Performance on February 23 at an elementary school. How to decorate a classroom

Defender of the Fatherland Day is always celebrated in elementary schools. Parents are invited to the holiday, and especially fathers and grandfathers are welcome. After all, this holiday is for them. How to surprise guests? Show new skits by February 23. In elementary school, you can act out different versions of skits that guests will like. We have several options to help you prepare for the holiday. Let's watch them.

Scene - different military professions.
This sketch will tell and show a variety of military professions. For the scene you need to prepare toys or cut out the necessary material from cardboard. For example, a tank, plane, ship, and so on. All this is necessary so that when there is a skit and children talk about some profession, other participants, using the example of toys, show how it all works.

Profession tanker.
A student comes out and talks about the tankers. And others use toys to show what it is and how it all happens.

Profession pilot.
The next student talks about pilots and what they do. Assistants also use airplanes to show everything that is happening. You can stage an air battle. In which our planes defeat enemies.

Profession radio operator.
Now about the radio operators. You can also show everything here. For example, one child will come out with a walkie-talkie and a radio and seem to be transmitting a signal somewhere.

Profession border guard.
Many fathers and grandfathers served on the border, and this will be interesting to them. Here the students talk about the border guards and their service.

Profession military doctor.
In war it is. Perhaps the hardest profession is a military doctor. He helps the wounded and is constantly at work. Children recite a poem about military doctors, and assistants show how doctors bandage the wounded.

Profession military sailor.
And finally, the main military profession on February 23 is a sailor. This verse is large and can be recited by several students. And the rest show how ships can conduct combat operations at sea.

The scene is hazing.
Everyone knows that there was, and maybe still is, hazing in the army. This is when a senior in rank or service makes others do everything. In this sketch you will see an example of this.
First on stage, a little boy is doing push-ups, and an older boy is leading him. Then an even older boy comes in and forces the one who was in charge before to do push-ups. Then he comes even older and he forces the one who was older before him to do push-ups, and so on. And then a girl comes out, playing the role of a wife, and turns to the eldest, to her husband. He asks him why he is not at home? He can't give an exact answer, and his wife makes him do push-ups.
Look at the video of what this scene looks like:

The proposed scenario for February 23 in an elementary school is a two-hour holiday program dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day.
The scenario was developed taking into account the age characteristics of primary school students and is aimed at instilling a military-patriotic spirit.

The scenario is fully adapted for holding an event within the walls of a school. This could be an assembly hall, foyer, gym, or any school classroom.
The only condition is space for the “Future Soldier” competition, which requires some freedom of movement.
Necessary technical requirements for the celebration: availability of sockets, equipment for sound design, and devices for viewing thematic slides.

General plan of the event

1. Ceremonial, official part, short presentation by guests, viewing of patriotic slides.

2. Competition program "Future Soldier":

  • competition No. 1. "Military-patriotic riddles";
  • competition No. 2. "Military sports";
  • competition No. 3. "For soldier's ingenuity";
  • competition No. 4. “Military song” (balancing, marching, singing a song).

3. Final part: presenting memorable gifts to guests, girls giving gifts to boys.

Room decoration and props

1. Stands depicting various troops of the Russian Army and photographs of the types of weapons characteristic of these troops.

2. Photo collages depicting holiday parades, training sessions, training with the participation of soldiers of the modern army, and so on.

3. Separately, you can prepare a stand called “Photo Archive”, on which photographs from the history of the Red, Soviet and Russian Army are fixed. Copies can be made by contacting your nearest military museum, or by printing out images that are freely available on the Internet.

4. A separate table and two chairs for honored guests and judges of the “Future Soldier” competition.

5. Ratings from 1 to 5 made on cardboard plates.

6. Two memorable gifts for honored guests: photo albums with photographs of military training classes for schoolchildren, festive events on February 23, photographs from the military-patriotic game “Zarnitsa”, etc. — each school has its own photo archive and a large selection.

7. Gifts from girls to boys on Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Equipment for competitions

For competitions you must prepare the following details:

1. Badges (stickers or badges) according to the number of team members. Some say “Marine”, others say “Special Forces”.

2. Two basketballs.

3. Two tables for putting together puzzles.

4. Two homemade puzzles, placed in different boxes or envelopes. To make puzzles, it is enough to cut posters depicting modern military equipment into chaotic, but not very small pieces.

5. A certificate with empty columns, where the judges will then write in the name of the winning team based on the results of the “Future Soldier” competition.

6. A letter of thanks with empty columns, where the judges will later enter the second team.

Music and video design

1. Recording the next songs:

  • "March of the Slavyanka";
  • "Cranes!";
  • “The fire is beating in a small stove”;
  • "White Boats";
  • “Batyanya” (group “Lube”).
  • "The boy is a future soldier"

2. Recording-backing track of songs:

  • “A soldier is walking through the city!”;
  • "Atas!"

