“I would even lick it”: four brave people choose the best hand cream. Selecting the best cream for very dry hands

The hands are covered with skin, which in its characteristics is very different from the epidermis that covers other surfaces of the body.

On the back of the hand there is a thin subcutaneous fat layer with a small number of sweat glands, and the palm is covered with a dense epidermis with increased sensitivity and a large number of sweat glands.

There are no sebaceous glands on the palm itself, and the thick skin is intensively renewed.

Due to such anatomical features, the skin of the hands is prone to rapid drying and roughening.

  • loss of elasticity of the epidermis;
  • feeling of tightness;
  • roughening of the skin of the palms;
  • peeling of the surface of the brushes;
  • peeling off particles of the epidermis;
  • redness;
  • dermatitis (inflammation of the epidermis);
  • the appearance of painful cracks;
  • itching and burning.

Causes and factors of appearance on the hands and fingers

Very dry hand skin appears for various reasons. Let's consider the main unfavorable factors:

Weather factors

The skin of the hands, by its structure, has little protection from the influence of aggressive weather conditions. Dryness can occur at any time of the year.

In winter, due to hypothermia, the blood supply to the peripheral vessels deteriorates, the hands receive little nutrition and heating from the inside, and from the outside they are exposed to low temperatures and dry air, sometimes in combination with strong winds.

Walking without gloves is fraught with a rapid deterioration in the condition of the skin of your hands. For the winter season, you need a nourishing protective cream, which should be applied half an hour before going outside.

In summer the air is very dry due to the heat. There are practically no sebaceous glands, which provide a protective fat film, on the hands. But your palms sweat very intensely - moisture is lost quickly. If your brushes are not regularly lubricated with moisturizer, the epidermis becomes dry. In addition, in the summer you need to remember about protection from ultraviolet radiation, which leads to thinning of the dermis, the appearance of dryness and wrinkles, as well as pigmentation on the back of the hands. Sunscreen will protect your hands from sunburn.

At any time of the year, a strong wind can arise, which literally carries away moisture from the surface of the thin skin of the hands. It is especially dangerous to go out on a windy day with wet hands - this is a direct path to excessive dryness and inflammation of the epidermis.

After washing your hands, dry your palms thoroughly and apply a thick, greasy protectant.

Chemical exposure

A lot of chemicals are used in everyday life. Even the mildest dishwashing detergent contains aggressive surfactants. There are no harmless compositions for the skin, because the components are aimed at washing away fat and food residues.

If the fat is washed off, then it is washed off from everywhere, including the palms. With regular contact with detergents, the epidermis becomes sensitive and prone to dryness and damage.

Naturally, washing dishes is the most harmless thing that can happen to your hands. To wash plumbing fixtures, ovens and complex stains, such “heavy artillery” is used that even a single and targeted contact of the product on the surface of the hands is fraught with serious dermatitis and the appearance of chemical burns and wounds.

Chlorine, alkalis and acids in aggressive household chemicals can lead to skin diseases.

Make an immutable rule - you can only clean and wash dishes while wearing gloves. If you are “uncomfortable” in large and dense utility models, buy a set of disposable nitrile or surgical gloves.

If you lubricate your hands with a thick layer of cream before putting on gloves, your hands will be rewarded with softness and a well-groomed appearance.

Dry indoor air

The heating season becomes a test for the skin. The air in the room becomes dry and warm, the epidermis loses precious moisture more actively.

Apply moisturizing hand cream several times a day.

In the summer, radiators are replaced by air conditioning, which, along with the heat, expels moisture from apartments. The recommendations are still the same - apply moisturizer more often and drink water.

Mechanical impact

The housewives prepare lunch every day. Cleaning and scrubbing vegetables with a brush, using a knife and grater does not go without a trace. Microdamages remain on the skin, which worsen the appearance and condition of the skin.

An uneven damaged surface and inflammation of the epidermis are a consequence of working without gloves. Learn to peel potatoes with gloves, nourish your palms with cream or oil wraps. Use a food processor to cut and chop vegetables.

The hands of avid summer residents and owners of personal plots suffer the most. Contact with the ground has a merciless effect on the epidermis. Hands dry out and become covered with painful cracks, looking dirty and untidy.

Carry out gardening work with gloves, protect your hands with silicone cream before starting work.

Regularly nourish your skin with nourishing creams and oil-based masks. Use active pharmaceutical products to restore damaged hand skin.

Health problems

Sometimes dry hands are caused by diseases that affect the condition of the skin: eczema, seborrhea sicca, ichthyosis, psoriasis.

The skin dries out greatly with diabetes and hypothyroidism, hormonal imbalance during menopause. Even a separate problem of dry hand skin has a medical name - xerosis (xeroderma).

