How to shave off your beard completely. How to avoid uneven facial hair growth and irritation when shaving? All about how to shave your beard correctly and beautifully. How to shave your beard beautifully at home with a machine

Why does a Russian have a beard?

The strength of Rus' is in its people. The strength of a people, at least the male sex, is in its beard. So why did a Russian person need good vegetation on his chin? On the anniversary of the introduction of the tax on beards by Peter I, we answer this question.

1. To enter the kingdom of heaven
Patriarch Adrian wrote at the end of the 17th century: "God created man with a beard: only cats and dogs do not have it." All "scraped" adult men were indiscriminately excommunicated from the church. This was due to the fact that, according to legend, an Orthodox person had to correspond in appearance to the image of Christ. So clean-shaven men were barred from entering the Kingdom of Heaven.

2. To show your strength
In Rus', men were met not by their clothes, but by their beard. Its density and salinity. Dense vegetation was considered an external reflection of a good breed of a person and his masculine strength. People with poorly growing beards were considered almost degenerates. The beardless, as a rule, remained in the bobs.

3. To keep your dignity
The honor of the Russian man was in the beard. The damage caused to the vegetation on the chin was the gravest crime against the person. Even Yaroslav the Wise established a fine for pulling out hair in a beard. The offender had to pay the state 12 hryvnias for the torn out shred. Under Ivan the Terrible, disgraced boyars were subjected to a shameful civil execution: their hair was plucked from their beards. To wash away such a shame could only be in a monastery or a feat in the war.

4. To emphasize your Russianness
The beard was considered a gift from the Lord. And the Russian people were very gifted in this regard. The beard was our national treasure, which was protected, among other things, by unspoken charters not to marry foreigners. Especially with those whom nature has not endowed with dense facial hair. Those who sinned with the "basurmans" were easily recognized by their offspring, or rather, by their "goat", sparse beards. The unfortunate were "rewarded" with the status of "bastard" (from the word fornication), and a lot of effort had to be made to become a full member of society.

5. To have harmony in life
A beard for a Russian person was not only an honor and conscience, but also a balance in life. The loss of hair on a beard certainly affected the fate of a person. The randomly torn out tufts and fallen hair on the chin were taken very seriously: the “bald” man, as a rule, went to confession, and then sat down on a strict post. People who voluntarily got rid of their beards were considered possessed. Ordinary people shunned them so as not to be infected with demons. But the most terrible thing for a Russian person was when the tsar “scraped off”. This was perceived by the people as a national catastrophe ...

6. To show your independence
In the 19th century, a beard was perceived as a sign of freethinking. The beards did not arouse suspicion among priests, Old Believers, and merchants. Raznochintsy, who let go of their beards, were regarded as a potentially dangerous, unreliable element. In the Soviet era, a beard was an attribute of a wealthy peasant, priest or academic scientist, and later also fans of suspicious intellectuals like Hemingway or the unformatted Vysotsky. Thus, it can be argued that wearing a beard is a kind of non-conformism, showing the independence of the views of its "owner" and even his revolutionary spirit. Suffice it to recall the bearded leaders of world revolutions.

7. To emphasize your masculinity
At all times, a beard has been a sign of masculinity and maturity. A beardless man was even denied a blessing and was not allowed on the battlefield. Today, in a time of blurring gender boundaries, wearing a beard can serve as an additional indicator of masculinity.

Why not grow a beard? Today, shaving is the norm and therefore eliminates the growth of facial hair. Sometimes men need a little courage to radically change their image. Of course, just growing a beard is not enough, you need to learn how to properly care for it.

How to grow a beard - the first steps

We advise you to start the difficult process of growing a beard during your vacation. You will be more relaxed when you are away from your work and people. Often, many men give up their idea halfway through, having heard the unkind reaction of colleagues. Try not to shave at all, at least for the first four weeks of hair growth.

How to grow a beard - a common mistake

The most common mistake is trying to start shaping your beard too early. Even if you are only planning to grow a small beard, you should let it grow for the first four weeks. Many men at this stage cut off more than they really want.

How to grow a beard - beard shaping

After four weeks, you can start shaping your beard. As a general rule, many men want to define a "neckline" along the bottom of the beard. This is best done with the help of a professional hairdresser or stylist. The "cheek line", the top edge of the beard on the cheeks, is best left natural. If you plan to start the beard just below the eyes, the cheeks should also not be touched.

How to grow a beard the right way - don't let the itch hold you back!

If you experience itching on your face, try to keep your skin clean daily with shampoo and conditioner. She will eventually be able to adjust to the new situation. Itching may be temporary, and application of baby oil or moisturizing lotion may bring quick relief. Balms with shea butter or beeswax are also good for hair growth, providing moisture and protecting it from wind damage and dangerous sunlight.

