What to do if there is a crack on your nail. Nail cracked at the base. How to improve the condition of your nails at home

We are not insured against force majeure circumstances affecting our health, including injuries. They happen on the road, at work and in other situations. What to do if problems happen to your nails? For example, what if cracks form? Let's learn about emergency measures.

Nail cracked in the middle

Nails can crack in different ways. If a transverse crack occurs or a crack has formed in the middle, then you can try to seal it with silk. The crack may begin to spread inward. In this case, go to the specialist and do not delay the visit. He can offer you manipulation of nail strengthening with gel. During this procedure, the master will mechanically connect the broken nail plate and fill the resulting crack with gel. Visually everything will look quite natural. Since the biogel contains protein, it is this protein that will restore the structure of the plate. Of course, after this you will need to take care: avoid all contact with water, mechanical pressure on the nail and working with chemical detergents. They can simply dissolve the coating applied by the master.

If cracks constantly appear, then sealing and other methods of eliminating the problem only help externally. But you need to look for the cause, that is, the root of this problem, and eliminate it. You are unlikely to be able to do this on your own, but a mycologist who specializes in nails will help you do it correctly. Most likely, the root of the problem lies in the internal state of your body. For example, endocrine and hematological diseases can be the cause of cracking. If you do not treat, then after one crack you will encounter the same problem again.

Cracked nail at the base

The nail may also crack at the base. Let us remember that nail plates consist of protein and keratin. These two substances are stacked in layers. And if mechanical factors act on the nails, then the distance between such layers will increase, that is, the distance increases. The result of this phenomenon will be tiny gaps, and over time, cracks will form. They enlarge and the nails become damaged.

So, when the nail plate is cracked at the base, take a clear polish and paper napkins. Place a napkin over the crack, drip varnish on top, and let dry. Then carefully cut the napkin to the shape of your nail plate. Duplicate the application of varnish. If such a problem finds you at home, then it would be better, again, to turn to a specialist for help. It will help glue the crack with silk or acrylic. Then the master will cover the surface with a special product. Yes, after this the crack will not heal, but visually the plate will look intact and infection will be prevented. In this case, masters also use biogels. They are poured onto the surface and a coating is applied on top.

What to do if your nail is cracked lengthwise

There are situations when nothing can be done with regular cutting or acrylic gluing. This occurs when the nail cracks lengthwise. After it grows, the crack increases in length. Then silk saves the situation. Then you need to help the fusion with the help of salt baths. But in any case, the crack must be fixed. It is possible to use batrafen varnish.

Preventing cracked nails

The easiest way to prevent such problems is to prevent them. And the preventive measures consist of taking good care of your nail plates. It means:

  1. It is mandatory to protect your hands with gloves when working in the garden with detergents.
  2. Caring for your hands using disinfected tools, in particular, it is better to buy a glass nail file.
  3. A balanced diet that includes foods rich in calcium and vitamins.
  4. Regular procedures to strengthen nails, for example, using olive oil, salt baths and iodine lubricants at night.
  5. Give your nails a break from polish and extensions. Don't overdo it in pursuit of fashion, take care of your nail plates.

Fingernails indicate the state of the body. Cracks, peeling, and other nail pathologies most often occur as a result of a systemic chronic or acute disease. Let's take a closer look at the factors that cause cracking fingernails near the nail bed in adults and children.

Causes of cracking nails in adults

If a person’s nail is cracked, he begins to look for the cause of this condition. Most often the following situations lead to the problem:

  • in the body, which causes the nail plates on the fingers to crack;
  • dehydration of the nails and the skin around them also leads to the appearance of cracks;
  • cracks on the plates appear due to a lack of iron, calcium, biotin;
  • the nail on the thumb cracks due to hormonal imbalances in the human body;
  • coatings may appear due to frequent contact of fingers with detergents and chlorinated water;
  • Strict diets lead to delamination and cracks.

If the body does not have enough silicon, longitudinal cracks appear on the nails near the cuticle.

