Personal business: how to whiten intimate areas with home remedies? How to whiten underarm skin at home

Darkening of the skin in intimate places in women is not such a rare problem, it’s just that it’s usually not customary to talk about it out loud. The area between the legs can have a dark color for various reasons. In delicate places, the color of our skin, namely in the anus, perineum, directly depends on how much pigment it has. Special skin cells - melanocytes - are responsible for this. These structures produce a dark pigment called melanin. Sometimes it happens that the cells begin to work more actively and melanin is produced in excess - this phenomenon is called hyperpigmentation. This is what leads to the appearance of aesthetically ugly dark spots on the skin between the legs or the entire bikini area.

Increased skin pigmentation between the legs and along the deep bikini line can cause conflicting emotions in girls. Some do not pay attention to this, because it is not accompanied by unpleasant sensations and is not visually noticeable in everyday life due to clothing. And, despite the fact that excess pigment in most cases does not harm health, the dark crotch for many is a real aesthetic problem - after all, the intimate place of a modern girl should look equally perfect not only in the tanning season and swimwear, but also in everyday life - in bed, fitness club, sauna, etc. situations. We consider it ugly, sometimes we are embarrassed to be naked in front of our young man, in a beauty salon in front of a beautician and even in front of a gynecologist.

In addition, there are situations when in showers, changing rooms of fitness clubs and other places, the unusual color of the genitals and the dark color of the intimate area and the skin near it become the subject of increased attention and discussion among friends or just those around them. Therefore, the interest in the procedure for whitening the area between the legs is stable in women at any time of the year, regardless of age, religious beliefs and sexual preferences.



The pigmentation of a bikini in a person depends only on whether there were southerners or northerners in distant ancestors. The northerners have lighter skin and mucous membranes, the southerners are darker, and their descendants can have both. The color of the labia is usually about the same as the color of the areola at the nipples of your breasts. If the areolas are dark, then the labia and anus will also be the same, although there are exceptions. According to some observations, the skin color between the legs in brunettes is often darkish and even dark brown, while in blondes it is usually light, like the rest of the skin. The reason is quite understandable - different genetics in brunettes and blondes.


Pronounced darkening of the skin in an intimate place and, first of all, the large and small labia is a common occurrence during pregnancy and is called "chloasma". Hyperpigmentation is noted not only on the genitals, but also on the nipples, face, neck. A surge in the production of the hormones progesterone and estrogen "interferes" with the synthesis of melanin, but this condition usually normalizes after childbirth, but not always.


Menopause in women, one of the characteristic features of which is a hormonal imbalance in the body and, as a result, the skin between the legs becomes darker. Skin aging causes an increase in the amount of pigments - this also applies to the causes of hyperpigmentation, the so-called. "age spots".


First of all, diseases of the liver, the main provocateur organ in the body, lead to darkening of the skin in the intimate area, due to which increased pigmentation between the legs in the bikini area may appear. Chloasma can also appear in diseases of the ovaries with a violation of their function - chronic inflammation, dysfunction, some congenital pathologies. Diabetes, Cushing's syndrome, which causes a sharp increase in adrenal hormones in the blood, and polycystic ovaries can also be the culprit for dark spots in the perineum.


Excess weight is always accompanied by friction against each other of the inner surfaces of the thighs. And, as a result, scuffs and rashes appear in the friction zone, which can lead to increased production of melanin pigment, which is responsible for the shade of the skin.


Treatment with hormonal drugs, protection with contraceptives - COC - in 1/3 of women using oral contraceptives, melanosis was found, that is, the accumulation of melanin in the tissues of internal organs and skin. Darkening of the bikini skin can also appear as a result of the ingestion of chemicals, sulfonamides, arsenic, antipyrine, tetracycline, products containing tar. The use of deodorants in the intimate area inevitably leads to darkening in this area.


Lack of vitamins in the body leads to serious disorders. In particular, this is a lack of vitamin C, A, PP, folic acid and many other elements that can enhance melanogenesis.


Procedures for whitening dark skin between the legs and in other intimate places include two main elements - exfoliation of the stratum corneum of the skin and a decrease in the production of melanin pigment. Exfoliation of the skin helps to remove melanin from the epidermis, which leads to lightening of age spots. For this purpose, various types of peelings are used in the salon or clinic. Reducing the production of melanin reinforces the effect obtained from peeling. These purposes are served by special original cosmetics for home use.

