Makeup brushes - types and sets for professional use. What are the essential makeup brushes?

Liana Raymanova

Any woman who takes care of herself and uses cosmetics must keep several makeup brushes in her cosmetic bag. However, there are many more than it seems at first glance. In the arsenal of a professional makeup artist, there must be several sets of such brushes, in each of which fixtures for , etc. The workshop of a professional stylist in terms of variety and number of brushes of all stripes is somewhat reminiscent of an artist's studio. How can a beginner understand this diversity without outside help? How to understand which cosmetic makeup brush is needed for what? Very simple! But first things first!

What are makeup brushes made from?

Makeup brushes are of two types: from artificial and natural pile. To decide what is better to take makeup brushes from: synthetic or natural, we will consider each of them in more detail.

Makeup brushes made from natural materials

These are expensive and hypoallergenic brushes, which are also worth buying because they are very high quality.

With proper care and respect, these brushes will serve you faithfully for several years.

Their characteristics differ in indicators of the wool of the animal from which they are made:

For the manufacture of squirrel brushes, the longest, fluffiest and most durable pile of the animal, which is located on the tail, is used. A brush is used to blend concealer or foundation.
Kolonka tassels are distinguished by their characteristic color - golden brown with a bronze tint. These are gentle and elastic brushes, which are easy to blend and apply makeup.
Smooth, delicate and elastic brushes are obtained from pony hair. They are tougher than squirrels, but no less effective for applying make-up. At the same time, the pony pile provides a high density to the brushes.
Silky, soft, and expensive brush - from the pile of sable. The wool of this animal is used to make brushes for professional makeup artists.
Goat hair is used in the manufacture of powder brushes. Due to the natural thickness of each villus, these brushes are voluminous and fluffy, which helps them to hold powder on their surface, and distribute it in a thin layer over the skin.

Set of natural brushes

Synthetic types of makeup brushes and their use with a description

Used in the production of synthetic makeup brushes taklon. Despite the artificial origin, they have the following advantages:

affordable price;
are used for any type of skin (normal and sensitive);
they are a long time do not deform;
give off coloring pigments contained in cosmetics;
do not retain cosmetics on the bristles, completely giving it to the skin;
do not need close attention and care.

How are makeup brushes made?

Brushes are classified according to another indicator - the method of bristle formation. They differ for carved and type-setting.

typesetting. They are formed by assembling the bristles so that the desired cut or brush tip is obtained. These models are distinguished by the fact that their shape is always correct, with a clear combination of the length and thickness of the hairs. This type of brush is the most convenient to use, and handles shading tasks with ease.
Sliced. The method of manufacturing cut brushes differs from the variant described above. The fibers are collected in bundles of the required volume, cut according to a template, and a tip of the desired shape is formed from an even cut of the future brush. It is this manufacturing method that determines the possibilities of brushes of this type. With their help easy to draw clear, even lines, but they are not suitable for shading.

The girl is doing a make-up with different makeup brushes

All types of makeup brushes and their purpose

We figured out the types of brushes and their manufacture, but an equally important question that we will consider: what are all makeup brushes for? Why is such a range necessary? Why is it not enough to have two or three brushes in your arsenal?

Makeup brushes for lips

For shaping lips and applying liquid eyeliner, it is better to use brushes made of artificial materials. They don't absorb oily makeup., which ensures a good return of the product, and ease of care.

Brushes for applying foundation and structuring the face

To thoroughly blend foundation, blush and corrector, it is better to choose thick brushes with soft natural bristles.

In addition, they can serve you for several years.

The largest of the representatives of cosmetic brushes - "kabuki". It is named so because it came to the world of makeup brushes from Japan. Artists of the colorful Kabuki theater used these devices to apply traditional white makeup on their faces. Makeup brushes are used to apply foundation, loose and baked powder.
In addition, there is a special brush for powder. Its characteristics include softness, high fiber density and as large as the previous brush options, size.
The blush brush looks a lot like a powder brush. The only difference is that it is slightly smaller in size and has a beveled tip. With its help, blush is applied to the cheekbones, whiskey. There are two types of blush brushes: small and large. The latter justifies its name - it is used for its intended purpose. Small is also used as a device for shading shadows or as a brush for correcting the face, in particular the shape of the nose.
For applying and blending foundation, there are two more types of brushes: round and beveled. A rounded brush is used to apply a tone-corrector. With its help, the layer of the product is thin and translucent.

The second option for foundation brushes is the angled brush. It perfectly blends those borders that remain from the rounded brush. In addition, with its help, funds are applied not rubbing movements, but driving. These two brushes are nothing compared to any kind of sponge, and especially the fingertips that most women use to apply foundation.