3. Recording light, instrumental music.

4. Preparing two blocks of slides for viewing:

  • the first block is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War;
  • the second – to the modern realities of the Russian army.

5. Preliminary preparation for the song competition. The words, melody, and marching must be studied in advance with each team (“Marines” and “Special Forces”) separately:

  • the “Marines” team marches and sings to the song “A Soldier Walks Through the City”;
  • team "Special Forces" - to the song "Atas!"


Invited guests and presenters

  1. Veteran of the Great Patriotic War.
  2. A soldier who served in the Russian Army, a former student of your school.
  3. Leaders are two students chosen by the teacher. It is better if these are older schoolchildren. Dressed in white shirts, dark trousers, military caps on their heads.
  4. Girls from the class who will congratulate the boys.

Scene #1

Opening of the ceremonial, official part. Patriotic music plays in the background. The presenters come out.

First presenter: Hello, dear guests, hello guys! Today we celebrate the most masculine and one of the most patriotic holidays in our country - February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day!

Second presenter: Throughout its centuries-old existence, Russia was famous for its invincible troops. Our grandfathers, great-grandfathers and great-great-grandfathers served in them with dignity and defended their Motherland. The history of the appearance of the holiday on February 23 - Defender of the Fatherland Day goes back to the turbulent years of the 19th century, when the young Soviet country was torn apart by civil war and the First World War. At the beginning of February 1918, the Council of People's Commissars published the appeal “The Fatherland is in Danger” and issued a decree on the creation of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army. And after another 4 years - on January 27, 1922 - the government of the country of the Soviets decided to celebrate the annual holiday “Day of the Red Army and Navy” on February 23.

First presenter: Somewhat later, in 1946, the holiday was renamed the Day of the Soviet Army and Navy. In the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR) - and this is what our Motherland was called - this day was revered and widely celebrated by all the Soviet people. And now the holiday, renamed in 1995 as “Defender of the Fatherland Day,” enjoys the unwavering love of all citizens of our country. As history has shown, no matter how much time has passed, no matter what changes and transformations our Motherland has undergone, our native Army has always acted as a truly strong and powerful defender of Russian citizens and their interests. We have the right to be proud of it and be confident in the future, in a peaceful sky above our heads.

Second presenter: Guys! Today we invited to visit us for a holiday those who defended and continue to defend our Motherland, our peace, our tranquility, our right to be free and live happily in our free country.

First Presenter: Allow me to give the floor to a Veteran of the Great Patriotic War (full name) - that soldier who, in the terrible forties, without sparing his life, defended our beloved Motherland! Who in his very young years experienced all the torments of a terrible war, and without sparing himself, gave everything for the victory over the Nazis.

(Background music. The song “Cranes” plays very quietly. Guests are provided with a wireless microphone for the performance. The speaker is a WWII Veteran. The performance time is no more than 10-15 minutes, so that students do not lose attention to the words of a respected person. During the veteran’s speech, a block of slides is shown, dedicated to the Great Patriotic War.)

Second Presenter: To ensure that war never happens again, the ranks of the Russian army are always filled with guys just like us, only a little older. They go through their School of Life in different troops. A former graduate of our school (full name) will tell you about how he serves in our Russian army.

(A former student, a soldier of the Russian army, speaks for no more than 10-15 minutes. During his speech, the children are shown the 2nd block of slides, dedicated to the modern Russian army. The song “White Ships” plays quietly in the background.)

First Presenter: Thank you, our dear guests, for your stories! We ask you to take part in our holiday dedicated to the celebration of February 23 as judges of the competition “Boy - Future Soldier!” - according to your assessments, today we will choose the winning team, the members of which will be the smartest, strongest and most dexterous.

(The guests of honor sit down at a special table, where two sets of cards with ratings from 1 to 5 have already been prepared.)

Second presenter: So, our war game begins with a competition of questions. Teams, come out!

Scene #2

Competition program "Future Soldier"

Previously, even before the holiday, all the boys are divided into two teams: “Marines” and “Special Forces”.
They are given appropriate badges.
To the song “Boy, Future Soldier” The participants of the competition take their places.

Competition No. 1 “Military-patriotic riddles”

The first presenter asks riddles to the Marines team, the Second presenter asks riddles to the Special Forces team.
If one of the teams does not know the answer, the right to guess the riddle passes to the other team.
One minute is given to discuss each riddle - the judges time the time.

First presenter:
“There is no more reliable protection in the army!
I will not reveal a special secret:
Soldiers are standing on the border,
Their enemy is very afraid!”
(Answer: Border guards).

