Traditions of celebrating the New Year in Russia. New Year traditions or New Year in Russian

New Year's traditions are relevant every year. Everyone believes in their hearts that making wishes, certain dishes and decorations can bring good luck, happiness and prosperity.

No one can say with certainty whether this is actually so, but everyone adheres to traditions.

Among New Year's customs there are many interesting and unusual signs that our ancestors still believed in.

Each of us remembers ourselves in childhood. The New Year was a miracle and the welcome arrival of Santa Claus.

Adults already know that grandfather does not exist, but they still want their wishes to be fulfilled.

The first in history to apply New Year's traditions was Peter 1, who issued a decree on this. It was he who gave birth to the tradition of decorating everything with spruce branches.

To this day, the Christmas tree is a decoration of every New Year.

All New Year's traditions

I think many of you carry out these customs because it is a very exciting and interesting activity, even if deep down in our souls, we do not believe in it.

The main traditions for the New Year are:

  • decorations;
  • new Year gifts;
  • stockings for gifts;
  • festive table.

Decoration according to New Year's traditions

It is believed that the more food on the New Year's table, the richer the owners will be.

Also, if you believe New Year’s traditions, then there must be rabbit or poultry meat on the table. This way your happiness will not be able to fly away or run away.

Olivier salad is no longer considered traditional, although at other holidays all guests demand it.

For the New Year you need to prepare something unusual. So, for example, you can cook or.

They look delicious and New Year's.

According to modern traditions, there should be tangerines on the New Year's table.

It is not known why Russians loved them so much, but it has already become a custom.

The most important is “Soviet champagne”, which is opened when the chimes strike.

Just imagine: the smell of spruce and tangerines, the chiming of the clock and the screams of Hurray! What could be more fun!

New Year's tradition "Make a wish"

The most favorite tradition. After all, everyone believes in miracles and New Year's fairy tales. Why not?!

We will tell you exactly how to make wishes so that they come true and what customs exist regarding exactly this.

How to make a wish for the New Year so that it comes true:

  • According to New Year's tradition, you need to write a wish on a piece of paper, set it on fire and dissolve it in a glass of champagne. You need to drink it while the chimes are striking;
  • Write 12 wishes on small pieces of paper and place them under your pillows. Get up in the morning and pull one of these out. The wish you made will definitely come true. If during sleep several pieces of paper fell out from under your pillow, then fate will fulfill all your wishes;
  • Another New Year's tradition is making wishes for a stranger. If you are spending the New Year in the company of friends, but there is a person whom you are seeing for the first time, then after 12-00 take his hand and wish for anything;
  • launch a Chinese lantern into the sky, in which you place a letter with a wish in advance;
  • catch a snowflake, and if it does not melt while the chimes are striking, everything will come true (this is possible when celebrating on the street);
  • light a candle and make a wish at the chime of the clock; if the candle burns to the end without going out, it will come true;
  • When the clock strikes, eat 12 grapes, having time to spit out the seeds;
  • at 00-00 jump up and make a wish;
  • cut out and write your wish on it, you can make several of them. Then throw them off the balcony.

You can follow all the traditions, but remember, when making a wish, do not wish evil on people, because the New Year is a bright and kind holiday.

New Year's signs

There are many signs, especially those related to the New Year. You can believe in them, or you can ignore them. It depends on your superstition, but if you want your wishes to come true, then follow the New Year's traditions and signs.

  • break dishes (you will swear all year);
  • quarrel (an unlucky year awaits);
  • cook at least 10 dishes (to poverty and hunger);
  • throw away leftover food from the table (drive away luck);
  • do not invite guests (to lack of money).

Signs that must be followed:

  • buy a new broom and tie a bow of red ribbon on it, placing it in the corner of the kitchen with the broom facing up;
  • ask everyone for forgiveness;
  • put a banknote in your pocket (towards money);
  • hang a wreath on the door;
  • leave a glass of wine and a spoonful of salad for the brownie in the kitchen;
  • Before guests arrive, light a church candle in each room (observe fire safety).