If your hands become dry due to health problems, you should consult a dermatologist. The specialist will conduct tests and select a treatment regimen.

If there are no specific diseases, the skin can dry out intensely (not only on the hands, but also on the face and other surfaces of the body) due to a deficiency of healthy fats and fat-soluble vitamins in the body.

For low-fat diets, it is important to take an unsaturated fatty acid supplement or drink 1 tablespoon of unrefined extra-virgin vegetable oil daily. The skin dries out if the body is deficient in vitamins A, E and D. The condition of the skin worsens with a lack of B vitamins and nicotinic acid.

To maintain optimal hydration of the epidermis, you need to drink enough water - although doctors recommend at least 2 liters per day, drink whenever possible and as needed to quench your thirst.


Attention! If the problem is caused by a disease, the treatment should be selected by a physician. Self-medication can worsen the condition, blur the symptoms and complicate the diagnosis. Don't delay your visit to the doctor.

Medicinal ointments

  • Levomekol– an ointment with anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effects, stimulates skin restoration processes in case of cracks and wounds.
  • Bepanten, Dexpanthenol– an ointment based on panthenol, a product that actively restores the epidermis. Strengthens collagen production, stimulates metabolic processes.
  • Balsamed – ointment-balm with active ingredients for the care of very dry skin. A product with a very active keratolytic effect, eliminates rough skin and flaking. Moisturizes the skin and accelerates regeneration processes.
  • Fingerfix – remedy for cracked hands, applied topically to the damaged surface, moistened with water. Active ingredients: lecithin, vegetable oils, zinc oxide and silicon dioxide. Moisturizes and nourishes the skin, restores the epidermis, accelerates the healing of cracks and wounds. Has antibacterial properties.
  • Boro Plus– a product with an antibacterial effect, restores the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
  • Radevit– ointment for skin regeneration with anti-inflammatory effect. Contains fat-soluble vitamins A, E and D. Eliminates itching and burning. Protects skin from external factors.

Healing creams

  • Flexitol(Germany) – pharmaceutical cream for softening and moisturizing the skin of the hands. It has a keratolytic effect - eliminates keratinization and thickening of the skin due to the urea content (10%). The cream contains vitamin E.
  • Aloe healer– cream with urea and aloin restores and heals the skin. Recommended for very dry and damaged skin with redness and cracks. Helps with burns.
  • Zorka is a veterinary drug, but Floralizin in the nourishing cream improves metabolic processes in tissues, stimulates biosynthesis, increases the elasticity and firmness of the skin, and improves blood circulation.
  • Sea wolf - A cream based on sea minerals will help cope with damage to very dry skin on your hands. Inexpensive moisturizer with high effectiveness.
  • Losterine – good for eczema. Contains naphthalan, salicylic acid, urea, dexpanthenol. It has an anti-inflammatory and regenerating effect, relieves itching and flaking.


To improve the condition of your skin, it is important to improve your diet to ensure a regular supply of essential vitamins and nutrients. The skin will respond with dryness if the diet is poor in healthy fats and vitamins A, E and D. How can you support your skin in the off-season, when there are few vitamins on the menu?

Take vitamin complexes to improve skin condition:

  • Vitrum Beauty;
  • Neurovitan;
  • AlfaVit Cosmetics.

If you need to eliminate a deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins, you can take a course of retinol and tocopherol capsules. It is acceptable to take combination medications.

Important! Before taking any medications, read the instructions for use and read the section on contraindications and side effects.

Vitamins A and E in capsules or drops are used to enrich hand creams and balms. Before rubbing the cream into the skin, mix a single portion of the care product with the contents of the vitamin capsule.

If you take a little more cream and supplement the action with vitamins, you will get a wonderful nourishing mask. Apply the mask to your hands at night and wear cotton gloves. In the morning your hands will be as good as new.

Other medical and pharmaceutical products

Important! Do not use ointments and creams with hormonal components without a doctor's prescription. Such drugs are very active, cause dependence and impair wound healing.
  • Products based on pantothenic acid(panthenol) do a good job of restoring the skin and healing wounds and cracks.
  • Silicone cream will protect your brushes from exposure to chemicals, and will also protect your skin when working with the soil.
  • Hygienic lip balm It will help with dry fingertips and heal small cracks.
  • Natural solid oils(coconut, cocoa, shea butter) will perfectly replace hand cream and provide skin care.
  • Pharmacy ointments and creams for atopic dermatitis rich in lipids, will cope with dry skin and protect the skin from external factors.
  • Glycerol will retain moisture in the skin and create a barrier film on the surface.
  • Creams with lanolin and allantoin protect and nourish the skin.
  • A mixture of salicylic ointment with glycerin will help cope with dryness and cracks.
  • Apply to hands before going to bed Vaseline and put on cotton gloves.
  • Cedar oil quickly heals cracks and damage to the epidermis.
Attention! Do not use products with mineral oils in your daily care. Petroleum products (paraffin, silicone, petroleum jelly) create an impenetrable barrier on the skin, preventing skin breathing and metabolic processes. It is possible to protect the skin with such creams when in contact with the ground or an aggressive environment, but afterward the product must be thoroughly rinsed off and the skin nourished with a natural oil-based cream.



