DIY children's dresses and suits for the autumn ball. DIY Autumn Ball costume for girls and boys in kindergarten or school. Autumn costume presentation and protection

The autumn ball is a beautiful tradition that has recently been introduced in kindergartens, schools and even universities. They prepare for this day in advance, like for graduation. Among other concerns, the most important, perhaps, is the choice of outfit. It’s especially difficult for fashionistas. After all, not only does it have to correspond to the theme for a girl, but girls from a very early age have an inherent desire to stand out, distinguish themselves, and be the most charming and attractive. High school girls can choose an outfit for themselves, but the choice for very young ladies falls on the shoulders of their parents. So, what should a girl’s costume for the autumn ball be like?

First, let's pay attention to color. Naturally, all the colors inherent in a golden beauty would be appropriate: yellow, crimson, brown, orange, terracotta, red, beige, peach. The fabric can be plain or patterned. In this case, it is better to choose plant or animal ornaments.

As for the decoration and style, they will depend on the role of the participant in the evening. For example, a girl may just be a guest at a ball; in elementary school and kindergarten, entire performances are held with the participation of the gifts of autumn, and often costume competitions are held for different ages.

High school girl image

The guest of the ball is more free in choosing an outfit. She can choose any evening dress in a suitable color. You just need to remember that it should not be too short or open, that is, provocative. You can complement it with accessories suitable for the occasion. Hair ribbons or headband decorated with berries, flowers or leaves. From shoes - ballet flats or They can be black or brown, and can become a bright accent in the whole image. Large earrings, bracelets and rings. There can be quite a lot of accessories, because this is an evening outfit.

A costume for an autumn ball for a girl participating in a competition for the best outfit gives scope for creativity and imagination. The most popular are fluffy long dresses. The finishing will look advantageous on them. It is hardly possible to buy a ready-made outfit. In the store you can only buy a basic dress, and you will have to think through the decorative elements yourself. Anything can be used here. Traditional elements: leaves, rowan branches, ears. You can prepare a herbarium in advance, or you can cut it all out of paper, sew it or knit it. A wreath of leaves or spikelets would be appropriate as a headdress.

What to do with the baby?

When thinking about an autumn ball for elementary grades or preschool institutions, parents need to find out from the teacher the details of the upcoming holiday: will there be a costume performance, active games, dancing. Usually, educators and teachers themselves suggest ideas, depending on the planned scenario. The outfit should not restrict the baby's movements. It is not at all necessary, for example, to sew a bulky, voluminous one and stuff it with cotton wool. It is enough to choose orange pants, a blouse of the same color and complement such a costume for the autumn ball for a girl with a green cap that imitates tops.

Despite the fact that the holiday is autumn, and the weather is not at all summer, you need to take into account that the baby usually does not get bored, and therefore the outfit should be light enough so that the child does not get hot while playing and dancing.

If you apply imagination and a bit of skill when constructing a costume for the autumn ball, the photo of the happy girl who won the competition and outshone all her friends will delight everyone in the household for a long time.

In the third decade of the year, a wonderful time begins - autumn. At this time, you always want to somehow embellish yourself and stand out from the crowd or, conversely, blend in with the colorful foliage. There are a great variety of different hairstyles, and each of them can become the latest in autumn fashion, you just need to add a couple of accessories to it. And in this article we are going to look at various hairstyles for the ball with our own hands or with someone’s help. Attention to the photo selection:

How to create hairstyles for the autumn ball with braids

And the first type of hairstyle that we will consider is the seemingly banal and hackneyed braids, but if you put a little more effort and enthusiasm into creating this hairstyle, you can create a unique image that will be remembered for a long time.

And first we will braid this openwork braid of four strands with a ribbon. This hairstyle is best suited for long hair.

1) So, first we select one large strand to the left of the temple and divide it into two equal strands. We tie the ribbon to the strand under the middle strand.

2) Take the bottom strand, throw it over the adjacent one and draw it under the ribbon.