No less interesting signs and New Year's traditions are associated with other things.

This is how new clothes are accepted; it is believed that by doing so you attract success and money, so go shopping boldly.

It is equally important to pay and collect all monetary debts. It is believed that if the debtor has not returned the funds to you, then after New Year's Eve he will never return them.

New Year is one of the most ancient holidays on Earth. It goes without saying that its traditions are rooted in the distant past. Moreover, over many centuries, the main traditions of celebrating the New Year have hardly changed. In fact, we celebrate this holiday in the same way as it was celebrated in England, France and Germany in the 16th century, during the Peter the Great era in Rus' and during the USSR.

The main traditions of the New Year

An invariable attribute of the holiday is the Christmas tree, because trees personify the connection between man and nature and Higher powers and are a symbol of renewal. According to established tradition, the Christmas tree is decorated with bright toys and sweets two weeks before the New Year. The Christmas tree stands until Epiphany. To take it apart and throw it away beforehand is to divert wealth and good luck from the house.

Another wonderful holiday tradition is a lush and rich table. It is believed that delicious and varied treats on New Year's Eve are a 100% guarantee that you will definitely not go hungry all year. Of course, a New Year's table is unthinkable without a shamanic table. The tradition of drinking sparkling wine in honor of the holiday appeared at the end of the 16th century, in France, the birthplace of this wonderful drink.

Don't forget about gifts. The custom of giving memorable souvenirs for adults and gifts for children for the New Year arose in Germany, back in the 15th century, when the New Year was just beginning to be celebrated “in a modern manner.” You can also make gifts yourself. It is believed that such gifts bring great luck.

New Year is a holiday of love and forgiveness. Traditionally, on New Year's Eve, people forgive each other's offenses and exchange kisses.

Fireworks and sparklers are also a wonderful custom to celebrate the New Year. After all, a festive night should be bright and bright. By the way, this tradition also appeared in Germany, at the end of the 16th century. It is believed that the best pyrotechnicians lived in this country.

Where is New Year celebrated?

Traditionally, New Year is considered a family holiday. Therefore, you should meet him at home, with family and friends. True, this does not mean that you need to spend the entire holiday this way. There is a nice custom on New Year's Eve to go out into nature and drink a glass of champagne on the edge of a snow-covered forest.

Fans of magnificent celebrations can go to the New Year's ball. The tradition of organizing costume balls and carnivals on New Year's Eve dates back several hundred years.

Without a doubt, New Year is the most joyful holiday. Therefore, it is customary to celebrate it very vigorously. Even if something doesn’t go well and “the cats are scratching at your soul,” on New Year’s Eve you should rejoice, walk, dance, dress up in fancy dress, congratulate friends and strangers. Under no circumstances should you be left alone and become limp. This is the main New Year's tradition. After all, according to legend, how you spend New Year’s Eve is how the whole next year will be.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

The Russian New Year is already more than three hundred years old! Tsar Peter I issued a decree that from 1700 years should be counted from the Nativity of Christ, and the New Year should be celebrated on the first of January. The same decree said: “On large thoroughfares, and for noble people and at houses of eminent (eminent) spiritual and secular rank, in front of the gates, make some decoration from trees and branches of pine, spruce and juniper. And for the poor people (i.e., the poor), they should at least place a tree or branch over their gates or over their mansions.” The decorated spruce first lit up with lights in 1852 in St. Petersburg in the premises of the Ekaterininsky (now Moscow) station.

New Year, Christmas, Epiphany... Reverence and superstition, daring festivities and awe before the almost physically felt presence of mystery. Everything these days is fateful, everything bears the stamp of the future: the flame of a candle, and the porridge in the oven.

