Happy birthday to the girl Irina beautiful congratulations. Irina's creative birthday greetings in pictures

    Ira, this day is your beautiful
    I sincerely congratulate you.
    Open your heart for love
    I want to be loved and love.

    Be happy to spite all enemies
    Smile bravely at difficulties.
    I wish you luck
    Always try to be the first in everything!

    Dear Irina!
    Congratulations on your birthday! On Angel Day, I wish you to always stay on top. May your every new day be better than the previous one! Keep dreaming and your wishes will surely come true.

    Congratulations Irina
    You have a birthday.
    Be loved and beautiful
    And, like an asterisk, clear.

    Be cheerful and healthy
    Unusual, bright, new.
    Let everyone notice you
    Dream to be like.

    Happy Angel Day, Ira, have a wonderful day!
    I want harmony in your house.
    Let the wings of the angel shelter from troubles,
    I wish you success and new victories.

    And if you doubt something a little,
    Let the angel show you the right path
    Let him drop a feather from heaven
    For happiness, for joy, for peace, for good!

    Dear Irina!
    Happy Angel Day! I wish you ease in all endeavors. Don't live in the past, look only ahead. Always believe in yourself and your strengths. May dark clouds never cover the clear sky of your happiness!

    Irina, on your beautiful birthday
    Please accept my congratulations.
    I wish to always be irresistible,
    Mysterious, beautiful and beloved.

    I want to overcome all obstacles
    Achieve everything you want and need
    So that you always live in happiness and love
    And they kept their youth for a long time.

    “Peace” and “peace” is yours, Irina, the name means.
    Today, when society celebrates your birthday,
    I can say that I always feel calm next to you.
    Therefore, I sincerely wish you that never

    You haven't lost your features of this one,
    So that you never get tired of giving people the world,
    So that you remain for your friends forever
    The same kind, affectionate, sympathetic, cordial.

    Dear Irina!
    Today we celebrate your birthday. You are so different. At times emotional, impulsive and light, like a sunny summer day. Sometimes - thoughtful, soulful and strong, like the sea. You are beautiful and don't let yourself doubt it. Be happy! Happy Angel Day!

Accept, Irishka, congratulations,
On this bright, joyful day!
Let the mood be great
So that the soul bloomed like a flower!
I wish you always, Irinka,
Made my dreams come true
And she was beautiful like a picture
After all, you are the most beautiful in the world!

And let it be near, Ira,
Always loving man.
May there always be friends
And a reliable family!

Well, Irina, can I tell you?
What do you want in life?
Happiness, earthly luxury,
Be beautiful and simple!

To be more wonderful than a tea rose
And not to know that there are frosts,
Do not get sick and do not mope.
Just be happy yourself!

Irina, the bearer of peace,
You are an almighty lady
A wave of energy from within.
What a will, look!
He knows how to hold himself in his hands
And he won't regret anything.
Leads like a lady
He manages to do two things.
Enjoy life more
Stay the same kind!

Irina, Irochka, Irisha
I'm very good on my own.
The character is strong, like steel,
But very soft soul.

Be happy, our Irisha,
And enjoy your beauty.
And stay the best for everyone
You are a daughter, mother, wife!

Ira, Irochka, hello.
You live a hundred years without trouble,
To be a good man
Ride in a limousine to visit
Truffles for lunch
Drink martinis and absinthe
I wish very modestly.
If so, please forgive me.
As everything begins to be fulfilled,
Invite me to visit.

Let in wonderful holiday this
You will receive a hundred bouquets.
Let luck smile
Well, grief will not touch.

Irishka, be sweet, weak,
Let yourself relax.
And let the men surrounded
Solve hardships in fate!

Irina, congratulations!
Hello, good luck.
Happy days and smiles
There are fewer mistakes in life.

I wish mutual love
Dreams from childhood naive,
Good luck for many years
In the soul only good weather!

Irina, congratulations!
Be brave, conquer all adversity,
Be bright like a midnight star
Be happy and loved always!

Let any question find an answer
Give light to your beautiful soul,
Don't be discouraged, always go forward
And know: luck, Ira, is waiting for you!