Cracks may appear along the nails on the fingers of adults due to fungal infection (mycosis), sudden changes in temperature or air humidity, use of low-quality nail polish, frequent use of nail polish remover, and improper care.

Causes of gel cracking

The gel, which is used for nail extensions, gives them a glossy look, natural shine and naturalness. But there are situations that lead to cracking of the gel around the nail bed.

Factors that cause the gel on the extended nail plate to crack:

  1. Poorly performed work by the master, his low qualifications.
  2. The use of low-quality products and materials when creating extended nails. Such negligence of the master will be visible already on the second day after the procedure, when the gel begins to crack.
  3. Since gel nails are very fragile, they can crack due to mechanical damage. It is important to protect them from this. If an injury occurs and the gel begins to crack near the nail bed, it can no longer be restored. Therefore, you will need to plate and build up a new layer.
  4. Since the gel gives the fingernails a thick structure, as they grow, the center of gravity will shift, which is why they will also begin to crack. If correction is not carried out in a timely manner, the nails will crack along the nail bed.

Due to sudden changes in temperature, taking hormonal drugs or antibiotics, polymerization is disrupted, causing the gel to crack. Therefore, with extended nails, it is not recommended to visit the sauna, bathhouse, or drink large quantities of medications. In winter it is important to always wear gloves.

Why do children's nails crack?

If a child’s nails are cracking, there is no need to start feeding him with various vitamin complexes.

Feed him cottage cheese, cheese, fermented milk products, buckwheat, porcini mushrooms, and berries. Almonds and walnuts will be useful for a child’s nail plate.

Causes of cracking fingernails in children:

  1. In infants, the nail plate most often cracks due to a lack of vitamins. To replenish it, a nursing mother must eat a balanced diet and take additional vitamins.
  2. Injury to a child's nails at the age of one year occurs due to untimely trimming. It is at this age that he learns everything through touch. The baby grabs, strokes, touches and throws toys, all objects that he explores. To prevent the formation of cracks on children's nails, it is recommended to trim them carefully regularly.
  3. If a child over two years old begins to crack his nail plates, it is important to show him to the doctor to find out the real reason. Most often, in older children, the nails crack along the length due to a lack of vitamins, injury, as well as the development of any diseases.

Since the child is constantly growing and actively exploring the world, it is important to closely monitor his health, and at the first problem with his nails, immediately go to the doctor for an appointment.

Prevention and recovery

Regardless of the cause of cracking fingernails, it is recommended to dilute 5 grams of gelatin in a glass of warm water every day for a month and drink the solution.

In addition, you need to eat a balanced diet of fermented milk products, almonds, liver, and cabbage. And also figs, dates, carrots, butter, pumpkin and other healthy products.

To make your fingernails strong again, it is recommended to prevent them from cracking:

  • rub olive oil into the nails, which is enriched with vitamins and microelements. It can be mixed with lemon juice;
  • to strengthen your nails, take daily baths with sea and ocean salt;
  • rub a special healing and strengthening cream with protein into your nails and cuticles;
  • Do all housework with detergents only with rubber gloves;
  • For cracked nails, use preparations with glycerin, lactic acids, and phospholipids.

Knowing why nails crack, you can prevent this condition. By eliminating or preventing the causes of cracks in the plates, you will always have beautiful and durable nails. It is important to learn how to properly care for them, protect them from various traumatic influences, and also eat a balanced diet. At the first signs of cracked nails, be sure to go to a specialist in a beauty salon for a consultation in order to promptly provide assistance to your nails and protect their beauty and strength.

Only a serious approach to your hands will prevent them from cracking, peeling and other possible problems.

The owners of healthy, strong nails can be congratulated - it will not be difficult for them to grow long, beautiful nails; they are the envy of most women who have problems with nails.

The latter will not be helped either by envy and self-criticism because of their own “imperfection”, or by any excuses. A strong determination to have healthy nails, a little effort - and every woman will have beautiful nails.