A special concealer brush is round in cross section but flat on the surface. It is somewhat reminiscent of brushes for applying foundation, while much smaller in size. With its help, a corrective Apply to problem areas and blend easily. It is with the help of this brush that you can achieve the desired effect - a minimum of cosmetics with a maximum effect.
Also, experienced stylists use a brush-brush for make-up. In appearance, it is somewhat reminiscent of a shoe polishing brush, it has an artificial or natural short pile. Knowing how to use a makeup brush can help you apply foundation fairly quickly and evenly.

What types of brushes are needed for eye makeup

Brushes designed for applying eye makeup can be made from artificial or natural materials. Stylists advise apply makeup with an artificial brush, and shade already with the help of brushes made of natural materials. Beginners can be advised to buy a set of such brushes, and read the detailed instructions for using each of them. There are six types of brushes for applying eye makeup:

Makeup eyeshadow brushes have a flat shape. They are convenient to apply the product on the moving eyelid.
To blend the borders of colors and creating beautiful transitions, there are conical and beveled brushes. In addition, they are convenient draw a fold between the movable and immovable upper eyelid.
For fine shading of arrows or others, use a makeup pencil brush.
As an indispensable assistant for designing different types of arrows a brush protrudes with a beveled even tip, flattened shape and not a long pile.
A small brush, known as a beautician's makeup barrel brush, is applied for the final shading of clear borders of colors in eye makeup.
Eyeliner brush very thin and soft. She is able to leave clear and straight lines, which are indispensable in drawing arrows of various types. Although, in this category there are brushes with a flat beveled edge.

So that the colors of decorative cosmetics do not mix with each other during work, it is advisable to purchase not one, but 2-3 brushes of each type.

Another brush for applying makeup is the well-known applicator. These are thin in the center, with a long metal pad holder. They differ in the following ways:

length of the handle-holder;
the material from which the pads are made - foam rubber, felt, latex;
pillow-shaped - leaf-shaped, domed, heart-shaped.

This device plays main role in the formation of eye makeup consisting of several bright colors. They are comfortable working with semi-liquid and creamy textures. cosmetics. In addition, he copes with the work of applying dry shadows.

Makeup brushes for eyebrows and eyelashes

Knowing which brush is needed for what when applying makeup on the face, lips, eyelids is not enough if you do not know what tools to use for eyebrows and eyelashes.

There are two different types of brushes:

Eyebrow brush for shape and color has a short pile, beveled shape and flattened base. These are brushes made of synthetic material that gently apply paint and shade it over the surface of the eyebrow;
The second type of brushes is a combination brush, which is used to comb unruly eyebrow hairs and separate stuck eyelashes. It has a double-sided working surface, on one side of which there are hard bristles, on the other - a small plastic comb with small teeth.

The girl blows off the powder from a thick brush

Additional makeup accessories

Brush for applying lipstick and lip contour. This brush, like no other tool, helps to correctly outline the contour of the lips, drawing it as you see fit. It is made of artificial materials, has a not very soft, dense structure, rounded in section and with a pointed tip;
For additional blending of cosmetics and removing excess, there is another brush - fan. It has a flattened shape, slightly pressed down at the base in the center, and acts like a fan. What is a fan brush for? Thanks to this shape, the brush does not disturb the makeup, removing excess makeup. Some use it as a loose powder application tool. It is with this brush that you can apply the thinnest and velvety layer of powder. There are two types of fan brushes - large and small. The large one is designed to remove excess makeup from the surface of the face, the small one is for the final stage of eye makeup.

Every stylist who knows how to use all makeup brushes has more than one or two specialized ones. For applying makeup at home, choose for yourself those options that are most convenient for you.

Apply eye shadow with a brush on the eyelid and under the eyebrow

The quality of brushes: we check in practice

Now that you know about the purpose, types, and uses of cosmetic brushes, it's time to talk about how how to choose the right products. To do this, use the following recommendations:

Check brush padding. They should be dense, with bristles of uniform length. Among the manufacturers of this type of product, there are those who save on raw materials and make brushes that are ideal in appearance, but do not correspond to their intended purpose in structure. The way to check the brush is simple - squeeze the brush on both sides with two fingers at the very base. If you see that there is even the slightest distance between the bristles, postpone the purchase and find a more acceptable option;
From the base of the brush to the tip, run with two fingers with light pressure. If you have at least one hair left in your hands, there can be no question of acquiring this brush.. If you still decide to buy, you will soon regret it. When applying makeup, the hairs from the brush will fall out and stick to the face;
Check how firmly the metal base of the brush is attached to the handle. If you feel that the base is not firmly fixed, do not buy this brush;
Especially pay attention to the price of the set. Inexpensive makeup brushes in terms of quality, as a rule, are much inferior to expensive representatives. Tempted to such a purchase, you will regret your decision too soon.

