What happens after conception. The video will show you the detailed process of conception. Is it possible to conceive before menstruation?

Our great-grandmothers tried to find out whether conception occurred long before the delay of menstruation, listening to their body or trusting folk signs. Ultra-precise medical diagnosis of pregnancy arose closer to the beginning of 1960, when, based on the experimental findings of the German scientist Dr. Sondek, the first test was created to determine the amount of hCG in a woman’s urine. Therefore, until 1960, in gynecological offices, women were told about what the first signs of pregnancy after conception might be, warning that in some cases the expected symptoms indicate diseases of the reproductive system.

Painful sensations in the lower abdomen as a sign of pregnancy

Many women experience discomfort in the lower abdomen immediately after conception. These sensations may be somewhat reminiscent of the pain observed before the onset of the next menstruation. Typically, the cramps described by the vast majority of pregnant women when they remember the beginning of their pregnancy are not associated with the growth of the uterus. This is the body's natural reaction to the successful completion of conception. However, if the pain lasts more than 2 weeks and menstruation does not occur, there is a high probability of an ectopic pregnancy. In this case, it is necessary to consult a gynecologist who will perform a transvaginal ultrasound to exclude the threat of spontaneous abortion or abnormal position of the fertilized egg.

Digestive system dysfunction and pregnancy

Most often, the first signs of pregnancy after conception are associated with the woman’s digestive system. They should be taken seriously if conception occurred no more than a week ago before the appearance of the following symptoms:

  • flatulence accompanied by heaviness in the stomach;
  • heartburn;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • aversion to certain foods and smells;
  • the desire to change your diet or add dishes with unexpected flavor combinations to it.

You can feel when conception has occurred only when the egg fertilized by sperm penetrates the wall of the uterus. Until this moment, the woman’s hormonal background remains the same, so it is not possible to find out about the exact date of pregnancy based on observations of the functioning of the digestive system.

Psychological aspect of pregnancy

Women actively planning a pregnancy specifically calculate favorable days for conception and therefore are in a tense psychological state. They try to explain the frequent changes in their mood with the onset of a long-awaited pregnancy. There is some truth in this: pregnant women really are in a difficult psychological state. Thanks to changes in hormonal levels, you can feel that fertilization has taken place. The woman becomes very emotional. She experiences self-pity, the cause of which may be panic fear for her child or the irreversibility of future childbirth (this condition is due to the fact that the pregnant woman is afraid of the very process of childbirth).

Soreness of the mammary glands: mastopathy or pregnancy?

Sure signs of pregnancy after conception are associated with changes in the mammary glands. About 90% of women in labor felt discomfort in the breast area immediately after possible conception. The mammary glands enlarge long before the first day of missed menstruation (about 1.5 - 2 weeks). The chest becomes rounder. You may notice how the areolas and nipples become wider, acquiring a rich brown tint. Thus, the breast begins to prepare for future feeding of the baby.

Cystitis as a signal of pregnancy

The smallest stage of pregnancy is very often accompanied by cystitis. The cause of inflammation of the bladder may be associated not only with changes that have occurred in the uterus (which at first resembles a chicken egg), but also with the restructuring of the entire body. The woman's immune system is weakened. Therefore, until the day of delivery, she may experience problems with urination, which may be caused by infections. However, now cystitis is treated with safe antibiotics, which can be used even when the period is less than 7 weeks.

Increase in basal temperature

Women who want to know when favorable days for conception will arrive regularly measure their basal body temperature. This method is practiced by those for whom the date of birth is especially important. After all, some mothers strive to give birth to a child on a certain significant date: New Year, wedding anniversary or other important event. It is believed that a sharp increase in temperature indicates ovulation. If the temperature rises in the days following ovulation, then conception has occurred. But if conception has taken place and the temperature does not rise, a woman can be diagnosed with a lack of progesterone, which often causes miscarriages.

Colds as a possible symptom of pregnancy

In the first days after conception, you may feel weakness, general malaise, and increased body temperature. This condition is often accompanied by all the symptoms of acute respiratory infections: runny nose, cough, sore throat. This is how the body reacts to the changes that have occurred to it. Therefore, some women talk about the possible date of birth, counting the day of conception from the day of the cold, if the date coincides with a subsequent delay in menstruation. This condition is justified in the case when you can remember the approximate date of the onset of the cold.