Second presenter:
“That car is the envy of everyone!
Of iron and metal,
Even though it looks heavy,
But I don’t know faster!
There is a muzzle on the tower - it shoots!
The enemies are horrified, they will all be swept away!”
(Answer: Tank).

First presenter:
“It’s not just skill that’s useful in battle!
A soldier also needs...”
(Answer: Rifle).

Second presenter:
“The commander resolves the issue peacefully.
He has two commands: equalize and...”
(Answer: Attention).

The judges sum up the results. They give grades. The winning team is revealed.

Competition No. 2 “Sports”

1. Both teams “Marines” and “Special Forces” line up behind each other.

2. The presenters give them a basketball.

3. On command, each team member must pass the ball first from the left side of the team, then from the right.

4. The basketball is then passed overhead.

5. The last task is to have your feet shoulder-width apart and pass the ball from hand to hand across the floor.

6. If a team gets confused, and this is monitored by the leaders assigned to each of them, the task is completed from the beginning.

7. The most attentive, fastest and most importantly organized team wins. But, the losing participants must complete all tasks.

The judges sum up the results and give marks.

Competition No. 3 “For soldier’s ingenuity”

1. A table is placed near each team.

2. “Marines” and “Special Forces” are given an envelope with puzzles prepared in advance.

3. You will need to quickly assemble a picture correctly, depicting military equipment of the modern Russian army.

The judges select the winners and give each team a score.

Competition No. 4 “Military Song”

This competition requires preliminary preparation.

1. Both teams must learn in advance a verse of their remade song to the music (backing tracks) “A soldier is walking through the city” and “Atas!”

2. The song must be performed while marching correctly and clearly in place, as on the parade ground. The step on the spot, alignment, appearance and execution of the text are assessed.

The “Marines” team trains marching to the song “A soldier is walking through the city”:

“We are great guys!
Everything is like a parade!
Will serve in the army
Our school squad.

And everyone will be proud of the guys!
Mom, dad, you know
I am a future soldier
I am a future soldier!

The Spetsnaz team marches and sings the song “Atas”:

Our class is serving in the army!
Don't cry, girls!
Service for boys!

We will protect you together!
You sleep peacefully,
After all, we are on the border!
Atas, atas, atas!”

The judges sum up the results of the song competition and give marks.

The guests of honor sum up the overall results of the competition “Boy – Future Soldier!” and identify the winning team.
At the end of the holiday, a WWII veteran will present the winning team with a Certificate for first place. And the second team will receive a Gratitude from the hands of the second guest of honor for participating in the competition.

Scene #3

The song “Fire is beating in a small stove” plays quietly in the background.

First presenter: We heard a lot from our elders about the Great Patriotic War...

Second presenter: About terrible crimes, and a common misfortune that is terrible for everyone.

First presenter: When the Nazis advanced, brutally killing Soviet people,

Second presenter: The soldiers defended their homeland without sparing their lives!

First presenter: Hungry, cold, they stood in the trenches, for Russia, for those who were in the rear!

Second presenter: For a peaceful sky above us, so that we can live freely, in defiance of all the forces of death, the Army of the country stood!

(The song “The fire is beating in a cramped stove” is turned on louder. The presenters ask the children to stand up and honor the memory of the soldiers who did not return from the war.
A minute of silence for participants in the holiday dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day.)

Scene #4

The final part of the gala event in honor of Defender of the Fatherland Day.

First presenter: All the guys did well today! They performed excellently in difficult tasks and proved that in the near future they will be able to adequately defend our Motherland!

Second presenter: A word to sum up the military-patriotic “The boy is a future soldier!” introduces himself to our honored guests (says the names of the guests).

(The judges say kind words to the boys and their opinions about the tasks and the participation of schoolchildren in various patriotic competitions. Then they present the winning team with a “Certificate” signed by them, and the second team a “Letter of Thanks.”)

First presenter: Our holiday has come to an end. Allow me, on behalf of all the guys, to thank our esteemed guests for their active participation in the holiday and present them with memorable souvenirs.

Second presenter: We congratulate our distinguished guests on Defender of the Fatherland Day! Thank you for your valiant service! We, in turn, promise not to let you down when we grow up! And our boys will not be left without gifts! Girls, did you want to say something?

Girl classmate: Dear Guys! On behalf of all the girls in our class, we congratulate you on February 23rd! We have prepared gifts for you! Girls, give gifts to our future defenders!

(The rest of the girls, having decided in advance who gives the gift to whom, give the boys gifts. The main thing is that no one is left without attention and a gift. The presenters monitor this and help the girls).

First presenter: With this, we consider our festive event dedicated to February 23rd to be over.