Inexpensive makeup brushes in terms of quality, as a rule, are much inferior to expensive representatives. Tempted to such a purchase, you will regret your decision too soon.

How to care for makeup brushes?

And here is your cherished dream - you know all the names and meanings of makeup brushes and are ready to buy your own set to create unique images.

It is easy and pleasant to work with brushes made of natural materials. But it is they who are too capricious in their care. You now have one more natural curls that require attention no less than your own. Natural brushes should be washed carefully. To do this, turn on warm running water, take your favorite shampoo, and thoroughly rinse each brush so that not only traces of cosmetics are left, but also traces of detergent. But there is an important nuance - do not rub or pull the brush with your fingers, let the water and shampoo do all the work gently and painlessly for the delicate pile.
Drying brushes made from natural materials is easy. Lay a soft cloth (cotton) napkin on the edge of a flat surface. Lay the brushes so that they are horizontal to the floor, but their heads should remain suspended.
Washing the brushes from the foundation or lipstick series requires a little more effort. These brushes need to be rinsed with your fingers and more shampoo. Just try not to apply force to the very base of the brush, so as not to damage the delicate hairs. And don't rub the brush between your fingers. It is especially not recommended to shake off excess water after washing by tapping the brush on a hard surface. Otherwise, after a couple of similar procedures in place of a fluffy head, you will see a bald spot.

By the way, when buying a set of brushes, pay attention to specially designed products for their care. They are easy to use and wash brushes without water. The liquid is applied to the surface of the brush and easily washes off the remnants of cosmetics with a regular cotton pad.

Girl applying blush with a special brush

How often should you wash your makeup brushes?

Now that you clearly know how to choose the right makeup brushes for their intended purpose, you need to understand one more important rule. Makeup brushes must be washed. The frequency depends on the degree of contamination, and on which of the cosmetics they are used for:

Brushes for applying shadows, blush and powder are recommended to be thoroughly rinsed at least once a week. If you see that the brush gets dirty quickly, wash more often. However, in this case, the brush can quickly become unusable.
Applicators have a spongy surface, which leaves a large amount of cosmetics on itself. So wash them as often as possible. But change to new ones at least 1 time in 2 weeks.
Brushes designed to work with foundation or lipstick are recommended rinse after each use. Small spools of creamy cosmetics that remain on the surface of the brushes can ruin your next makeup. As a result, instead of a velvety smooth layer, you will get bumps and scratches that are noticeable on the surface of the skin.

Learn to use brushes and your makeup will always be flawless!

April 27, 2014

The main thing in high-quality and beautiful makeup is to choose the right materials and cosmetics. But one problem arises: what makeup brushes are for what - it is simply impossible to figure it out the first time without outside help. But for applying cosmetics, it is important to use the right tools so that you don’t accidentally take a lip brush for eyebrows.

Many cosmetic kits already have brushes inside that are designed for this cosmetic: there is a sponge in the powder box, with eyebrow and eye shadow, there is usually a special stick with a fabric pad. They can and should be used for their intended purpose, but their quality leaves much to be desired. It is much more convenient to use special kits, preferably professional ones: they come in different types, from different materials and different strength and durability. Of course, they cost more, but such a set contains a lot of different brushes.

Kabuki brushes

Kabuki are fairly large and soft brushes. Their purpose is to blend the boundaries between tones and apply liquid cosmetics. Kabuki are made from durable materials, as they need to be strong and durable. This makes them easy to use for loose products and easy to clean afterwards.

There are two types of kabuki:

  • large brush - for the area of ​​the cheeks, forehead and eyebrows;
  • small kabuki - for the nose area, around the eyelids, small details.

With the help of natural mineral cosmetics, you can create a natural everyday look: with light movements, the product is applied in a thin layer, the result of using kabuki is not striking. The main use of kabuki is to get a visible result with little to no makeup, while other types of brushes can leave noticeable marks.

The powder must be applied with light whipping movements so as not to get too thick a layer. A large, soft and fluffy brush is best suited for this. The largest of all the brushes in the set is the powder brush. It holds makeup well and leaves the right traces. You need to use it as the description in the cosmetic product says.

The second largest brush in the set is the blush brush. Their forms are similar, but the latter is slightly beveled at the end, so it is well recognizable. Do not confuse them: it will be inconvenient to apply powder with such tools precisely because of the uneven finish.