Needed for summer moisturizers with UV filters, which maintain the level of moisture in the epidermis and protect against sunburn, photoaging and the appearance of pigmentation. Regularly renew the layer of cream on your brushes.

As a rule, moisturizing creams contain glycerin, olive or sea buckthorn oil, polyphenols, amino acids, and hyaluronic acid. In addition to traditional creamy textures in jars and tubes, dry cream in bars is also available.. This product moisturizes and protects the skin well.

Rich, dense textures come in handy in winter. In cold weather, the skin needs nourishment and protection from cold and wind.

Winter cream– fatty, nutritious, creating a protective film on the surface. It is important to apply the product 20-30 minutes before leaving the house so that the cream has time to be absorbed and distributed.

Useful for home care moisturizing cream, which is applied after each hand washing and contact with water. You can also use the product as often as the need arises.

To protect your hands from the aggressive effects of chemicals or before working in the garden you need mineral based cream– silicone, Vaseline or containing paraffin. It's just a reliable barrier product. Do not keep the product on your hands for a long time; after use, rinse immediately and apply a caring cream.

Whitening creams suitable for age-related and photopigmentation. They contain active ingredients, so the skin must be well protected from the sun, otherwise the spots will appear again.

Good protection from the wind almond oil creams. Dense, fatty formulations also work well.


To restore and treat very dry skin on your hands, you can take baths in the evening.
The procedure time is 10-15 minutes. The water should be pleasantly warm and comfortable. There is no need to rinse your hands after the bath. Pat your brushes dry with a paper towel or dry cloth and apply a nourishing or healing cream.

With starch:

  • Dissolve 2 tablespoons of starch in 1 liter of warm boiled water.

With flax seeds:

  • Brew 3 tablespoons of flax seeds with boiling water (0.5 liters). Use after the liquid has cooled to a comfortable temperature.

With oats:

  • Pour 100 g of oatmeal with 1 liter of boiling water. Cool.

Baths with mucus-forming ingredients (flax, oats) relieve redness and irritation and increase skin turgor.



  • Mix ½ cup honey, 1 teaspoon salicylic acid and half a cup olive oil. Bring the mixture until smooth and heat. Dip your palms into the composition, wrap your hands in polyethylene, and insulate them with a towel. Leave the compress on for 20 minutes. Then remove the remaining product with a napkin moistened with lemon juice.

Sour cream

  • Add the yolk and juice of a whole lemon to a glass of sour cream and mix. Place the composition on a piece of gauze, wrap your palms, put plastic bags on top, and insulate your hands with towels. After 15-20 minutes, rinse the compress with warm water and apply cream.

Folk remedies for cracked hands

  • Apply a mixture of vodka, butter, flour and honey (in equal proportions) to the damaged areas overnight (or for at least 4 hours).
  • Grind the rose petals and mix with goose fat. Homemade ointment helps with cracks. Keep refrigerated.
  • Mix raw egg yolk with a tablespoon of vegetable oil and a teaspoon of vinegar. Rub the mixture into dry hands.

Hand mask

Before applying the product, soak your hands for 10 minutes in a warm solution of rock salt (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water).

For the mask you need an egg yolk, 1 tablespoon of honey and 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil. Mix the ingredients and apply to your hands. After 20 minutes, rinse and lubricate your hands with cream.


Provide your diet with enough nutrients, healthy fats and vitamins. If necessary, take vitamin complexes. Consult a nutritionist and dermatologist.


  • Wash your hands soft neutral soap with moisturizing ingredients.
  • Wear gloves before washing dishes, working with chemical agents or weeding beds.
  • Apply protective equipment to your hands- barrier before work, restorative - after work and at night.
  • Don't leave home without applying hand cream.
  • In the cold and frost wear gloves.
  • After each hand washing, pat dry thoroughly and apply hand cream.
  • Don't leave the house with wet hands.


  • In advanced cases Visit a dermatologist and follow the recommendations.
  • Do it regularly compresses and baths.
  • Apply at night nourishing hand masks.
  • Use active pharmaceutical cosmetics to improve the condition of the epidermis.
  • Take vitamins.