Second presenter: Remember about the feat of our soldiers! Appreciate and love our Motherland! Grow up worthy, study well - so that strong soldiers in both strength and spirit serve in the ranks of the Russian army! Once again, happy holiday everyone! Happy Defender of the Fatherland!

(Music sounds, everyone first sees off the guests with applause, then gradually disperses.)

Instilling a military-patriotic spirit in the younger generation is the primary task of secondary schools, all teachers, parents and society as a whole. After all, the extent to which a child is imbued with love and respect for his homeland, the extent to which he knows and remembers the exploits of his great-grandfathers and grandfathers, it will be possible to confidently speak about the healthy genetic memory of our country.

Holiday goals:

promote the harmonization of parent-child relationships;

introduce children to the tradition of celebrating Defender of the Fatherland Day;

consolidate knowledge about military professions, names of military equipment;

improve coordination of movements, develop dexterity and accuracy in children;

cultivate patriotic feelings.

Materials and equipment : 2 bags, 2 baskets, rope, package with report.

The progress of the holiday

Children enter the hall while marching, change formations and stand in a semicircle (at the choice of the teacher).

Leading: Guys, our holiday is dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day.

Peace is the most important word in the world.

Our planet really needs peace!

Adults need peace! Children need peace!

Everyone needs peace!

Song "Russia"

Leading. Your grandfathers and fathers served in the army or navy. They defended our country so that you could live in peace and study under the peaceful sky of the Motherland. Our glorious warriors are courageous and brave, and you guys, of course, want to be like them. And now we will show how strong, strong, and dexterous you will grow to become a worthy replacement.

Poems read

1. For girls every year

The holiday is celebrated.

For guys it's the other way around

There are no such days.

2.What are you saying?

You are wrong my friend.

Defender's Day everyone is together

Celebrating all around.

The holiday is celebrated.

Congratulations to all men,

Everyone knows about it!

4. On a wonderful men's holiday,

On the day of strength and glory of the country,

I wish you great happiness

Health and love!

5. And we wish you a clear path,

May there always be luck!

Today we congratulate you all,

After all, the country is proud of you!

And congratulations to our boys

Have such a wonderful day.

And although we are not always friends with them,

We will sing you a song about them.

Children sing the song "Katyusha".

Leading: Just listen to these proud words - “Defender of the Fatherland”! The defenders of our Fatherland - Russia - are our soldiers, officers, pilots and sailors who are ready at any moment to defend you and me. Our boys really want to become like them: strong, courageous and noble.

Poems read


Let's start singing ditties

Please don't laugh.

Don't look at us like that-

We can be shy!

We sing for you today

And we have the same motive,

Congratulations on the twenty-third

We really, really want you!

Every boy in our class

Very clever and handsome

Congratulations of course

Our entire female team!

Wake up the boys at night

In the very middle,

They will tell you the alphabet

Without one hitch!

Don't yawn in class

Be careful everyone

And good grades will be a must!

It's all boys in class

Even very good

And change comes -

Don't look for mercy.

And our boys are very

They love to run and play.

And they promise to study

Four and five!

All the boys are late

They explain simply:

And study in class

It's never too late!

The third quarter is already in full swing

The clock ticked

And the boys dream:

It would be vacation again!

Our class is all boys

They love to distinguish themselves.

Who draws, who sings,

Someone's having fun!

All the ditties were sung,

Yes, that's how good we are!

Clap more friendly

We tried our best!


Sailors are cheerful people
They live well
And in free moments
They dance and sing

Song "We are all sailors."


All defenders of the country
We congratulate you today.
This dance, without a doubt,
It will lift everyone's spirits!



Song: “Soldier in a cap.”

Scene .

1 girl .

Lena , Kate ! Go here !

Let's With you let's talk ,

After all 23 February is coming soon !

2 girl

What ? 23? Well And What or ?

How this day really So good ?

3 girl

Well , How or , holiday at men !

IN year after all only day such one !

Congratulate necessary everyone defenders countries .

AND We congratulate our boys must !

2 girl

At how here our Guys ?

They Bye more Not soldiers .

1 girl

But will grow up And will protect !

2 girl

Bye They know how only offend :

That behind braid pull , That pushed ,

That V door Not they'll let you in , That call you names .

3 girl

Them more congratulate There is cause -__

We them let us remind you , What They men .

Let's With holiday congratulations ,

Which - someday For them surprise we'll arrange .

1 girl

I came up with it ! We'll arrange them tournament !

2 girl

A which there will tasks ?

1 girl

On dexterity let's do it competitions ,

On mind , intelligence And knowledge ,

On speed , on skill

IN serious in fact manifest patience

2 girl

Well What and , Then let's start hurry up .

AND We behind them Today let's get sick !


Now we will hold a competition and see how smart, dexterous, brave and courageous our guys are.