How to grow a beard the right way - set a goal

Don't give up half way! Set a target date. For example, give yourself at least six weeks of hair growth before giving up on your efforts. When you reach the six week date, you can decide whether you want to have a beard or get rid of it.

Maintain a beard

  • Buy a beard trimmer and get advice on how to use it.
  • Dry your hair with a soft towel.
  • If you decide to get rid of a new beard, the easiest way is to use a special trimmer or hair clipper.

How to grow a beard - using a comb

Do not forget that the beard looks neat when it is systematically combed. On sale there are rounded, short, long combs that are specially designed for beard care. Combs can be made of metal, plastic, wood, or even bone and have wide or thin teeth. For a long beard, wide-toothed combs are always chosen, and for small beards, fine-tooth combs are always chosen to help shape and maintain facial hair. The comb is also used when applying oil or balm to the hair.

How to grow a beard - soap, shampoo, conditioner

Beware of detergents containing parabens and sulfides, which are present in hair shampoos. Many men prefer to groom their beard with soap. You can try both to see what works best for you. However, remember that the skin under the beard is much more sensitive than on the head, so organic ingredients should soothe it, not irritate it.

Growing a beautiful beard is not easy, because it directly depends on how well you take care of facial hair. Following the above tips, you will eventually become the owner of a prestigious and courageous image.

Every adult male sooner or later is puzzled by the question of choosing a device for removing bristles in the face area. Many men leave their beards, as it looks stylish, beautiful, emphasizes their individuality. But for this, the vegetation must be in good shape. How to shave your beard? This problem worries different males. It is possible to perform a beautiful trimming of the hairline at home, but is it better to shave - with a T-shaped machine or an electric razor? And do you need to use it? Also, many representatives of the strong half of humanity are interested in points related to negative consequences of this process - how to shave without irritation? Or how to shave a beard so that the stubble remains?

It is possible to make beautiful facial hair on your own at home, but this requires certain tools, patience, and experience. To get the desired effect, you need to carefully consider the features of the face, its oval, also take into account the color of the hair, skin, and your own height. And only after that, start the process of growing stubble, shaving it, taking into account the above factors.

Features of the procedure

What is the best shave? Each man solves this problem individually, any shaving tool has its strengths and weaknesses, so the choice of a method for removing bristles is based on the individual preferences of the man, based on his experience, lack of trauma, irritation, convenience and comfort of using this tool. If there are moles on the face, then the shaving procedure must be carried out very carefully in order to prevent the occurrence of wounds, cuts, etc. A special technique for performing the process is also used to grow a beard.

How to shave a man with a machine? The classic way of using a razor with experience provides a close shave, minimally damaging the skin tissue. Shaving a beard is not difficult, for this you need:

  • Machine;
  • Blade;
  • Creamy product, soap for the implementation of the process;
  • shaving brush;
  • Warm water;
  • Mirror;
  • To avoid irritation - a substance used after the removal of vegetation from the face.

You will need: dishes for whipping foam, a towel for the procedure for steaming the skin, substances from cuts. Many male representatives use creams, lotions, oils before this procedure.

Process steps:

  • Preparation of skin, hair;
  • Whipping foam, distributing it on the front area;
  • Implementation of the process;
  • Treatment of skin tissues;
  • Cleaning of appliances.

To get a spectacular beard shape, you will need:

  • Machine, shaving brush;
  • Substance for washing vegetation;
  • Comb;
  • Gels, ointments for the implementation of the process.

Correction of the hairline occurs after the selection of the type of beard. A frill, a square for short males, for people of medium height is recommended - vegetation can be designed at your discretion, and tall beards that blend well with body proportions are suitable for tall representatives of the strong half of humanity. It is possible to choose your beard style thanks to different photographs - portraits of people, you should also remember such points as:

  • It is necessary to consider the features of your face, the size of your cheekbones, mouth, compare this information with an imaginary type of vegetation;
  • Gradually grow the hairline, observing the growth of hairs, their density;
  • In your head, clearly draw the image of a beard - compare it with the shape of your face. For example, chubby people are advised to trim the vegetation that does not reach the contour of the chin, this is done to narrow the facial oval. For elongated faces, the best design of the hairline in the form of a horseshoe;
  • When choosing a beard, various factors are taken into account - the height of a person, the color of the hairs. For example, fair-haired males are usually recommended a wide type of vegetation.

How to shave without irritation? Today, there are various ways to carry out the shaving process, eliminating the occurrence of irritation after this procedure. Due to strong pressure with a razor, the skin tissues are stretched, so you need to guide the device according to the direction of hair growth, in this case the skin will not be injured.

In the process of shaving, it is necessary to use special gels that help the instrument slide, preventing the appearance of wounds and microcracks. Many experts advise using the gel first - apply it to the depilated area a few minutes before the process, in this situation the hairs will soften, they can be easily removed later.