Proper use of funds

  • Apply moisturizer 1 hour before leaving home.
  • Cold weather cream is applied 20-30 minutes before going outside.
  • The creams are applied with light massaging movements in the direction from the periphery to the center (from the fingertips to the base of the palm).
  • To nourish and treat dry cuticles, special oils in bottles or sticks are used. Such compositions are applied to the cuticle with a brush and lightly massaged.
  • Before using a medicinal ointment or cream, read the instructions and follow the instructions.

Salon treatments

Ask your manicurist what intensive hand care treatments the salon offers. Paraffin therapy restores hand skin well. Cosmetologists will also offer you procedures for the skin of your hands - injections of hyaluronic acid, peelings, whitening of skin with pigmentation.

Almost every woman tries to regularly take care of her facial skin, and this is understandable, because it can be called a kind of calling card for girls. And we are talking not only about makeup, the task of which is to disguise one or another defect, but also about caring cosmetic procedures - peeling, masks and creams.

Unfortunately, there are often cases when they forget about it and bring it to a state where it becomes very dry. But even hands, when they have a gentle and beautiful appearance, can serve as a source of special pride for any representative of the fair sex. The skin of a young girl’s hands is naturally delicate and vulnerable, but in life a variety of stresses await her, and external influences will not spare her.

If you do not give the skin of your hands the necessary care, it will soon lose its elasticity and smooth structure - it will no longer be as elastic as before.

Over time, peeling, microcracks and multiple wrinkles on the hands will be added to this bouquet. Perhaps all of the above can be attributed to a simple cosmetic defect, or perhaps this is a symptom, and it indicates that not everything is in order with the body.

Causes of dryness

Dry hand skin is a phenomenon common not only among women; the same problem can happen to men and even children. The vulnerability of the skin of the hands is explained by five times less moisture content in it compared to other parts of the body. To keep your hands from getting dry during the winter, it may be as simple as remembering to wear mittens. However, there are other reasons why the skin on the hands dries out:

  1. cold, especially with wind, make the skin rougher, it becomes red and thicker, small cracks appear on it;
  2. hot with scorching sun can quickly dry out and dehydrate the skin of the hands, and this, if no measures are taken, will lead to rapid aging;
  3. can affect dry skin and all kinds of it damage such as abrasions, bruises, cuts and other things;
  4. in persons with sensitive skin, the epidermis may be destroyed by contact with one or another detergent, and, as a result, all kinds of skin diseases often occur on such skin;
  5. the condition of the skin of the hands can also be used to judge diseases that affect internal organs, or perhaps the person took some medications, and this caused dehydration of the skin of the hands;
  6. if it's the end of winter - the beginning of spring, dry hands can also occur due to vitamin deficiency;
  7. your hands will never have a healthy and well-groomed appearance if you just don’t know how to - take proper care of your hands.

Required Components

In today's cosmetology, a great variety of products for such skin are produced. Their main goal is to maintain moisture in the skin of the hands and protect it from negative external influences. In order to properly care for the skin of your hands, the first step is to select a cream. The base of any of them is purified water, it contains up to 80%, but besides it there are other components:

  1. fats (animal or vegetable origin);
  2. glycerol;
  3. lanolin.

Each of the compositions is unique in its own way and is able to cope with cosmetic problems. Glycerin in cosmetology is used as a product that retains water and retains it in the skin for a long time. In addition, one of the main components of creams for very dry hand skin is oil of natural origin, and a set of polysaturated acids will keep the skin elastic and improve its regeneration processes.

Mineral oil also plays an important role. It is indispensable in cold weather, because thanks to this composition, the skin is covered with an impenetrable protective layer.

If you need to purchase a cream that also has an anti-aging effect, then check whether it contains photo filters. These components are an excellent protection for the skin from the negative effects of direct sunlight, from which the skin begins to age faster and unsightly pigment spots appear on it.

In order to cope with this problem, you need to choose special creams with whitening components - with them, the skin of your hands can maintain its beauty and cleanliness.

For skin types prone to pigment formations, it is better to choose a cream containing acids - lactic, citric or succinic. And to avoid unsightly wrinkles and keep your skin young longer, creams will help, containing elastin or collagen.

If babies have problems with dry skin for one reason or another, there is a special baby cream for them “ My Sunshine", which quickly heals all superficial scratches, wounds and abrasions, so that the baby will soon forget about them.

The best means

Before you decide to use this or that cream to nourish and moisturize the skin of your hands, test it first. By the way, it will be noted that the cost of a cosmetic product may not always serve as a reason for you to choose this particular product. After all, the most inexpensive cream may contain those components that are so necessary for your skin.