And our boys will be helped by their dads today. So, the first competition.

Military puzzles :

Boldly V sky floats by ,

Overtaking birds flight .

Human them manages .

What such ? ( Airplane .)


Without acceleration up I'm taking off ,

dragonfly I remind you .

Heading off V flight

Our Russian ... ( helicopter ).


I'm walking V iron shell ,

Armor all sheathed .

I'm shooting I shells ,

I Very formidable With mind ... ( tank ).


Under water iron whale ,

During the day And at night whale Not sleeping .

During the day And at night under water

Protects my peace . ( Underwater boat .)


Miracle - bird , scarlet tail ,

Arrived V flock stars .

Our people built this

Interplanetary ... ( rocket ).


Tuchek No on horizon ,

But opened up V sky umbrella .

Through some minutes

got down ( parachute ).


It thundered thunder , funny thunder .

Sparkled All all around .

Are torn V sky tirelessly

colorful fountains .

Spray Sveta everywhere pour .

This festive ( Firework )

Leading. There are many branches of the military in the army, where people of different military specialties serve. Let's remember some of them.

Competition two “Continue the proposal”

“The tank is controlled by...”

“The cannon fires...”

“Sitting at the controls of the plane...”

“He’s scribbling from a machine gun...”

"He goes on reconnaissance..."

“Guards the border...”

“On duty on a submarine...”

"Jumping with a parachute..."

“They serve on ships...”

Third competition: heroic fun - a crossword competition.
But our crossword puzzle is not simple, and only real heroes who have intelligence, ingenuity and a sense of humor can solve it.

1) Country set for seven minors. ( Stalls ).
2) The main weapon of the Nightingale the Robber. (
Whistling ).
3) Containers for miracles. (
Sieve ).
4) There is no warrior in the field. (
One ).
5) Royal head distinction. (
Crown ).
6) Bogatyr figure. (
Three ).
7) Minimum measurements per cut. (
Seven ).
8) Not alone in the field. (
Warrior ).
1) A headdress designed for a fool. (
Cap ).
2) Robber's figure. (
Fourty ).
3) The “unclean” dozen. (13).
4) Witchplane. (
Pomelo ).
5) Serpent according to the priest. (
Gorynych ).

LeadingTo become defenders, To fulfill a soldier’s duty, You need to be strong, be strong, Be friends with physical education. (2 teams)

    Relay race “Crossing a minefield with an important message”

You can use the constructor by scattering them on the floor. Participants must run to the landmark and back without stepping on it.

    "Salute." Leading. Now let our dads show their skills, the attraction is called “Salute.” To do this, you need to bring one hand to your temple, stretch the other forward and raise your thumb, then change hands. This must be done quickly.

Dads compete, and then - if desired - children.

    Relay race “Knock out the tank”

A sharp eye is the key to success,

Any soldier will tell us,

So that the desired victory

Finished the right fight.

Hit the pin with the bag.


Host: We swear to be knights!

There is no higher rank in the world!

“Thank you” we will say,

And also "Goodbye"


We will respect girls

And we will protect the weak.

In the fight against evil we will achieve goodness,

Let's take an example from Robin Hood!


Reader. Today we knight you!

We sincerely congratulate you on this proud title.

And we hope: from now on we will be proud of you,

And we give you gifts. We bought them for you ourselves.

Girls give gifts to classmates


Even though I don't want to say goodbye,

But it's time for us to part.

The school will greet you joyfully

You on any of the holidays.


If you want to visit,

Feel free to come to us.

We will be glad to see you!

We'll show you how we learn.

And we'll tell you about the class,

Come visit us!

We congratulate our fathers and grandfathers on Defender of the Fatherland Day. We wish you health, love, success in all your endeavors and pride in your children, who love you very much. Congratulations to our boys, who, when they grow up, we are sure of this, will become strong, brave men.

February 23 at the elementary school. Scenario of the competition program for 4th grade


Today is a holiday, but it’s not an easy holiday.

Russian Army Day -

Invincible and steel,

Which means this is a man's day!..

And today we have gathered to congratulate future men - future glorious defenders of the Fatherland, our boys! So, let's begin!

Student 1.

The date has a special meaning -

Birthday of the brave sons.

All Russian people on this date

Sends greetings to the sailor and soldier.

V. Matveev

Student 2.

The buckle on the belt sparkles

And it shines from afar.

Striped shirt

It's called a vest.

Gloomy in the sea-ocean,

The waves are dancing here and there,

Ships sail in the fog

Our land is guarded.

K. Vanshenkin

Student 3.

The birds fell asleep on the branches,

The stars don't shine in the sky...

Hidden by the border

Border guard detachment.

Border guards are not asleep

At the native border,

Our sea, our land,

Our sky is the guardian!