Irina is a beautiful name.
Full of determination in childhood
And in life - the intercessor of the world,
Good mother and wife.

Irisha, Irinka, Irina.
Wherever you are, there is comfort and peace.
And many men in the world
They dream of such an Ira.

Let there be no quarrels in life
And in business there is enthusiasm.
Everything that is planned
It turns out with success!

Holy holiday came,
He looks out the window.
For Irina, the hour has struck
Get a little older
Accept congratulations,
With happiness and joy,
Yes, receive gifts
And there is no need to be sad.

Happy birthday, Irina!
Congratulations sound
We celebrate name days
We collect all the girls.

For a set we invite
We are one by one to all the guys,
We open the holiday with a toast,
Everything about Irina, about her.

We wish our Irka
Good heavenly and earthly,
Patch all the holes in fate
And put an end to them.

And kind and gentle
Like a snowy forget-me-not!
Always like a buttercup kind
Cheerful and upbeat!
I wish to be you, Irina,
Always the same beyond the days of beautiful,
Smiling, just as modest,
And I also wish you great love!

And the fire burns in my soul
While passion boils in the heart.
Happy holiday, Irina!
Fate is sweet as a raspberry!

Irina has a wonderful day!
Unusual, interesting
Even chores to her heart's content
Today Ira was born!
May the happy moments
And gifts, compliments
In this house will be forever
So that you live safely!

Irina, we wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Always be yourself.
An armful of health and a lot of love,
And the houses are warm and peaceful.
So that the wind of separation does not touch you,
And there was only laughter and joy.
So that everything turns out easily and lovingly,
And life was like a serenade.

My dear Ira!
You must understand me
In the midst of a dark world
Nothing is dearer to me

Nobody. In the whole wide world
There are no women like you
Your appearance is pure and bright,
All of you are a symbol of beauty!

If I knew that you are a stranger
And given to another!
But I do not believe, you, dear,
You will only be my wife!

I will cast aside all doubts
I know that dreams will come true.
Happy Birthday,
And I give you flowers!

Let your eyes shine with happiness
The mind shines, having calculated all the moves.
We wish you happiness in life, Irina,
An angel will make dreams come true!

Something a glass of sadness asks for a toast,
For whom we will drink, we offer it.
Let's drink to Ira, dear Ira,
The world has not yet seen such a sweet one.

Happy birthday to Irina

Peace and tranquility comes from the name of Irina.
Today we will disturb your peace.
We want to wish you a happy birthday
Get ready, we've come for you!
Let's go find a better place
Where you can drink, dance, have fun.
How can you sit at home on your birthday,
When you're only a little over eighteen!

Wishes - happy birthday to Irina

Today is Irina's birthday
We celebrate with a joyful crowd.
Many gifts and basket flowers,
We admire your unearthly beauty.

We wish Irina every success,
Great love and happiness without end,
And life, let it be forever without flaws,
Always shine with joy, let your eyes.

Dear Irina, happy anniversary to you,
Let the sun shine at this hour
Let the heavenly rainbow shine on you
And life will be beautiful, interesting.

May there be many amazing events
Let miracles happen in life
I wish you amazing discoveries
May heaven be kind.

And let the soul and body be filled
Harmony, warmth and light,
May you be able to finish any business,
May you be warmed by love.

IROCHKA, Ira, Irusya,
I wish you love
On your anniversary, I swear
That I won't betray you

I wish you success and peace
I wish you great luck
I wish the apartment
She was her own, albeit modest.

I wish you smile
I wish you to burn with passion
I wish you enjoy life
And sing a magical song!

Irishka dear,
such a cheerful
funny and clean,
Like a fast breeze

I wish you an anniversary
Fulfillment of your dreams.
I wish true love
Sincerity, perhaps

Good luck in choosing a job
Become a free bird in flight.
After all, 20 years is just the beginning,
I wish you never get bored!

