Drawings for a friend's 10th birthday. Happy birthday images for boy. Calls with pleasant wishes and congratulations to the boy

"Happy 10th Birthday"

10 years is great
No problems and no worries
Only summer is ahead,
Youth and smile await!
Show zeal in your studies,
Make your loved ones happy,
I wish on your birthday
More holidays like this!

Happy first anniversary in life
Congratulations from the heart,
All my friends, neighbors,
Adults and kids.
The young hero of the day.
Ten years is not a little time at all,
A round of life lived.
And today is the hero of the day
We give this greeting:
So that with every anniversary
You have matured, grown stronger, matured,
Completed during this time
Many necessary, good deeds,
We wish you
Be a winner in life
Respect in the family,
Obey your parents in everything.
And then good luck bird
It will come to you, believe me.
Happy birthday, birthday boy!
Be happy and pain-free!

"Congratulations on the 10th anniversary"

You're ten years old - hooray!
It's time to grow up -
Many discoveries await you,
Bright, joyful events!
Hurry to the world of miracles!
Happy Birthday! Happy anniversary!
May your birthday work out
Of bright, unforgettable moments,
Bright memories and bright hopes,
Happy smiles and warm words!

Happy birthday, darling!
Happy tenth anniversary!
Grow up beautiful
Be always happy!

"Congratulations on the 10th anniversary of the boy, girl"

You live in the world for 10 years,
And there is no better date
Beautiful in its purity,
Be lucky in life!

We've been waiting for you for so long,
You were born - they came running,
How good the baby is
How similar he is to all of us!
Lo and behold, ten years have passed!
Only we have no grief,
He grew up, how he matured,
I got my grandmother's height,
How well brought up, how good...
Still looks like us!
On this first anniversary
Accept congratulations quickly,
This is not a simple congratulation,
The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it:
We'll live for ten years
We’ll come to marry you too!

Let him be cheerful, kind, bright,
It will be my tenth birthday!
Friends, smiles and gifts
They will cheer you up!
Let everything be as you want:
Funny, beautiful, interesting,
So that life is very happy,
And every new day? wonderful!

Happy ten year anniversary,
Little fairy!
Fairytale luck,
All your ideas!

You are 10 years old today
Not a lot to start with!
I wish you not to experience troubles,
Luck may not let you down!
It's time for beautiful youth -
It's just around the corner!
May happiness always await you,
And the sun with warm rays!

10 years! Wow, no joke!
You're not little at all
Grown-up guy - well done!
How proud your father is!
Mom just loves it
He doesn’t know how to stop looking at it.
In school, at home - you are strong!
And he was born to the joy of all of us!
Grow healthy, be brave,
Don't forget about friendship either
Be respectful of others
Read more, love sports!
Be, guy, just a hammer!
Please accept our friendly congratulations!

Oh how you look today
On your birthday, at 10 years old
Such a smile, without a doubt,
No one in the world has!
The sea of ​​life is raging,
Hold your helm tighter
You are a charm in conversation,
But in reality it’s just ideal!
What can I do to amuse you? You are a miracle!
I want to praise you so much
Let everything be okay and cool,
We wish you to live and not worry!

10! First anniversary!
Let them please you soon
Congratulations and gifts!
Let your holiday be bright!

Today you are ten years old
You are my dear granddaughter!
And there are many joys in fate,
And I wish you a lot of happiness,
So that only the best comes,
So that all good things happen,
You be happy, to spite everyone,
May your dream come true!

Congratulations on your anniversary,
We wish you well from the bottom of our hearts,
More health and happiness
Ten years is the time to smile!
Of course we love you
How can we not love you!
On this day we truly wish
Thank you from the bottom of my heart!
How cute are you anyway?
You are our dear child
Good luck to you, our dear!

10 years is your first anniversary,
Your youth will soon make you dizzy!
There will be many lucky days
The one who is in a hurry for happiness!
I wish you health
And I want to say from the bottom of my heart:
May you be happy in your destiny,
But don’t rush to grow up anyway!