Main stages

In order for a beard to grow, you need to take care of the skin after the process is completed. Wash your face with warm water, apply a good lotion. In the process of growing a beard, you need to shave 1 time in 3-4 days. This will help improve the structure of the hairs, make them soft, obedient, and normalize the growth rate.

Experts distinguish the following stages of the process:

  1. The front surface is washed, the vegetation is moistened, then combed - the hairs should look in one direction;
  2. If the male representative has hard hairs, then it is better to perform a hot compress in advance - this will help open the pores and improve blood circulation. Dry skin is pre-moistened with cream;
  3. By means of a shaving brush, hairs are covered with foam - skin tissues are softened before shaving. The foam is also applied to the area of ​​the mustache, then the hairs are removed in the area of ​​the cheeks, neck;
  4. For the first time, the hairline design procedure is performed in the direction of hair growth. Next, the vegetation is re-coated with foam, by means of the machine a movement is performed against the growth of hairs. At the end of the process, the mustache is trimmed, the hairs on the lower lip area are removed;
  5. With the help of a damp cloth, the remaining foam on the front surface is removed. After that, the skin is impregnated with cream, you can also make a compress. The face is refreshed with special means (for example, toilet water).

To get a beautiful beard shape (using a trimmer) you will need:

  • Razor;
  • Sharp scissors;
  • Trimmer with ceramic blades.

Procedure steps:

  • Hairs are shaved in the area of ​​the cheeks, neck;
  • Mustaches are brought to the required density;
  • The hairs under the lower lip are removed, the edge of the beard is shaded from all sides;
  • By means of a trimmer, scissors, a certain shape is given to the beard.

With the right choice

I’ve already made sure a million times that the categorical (!) Opponents of a beard are those who don’t know anything about it, but really want to participate in the discussion (what, man), or those whose beard doesn’t grow ~ it doesn’t grow as you want.
About "too lazy to shave" - ​​nonsense. A beard requires much more attention, patience and care. I'm not talking about the fact that straightening the shape, the beard is easy to spoil and you have to grow, straighten and hone the desired shape on a new one. Patience is not enough)))
About "rejection by the fair sex" - nonsense. Honestly, it's not about the beard, at least in 7 cases out of 10.))
My own beard is not even red, but dark scarlet (especially in the sun) and the question of her "beauty" is really debatable, but still ... Sometimes I myself am surprised that someone else likes her besides me)) )
In general, questions about the beauty of not only beards, but also many other things are very individual. I never set myself the goal of being liked by everyone. It is enough for me that I do not cause disgust in the same majority and like my girlfriend.
And about the fact that a beard is a characteristic feature of the Caucasian peoples, savages, or even better, the Mujahideen, is already completely ridiculous. If I were in the place of those who were not interested in this issue, I would not show off my ignorance like that. It seems to me that it makes sense to know at least an elementary history of one's own people. It is ridiculous to read such conclusions of the descendants of the Slavs themselves, while in the vast majority of foreign sources there are endless references to this.
The most "bearded" have always been the Northern peoples, including the Slavs, who migrated over the centuries from those places where the climate became extremely harsh. On the move, it’s even difficult to remember at least one historical mention of beardless Russians ...
A beard, from time immemorial, was considered a sign of a wealthy family, naturally in a spiritual sense, each beard hair was responsible for some connection with the wisdom and knowledge of ancestors. Therefore, in the old days, they believed that the more magnificent the beard, the higher the potential of its owner and, accordingly, of his possible offspring. Beardless men, on the contrary, were the subject of all sorts of ridicule and were considered rootless, that is, not having the ability to accumulate in themselves the knowledge of their ancestors.
All sages, priests, elders and other leaders, from ancient times, were with lush and large beards. Peter I, on the other hand, had a couple of crooked hairs in his "arsenal" and naturally, in the largest state, with the greatest history and deeply established traditions, such a king, quite logically, was the subject of endless ridicule, which certainly did not add points to his self-esteem. The consequences of those jokes on the king are known to us.
Nothing super smart or ingenious, everything is quite logical, accessible and understandable.

But upon reaching a length of a couple of centimeters, hair growth slows down. Therefore, for men who want to grow a beard, the question arises - how to shave properly so that a beard grows.

Causes of Slow Beard Growth

To begin, consider the main factors of fast or slow hair growth:

  • Individual features of the face, low activity of hair follicles;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • Lack of useful trace elements and vitamins in the body;
  • Lack of testosterone;
  • Wrong choice of tool - electric razor or razor, dangerous or safety, etc .;
  • Wrong shaving method;
  • Poor skin care.

These reasons either relate to the mechanical effect on facial hair (shaving and grooming), or are due to the state of the body.