Diagnosis by detecting hCG in a woman’s blood and urine

Long before giving birth, a woman’s body produces a hormone – human chorionic gonadotropin. This hormone is produced within days of conception by the future placenta. This means you can find out about the approximate date of pregnancy long before the first days of missed menstruation have passed. It is enough to determine the presence of hCG in the body (this can be done in three ways: buy a pregnancy test, do a special blood or urine test). The most reliable result can be obtained if the period from the beginning of fertilization is 10 days. Some women, considering favorable days, do a hCG test immediately when their basal temperature rises, but such results can be questioned since the concentration of the hormone initially does not exceed what is permissible in the body of non-pregnant women.

Why do you need to know about the first signs of pregnancy?

Not all women calculate the days of ovulation because they use contraceptives or do not have a regular sexual partner. Therefore, for them, the days of delay of the next menstruation come as a surprise. Not all pregnancy tests can show reliable results. There have been cases when a woman found out that she had an impressive pregnancy period shortly before... giving birth. Of course, it is difficult not to notice the movements of a child in the womb, but, as history shows, it is possible. This means it is necessary to know about the first symptoms of a possible pregnancy in order to help the doctor determine what the preliminary date of birth is. This is especially important for those women who have an irregular menstrual cycle and, therefore, the days of ovulation in each month may vary.

How to determine the time of conception?

The possible period of conception is considered to be from the first day of the last menstruation. In the same way, the possible date of birth is determined in order to prevent cases of post-term pregnancy or to determine the degree of prematurity in the case of premature birth. The date of conception is calculated in two ways:

  1. Add 40 weeks or 280 days to the date of the first day of the last menstruation (after calculating the period for ovulation - 2 weeks).
  2. From the first day of the last menstruation, 3 months are counted and a week is added to the resulting date.

By determining the time of conception, a woman can protect herself and her baby. After all, many medications, cosmetic procedures, and functional diagnostic methods are unacceptable during the period from the beginning of pregnancy to the birth itself. In addition, every woman must know her gestational age in order to have time to decide what she will do next. If the expectant mother works in a hazardous workplace, she will have to quit so as not to endanger the life of her baby. In addition, she will be able to understand the cause of her illness and dramatic changes in mood, which will make life easier not only for her, but also for the people around her.

In order to give birth to a healthy child, it is important for the expectant mother to know how much time should pass from conception to the onset of symptoms in order to rebuild her body to lead a healthy lifestyle. You can recognize the first signs of pregnancy after conception within 5 days with the help of various symptoms that manifest themselves differently in all women.

Onset of pregnancy

Many women want to know about pregnancy even before taking a test. Therefore, they are interested in how long it should take from the moment of conception to the appearance of the first symptoms.

As a rule, pregnancy occurs 14–16 days after the start of the last menstruation - this period occurs when the egg ovulates.

It is possible to determine the conception of a child within a few days or weeks, but everything depends on the woman’s body, which undergoes various changes that affect the appearance of certain signs. For some, symptoms appear immediately, while for others they may only appear when the baby begins to move in the womb.

Signs of pregnancy immediately after conception

Expectant mothers, passionately awaiting the arrival of their baby, want to know how many days later pregnancy can be recognized. It is believed that the first signs can appear as early as five days after fertilization of the egg.

Colorless vaginal discharge

They accompany a woman throughout her pregnancy and appear immediately after conception. They are characterized by a homogeneous consistency and lack of odor (if the discharge is streaked with blood, greenish-yellow in color, and has a cheesy consistency, then it may be a sign of disease).

Increased breast sensitivity

The breasts are often in this state before menstruation, but upon conception, painful sensations appear, especially in the nipple area. In addition, there is a feeling of swelling of the breasts, which increase in size, the nipples darken a little, and the halos become more blurred.

Frequent urination

Associated with an increase in the concentration of female hormones and blood flow to the pelvic organs.

Frequent urination occurs at night and, unlike cystitis, does not cause pain, and the volume of urine produced may vary.

Depression and general malaise

These signs often go unnoticed. The expectant mother may decide that she is sick or simply overworked at work. However, if nervousness, fatigue and drowsiness, headache, low fever and mood swings appear, this may indicate that pregnancy has occurred.

Other early symptoms of conceiving a child may include excessive sensitivity to smells, new food preferences, increased salivation, sleep disturbances, or slight swelling of the fingers.