3) Now the topmost strand is placed under the adjacent one and above the ribbon.

4) Now we repeat the 2nd point, but only with a pick-up: we take the bottom strand, throw it over the adjacent one, adding an additional strand of loose hair and under the ribbon.

5) Now do the same for the top strand: we place it under the adjacent one and on the tape, while making a grab from loose hair.

6) According to the scheme of points 4 and 5, we continue to weave until the end.

7) We braid to the end and secure the hair with a beautiful elastic band, slightly straightening our braid so that it does not look too tight.

And here is a video master class that will help you with weaving.

Of course, there are a great many types of braids, both openwork, slightly disheveled, and tightly tied; if you add some small cute accessory to even the most ordinary classic braid, the hairstyle will immediately take on a festive look. I suggest you consider several more types of weaving beautiful openwork braids.

Braiding with bows. Perfect for both girls and adult women.

How to make a five-strand braid.

“Air bridge” braiding technique, perfect for thin and medium hair .

A magnificent ceremonial braid to impress everyone.

For loose hair

And now we will try to make simpler hairstyles, the essence of which is to decorate the loose strands, that is, the main part of the hair will remain untouched, but decorated in a festive way with the help of small strands and accessories.

Hair headband

This will be the first easy yet elegant hairstyle that we will look at.

So, let's begin.

1) Divide the hair at the temple into two parts, as shown in the photo. From the bottom of the back we take a thin strand. From this strand we weave a regular braid.

2) Take the braid and throw it to the opposite ear, forming a headband, and secure it there with a bobby pin.

If your hair is long enough, then after the first fastening we throw the braid back, so you get a double headband.

3) Now all you have to do is decorate your hair with a beautiful hairpin or curl it with a curling iron for a more chic effect.

If desired, you can wrap the headband around your forehead.

Hairstyle with a headband

Especially for those who do not have such long and thick hair, I want to offer this interesting and easy-to-make hairstyle using an elastic headband.

1) Wash your hair and comb your hair well;

2) Temporarily secure the central strands and curl the lower strands using a curling iron;

3) Curl the central strands;

4) Put the headband on your head;

5) Take a small strand at your temple and pass it under the rim from top to bottom; Secure the tip that remains behind the rim with a bobby pin, if necessary;

6) Also take the strand on the other side and do the same as in step 5;

7) Continue threading and fastening the strands until the hair runs out;

8) You can fix the finished hairstyle with hairspray.


And now, to top it off, I want to invite you to watch some video tutorials related to hairstyles for the ball. Remember that you can always decorate any of the hairstyles provided in your own way after creating it, just don’t overdo it.

How to make two cute French braids for long hair:

How to make a bubble braid, a tutorial in two parts.

Complex holiday hairstyle with braids using a roller.

A festive option for all occasions.

Autumn Ball.

The progress of the holiday

Hello dear guests, we are pleased to welcome you to our holiday, which is dedicated to saying goodbye to autumn.

In connection with the holiday, our beautiful girls dressed up for our holiday and are ready to show their talents. Our event will consist of small competitions, as a result of which the most talented will be awarded. I will ask our guests to act as a jury. Dear jury, you will need to evaluate the participants for each competition from 1 to 3 points, depending on how much you liked the performance.

And you can already evaluate the girls’ crafts and give them the first points.

So here we go!

And the talent show will begin with1 competition.Which is called"Concert dress"The girls' job is tothey beautifully showed us their lovely outfits. Everyone comes out in turn, demonstrating and talking about the mysterious name of their outfit.

The jury evaluates each participant.

Thank you girls very much. And we move on tosecond competition "Fashionistas"in which we need the participation of assistants.Yours the task will be as follows: you will need gather your girlfriend for the concert: wear beads, glasses, hat, bracelet, scarf. The first one to put together a friend correctly will receive the most points. I wish you all good luck!

