Cast off the last row of stitches. How to finish knitting: options and tips How to finish knitting correctly

“The end is the crown of the matter” - this is what the popular proverb says, and this wisdom is applicable to all types of human activity, and to knitting needlework too. Every craftswoman knows that finishing a product correctly is extremely important for its appearance. To learn the nuances of how to finish knitting and what methods of closing loops are best used when creating a variety of things - a scarf, hat or sweater, read the recommendations selected in this article.

How to bind off stitches with knitting needles

Needlewomen have come up with many different ways to easily finish knitting. Depending on the chosen embodiment, the last row allows the knitted item to stretch freely or maintain the selected shape. Let's take a closer look at ways to close the loops at the end of a row with knitting needles in commonly used patterns and types of knitting. Do not forget that the edge (first) loop is removed without knitting.

Elastic way

To ensure that the edge of the product stretches well, use elastic closure of the loops with knitting needles:

  1. Yarn over, keeping in mind that if the next knit stitch is done towards you, purl the thread is thrown over the right knitting needle away from you.
  2. Knit the next stitch according to the pattern.
  3. The left knitting needle is inserted into the yarn over, and the last knitted loop is pulled through with the right one - two remain on the right.
  4. Insert the left knitting needle into the first loop, and with the right one pull the remaining one through it - only one remains.
  5. Repeat steps. The cut end of the thread is pulled through the last loop and the knot is tightened.

Closing 2x2 elastic loops

To accurately complete such a pattern, you need to apply the rule: before the first among identical (knit or purl) loops in the group, yarn over and knit the first one. Close the resulting 3 loops in an elastic way, as described above, so that only one remains. Before the second one in the group, the yarn over is not made, but is removed from the right knitting needle to the left one, then they are knitted together in stockinette stitch.

Closing the neck loops

There are many ways to finish a knitted item with a neckline. For example, make a picot, giving the item additional decor, or finish knitting in such a way that you can then add an elastic band to the neckline. Let's look at how to properly close the loops on the knitting needles in the second option. Using a tape measure, you need to calculate the number of loops that need to be closed to get the desired width of the neckline. Next, you need to divide the number by 2 and remove one half onto a thread.

The remaining loops are divided into 4 parts (in the same number of stages the knitting will be closed), and the rule is followed: if a whole number does not work out, the first parts that are closer to the center of the product are made larger by 1 loop (for example, 30 is divided into 8+8+7 +7). The first part is closed at a time: remove 2 without knitting, then use the left knitting needle to hook the first one, pull the second one through it. Next, knit 1 loop according to the pattern, do this again, close another one, and so on until the end of this part.

Next, knit 2 rows according to the pattern; at the end of the second, leave the thread in front of the last loop without knitting it. Then, in 2 steps, the loops in the second group are closed: in the same way as in the first part, half the loops are closed, 2 rows are knitted, and the remaining part is completed. The third is knitted in the same way, divided into 3 steps, and the fourth is closed with 1 loop in every second row. For the remaining half of the cutout loops, repeat the steps in the indicated sequence.

How to close loops with a needle

Use this method to complete the knitting by cutting the working thread so that its end is 3 times longer than the width of the product, and thread the yarn into a needle with a blunt end. Closing off loops with a needle is very easy to do: first, insert the needle into the middle of the first two loops from right to left. Then bring the first loop through the middle from left to right, dropping it from the knitting needle - it is already closed. Complete the last row one at a time.

Video: how to bind off loops on knitting needles

When doing knitting, it is very good not only to study the description of the necessary techniques and steps, but also to see visually how to finish knitting. In the videos we have selected, experienced craftswomen show techniques that will help you quickly learn how to knit a beautiful, even edge of a scarf and make an invisible, easy-to-make seam on a hat.

More details in the video and photo.

How to finish knitting a scarf with knitting needles

How to finish knitting a hat

Casting off stitches on the last row of knitting is as important a basic skill as casting on stitches. There are many different ways how beautiful finish knitting, and they all depend on what type of knitting you have chosen, what part of the product needs to be finished, and whether closing the loops has a decorative function.