S. Marshak

Student 4.

Long live the artillerymen -

Defenders of our lands,

Carriers of our shells,

Gunners hitting the target!

M. Matusovsky

Student 5.

Let the sun shine in a peaceful sky

And the trumpet does not call for a hike.

So that only during exercises

The soldier went forward to attack.

Let there be spring thunder instead of explosions

Nature awakens from sleep,

And our children sleep peacefully

Today, tomorrow and always!

Leading. Attention, guys! Today we have prepared competitions for our girls and boys. Girls enter the competition first.

Competition for girls. Quick poll “Men, men, men...”

2. What was the name of the prince from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Knights”? (Elisha.)

3. What was the name of the Russian commander, who was a very frail child as a child? (A. Suvorov.)

4. A man's name, he is also the king of beasts. (A lion.)

5. A man in his prime. (Carlson.)

6. A young sailor serving on a ship. (Cabin boy.)

7. Captain of the Nautilus from the book by Jules Verne. (Nemo.)

8. The heroic act of a soldier. (Feat.)

9. Gagarin's name. (Yuri.)

10. What is another name for a pilot? (Pilot.)

11. The hero of Nosov’s trilogy, who knows nothing. (Dunno.)

12. Heroes of tales about the life and exploits of the Russian people. (Bogatyrs.)

13. The villain from the book by K. Chukovsky, who lives in Africa. (Barmaley.)

14. Cook on a sea vessel. (Cook.)

15. The name of the boy, the main character of the stories of V. Dragunsky. (Denis Korablev.)

16. The main character of A. Gaidar’s story, who created his own team. (Timur.)

17. Russian prince, under whose leadership the victory was won over the Mongol-Tatars on the Don. (Dmitry Donskoy.)

18. The Russian Tsar, who studied shipbuilding in Europe, did carpentry and carpentry. (Peter /.)

19. Clothes of ancient Russian warriors that protected their bodies from wounds. (Chain mail.)

20. List the three heroes depicted in Vasnetsov’s painting. (Ilya Muromets, Alyosha Popovich, Dobrynya Nikitich.)

21. Who was in love with Malvina? (Pierrot.)

22. What is the name of a sea robber? (Pirate.)

23. Russian fabulist. (I. Krylov.)

24. The hero of a Russian folk tale who cooked porridge from an ax. (Soldier.)

We have prepared competitions for boys - tests of strength, ingenuity, and endurance. Boys, are you ready? (2-3 teams of 4-8 players are selected.)

Competition 1. “Collect a proverb”

Collect a proverb, the text of which is cut into words. Add it up and explain its meaning.

. “It’s hard to learn, but it’s easy to fight.”

. “A coward will consider a cockroach a giant.”

. "There is safety in numbers".

Competition 2. “Make words”

Who can make up the fastest and most words from the letters of the word “soldier”. Time - 3 min. Then each team takes turns reading out their words, avoiding repetition. Whoever has the most words wins.

Competition 3. “On duty”

Select 3 players from each team. They must quickly put on the kitchen duty uniform (apron, sleeves and cap) and peel 3 potatoes. The team that does this most accurately and quickly wins.

Competition 4. “Cook”

The cook is preparing lunch

And then the lights were turned off.

Chef bream beret

And puts it in compote.

Throws logs into the cauldron,

He puts jam in the oven,

Stirs the soup with a poker,

Ugli hits the coals with a ladle,

Sugar pours into the broth,

And he is very pleased.

That was the vinaigrette,

When the light was fixed.

O. Grigoriev

The next competition will be dedicated to vinaigrette. Each team receives a dish and an envelope with the names of various ingredients. Cooks need to select and place in the dish only those included in the vinaigrette recipe.

Ingredients: sunflower oil, pickled cucumber, boiled carrots, boiled beets, boiled potatoes, onions, fish, meat, sauerkraut, apple, banana, jam, tomato.

Competition 5. “Crossing”

2 players from each team are selected. For the competition you will need 6 sheets of cardboard or old plasticine boards.

It is necessary to go the distance, shifting sheets of cardboard in front of you and alternately stepping strictly on the sheets with your left or right foot. Run back, holding sheets of cardboard in your hand. If a participant trips on the floor, the team is awarded a penalty point. The winner is the team whose player completes the entire journey faster and does not score a single penalty point.

Competition 6. “At a halt”

Selected from a team of 6 people. For the competition you need 1 piece of paper for each team, 6 pencils. The first player receives a piece of paper and writes on it the first sentence on the topic “How we passed the minefield.” Then the piece of paper is folded so that what is written is not visible to other players. Each subsequent player does the same. After all the sentences have been written down, the entire story is read out. The team whose story is more interesting and funnier wins.