Healthy and beautiful skin is one of the main conditions for female attractiveness. This applies not only to the face or body, but also to intimate areas.

These areas of the epidermis can darken under the influence of various factors.

Causes of darkening of the skin

In order to effectively whiten intimate places, it is necessary to correctly determine the causes that caused the changes.

Causes of darkening of the skin of intimate places:

  1. Mechanical irritation of the skin with tight and poor-quality linen.
  2. Excess weight provokes profuse sweating in the inguinal folds.
  3. Depilation with a razor or wax, carried out incorrectly.
  4. UV exposure while tanning on the beach or in the solarium.
  5. Fungal and infectious diseases of the skin of the inguinal zone.
  6. Stagnation of blood in the pelvic organs leads to pigmentation of the labia majora and minor.
  7. Endocrine disorders and hormonal disruptions in the body.
  8. Reception of incorrectly selected hormonal contraceptives.

Very often age-related changes in the epidermis occur in healthy women.

Whitening steps

Stage 1. At the first stage, it is necessary to peel the skin to get rid of dead skin cells of the epidermis. Cell exfoliation is carried out with products with alpha hydroxy acids (citric, glycolic or lactic).

For this procedure at home use:

  • mercury ointment;
  • salicylic alcohol;
  • aspirin diluted in water;
  • mixture of sugar and olive oil.

Before peeling, it is necessary to depilate intimate areas in a convenient way. After a couple of hours, apply the exfoliator with light massaging movements. Peel for no more than 5 minutes, and then rinse with warm water.

Stage 2. The second stage is to reduce the synthesis of melanin.

After peeling, they begin to directly whiten places with pigmentation. Excellent means for carrying out the procedure at home are:

  • cucumber;
  • lemon;
  • parsley;
  • bearberry;
  • licorice;
  • yarrow.

Composition of parsley juice, kefir and lemon juice


  • 20 ml of lemon juice;
  • 30 ml juice from fresh parsley;
  • 50 ml of kefir.

How to prepare and use: Mix all ingredients. Using a cotton swab or sponge, apply to dark places. Keep the composition for about 5-10 minutes, then rinse with warm water. After a whitening session, apply a nourishing cream to the treated areas.

Duration and frequency of procedures: procedures are carried out twice a week. The course is 1 month. Then you need to take a short break.

Composition of cucumber pulp and moisturizing cream


  • 1 medium sized cucumber;
  • 20 g of moisturizing cream of any manufacturer.

How to cook and use: peel the cucumber and grate it on a fine grater. Mix the resulting slurry with cream. Put the composition on gauze napkins, which are applied to pigmented places.

Remove the compress after 20 minutes. After that, wipe the skin with cotton pads moistened with cool water.

Duration and frequency of procedures: whitening is carried out twice or thrice a week. The course lasts until a visible effect is obtained.

Composition of decoction of yarrow and white clay


  • 30 g of white clay;
  • 20 g dried yarrow;
  • ½ cup hot water.

How to cook and use: pour yarrow herb with boiling water and leave for half an hour to infuse. Strain the herbal decoction and add the clay. Blend until smooth and smooth.

Apply gruel to dark intimate places for about 10-15 minutes. Then rinse with slightly warm water. Lubricate the skin with a nourishing cream.

Duration and frequency of procedures: the product is applied 2-3 times a week. The course of exposure usually lasts 1 month. To enhance the whitening effect, you need to add a few drops of lemon juice to the composition.

Composition of lemon juice and coffee grounds


  • 30 ml lemon juice.
  • 30 g coffee grounds.

How to prepare and use: Mix lemon juice with coffee grounds. Apply in a circular motion to pigmented areas. Keep the composition for about 5 minutes, then rinse with cool water. After the end of the session, lubricate the treated areas with a nourishing cream.

Duration and frequency of procedures: the composition of lemon juice and coffee should be applied twice a week. The course lasts until you get noticeable results in skin lightening.

Of course, folk remedies do not work instantly, it takes time. Only after 1-2 months the result will be noticeable. Therefore, before starting whitening at home, you need to be patient. But after a while, the skin regains a natural and healthy shade, and its owner - self-confidence.

For many modern girls who regularly care for and monitor the ideal beauty of the body, it is important to know how to whiten the skin in intimate places. Every detail is important for perfection, but sometimes it is not so easy to achieve due to some delicate problems, one of which can be dark pigmented skin in the bikini area.