As for the first two items from our list - the individual characteristics of the organism and the genetic predisposition, they are easy to detect. First, talk to your dad or grandpa. How easy it was for them to grow a beard in their youth, in adulthood, two years ago? They may have experienced the same facial hair growth problems as you.

Remember that the activity of hair follicles is different for all people. And puberty in boys is also different. For someone, the first fluff on their face breaks through at the age of 14, while for someone at 17 there is nothing to shave. For some, progress is obvious, but for others it freezes - as it was more than a year ago, it remains the same, the beard does not grow.

The next couple of reasons are the lack of testosterone hormone, vitamins and minerals in the body. For growth, in particular, for facial hair, the male hormone testosterone is responsible. It is he who maintains male libido, stimulates the development of male organs of the reproductive system, secondary sexual characteristics. To understand what is the level of testosterone in your body, you need to contact an endocrinologist. He will prescribe tests and treat if necessary.

You can independently influence the level of testosterone. It has been proven that active physical activity, especially strength exercises, can increase the level of the hormone in the body. The output directly depends on the intensity of the exercises, their duration, rest intervals, the efforts made by the athlete, etc.

As for vitamins and minerals, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and zinc are important for hair growth. It is also necessary to consume enough B vitamins (B2, B5, B6, B8, etc.), vitamin C and vitamin D. In pharmacies today you can find whole complexes that are aimed at strengthening hair and nails, and even designed specifically to enhance beard growth. Vitamins E and A can be found in capsules in liquid form - they are added to hair oil. This mixture can be rubbed into the roots, and also distributed throughout the hair to stimulate growth and strengthen.

Good nutrition with a varied diet including sources of protein and fiber is also an important factor in good growth. Get enough sleep and avoid stress.

And let's take a closer look at the last three points, which will help answer the question "how to shave properly so that a beard grows."

  • You need to shave with a tool that will not injure the skin. If it is an electric razor, the knives must be sharp. If it's a razor, the sharpness of the blade is generally the determining factor. The duller the blades, the more irritation on the face, the worse it is for beard growth. If you have sensitive skin, it is better to give preference to an electric razor;
  • The next step is preparing the skin. Wash off with hot water. Take a special shaving gel or foam (for a razor). Interesting: in barbershops that came into fashion two or three years ago (men's hairdressers that offer beard and mustache services), they use a hot towel instead of washing. It is placed on the lower part of the client's face for a few minutes to clean the skin, soften the hair and steam. After shaving, the skin should be treated with a tonic to soothe and relieve irritation, and then moisturized with an aftershave cream or gel. Three or four years ago, eau de toilette and alcohol-containing lotions were actively used for skin treatment, but this trend is long gone, because such care only dries. In between shaves, it is useful to exfoliate the top layer of skin with a scrub or peel. This will get rid of ingrowth, the beard will grow evenly;
  • Shaving technique. See how the beard grows? It grows from top to bottom. And you should shave the stubble from top to bottom, in the direction of hair growth. Start from the cheeks - from the edge of the earlobe. The cheekbones and chin area will require more effort, the hair on the cheeks is not so hard, it is easier to remove it. You can position the machine slightly at an angle to the skin, pull it slightly with your free hand from the razor. On the lower part of the chin, the stubble is shaved vice versa from the bottom up. A particularly problematic part, where there are most cuts, is the mustache area, under the nose. You need to press your lip to your teeth and, placing the razor at an angle, shave off the stubble with clear, confident movements. Stock up on hot water, it will be good if you find a spray bottle and use it as a spray. Wetting the bristles regularly with hot water will make them softer and easier to remove.
Do not rush to cut your beard - the hair on it grows unevenly, faster on the cheeks, slower on the chin. You run the risk of disrupting the formation of a beard by hasty actions.

At least once try to resort to the services of professional barbers. Two or three years ago, no one even thought that men would sign up for a beard and mustache treatment at a salon. However, it is very nice and the result is really great. The master will tell you how to care for the beard. Here you can also find care products and stimulating growth.

The barber will help you choose the shape of the beard and the optimal length. In addition, from the side it is better to see - whether the beard is formed and growing evenly and symmetrically, whether all unnecessary on the face has been removed.

You can enhance growth with the help of oils - burdock or castor.

Also, regular combing of the beard with fingers and a fine comb gives a good effect - it grows faster due to better blood flow to the scalp.
By the way, massaging the skin with your fingertips also affects better blood circulation around the follicles. Try various mustard and hot pepper masks (folk recipes), they will definitely increase the growth of the beard.

Track what hair growth was like two or three years ago, a year ago. Growing a beard quickly is an art that, for a number of reasons, is not for everyone. Take care of your skin and beard, and you will increase your chances of success.