My dear son, dear little sparrow!
You have already lived in the world for ten years,
May the sun shine brighter above you,
Be happy under your spring star.
Let the breeze gently caress your shoulders,
Don't cry or whine, be strong as a rock,
May time quickly heal the wounds in the heart,
The singing of birds makes your head spin!
And may your ten years turn into happiness,
The sadness will go away from your clear eyes,
May love and happiness return to you,
And I’ll try, my dear, for two.
Study hard, be obedient little one,
Dance and sing with your friends,
Many happy days are reserved for you
And grow up, son, quickly!

Greetings to you, young prince,
Revelry is not childish,
It's no joke - it's already 10 years!
It's time to look for the princess!

For every taste and color! Cool and funny - download for free, without registration on your PC or send by e-mail, WhatsApp or Viber!

Post our collections on forums, blogs, guest blogs! Give emotions and attention to people close and dear to you, because in our time of worries and troubles, there is less and less time left to congratulate a person personally on his birthday, sit and drink a cup of tea or coffee with sweets! This wonderful website comes to the aid of all of us. Don't forget to share your favorite pictures on social networks!

Our sections contain postcards with the brightest, most colorful flowers and bouquets, cats and dogs, cars and yachts, fruits, cakes and pastries, popular cartoon characters and much, much more! In short, whether it’s the birthday of a woman or a man, a boy or a girl, a son or a daughter - on our website you can find a card for anyone! For men, these will be postcards with expensive cars, planes and other smaller accessories) For male friends, these will be pictures with humor, jokes and beautiful girls! For women, the assortment of cards is no less rich... Postcards with roses, huge baskets of flowers and gentle rhymed congratulatory lines! Children's cards depict characters from modern cartoons and popular films from the collection of the wonderful Disney company!

We also have a section that presents anniversary cards for all round dates... from 10 to 100 years) Don’t forget about the musical cards that you can find at the top of any page in the “Happy Birthday” section. There are also many personal sections for audio congratulations! Please pay special attention to personalized cards and voice greetings. After all, as you know, nothing sounds as pleasant to a person as his name!

Every day we try to increase the number of postcards in our collections, so we are waiting for you again and again!

Boys often celebrate their birthdays in a completely different way than girls. That is why the gift for them should be appropriate. Along with the gift that you have prepared for the birthday boy, you must include a picture of a happy birthday to the boy. This card should be very beautiful. If you still haven’t figured out where exactly to purchase this picture, you can simply go to our website. It provides a large selection of various greeting pictures, in particular for boys. Try to make the best holiday possible for the boy, and then you will understand how wonderful it is to watch how happy the baby is. Bring joy to others, make them laugh, and then you can feel the same. Happy birthday images for boy.

a href="http://site/birthday-27" target="_blank" img src="http://lovezka.ru/birthday/193.jpg" alt="Happy birthday pictures for a boy" width="450" height="450" !}

BB code for inserting into the forum:

HTML code for inserting into a website or blog:
a href="http://site/birthday-27" target="_blank" img src="http://lovezka.ru/birthday/194.jpg" alt="Happy birthday pictures for a boy" width="450" height="450" !}

BB code for inserting into the forum:

HTML code for inserting into a website or blog:
a href="http://site/birthday-27" target="_blank" img src="http://lovezka.ru/birthday/195.jpg" alt="Happy birthday pictures for a boy" width="450" height="450" !}

BB code for inserting into the forum:

HTML code for inserting into a website or blog:
a href="http://site/birthday-27" target="_blank" img src="http://lovezka.ru/birthday/196.jpg" alt="Happy birthday pictures for a boy" width="450" height="450" !}

BB code for inserting into the forum:

HTML code for inserting into a website or blog:
a href="http://site/birthday-27" target="_blank" img src="http://lovezka.ru/birthday/197.jpg" alt="Happy birthday pictures for a boy" width="450" height="450" !}

BB code for inserting into the forum:

HTML code for inserting into a website or blog:
a href="http://site/birthday-27" target="_blank" img src="http://lovezka.ru/birthday/198.jpg" alt="Happy birthday pictures for a boy" width="450" height="450" !}

How to congratulate a boy on his birthday? Send a beautiful picture with a congratulation or a poem. Download for free.