It's rarely talked about, but women who face this kind of trouble know how awkward it can be to be on the beach or in bed with a partner. Fortunately, today there are many ways to eliminate dark pigmentation.

The procedure for lightening the skin in intimate places is now carried out in many beauty salons. This includes both gentle whitening with masks with acids and other active ingredients, as well as more radical measures for influencing the skin. It all depends on the degree of pigmentation and the reasons that contributed to the change in the color of the skin in this area.

The most common cause of skin darkening is ultraviolet light.

The skin in the bikini area is very delicate, so it should not be exposed to UV rays. But most girls do not know about this or forget when visiting a solarium or being on the beach. If you do not use special protective creams, the result is an increase in melanin in the skin, and, consequently, its darkening in the intimate area.

To eliminate the effects of sunburn, you can use glucolic peeling, whitening creams or other gentle means to dissolve melanin in the epidermis.

During pregnancy, the use of contraceptives and with age, the problem of pigmentation of the epidermis in the intimate area may also appear. In these cases, darkening is due to a violation of the production of female hormones, and not exposure to ultraviolet radiation. Therefore, the means should be selected according to the factor that contributed to the emergence of this problem.

Various diseases can lead to heterogeneous pigmentation, such as:

  • injury,
  • disease endocrine system,
  • phlebeurysm,
  • kidney and liver diseases,
  • neoplasms,
  • vitiligo,
  • skin fungus,
  • intoxication.

In this case, more radical methods are required to treat the problem.

How to whiten skin after acne and burns

Pimples and burns can leave scars and scars on the skin, which require cardinal resurfacing of the upper layer of the epidermis to get rid of. Therefore, the best procedure in this case will be microdermabrasion. This method will not only eliminate unpleasant pigmentation of the skin, but also make it smooth, without flaws.

The principle of operation of this method is that a directed stream of microcrystals is sprayed onto the affected area. This results in the removal of the top layer of the skin, causing it to renew itself.

Thus, the new epidermis is formed smooth and evenly light, scars, spots and other unpleasant skin defects disappear. But it is worth noting that this method is not pleasant, and it will take some time for the complete restoration of the skin.

How to whiten skin with vitiligo and pigmentation

The salon also knows how to whiten the skin in intimate places with vitiligo. In this case, different methods are used to eliminate pigmentation, the most popular of which are laser and chemical hair removal.

Photoepilation (laser) simple and painless, it is one of the most affordable methods. The essence of its action is that beams of light are directed to the skin, affecting the pigmented areas. As a result of this procedure, the skin acquires a smoother, evenly radiant and seductive appearance.

The photo shows how to whiten the skin in intimate places through photoepilation

Under certain circumstances, the laser resurfacing method can be tightened up. Then the action will be more effective, but also more painful. It is used for severe pigmentation of the skin between the legs, including scars and scars left from burns and acne.

Another no less radical method of eliminating pigmentation in the intimate area is chemical peeling. For delicate skin in this area, glucolic peeling is used.

It acts on the basis of active ingredients that dissolve melanin in the skin, which just contributes to its darkening. Chemicals remove melanin from cells, making the skin in intimate places brighter and more attractive.

Whitening in the groin of dark skin quickly and effectively - creams

Both in salons and at home, you can use special creams to whiten the skin in intimate places. Such products are now produced by many cosmetic companies.

Especially such creams and gels are in demand among swarthy representatives of Asian countries, since their white skin color is considered more aristocratic. And the problem with dark skin color in the bikini area is much more common for them than for fair-skinned beauties.

You can buy a brightening cream in cosmetics stores, in a pharmacy or order it online. Some creams can be used not only to lighten the skin in the groin, but also on the face, under the arms and other parts of the body. Some creams are made on the basis of chemical components, such as:

  • arbutin,
  • ascorbic acid,
  • azelaic acid,
  • alpha hydroxy acids,
  • kojic acid,
  • hydroquinone, etc.

Other manufacturers use natural ingredients that do not cause allergies to brighten the skin in the intimate area without any negative consequences. They usually include extracts of:

  • cucumber,
  • lemon juice,
  • parsley,
  • bearberry, etc.