We, Ira, glorious soul,
Turned out to be a beautiful woman.
Hospitable, good
And in two countries she became her own!
Although the distances are large,
Family and friends are everywhere.
Gifts are given to everyone
What a year it is impossible to come to your senses!
You are far away, but your heart is near.
Today we honor you
For the fact that you caress everyone with your eyes,
For a soul full of fire!

Peace and humility in your name,
And in the eyes - kindness and participation.
Happy Birthday
And we wish you health and happiness!

Congratulations to Irina in verse, congratulations on Irina's birthday, cool

congratulations to Irina on her anniversary, congratulations to Irina. Congratulations named Irina in verse.

Name days: August 10, August 17, August 22, October 1 | January 12, January 16, February 26, March 7, April 29, May 18, May 26

We are at Irina's birthday party!
The squeak of a mosquito does not scare us
(Mosquitoes without an invitation are here,
Summer is an invariable attribute)!

While the cake is being prepared
Ira read congratulations:
There is no happier birthday
It's good that you were born in the summer -

Be lucky in every way
Be an excellent student in all subjects!
Let the hot soul not get cold!
We wish happiness to Irina!

We wish you happy days
Let the shadow of sadness go away.
Always be so beautiful
Sweet, kind every day!

Never break up
With your dream
And stay the same
On your hundredth birthday!

Irina, congratulations to you!
May people be kind to you
And life is sweeter than jam
And you are still slim!

Do not know bitter condemnations,
Let joy illuminate you!
Better positive vibes
Accept you now from us!

Beautiful as a spring flower.
Fresh, ruddy and slim.
The secret is in the eyes
She won't tell us.

Irina is a bright soul.
Gives a smile to everyone around.
Whatever you look at - everyone is good
Every friend cherishes her.

I want to give a friend
On this warm evening
The best, kindest
And hearty congratulations.

Batteries "Energizer"
My girlfriend has.
Cheerful, smart, beautiful -
All the advantages and do not count.

At work - respect.
Friends love Irochka.
Irochka does not have a soul
All happy family.

I want to wish Irinka
In the life of a good path,
To happiness, by all means,
You were able to find yours!

We came to the birthday
To the house of the beautiful Irina,
We brought a bundle -
Congratulation is wrapped in it -

Ira unfolded it
And sighed with joy
So many kind words she
I wouldn't have thought of it myself.

And beautiful and desirable
And sweet, and long-awaited,
And smart, kind, modest,
She is simply the best!

I am for you this day, Irina,
I want you to find yourself a man
who loved you dearly,
And covered his back from storms and from the rain,
And at night, whispering words of love to you
And you would not close your eyes until dawn,
I wish tenderness, love and passion,
But in general, women's simple happiness.

Irina - in this word the world!
Irina - there is joy in this word!
Today there is a feast in your honor,
And you look like an oriental sweetness.

You are the most beautiful in the world
And kind, and smart, you are the best.
We gathered at this banquet,
To promise you success in everything.

We read this congratulations to you,
We wish you joy and happiness.
And let fate send you a nod
Protects from all misfortune.

The set table is large
Today is the name day
And we are with an open mind
We bring flowers to Irina.

We wish for many years
For you to be happy
And so that there would be no troubles,
She was always beautiful.

We want you to always be
Successful and loved.
And so that luck never
Didn't pass by.

Raging ocean joy
In the heart of each of us.
Irina, on the anniversary of the fountain,
Joy splatters at this hour.

Bouquets of flowers have been preserved,
Its fragrance and beauty.
We want them to open
Solemnity sharpness.

After all, this holiday is unusual,
He is famous for his date.
Let there be an anniversary, excellent,
Just a new start in it.

Be irresistible beauty
Take care of nature's generosity.
Always be loved in life
And have fun running along it.

On Irina's birthday,
You shine with beauty.
Like a blooming rowan
Manish bright purity.

All friends are here today
Ocean impressions.
Congratulations on the conversation
A volcano erupts.

Compliments for good luck
Youth and beauty.
For happy moments
And of course for the dream.

Wishes by the river
Pour full of tenderness.
Be happy fate
Let "Venus" send spring.