Competition 7. "Darts"

For the competition, teams line up in columns and take turns throwing darts at targets attached to the board. The team with the most points wins.

Competition 8. “Song”

Each team performs an army-themed song.


You showed courage, perseverance and patience,

And sometimes endurance, to everyone's surprise,

To stand guard over your Motherland

And defend Russia from enemies with honor!


Presentation of medals to boys: “The most dexterous”, “The most courageous”, “The fastest”, “The most intelligent”, “The most erudite”, “The most accurate”, “The most cheerful”, “The loudest”, “The most economical”, etc. .

To the future defenders of the country

Prepared by: Shevchenko T.V.,
primary school teacher
MAOU secondary school No. 4
with in-depth
learning English

Novy Urengoy
year 2014

Goal: to promote unity of the class team, bringing children and parents closer together
1) formation of citizenship, patriotism, instilling a sense of responsibility;
2) formation of a positive attitude towards classmates, respect for the families of classmates;
3) promote the formation of motivation for the active participation of fathers in raising children in the family.

Progress of the holiday.
All the roles are performed by the children themselves (they read poetry, conduct competitions).
Girls classmates are at the blackboard (the boys are still outside the door)

Well, it looks like everything is ready!


Girls, hello!

What cool outfits we have!

Let's go to the holiday!

Is everything assembled now?

Where is our Zhenya?

Is it true?

Stop waiting!

Let's start without her!

Maybe we can wait?

Girls, girls! Wait!

What's happened?

I have important news!

Clock stopped?

Were you stuck in a traffic jam?

No. I'm not talking about myself.

And about whom?

About boys. While you were gathering here for three hours, our boys ran away all over the school!

What a news!

How did they run away?

Nothing! Now we will call them!

Boys! Boys!

The boys enter the classroom to the applause of the girls and spectators, and welcome music sounds. Children take their places in the classroom. Girl readers come out to the board in groups of 3-5 people.

Comic congratulations
In our class we counted
11 defenders of the country.
Today we congratulate them
You definitely should!
Our strength, our valor,
Our pride, finally,
In our class, every guy -
That's a worthy fellow!
Don't look in parallels -
There is nowhere better than ours!
Both in learning and in fun,
Ours are the best everywhere
Here he sits on the third desk
The main soldier of the Motherland -
On him from elementary school
All the girls are already looking.
But the one on the last one,
Protects everyone around
For example, good friends
From annoying friends.
We also have our own security guard -
He guards the diary
Not a single teacher in school
He did not penetrate the document.
Five scouts from the class
Observation is carried out -
What's for second today?
They'll serve it to us in the dining room.
There is a hero in our class,
In fights - super-extreme,
If you join the army,
There will definitely be a general!
Two, just without a parachute,
They fly down the railings -
Just boys in the landing party
They have been wanting to serve for a long time!
In general, a clear picture -
The guys are all right,
The military registration and enlistment office will be lucky,
When will your set arrive?

Competition 1
“Boys, we ask everyone to come to the board. Get as tall as you want!”
The construction takes little time; the children learned how to do it in physical education lessons.
- Applause for the male half of the class!
Competition 2
“Put the soldier’s hat on.”
The boy (mom, dad, girl in turn) sits on a chair. Another boy is blindfolded and given a cap. Task: walk and put a cap on the “soldier”. Funny situations arise when instead of a classmate (quickly changing seats) it turns out to be someone’s dad, mom, etc.

Competition 3
"Fun exercise." We ask the boys to repeat the movements after the girl leading the competition. Traditional counting exercises and unexpected actions (clap your hands, squats, jumping). We select any rhythmic music.

Comic advice for boys in honor of the Defender of the Fatherland holiday
To our future soldiers
We send our warm greetings,
And we also want, guys,
Frivolous to give advice
Always exercise in the morning
It would be good for everyone to do -
Everything will be fine in the body
And there will be no problems with it!
It would be good for you to master
A course in refined manners,
So as not to build with the ladies
There is a barrier in the relationship.
To frivolous advice
Let's take this advice -
If you are not ready for an answer,
Don't just stand there silently!
Like a scout, careful
Always have a cheat sheet
In a hopeless situation
Better eat it then.
Like a sailor, a submariner,
Lie deep to the bottom
To achieve the title of “repeater”
It wasn't given to you.
To send a note cleverly
Train your eye -
Can't find it without training
The addressee is your masterpiece.
Frivolous advice
Today we give you
Secrets all and all secrets
We give it to you for free!

Competition 4.
“Boys, we ask everyone to come to the board. Get in alphabetical order!”
From work experience. We invite the boys to introduce themselves and, together with their parents, check that the children are correctly placed in alphabetical order. The guys try very hard, stand at attention, clearly and seriously announce their names.