Applying these creams, you should not count on a quick result. Depending on the degree of pigmentation, it may take several weeks to completely or partially lighten it. Sometimes the course needs to be repeated. But the advantage of this method is the fact that there is no rehabilitation period. Therefore, it can be used even in summer and before a trip to the resort.

But often manufacturers use both chemical and herbal ingredients.

The combined composition of creams increases the effectiveness of creams and prevents possible negative effects of chemicals.

The most effective whitening creams for the bikini area include:

There are other highly effective whitening products, but in order not to make a mistake with the choice, you must definitely pay attention to the composition.

How to whiten the skin of the body in the intimate area after sunburn at home

Not every girl dares to go to a beauty center with such a problem, so some young ladies are looking for how to whiten their skin in intimate places at home. And there are ways!

Since ancient times, there are many recipes for skin whitening with natural remedies. Some of them can be applied to the bikini area.

But it is important to remember that quick results cannot be achieved here, so you should be patient. For effectiveness, the procedure will need to be done regularly for 1-2 months.

Below are various recipes for masks and peels that are easy to make yourself from improvised ingredients.

Whitening with lemon, lemon juice

Lemon is good for peeling. You can mix lemon juice with coffee grounds until a homogeneous slurry is formed. Apply to the bikini area and massage for about 3 minutes. After rinsing, apply a rich cream.

If you mix equal amounts of lemon juice and olive oil, you get a good skin-lightening mask. It is rubbed into the problem area and left for an hour, after which it is washed off.

Effective and mask of lemon and honey.

To prepare it you need:

  1. Take 1 lemon and 45 g of fresh honey.
  2. Grind the lemon together with the zest to a mushy state and add honey.
  3. Leave the mixture in a dark place for 3 hours.
  4. Then apply to problem skin for 10 minutes.

The main thing is not to overdo it, as lemon juice can cause burns. It is better to check for an allergic reaction before use, applying no a large number of gruel on the elbow bend of the arm from the inside.

If there are no negative consequences, it can be applied to the intimate area. But even there you should not keep it for a long time if you feel a burning sensation. It is better to wash off earlier and apply a moisturizer. To make the product less aggressive, it can be diluted with water.

Whitening with soda

Another remedy from the category of aggressive methods is baking soda with apple cider vinegar. The proportions are taken the same, it is necessary to keep the mixture until completely dry, then simply rinse with water.

With daily use, the result will be noticeable after the first week.

Whitening with hydrogen peroxide

Deciding to whiten the skin in intimate places on your own with hydrogen peroxide, you must be extremely careful, as it is easy to get burned.

For the mask you should:

  1. Take 45 g of cottage cheese with a maximum percentage of fat, combine it with 2 ml of 3% hydrogen peroxide and 1 egg yolk.
  2. Mix the mixture thoroughly in a blender and apply evenly on the skin in the intimate area.
  3. After 10 min. remove the product from the skin and rinse the area with water.
  4. Apply a soothing cream.

Whitening with citric acid

In the absence of lemon juice, you can use citric acid, which must be diluted with water.

It can be used, like lemon, in combination with cucumber, parsley, peach, potato or potato starch.

Whitening with ascorbic acid

Vitamin C is an oxidizing agent for melanin, and also delays its synthesis. But it is extremely unstable, so it is not used in cosmetology in its pure form, but only its derivatives. But for use in homemade masks, it is quite suitable.

You can crush one tablet of ascorbic acid and add it to any mixture for skin whitening (fermented milk, cucumber, potato), or dilute with mineral water and use as such. For bleaching, a liquid solution of vitamin C in ampoules is also suitable, but it should also be diluted with water.

Cucumber whitening

It will help to whiten the skin in intimate places and such a gentle remedy as juice with cucumber pulp, with which cottage cheese, cream or sour cream goes well. But such a remedy must be kept on the darkened area for at least 25-30 minutes. The proportions in different recipes are different. For example, you can take cottage cheese 60 g of fat cream 30 g and 1 small cucumber.

Another recipe - 1 cucumber, 30-35 g of moisturizer and 10 g of gelatin are mixed and left for a while to swell. Then apply, as in the previous method, for 30 minutes. Apply the remedy every other day.

Whitening with aspirin

Acetylsalicylic acid is also often used in homemade skin-lightening masks. It is good to use with uneven pigmentation of the epidermis.

Pregnant and lactating women should not use aspirin.