Have fun with you Irina
Celebrate birthdays.
The table is set like a valley,
Doesn't let guests get bored.

Birthday is shining
Full of your beauty.
Heart melts from gifts
And you are modestly embarrassed.

All friends wish happiness
So that you live in abundance.
Respect is confirmed
Give red flowers.

May your fate be happy
Leads the earth like a star.
Be always so beautiful
Lead the youth forward.

Your anniversary is a river of light,
With joy, flowing with joy.
Irina, with the cherished date,
Today the day is counting down.

Do not regret the days gone by
Their memory is treasured.
Indeed, in the achievements of those who have gained,
Your honor reverberates.

Let the anniversary sum up
Beautiful life and destiny.
A happy path finds you
So that gardens bloom in the soul.

We wish you to always be beautiful,
Keep reliable friends.
Irina, so that with a sweet smile,
Could you hug the world around.

On the anniversary, I want Irina,
Wish you happiness.
To always be kept
You are "Venus" by fate.

wonderful planet,
Heaven rewarded.
Dropped out of this life
You have intelligence and beauty.

We all respect you
Only pure feelings.
On the anniversary of love, we wish
With radiant dawns.

May your happiness be eternal
It glows with its beauty.
So that you live forever
In the world of joyful passions.

Today is not an ordinary day
Not gray at all, not empty.
Your birthday, personal holiday,
The whole world will celebrate with you!

I wish you only happiness
So that gentle snow goes and goes.
So that in a round dance of various colors,
Circling, good for you.

Sometimes, gathering for a holiday on the occasion of the birthday of a person close to us, we are at a loss: what to give him and how exactly to congratulate him. If you really want to make it unforgettable for the birthday person, then it is better to properly prepare for the upcoming celebration. What are the criteria for choosing gifts and congratulations? Of course, you will choose a gift, taking into account the characteristics of the character of the birthday man. And we will try to advise you on a different approach, more interesting. Although, of course, in each individual case, it is necessary to act individually.

For example, if the name of the birthday boy is Ira, you should remember what it means from the ancient Greek language, peace and tranquility. When choosing a birthday greeting for Ira, also remember that she is usually a great connoisseur of literature. It can be classics or adventures, detective stories or special magazines and literature. Ira is very attached to children, so a gift related to their children will also be very interesting for Ira. For example, give Ira a family portrait, which will show her, her husband and children.

When choosing a birthday greeting with the name Ira, make sure that it is well-ordered so that it does not carry any extra jokes, because this person will not stand on ceremony for tactlessness, which will put both the birthday man and the congratulator in an awkward position.

Ira usually cooks well and brings up her children well. Therefore, gifts for home and family, for home comfort will only come in handy. You can give Ira something from household appliances, or miracle kitchen appliances, and she will be very happy with such a gift.

Dear Ira, congratulations
Happy Birthday to You!
Health, happiness, I wish you
To be around only best friends!

So that in personal life everything was ok
And the sun illuminated your smile every day,
May there be more bright days in the life
And there will be very, very few blacks!

There is no girl more beautiful in the universe
Than the one that celebrates her birthday today!
She is charming, smart, desirable and beautiful,
What is the name of this beauty? Ira!

Irisha, I wish you to be unique,
And enjoy life every day
To love, well, and, of course, to be loved,
And a lot of happiness - the best Ira on earth!

Today is not an ordinary day
Not gray at all, not empty.
Your birthday, personal holiday,
The whole world will celebrate with you!

I wish you only happiness
So that gentle snow goes and goes! ..
So that in a round dance of various colors,
Circling, good for you.

Hold a handful of luck in your hands
Lose your mind with love!
Pleasure meteorites
Catch carefully in your arms!

I wish you strongly, boldly, passionately!
Laughing, dreaming and loving!
Your birthday is a bright holiday!
Ira, happy holiday to you!

Hours and minutes pass invisibly,
And the angel is again on your doorstep.
I want to congratulate you from the bottom of my heart, Irisha,
You with this important and joyful day!

Beautiful flower, you are loved by all,
Soul fragrance, like a violet in the night,
You fly up with your dreams
May spring always laugh in your heart!

