We give birth without pain and labor - simple and effective methods of easy childbirth. What can you do to give birth faster?

In this article:

With the approach of the moment of birth, almost every woman begins to experience any fears, worries about this. To some extent, they are justified, since the process itself, especially for the first time, is quite lengthy and painful.

Many expectant mothers are thinking about how to prepare themselves and their bodies to give birth easily. In order to prepare for childbirth, you need to know a few simple ways that will help them go easier.

Keeping fit

The process of childbirth causes an abundant release of hormones, which adds strength to the young mother. However, despite this, a woman in labor needs to properly prepare her body for the upcoming birth process. The main load is perceived by the muscles of the abdominal cavity and the birth canal. And if they get a good workout, then childbirth can be easy and pass quickly. In addition, if there are sharp contractions, a rupture of the cervix may occur, and if the muscles are properly prepared, then this can be avoided.

There are some exercises that will help strengthen the muscles of the abdomen, abdomen and pelvis. Before exercise, a warm-up is necessary to prepare the joints and muscles for the upcoming activities.

Prolonged physical activity does not have the best effect on the body of a pregnant woman, even with good health - everything always needs a measure. That's the key to easy childbirth. In addition, severe pain may appear, and the child may be at risk.

perineum massage

The muscles of the birth canal begin to experience greater stress with the onset of the second stage of labor. Therefore, it is worth preparing them for this even during pregnancy. According to experts, massage in the perineal area should be carried out under certain conditions:

  • this procedure should be carried out regularly;
  • massage with clean hands with trimmed nails;
  • when massaging, use only sterile oils;
  • if the skin is too sensitive, then do the massage with medical gloves.

Before starting the massage, you must visit the toilet, and then take a shower. As for the oil, you can use pink, olive, chamomile. Wheat germ oil is also good.

You can start the massage at any stage of pregnancy, reducing the interval between sessions over time. Until the 28th week, the interval should be from 7 to 10 days. Further, up to 32 weeks, the break is already less: 5-7 days; up to 36 weeks: 3-5 days; up to 38 weeks, massage is done every other day, and starting from 38 weeks it must be done daily.

You can do the massage yourself or involve your spouse in this process. At later stages of pregnancy, a woman is simply not able to massage, so the help of her husband in this case is even necessary. For a comfortable massage, you should take a comfortable position: lie on your back, put a small pillow under your lower back, if your husband does the massage, it is better to take a half-sitting position.

Before the massage, it is worth pouring plenty of oil on your fingers, repeat if necessary, but do not dip them in a container to avoid oil contamination and infection. First, lubricate the skin of the perineum with oil. Then, slowly, one finger (thumb or index) is inserted into the vagina to a shallow depth (3-4 cm), press on the back wall and to the sides, as if stretching the birth canal until a feeling of tension and tingling occurs. In this position, you need to hold for 45-60 seconds and release. These actions are carried out from 5 to 7 minutes. After that, the technique is replaced by rhythmic movements in the vagina with acceleration and deceleration, moving to the perineum. It is worth making movements gently and at the same time a little intensely. The duration is 3 minutes. After the massage, a warm heating pad is applied to the perineal area to enhance the effect of the massage and to soften the tissues. If this is the first birth for a woman, or she is engaged in active sports, then the movements must be performed more intensively.

With all the positive properties of massage, there are some contraindications. It is not recommended to do it in the presence of any infectious disease. Also, massage is contraindicated in case of skin disease and elevated temperature with the threat of miscarriage.

Psychological attitude

However, in addition to physical training, you should set yourself up mentally. Expectant mothers do not hurt to sign up for special courses to prepare for childbirth. In most cases, a pregnant woman fears pain and unforeseen circumstances during the birth itself. In any maternity hospital, doctors and obstetricians will always give advice on what needs to be done to reduce pain.

Therefore, it is very important to obey them and follow all their instructions. At the same time, the mother should not dwell on her pain, but focus all her attention on her child, who is also having a hard time.

No less important is the support and advice of relatives and friends. In some cases, in the presence of a loved one, a woman gives birth.