Aspirin can be dissolved with water or lemon juice. It is also added to the composition of other bleaching agents. Good results bring a mask of aspirin with soda in a ratio of 1: 1, diluted with water. It is enough to keep it on the body for 4-5 minutes. But it is worth remembering that you can not do such a mask too often. It is best to use it twice a week.

Whitening with sour cream

Sour cream, like cream or kefir, also has a brightening effect. But it works best in combination with parsley juice, citrus and lemon.

For efficiency, you can add cottage cheese, potatoes or cucumber.

Milk whitening

In addition to fermented milk products, you can lighten the skin with fresh milk. To do this, it is advised to combine 25 g of milk with 30 g of fresh honey and 1 potato tuber grated on a fine grater.

The mixture is applied for 30 minutes. 2 times per week.

Whitening with parsley

Parsley has a unique bleaching property. This has been known for a long time, since even skin pigmentation and freckles on the face are recommended to be removed with the juice of this plant. Its action is mild, so the product is ideal for whitening the delicate skin of the bikini area.

You can use both parsley juice and grind it into a pulp. It is good to combine it with lemon juice, dairy products and citrus fruits.

How to whiten the skin in intimate places: video

Various salon ways to whiten the skin in intimate places:

In the second video clip, a specialist of the cosmetology center will inform you about the features of the procedure and tell you how to whiten the skin in intimate places in stages:

How to whiten the skin in intimate places is now known, but when using any bleaching agent, safety measures must be observed, taking into account the type of skin and the possible individual intolerance of the components. If there are any diseases or the skin in the bikini area has darkened as a result of poor health, you should definitely seek the advice of a specialist.

The appearance of dark spots in the armpits is a fairly common problem for many women, but it also occurs in men.

Black spots cause discomfort, and do not allow you to freely wear clothes with short sleeves or without them.

Here you need to think not only about how to get rid of black, but also to find out why there is dark skin under the armpits.

Darkening indicates that some kind of violation has occurred in the body or care has been chosen incorrectly.

Below you will learn how to get rid of blackness under the arms.

To learn how to get rid of darkening in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe armpits, you need to find out the causes of the appearance of black spots.

Some causes of darkening in women are absolutely not terrible and are quickly removed. But there are times when black armpits indicate a serious illness.

Common causes of darkening of the skin are hormonal failure in the body and aging.

You need to be hygienic. Darkened skin may indicate contamination of the epidermis.

Causes of dark spots in the armpits:

  • due to frequent shaving, irritation appears, the hairs grow in, and the surface coarsens;
  • depilation gels containing chemicals contribute to the appearance of dark spots under the armpits;
  • excessive sweating is another reason why the skin darkens;
  • black armpits are often caused due to the use of alcohol-based deodorants;
  • dead cells can enhance the brown or black tint;
  • hyperpigmentation and hyperkeratosis is the most common reason why dark underarms, this condition affects people with diabetes and obesity.
  • dark spots appear in smokers, called melanosis;
  • darkening of the depression zone is a manifestation of the first symptoms of Addison's disease.

A few more reasons why the armpits turn black:

  • The defeat of the epidermis by fungi. A dark spot under the armpit is covered with a white film, forming small watery nodules, which, when opened, cause discomfort.
  • Erythrasma is a lesion of the epidermis by corynebacteria. The spots are painted in white-red or black shades, peel off.

There are many ways to get rid of black spots under the armpits. If dark spots are caused by a disease, then you first need to treat it, and subsequently maintain the color under your arms with proper care.

To lighten the skin in the armpits, doctors advise paying great attention to hygiene.

This procedure may include the following:

  • Thoroughly lather the area of ​​depressions, rinse. For cleansing, use only liquid products for pigmented skin.
  • Dry the area with a towel. It is important that the armpits are always dry, as it is wet skin that causes an increase in the number of bacteria and other ailments.
  • Apply deodorant (alcohol-free) in a thin layer to dry underarms.

Carrying out this procedure at least twice a day will help keep the armpits in excellent condition.

The cause of darkening can also be improper hair removal.

Another way to lighten underarms is to permanently remove hair. This method is suitable for those who have dark hair. Dark heads give the epidermis a dark shade, which makes the axillary fossa unattractive.

To permanently remove hair, you can resort to:

  • Photoepilation.

By removing hair once and for all, you will lighten the underarm area.

How to remove blackness from the armpits with the help of cosmetic products.