At today's pace of life, when there is often not enough time for anything, cosmetics with emergency effects are very valuable. The cream, which has a gel structure, manufactured by the Yaka company, has several advantages:

  1. fast absorption process, and without any residue on the skin;
  2. no traces remain from touching hands treated with cream;
  3. the skin is not covered with a film;
  4. argan (oil) and apricot (fruit extracts) – nourishing and moisturizing process for the skin;
  5. Citrus oil gives the skin a lighter tone and makes it firmer.

"Doctor" with aloe

The basis of this cosmetic product is medicinal aloin. In medicine, this drug is indispensable for such serious diseases as tuberculosis, anemia, gastritis, colitis. It restores tissue, heals wounds, and this has been known since ancient times. Aloe juice was used to treat burns, ulcers and particularly severe wounds.

"Healer" is "heavy artillery""For neglected hands with very dry skin, which exhibits redness, spots, roughness on the surface of the epidermis and multiple cracks.

"Radevit" for healing cracks

This medicinal and cosmetic preparation contains all the necessary vitamins: A, E and D. The product helps with skin diseases, when dry skin increases and wounds heal very slowly. The effect of its use will be softening, wound healing and moisturizing. Perfect for irritated and overly sensitive skin.


“Zorka” will help get rid of cracks and peeling. Although the cream was originally created as a drug to solve veterinary problems, Russian women have long noticed that this is an excellent cosmetic product that helps with cracks in the hands and their peeling. Thanks to the Floralizin contained in the composition, biosynthesis and metabolism in the tissue improves.

In addition, the skin acquires firmness and elasticity, there are much fewer cracks on it, and it receives all the necessary nutrition. Thanks to improved blood flow, regenerative processes are significantly accelerated.

“Tenderness” - powered by Oriflame

A well-known company produces products whose reviews are extremely positive. This effective drug provides deep hydration, complete nutrition and excellent protection to the skin of the hands. This cream contains maccadami oil, obtained thanks to special developments by high-class specialists.

Women take incredible care of their facial skin - they visit a cosmetologist, use various masks and a whole arsenal of cosmetics. But the skin of the hands is sometimes undeservedly forgotten - but it is this area that can demonstrate age and all the shortcomings of care. In addition, the skin of the hands is constantly exposed to negative influences - wind, cold water, household chemicals. You can't do without food and protection.

Main properties of nourishing and protective creams

In summer, the skin of your hands is at risk of dehydration, and in winter, the number of negative factors increases significantly - this includes dryness inside apartments due to centralized heating, cold, and wind. In both cases, the use of protective equipment will not hurt.

Protective and nourishing creams are especially needed in winter

While nourishing creams enrich the skin with beneficial microelements and vitamins, protective creams form an additional hydrolipidic film on the surface, which helps maintain normal moisture balance and ensures the functioning of cells in all weather conditions.

Types of creams. Hand creams are classified into daytime And night. Those designed for use during the day are characterized by a light structure and rapid absorption, but night ones are richer, greasy, and are designed for application before bedtime.

What is included in the creams?

Nourishing and protective creams are formulas that contain one or more of the following components:

  • Glycerin - fixes moisture inside cells.
  • Paraffin - provides softening.
  • Lanolin - nourishes the skin.
  • Alpha-bisabolol, allantoin - eliminate irritation.
  • Tea tree oil - for anti-inflammatory effect.
  • Panthenol - acts as a healing substance.
  • Vitamins, natural oils - for smooth and healthy skin.
  • Urea is a moisturizing component.
  • Vitamin B5 - provides a regenerating effect.

Applying a protective cream creates a protective film on the skin

Nourishing products are a real salvation for dry and irritated skin, while protective products form a soft “glove” and are less comfortable to wear, as they take a relatively long time to be absorbed.

Review of popular products

Both among budget and luxury cosmetics, you can find an option that will certainly settle on your dressing table. So let's get started.

  1. Dolce Milk - “Milk and Grapes”

    Non-greasy and very light texture, pleasant aroma, truly reminiscent of grapes. It is very easy to apply, does not require rubbing, and is absorbed just as quickly. Convenient if you need express hand care, for example, at work. It not only protects, but also nourishes the skin of the hands, since the composition contains urea and glycerin - components that complement each other.

  2. Dolce Milk: approximate price for 50 ml - 200 rubles.

  3. Velvet Handles – “Nutritious”

    This hand cream is concentrated and thick. Its rich formula provides long-lasting care. The main components are shea butter and glycerin. The product is good to apply at night, as a caring mask.