Let's get past the pain

By and large, proper physical and psychological preparation can significantly reduce pain. In order to significantly reduce pain, there are two methods:

  1. natural;
  2. medical.

natural technique

Natural ways to relieve pain are the most effective and safest. They may consist of:

  • massage;
  • water procedures;
  • relaxation;
  • warm and cold compresses;
  • homeopathy;
  • aromatherapy.

Other natural methods can also be used for pain relief.

Medical technique

This method is used when natural methods do not help. Medical anesthesia can be of several types:

  • promedol injection;
  • infiltration local anesthesia;
  • general anesthesia.

As for the latter method, general anesthesia is done only in the most emergency situations, for caesarean section and for other surgical interventions.

It is worth remembering that easy childbirth without pain is possible if you prepare in advance for this process. Therefore, try not to indulge in fear, but tune in to a positive outcome in childbirth.

The question “how is childbirth going” worries not only expectant mothers, but also their husbands: both those who decided to support their spouse in a difficult process, and those who are waiting for the appearance of heirs outside the maternity hospital.

Doctors divide the complex process of the birth of a baby into several periods, each of which has its own tasks, coordinated actions of the woman in labor, the child, the midwife and the doctor are aimed at solving them. In some cases, the intervention of an anesthesiologist, surgeon, neonatologist, resuscitation team is required.

Mothers who are not going through childbirth for the first time are often interested in this issue, and most importantly, they want to make the birth easy, because they are well acquainted with the sensations. Let's talk about how a child is born, what a woman in labor feels and how to make the process easier and painless.

Pregnancy is a natural state for women of childbearing age, during this period the body is aimed at bearing a child, therefore, the work of all organs and systems is activated, hormonal and physiological loads are sometimes too high.

Often, pregnant women during this important period get tired of the “burden” of a new life developing in them and dream of childbirth, as of getting rid of it.

But childbirth, like any natural process, does not occur spontaneously. Some time before their onset, a woman begins to feel a complex of symptoms, according to which it can be assumed that delivery is close.

This is due to a change in the hormonal background, because progesterone, the hormone that maintains pregnancy, gives way to estrogen, the hormone that prepares the body for childbirth. It is he who is “responsible” for the process of “setting up” a woman for the successful birth of a baby. Future mothers rejoice at these moments, as these are harbingers of an early acquaintance with the long-awaited baby.

It is conditionally possible to divide the signs into those that can be determined independently and those that can only be seen by an obstetrician-gynecologist during examination.

Here are the signs that a woman can feel on her own:

  • short-term uterine contractions, the so-called. Their task is to train the smooth muscles of the uterus, as athletes train muscles, in order to minimize stress on the body and prepare a woman's body for the birth of a child. That is why these fights are called "training."
  • reduction in the size of the abdomen. This sign is due to the fact that the baby's head, with the correct presentation, descends into the small pelvis, preparing for childbirth. At the same time, the uterus descends, freeing the diaphragm and lungs, breathing is facilitated, and heartburn is less likely to torment.
  • secretions from the genital tract. This sign is often confused with the leakage of amniotic fluid in which the baby develops, and this worries expectant mothers. In order not to worry in vain, you can buy special tests at the pharmacy, similar to those that detect pregnancy, and at home determine if there is amniotic fluid in the discharge.
  • weight loss by 1-2 kg and a decrease in visible swelling of the extremities. If before the gum from the socks left a visible mark, now it becomes almost invisible.
  • change in posture and gait of a pregnant woman: this symptom is associated with a shift in the center of gravity and fatigue from a long state of pregnancy. The head is slightly thrown back, and it is more convenient for a woman to walk in small steps, slightly springy: such a gait is called a “duck”.
  • an increase in the frequency of the urge to visit the toilet, loosening of the stool (associated with the release of the birth canal so that the baby's head can freely squeeze in there).
  • drawing pain in the lumbar region and abdomen. Ligaments are stretched, and this is a natural process during childbirth. Many women, when asked how the second birth went, miss this sign because they did not feel it: their ligaments were already prepared by the birth of their first child.