Surely you wondered: how to lighten mice with the help of cosmetic products?

We answer: the most effective means are those that contain such ingredients as:

  • hydroxy acids;
  • hydroquinone;
  • kojic acid;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • arbutin.

The underarm area has very delicate skin, so products with a whitening effect must be selected very carefully. Do not buy products with very aggressive components. It is possible to remove black spots with the help of cosmetic products, which include:

  • alpha-hydroxy (fruit) acids;
  • cucumber extract;
  • bearberry extract.

Surely faced with the problem of increased sweating and darkening of the armpits, you wondered: how to remove white sweat stains on dark and light-colored clothes? The following are ways to clean clothes from traces of sweat:

  • Table salt and ammonia are suitable for cotton and linen products. In a glass of warm water, add 1 tsp of salt and ammonia, apply the solution to the stains, and wait 15 minutes. Then the product must be washed.
  • Laundry soap is suitable for woolen products. Soap must be lathered in a bowl of hot water, and the thing should be placed there for an hour and a half, and then washed.

Getting rid of black spots using folk recipes is real. You will definitely be sure of their safety, because all the components are present in your kitchen every day:

  • Baking soda scrub. Soda must be mixed with a small amount of water to a paste-like mixture. Without pressure, rub the mixture into the armpits for 1-2 minutes, then rinse with water.
  • - Natural bleach. Dark skin in the armpit should be wiped with a slice of lemon, left for 5 minutes and rinsed with water.
  • Fresh cucumber juice. Cucumber naturally has bleaching properties. Cucumber juice, or a cut piece, you need to process the armpits. The procedure can be carried out daily until the desired result is obtained.
  • Rubbing the skin with acetylsalicylic acid. The procedure is carried out in the mornings and evenings.
  • Potatoes and parsley (ground into gruel) are applied to the skin of the armpit for 10-20 minutes.
  • Activated charcoal and honey scrub for the armpit. To obtain a scrub, you need to mix 1 tsp of honey with 2 crushed charcoal tablets. Within 2 minutes, the resulting mixture is lightly rubbed into the skin, and then rinsed off.
  • . Apply daily to cleansed skin and do not rinse. Hydrogen peroxide perfectly brightens and also kills harmful microorganisms.

How to remove dark spots in mice with toothpaste? It may seem ridiculous at first, but ordinary toothpaste with a whitening effect is used to lighten dark spots. Toothpaste has the following effect on the armpit area:

  • eliminates bacteria and microbes;
  • eliminates odor;
  • brightens the underarm area.

Many women, suffering from darkening of the skin in the underarm area, are wondering how to lighten the area and how to get rid of this unpleasant ailment. The problem can be caused by both improper care and the presence of a disease. necessary in the first case.

According to dermatologists, darkening on the skin in intimate places is found in many. Such skin pigmentation does not have serious health consequences, but it does not look the best, especially during the beach season.

Women who take care of the beauty of their bodies should have order in all places - this gives confidence. Faced with this problem, many people have the question of how to whiten the intimate area at home with simple but effective means and methods.

With the darkening of the skin of intimate areas, most representatives of the beautiful half of humanity are faced, the reasons for such changes may be different.

Causes of darkening of the skin in intimate places

Most often, pigmentation is a hereditary feature, but there are a number of other factors:

  • age-related changes;
  • exposure to chemicals (deodorant);
  • tight underwear;
  • special individuality of the skin of the body;
  • fullness (rubbing and debate of the internal parts of the body);
  • hormonal imbalance;
  • the effects of certain medications.

Not every woman decides to go to the salon with the question: how to whiten the intimate area, but at home, using one of the popular recipes, this is not so difficult to do

Regardless of what factors caused darkening in the groin area, they must be eliminated.

Contraindications for whitening

Even the most innocuous procedure for lightening delicate areas of the skin has some contraindications for lightening sessions:

  • it is impossible to bleach I look both pregnant and lactating;
  • procedures are prohibited even at home in intimate areas with an exacerbation of herpes, various inflammations, fevers;
  • allergic reactions to the ingredients of the composition of the product;
  • haemorrhoids;
  • injured skin, cracks;
  • while taking contraceptives.

If there are no contraindications, you can find a suitable way to eliminate pigmentation, and prepare the skin before the lightening procedure.