Causes of nail splitting

Even if your nails are thin and “vulnerable” since childhood, they can be strengthened. Genetic predisposition has nothing to do with it. However, in adult women, the causes of peeling and cracking of the nail plates are quite commonplace. Why do nails crack:

  • Everyday life - washing, cleaning and washing dishes using aggressive detergents work against marigolds. Even regular, long-term contact of hands with tap water leads to the phenomenon of “washerwoman’s hands” and does not allow you to grow strong nails.
  • Manicure - changing nail polish every day and treating nails with acetone-containing liquids will sooner or later lead to the loss of long nails. Using low-quality varnish and hand care creams - and the result is the same. Another problem is the passion for shellac (gel polish) and the lack of experience among manicurists.
  • Environment - for those whose work involves being outdoors (especially in winter), it is almost impossible to grow long nails. This is due to the effect of cold on peripheral circulation.
  • Injuries - the habit of biting nails often grows from childhood and remains for life. Lack of care skills (deep cutting of cuticles, use of metal files) negatively affects the health of nails. Excessive zeal in achieving “perfection” also leads to brittle, cracked nails: grinding the nail plates too deeply.

If your nails peel, crack, or worse, break due to external influences, then by eliminating the unfavorable factor, you can become the owner of strong nails. However, sometimes the reason for “unhealthy” nails lies deeper.

  • Lack of vitamins and microelements is often observed in the spring, in women on strict diets or malnutrition. Often nails peel in women suffering from chronic gastrointestinal diseases or who have had an acute intestinal infection. Infection with helminths, which “take” nutrients from the body, cannot be ruled out. For healthy nails, it is very important to get enough proteins and vit. A, E, C and trace elements (silicon, zinc and calcium). Vitamin deficiency is often observed during pregnancy.
  • Dehydration - the habit of drinking little water, visiting a solarium, and even a couple of weeks of relaxation at a resort contribute to the rapid loss of water and thinning of the nail plates. Sea, sun - sounds tempting, but for the body this is a serious shock, which is also reflected on the nails.
  • Impaired microcirculation - with anemia, diseases of the heart and blood vessels, oxygen starvation of tissues in the periphery (extremity) occurs, which is fraught with thinning and splitting of the nail. Nutrition of the nail plate is also disrupted in diabetes mellitus and thyroid pathology.
  • Nervous exhaustion - constant tension, prolonged depression are reflected in the nails with cracks and separation.
  • Chronic inflammation - women who have been diagnosed with tuberculosis, chronic bronchitis or rheumatism have brittle, weak nails. This symptom is also characteristic of the latent course of renal pathology.
  • Fungal infection - can affect the nail plates of both the feet and hands. Treatment of fungal nails (onychomycosis) takes a long time and ends only when a healthy nail plate grows back.

Important! With constant trauma to the cuticle and nail hole, due to severe pathology occurring with impaired blood microcirculation, matrix atrophy (onychorrhexis) often occurs: nails crack lengthwise.

Nail treatment at home

If you have diseases of the internal organs, it is useless to restore nails. Only by treating the underlying disease can you restore an attractive appearance to your hands. However, the cause of peeling nails and their treatment are closely related - sometimes home treatments are enough, in other cases a full examination of the body and complex therapy for the identified diseases are required. You can guess what needs to be done based on the following criteria:

  • When exposed externally, all the nail plates on the hands usually peel off. After eliminating the adverse effects, the first signs of nail healing can be observed after 1 month.
  • Pale nails with a bluish tint are a sign of poor blood circulation. In case of heart defects, the nail plates have the appearance of “watch glass”. It is necessary to take a blood test and check your heart function.
  • Chronic diseases are often accompanied by the appearance of grooves (longitudinal or transverse thickened lines) on thinning nails.
  • With nail fungus, the nail on the finger or toe cracks, often one or two nail plates are affected. At the same time, the color of the nail changes, it thickens (at the initial stage - from one edge). Suspicion of a fungus is a direct path to a dermatologist.

If weakness and separation of the nail plate is associated with internal pathology, care procedures will not bring results until the causative disease is cured. In such cases, you need to contact a therapist rather than a dermatologist. Subsequently, treatment is carried out by a highly specialized specialist, taking into account the identified pathology.