How to finish the last row in knitting

We invite you to knit small samples on which you can practice various ways of closing the loops of the last row, and photos with step-by-step instructions will show you how to finish knitting correctly.

Closing loops with broach

  1. Pass the second stitch through the outer edge stitch and return it to the main needle.
  2. Knit the first stitch in knit stitch.
  3. Pass the second stitch through the first and return it to the main needle.
  4. Repeat this pattern until one stitch remains.
  5. Cut the thread and pull it through the loop, pulling it tight.

There is another very similar method:

  1. Knit together the edge stitch and the stitch that follows it.
  2. Knit this loop together with the next one.
  3. So, by knitting loops in pairs, you will get one loop that needs to be tightened with the tip of the cut thread.

Closing loops with a needle

  1. Thread the needle and secure it to the edge stitch of the previous row.
  2. Remove two loops from the knitting needle and using a circular yarn over, as shown in the diagram, tighten all the loops one by one.

This method resembles closing loops with broaching:

  1. Remove the edge loop with your hook.
  2. Pass the hook through the back of the next loop.
  3. Yarn over and crochet it through both loops.
  4. Go through the entire row in this manner until you only have one stitch left.
  5. Cut the thread and pull it through the last loop, tightening it well.

Knitting report:

  1. All stitches in the row are knit stitches.
  2. All stitches in the row are purled.
  3. All stitches in the row are knit stitches.
  4. All stitches in the row are purled.
  5. Yarn over, knit two stitches together (repeat until the end of the row).
  6. All stitches in the row are knit stitches.
  7. All stitches in the row are purled.
  8. All stitches in the row are knit stitches.
  9. All stitches in the row are purled.

Now fold the knitting along the resulting fold line and connect the loops of the final row with the main fabric along the first knitting row of this report using a needle and hook.

How to finish knitting a mitten or sock

To finish knitting mittens or socks, you need to follow a simple pattern:

  1. At the end of each row, on each of the four needles, knit the last two stitches together.
  2. When there are two loops left on each knitting needle, crochet one loop through each pair.
  3. Then pull two more loops in pairs.
  4. Finally, pull through the last loop, cut the thread and tighten, and hide the tip inside the product.

Video with master class lessons on how to finish knitting

In this collection of videos you will find various ways to close the loops of the final row using examples of knitting samples and finished products.

  • Video on how to finish knitting using the example of closing the last row of a small sample.

  • Video on how to finish.

  • In this video you will see how you can finish knitting the last row of a “lazy” snood.

  • Video with a master class lesson on how to finish knitting a voluminous snood in the round.

  • Video on how to knit and how to finish knitting the last row of English rib.

  • Video on how to finish the last row with .

  • Video on how to finish the last row with.

  • In this video you will learn for your baby and learn how to properly complete knitting.

  • In this video you will learn how, and find out in what way the last rows of each part were closed.

  • This simple beret is knitted with knitting needles, including a double placket. Watch this video to learn how to properly finish the knitting edge of this project.

  • Video tutorial on how to finish the last row correctly.

  • Video about how to close all the loops of the outer row using the Russian method when knitting products with knitting needles.

  • Video with a lesson on how to elastically close the loops of the final row when knitting with an elastic band.

  • In this video you will learn two ways to finish knitting, which are suitable for those who are just learning to knit.

We invite you to try all the suggested ways to finish knitting in order to use each of them when knitting different things. Share your experience in the comments and tell us which method you use most often.

A relationship in which there is no longer love is like a suitcase with a torn off handle, which was once very expensive and of high quality, but now only causes inconvenience and prevents us from moving forward, but we keep it, cherishing the memory of its former beauty.

How to end a relationship with a man and do it gracefully? Saying goodbye is always hard. It is especially difficult for a woman to do this, because internally we are afraid of hurting loved ones. However, in some situations, a sharp and uncompromising break is simply necessary, since a relationship in which there is no meaning is like a funnel that drags you to the very bottom.

