Zirconium in jewelry. Magical and healing properties of zircon

Zircon is a very popular material in jewelry. And this is understandable, because this magnificent gem after cutting has a bright rainbow shine, reminiscent in appearance of a precious diamond.

At the same time, the stone is not as dense, more commonly found in nature and less expensive. For these characteristics, in the East they call it “the little brother of diamond.”

Zircon was first discovered in Ancient Persia, where its name “zargun” was born, which means “color of gold.”

The magical properties of the stone, which were attributed to it by ancient people, were largely due to its luxurious golden hue. This is precisely what can explain that the crystal was immediately “appointed” as a talisman for the god of trade, Mercury.

Traditionally, zircon is considered a masculine stone.

In the religions and customs of the peoples of the world, it always symbolizes strength, luck and wealth:

  • Indian yogis consider zircon, along with diamond, to be the most powerful accumulator of bioenergy.
  • A dark and black stone develops a penchant for oratory in men and instills confidence in their rightness.
  • In Russia, the red gem was considered the patron saint of merchants. It was customary to wear a ring with scarlet zircon for serious transactions so that its owner would win.
  • Gold zircon is capable of developing in a person the gift of comprehending the supernatural. That is why talismans with a transparent yellow mineral are often used in magical rituals.
  • A pendant made of a blue stone helps with hiking and traveling, and helps you return to your home without loss.
  • For women who want to meet their betrothed, they need to wear zirconium earrings - this will attract their future husband, wherever he is.
  • Thanks to its bright, radiant light, precious zircon saturates the life energy of its owner with positive currents and helps to overcome any difficulties.

Note! Gems enclosed in a gold frame have the most powerful magical qualities.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign: compatibility in astrology

The characteristics of zircon are most clearly revealed when worn by people with leadership abilities who strive for power. This is the stone of orators, judges, politicians and public figures.

To know who the “diamond’s younger brother” suits according to the horoscope, you need to remember that the patron of the mineral is Jupiter, which means it interacts best with Sagittarius. Possession of zircon can affect other astrological signs in completely different ways, sometimes even having a negative effect.

Zodiac sign Influence
Sagittarius Perfect fit. Helps in all matters, attracts good luck, protects from the evil eye.
Taurus Instills self-confidence and increases vitality.
Aquarius Develops intuition, receptivity to learning, sharpens mental abilities.
Fish Not recommended. It can drag you into a world of fantasy, distract you from reality and become an obstacle to achieving your goal.
Virgo Helps in solving life problems, drives away melancholy and despondency, gives joy.
Cancer Wear with caution. Increases feelings of depression and can develop selfishness bordering on egocentrism.
a lion Softens harsh character traits, pacifies authority and impulsiveness, makes its owner softer and more compliant.
Aries Contraindicated. It can make a person aggressive and restless and interferes with an objective assessment of reality.

Zircon interacts neutrally with other signs, without bringing tangible benefits, but also without causing harm.

Note! In order to reduce the danger posed by the stone for some horoscope signs, it is better to wear rings with zircon on the ring finger of the left hand. This can minimize the negative properties of the mineral.

What color and what it looks like: types of stone

Raw zircon occurs in nature in a wide variety of shades.

The name of each type of mineral depends on what the stone looks like, as well as the place where it was mined:

  • A transparent, colorless rock is the Matar diamond.
  • Yellow, golden, smoky crystal - slang or jargon.
  • Red, crimson, and brown stones are the most common and are called hyacinths.
  • Dark brown, black (has increased radioactivity) - malacon.
  • Blue, cyan (not found in nature, the color appears after heat treatment) – starlite.
  • Orange – yacinth.

Note! Green zircon is considered the least safe. The saturation of the shade indicates an increased content of radioactive uranium in the mineral. Therefore, only transparent green specimens are allowed for use in the jewelry industry.

How much does it cost: price

How much a natural gem costs directly depends on the color of the stone. The most expensive is considered to be blue or bright blue zircon, the shade of which is obtained after firing a light brown transparent material.

These are very rare and exclusive samples, so the price of one carat of such a crystal on the world market can reach $500.

Yellow, brown, green and red varieties cost from $30 to $100 per carat, sometimes up to $150 depending on purity.