Preparatory procedures before whitening

Before carrying out lightening procedures, the body in the areas of the intended lightening should be prepared. First you need to shave the required places or do depilation.

The next step is scrubbing. The procedure helps to remove the dead layer of the epidermis, which is necessary for better penetration of bleaching agents and a better effect.

Scrubbing can be done commercially or homemade. At home, you can use ordinary sea salt or ground natural coffee. Before carrying out these procedures, it is best to get the recommendations of a dermatologist to eliminate possible negative consequences.

The best methods for whitening the intimate area at home

It is important to know! Before choosing a bleaching folk remedy for the intimate area at home, it is necessary to exclude the possibility of allergic reactions to the components of the mixtures.

Read the site's popular article:

A mixture of hydrogen peroxide and ammonia

The mixture is prepared from one tablespoon of peroxide and half a teaspoon of ammonia, mixed, applied twice a week to problem areas. The exposure time of the mixture on skin areas is 4-6 minutes.

To remove the risk of possible allergy reactions before the session, it is required to conduct a test for the perception of the components, withstand half an hour, if there are no negative reactions, the agent can be used in intimate areas. One course - 10 for 2 months.

Mask of parsley, kefir and lemon

How to whiten the intimate area at home with parsley?

To prepare the composition of the mask, it is necessary to mix the juice of parsley leaves (1 tsp), lemon juice (1 tsp), kefir or sour cream (1 tbsp). Lubricate areas of pigmentation, hold for 25 minutes. The procedure will be repeated for three days in a row, then a break, after which you can continue.

Cucumber Brightening Cream

Cucumber is processed with a blender, mixed with cream, applied to gauze napkins, applied to the required places. Then the mixture must be washed off with water. Exposure time - 25 minutes, do three times a week.

A mixture of lemon juice and coffee grounds

Stir the same amount of coffee grounds with lemon juice. With the resulting mass, process the required areas, massaging in a circle. Wash off after 4-6 minutes. After the body, treat with a nourishing moisturizer.

Apple cider vinegar and baking soda paste

To prepare the paste, you need to apply baking soda with vinegar (apple) to the necessary areas of the skin, wait until it dries, rinse. Do the procedures for 7 days.

Armpits, as well as the skin between the legs, can be lightened with apple cider vinegar. Daily use on these intimate areas will relieve pigmentation at home.

Recipes for other folk remedies for skin lightening

How to whiten the intimate area at home, not all women know, but if this issue is dealt with closely, it turns out that there are a huge number of simplest ways.

Below are the most effective and popular recipes. Choosing a bleaching agent, you need to take into account the type of skin.

Oily skin type with excess pigment

1. Lemon juice should be added to one tablespoon of starch, The mixture should be the consistency of thick sour cream. The product is applied to problem areas of the skin twice a week.

2. Combine in equal amounts heated honey, table vinegar, lemon juice, mix. The resulting mixture is applied to the steamed areas of the skin. The exposure time is a quarter of an hour, then the product is washed off with water.

This whitening mask allows you to get rid of pigmentation, preventing reappearance. For the expected result, you can use regularly.

3. Mix homemade, fat-free cottage cheese with hydrogen peroxide and ammonia, which add at the rate of 12 drops.

Application is done on dry, clean skin, aged for a quarter of an hour, after which it can be washed off with lukewarm water. This mask eliminates the most stagnant darkening.

4. Cucumber pulp is processed in a blender, oatmeal flour is added. The consistency of the mixture should be airy and thick. The agent is applied twice in 10 days, keeping each procedure for 25 minutes.

The mask can be used not only on intimate and especially delicate areas, such as the inguinal or axillary area.

5. Two tomatoes are processed into puree(Remove the skin before processing). 2 tablespoons of flour are added to the cooked puree.

The mixture is applied to problem areas, aged for 25 minutes, washed off with water. Tomato fruits effectively fight any kind of age spots and freckles.

Among the tips on how to whiten the intimate area at home, there are often recommendations:

  • rubbing with ice cubes from parsley infusion;
  • rubbing with a slice of lemon;
  • sour apple;

Dry skin type

To whiten dry epidermis, additional saturation with moisture is required. Therefore, in without fail in the prepared products there should be a component with a softening effect.

Dry skin should not be subjected to brightening procedures, more than 1 time in 2 weeks.

Important: you can not use one lemon or peroxide for dry skin, these components dry the skin even more.