So, 3 competition “Necklace”.Girls need to make a beautiful necklace from pasta. The 3 girls who are the first to make a beautiful necklace will receive the maximum number of points. The rest are already 2 b.

The next competition is called “Cinderella”.Your task girls isseparate the beans and peas. The first will receive 3 points, the second 2 points. the rest are 1 b.

5. Competition "Intellectuals"

In front of you are pieces of paper with pens. I will ask you questions, and you will write down your answers on a piece of paper, after which you willthen read them out loud.


1. How do day and night end?(Soft sign)

2. What can you see with your eyes closed?(Dream)

3. What does half an apple look like?(For the second half)

4. What kind of sand is in the river?(Wet)

5. How many ears do five mice have?(Ten)

6. What kind of dishes can’t you eat from?(Out of empty)

7. Which day is longer: summer or autumn?(summer)

8. Which is heavier: a kilogram of fluff or a kilogram of nails(Equal)

9. Do you think the main harvesting takes place in summer or autumn?(autumn)

10. What fairy tales about vegetables and fruits do you know?

11. Chicks in the fall...consider.

12. Autumn - on the day of weather...eight.

13. Spring is red and hungry, autumn is rainy, yes...satisfying.

The jury counts the correct answers.

And lastCompetition "Dance"

Girls go out in groups and under suddenly changing songs,Contestants must quickly find their bearings and choose the right movements to the music that match the style.

Phonograms of songs of different styles are included - Russian folk, "Lambada", oriental dances, rock and roll, tango...

This is where our competitions end, and while the jury is counting the points and deciding who will get which nomination, the participants will tell us short lines of poetry and sing an autumn song.

Autumn dances and cries quietly

Autumn let loose her braids
A blazing fire.

More often frost, less often dew,
Rain is cold silver.

Autumn bares her shoulders,
There are all trees in the neckline -
Soon there will be a ball, a farewell party...
The leaves are already waltzing.

Chrysanthemums with marvelous fur
Colorful autumn outfit.
The wind is not a hindrance to the ball -
The music is a hundred times louder!

Autumn has loosened her braids,
The wind ruffles the silk of hair.
More often frost, less often dew,
The scent of late roses is sweeter.

Autumn dances quietly,
Lips tremble in a whisper.
Hides a sad look in puddles.
The birds circle mournfully.

Stretching out a piece of paper like a hand,
Waving a sad goodbye...
Autumn, feeling separation,
Whispers tearfully: “Remember...”


Miss Hollywood Smile;

Miss "Beautiful Eyes";

Miss Charm;

Miss Modesty;

Miss Originality;

Miss Grace;

Miss "Grace"

Miss Charm";

Miss Magnificent;

Miss Unique;

Miss Elegance.

Miss fiery

Miss Fashionista

When creating an image for an autumn ball, you need to take into account all the nuances - choose the right dress, hairstyle and, of course, makeup. To make your makeup look harmonious and attractive, it is very important to be able to choose its color scheme depending on the shade of your eyes, hair, and skin.

Choosing a foundation

To make your makeup for the autumn ball flawless, you need to choose the right foundation.

  • Calm beige shades are ideal for brunettes.
  • For those with fair skin, it is better to choose light tones of white or ivory.
  • For dark-skinned girls, tan or tobacco colors are suitable.
  • Brown-haired women can afford a light beige or cream-colored foundation.
  • Blondes should pay attention to fairly light tones.

Transparent powder with reflective particles will help you get a natural look.

To model the oval of the face and make it look healthier, you need to use blush and bronzing powder. Those with fair skin will look great with pink blush, while dark-skinned girls should choose peach shades.

Eye makeup

For an autumn ball, you can do beautiful makeup in golden tones, because these are the shades that are very relevant at this time of year. In addition, thanks to the use of such colors, you can add mystery and sophistication to the image.

To create a beautiful make-up, you need to apply golden shadows to the moving eyelid and shade them to the eyebrows. The inner corner of the eye should be painted with light beige shadows, and chocolate products should be applied to the outer edges. This makeup looks especially good on girls with tanned skin.