Also in the set there is a second powder brush, their description differs only in size. You can use the larger one for loose powder. And the smaller one is designed for denser cosmetics. How many blush brushes will be in the set depends on the manufacturer: sometimes a small round brush is added to apply roll-on blush.

The fan brush with its description resembles a real fan: it emerges from its base in different directions, outwardly sweeping and flat. A fan brush is needed in order to remove excess blush and powder, brush off crumbled shadows, and also with its help it is convenient to apply the same thin layer of cosmetics as kabuki. Great for applying highlighter.

Tone brushes

Girls like to apply the cream with their hands or cotton pads, but there are also special types of makeup brushes for this type of cosmetics, it is worth using them.

The main tool for applying foundation to the skin is a round brush with an even beige head. It does not absorb the product, evenly distributing it over the face. It is easy to use, usually no special instruction or description is required. If you have already applied foundation to your skin, you can quickly even out the layer with this tool. It helps to make a very natural transition from tone to skin and easily copes with blending of borders. The second brush is oval, flat at the end, slightly smaller in shape than the main one. With its help, you need to apply the cream itself.

Eye brushes

For the area of ​​​​the eyes and eyebrows, you need the most different brushes. The minimum set consists of at least five different instruments, each of which is presented in several copies. How many pieces should be in the set, even an experienced makeup artist will not be able to say for sure. And the purpose of each is unique and irreplaceable.

  • A small flat brush is needed for applying shadows and drawing a moving eyelid.
  • A large cone-shaped brush is used to blend and create smooth transitions between colors.
  • An oval brush, angled at the tail, draws lines with liquid eyeliner or shadows. It is also convenient for her to draw eyebrows with the help of shadows.
  • A large oval brush, which looks like a barrel, blends the shadows and draws the folds of the eyelid.
  • A pencil-thin brush is needed for applying shadows to the lower eyelid, as well as for drawing the lash line.

These basic brushes are the minimum set to create a pretty and high-quality makeup. But there are other types of tools that should not be neglected. For the brow area, you need a large and soft brush, like kabuki. A small, angled brush is used to apply dry concealers. A pencil brush is suitable for lips.

For eyebrows, special tools are used that look like a comb or brush - it is convenient to comb the hairs with them to give a neat shape. Owners of thin and graceful eyebrows should use special brushes with a sharp end to apply cosmetics - they are so narrow that they resemble a sharpened pencil. The beveled bristle brush is quite dense, allows you to tint the eyebrow hairs and style them beautifully. For thicker eyebrows, you need a special brush, which must be used regularly.

Concealer is something like a corrector for problem areas of the skin. The classification of such unpleasant, but noticeable places is great, however, painting over them is part of the make-up. The concealer masks problem areas well, but stands out if it goes beyond their borders. Therefore, it should be applied carefully and carefully.

The concealer brush in the area of ​​​​the eyes and eyebrows is long, narrow and elongated. It needs to be tight and straight to do its job, many kits also include a brush with a slanted or rounded tail.

artificial materials

Each tool has its own function, so often one set contains basic makeup brushes from different materials. If artificial materials are used, this does not mean that the set is of poor quality. For liquid cosmetics, there is nothing better than artificial fibers. Such hairs do not absorb cosmetics, therefore they serve the hostess for a long time and are easy to clean. In addition, they make it easier to apply the product on the skin.

The main material is taklon. Many girls choose artificial brushes because of a number of their advantages:

  • relative cheapness;
  • lack of allergies;
  • brushes do not lose their shape for a long time;
  • do not absorb and do not retain cosmetics, easy to clean;
  • do not require a special description for care and handling.

Foundation brushes are usually made of artificial material - durable and non-absorbent. Taklon powder and kabuki brushes are voluminous and fluffy.

natural materials

Natural brushes are preferable - they last longer, are stronger and more natural, especially for loose products and blending. Main materials:

  • Squirrels - the hairs of their fluffy tail are good for blending.
  • Kolonok - brownish bristles with a golden sheen look beautiful, soft and elastic during use.
  • Pony - smooth and dense hairs will last a long time.
  • Sable is an ideal material for professional brushes, but it is also expensive.
  • Goat - thick kabuki hairs and blush and powder tools make it fluffy and soft.

It will also be useful to have several identical brushes for shadows and blush in the set - the shades are different, but you cannot use the same brush for them.

Now you can often find brushes made of mixed pile. They combine the advantages of both types and are practically devoid of disadvantages. Their price is more democratic, while the quality can be quite professional.


This video tells and explains all the subtleties of step-by-step makeup for beginners. If you are just starting to dive into the world of cosmetics, then it is recommended for viewing.

Sponges were previously used exclusively for applying foundation, shadows and blush, but with their help it is not always possible to blend cosmetics correctly. In this case, it is much more convenient to use makeup brushes.