Signs of conception after 7 days

If pregnancy is quite difficult to recognize in the first days, then the signs that appear in the first two weeks make it possible to more accurately determine it. However, among them there are those that can cause any disease. Therefore, only a gynecologist can make an accurate diagnosis. What signs appear after the first week of conception?

By day 7-10, a woman may notice the following symptoms.

Spotting brown discharge

This is implantation bleeding, similar to the beginning or end of your period. It occurs due to the penetration of a fertilized egg into the uterine walls. In this case, the vessels are damaged, the blood from which flows through the vagina. Such discharge is usually not strong and lasts no more than two days. However, if bleeding is prolonged and heavy, you must consult a gynecologist, as there is a risk of miscarriage.

Ovulation usually occurs on days 14-16 of the cycle and at the same time pain may appear, which most likely indicates that pregnancy has occurred. However, such pain is not normal and may be a symptom of a threatened miscarriage.

Nausea and vomiting

One of the most obvious signs of pregnancy, the cause of which is the body’s production of hormones such as hCG, prolactin and progesterone. The duration of toxicosis depends on the individual characteristics of the organism.

Women who have problems with the gastrointestinal tract often experience severe nausea (vomiting).

Weight change

When pregnancy occurs, a hormonal change occurs in the body of the expectant mother, due to which the woman can either suddenly lose weight or gain weight.

Signs of conception after 14 days

In the first two weeks, it is not always possible to determine pregnancy; signs may be poorly expressed or indicate the onset of the disease.

The most accurate way to understand whether pregnancy has occurred or not is two weeks after ovulation, when the following symptoms appear.

Delayed menstruation

If a woman has regular periods, then their absence most likely indicates the conception of a child. This can be checked using a test that is done from the first day of the delay.

Increase in basal temperature

Women who monitor their cycles often measure their basal temperature, which is determined by changes in the level of progesterone in the blood. Before conception, the basal temperature will be within normal limits, that is, no more than 37 degrees; after fertilization, it will increase and become above 37 degrees.

Methods for determining pregnancy

A woman may not notice many of these signs. This is usually because she is not expecting to be pregnant, is chalking up symptoms to illness, or has irregular periods. In this case, you can determine the conception of a child using the following methods:

Thus, when pregnancy occurs, signs may appear that help to find out about the conception of a child. The first signs appear after 5 days. They manifest themselves in a woman’s general malaise. Within a week, new symptoms arise associated with the appearance of discharge, nausea, and nagging pain in the lower abdomen. After two weeks, the onset of pregnancy is indicated by such signs as a delay in menstruation and an increase in basal temperature. However, an accurate diagnosis can be determined by a pregnancy test, hCG test, gynecologist or ultrasound examination.

Pregnancy is a labor-intensive and responsible process that requires a lot of strength and endurance from the body.

Therefore, it is better to prepare for it in advance. The stronger and healthier the expectant mother, the it will be easier for her to bear and give birth to a healthy baby.

Most often, doctors in antenatal clinics calculate the duration of pregnancy from the beginning of the last menstruation.

Therefore it turns out that in the first two weeks the woman is not actually pregnant yet, but is only preparing to become a future mother: the egg matures in the follicle, the endometrium grows in the uterine cavity.

Pregnancy occurs from the moment of fusion of germ cells. The fertilized egg (zygote) begins to continuously divide, moving along the fallopian tubes towards the uterine cavity to to gain a foothold there and continue development.

The body already knows about the onset of pregnancy and begins to rebuild itself to preserve it. For a woman who is attentive to her body, these changes will not go unnoticed.

What do we feel?

Weakness and fatigue. In the first days and weeks of pregnancy, many women notice unusual, painful fatigue.

In the morning it is impossible to tear yourself away from the pillow, and by six o’clock in the evening the eyelids stick together again. This is understandable: processes take place in the body that require large amounts of energy.

The hormonal system must quickly adjust so that the uterus can accept and protect the nascent life.

Besides, excessive activity of a woman, especially in the initial stages, it can be dangerous for pregnancy.

Breast swelling. An increase in the amount of estrogen in a woman’s body, as well as other hormones, leads to an increase even in the very early stages of pregnancy.

This is a good sign - the body is preparing to bear a baby, and there is no threat of termination of pregnancy. After some time, the woman will adapt to the new condition and the pain will decrease.

From the moment of ovulation, many women experience a feeling of heaviness and fullness in the lower abdomen, which persists and intensifies with the onset of pregnancy. Yes, this is exactly how it can feel in the stomach in the first days of pregnancy.