Nails are peeling - what to do?

To prevent your nails from peeling, you should strictly follow the following recommendations at home:

  • Learn proper nail care skills. Use only modern tools - plastic or crystal files, orange cuticle sticks. Manicures should be done no more than once every 2-3 days, pedicures - every 2 weeks. But during the treatment period, you should completely avoid applying nail polish. Contact only trusted manicurists.
  • Avoid changing your nail polish every day. Use high-quality cosmetics to care for the skin of your hands and nails.
  • When performing household duties, use disposable gloves.
  • Balance your diet. For peeling nails, fill the diet with cheese and cottage cheese, fish, nuts (preferably walnuts). The lack of silicon can be compensated for by green beans, fresh parsley, currants and bananas. Vitamin and protein deficiency is perfectly compensated by dried fruits, red meat, eggs, and liver. Another important component for nails is gelatin. At the same time, there will be an excuse for eating sweet jelly and marmalade.
  • You can strengthen your nails if they peel and break with a course of multivitamins. One month is enough, the best option is to take vitamin complexes for 2-3 months. It should be remembered: iron is actively absorbed from vit. B12 and vit. C. Calcium should be taken in combination with vit. D.

Nail treatment, of course, can be done in a salon and by a professional manicurist. Modeling, “sealing”, Japanese manicure and other salon procedures will quickly restore the nail plate, but are financially expensive and not everyone can afford it. Home procedures that strengthen the nail plate are easy to perform and do not require serious financial expenditure.

Important! To avoid severe burning and irritation, treatment procedures should not be carried out immediately after a trimmed manicure, if there is suppuration around the nail. The best results will be obtained by using baths and then applying a mask.

Nails peeling: what to do at home:

  • “Kremlin” nail mask

You will need any inexpensive fatty cream (vitamin, spermaceti, children's). For 1 tbsp. l. of the selected cream, take 0.1 tsp. ground pepper (required red!). Use a pipette to add 10-15 drops. water, mix everything thoroughly and let stand. The healing mixture is applied to the cuticle area and left on for 15 minutes. (no more than 20 minutes). Applying the mask causes a slight burning sensation, but you should not be afraid of this even if your hand skin is hypersensitive. This procedure is repeated no more than once every 7 days. If the nail plates are damaged due to external influences, then after using this recipe you will have strong nails within a month.

  • Hot oil manicure

Pour vegetable oil (preferably olive) into a small container, heat it to about 49C, add a few drops of essential oil (tea tree, lemon, grapefruit, eucalyptus, geranium, rosemary) and vitamins (vit. A, C, E from ampoules). Nails are kept in the bath for 5 minutes. The procedure is repeated every day. Ideally, you can buy a special bath for the procedure that maintains a constant oil temperature. An oil bath with the addition of 2-6 drops works great. Yoda.

  • Lemon

Lemon for healthy nails is one of the cheapest and most effective home remedies. In addition, by immersing your nails in lemon pulp for a few minutes every day, you can achieve ideal whiteness of the nail edge. Another option is to mix olive oil and lemon juice in half and rub into the cuticle area and onto the nail itself every day. You can add a few drops to the mask. oil solution vit. A and E. Repeating the procedure 1-2 times a week, the result will not be long in coming.

  • Mumiyo

It will help to quickly eliminate even deep cracks in the nails. 1-2 tab. dissolve in a few drops of water and apply to the nail plate and cuticle. A mask with honey and lemon and baths with heated beeswax have a similar effect. The duration of the procedure is 30-60 minutes.

  • Sea salt

Baths with sea salt (1 tablespoon per glass of warm water) are repeated daily, lasting 15-20 minutes. As a last resort, you can use regular table salt, but the therapeutic effect will be reduced.

Beautiful, healthy nails - only a few have such a natural gift. Attention to your own health and proper care will help you avoid splitting and brittleness of the nail plate. Even if problems arise, you can restore the health of your nails without visiting a salon.

However, do not forget that sometimes split, cracked nails indicate serious illness. Therefore, if you are unable to carry out home procedures and suspect a serious pathology, you should seek medical help.