Types of brushes

All professional makeup brushes are classified according to the area of ​​use.

Makeup artists distinguish the following types:

  1. For applying shadows;
  2. For foundation, corrector;
  3. For dry powder and blush;
  4. For lipstick, gloss;
  5. For eyeliner.

Also, the purpose depends on their shape. For example, diagonal ones are used to correct the shape of the nose, and fan-shaped ones are used for the cheeks and forehead. Visually, they can not only differ in shape, but also in the material from which they are made.

The shape of the contour of the hair bundle of a makeup brush is:

  • Smooth;
  • Petal;
  • Oblique or diagonal;
  • Beam-like (long and short);
  • Fan;
  • Barrel-shaped.

In addition, brushes are both cosmetic and for applying masks. In medical cosmetology, they are widely used due to their ability to increase the effectiveness of cosmeceuticals.

The following materials are used as a pile for brushes:

  1. Natural wool (squirrel, pony, goat, marten, measles and others);
  2. Hard bristles (pork, badger, buffalo);
  3. Synthetic fibers (nylon and rigid nylon).

Traditionally, eyeshadow tools are made from synthetic bristles. They shade cosmetics well and can “collect” a large amount of funds at once. To apply powder, blush and foundation, soft natural brushes are more often used. With their help, you can easily blend a small amount of the product on the skin, creating a thin corrective veil on the face.

For ease of use, some brands label their products by color. For example, Real Techniques and Chanel. The base tools are presented with a beige palette, and the additional ones are brighter.

In order to make it most convenient to use the model, the main part of which is synthetic fibers. It should be flat in shape with a rounded contour of the hair bundle. In this case, it will be possible to blend the shadows much faster than if it were even.

A brush for applying eye makeup in shape can be:

  • Smooth (flat);
  • Round or barrel;
  • Beveled for eyeliner;
  • Eyebrow brush.

For shading it is better to use a round one - it evenly spreads the color, maintaining the intensity of the shade, it is easy to highlight the depressions above the eyelid with it. And for placing accents - flat. The best option would be to buy a brush with a makeup applicator, reviews say that this is the most appropriate option. Then you can do any kind of make-up without acquiring a lot of tools.

The variety of eye makeup brushes also includes a brush for eyeliner. This is a round, thin brush that is needed for accurately applying eyeliner or liquid liner. It is advisable to purchase several pieces at once with different thicknesses and stiffness. To draw curly arrows, it is better to take a tool with natural synthetic bristles of medium or low hardness. To create perfect fine lines, it is recommended to store brushes of high rigidity in cosmetics.

The purpose of the beveled brush- stretch the liner to create the perfect shape of the arrows. Depending on what consistency the chosen makeup product has - liquid or dense, the rigidity of the tool varies.

Foundation brushes

The makeup brush set includes the following types:

  • contour. Outwardly, it resembles a trimmed barrel. Her hair bun shape is straight, and she herself is thick enough to draw wide lines. Used for facial contouring;
  • flat long. Its fleecy part is rounded. It is made exclusively from synthetic pile, due to which it does not absorb foundation and minimizes its consumption. Relatively small so that you can work out thin areas - eyes, lips; Foundation brush pattern
  • flat short. Necessary for spot shading, ideal for applying liquid correctors or shading problem areas;
  • Fine for bronzers and concealers. Also, like a flat long one, it is made of synthetic pile. Allows you to gently blend makeup without smearing it beyond the selected limits;
  • Putty knife. This is a dense round oblique model that can drive even the most naughty foundation into pores and wrinkles. It includes almost every review of cosmetics by popular makeup artists.

Powder and blush brushes

A novice makeup artist needs only these types - they are the main ones for creating the right makeup. They are made exclusively from natural material, because their main purpose is to blend powder and blush with the thinnest layer.

Types of brushes for powder:

  • kabuki. Designed to work with compressed cosmetics: powder, blush and others. They are a dense ball of pile, where the hairs are very densely adjacent to each other;
  • Oval dense. This is an enlarged version of the classic powder brush. Needed for stretching blush, for greater convenience it is made with a broken handle. So it is more convenient to process depressions at the cheekbones;
  • fan. The name speaks for itself. It has a wide shape resembling a fan. At the same time, the villi are not very dense. Needed for accurate application of powder or removal of its excess. A little less commonly used for bronzers or blush.

How to use

Before deciding which makeup brushes to use, it's important to understand what exactly you want to achieve with your makeup application. If you are not a professional makeup artist who needs to create many different looks every day, then five basic tools will be enough.

Commonly used brushes:

  • Putty knife;
  • Kabuki;
  • Fan;
  • beveled;
  • Barrel for shadows.