Choose a children's birthday greeting

Cartoon Happy Birthday

Congratulate your boy on his birthday by ordering him a cool phone call :) And in order for the wish to call the desired phone number:

Left-click on the picture to enlarge it and download it in higher quality.

Calls with pleasant wishes and congratulations to the boy

Congratulate your son on his birthday by ordering him a nice call:

Congratulate your son on his birthday by ordering a pleasant audio congratulation-call to your phone. And in order for the wish to call the desired phone number:

  1. Wait for the congratulations above this text to load
  2. Listen to audio congratulations and wishes
  3. Choose the one you liked the most
  4. Specify which number to call and play your wish
  5. The recipient of the congratulation is delighted :)

Yes, 10 years is a cool date,
The beginning of a young journey.
We wish you life
Find great friends!

Learn well, develop,
Grow healthy, be kind,
To achieve new discoveries,
Don't forget about mom and dad!

Just don't get upset
And never be discouraged.
We dream of admiring you,
We love you, just know that!

Happy birthday,
Here you are 10 years old
May it give you joy
Childhood sunny dawn.

I wish that with friends
You opened a new world,
So that a real man
You, boy, have become something in life.

Cheerful, cheerful
And may you be healthy
Destiny has its own happy
So that you can walk among your favorites.

Happy 10th birthday to the most courageous, daring, intelligent and handsome boy. I wish you to always remain courageous and kind, cheerful and energetic. May good luck and success accompany your studies and your hobbies, may you have true friends nearby, may your life be filled with interesting adventures and a joyful mood.

If the guy is 10 years old -
It means a lot
And therefore to wish
I'll have good luck
Faithful, devoted friends,
Cooler phone
And grades for studies
The very best!

Happy birthday, smile!
Have fun and have fun.
Today you have become more mature
It's 10 years, anniversary!

We wish to be healthy
And study exemplary.
So that dreams always come true,
Everything worked out without difficulty.

We wish you ten years:
May there be more victories,
Success, achievements,
Have fun adventures.

Be clever, brave, don't be timid
And you will find true friends.
Don't offend the weak
And never be discouraged!

Congratulations on your anniversary.
At ten years old you are almost like an adult.
Go through life more boldly
And lead others with you.

Let your family be proud of you,
A true friend will always be there.
You know how to laugh at yourself,
And any trouble will recede.

Achieve success in your studies
Be healthy and beautiful and smart.
Be a source of light and laughter.
Be both brave and strong in spirit.

Are you celebrating today?
Mini anniversary,
Our congratulations
Take it quickly.

The date is not simple -
A whole 10 years.
Let it be in life
Many victories.

Smart and obedient
Be a boy.
Know that you will become great
Have you ever.

Brave and courageous
You will grow.
We wish a lot
Find happiness.

Well, buddy, you're big,
Your tenth birthday
And I congratulate you,
I wish you to always be the best.
To be strong, brave, strong-willed,
Be smart, honest, businesslike.
To be a true friend, and to be able
Do everything accurately, do everything in time.
Don't become limp when the weather is bad,
And feel what happiness means.

10 years, wow
Already a man - anywhere!
Be always
At the first place,
Remember: with a friend
Easier together.
Be strong
Study well
And behave yourself!

Happy anniversary, dear boy,
Here you are ten years old
On this holiday we wish
You have many victories,
You study only perfectly,
Behave yourself
Don't be sick, be strong, cheerful,
We love you very much!