There are only two symptoms by which only a doctor can determine the proximity of childbirth: this is a decrease in the volume of the abdomen during the next measurement (performed in the supine position), as well as softening and partial opening of the cervix, changing its structure from elastic to looser.

Harbingers of childbirth are not of the same type: for each woman, this process can take place in its own way, depending on the hormonal background, physical fitness, moral and psychological state, and other points. It is also important whether the woman is giving birth for the first time or she already has children.

In primiparas, the process of preparing for childbirth goes smoothly, gradually, and takes from two to three weeks. In addition, in most cases, the harbingers of childbirth generally go unnoticed.

In multiparous Braxton-Hicks contractions come earlier, and the time after the mucosal plug leaves before delivery is reduced, so it is especially important to listen to yourself and your feelings if you are not heading to the hospital for the first time.

How is childbirth going? step by step process

The harbingers of childbirth are becoming more tangible, training contractions are more disturbing, the time is rapidly approaching the 40th obstetric week of pregnancy. All this suggests that childbirth will begin soon.

If a woman in labor arrives at the maternity hospital by ambulance or on her own, as she feels that delivery has begun, then the birth is called urgent. True, in some cases it is required to go to the hospital in advance, so as not to miss their onset and avoid complications.

Doctors conditionally divide the whole process into three periods:

  • contractions;
  • attempts;
  • birth of the placenta.

For the first time, the whole process can take even more than 12 hours, the second, third and subsequent ones take much less time. Often, future dads wonder how women give birth in order to decide whether to take the opportunity to attend the first birthday of a son or daughter. Many of them are afraid of pain and blood, they are afraid not to endure the suffering of their wife and faint if they see some kind of medical manipulation.

In this case, it is important to determine the purpose of your stay for childbirth. No one asks her husband to intervene or observe the process itself "from the side of doctors." The main goal of a man should be the moral and physical support of his wife, as well as the willingness to solve some bureaucratic or technical issues (call a doctor or midwife, help fill out paperwork and make important decisions).

Let's talk about each period of childbirth separately.


The first contractions occur quite rarely, with large and unequal intervals of time, but gradually they become more pronounced and painful. During this period, the mucous plug may come off, blocking the entrance to the uterus, if it has not separated earlier. Most often, contractions become regular after the outflow of amniotic fluid.

In a hospital setting, in order to stimulate or speed up labor, doctors resort to puncturing the fetal bladder. But, wherever the waters are poured out, at home or in the hospital, pay attention to their quantity and quality.

If there are few of them, it is possible that the discharge is incomplete, and their greenish color with flakes and dark inclusions may mean that the baby is experiencing oxygen starvation, he is already uncomfortable in the womb and it is time to get out with the help of professionals.

During the contraction, the woman in labor is required to endure the pain, not to panic and breathe properly. Frequent, rapid breathing will saturate the blood with oxygen, which means it will provide a comfortable state for both the mother and the baby.

The contractions are getting stronger, and after a few hours, the doctor or midwife, during examination, diagnoses a strong opening of the cervix: 4 fingers, approximately 8-10 cm. This indicates the approaching period of attempts.


Attempts are actually the expulsion of the fetus, in the language of official medicine. It is difficult to find a woman who would not know how the first birth goes: most often, expectant mothers read a lot on this topic, attend courses or practical classes for pregnant women. But even the most theoretically trained can be confused before the start of the period of attempts.

In this case, midwives or a doctor come to the rescue. They will show and tell you how to push to have a baby quickly and with the least problems. If everything goes well, the process of pushing the baby out will take about 25-30 minutes. It is important to direct muscle movements to the small pelvis, follow the prompts of specialists and not panic.

If an impressionable husband of a woman in labor is present at the birth, at the moment of attempts he can leave the birth room, because at this moment his presence is not so necessary.

expulsion of the placenta

The placenta is a muscular sac, an organ that arises and develops during pregnancy and dies with its end. For a long 40 weeks, the placenta nourished the baby with oxygen, carried out its connection with the expectant mother, and after a period determined by nature, the "children's place" is rejected from the woman's body.

