it happens that everything is great with your career, but nothing with your personal life. You're tired of putting on the mask of a happy and successful woman. Money has come to mean little to you because happiness is not for sale.

And you envy your girlfriends. Maybe not as wealthy as you, but living in love with your husband and children. And there are some bachelors hanging around you, temporary men, but among them there is still HIM. The one to whom you would give everything: your love, one side of your bed, and even your car. But O N doesn’t even ask you to get married, and still meets with you occasionally.

What can you call such a man, other than “gigolo”? But there is no need to rush to throw words. Maybe he is also in love, but as an honest man he doesn’t even dare to think about proposing to you. Who is he and who are you? So he’s putting off getting married. He wants to be a real man, but he “can’t outdo you.” Do you remember how in the film “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears.”

But the environment adds fuel to the fire:

  • “Why do you need him - not a single yard!”
  • “You’ll pull him like a child!”
  • “Look, he’ll get married, take everything from you and run away!”

He will never marry! And still haven't stolen anything! And you love him! And you want children from him! So why don’t you propose to him yourself? It’s not scary that you switch roles: you are the husband in the family, and he is the wife. This is how many people live and are happy!

Therefore, as an option: outline your plans for the future and propose marriage to him. Let him not have a complex, you don’t care about these evil tongues if you are still together. And who cares where the funding for the wedding comes from?

If you yourself are ready for this option, then here is some advice for you: never reproach him for his inability and do not press him with your heel. An affectionate and wise wife can make even a beggar a prince.

We don’t keep what we have, we cry when we lose it.


This is the phrase you must turn into reality. If a bachelor has started playing “bride and groom”, but still hasn’t gotten down on his knees with a ring in the box, then he needs to be scared of separation.

What should be done for this? First of all, talk to him - that I would still like to legitimize your relationship. Well, his reaction is predictable: with the words “it starts again,” he will list all the platitudes:

  • “There is no reason to have a luxurious wedding”
  • “I’m not ready for family life”
  • “Why rush - we’ll live together anyway”

In general, he is right somewhere, but this does not suit you. Then start to slowly move away from him. Do not abruptly break off the relationship, but be more indifferent to his advances. Let him start to get nervous and suspect something. Don't prove anything to him and don't sort things out. Be as affectionate with him as possible, but let him know that you are about to disappear from his sight.

But the whole point is that you shouldn’t scare him with this, playing a role as an actress, you should set yourself up for it. This “bride and groom” game has gone on for too long, maybe something needs to be changed? Leave this bachelor and start a new romance?

You must convince him that every day he risks losing you more and more. And there is only one way out: formalize the marriage or you will do it with someone else. And this article will be useful to you on this matter. Most likely, after this, he will run to the jewelry store to buy rings. If he really values ​​you.


The ideal would be for the man to propose on his own, without pushing, conditions or deception. Maybe you’re just rushing things, and he’s already planning the wedding in his mind? Wait a little, and then you will never hear the reproach addressed to you: “You married me to yourself!”