Products and decorations made of stone and its use

In jewelry art, zircon occupies one of the main positions. Products made from it are present in the catalogs of all the leading jewelry houses in the world.

Jewelry with this vibrant gemstone will perfectly complement any outfit - from everyday to evening. Particularly luxuriously transparent zircon is combined with a frame made of white and red gold.

Most often, when processing stone, two types of cuts are used:

  • Stepped - a method when the top of the stone is made in the form of a polygon, and the sides are trapezoids or isosceles triangles.
  • Diamond - consists of 57 facets and is capable of especially brightly reflecting light from the surface of the crystal.

Zircons embedded in other rocks are a real find for collectors who appreciate the natural beauty of the Earth's gifts.

In addition to its visual appeal and various esoteric characteristics, zircon is of great importance as a source of the element zirconium, the metal hafnium and rare uranium.

The mineral has found its application in various industries. It is an indispensable component in the production of refractory materials.

Medicinal properties: do they exist?

In lithotherapy, zircon is used to relieve symptoms associated with diseases of the cardiac and endocrine systems.

Depending on the color, the mineral can be used for the following health problems:

  • Blue is used to reduce appetite if you are overweight.
  • Yellow helps with kidney disease, poor stomach function, and gives a good night's sleep.
  • Colorless reduces inflammation of the skin.
  • Hyacinth has the ability to stop bleeding, calm the nervous system, relieve stress and fatigue.
  • Black minerals treat colds, strengthen the immune system and alleviate the symptoms of hypothermia.

Rumor has it that homemade medicines containing zircon are regularly used by the head of the Vatican, the Pope, to improve the condition of the body.

Note! Self-medication is dangerous. If you have problems that concern you, it is better to consult a doctor to prescribe adequate therapy, and the healing properties of the stones will be an additional help on your path to recovery.

How to distinguish a fake: checking for authenticity

Often, unscrupulous sellers try to pass off artificially grown cubic zirconia as precious zircon.

It is not easy to distinguish an analogue at first glance, but there are several surefire ways that will help you determine the authenticity of the mineral:

  • Natural zircon necessarily has no a large number of inclusions and voids. To better determine their presence, just examine the stone with a magnifying glass.
  • Zircon has a high degree of light refraction, which is why it has a multi-colored shine similar to diamond.
  • Compared to cubic zirconia, the gemstone is lighter, since its density is much less than that of a synthetic one.
  • The main difference between a natural crystal is the slight radioactivity emanating from the rock. This value is small enough to influence a person, but its very presence proves the authenticity of the material.

Mineral deposits

The origin of zircon is due to the magmatic nature of its occurrence. There are not so many deposits of it on Earth; this mineral is mainly mined together with other rocks.

The main production of zircon occurs in:

  • Australia.
  • Brazil.
  • Cambodia.
  • Madagascar.
  • Mozambique.
  • Nigeria.
  • Sri Lanka.
  • Thailand.
  • Vietnam.

In Russia, zircon deposits have been discovered in the Urals, Yakutia and the Kola Peninsula.

Care and storage

When storing jewelry with zircon, you need to remember that this mineral is quite fragile, so it must be protected from impacts and other mechanical damage.

For a gem, a strong and massive frame is preferable, which will protect it from damage. You should also know that this precious rock can change its color when exposed to sunlight.

  1. Store zircon and products made from it separately from other jewelry.
  2. Do not expose the stone to chemicals.
  3. Do not leave jewelry under bright sun for long periods of time.
  4. Cosmetics and perfumes can leave a darkening effect on the transparent surface of the stone.
  5. To make the crystal shine and clean it from dirt, just wash it in a soapy solution and wipe thoroughly with a soft flannel cloth.

Zircon is a precious stone with luxurious appearance and attractive shine. Jewelry with it will perfectly emphasize the elegance of any image, and those around you will note your refined taste and sense of beauty.

Zargun means "golden" in Persian. It is from this word that the name of the stone comes. The unique refractive properties of zircon can only be compared to a diamond. It is not for nothing that in the East zircon is called its younger brother.

Main types of zircon

Zircon has several of the most famous varieties.


It ranges in color from pale pink to bright red and brown.