They can also nagging pain occurs bloody issues. This is due to the fact that the uterus begins to straighten and stretch a little. Around this time, the developing embryo has already reached the wall of the uterus and begins implantation - penetration into the endometrium.

As the unborn baby settles in for the next nine months, part of the endometrium breaks down and comes out as bloody discharge. By the fifth or sixth week the uterus can usually be felt when examined by a gynecologist.

Nausea and vomiting. There is a stereotype - during pregnancy you feel sick in the morning. In fact, it can manifest itself not only in the morning, but also in the evening, during the day and even at night.

For everyone, toxicosis occurs differently; for some, it does not occur at all. For those who are “lucky” to become the owners of this symptom (the majority of them), nausea manifests itself individually.

This may be an uncontrollable attack of vomiting, coming even from a glass of water, or maybe slight feeling of uneasiness in the stomach. – not even nausea, but rather “dizzy”. Some people will run to the toilet in the first weeks and months, from the very moment of conception, because of the smell of fried food, while others will be notified by a doctor about the presence of toxicosis - they will see acetone in urine analysis.

Nausea is also associated with changes in the amount of hormones in a woman's body, so some may experience the very first symptom of pregnancy.

Increase in basal temperature. If a woman keeps a diary of her basal temperature, then with a high degree of probability pregnancy will not come as a surprise to her.

Before the onset of menstruation, it drops sharply. If the thermometer shows above 37 degrees, this may be a reason to suspect pregnancy.

Changes in the perception of smells. In some women, the sense of smell begins to react sharply to stimuli. There is intolerance to strong aromas, the smell of paint, tobacco, and alcohol. You may even develop an aversion to your favorite perfume and deodorant.

This reaction of the body is easy to explain - for a successful pregnancy, the environment of the expectant mother must be as little chemicals as possible and allergens (which include flowers too).

New culinary preferences. One of the most famous signs of pregnancy. However, a woman is not always drawn to salty foods. Her new condition may be revealed by her desire to eat some of the foods that she could not stand.

Some women I want unusual combinations– sweet with salty, bitter. In addition, pregnancy requires additional energy expenditure, so appetite may increase significantly.

Psychological condition. From the first weeks of pregnancy, many women noted sudden mood swings, nervousness, or vice versa - peace and apathy.

Sharp changes in hormonal levels, preparation of the body for pregnancy, a feeling of fatigue and early toxicosis leave an imprint on the emotional state.

Maybe, increased nervousness associated with the subconscious fears of expectant mothers.

Every woman is naturally endowed with the miracle of creating a new life. Her sensitive and attentive attitude towards her own body will allow recognize an “interesting situation” in time and take measures to preserve the pregnancy and the health of the unborn baby.

For any woman, pregnancy is an important event. Some have been waiting for this happy moment for years and listen to any changes in their body in the hope of giving birth to a long-awaited baby, others are afraid to find out this news because of uncertainty in their partner, random unprotected contacts, etc. Life situations may be different, but one point unites everyone: it is important for every woman to catch the first signs of pregnancy as quickly as possible and understand that an interesting situation has arrived.

The first symptoms of pregnancy, which appear before the delay of menstruation, are called subjective. Pregnancy itself after conception occurs within 7-10 days, this is the time required for the fertilized egg to move to the uterus.

From the moment the fertilized egg is fixed, various changes in the body begin to be observed, signs appear that may indicate the likelihood of an interesting situation.

A single manifestation of one of the earliest signs of pregnancy does not give confidence in conception, but if a combination of two or more symptoms is observed, then you can already tune in to expecting a baby.

Sleep disturbance

Recently, more and more doctors are inclined to consider sleep disturbances as one of the signs of pregnancy. Insomnia occurs in every second woman expecting a new addition to the family, and is usually associated with hormonal changes occurring in the body. Psychological and pathological causes of this condition are also possible.


One of the earliest, main and most frequently manifested symptoms is nausea. An aversion to food may occur only in the morning or throughout the day, and may alternate with the desire to eat something unusual or not eat at all.

Nausea is often accompanied by vomiting; in this case, a woman must replenish fluid loss and drink more clean water.

If nausea occurs more than 20 times a day, it is advisable to seek the help of a doctor; further monitoring of your health in a hospital may be necessary.