So beautiful, Ira,
You will always be!
And on this birthday
Well, and, of course, a year later!

And ten years later
And even thirty
You will not know troubles
And you will sing and have fun!

Flowers, drinks, the table is set,
Friends with gifts are already knocking on the door.
Your birthday, Ira, is not forgotten,
But I can't be on it, believe me!

Now I'm far away, but I know for sure
What do you miss me, love, wait ...
And I love you and happy birthday,
And smile when you read this SMS!

Ira, on your birthday
I wish you well from the bottom of my heart,
Let love come to you
What a beautiful reflection of paradise!

Let your life go
Carefree and calm
Brings only joy -
You deserve good!

Ira, dear friend,
It's your birthday today!
I know we can't live without each other
If I'm not near - mentally with you,

Let everything that you dream about happen
Let love reign in your life
Let happiness happen to you
And stay with you forever!

Outside the window the landscape is dull,
Autumn does not give up its possessions ...
But the girl has one, well, very cute
Today is a birthday celebration!

And let it be rain and sleet outside
For all friends, you, Ira, instead of the sun!
Therefore, we wish to cry less in life,
Light up with a smile, like a light in a window.

Dear Irisha, happy birthday!
I wish you had a blue sky above you,
So that your eyes always laugh
So that happiness, love are next to you
And any dreams come true!

Congratulations to Irina

Like a sunny picture
The colors of the day do not fade
So it is in Irina's life
Enough peace and kindness.
We congratulate Irina
With the triumph of her soul,
We wish you complete happiness
For her and for the family!

Happy birthday to Irina

Happy birthday, Irina,
With the brightest bright day!
Let trouble pass by
We won't let her into the house.
We will certainly invite
In Irina's house, joy, laughter,
So that she lives and sings
To be the happiest of all!

Congratulations to Irina

Irinka! You are like a picture
so bright and cheerful!
And today we wish
You always be like this!
Let trouble not touch you
May your life be wonderful!
Health to you, good luck and happiness!

Happy birthday to Irina in verse

Irina, today
Happy birthday!
Let life, like the ocean, not decrease,
Let it be pure like water
Never fade away!
And every year be younger
And dress in fashion!
Let the wind blow sometimes
But life is still easy!
Work for joy
Children in the house!
Happy, Irina, plenty!
Don't ever be sad
And let the dream come true!

Toast: congratulations to Irina on her birthday

Irina is a beautiful, noble and sublime name. She has an abyss of spiritual nobility and other virtues. She always tries to treat others the way she would like to be treated towards her. So let's drink to our Irina, to her beautiful heart and wish her happiness, health, beauty, wisdom and for long years life!

Happy birthday Irina

Irina! "Peace" you mean!
You illuminate everything around
And you captivate each of us
Good in character.
Believe me, today is my birthday
The whole world will cling to your feet.
Irina! I wish you sweet, sweet love
Of course, families are strong, strong,
Beautiful and smart kids in addition,
health, gifts and lush bouquets

Congratulations on the birthday of Irina

Happy birthday Ira
And we wish her all the best
To be appreciated at work
At home - they helped and loved her
Mir, Irina, your name means
Can you puzzle men
A gentle look disturbs and caresses
And not everyone will guess its meaning
Ira doesn't like to talk a lot.
Well, if she loves you,
Will be a faithful devoted wife
You won't find another one better in the world.

Happy birthday Irina

Happy birthday, Irina!
Accept congratulations,
You are the happiest person in the world
Just look at your friends.
Is it possible to be unhappy
If there are so many friends?!
If a woman is desired
So don't you dare cry.
Do you believe that life is futile
All hopes for the subject,
But for friends of hope
They will bring their valuable mark.
So boldly you, Irina,
Invite your friends to your house
And calmly, even peacefully
Accept congratulations!

Personal congratulations to Irina

I send greetings to the royal Irina,
Let my hello touch her,
Let there be no sorrows from now on
There are many, many years in her life.
Let all her friends recognize
What more beautiful than Irina No,
What prettier girl will not
Even hundreds of years later.
May her greatness and pride
They strike the whole world with force,
Well, let the heavenly voice in your heart
Save from bad intentions.