Jargon or jargon

Yellow zircon.


Bright blue zircon, which received its color after calcination.

Zircon is often confused with zirconium, but these are fundamentally different things. Zircon is a natural gemstone, zirconium is a silver-colored metal. Zirconium cube or cubic zirconium is a familiar one to everyone, and this name is associated with the chemical composition of this stone: cubic zirconium dioxide. It is incorrect to call cubic zirconia zircons, since cubic zirconia is an artificial stone.

Physical and chemical properties of zircon

The chemical formula of zircon is ZrSiO 4. The stone is fragile and easily damaged by quartz.

Zircon contains many impurities, which determines the varied colors of the stone. In nature, white, gray, pink, red, burgundy, yellow, brown, almost black and green stones are found. Oxides of iron, calcium, aluminum, and less commonly hafnium are present as impurities.

Transparent stones with a red tint are called hyacinths and are used in jewelry. When heated, zircon hyacinth turns bright blue. Heat treatment can also result in yellow or colorless stones.

The stone is usually small in size. The luster ranges from resinous and matte to glassy.

Zircon deposits

Zircon deposits are mainly located in Thailand, on the island of Sri Lanka, Vietnam and Madagascar. Hyacinths are also mined in the USA, Brazil, Canada, Norway and Australia.

Zircon deposits are also known in Russia, in particular in the Urals, Yakutia, and the Kola Peninsula.

Application area of ​​zircon

Today, stone is used for the manufacture of fire-resistant and fire-resistant materials. In addition, hafnium and uranium are extracted from it.

High quality zircons are used in the jewelry industry. The downside is the low density of the mineral, so it is easy to damage. Unfortunately, in modern realities, natural zircon has been almost completely forced out of the jewelry market and replaced by artificial cubic zirconia. Zircon is much more common in antique items.

How to distinguish natural zircon from fake

There are several ways to help identify a real stone.

  • To distinguish natural zircon from cubic zirconia, you should remember the characteristics of the stone. Transparent specimens themselves are very rare, however, they will certainly contain inclusions, voids, etc. Cubic zirconia in any case will be transparent, like a tear.
  • Zircon shimmers exactly like, but where there are any inclusions there is a resinous tint.
  • Zircon has a very low density compared to cubic zirconia, therefore, stones of the same size will differ in weight - zircon will be easier to fake.
  • Zircon is often radioactive. If you have a device that measures radiation levels, it can help determine the naturalness of the stone.

Healing and magical properties of zircon

Since ancient times, people have worn amulets made of zircon, endowing it with the power of power. In ancient times, this stone was worn by sages. It was believed that zircon helped reveal lies and endowed the owner with intuition and the gift of foresight. Zircon promotes the development of memory and observation, protects against deceivers. An amulet with this stone attracts good luck and promotes wealth.

It is believed that zircons of different colors have different effects on people. For example, yellow zircon is recommended to be worn by people with hypertension, stomach and liver problems. Blue stone restores the function of the thyroid gland and pancreas, and also helps with tumors in the brain. Black zircon increases the body's resistance to viral diseases.

Who is zircon suitable for?

Zircon is suitable for those who have a discord between spirit and body. Overweight people definitely need to have a pendant or ring with zircon.

As for the signs of the Zodiac, astrologers primarily recommend wearing zircon to Sagittarius and Aquarius. The color of the stone must match the element of the sign.

Zircon is one of the most popular stones used by jewelers to create stunning jewelry. This is a mineral created by nature, which is often confused with other stones that have external similarities with the gem or a similar name.

The mineral is a zirconium silicate with impurities. From it, using modern technologies, specialists obtain specimens of different colors. Zircon is often confused with zirconium.

Zirconium is a stone that looks like steel. The shine of zircon is similar to the shine of diamond. Externally, the gem also resembles a stone obtained artificially.

The properties of which have been known since ancient times, it has long been famous for its unique magical power. However, in order for it to be beneficial, you need to know who this wonderful stone fits according to the horoscope.

The influence of zircon on zodiac signs

For representatives of the Virgo sign, who are characterized by practicality, kindness, perseverance and hard work, zircon will become an excellent amulet. These people are prone to melancholy, sadness, and when it is necessary to make a choice, they often doubt the decision made. Zircon will give Virgos positive energy and an optimistic attitude, help them cope with depression and focus on achieving meaningful goals.