Usually, the expulsion of the placenta occurs with the next contraction after the birth of the child, but there are times when the organ does not separate on its own. In this case, the doctor can help the woman in labor get rid of it: usually the placenta is removed manually under general anesthesia, and this entails additional days of sick leave.

How is the first birth going?

If a woman is pregnant for the first time, she is more attentive to her body, to the changes taking place inside it. But, in the absence of experience, some processes are noticed by her later.

So, the first movement can be detected after 20 weeks. By the way, those who know firsthand how 3 births go sometimes assure doctors that they felt the first movements of the fetus between 12 and 15 weeks of pregnancy.

Most often, the first birth lasts longer than the next, so you can take your time to the hospital, because there you will have to tirelessly walk around the prenatal ward in anticipation of more frequent contractions.

Important! If you are giving birth for the first time, but have previously had miscarriages in the later stages or premature births for medical reasons, then your body is already ready for the delivery process, which will take much less time.

Otherwise, the first birth is the same as for those women who have already given birth several times, if everything goes without complications.

How to make the process easier?

Mostly women, telling, or following, note that the longest and most painful period is the first: contractions. That is why those who survived the birth of a child, getting to the hospital for the second and third time, are asked to anesthetize the period of contractions.

But the process can be facilitated without resorting to medical anesthesia. Let's talk about several ways.

  1. Massaging your lower back during contractions can help relieve pain. On your own or with the help of your husband, massage the sacrum with soft, wide movements of the palms. This helps to relax the muscles, distracts and therefore reduces discomfort.
  2. Singing, reciting poems or even dancing will help to distract from pain. It relaxes the body, sets the mother in labor positive, helps the baby go through a difficult process. By the way, in India, women traditionally dance during childbirth a ritual dance called "belly dance".
  3. Leaning a little forward on the couch, wall or back of the husband is very useful, it greatly facilitates contractions.
  4. Do not panic, feel the pain as a natural part of childbirth and experience it as some positive experience in your life: this is wise and will lead to less problems in childbirth.

The last and most important advice: you need to listen to your body and the baby inside, do not forget to pay attention to the words and tips of experienced professionals accompanying your birth, trust yourself, your feelings and sensations.

The presence of the father of the child at the birth will also help a lot: like the process of pregnancy, this is an important stage in life together, you can also live it together.

We must not forget that childbirth is a natural process, and the woman's body is prepared for it by nature itself, so there is nothing terrible or incomprehensible, it is enough to get the necessary information in advance.


How to give birth faster

How to induce labor through sex

The most pleasant and at the same time one of the most effective ways to speed up labor during a post-term pregnancy is to have sex. This option has the added benefit of semen helping to smooth and soften the cervix. At the same time, sexual intercourse itself does not harm the child in any way, if you make love correctly. In particular, it is important that a man does not put pressure on a woman either on her chest or on her stomach and be very careful.

Mere sex is not enough: it is necessary for the woman to have an orgasm, since it is this that causes uterine contractions. If you have difficulty with lubrication, you can buy lubricant at the pharmacy

To give birth faster, you can resort not only to classical, but also to oral sex. However, in this case, it is important that the partner is very careful not to allow air to enter the vagina. In addition, whichever option you choose, it is desirable that sex is accompanied by nipple stimulation. It also helps to quickly induce labor pains and at the same time has no contraindications and side effects.

Natural contractions and stimulation: 6 differences

  • More

Additional ways to speed up labor

There are a number of foods and drinks that can help speed up contractions. However, they should be used with caution, without forgetting to consult a doctor first. For example, spicy dishes help in some cases, but this option is far from always appropriate. For example, with gastritis at the 38th week of pregnancy, this method is contraindicated.

To speed up childbirth, and at the same time facilitate them, it is recommended to drink 1 tbsp. olive oil three times a day. This recipe allows you to increase the elasticity of tissues, prepare the cervix for childbirth, and speed up its opening. To enhance the effect, starting from the 35th week, it is recommended to drink a glass of raspberry leaf tea every day. It increases the tone of the uterus and helps to stimulate labor. But even here you need to be careful: you should first consult a doctor.