The only Slavic holiday that is celebrated at the state level in the Slavic states is the New Year. Once upon a time, the god of severe cold Morok walked through the villages, sending severe frosts. The villagers, wanting to protect themselves from the cold, put gifts on the window: pancakes, jelly, cookies, kutya. Now Morok has turned into a kind Santa Claus, who himself gives out gifts. This is how it became quite recently, in the middle of the 19th century.

The solemn cycle of New Year's rituals in Rus' began with memories of the past (singing ancient epics), and ended with fortune-telling about the future. It was the end of Christmastide, the famous “Epiphany evening”, that was considered the most convenient time to question fate.

How many signs are associated with the New Year?! On New Year's Eve with new clothes - wear new clothes for a whole year. You cannot give money away before the New Year, otherwise you will have to give it away the whole year. Usually, before the New Year, all debts were repaid, all insults were forgiven, and those who were in a quarrel were obliged to make peace. It is still believed that you can’t take out a loan on New Year’s Eve, otherwise you will spend the whole year in debt. You can’t sleep either, otherwise you’ll sleep through the whole year, the table should be laden with food and wine, you can’t be left alone, etc. Before the New Year, they threw out all the broken dishes from the house, washed the windows and mirrors. Winter holidays in Rus' have been the richest and most joyful since ancient times.

The evening before the New Year was called generous. A rich festive table, according to ancient belief, ensured well-being for the entire coming year and was considered a guarantee of family wealth. In the center of the New Year's table they placed pig meat (often a two- to three-week-old pig roasted on a spit), which, due to its fertility, was perceived as a symbol of beauty.

At the beginning of the century, for the New Year, figurines of domestic animals were baked from dough: horses, cows, bulls. And when they came to the house to carol, the guests were presented with these figurines, various sweets and nuts.

After the 1917 revolution in Russia, the celebration of the New Year was canceled, but people, although not so noisy, still celebrated it at home. It was probably then that the tradition of sitting at the table arose. And since then, the New Year in Russia has been considered more of a family and home holiday.

When the table is already set and everyone is assembled, the TV turns on - an invariable participant in the New Year's celebration. From its screen, the head of the country greets his people and makes holiday wishes. At the moment when the chimes on the Spasskaya Tower strike midnight, you need to have time to make a wish.

It is believed that it will definitely come true. The cult film directed by Eldar Ryazanov, “Enjoy Your Bath!” has been as integral a part of the New Year holiday as the congratulations of the head of state for the entire country for 30 years now. On the night of December 31 to January 1, it is shown at different times on several television programs. If you want to know how the New Year is celebrated in Russia, just watch this wonderful film.

The Russian New Year's feast is not an easy test. Of course, in our time it is impossible to list all the dishes that can decorate it. Kulebyaka, fried goose with apples or baked hare have remained traditional Russian dishes since ancient times and to this day.

There are also modern culinary traditions. As a rule, the New Year's table is not complete without Olivier salad, sturgeon, caviar and champagne. But it is absolutely impossible to imagine a Russian table without good vodka. Gastronomic diversity and abundance are a big burden for the body, so it’s a good idea to get enough vitamins. The Russian custom of snacking vodka with pickles is also very correct. They contain those salts and minerals that alcohol flushes out of the body.

Russians are not conservative. Despite the fact that many of them prefer to celebrate the New Year at home, there are also many who are not averse to “going out.” Young people love to gather in large noisy groups, go on visits or celebrate this holiday in restaurants, in the forest, in the squares and streets of their cities near decorated Christmas trees. There are also those who celebrate the New Year in the center of Moscow, on Red Square. The streets of the capital are crowded and fun this night. People in Russia love holidays, and they have special hopes for the New Year, and regardless of social status and age, they expect a miracle on this day.

New Year in Russia is loved and celebrated with pleasure and joy. This holiday is overgrown with traditions that have developed over many years. Over time, modern customs and practices emerged that are characteristic of our country. Traditions are important for every nation, because they are the connection of new generations with their ancestors, they reveal the essence of the nation, its character. Therefore, we advise all Russians to study New Year traditions in Russia.