The stone will be of particular benefit to Cancers. Those born under the auspices of this sign always prefer to retreat, not giving their partner the opportunity to realize sexual fantasies. Among Cancers, women are considered the most restrained and conservative in intimate relationships. Zircon will slightly correct these qualities, and will also help to increase sexual attraction to people of the opposite sex. The secret of the magical effect of the stone lies in its unusual energy structure, reminiscent of a double pyramid. Sexual power is concentrated in the center of the mineral, and its shell contains energy that fills the owner with faith in his own capabilities and helps overcome the fear of defeat.

For majestic and slightly selfish Leos, the stone will help them overcome pride, irritability and intolerance. Thanks to zircon, representatives of this sign will be able to better control their emotions. The stone has a beneficial effect on women. A gift of jewelry with a gem will contribute to unexpected changes in the character of its owner, for example, making her softer and kinder. The magical properties of zircon will manifest themselves most clearly if it is received from a loved one. The most powerful talismans for Leo will be stones received as a gift from Cancer.

Sagittarians are always at the center of events. And this is not surprising, because representatives of this sign are ready to help everyone: to assist in finding a job or to lend money. However, because of this, they have almost no time for themselves. With the help of zircon, good deeds performed by Sagittarius will bring good luck and happiness to representatives of this zodiac sign. The most powerful properties will be found in minerals given to them by a close friend born under the sign of Leo.

The zircon stone is suitable for bright and versatile personalities, which are representatives of the zodiac sign Libra. These people often experience indecision and doubt, which become the causes of internal struggle. The gem will help them feel balance and balance, and also, with the help of the reserve of sexual energy hidden in it, will make Libra desirable in the eyes of others.

Geminis are contradictory personalities with a dual nature. They especially need inner comfort and peace. The mineral will be able to give Gemini the desired feeling of harmony. In addition, the stone will make Gemini's pace of life more measured and will help them pacify their pride and anger.

Representatives of the Aries zodiac sign are characterized by harshness, hot temper and impulsiveness. Such people are ambitious and ambitious. However, to achieve their desired goals and overcome obstacles along the way, they need a large supply of energy. Zircon will help Aries gain strength for new achievements, as well as keep the body in good shape.

The gentle, sophisticated and vulnerable nature of Pisces needs to maintain a friendly atmosphere. The stone will not only delight this zodiac sign with beauty, but will also make his life measured, give him faith in his own strengths and wisdom in life. Zircon will also protect its owner from illness and the evil eye and help maintain a good mood.

How to choose the right zircon jewelry according to your zodiac sign

Each zodiac sign is unique. Representatives of any of them are united by the fact that they have certain positive and negative character traits. A properly selected talisman with zircon will help enhance the manifestation of your best qualities and cope with your shortcomings.

Almost all jewelry with a stone is suitable for Aquarius. The gem will promote the development of analytical abilities, pragmatism and intuition in the owner. Wearing a pendant with zircon will help Aquarius to comprehend the essence of what is happening and see what is hidden from the eyes of others. Astrologers recommend that representatives of this sign pay attention to blue, yellow or golden stones.

Capricorns are advised to choose jewelry with blue or golden zircons and wear them on the middle finger of their left hand. Such decoration will display its magical properties in full force and will become an indispensable talisman for its owner.

When choosing a talisman, Aries should pay attention to rings and rings with an unusual mineral. It is desirable that they be decorated with a red or golden stone. Such a talisman will make representatives of this zodiac sign more attentive, sensitive and loving.

The best protector against negativity for Pisces will be a ring with zircon on the ring finger.

Astrologers do not advise Taurus to choose zircon as a talisman. Representatives of this zodiac sign are characterized by isolation and selfishness. The mineral can significantly enhance these qualities.

Zircon is suitable for those who are under the protection of Jupiter. For these people, an amulet with a stone will help expose any deception. The gem will be an excellent talisman for people whose professional activities are related to politics, power, and religion. The stone will be useful to those who, through self-knowledge, strive to comprehend the essence of the world around them.