Description of how to use brushes correctly:

  1. For problem skin types or prone to dryness, be sure to use an oval for makeup. They will allow you to gently drive the cream and foundation into the skin without lifting the flaky epidermis;
  2. The movement should be made towards the hair or the lower part of the face - depending on the area being treated;
  3. It is important not to use the same tool for different cosmetics. For example, if you need to apply powder and then blush, it is important to use two different brushes. And better - three, in order to remove excess crumbly products from the skin with one;
  4. To draw thin lines, it is important to use thin tools, and for large planes - wide or voluminous. When painting, do not press on the fleecy part, but lightly run it over your face.

Which brushes to choose

It is difficult to determine which makeup brushes are best: each manufacturer uses different materials, and some work only with tools for a specific purpose.

Makeup brush sets:

  • Set Bobbi Brown (Bobby Brown). Includes a basic set, suitable for all beginner makeup artists. Includes brushes for foundation, blush, powder, eyeshadow and brows. They differ in natural pile (with the exception of the tonal tool) and wooden handles. Its cheaper counterpart is Manly PRO Magic Moments;
  • Japanese Hakuhodo. It is believed that these are the best brushes in the world. They are made from natural hair and assembled by hand. You can only buy them in the official store. The available Naked 3 Urban Dekay or UBU are very similar to them;
  • Professional NYX not sold in a set. You will need to choose the necessary ones yourself. They showed themselves excellently in durability and work, although they are made of synthetic fibers. Slightly more affordable, no less high-quality - SHIK (Chic);
  • Brand tools Sigma (Sigma) are divided into visual and classic. The original organizer is also sold with them. A little more expensive, but much better network products from Oriflame and Avon;
  • Products Roubloff (Rubleff), Da Vinci (Da Vinci) Sephora (Sephora), designed for makeup artists. They will help to draw complex art on the face, create soft, but clear lines for the transition of shades;
  • Clarins Brush (Clarins) And Inglot. Their main use is to blend foundation and contouring products. Included in the ranking of the best brushes. They are made from high-quality natural pile, in some cases combined;
  • Essence Brush (Essence). These are budget options for Polish production for makeup, but still worthy of attention. They are made of nylon and are classified according to stiffness. They are of fairly good quality, they are stored for a long time, but they do not always shade cosmetics well;
  • Valerie-D, Mirage, Limoni And Iris Professional. Cheap products that are sold in Fix Price, Rive Gauche and the Podruzhka chain. They are synthetic with plastic handles. Not suitable for long-term use even with the condition of daily washing;
  • Just & Jean's (Just Jeans)– high-quality professional brushes for decorative cosmetics. This brand also produces organizers for storing them. You can buy a set, and immediately a suitable case for them;
  • Mermaid Multipurpose Brush (Mermend Multipurpos)- the most trendy, now they are in the top desired by all beauty bloggers. They are created only from natural pile, but the main difference from other brands is in the form of tools. If other brands are not much different from each other, then the Mermaid brushes have a curved shape that allows you to treat any parts of the face with high quality; Drawing Mermaid Multipurpose Brush
  • Foundation and eye makeup brushes Zoeva included in a set of several pieces. These are the main tools (classic) and professional. They are the most famous in the CIS. Even Gohar Avetisyan uses them. They are quite expensive, so they can be replaced by more affordable MAC (MAK) or even Mary Kay.

Instruments made of natural bristles should be disinfected once a week, and those made of synthetic fibers - every other day. If you have problem skin, then it is better to treat them daily. To clean the brushes from the foundation and powder, you can use a makeup remover gel, a special cleaner or ordinary laundry soap.

How to wash makeup brushes using the Anastasia brand as an example:

  1. It is important to use cool water for washing. This is especially important for natural wool instruments. Otherwise, the villi will begin to fall off and break;
  2. To make a professional brush cleaner with your own hands, you need to take a glass of water, a teaspoon of foam or gel for washing and two tablespoons of alcohol. At sensitive skin it is better to take alcohol, too, 1 spoon and two baby shampoo;
  3. Brushes should be gently soaked in liquid and left for a few minutes. After using your fingers, lightly knead the fleecy part and lather the foam. Soak again for a few minutes, and then rinse under running water;
  4. The most important thing is to dry the tools properly. To do this, they need to be placed at a slight angle on a stand or tube, after covering it with a towel. Keep brushes as far away from heat and drafts as possible.

In order for the tools to serve properly, they need to be properly looked after. For storage, use only a special case or a case for makeup brushes (JAF, Tom Ford, Mary Kay, others). It will not allow the villi to tangle and roll, and will retain their shape. Six months later, no matter how good the care, they are replaced. Natural pile wears out even earlier - after a few months, especially in conditions of constant cleaning.