Small amounts of exercise can also be helpful. It is very important not to overdo it: in the third trimester, it is better for a woman to rest more, because it is at this time that the most hormones are produced that help to relax and facilitate childbirth. Even simple household chores like dusting shelves can help speed up the onset of contractions. You can also regularly walk up the stairs, only for a short time. Light tilts with raised hands will also be useful.

Reading time: 7 minutes

During pregnancy, when there are no contractions even at 41 obstetric weeks, the woman begins to seriously think about the question of how to give birth faster, and tries to put into practice the home advice of “past generations”. In general, it is quite possible to stimulate labor activity, but it is important to first enlist the support of a specialist, to exclude the threat of intrauterine development and pathological childbirth. It didn't take long for the baby to arrive. To speed up childbirth naturally, you need to choose the safest way to speed up this natural process.

What is childbirth

This is a natural process of the female body, during which a new life is born. Physiologically, childbirth begins with contractions and ends with delivery. It is difficult to call this condition painless, but the expectant mother is sincerely glad that the pregnancy has come to an end and is even ready to endure the pain. Every woman in an “interesting position” dreams of giving birth quickly and painlessly, but in practice one can forget about such desires. However, there are ways to stimulate the cervix to open, while reducing the severity of pain symptoms.

How to speed up childbirth

Consciously approaching the date of birth is not welcome, especially at the obstetric period up to 38 - 40 weeks. Otherwise, you can harm the intrauterine development of the fetus, provoke pathological childbirth with dangerous congenital malformations. If 41 obstetric weeks have gone, and there are still no contractions, childbirth can be stimulated. It is allowed to do this only after the consent of the leading gynecologist. Here are proven methods in the given direction:

  • find time for an intense nipple massage;
  • increase the physical load on the pregnant body;
  • do at home special exercises from the field of gymnastics;
  • use "papatherapy" (the so-called sexual intercourse before childbirth);
  • perform a cleansing enema;
  • take a warm bath (water temperature not more than 37 degrees) with aromatherapy;
  • perform acupressure.

How to induce labor at home

With a second birth, this need does not arise, since an experienced mother has already established close contact with the baby and set him up for an early birth. During the first pregnancy, there is also a high probability that the baby will be born earlier than the obstetric period established by the gynecologist. In order for a child to be born healthy and strong, it is strictly forbidden for a future mother to do anything on her own, therefore, to speed up this natural process, it is clearly impossible to do without medical participation. Below are effective ways to give birth as quickly as possible.

Exercises to speed up labor

In order for the waters to drain faster, the expectant mother recalls old proven methods that can be easily implemented at home. Some women stop using the elevator and go up and down the stairs on their own. The second recall the benefits of general cleaning, and the third even resort to the help of certain physical exercises. In the latter case, we are talking about the safest way to speed up the process of childbirth. Below are simple exercises, the implementation of which allows you to quickly feel the joy of motherhood:

  1. Buy a fitball in advance. Take a sitting position and perform not fast, but rhythmic jumps on its surface. In this way, you can accelerate the flow of blood to the uterus, as a result of which it contracts faster.
  2. It is recommended to perform deep squats, but no more than 8 - 10 repetitions at a time. The muscles of the uterus from such physical activity begin to contract, the process of labor begins.
  3. The beginning of the contractions is preceded by the performance of classic Kegel exercises - 100 repetitions in one approach. You can make such movements an unlimited number of times a day, and blood flow to the pelvic organs will make childbirth quick and less painful.

Nipple stimulation

Acceleration of labor is provided by simple manipulations with the breast. Before performing an intensive nipple massage, it is important to understand how it works, to determine in detail the duration of pregnancy. The natural hormone oxytocin is responsible for the onset of labor, so its intensive production and concentration in the blood must be increased. To do this, doctors recommend performing nipple massage at home, using baby cream and massage oil for the procedure. Oxytocin artificially introduced into the blood, gynecologists stimulate labor activity already in the maternity hospital.

having sex

To speed up the process of childbirth, you can attract the future "father of the family." Sexual contact due to the rhythmic translational movements of the partner, as it were, “forces” the genital organ to contract and open faster. In addition, such a physiological process provides smoothing and softening of the cervix, reduces the period and intensity of contractions. A mandatory requirement is to choose the right position for sex. Here are valuable recommendations from a gynecologist:

  1. Do not apply an increased load to the stomach, so it is better to choose the “cat” position.
  2. It is important to exclude excessive pressure of a man on a woman's breasts.
  3. To make the movements of a man easy and painless, it is recommended to buy a special lubricant.