In this case, the mascara should be brown.

Lip makeup

The choice of lipstick should be influenced by skin and hair color. So, brunettes should give preference to bright colors. To avoid looking too provocative, you can try dark pink or coral color. For fair-skinned brunettes, not too saturated tones of red and pink are suitable.

It is better for brown-haired women to choose natural shades - pink-brown or beige-pink. To create a stylish look for an autumn ball, you can choose a rich lipstick in golden or cinnamon color. If you want to emphasize your lips, it is better to give preference to bright red or coral lipstick.

However, in this case, blush and shadows should be chosen as neutral as possible.

Blondes can afford pink lipstick. For those with light brown hair, golden or beige tones are more suitable. To highlight your lips, you can choose coral or hot pink lipstick. But in this case, it is not recommended to choose too bright shadows.

When creating an image for an autumn ball, special attention should be paid to the choice of cosmetics. When applying makeup, it is imperative to take into account that it must match the color scheme of the dress and accessories. Only in this case will you be able to create a truly flawless composition.

Autumn holiday school. Scenario

Goals: organize leisure time for children; develop their creative abilities.

Decor: dry maple leaves, balls, bouquets of autumn flowers.

Progress of the event

I. Introductory part

Presenter 1.

Autumn is knocking on our doors

Dressed in gold.

Throws a handful of leaves into the window

And it will cry with rain.

The song by Yu. Shevchuk “What is autumn?” is performed.

What is autumn? This is the sky

Crying sky underfoot

Birds with clouds scatter in puddles.

Autumn, I haven’t been with you for a long time.

Autumn, ships are burning in the sky,

Autumn, I would like to get away from the earth

Autumn, dark distance.

What is autumn? These are stones

Loyalty over the blackening Neva.

Autumn again reminded the soul of the most important thing,

Autumn, I am again deprived of peace.

Autumn, ships are burning in the sky,

Autumn, I would like to get away from the earth

Where sadness drowns in the sea -

Autumn, dark distance.

What is autumn? It's the wind

Plays with torn chains again.

Autumn, will we crawl, will we reach the answer,

What will happen to the homeland and to us?

Autumn, will we crawl, will we reach the dawn,

Autumn, what will happen to us tomorrow?

II. Game "Autumn Volleyball"

A rope is pulled between two chairs. The teams take opposite sides. They are given an equal number of autumn leaves - 15-20 pieces. Leaves are scattered on the floor. The players' task is to throw their leaves to the opponents' side within 1 minute. The team with the fewest leaves wins.

III. Musical pause

Presenter 2. Bravo! This is leaf fall! Simply pleasing to the eye! Autumn is good for everyone, especially the harvest! We bring to your attention a hymn to the garden - zucchini ditties. Ditties are performed.

Put your ears on top of your heads,

Listen carefully.

Zucchini ditties

We'll sing great.

In the garden for harvest day

Miracle slides appeared.

This has grown into a large vegetable!

You can't lift it, you need help!

I look at my kindergarten:

There it turns yellow under the leaves

And lay down on his side

Yellow-bellied zucchini.

I go out to the garden,

There's a whole platoon of marrows there.

I'll collect them in a basket,

Let them have time at the window.

Like in our garden

The boys have grown up

Juicy and large,

So round!

In the garden near the river

The zucchini grew

Just like piglets.

But where are the spots?

I'll have it soon

Holiday - birthday!

Mom will cook for me

Zucchini jam.

Oh, I didn’t gasp, I didn’t stamp my feet. I ate a lot of zucchini, but I didn’t burst.

IV. Game "Obstacles"

The facilitator asks the participant to do the following:

Walk along the rope lying on the floor;

Step over the clock;

Climb under the rope held by the leaders;

Walk around the chair.