If a toenail is cracked, then this is a truly difficult and very painful situation that can knock a person out of his usual way of life for several weeks. Therefore, the site Koshechka.ru will tell you today what to do in such a situation.

Cracked toenail: reasons

In order to decide on ways to resolve this problem, you first need to completely find out the cause. And in this matter you cannot do without the help of a specialist. But again, it's up to you to decide. And so that you better understand the state of things, imagine this situation. The nail is cracked as a result of a fungus that has settled on it, which can be infected from any person and anywhere. But you decided that it was because of the injury that you recently received when you hit your foot on a stone, a step, or simply tripped. Thus, while you save your nail with various procedures, ointments and other means, most likely, the fungus will begin to affect the rest of the nails and, accordingly, they will also begin to crack, become deformed and hurt. Therefore, when you finally see a doctor, treatment will take much longer. And no one knows how it will end, because the disease will be advanced.

And now about the reasons. There are not so few of them, so we will tell you only about those that most often become the culprits of a cracked and painful toenail.

All kinds of traumatic injuries

Firstly, mechanical. The consequence of an injury or bruise may be a crack. But you must clearly understand that on healthy nails, for example, after a blow, there will most likely be a bruise (hematoma) under the nail plate or white spots will appear. But marigolds, the reason for their ugly and unhealthy appearance being some kind of disease, can not only crack anywhere, but even come off, flake or crumble. In addition, if a girl has very weak nails, then frequent wearing of tight shoes may be enough to cause the toenail to crack lengthwise. After all, this situation contributes to their deformation.

Secondly, damage that is biological in nature. These are all kinds of fungi and lichens that settle in the voids between the layers of the nail plate. As a result, the crack is caused precisely by the “arrangement and expansion of the living space of the fungus” in the literal sense of the word.

Thirdly, damage of a chemical nature. These include all household chemicals (washing and cleaning powder, dishwashing detergent, etc.) that you come across every day, and those products that you use to cover your nails to make them more beautiful (acrylic, gel, varnish, remover varnish).

If your toenail is cracked, it may be due to an improper pedicure.

Violation of the nail structure

If the nail on the big toe is cracked not as a result of a traumatic injury, then the cause may lie in a fungus, a skin disease, or be a symptom of a malfunction of certain organs and organ systems.

Fungus is the most common cause of not only cracks, but also deformation and splitting of nails. This is due to the fact that it may not appear immediately or simply be asymptomatic for a long time. The fungus takes a very long time to cure and can return at any time.

As for our body, nails, like skin, can also tell a lot. For example, fragility of nails, which results in cracks, may indicate anemia or thyroid disease. If the toenail is cracked across, this may be caused by neuropsychic, infectious, endocrine or other disorders in the functioning of the organs and systems of the body. For example, kidney or liver disease, leprosy, diabetes, anemia, syphilis, gonorrhea, etc.

Skin diseases such as psoriasis, alopecia or eczema can also affect the nails, causing deformation, damage, including cracks.

A toenail is cracked lengthwise: what to do?

It is impossible to advise a person on treatment without knowing the cause. After all, a cracked nail is not just a scratch... I recommend that you run to see a doctor in such a situation. Moreover, a crack may just be a symptom of another disease. Under such circumstances, self-medication may not only not help, but also cause harm.

And finally. Recently, cases of nail fungus are increasing every year. All this happens because a person is treated independently in all possible ways and means, without having the slightest idea about the cause of the disease. Naturally, when he finally gets to the hospital, it turns out that the fungus is already in an advanced stage. And these are completely different concerns. Just imagine, to completely get rid of the fungus that has “taken root” on your nails, it takes from several months to a year. You also need to regularly treat shoes, feet, nails and do many other procedures. Another unpleasant point is that while a person is being treated on his own, he is a distributor of this very fungus. Of course, lack of hygiene also causes infection, but most often the source is other people who literally go around and sow it everywhere. Therefore, what to do if your toenail is cracked is up to you. The main thing is to remember the consequences.