Every woman has not the most favorable associations with the maternity hospital, therefore, the expectant mother prefers to stimulate labor activity at home. The fastest and safest method is to slightly adjust the usual daily diet, diversify it with food ingredients that help give birth faster. Here are the foods we are talking about:

  1. Any spicy dishes in the daily menu provoke the contractility of the uterus, help to give birth faster.
  2. Olive oil increases the elasticity of the perineum, speeds up its opening and reduces the risk of cervical tears.
  3. You can use tea from raspberry leaves, because it keeps the muscles of the uterus and small pelvis in good shape. You can give preference to such a drink after 34 obstetric weeks.
  4. Ginger tea acts on the same principle, while a woman can not only give birth faster, but also significantly strengthen immunity weakened by pregnancy.
  5. You can eat some hot peppers. The muscles of the uterus intensify their contraction, but such sharpness is harmful to the digestion of the mother and child, and is a threat to health.

Folk remedies

Alternative medicine methods also help to give birth faster, but they should not be superficial and unauthorized. Otherwise, the general condition of a pregnant woman can be drastically worsened. In order to quickly give birth to a child without harm to one's own health, the first step is to choose the right folk remedy, and for this - to exclude the increased sensitivity of the body to certain plant components, to reduce the risk of local and allergic reactions.

Raspberry leaf tea

Raspberry significantly increases the tone of the uterus, therefore, in order for a woman to give birth faster, it is recommended to drink tea with its leaves, which are supposed to be dried and ground beforehand. It is allowed to brew raw materials in the usual way, and in terms of taste, such a tonic drink is in no way inferior to classic teas from the store. Labor activity does not begin immediately, but noticeably accelerates.

Sunflower oil

This is the most affordable and easy way to bring labor closer. After ingestion, sunflower oil provokes a pronounced laxative effect - there is no need to put an enema. After each bowel movement, the contractility of the uterus only increases, and you can soon give birth. It is allowed to take orally 1 tbsp. l. oil base, no more.

Such an alternative way to give birth faster is similar to the previous one, only the laxative effect is softer, more gentle. If you drink on an empty stomach 1 tbsp. l. castor oil, after 7 - 10 minutes there is a noticeable urge to go to the toilet. With frequent defecation, the uterus comes into tone, begins to diligently contract, to promote natural delivery.

medical methods

If a woman is pregnant for more than 42 obstetric weeks, doctors strongly recommend hospitalization with already forced simulation of labor. This is necessary because a child can be born with extensive pathologies. Here are some medical ways to give birth quickly:

  1. Opening of the fetal bladder (amniotomy) with further production of prostaglandins. The procedure is quick and painless, but can only be performed with polyhydramnios and weak labor, when the cervix is ​​​​ready to open.
  2. The introduction of drugs Oxytocin or Enzaprost intravenously. The procedure is carried out only for medical reasons, while the doctor constantly monitors the heartbeat of the fetus.

Danger of post-term pregnancy

Pregnancy relocation is also a serious pathology in obstetrics, so a woman at home should use all safe methods in order to give birth to a healthy and strong baby faster. Otherwise, the child may die in the womb, for example, choke on amniotic fluid or suffocate from a lack of vital oxygen. Other dangerous complications that the local gynecologist discusses in detail at the obstetric period of 41 weeks are presented in the following list:

  • acute oxygen starvation of the fetus, asphyxia;
  • slowing down of biochemical processes in the umbilical cord and placenta;
  • difficult passage of the child through the birth canal;
  • the need for an emergency caesarean section;
  • congenital pathologies, serious internal defects.


About how to give birth faster, dreams of almost half of the mothers with a belly in the last stage of pregnancy. Almost all methods have been tested on myself. I will warn you right away - no one was hurt and all the interviewed have long been happy mothers.