Then the player is blindfolded and asked to repeat these actions. At this time, all obstacles are removed and the player walks through the empty hall. The guys egg him on with their remarks.

V. Dance competition - 1

Presenter 1.

Late fall. The whole sky is in tears.

The cold wind sings in the wires.

And, setting off on the last flight,

The leaves dance the autumn foxtrot.

All participants dance with an apple. Each pair receives an apple, which is pressed between their foreheads. You cannot hold the apple with your hands. Slow music plays and the couples begin to dance. After some time, the task becomes more complicated because you have to dance blindfolded and to a fast melody. The pair that holds the apple the longest wins.

VI. Congratulations to autumn birthday people

Presenter 1. I ask those born in September, October and November to come here. A gift has been prepared for you, autumn birthday people.

They bring in a black box, pretending that it is heavy.

Presenter 2. This treasure will go to the one who guesses what is in the box. You can ask any questions to which I will answer “yes” or “no.” I promise you won't be disappointed.

Black box raffle. You can put a maple leaf, a soft toy, an apple, a zucchini, etc. in the box.


Born in autumn. Congratulation.

September suddenly breathed a cold breath,

I slightly touched the yellowness of the birch foliage,

But this house is joyful and happy:

The stork brought you to your mother in the fall...

And on your birthday the air is fresh and clean,

The day is transparent, the distance is a little golden,

A yellowed leaf fell from the aspen tree,

Stuck to the glass like a round medal.

Your holiday smells like ripe watermelon,

Starched tablecloths rustle,

Have you been up since this morning?

But for some reason my gaze becomes a little moist.

It's time to accept congratulations,

Listen to toasts and accept flowers.

Love and happiness, light and goodness,

Health, dreams come true!

VII. Dance competition - 2


If suddenly autumn comes

And he will throw a leaf into your hands,

So there's no point in standing -

Come dance with us!

Dance-game with an autumn leaf to the song of the Lyceum group “Autumn, autumn, well, let’s ask the leaves...”. The leaf is passed into the hands of the dancers, and the one who receives it goes out into the circle and dances.

VIII. Competition "Dress a Friend"

Leading. It's starting to get colder, my friends! We need to dress warmer. I see that among you there are individuals dressed out of season.

One girl and one boy form a team of four people. The players come up with a team name. Then, in 1 minute, the members of each team must put as many of their things on the captain as possible.

Leading. You have real friends! They are not sorry to give you their most valuable things! A concert number is performed for the most united and generous team.

The song “Boston Waltz” by A. Rosenbaum is performed.

On a carpet of yellow leaves in a simple dress

From wind-swept crepe de Chine

The autumn waltz-Boston danced in the gateway.

A warm day has flown away,

And the saxophone sang hoarsely.

And people came to us from all over the area,

And birds flew from all the surrounding roofs,

To the golden dancer, flapping his wings...

How long ago, how long ago, music sounded there.

How often do I dream

That amazing dream

In which autumn dances the Boston waltz for us.

There the leaves are falling down,

Plates spinning disk:

“Don’t go, stay with me, you are my whim!”

Drunk with pleasure, forgetting about the years,

An old house, long in love with its youth,

I swayed all the walls, opened the windows,

And to all those who lived in it,

He gave this miracle.

And when the sounds died down in the darkness of the night -

Everything has its end, its beginning, -

Feeling sad, autumn shed a little rain...

Oh, what a pity this waltz

It felt so good.

IX. Relay "Drivers"

Two young men are given children's cars on a string. The participants' task is to cover the distance, going around the pins placed on the floor, and not knock them over. The winner of the auto racing receives a poetic gift (“Golden Autumn” by B. Pasternak).


Autumn. Fairytale palace

Open for everyone to review.

Clearings of forest roads,

Looking into the lakes.

Like at a painting exhibition:

Halls, halls, halls, halls

Elm, ash, aspen

Unprecedented in gilding.

Linden gold hoop -

Like a crown on a newlywed.

The face of a birch tree under a veil