  4. Velvet Handles “Nutritional”: approximate price for 80 ml - 100 rubles.

  5. Weleda Citrus Hand and Nagelcreme

    An indispensable hand product from. Used when hand skin needs to be restored after work. Deeply nourishes the skin, makes it soft and tender, eliminates the feeling of roughness and dryness. Includes:

    • almond oil;
    • rosemary extract;
    • tricolor violet extract;
    • soothing ingredients - chamomile and calendula;
    • aromatic citrus essential oils.

    Weleda Citrus: approximate price for 50 ml - 500 rubles.

    Can be used for hand massage or night masks. Apply the cream and put on soft gloves on top - this will be the best cosmetic procedure for skin prone to dryness and damage.

  6. The body shop – Hemp Hand Protector

    This cream is one of the most famous products from The body shop brand. This popularity is ensured by its special composition with hemp oil. The smell is very intense - some users even note its intrusiveness, claiming that the product is not suitable for daytime use. The aroma of the woody group is indeed very pronounced, but the cream attracts not with its smell, but with its excellent protective properties - it can eliminate all the problems of hands exposed to the cold, literally with one application.

    Hemp Hand Protector from Body Shop: approximate price for 100 ml - 700 rub.

    However, it takes quite a long time to be absorbed, but after application it forms a strong protective barrier that prevents the delicate skin of your hands from interacting with hard water and dry cold air. Experts recommend applying it before bed, wearing gloves on top.

  7. Neutrogena Norwegian Formula Concentrated Hand Cream

    This product does not contain any perfumes, and therefore is considered hypoallergenic and can be used for those who have hypersensitive skin or immunity to strong aromas. It has a thick texture but is easy to apply. Manufacturers claim that this product contains 39% glycerin, which allows moisturizing components to penetrate deep into the skin up to the 10th layer of the epidermis.

  8. Nitrogene “Norwegian formula”: approximate price for 50 ml - 250 rubles.

  9. Hand cream-oil Organic Shop Organic babassu&lemon

    The product is very thick, greasy and oily, which fully corresponds to the name. It takes a long time to absorb, but forms a high-quality protective film. The composition also contains glycerin, which provides a surface moisturizing effect.

  10. Organic babassu & lemon: approximate price for 75 ml - 100 rub.

  11. Decleor Beaute Des Mains Nourishing And Soothing Hand Cream

    The formula of this nourishing hand cream contains plant extracts and essential oils. It contains cypress oil, shea butter, a vitamin complex - vitamins E and B5, plant extracts - bearberry, mignonette, parsley.

    Dekleor hand care cream: approximate price for 50 ml - 1200 rub.

    The texture of the product is non-greasy and light, which provides:

    • moisturizing and nourishing dry hand skin;
    • light healing effect;
    • restoration of nail structure and strengthening.
  12. Cream “Winter” from Faberlic

    This protective cream is indispensable for hand skin care in winter frosts. The basis of the formula is shea butter (karite) and raspberry seed oil, as well as cocoa butter and an oxygen complex. All of these components work together to provide your hands with:

    • increased blood circulation in the upper layer of skin;
    • protection against dryness and flaking;
    • launching cell regeneration processes;
    • strengthening natural collagen synthesis;
    • skin nutrition;
    • healing of minor injuries;
    • hydration and restoration.

    Hand cream “Winter” from Faberlic: price for 50 ml - 100 rub.

    This cream should be applied to dry hands immediately before going outside.

  13. Sally Hansen 18 hour protective Hand Creme

    A relatively inexpensive cream with protective and caring properties. The manufacturer claims that the protective effect will last 18 hours - but only if you do not wash your hands during this entire period.

    The product is used sparingly, has a pleasant consistency to apply, as well as an easily perceptible pleasant citrus aroma. It will not be able to cure or restore hands damaged by cold or wind, but it forms a reliable protective film that will really last from wash to wash.

    18-hour hand cream: approximate price for 100 ml - 400 rub.

    The product contains valuable oils - shea and grape seeds, as well as multivitamins, which provides nutritional and protective effects.


It is impossible to clearly determine which nourishing hand cream is better. After all, someone won’t like the smell, someone won’t like the price, and someone will prefer a light texture to an oily one. However, no matter what cream you choose, do not forget to use it regularly - your hands will certainly reward you with an attractive appearance and velvety skin.

Beautiful and well-groomed hands are an integral part of the image of a woman who loves herself. Today our hands are not only an indicator of age, but also an indicator of our attitude towards ourselves. If 10 years ago using face cream was already a feat for the average woman, today, when self-care is increasingly becoming commonplace, hand care is also gaining popularity. Choosing the best hand cream.

Hand creams, balms, oils, spa care complexes - you just can’t find anything on the shelves in cosmetics stores and beauty salons. The choice is really great. But we don’t always know what and when to use to help our hands maintain youth, beauty, and a well-groomed appearance. Let's understand hand creams today, which are the best, what to choose, which cream to buy.