What girl does not dream of a beautiful and competent make-up? Modern tools allow the fair sex every day to look like you just visited a professional makeup artist. Our arsenal includes not only various cosmetic sets, but also those indispensable tools with which you can adjust your appearance.

Makeup brushes

Of course, first of all - these are makeup brushes. But today there are so many of them that it can be very easy to get confused in such a choice. First, you need to decide which brush is for what, makeup in the first place is the accuracy of execution; secondly, which brushes are best to buy.

With this tool, you can very easily and, most importantly, professionally apply cosmetics to your face. Consider the basic makeup brushes that you can use at home.

Foundation brush

Any makeup begins with cleansing the face and applying a tonal foundation. You can read in detail about the procedure for applying makeup in the article "". There are quite a few brushes for this purpose. But the main question is what length of pile to prefer. Many makeup artists agree that a brush with a short but voluminous bristle in diameter is the best for applying foundation. Applying foundation with your fingers, as our mothers did in Soviet times, is no longer recommended today. With your hands, you will not achieve that evenness of tone, which is obtained after using a special brush. How to use it, you will find everything in the same post.

foundation brush

Concealer brush

For those who don't know, concealer is a concealer designed to cover up fine lines and other imperfections such as pimples and scars. As a rule, it is applied under the eyes to hide dark circles. Agree that the skin around the eyes is very thin and it is especially difficult to apply cream on it. With a brush tapered at the tip, you can easily achieve the desired result.

under eye concealer brush

Powder brush

The work on the alignment of the complexion is not yet finished. The final touch is done with powder, which helps to hide the oily sheen from tonal products and even out the tone even more. I don't really want your work with concealer creams to go down the drain. And this can happen if you use the sponge that comes with the powder. To apply it, you need to apply light pressure on the skin in jerky movements, and this can harm your foundation. The powder brush does not require such movements, with its help you can very easily draw along the main lines and quickly finish the skin tone.

powder brush

Eye shadow brush

For the eyes, you should choose brushes with a dense and short pile. With an eyeshadow applicator, you are unlikely to apply them very evenly. But the eyeshadow brush is perfect for such purposes. Moreover, such a brush is very cheap. If you want to intensify the color of the shadows, simply dip the brush in water and apply the shadows to the eyelids as usual.

eye shadow brush

Blending brush

Very often, eye makeup is based on several shades at once. While we are applying shadows, the transition from different colors is very noticeable. This cannot be allowed. To correct the situation, a brush for shading will help. It is designed for just such purposes.

eye shadow brush

Blush brush

Blush should also be applied with a brush only. A fluffy brush with a long pile is the most classic solution. If you use flat brushes, which again come with blush, then you can get the coloring of an infantryman or an Indian preparing for battle. Don't skimp on your makeup, get this brush too.

blush brush for cheekbones

Now you know which brush is for what, the makeup should turn out very natural and attractive. The quality of the makeup brushes can also affect the final result. Let's consider this question as well.

Which makeup brush should you choose?

Makeup brushes are natural and artificial. Of course, if your budget allows, it is best to choose sable, squirrel, kolonka, pony or cat brushes. They are more durable, apply makeup with high quality, elastic.

Artificial tools, on the other hand, cannot always boast of these properties. As a rule, the artificial tip is soft, and the hairs quickly bend when pressed. It also happens that such brushes scratch the skin or leave grooves when applying powder, foundation or lipstick.

The handle of the brush is also important. It happens that it breaks either in the middle or at the very pile. As a rule, this happens with artificial instruments. In addition, the pile must be firmly attached to the handle. Check the mount before buying a brush. If it is not of high quality, then the hairs will fly out very quickly.

For more "advanced" women who dream of mastering all the tricks of makeup, we offer a brief description of all makeup brushes. Which brush for what in makeup will be described below the photo under the corresponding numbers.

professional make-up kit

1. Brush for applying powder;
2. Brush for applying blush, including ball blush;
3. Brush for brushing off dry particles from the face after applying the foundation and blush;
4.Slanting brush for applying blush;
5. Brush for contour correction;
6. Brush for blending shadows;
7. Brush for correction of nasolabial areas;
8. Brush for foundation creams;
9. Brush for loose powder;
10. Brush for applying shadows on large areas, as a rule, light shadows are applied to it under the eyebrows;
11. Brush for blending shadows along the eyelid;
12. Brush for blending shadows;
13. Brush for applying lipstick and balms;
14. Brush for blending shadows;
15. Brush for blending eyeliner;
16. Brush for softening eyeliner;
17. Blending brush;
18. Brush for applying concealer under the eyes;
19. Brush for eyebrow correction;
20.Brush-comb for shaping the eyebrows;
21. Sponge brush for applying shadows, including liquid ones;
22. Brush-comb for eyebrows.