Owners of hyacinth - one of the varieties of zircon - will feel that with the advent of the mineral they have become the favorites of fortune, and many problems have begun to resolve themselves. The stone is considered a talisman of love, and is also a valuable energy source for humans. - a magnificent amulet. That is why many travelers take it with them on a long journey, being confident that this mineral will be able to protect them along the way.

Magical properties of the gem

Zircon is a stone whose properties depend on its color:

  • Transparent specimens of orange, red or brown hue, called hyacinths, will benefit people who engage in mental work, travel a lot, or have their own business;
  • Stones with a high degree of transparency will help their owners in situations where it is necessary to make the right choice. In addition, this type of zircon will benefit fortune tellers and practicing magicians, as the mineral will contribute to the development of the gift of foresight;

Regardless of the color, the stone will give the owner self-confidence, promote the development of perseverance and the ability to concentrate, improve mood, help get out of depression, find peace of mind and gain the energy necessary to overcome obstacles to achieving goals.

Eleanor Brik

Zircon is a unique mineral and gemstone that has the luxurious luster of a diamond. Thanks to its rich color spectrum, zircon, whose magical properties are often used by adherents of alternative healing methods and magic lovers, competes with many precious stones in its properties and characteristics and is used in the jewelry industry to imitate expensive gems.

Healing properties of zircon

Ever since Ancient Rus', people believed in the healing properties of zircon and used it to fight diseases. Yellow-red stones were worn without removing them to improve appetite and normalize the functioning of the digestive organs and endocrine system, to cleanse the body of waste and toxins. Colorless and blue zircon stones help in the fight against extra centimeters, and black ones relieve symptoms of colds caused by hypothermia.

But direct contact of the mineral with the skin should be limited, so you should wear zircon in a gold frame.

Zircon and magic

When performing rituals and spells, zircon and magic are inseparable concepts due to pyramid-shaped crystals, which tend to concentrate energy in one place. White zircons are valued by magicians because they are used to replace diamonds when performing rituals without loss of quality. The magical properties of zircon include:

stimulating the development of intellectual and mental abilities, which is important for schoolchildren, students and knowledge workers;
attitude towards the formation of philosophical thoughts;
strengthening the abilities of clairvoyance and foresight;
opening the chakras and establishing connections with other worlds.

“down to earth” people, whose profession and work are related to money circulation, trade, doing business and developing entrepreneurship, also rely on the magical properties of zircon. Wearing a talisman with zircon is a good sign, because it helps in business development, increasing income, financial well-being and stability.

Properties of zircon by color

The magical and healing properties of zircon depend on the color of the gem. Thus, minerals of yellow, orange, terracotta colors and similar shades have the property of increasing sexual energy and increasing confidence in one’s sexual capabilities. They help you understand your attractiveness, reveal your charm and attract love. Zircon of yellow shades, when worn constantly, relieves emotional lethargy, depression, and gives the owner determination and self-confidence.

Green zircon helps increase financial income, wealth and success. Brown minerals help in agriculture because they increase yields, treat colds and relieve unpleasant dreams. Blue zircon stone will help with weight loss and getting rid of bad habits.

Zircon will solve problems

A gold pendant with zircon will help you overcome depression, blues and apathy, the brilliance of which will teach you to notice beauty in the world around you, instill confidence and help in the development of optimism.

Or you can't decide which activity to choose? Then buy jewelry with zircon. It will help you reveal your talents and hidden resources, drive away dark thoughts, understand your preferences and give you strength and perseverance.

If you find it difficult to make the right choice and make an important decision, zircon will solve these problems! At night, put a stone under your pillow and by the morning you will solve all your questions and problems. In addition, zircon is a symbol of successful, active and self-confident people, so it promotes self-knowledge, establishing new contacts and useful acquaintances.

Psychosomatic properties of zircon

Zircon emits positive energy, so owners of the gem notice that it invigorates the body and brings balance to a person’s emotional state. In addition, products with this mineral have a beneficial effect on the quality of sleep - insomnia is not a problem with it.

The psychosomatic properties of zircon help in exposing deception, revealing secrets and upsetting intrigues. Therefore, this stone is chosen by straightforward, honest and modest people. In addition, zircon is also called the stone of prosecutors and judges - if necessary, it will help reveal the secret and obtain the necessary information.