Traditions of past centuries

They began to celebrate the New Year according to the new chronology in Russia under Peter I. By his decree, everyone was ordered to decorate their houses with branches of pine, spruce or juniper, have fun and set festive tables, but not to commit any outrages. The fluffy and elegant Christmas tree came to Russian homes in the 19th century. This event is still considered controversial, since according to some sources, the future wife of Nicholas I brought the tree in 1830, and according to others, Empress Catherine in 1855. In those days, people in Russia worshiped the culture of Germany and its traditions, and therefore gladly accepted such a wonderful custom. It was believed that spruce is a sacred tree in which a good spirit lives. In addition, the evergreen plant was a symbol of immortality, and the cones personified health and strength of spirit.

But Russian people learned how to decorate a Christmas tree beautifully from the French. They hung cookies, apples, and bright flowers made of multi-colored paper on the branches of the tree. This tradition quickly spread throughout Germany and throughout Europe.

The custom of giving each other gifts on New Year's Day has survived to this day. Only in ancient times, on these days, did young men choose a bride for themselves and try to appease her with all kinds of offerings.

Carols and fortune telling in the month of Prosinets

In the old days, January was called “Prosinets” for the clear and blue sky between the clouds. At this time, everyone monitored the weather and events to determine the future in the coming year. The girls wondered about the betrothed-mummers, for good luck. The young people had fun from the heart, caroled and collected rich gifts, congratulating the owners on the New Year and Merry Christmas. Carols are a glorious tradition of the New Year holidays. This is the Slavic spirit of joy and fun. Basically, the carols sang goodness, wealth and generosity, asked for good luck and prosperity for themselves and for those to whom the carolers came. In gratitude for the good wishes, the owners gave money and delicacies.

Everyone tried to celebrate the holiday with a pure soul and without debt. They were sure to wear new clothes, give money, make peace with relatives and neighbors, and ask each other for forgiveness.

New Year in modern Russia

Before the New Year, we are all preoccupied with preparations for the holiday - we are looking for gifts, trying to time our vacation to coincide with New Year's days, emptying supermarket shelves, standing idle in traffic jams. And yet, with trepidation and joy, we wait for the enchanted night to meet new joy, new happiness at the festive table. Modern customs include garlands, sparkling balls, Olivier salad, surprise pies, sparklers with champagne, and making wishes during the chimes. In many houses, small garlands are hung on the windows so that they flicker welcomingly in the dark, reminiscent of the holiday. In some houses, snowflakes, Father Frost and the Snow Maiden are painted on mirrors and glass.

In cities, loving parents invite fairy-tale characters home to congratulate their children on the holiday and give them gifts. Someone goes abroad to celebrate the New Year on the golden sands of the beaches.

Whatever the old traditions or the new ones that have arisen, this holiday will always be in a special place for Russians. Maybe it's all about beautiful traditions? After all, belonging to a rich history fills any event with special meaning. New Year is no exception. We, too, will someday become part of the past for our descendants. Let them know only good things about our lives.

Among all the official holidays, the New Year occupies, perhaps, a special place. Each of us probably remembers the feeling of a real miracle left over from childhood, when we, as children, tried our best not to fall asleep until midnight and see Santa Claus, who would bring long-awaited gifts under the tree.

The older we get, the more our attitude towards the holidays changes. Thus, many people, upon reaching a certain age, stop celebrating their birthdays, because they remind them of the transience of life. But the New Year, even for adults, remains an unusually wonderful, fabulous holiday, when miracles are possible and any wish can come true.

New Year Traditions

It is believed that the tradition of celebrating the New Year came to us from Ancient Rome. It was the Romans, during the heyday of the empire, who developed the custom of giving each other symbolic gifts and wishing happiness and prosperity in the coming year. Each gift symbolized a specific wish. The one who gave candles (in those days it was a rather expensive gift) wished prosperity, gold - wealth, and honey - a happy life. But the Germanic tribes were the first to use Christmas trees as a New Year’s symbol. According to their mythology, it was believed that powerful spirits lived in spruce paws, on which human happiness and health depended.