Hand cream: what is it for?

The main functions of hand creams are nutrition, moisturizing and protection.

Dry skin needs nutrition, most often these are anti-aging creams, or creams for the cold season, when the skin needs additional nutrients.

Moisturizing creams can be used all year round; they maintain the skin's moisture balance.

Hand cream with a protective function is usually intended for winter or, conversely, summer periods when the skin needs additional protection from aggressive external factors.

The best hand cream - composition

When choosing the best hand cream, it is important to pay attention to its composition; certain components are responsible for the specific properties of the cream:

  • glycerin will help keep your hands moisturized longer
  • paraffin will soften dry hand skin
  • Lanolin nourishes
  • allantoin and alpha-bisabolol will help relieve irritation
  • tea tree oil fights inflammation
  • panthenol will help if there are small wounds on the skin
  • natural oils and vitamins are responsible for youthful skin, its smoothness and elasticity, and a healthy appearance.

The choice of creams for our hands is huge. Beautiful packaging, well-known and not so famous companies, interesting compositions, delicious fragrances. In this diversity it is very difficult to decide. Therefore, I offer my TOP 10 best hand creams.

1st place - Hand Care Cream from Manufaktura

Packaging format: 75ml. Country of origin: Czech Republic.

One of my favorites is a delicate, light texture, well moisturizing and quickly absorbing hand cream. I bought it in the Czech Republic in a specialized store, and if possible, I will buy more.

2nd place – Hand cream with Shea butter from Loccitane

Packaging format: 30 ml. Country of origin: France.

This little helper is in my bag. Indispensable in those moments when you forget your gloves at home and spring is not yet as warm as expected. It moisturizes the skin of the hands well and smells pleasantly of Shea butter. Contains the antioxidant vitamin E, which nourishes the skin of the hands well and for a long time.

Cost 30 ml – 680 rubles.

3rd place – representative of the Korean premium brand Steblanc – hand cream with Black snail mucin

Country of origin: Korea.

My acquaintance with this brand is going well, and the hand cream also did not disappoint. The light texture is especially pleasant (I don’t like the greasy feel of cream on my hands). So, this cream has a delicate texture, it is quickly absorbed, and does not leave any grease or unpleasant sensations or traces. Steblanc cream is good to use for small cracks and wounds on the hands; it has a healing effect, soothes itching after frostbite and peeling of the skin of the hands. An indispensable product for the cold season, and given that it also contains a UV filter, it is perfect for future sunny days.

Packaging format: 50 ml. Cost: 670 rubles.

4th place – Nourishing hand cream with shea butter Satin Hands

Country of origin: USA

This cream suits me in every way - non-greasy, pleasant texture, absorbs well and mega quickly, convenient and beautiful packaging. Hands after it are smoothed and tender. Besides the smell, it is very specific to me. Even though Mary Kay claims this cream is unscented, I can smell it. It took me a long time to get used to it, and eventually the desire to have perfect hands overpowered me. I smear it on, try not to smell it, and after 5-7 minutes the smell evaporates, leaving only smooth skin on my hands.

Packaging format: 85 grams. Cost: 540 rubles.

5th place – Orly hand cream with argan oil

Country of origin: USA

One of my most delicious creams. The smell is amazing. Argan oil moisturizes and nourishes the skin well, takes care of the cuticle skin, and is ideal after a manicure. A little greasy, but after polishing the nails it’s perfect.

Packaging format: 50 gr. Cost: 1100 rubles.

6th place – Hand cream with horse oil

Country of origin: Japan.

That perfect combination – price / quality. “A workhorse” as I call it, this cream will be ideal as a salvation for summer cottages and gardens, after sports. There are no overly tasty fragrances, everything is quite neutral with a good result. Japanese cosmetics are at the same level as always. Well moisturizes, nourishes and cares for the skin of the hands.

Packaging format: 45 ml. Cost: 335 rubles.

7th place – Cream-serum for hands and nails Eveline

Country of origin: Poland.

Eveline hand cream is a worthy representative of the mass market. Beautiful packaging design - stylish gold tube, pleasant vanilla aroma. Among budget cosmetics, this is one of the best hand creams. The cream is quite thick, but its texture does not make it difficult to squeeze the product out of the tube, rubs well on your hands and is absorbed into the skin. There is a fairly strong vanilla scent that lingers on your hands for a long time. For lovers of this confectionery aroma it will be a godsend.

Packaging format: 100 ml. Cost 160 rubles.

8th place – Baarkhad – restoring hand cream from the Siberian Health company

Country of origin: Russia.