Happy Anniversary Irina

Irina has a birthday
Irina has an anniversary!
Tonight, no doubt
The house will be full of guests!
The hostess is excellent Ira,
Companies are the soul.
Her whole apartment shines,
Itself - a miracle, how good!
Champagne is foaming
In expensive glasses.
Circling on the parquet
Graceful couple.
We heartily congratulate
Happy anniversary to our Ira
May beauty be eternal
Let love warm more!

Congratulations to my friend Irina

I am grateful to fate for Irina,
The best friend in the world
On the Day of the Celebration, I will leave all my affairs,
But I will not forget to visit her.
With her, we will discuss the details together,
With her, we will remember the past,
With Ira we will be ourselves,
Eliminate the bad things in life.
And on this wonderful and festive evening
I congratulate Irina
Let him hug Irina tighter
Wind of hope and peace.

Irina's name day congratulations

Name days have come
The house is already full of guests,
Everyone visited Irina,
To confess to her.
Irina inspires everyone
Free from shackles
She wishes peace to all
Gives pure love.
What is in the name Irina
Hidden by ancestors from us?
Symbol of joy and peace
We see it even now.

Congratulations in verse for Irina

In verses for Irina I will conclude hello,
To express secret thoughts
I want to see Irina happy
And it will come very quickly.
I believe Irina is worthy of all words,
What was born in my heart
Let love cover Irina
Dreams to come true.

Congratulations for Irina on her Anniversary

Irina, accept favorably
My congratulations to you
There will be no sadness and groans
On the long journey of life
There will be no crying, no pain,
My word will be fulfilled
You will cover grief with love,
She will change everything in an instant.
Therefore, honestly, Irina,
I wish you only love
You need her
So look for it everywhere!

Cool congratulations Irina

Irina has a holiday - the house is full of guests,
We congratulate her from the bottom of our hearts.
We wish her a lot in the happiness of days,
But not a day - for grief and trouble.
Let Irina taste only goodness in life,
May you never be discouraged
Let it be so light in the soul and heart,
Let the light flow like water.

Congratulations named Irina

I'm glad to put all the skill into action,
To give you happiness.
I want to wish that freely, easily
You could live and create.
How happy today, Irinushka, I,
After all, I see your happiness
Let friends share today
Your big celebration.
And I, like a silent and devoted page,
I'll stay in the shadows tonight.
Let the words of congratulations sound to you,
They bring you happiness.

The meaning of the name Irina: peace, tranquility, tranquility.
origin of the name Irina: Greek roots, on behalf of the goddess Greek mythology Eirena, who was responsible for peaceful life.
Relatives can affectionately call Arina, Irena, Irinka, Rina, Irisha, Ira, Irunya, Irusya, Irusha, Arisha, Aryusha.
Women with this name are purposeful and practical, optimistic and cheerful.

Irina's birthday - congratulations

Irina - you are loved by everyone!
Today is your birthday!
We all love you so much
And we are very happy to be with you!
We want you to be happy!
We wish you not to know sorrows!
Go through life proudly, boldly
And never lose heart!

My beautiful Irina!
The soul is tender, easily vulnerable.
Pretty, like the sun is shining
How will you celebrate your birthday?
Well, what? I want grooms
Beautiful flowers, pies!
Or maybe a cake called "Fairy Tale",
Gift is not important, caress is more important!
I wish, dear Irina,
More affection on a birthday,
So that on this day without delay
A wish came from a friend.
I wish you good news
Yes, unobtrusive guests!

Happy birthday Irina!

A bright holiday has come
He looks out the window.
For Irina, the hour has struck
Get a little older
Accept congratulations,
With happiness and joy,
Yes, receive gifts
And there is no need to be sad.

Happy birthday Ira
And we wish her all the best
To be appreciated at work
At home - they helped and loved her
Peace, Irina, your name means
Can you puzzle men
A gentle look disturbs and caresses
And not everyone will guess its meaning
Ira doesn't like to talk a lot.
Well, if she loves you,
Will be a faithful devoted wife
You won't find another one better in the world.