Christmas tree decorations in ancient times also had a practical rather than a decorative meaning. They were a kind of offering to the spirits. Among the Druids, by the way, the evergreen spruce was considered a symbol of immortality. So don’t neglect the customs of your ancestors - be sure to decorate the New Year tree for the holiday.

Do not neglect the customs of your ancestors - be sure to decorate the New Year tree for the holiday

The main Christmas tree decorations are the star on the top and the balls. This star has nothing in common with the Kremlin stars and the symbol of the revolution - it is nothing more than the Star of Bethlehem, which flashed in the sky during the birth of the Savior and showed the Magi the path to the Lord.

The balls on the New Year's tree symbolize the fruit of the apple of paradise, the forbidden fruit that our ancestors, Adam and Eve, tasted. And in the old days, small gingerbread cookies were hung on the Christmas tree, which were supposed to remind people of the unleavened bread eaten during communion. There are many signs and rituals associated with the New Year. It is impossible to fit them all into one article, so now we will only talk about some of them.

May the New Year be successful

If during the year you have at least once seen a star falling and managed to say a “quick word” (it sounds like this: “I KNOW”), then on New Year’s Eve go outside, look at the sky and make a wish - it will definitely come true .

If you want to live in abundance and prosperity throughout the coming year, then on December 31, knock on the set table with a spoon and say: Just as the table is full now, So it would be full all year. Or tap the ax head on the threshold and say: Life, health, bread.

On New Year's Eve, shortly before midnight, you can ask the twelve apostles for blessings for the entire coming year. To do this, you will need an icon of the twelve apostles, which is placed on the table, and twelve church candles are lit around it. Then, in a quiet but clear voice, without rushing or confusing the words, cast the spell.

You can ask the 12 apostles for a blessing for the whole coming year

Feel the solemnity of this moment, because you are not just pronouncing names and titles, but blessing every month of this year. The words of the spell are as follows:

“Andrew the First-Called – January. Peter Simon - February. Jacob the Elder - March. John the Theologian - April. Philip - May. Bartholomew - June. Matthew the Publican – July. Thomas - August. Jacob Alfeev – September. Thaddeus - October. Simon the Zealot – November. Judas Iscariot – December.”

“Father, Creator, King of Heaven and earth! Have mercy and save my child (name), grace with Your wisdom, grant Your merciful protection, protect Your servant (name) from all temptations and cover with Your robe from all troubles. Be the protector of soul and body, so that Your servant (name) will not suffer sudden death at the hands of the enemy. Grant a strong guardian angel to protect you from all illness, danger and temptation. Lord, enlighten the heart and soul of my child with the light of Your wisdom, so that Your name shines in him. In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Signs for the New Year

I would also like to tell you a little about the signs associated with the New Year. Since ancient times, people, preparing to celebrate the New Year, said: “How you meet it is how you will spend it.” What is this - another meaningless superstition or a necessary rule that we have all recently begun to take a little frivolously?

Let's figure it out. The night between December 31 and January 1 is the end of the old year and the beginning of a new one, this is the time when you complete another stage of your life and, getting rid of excess baggage that you don’t need, prepare to move on. In general, the time from December 21 (winter solstice) to January 7 (Christmas Day) is very strong energetically, and it is very important during this period to carefully work on yourself, try to cleanse yourself, get rid of everything bad, old, long-needed to you - both in material, as well as spiritually.

Old things shoved into the far corners of a closet or pantry tend to accumulate not only dust, but also negative energy, which is why you should always get rid of those items that you have not used for a year. (Of course, I don’t mean some things and souvenirs dear to your heart, the mere sight of which lifts your spirits, but it is unlikely that such things include an old rusty saucepan, cracked skis, or an ancient item that has not been in use for a couple of decades. working refrigerator).