For future defenders
Present day
Try to remember
And keep it in your heart.
You are strong, you are brave,
And the enemy is treacherous
He's afraid to approach you.

And there is more in life
Big things
Where would you like honor
I didn’t call for you,

You go boldly
Spear ready!
Fight for your loved ones
For your happiness.
The reading boys come out.
There were bumps on my forehead,
There are lanterns under the eye.
Well, if we are boys,
Then we are heroes.

Scratches. Splinters.
The only thing we're afraid of is iodine!
(Here, without hesitation, tears
The commander himself is pouring.)

Let your head be green
And my leg is covered in plasters,
But there are still strengths,
To defeat the enemy.

Stubborn, in the morning we
Again to battle, on patrol!
Scars from those battles
They still remain.

Competition 5
"Scouts". We write down “assignments” on pieces of paper, negotiate with teachers of other classes, and enter into the assignments the names of representatives of the families present at the holiday. Goal: complete the “secret mission” in the shortest possible time and report to the “general” (we invite dad, put on a military cap).
A variety of tasks can be offered. We advise you in advance that during this competition you can go from the classroom to the cafeteria, library, etc. For example, you need to know:
1) How many children does ... (classmate’s name, select a few in advance) have in the family? The “scout” rushed to whisper with the fathers and mothers of these families and wrote them down on a piece of paper.
2) How many children from neighboring classes are present at school today? (I went to the neighboring rooms to ask the teachers)
3) Did the fathers serve in the army and in what troops...? (We write down the names in advance. The boys ask the fathers themselves).
4) What will they prepare for lunch today in the school canteen for high school students?
5) What will be prepared for lunch today in the school canteen for teachers (We agree in advance with the cook of the school canteen) and so on.
It is important that every boy receives a task (even a small one).
At the end of the competition everyone reports: “Comrade General! I inform you that…” Both adults and children accept the competition with pleasure. Messages that are unexpected for everyone are heard, received with interest and a smile by the audience. The “General” seriously answers the boys: “Thank you for your service!”

Men's holiday
This morning I asked my mother:
- What kind of holiday has come to us?
Why is everyone fussing
Are you preparing a festive table?
Dad in a new shirt
Grandfather put on all the orders,
You were near the oven yesterday
I worked until late.

A mother from the audience answers (I prepared with my son in advance, for other parents - an unexpected and interesting moment)

Congratulations on this holiday
All men, from all over the country,
After all, they are responsible for that,
So that there is no war!

The next group of boy readers comes out. They say, addressing each other, as in a conversation and to the father (see in the text)

Congratulations to dad
Happy Men's Day:
In my youth, I know
He served in the army.

That means he is also a warrior,
At least not a commander.
Worthy of a holiday
Protected the whole world!

For me, you are the main one.
You won't let me fall:
I am the glorious Fatherland
Small part.
Secretly older brother
I decided to tell you:
“In the past, our dad was a soldier,
Served the homeland
Woke up at dawn
Cleaned the machine
To be all over the earth
Peace for all the boys."

I'm hardly surprised
I suspected
And for a long time I believed that he -
Former general.
On the twenty-third I decided
Exactly at six in the morning
I'll scream with all my heart

A new group of boy readers is coming out.
My dad.
1) My dad is handsome
And strong as an elephant.
Beloved, attentive,
He's affectionate.

2) I'm looking forward to it
Dad from work.
It's always in your pocket
Brings me something.

3) My dad is resourceful,
Smart and brave.
He can handle it
Even a difficult matter.

4) He’s also a naughty guy,
A mischief maker and a prankster.
With him every day
It turns into a holiday.

5) My dad is cheerful,
But strict and honest
Read books with him
And it's fun to play.

6) And it’s boring without dad
Nobody knows how
Laugh so loud.

7) My dad is a wizard,
He's the best
He instantly turns
Whatever you ask.
8) He can become a clown
Tiger, giraffe.
But best of all
He knows how to be a dad.

9) I will hug him
And I whisper quietly:
My dad, I love you
I love you so much!

10) You are the most caring
The most native,
You are kind, you are the best
And you are only mine!

Song. Performed by the whole class.

The finale of the holiday. The artists line up at the board to applause. Children remove prepared cards and drawings from the board and hand them to their dads. For boys - gifts (books, construction sets, etc.).

1) Master class for a primary school teacher. Issue 2. - M.: Planet, 2011. - 352 pp. - (Lessons in craftsmanship).
2) Kaleidoscope of holidays: educational and methodological manual / comp. T.I. Vitaleva - 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Publishing house "Exam", 2011. - 286 p.
3) Carousel of show ideas / Editor-compiler L.I. Zhuk-Mn.: Krasiko-Print, 2010.-128p.