When initiating a breakup, you always want to do it beautifully, as painlessly as possible, while maintaining a good relationship with your once loved one. In principle, this task is doable, but since parting is always a deep emotional shock for any person, this decisive action must be taken only with a cool mind and firm intentions.

Do you understand that a break in the relationship is inevitable, but every time you lack the confidence to have a frank conversation? Do you gather your courage and prepare a farewell speech, but keep putting it off indefinitely? The article “How to end a relationship with a man and do it beautifully” contains the best tips and recommendations from psychologists that will help you put an end to an interfering relationship once and for all, while maintaining your dignity and without hurting the feelings of the person you, unfortunately or Fortunately, you don’t love me anymore.

The end of the relationship - is it worth it?

First of all, it is important to understand whether this desire is truly deliberate or whether it arose under the influence of quarrels, resentments and conflicts with the young man. According to statistics from psychologists, approximately 20% of couples who seem to have said goodbye to each other forever resume their relationship after a while.

Before making such an important decision as breaking up, psychologists recommend spending some time alone and analyzing your thoughts. In order not to make a mistake prematurely, you can resort to a small “white lie.” For example, choose a day off and tell your boyfriend that you need to spend it visiting distant relatives or on an urgent business trip. On this day, try to imagine that you have already broken up with your partner. Think about how right this decision seems to you.

Also in such situations, psychologists advise identifying the key points that do not suit you in your current relationship. Perhaps you imagine your future life with this person, but you do not like some of his habits, attitude towards you or outlook on life. In some cases, the desire to finally and irrevocably end a relationship is determined by moral fatigue and accumulated claims. However, if it is still difficult for you to imagine your future life without your current partner, it may be better not to break off the union, but simply talk frankly, explaining your feelings to him.

How to end a relationship gracefully

The question of how to end a relationship without hurting someone's feelings seems to have no answer. Breaking up always causes heartache, especially in cases where your chosen one is blissfully unaware of the upcoming event. It is important to understand that you cannot influence the feelings of the other person, but you can reduce the pain and bitter taste that inevitably accompanies separation.

Psychologists have identified several main rules by adhering to which you can break up with a young man so that he does not feel humiliated or deceived.

1. There is a time and place for everything

You should not tell a person that you want to leave him if he had a difficult day the day before or is in a bad mood. At such moments, he will not be able to adequately and calmly evaluate your words, and the separation process will turn into a scandal.

2. Aggression is your enemy

Be calm and reasonable. Before you decide to have a frank conversation, prepare several compelling arguments why you want to break off the relationship, but do not involve your past grievances in them. Focus on the fact that you don't see a future together, but don't focus on the person's shortcomings. Perhaps your chosen one does not want children, and you are already ready to become a mother, or you are dreaming of moving, but he does not want to change anything - try to give as specific arguments as possible.

3. Be prepared for a bad reaction

Since the best defense is attack, when a person hears unflattering statements addressed to him, he will most likely begin offensive tactics, trying to blame you for the problems. You need to prepare for this mentally and not respond to aggression with aggression. It is best in such a situation to stop the conversation and return to it after some time, when you both have cooled down.

4. Be decisive

When thinking about how to end a relationship, think about making as reasoned and confident a speech as possible. Since you have already decided everything for yourself and are sure that there is no point in continuing the relationship, you should not give false hope to the person. Your ex-lover must understand that he can only count on friendly relations on your part.

5. Gratitude instead of blame

When breaking up, you probably want to blame your ex-lover for something. However, if you care about ending the relationship gracefully and not leaving a bad aftertaste, replace all accusations with words of gratitude, because you once loved this person.

How to live after separation

After breaking up, many understand that the question of how to end a relationship with a man was not as difficult as the question of how to move on.

Firstly, psychologists recommend excluding emotions such as anger, resentment and self-flagellation from the range of your feelings. Don't blame yourself for something and deeply analyze the situation. Imagine your breakup as an inevitable fact that you could not prevent.