The influence of zircon on the signs of the Zodiac

Zircon is a universal stone that will suit everyone, especially those born under the sign of Aries and Aquarius. The influence of zircon on the signs of the Zodiac is manifested in the development of aesthetic abilities, sensations and intuition. In addition, a zircon talisman will protect you from bad surroundings, unworthy people, enemies and ill-wishers.

November 20, 2014

Zircon is one of the most famous gems since ancient times. Its peculiarity is the accumulation of positive energy, which is used by magicians and healers.
The popularity of the stone is explained by its beauty and properties as an amulet or talisman, as well as its affordability.
The beauty of zircon can be comparable to - it is transparent and has similar ray refraction properties.
The yellow mineral was the first to be found and became popular. It was because of its golden color that it was called that. From Persian “zircon” is translated as “golden” or “sunny”.

However, the stone can have other shades: red, blue and even black. In the jewelry world, it is customary to refine zircon. By heating it is given different shades, not only its main one, “golden”.

Many people confuse the mineral with zirconium. This is due to the similarity of names. Outwardly they are completely different.
Zircon is a transparent, very beautiful mineral that can have different shades.
Zirconium – resembles steel in appearance, an opaque, gray metal. In nature it exists as an impurity.


The rarest, and therefore most desirable for jewelers, is a transparent stone. It has its own name - matur diamond. Maturian diamond is also sometimes called “white zircon”.

Colored zircons can be made colorless by gamma irradiation.
The red hue of the mineral is called hyacinth. It can range from bright crimson to dark orange.

Zircons of a blue hue are practically not found in nature. They are also called hyacinths. Instances of the blue mineral were found in Thailand many years ago. A popular blue tint in the jewelry world is “made” by heating natural minerals of other shades.

Starlites are zircons of blue shades. Such minerals are not found in nature. A bright blue color, similar to sapphire, is achieved by heating hyacinths. Over time, the blue tint may lose its saturation.

The green-hued mineral does not have a separate name. This variety contains decaying uranium and is therefore radioactive. Actually, uranium gives the gem its green color. Small specimens with a pale shade of green are not dangerous. But bright green ones can be dangerous to human health.

Zircon of brown-black shades has a name - malacon. It is also radioactive, like green, but to a lesser extent.

Jargon (from the Persian “zargun”, “golden” or “sunny”) is the name of a stone of yellow shades. The richest deposit of jargons is Sri Lanka.
It was with the Zargons of Ancient Persia that man’s acquaintance with this gem began.

Jewelers are accustomed to achieving bright shades of stone by processing at high temperatures.
Therefore, it is worth keeping in mind that if stored improperly, for example, in direct sunlight, the insert in the zircon jewelry may change color.

Physical properties

Formula ZrSiO4.
In terms of chemical composition, the mineral is zirconium silicate, as well as impurities that determine its color.
Impurities of uranium and rhodium make the mineral radioactive. Green ones contain an admixture of uranium and are the most dangerous to humans.
May contain impurities of hafnium, aluminum, iron and other metals. The specific gravity of impurities can be up to 4%.
Solid mineral, 7 points on the Mohs scale.
In nature, the mineral has an unusual structure in the form of a double prism. There may be a fluorescence effect (glow under ultraviolet light).

Place of Birth

In Russia it is mined in Yakutia and the Urals.
Sri Lanka is the birthplace of yellow zircons, Cambodia and Thailand are home to blue ones.
Also mined in India, Thailand, Burma, Vietnam, USA, Brazil and Norway.
Jewelry-quality specimens are quite rare. The stones are usually 2 carats in size. Larger gems are very rare and therefore have a high price.

Medicinal properties

Due to the variety of color species, we can also talk about a variety of medicinal properties.

Thus, hyacinth or zircon in red shades is “indicated” for diseases of the heart and circulatory system. It can be used for coronary artery disease and hypertension.
The healing properties of hyacinth are especially useful during bleeding or after surgery. It helps wounds heal faster, because... has hematopoietic properties.

A pendant with hyacinth is suitable for treating heart disease, and a ring on the middle finger is suitable for healing wounds.