Take care of yourself and your nails.

Bruslik Maria - especially for Koshechka.ru - a site for those in love... with themselves!

Cracked nails are a very unpleasant problem. Without repair, they cling to clothing and cause severe pain. Cracks can signal serious illnesses, so timely treatment will help not only make your hands beautiful, but also prevent deterioration in your general condition.

Causes of cracked nails

Longitudinal cracks arise due to a deficiency of nutrients and disruptions in the body's metabolism. This is a symptom onychorrhexis– nail diseases that develop against the background of psoriasis, eczema or fungus, infections, blood diseases, mental disorders. Trauma and chemical poisoning also cause onychorrhexis.

Nails crack along the length mainly on fingernails. One or several cracks may immediately appear, which initially split the free edge and, imperceptibly deepening, expand towards the root of the nail. It is better to seal such damage and moisturize the nails with nutrients.

Transverse cracks on the nails is onychoschisis. The disease can occur for the same reasons as onychorrhexis, as well as due to improper manicure manipulations (filing, cutting, sanding), constant stress and injuries to the nail plate. Transverse cracks often affect the nails on the 2nd, 3rd and 4th fingers, originating at the free edge and spreading throughout the entire nail.

A common cause of onychoschisis is the habit of biting nails, which is especially important in children of primary school age.

How to stop a crack from spreading

Repairing a crack will not heal it, so fixing the damage is not enough. It is important to get rid of the root cause of nail breakage.

And so that patch up the crack To avoid pain and prevent your nail from breaking, you must:

  • sand the crack area buff or file (it is important to choose a file with fine abrasiveness);
  • carefully with a manicure brush Apply a little glue to the crack area, wait for it to dry;
  • attach a piece of silk or similar cloth, apply another layer of glue;
  • remove excess fabric edges, apply third layer of glue;
  • make sure that the fabric is attached tightly, and then again polish the repair area buff or file;
  • cover by cosmetic varnish.

Instead of fabric can be used paper or napkin, but then the patch will peel off faster. You can fix the crack bactericidal patch. To repair a longitudinal crack, it is better to go to a nail salon, since the damage quickly spreads as the nail grows and silk will not always be able to hold it.

Longitudinal cracks spread quickly, are difficult to repair and cause severe pain, so in such cases, professionals use a special gel or biogel, which, due to its natural nature, helps to heal the crack faster.

Watch the video tutorial for the process of repairing a nail with silk:

Treatment of cracked nails

To keep your nails healthy, it is important to take care of them regularly. For this there are all sorts of medicinal varnishes, oils, vitamin baths. There are many nourishing and antibacterial products for nails, in particular for the treatment of cracks: Bepanten, Solcoseryl, Radevit or D-Panthenol.

A recipe based on olive oil and lemon juice, if you rub this mixture every day. Another healing agent is a mixture of honey and glycerin with flour. This mask must be kept on for 20 minutes. Has strong regenerating properties sea ​​salt.

If the breakage is only a one-time occurrence, it is enough to patch the crack and wait for the nail to recover.

Review your diet and give up bad habits. Consume more vitamins A, E, B, C. Add foods with calcium, iron and zinc to the menu. For complete absorption of calcium, the building material for nails, ensure adequate intake of vitamin D.

Prevention of cracked nails

Regular prevention of fungal diseases and all kinds of infections. To do this, you can use antibacterial essential oils and special varnishes.

Maintain good personal hygiene. General measures to improve the health of the whole body will have a beneficial effect not only on manicure. It is especially important to regulate the amount of protein, fat and carbohydrates consumed, and drink at least 1.5 liters of water per day.

And of course visit only reliable and experienced manicurist, which thoroughly disinfects instruments, uses only high-quality materials and performs all procedures correctly. After removing the polish, let your nails rest for a few days.

The problem of cracked nails requires an immediate solution. With proper treatment, it can be eliminated in six months and you will never again have to think about the discomfort that cracked nails cause. Don't forget to take good care of your nails, lead a healthy lifestyle, and cracks will never bother you again.