Pain in the lower abdomen

A few days after fertilization, some women may complain of nagging pain in the lower abdomen, which disappears without a trace after 2-3 days. Sometimes pain can be accompanied by scanty bleeding, the duration of which is no more than 2 days. Such signs indicate the body’s adaptation to the presence of an embryo.

Pain in the lower back

Women who are preparing to give birth for the first time usually complain of periodic nagging pain in the lumbar region. The pain is explained by an increase in the size of the uterus to accommodate the growing embryo and is observed throughout pregnancy.


The greatest number of complaints about migraines occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy, and this is explained by an increase in blood volume and a sharp change in hormonal levels. An attack can begin suddenly from any irritant or load.

Change in appetite

Often the appearance and course of pregnancy is accompanied by a radical change in taste preferences. Once familiar food suddenly seems completely unsuitable and even disgusting, and foods that were never previously consumed in the everyday diet become more in demand.

Some people may experience a constant feeling of hunger from the first days of pregnancy.

Emotionality, irritability

A woman’s hormonal changes against the background of other signs of pregnancy certainly affect the emotional sphere: continuous changes in mood, anxiety, rage, irritability - all this is most clearly manifested in the first days and months of pregnancy.

These conditions are natural and temporary.

Sensitivity to odors

Almost all women notice an increase in sensitivity to odors in the early stages of pregnancy. There is an opinion that it is this factor that causes nausea and vomiting. The perception of smells develops and proceeds differently for everyone: some react sharply to the aromas of perfumes, others - to foods.

Change in sexual desire

Hormonal changes in the body with the onset of pregnancy can both increase sexual desire and cause refusal of intimacy.

In the second case, this may be triggered by the presence of additional signs of pregnancy, such as nausea, insomnia, and fatigue.

Other signs of pregnancy

These include increased sensitivity of the mammary glands, fever and chills, which change several times a day. In rare cases, an allergic reaction may occur that did not exist before.

External symptoms and signs

Swelling of the face and limbs

There should be no swelling in the first months. If, however, this phenomenon begins to appear before 20 weeks, this often indicates a disease of the kidneys or cardiovascular system, the development of which resulted from pregnancy.

In any case, if such signs occur, consultation with a doctor is required.

There is a belief that if a girl develops acne during pregnancy, it is a sure sign of a girl, and if the skin remains clear, we are expecting a boy. Believe it or not, it's up to you personally.

One thing can be stated with obvious certainty: the appearance of acne on the face is one of the first signs of pregnancy, and it is associated with active changes in the hormonal background of the expectant mother.


Flatulence, or bloating, is another sign of pregnancy and can appear 7-14 days after conception. But women rarely mention this sign; it begins to manifest itself especially clearly later - with the development of the fetus and the deterioration of intestinal function.

Breast augmentation

From the first weeks, women may notice breast enlargement and complain of pain or tingling in the mammary glands. This can be easily explained by the proliferation of glandular breast tissue and milk ducts, which is caused by an increase in estrogen and.

Women often pay attention to this physical sign before others.

Darkening of the skin around the nipples

Simultaneously with breast enlargement, changes in the color of the nipples, areola, and the appearance of tubercles around the nipples (Montgomery glands) may be observed. The nipples themselves can react sharply to touch, and women can feel pain and burning.

Facial redness

As a result of intense blood circulation, a blush may appear on the face, which is more often observed in the evening.

Other external signs

Additional signs of the birth of a new life may be an increase in the venous pattern on the chest; in the lower abdomen, a change in the color of the conditional line running from the center of the navel downwards may be possible - it becomes pigmented and gradually darkens.

Physiological and laboratory changes

In addition to subjective symptoms, the presence or absence of pregnancy will help determine physiological signs and laboratory tests.

The main sign by which a woman most often determines that she is pregnant is a delay in menstruation. A slight delay does not indicate the presence of a pregnancy, but if hormonal disorders were not previously observed and there were no psycho-emotional disorders in the recent past, then together with other signs this may confirm the presence of a fetus.

Increase in basal temperature

If menstruation does not occur at a certain time, it makes sense to measure the internal (or basal) body temperature when the thermometer is inserted into the rectum for 5 minutes.

In this case, it is necessary to strictly follow the rules, if not followed, you can get incorrect results.

  • You need to carry out the procedure in the morning, without getting out of bed, and remain as still as possible.
  • To obtain accurate data on the state of the body, temperature measurements occur over several days at the same time.