The cream is truly restorative, its thick, oily texture combats flaking and irritation on the hands well. The oils included in the composition nourish and moisturize the skin. Suitable as an SOS remedy for chapped and dry hands. During the day you will need to repeat the application several times to achieve results and soften the skin of your hands.

Packaging format: 75 ml. Cost: 300 rubles.

9th place – Dove hand cream basic care

Country of origin: Poland.

Light texture with the familiar classic scent of Dove cosmetics is quickly absorbed and leaves a pleasant protective film on the skin. This hand cream contains more glycerin, which helps protect the skin from external influences and nourish it well.

Packaging format: 75 ml. Cost: 150 rubles.

10th place - Nivea complex care cream Sea buckthorn and vitamin E

What is the best hand moisturizer? The rating of creams will help you get your idea about this.

Moisturizing compounds are cosmetics that save the skin from excessive dryness. It is desirable that moisturizing cosmetics be natural, as such components penetrate the skin better.

Maintaining the beauty of your hands is important at all times. To make your skin look young, you used to have to prepare various healing decoctions, ointments, and infusions. Now the cosmetics industry produces a wide variety of creams; you just need to go to the store and buy what you like.

Of course, with all the variety of cosmetic products, it is better to consult with a seller who has good information on the composition and quality of moisturizing creams; he will recommend exactly what you are looking for.

The creams nourish the skin well with various beneficial substances, moisturize it, and also have an anti-aging effect, that is, they stop the appearance of wrinkles and other age-related changes. In light of this, I present a rating of moisturizing creams; they can also accelerate regenerative processes and also saturate the skin with moisture.

Choosing the best moisturizer

Moisturizing cream lavanda with lavender aroma

This cosmetic product has a pleasant lavender aroma; the cream has a gentle effect on the skin of the hands, promotes its rejuvenation, and maintains water balance. The product contains only natural ingredients. It has a convenient capacity of 75 milliliters.

At its price, the cream is quite affordable; it does not contain any dyes. The cream has a good consistency, is easy to apply, the only thing is that it does not protect the skin from the so-called ultraviolet radiation. Careful care on the part of the product makes this product quite popular.

Velur hand cream

It contains calendula, which is a medicinal plant, so it not only moisturizes well, but also nourishes the skin with vitamins and other healing compounds. Its advantages are as follows: it is quickly absorbed; it is quite cheap and contains natural ingredients; pleasant consistency, easy to apply; has a pleasant smell; is able to protect against external negative influences, including resisting ultraviolet radiation. It should be applied at least twice a day.

Cream Velvet handles complex

The budget cream has a moisturizing effect and also helps eliminate flaking. The cream has a fairly pleasant texture and has an unobtrusive and pleasant aroma. After use, the skin becomes quite soft after the first use. This cosmetic product is quite accessible, as it has a low price.

The cream is packaged in economical packaging; it is excellent for use on dry skin, as it is able to moisturize it well. This cosmetic product contains several unnatural components.


This is a French cream for the care of dry skin. Its price is not included in the low category, since you can purchase these cosmetic products within 650 rubles. It is made on the basis of so-called thermal water. Contains only natural ingredients, no parabens.

The cream is quickly absorbed into dry skin and has an immediate moisturizing effect. Dermatologists recommend this remedy for excessively dry hand skin. After using it, the skin literally becomes radiant and well-groomed.

The cream does not provoke an allergic reaction, and also prevents the appearance of so-called microcracks; in addition, inflammatory processes do not occur. The skin becomes hydrated, elastic and firm, which is explained by the composition of this unique cream.

So, the advantages of this French cream are its excellent composition; the natural ingredients present provide a long-lasting moisturizing effect. A quick result is achieved after application. The cream is quite effective in relieving severe dryness.

Of course, it's quite expensive to use regularly, and it comes in a small package. These two points can be considered among the disadvantages of French cream.


This German cream, in addition to its moisturizing qualities, is also designed for sensitive skin. It has a unique composition, it contains olive oil, some essential oils, aloe juice, vitamin E, various essential oils are added, in addition, other valuable natural ingredients are added, aimed at giving the skin optimal moisture.

The manufacturer of this German cream claims that it does not contain any harmful dyes, there are no fragrances or paraffins, in addition, there are no silicones and other harmful compounds, including gluten.

The cream quickly moisturizes hands, its consistency is medium density. On average, the price fluctuates around 260 rubles. It is produced to high standards and contains no chemical compounds. As for shortcomings, none were found.


What is the best hand cream? Among the moisturizing creams presented, you can certainly choose something for yourself. All of them are of high quality and have a good effect on the epidermis of the skin, improve its structure, and, first of all, qualitatively moisturize the skin.