Pregnancy is divided into two stages: when do I give birth, and when do I already give birth?!

If at first it is a pleasant thrill and trembling in the hands, then later it is a question that is asked 1000 times a day. All sorts of folk methods are used, the advice of friends / doctors, the help of Google (and even Yandex for especially risky ones).

How to give birth faster

Sex. In my case not an option because the distance to the nearest husband is 1000 km. And let's be honest - not every husband will agree to do THIS with a big balloon. And, oddly enough, not because the wife is no longer thin with a wasp waist, but because “what if I hurt the child ?!”

Walk. My dog ​​did not expect such happiness. We walked for hours, as far as I could manage. The result - corns on the legs and a happy dog.

Walk up the stairs. Every day at least once I went down and up to the 10th floor. The result - bewildered neighbors and a happy dog.

Take a very warm (not hot) bath. Bottom line: I am very clean and still pregnant.

Eat spicy food. Hello heartburn. It didn't help, but I enjoyed it.

After a spicy meal, it’s best to drink decoctions- raspberries, cinnamon, and you can wash it all down with castor oil. But this is for the most risky. All these foods are said to prepare the uterus so that it becomes smooth and supple (?). In fact, you drank delicious tea. And that's it. Some doctors still advise to drink all this with a no-spa - three times, or even four times a day. Let's be honest, it didn't work. Neither something there to smooth out, nor to give birth faster.

If we continue the theme of “drink something and give birth”, they also advise carbonated water, dry red (semi-dry will not work) wine. I drank the whole pregnancy - maybe this is a mistake (?), But it didn’t help to give birth earlier than expected.

Wash floors at home. Probably the leader of the councils. Bottom line: it is easier from this method only to the husband, whose turn was to wash the floors.

Pick up matches from the floor, which someone sloppy scattered. Bottom line: one of the authors gave birth. So it works! Well, or the child in the stomach decided that the mother was completely crazy, and something needs to be done about it. I was collecting toothpicks that I accidentally hooked on with what? That's right, belly. It didn’t help me, maybe because toothpicks are not matches?

Pull nipples for 40 minutes a day. This helps produce oxytocin, the hormone responsible for uterine contractions. I would like to see a person, namely a pregnant woman, who was the first to try it on herself. I directly imagine a beautiful bedroom, a half-naked pregnant girl, who pulls and pulls these nipples, and the doctors next to the papers and daddies, with a bunch of sensors, they say: “be more active, lady, be more active.” Let's be honest, none of us dared to try this method. But there is an alternative - stroking the stomach. Yes, it turns out that oxytocin is produced in less harsh conditions. Outcome: smoothed belly and all.

Physician stimulation. In order not to frighten those who have not given birth, I will not go into all the details of this topic. I can only say that there are many of them: starting from the doctor’s threats from the category “if you don’t try, we will cut!”, various gels, kelp, droppers all with the same oxytocin, and ending with a bladder puncture (absolutely painless procedure, although it sounds creepy). After the puncture of the bubble, I still joked with a catchphrase from the film “The Irony of Fate”: - Oh, the warm one went!

Instructive story

This list can be continued indefinitely - each mother will advise something of her own that helped her. But one thing I know for sure - no need to rush! It's easy to say that when 15 kg of the stomach does not put pressure on the bladder, but believe me: a day, two or a week is not such a long time after a long and exciting journey of 9 months. The mother of a friend recently told a terrible story just in the subject. It was in the distant 80s, in a small Karelian town. She, like everyone else, really wanted to give birth as soon as possible. She decided that nothing terrible would happen if she slightly corrected the deadlines. She called an ambulance, said that she was giving birth, and that the deadlines had all passed. As a result: stimulation with oxytocin, bladder puncture, a day in agony and, as an instructive result, an emergency caesarean. And in those days, an emergency caesarean was done by cutting the entire abdomen lengthwise. Now her impatience is reminiscent of a terrible scar and a miraculously saved child.

In fact, I repeat the hackneyed truth - every child appears in his own time. And there is no need to rush it.