In general, the ability to part with old things is a very important skill, because this is how you part with the past, which often weighs on people, does not let them go, does not allow them to move on. In Italy, for example, there is a wonderful custom of throwing old furniture out of the house on New Year’s Eve. You may object: we are not as rich as the Italians and cannot afford to throw anything away. But if we cannot throw something away, this thing can always be washed, cleaned, varnished or reupholstered. And feel free to take all unnecessary utensils and clothes to the trash. You yourself will be surprised at how much easier it will become for you to breathe in your own home after such cleaning - of course, because you have cleared the house of negative energy.

In Italy, there is a wonderful custom - throwing old furniture out of the house on New Year's Eve.

Therefore, be sure to do a general cleaning before the New Year, throw away all the old stuff, and carry out an energy cleaning of the apartment. By the way, you should throw away not only old and unnecessary things, but also things that bring back sad memories to you, even if they are new or expensive. Sadness and melancholy are bad traveling companions, and in the new year you will definitely do without them.

So, we have already figured out one sign. Now let's talk about others. Well, who among us has not heard: “Be sure to forgive all offenders”, “Make peace with your relatives”, “Pay off your debts” (only they must be repaid before December 31), etc. It’s easy to guess that, following these simple rules, we We cleanse ourselves spiritually, get rid of internal negativity. It is very important to enter the new year spiritually renewed, cleansed of negativity, free from evil and resentment, open to all that is good.

If we don’t do all this, if in these few days we don’t reconsider our attitude towards life in general and towards ourselves in particular, then it will be useless to make wishes for happiness and wealth. Remember one simple rule: like attracts like.

Directly on December 31st, before celebrating the New Year, dress in everything new. At this time, you cannot work too much, especially dirty and hard work, otherwise you will spend the entire coming year in worries.

It is very good if both on December 31 and on the first day of the new year (January 1) you have some amount of money in your house - this way you will attract wealth and well-being to your home. If you are engaged in trade and go to work on January 1, then be sure to give the first buyer the goods at a big discount - then throughout the year you will not
know the problems, the goods will go out easily and quickly, and the profit will be high.

Please remember the following rule and always follow it: do not give anything or anyone from home on either December 31 or January 1 (the same applies to days such as January 6 and 7). Otherwise, you will give away your own happiness, luck and prosperity.

Many have heard the sign that the festive table should be plentiful. Therefore, many believers, celebrating the New Year, which always falls on the Fast of Philippi, encounter difficulties. But, believe me, a tasty and beautiful treat can be prepared from vegetables, and even without oil; it is not at all necessary to serve meat. The main thing is to do everything with soul and from a pure heart, wanting to please your family and friends. It is very good to invite guests for the New Year - in this case, you will live the entire coming year surrounded by loyal and cheerful friends who will not forget about you for a day.

It’s very good to invite guests for the New Year

Don’t forget, before setting the table, sprinkle the seeds of rye, wheat and oats on it (they are symbols of fertility, wealth and health) and only then cover it with a new white tablecloth. It’s good if you have bread on your table that day (it’s best to bake it yourself) and salt, because bread has been a symbol of prosperity since ancient times, and salt has always been an excellent talisman against evil and evil spirits.

Also on the table you should have poppy seeds, which symbolize longevity, garlic, which protects the house from unclean spirits hostile to humans, sunflower seeds, which are symbols of a large friendly family and health. We can recommend serving dishes made from peas and beans on the holiday table - this is a symbol of strength and health, friendship and good relationships in the family. Pepper protects against quarrels in the family, nuts symbolize health, intelligence and longevity, and pumpkin is a symbol of fertility.

By the way, do not forget to tie the legs of the festive table with a rope: this is done so that the people gathered at it will be together all year long: no one quarrels, leaves home, or gets seriously ill.