If your body temperature exceeds 37 degrees, you should consult a gynecologist. The probability of pregnancy is high.

With the onset of pregnancy, the female body begins to produce a special hormone - human chorionic gonadotropin, produced by fetal tissues. This hormone preserves the fetus and affects the course of pregnancy.

Human chorionic gonadotropin begins to be formed by embryonic cells 7-10 days after fertilization of the egg at the time the embryo attaches to the uterine wall. One of the objective signs of pregnancy is precisely the increase in human chorionic gonadotropin, which can be determined in the blood already on the 6-8th day from the expected conception.

The presence of more than 25 mU/ml in the blood indicates the presence of pregnancy; if this indicator is slightly lower, a repeat test is needed. It is possible to speak unambiguously about the absence of a fetus if the readings are less than 5 mU/ml. The increase in indicators lasts up to 12 weeks of pregnancy, then gradually decreases.

HCG analysis is the most accurate method for determining pregnancy, timing and possible pathologies. To obtain correct analysis results, it is important to follow several rules: it is better to carry out the analysis on the 3-5th day after a missed period or on the 12-14th day after the approximate date of conception; It is advisable not to eat 4-6 hours before the test.

Symptoms of conceiving children of different sexes

More or less reliable information about the sex of the child can be obtained using medical methods.

  • Ultrasound is a routine examination that is carried out no more than 3 times during 9 months of pregnancy (100% accuracy of the result).
  • Amyocentesis - an analysis associated with puncture of the amniotic sac; it is prescribed in case of fear of a genetic disease; it can have unpleasant consequences for the mother and baby (only for determining the sex of the child).
  • DNA test. Surprisingly, with the help of a DNA test it is possible to determine the sex of the child from the mother’s blood starting from the 40th day of pregnancy (100% certainty).
  • Gender test. The sex of the child is determined in the same way as pregnancy is determined - using a test at home. It turns out that the sex hormones of the unborn baby are present in the urine of a pregnant woman. When combining urine with the reagent, if the strip turns out to be green, we expect a boy, and orange, a girl (data accuracy is 90%).

In addition to the above methods for determining the gender of a child, for centuries people have tried to guess the gender of the unborn child on their own and came up with signs that were passed down from generation to generation. Some of them have survived to this day and are still used in determining sex.

The earliest signs of pregnancy with a boy

You can expect a boy based on the following signs:

  • if a woman has an acute stomach, the waist remains at the back;
  • the baby in the stomach kicks strongly and often;
  • constant desire to eat salty foods;
  • swelling of the legs;
  • clean, smooth facial skin;
  • The first months of pregnancy are easy.

The first signs of pregnancy with a girl in the early stages

The following signs are relevant:

  • deterioration of appearance, problems with facial skin;
  • if the abdomen is encircled, there is no waist from the back;
  • darkening of the nipple areola;
  • The first months of pregnancy are difficult.


You can listen to the subjective reasons for pregnancy and assume its presence, but only physiological changes and medical tests can reliably report this. If you notice the first symptoms of pregnancy, contact a specialist immediately.

Symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception - do they really exist, since the medical literature says that all signs appear after the start of delayed menstruation?

We would like to immediately disappoint you... or make you happy - symptoms of pregnancy in the first days are either completely absent or mildly expressed. In addition, they appear no earlier than 7-10 days after conception, that is, just before the start of the delay. It is after so many days that the fertilized egg finishes its journey through the fallopian tube and is implanted into the wall of the uterus. This moment can be considered the beginning of a new life, the intrauterine life of the baby. And the symptoms of pregnancy in the first days immediately after intercourse - this does not at all indicate an interesting situation. The body has not yet undergone any changes that could cause a reaction similar to toxicosis, for example.

Now about the main thing, what are the real symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception, more precisely after implantation of the egg? We will conditionally divide them into “visible” and “invisible”.

Visible signs

1. Increase in basal temperature. Basal temperature is measured in the rectum. Even if you have never measured it before or built graphs, you can try to use it to find out the real state of affairs if more than 7 days have passed since sexual intercourse. Please note that the values ​​will only be accurate for a healthy woman. Prepare for the measurement in advance. You need a good mercury thermometer. Place it next to your bed. At night, do not drink a lot of fluids and do not have sex - this will distort the temperature. Remember that you must be in a calm, lying position for at least 6 hours before the measurement. Even in order to take a thermometer, you need to move as little as possible and certainly not get up. Thus, symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception may be limited to an increased basal temperature - above 37 degrees. But the same thing can be observed after ovulation, and not be associated with the birth of a new life.