Secondly, do not expect that immediately after the breakup you will be able to maintain friendly relations with your ex-boyfriend. Try to completely exclude contact with him at first, but if this is not possible, let him know that you are not yet ready to sort things out. If you both know how to correctly assess the situation, calm, friendly relations between you will resume, but a little later.

And thirdly, fill your life with new emotions and new hobbies, as well as dreams of a new love, which will be much more conscious and happier than the previous one.

To knit any thing with knitting needles, you need to learn this skill and know all the secrets. And when the product is already knitted, you need to know how to finish knitting. There are several ways to do this. Each of them is interesting in its own way and suitable for different occasions.

How to finish knitting: a method for beginners

To master this technique, it is worth considering the option for beginners. This is a fairly simple method that any craftswoman can handle.

This type of loop closure is classic. When the fabric is already knitted to the desired level, they begin to close the loops. In this case, take two loops, knit them together and get one loop. As the knitting continues and the loop needs to be closed, the resulting loop is returned back to the knitting needle and the next loop is grabbed along with it. Both loops are knitted and the resulting loop is returned again. All loops are knitted according to this pattern.

This method is a knitting method. This means that for this you need to use a thread from a ball and to secure it you need to knit a row. When the last loop remains, the thread is cut and the remaining piece of thread is knitted into this loop. Next, the thread is pulled out completely and then tightened. This is done to secure the product, after which it will no longer unravel or come apart.

There will be a pigtail on the front side. Nothing has changed on the wrong side, since the row will have exactly the same appearance as the previous rows of the main fabric.

But there is a small nuance in this closing option. If the loops are not tightened enough when knitting the last row, then this edge of the fabric will be slightly wider than the first edge. Therefore, this must be taken into account when working with this method. You can use a thinner knitting needle to close the edge, then the edge will not stretch so much.

How to close fabric without knitting

This method is suitable for knitting needles with fishing line. It consists of knitting the last row without using thread. Therefore, you need to transfer all the loops from the knitting needle to the fishing line, and stretch along this fishing line to the very end so that the product ends up on the second knitting needle. The thread that goes to the product is now not at the beginning of the loops, but at the end.

The work is turned over to the wrong side and the loops begin to close. In this case, you can close it with a knitting needle, or you can use a crochet hook. Remove two loops from the knitting needle and pull one loop through the removed loop, obtaining only one loop. Then remove only one loop, pull it through the first, getting a new loop. This is how all the loops of the row are knitted without using additional thread from the ball.

When the last loop remains on the knitting needle, the thread from the ball is pulled through it, obtaining a new loop. The edge of the thread is cut and pulled through the remaining loop. The output is a completely different result. The edge appears less noticeable on the front side and looks neater.

How to finish knitting: correct closure of elastic loops

This option shows how to properly close the elastic. The elasticity comes from the collar, which is made over the loops. But they call it a collar, but in fact it’s just a cape.

How to close loops on a 1x1 elastic band

  • The loops on the 1x1 elastic band are on the knitting needle. One loop is removed onto another knitting needle, followed by a knit stitch. Collars for knit and purl stitches are made in a variety of ways. For the front side, make a yarn over towards you, then knit a knit loop and, picking up the first yarn over with a knitting needle, throw it over the loop that you just knitted. Then you need to throw the previous loop on one knitting needle onto the knitted loop with a collar. And now only the first loop is considered closed.
  • Next comes the purl loop. They make a different collar for her. You make the yarn over yourself. Then the loop is knitted with a purl loop as it lies, and again the collar is thrown over the knitted loop. This is done using the left knitting needle. Next, throw the previous loop over the one just knitted with the collar. There are now two closed loops. Next comes a knit stitch and knit as for a knit stitch.
  • This is done until the stitches are closed.