Zargon or jargon has medicinal properties that have a beneficial effect on the liver. It is used to treat poisoning, including alcohol poisoning. Zargon helps remove toxins and poisons from the body.

Matar diamond is indispensable in the treatment of the nervous system. Lithotherapists also claim that it is easier to get rid of excess weight, depression, and insomnia.

The healing properties of the mineral are due to its unusual structure – a double pyramid. Lithotherapists believe that this form itself is therapeutic. The healing and magical properties of the “golden” mineral are enhanced by the color and presence of impurities in the natural mineral.

Magic properties

Magicians have always revered this stone. It is considered a symbol of truth and justice. In addition, the gem enhances intuition.

The magical effect of zircon of the “classic” yellow color is such that it can only be worn by honest people and with righteous intentions. A stone can bring dishonest people to light and even bring them to trial (and this is not a phraseology).

The gem helps to concentrate and is therefore especially useful for athletes and anyone engaged in activities that require patience and attention.
The ability to enhance intuition is useful for policymakers and educators.

In practical Indian yoga, zircon, like diamond, is at the highest level of the energy hierarchy. The stone is able to accumulate and then transfer positive energy to the owner. Yogis use the gem for meditation.

This is explained by the dipyramidal nature of its shape. Double pyramid is a rare natural form of the mineral. The magical properties of the dipyramidal shape are imparting confidence and positivity. Intuition intensifies because a person becomes more sensitive to the signs sent to him by the Universe.

In Ancient Rus', the magical properties of red zircon - hyacinth - were especially valued. It was the stone of travelers and merchants. He protected them from troubles and served as an amulet, because... endowed with wisdom and foresight of the future.

The ancient Greeks believed that zircon made a woman more attractive in the eyes of a man. If you listen to the opinion of the ancient Greeks, then in order to be more sexy and seductive, a woman should wear earrings with zircon. And it doesn’t matter what shade the gem is.

In addition to all these magical properties, it is worth highlighting the special properties inherent in some shades of the stone.

Thus, blue zircon serves as protection against fraud and loss of property. The problem is that natural bluestone cannot be purchased. Only artificial ones are sold. A very rare specimen of the blue mineral in nature was found in Thailand many years ago.

Red-hued gems or hyacinth are not best suited for women. It is so difficult for women's happiness and for love that it is better not to take risks. He can upset love or harm in some other way.

For men, hyacinth is a helper in stressful situations. It helps to cope with uncertainty and fears. It is also indispensable in unhappy love.

Magicians and public people use amulets with zircon to protect themselves from ill-wishers. Some of them claim that a ring with zircon is enough for such protection, others insist that it is necessary to carry out a conspiracy. Then the stone will become a powerful amulet.

Who is suitable according to their zodiac sign?

Is zircon suitable for all signs? To answer this question, you need to know that zircon is the birthstone of December, as well as its patron, Jupiter.

The stone should be used with caution. may become aggressive under the influence of the magical properties of the mineral. But tearfulness “threatens.”

All other zodiac signs can safely use the properties of zircon. The only rule is to know the effects of a certain shade of stone.
If you wear a ring or bracelet with zircon on your left hand, you can protect yourself from the aggressive influence of Jupiter (except and, of course).

How to distinguish from a fake

Natural zircon, unfortunately, is almost completely replaced in the jewelry market due to a synthetic “substitute”. Cubic zirconia is an artificial stone that is often passed off as natural.

Cubic zirconia - artificial stone

It is quite difficult to distinguish a fake. Stone specialists suggest the following methods:

  • Natural stone cannot be completely transparent. It will certainly contain voids, inclusions and other “irregularities”. Cubic zirconia will be perfectly transparent.
  • Large transparent zircon is a rare occurrence. It will have a corresponding price. In addition, due to its low density, it will be much lighter than cubic zirconia of the same size. All you need to do is find zircon and cubic zirconia of the same size, weigh them and compare them. The heavier one is cubic zirconia.
  • The final way to identify a natural mineral is to measure its radioactivity. If the stone is even slightly radioactive, then you can rejoice at your discovery of a natural mineral. Unless the desire to acquire such a gem may suddenly disappear...