2. Early toxicosis may be expressed by periodic attacks of nausea and vomiting and a noticeable deterioration in appetite. These symptoms can provoke the appearance of new ones. In severe cases, a woman is at risk of vitamin deficiency and dehydration. In milder cases, spikes in blood pressure may occur. If the symptoms of pregnancy in the first days already worsen the condition so much, then you may need treatment in a hospital. However, this is extremely rare 1-2 weeks after conception. Most likely, if such a condition occurs, it is not at all associated with pregnancy. It could be an infectious disease or poisoning. Often women convince themselves that they have toxicosis, and the signs appear in real life. But be that as it may, toxicosis almost always disappears by the second trimester of pregnancy. By the way, some women may experience toxicosis in a non-specific manner: on the contrary, their appetite may increase (which is why there is rapid weight gain), weakness and headaches for no reason appear.

3. Mood changes, depression, stress. In principle, a non-pregnant woman can experience the same thing and this will be called PMS - premenstrual syndrome. But if this happened suddenly and had never been observed before in a woman planning to become a mother in the near future, then this can be regarded as an unreliable symptom of pregnancy in the first days after implantation of the egg into the wall of the uterus.

4. Breast enlargement, the appearance of signs of mastopathy, a slight enlargement and darkening of the nipples, in rare cases - the discharge of a sticky whitish liquid from the nipples - colostrum. These signs are more consistent with the second trimester of pregnancy, but in some women they may appear much earlier. Usually, these manifestations are noticed by those women who already have experience of bearing a child. Primiparas believe that these are not symptoms of pregnancy in the first days after conception, but pathologies of the breast. In principle, this can happen. It definitely wouldn’t hurt to get checked by a mammologist, or, in extreme cases, by a gynecologist, and get an ultrasound of the mammary glands.

5. Positive pregnancy test. The instructions for any test say that it is recommended to use it only at the beginning of the delay. But many ladies experiment even before its onset. And sometimes quite successfully. The accuracy of the test readings depends largely on its sensitivity; the higher it is, the lower the level of hCG the test can record and reflect in the form of two stripes, even if the second stripe is not so clear. Such tests usually cost a little more, but the instructions for use are standard. If the second stripe is very, very pale, then perhaps it is a “ghost”, that is, your self-hypnosis. In such cases, it is recommended to be tested again after a few days. Home tests, although primitive, show the correct result even before pregnancy symptoms appear in the first days after conception. Tests can sometimes lie, but neither the diet nor the alcohol taken the day before affects the result. For example, a false positive result (which is already rare) can occur if hCG is elevated in the body, but not due to the development of the fertilized egg, but, for example, due to a benign or malignant tumor of the adrenal glands. That is why some men find themselves “pregnant”. False negative results often occur very early, and also due to the poor quality of the test itself. If you read the forums for women planning pregnancy, you can even find out the names of specific companies that produce low-quality tests.

Now let's look at some symptoms of pregnancy in the first days that are not visible or felt by the expectant mother herself, but are revealed as a result of examinations.

1. Ultrasound examination.

On ultrasound, the embryo is usually not visible yet. But an experienced uzologist can suspect a woman’s pregnancy based on thick, loose endometrium and some other signs. Although this will not be an accurate diagnosis. It will be possible to see the fertilized egg on the monitor after the start of the delay, that is, at 2-3 weeks of pregnancy (if we consider obstetric weeks, then at 4-5). At this stage, the length of the embryo is only a couple of millimeters.

2. Level of hCG in the blood.

A urine test may not reveal this symptom of pregnancy in the first days after conception, but a laboratory blood test makes everything clear. Elevated levels of human chorionic gonadotropin can be detected within 7-10 days after fertilization of the egg.

3. Gynecological examination.

The doctor may notice a slight enlargement of the uterus (as happens before menstruation), cyanosis and slight swelling of the labia, as well as fairly profuse mucous discharge in the absence of fungal or other infections.

Please note that all the methods we describe are not reliable. It will be easier to wait until the delay begins and then be happy or upset. Believe me, it’s a mistake to hope or worry when you notice pregnancy symptoms in the first days after conception - it’s much harder and mentally more exhausting. It would be better to wait 1-2 weeks and then draw conclusions.