How to close loops on a 2x2 elastic band

  • The main rule of closure using this method is that when moving from purl stitches to knit stitches, the first loop should be with a collar, and the subsequent loop should be without a collar.
  • When moving from a purl stitch to a knit stitch, make it with a collar. The collar for knit stitches is made with a simple yarn over towards itself. Next, knit with a knit stitch, throw on the collar and knit a loop, and then throw the previous loop over it.
  • Then the loop is knit again, so according to the rules, it is closed in the usual way. That is, they knit two loops together.
  • The next loop is purl. This will be the first stitch in a group of purl stitches of the same name. You need to do it the same way with a collar. For purl stitches, make a collar with a crochet facing away from you. They knit a loop with a purl loop, throw a collar over it using the left knitting needle and throw the previous loop over the knitted loop, also using the left knitting needle.
  • Then the loop is closed in the usual way, that is, two loops are knitted together.

Thanks to this closure of the loops, the edge of the product is elastic, and the finished work looks very beautiful.

Each of the presented methods is good in its own way and is suitable for a specific case. To understand them in more detail, you can use photos and videos. Then each product will be of high quality and individual.

Video on the topic of the article

Every onset of cold weather is accompanied by the thought of how to dress warmer. Of course, we want to protect our ears, legs and neck from the cold, and that’s why everyone rushes to the store for new purchases. Despite the large selection of hats and scarves, you can’t always be happy with a quality product.

This means you need to pick up the knitting needles and try to knit something. In this case, this is the best way out, because you can choose threads of the required quality and knit the item with an original pattern. At the same time, do not spend a lot of time on such a hobby. And if you are also a fan of TV series, then this is the case when you can combine business with pleasure.

Knitting the most basic things (a hat, scarf or socks) will not be difficult. But you can slightly diversify your wardrobe with additional accessories.

When you have decided on the threads, the pattern and even started knitting, a global question arises: how to finish the knitting beautifully? Of course, it all depends on what you are knitting. When knitting a hat, you need to know when to decrease stitches.

The knitting of the sock must be closed correctly. If you like symmetrical patterns or braids, then finishing the knitting is much more difficult because you may end up with a messed up pattern.

Knitting a scarf

Weaving a scarf is the easiest way to diversify your wardrobe, which does not require much time or special skills. If you don't know how to finish a crochet and knit scarf, don't worry. Essentially, you have to weave a long knitted fabric. Accordingly, in order to complete it, all loops must be closed in the usual way, without adding or subtracting. Crocheting assumes that the knitting loops are closed by themselves in each row.

Beginners have to learn everything for the first time, and then they should understand in more detail how to beautifully finish knitting.

Despite the fact that in most cases they use elementary stitch closure, you can choose one of several options for how you should finish knitting the fabric with knitting needles, namely:

  • Knitting two loops together. The result is an even, closed braid that will not stretch. The essence of the method is that you knit the edge loop at the same time as the first one. This is done with stockinette stitch behind the back wall. The resulting loop must be removed from the right knitting needle to the left and now knitted with the next one in turn. This closes the entire row. This is easy to do if you have a hook on hand. It will help reduce time. Purl loops are closed more beautifully from the wrong side;
  • Knitting one loop through the other when the braid comes out stretched. It is more often used when weaving elastic bands or various relief patterns. Knit the first two loops (those on the right needle) according to the pattern. Then you pull the second one through the first, and one loop remains on the right needle. The third extends through the second, and so on down the chain;
  • The row is closed with a needle. This type of closure is used for elastic bands, and then the pattern looks neat. Use a needle to make a stitch, tying the first three loops. Then make a stitch for the purl loops, and so on until the end.

You can lengthen the scarf by decorating it with thread tassels.

Weaving a hat

To understand how best to finish knitting a hat, you need to thoroughly study its pattern, size and shape. If a complex or symmetrical scheme is assumed, then it is better to calculate all the decreases on a piece of paper.

There are several ways to finish a row of knitting a headdress:

Weave sock

Knitting a sock is painstaking work. Especially if the technique is performed in the usual way, that is, using 5 knitting needles. Many people wonder how to properly finish knitting a sock so that the product looks neat on the foot.

To do this, you need to try on a new thing and mark the place where your little finger begins.