Here is such an arsenal of tools that various manufacturers offer us to create a beautiful make-up. For home use, the kit that we reviewed in detail today is quite suitable. If you want to bring your look to perfection, then other makeup brushes are at your service. Good luck.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

Makeup brushes is not only a professional tool for a makeup artist. They should occupy a special place in every woman's cosmetic bag, striving for a flawless make-up. Brushes help to use cosmetics more practically, spending it sparingly.

What makeup brushes do every woman need?

High-quality makeup is applied in several stages and each of them needs its own specific set of brushes. What brushes do you need for makeup? Each woman answers this question herself and forms her own individual set of brushes based on personal preferences.

Face makeup brushes

1. fan (large and small brushes). Purpose: to remove excess dry cosmetics (powder, blush, shadows) without smearing makeup. A large fan brush can be used to apply a thin layer of powder.

2. domed brush for powder - the largest and softest brush in the set. The more voluminous it is, the more evenly the powder lays down.

3. Blush brushes (domed and oblique). Domed - for applying blush and corrective means on the cheeks and temples. Beveled - for the convenience of drawing the cheekbones.

4. Small beveled brush - designed for a finer drawing of the face (for example, the relief of the nose). Can be used to blend shadows.

5. concealer brush - a flat rounded brush with artificial bristles of small size. It is convenient to apply corrective tools and blend the borders of masked areas.

6. Round brush with flat edges does a good job of blending the borders of foundation. The principle of use is light driving movements directed from the center of the face to the edge.

Eye makeup brushes

For shadows

Large and small flat brushes- Drawing a moving eyelid and the outer corner of the eye.

Large and small conical brushes- smooth out the clarity of the borders, make a smooth transition between different shades of color.

Pencil brushes created for drawing small details - eyelash lines, contours of the lower eyelid, pencil shading.

barrel brush- a round dense brush, tapering towards the edge. Its main task is shading and drawing the folds of the eyelid.

For eyeliner

Dense and flat beveled brush draws "arrows" with liquid eyeliner, gel or softer ones - with shadows. Can be used to apply dry eyebrow correctors.

Fine brush for eyeliner there are two types - with straight and beveled handles and villi, tightly adjacent to each other.

The contour is drawn more clearly and the lipstick lies more evenly and more accurately on the lips if you have a small but dense brush with synthetic bristles on hand, designed specifically for these purposes.

Natural pile or artificial?

Manufacturers offer makeup brushes with both natural and synthetic bristles. Large brushes (for powder, blush, fan) are better to take with natural hair (ponies, squirrels or sable) - they are softer and softer than artificial ones and will last a long time.

With artificial hair brushes for liquid tonal foundation and corrector, lipstick and eyeliner will be more practical and convenient - they are easier to care for and eliminate the overspending of cosmetics.

To blend the shadows, it is better to give preference to a brush with a natural bristle, and you can use a synthetic brush to apply them.

Makeup brush care tips

In order not to unwittingly reduce the life of the brushes, they need to be regularly (once a week) looked after. To clean the pile, you can prepare your own composition, consisting of warm water and shampoo (baby), or use ready-made cleansers.

Brushes with natural bristles cannot be rinsed, while synthetic ones, on the contrary, must be washed more thoroughly. After processing, the cosmetic tools are dried - for this it is enough to lay the brushes on a horizontal surface on a towel. Do not leave the pile to dry, sticking out in different directions, give it its original appearance.

Sponges as an alternative to some brushes

A set of brushes for applying makeup to some can replace sponge sponges. They are made from natural materials (Japanese konnyaku sponge) and artificial materials (foam rubber and latex), cotton and cellulose. Depending on the form, their purpose also changes.

Square, round, pyramid - for applying foundation and powder (most often compact).

with corners - for make-up in hard-to-reach places or for blending borders.

small sponge applicators for shadows.

Sponges do not replace a set of makeup brushes - they are more of a travel option that should always be in your purse so that you can quickly touch up makeup if necessary. Cellulose (with large pores) and cotton sponges are indispensable for cleansing the face of cosmetics.

You need to care for them in the same way as for the brushes, but before using the sponge, it is better to slightly moisten it with water and gently wring it out. The service life of sponges is short - about a month.

When choosing, test the sponge - bend it. Quick restoration of shape, the absence of cracks and dents will indicate high quality. When buying a sponge, give preference to manufacturers that have proven themselves in the world of cosmetics.