Irochka, Happy Angel Day to you!
Happy holiday today, congratulations
After all, you can’t forget about the name day,
I wish you from myself:
Clear skies and sunny days
good and faithful girlfriends and friends
In the house - prosperity, comfort always,
Don't let trouble knock on his door.
Health, success, smiles in the eyes,
Faith, hope, good luck in business,
In the family - understanding, warmth and love.
Let the flame of youth not go out in the blood!

Happy birthday girl Irina

Happy birthday, Irina!
Congratulations sound
We celebrate name days
We collect all the girls.

For a set we invite
We are one by one to all the guys,
We open the holiday with a toast,
Everything about Irina, about her.

We wish our Irka
Good heavenly and earthly,
Patch all the holes in fate
And put an end to them.

Happy birthday to Irina

And kind and gentle
Like a snowy forget-me-not!
Always like a buttercup kind
Cheerful and upbeat!
I wish to be you, Irina,
Always the same beyond the days of beautiful,
Smiling, just as modest,
And I also wish you great love!

We, Ira, glorious soul,
Turned out to be a beautiful woman.
Hospitable, good
And in two countries she became her own!
Although the distances are large,
Family and friends are everywhere.
Gifts are given to everyone
What a year it is impossible to come to your senses!
You are far away, but your heart is near.
Today we honor you
For the fact that you caress everyone with your eyes,
For a soul full of fire!

Poems happy birthday to Irina

Favorite holiday - birthday.
Today we will honor Irina!
May peace and silence be in the name,
From the inside, you are on fire.
Devils are naughty in the eyes,
You are a fairy tale, golden-stringed spring!
When your angel day comes
Divine lyre sounds in the soul,
About the kindness and perfection of the world,
Born of your beauty!

Happy birthday SMS to Irina

Irina has a wonderful day!
Unusual, interesting
Even chores to her heart's content
Today Ira was born!
May the happy moments
And gifts, compliments
In this house will be forever
So that you live safely!

Funny birthday greetings Irina

Irina, we wish you from the bottom of our hearts
Always be yourself.
An armful of health and a lot of love,
And the houses are warm and peaceful.
So that the wind of separation does not touch you,
And there was only laughter and joy.
So that everything turns out easily and lovingly,
And life was like a serenade.

My dear Ira!
You must understand me
In the midst of a dark world
Nothing is dearer to me

Nobody. In the whole wide world
There are no women like you
Your appearance is pure and bright,
All of you are a symbol of beauty!

If I knew that you are a stranger
And given to another!
But I do not believe, you, dear,
You will only be my wife!

I will cast aside all doubts
I know dreams will come true...
Happy Birthday,
And I give you flowers!

Happy birthday to woman Irina

Let your eyes shine with happiness
The mind shines, having calculated all the moves.
We wish you happiness in life, Irina,
An angel will make dreams come true!

Something a glass of sadness asks for a toast,
For whom we will drink, we offer it.
Let's drink to Ira, dear Ira,
The world has not yet seen such a sweet one.

Happy birthday friend Irina

Irina is the name of joy,
Sparkling, sparkling, colorful.
A pinch of pepper, a handful of sweets
And the laughter in it is fused into one.
I wish you still with ease
Flutter through life like a butterfly,
Greet friends with a gentle smile
And do not lose optimism!

Happy birthday to Irina

Peace and tranquility comes from the name of Irina.
Today we will disturb your peace.
We want to wish you a happy birthday
Get ready, we've come for you!
Let's go find a better place
Where you can drink, dance, have fun.
How can you sit at home on your birthday,
When you're only a little over eighteen!

Wishes - happy birthday to Irina

Today is Irina's birthday
We celebrate with a joyful crowd.
Many gifts and basket flowers,
We admire your unearthly beauty.

We wish Irina every success,
Great love and happiness without end,
And life, let it be forever without flaws,
Always shine with joy, let your eyes. (WITH)

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