1. Heated or simply liquid honey product, mixed with lemon juice, in equal parts. The mixture should be applied to clean and dry required areas of the epidermis, washed off after a quarter of an hour, the skin is moistened with a suitable moisturizer.

2. A peeled cucumber is processed by a blender, two tablespoons of cream or high-quality yogurt are added to the prepared gruel. Regular use of the product eliminates dark areas of the skin throughout the body, including delicate areas and the area of ​​​​the lips and eyes.

3. Grind fresh parsley (1 bunch), pour boiled water (200 ml), cool down. In a filtered, warm infusion, moisten the prepared napkins, apply to the places of darkening (if necessary, additionally dip the napkins in the infusion). Use - twice a week, exposure time - half an hour.

4. A handful of unripe black currants are processed into porridge, a honey product is added, liquid consistency.

The product is applied to problem areas, after 25 minutes, the composition is removed, and the skin is treated with kefir.

5. Two large spoons of cottage cheese, rubbed together with cream (1 spoon), 8 drops of peroxide (3%) are added. The mask is suitable for any type of pigmentation.

Normal type of epidermis

For a normal skin type, you should use products that not only whiten the skin, but also normalize metabolism in all layers of the epidermis. Cell function improves, melanin production normalizes.

For the preparation of bleaching agents, the use of all products that do not cause allergic reactions is allowed. The compositions should have a gentle base.

  • Grind on a grater the rhizome of horseradish, with the pulp of an apple of a sour variety. The number of ingredients must be equal. Due to the content of acids in these products, the mixture effectively fights dark spots and freckles.

  • For 2 st. l. kefir, 1 tsp is added. lemon juice, a few drops of olive oil. Dairy and fruit acids lighten any age-related pigmentation, even if they are already old. This mask is also suitable for getting rid of spots after pregnancy.
  • Dry yeast (1 spoon), warm milk (2 spoons), lemon juice (1 tsp). The resulting mixture is applied before going to bed.
  • The most famous recipe from bodyagi. Peroxide solution is added to bodyagi powder(You should get a porridge-like mass). The resulting mass is applied with massaging movements. The exposure time is 20-25 minutes, after which the product can be washed off and a suitable cream with nourishing properties applied.

If the bleaching agent is properly prepared, then after the procedure, the top layer will come off. During peeling, the skin needs to be nourished with fatty products. It is impossible to fully restore the epidermis, the skin should not be exposed to solar radiation.

Before going outside, the areas to be treated must be closed from direct sunlight. The tool can be used 1 time in 8 days.

To lighten a normal skin type, rubbing currant berries, an sour apple, a slice of lemon or grapefruit with juice is also suitable.

Problematic skin

Problematic skin is characterized by irritation, wilting, peeling.

Important: whitening compositions for problematic skin types, not only work to lighten, but also relieve irritation, inflammation, and rashes. This is especially true for those women who have allergic reactions that occur after each hair removal procedure in the armpits and other delicate areas.

1. Honey and cucumber pulp are mixed in equal parts, you can add a few drops of essential oil. Such a composition can be applied regularly. There will be no trace of dark zones, the elasticity of the skin will increase. The product can be kept on the epidermis for about half an hour.

2. Remove the peel from one tomato, process it into a homogeneous mixture, add a few drops of lemon juice and olive oil. The tool is recommended to be used on an ongoing basis. Complementing each other, both products effectively combat dark pigmentation.

3. Grind through a sieve 2 tablespoons of cottage cheese (preferably homemade), mix with gruel from processed cucumber. The mask is applied to the problem areas with a thick layer, covered with a napkin made of cloth soaked in cucumber juice. The exposure time is half an hour, it is allowed to use this tool on an ongoing basis.

4. Several gauze napkins are being prepared (the number and size should correspond to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe areas in need of clarification). Peel a pineapple, process into a pulp, moisten wipes that need to be applied to areas with pigmentation. Thanks to the fruit acids contained in pineapple, the epidermis is gently and quickly brightened.

Recipes for home remedies are highly effective and safe. Using whitening products of self-preparation, you can forever forget about pigmentation not only in the intimate, but also in other areas of the body.

Masks are suitable for treating the skin of the back, arms, face. To maintain a uniform skin tone, it is recommended to use prepared products on a regular basis all year round.

How to whiten underarm skin at home:

Skin whitening in the intimate area. Instruction: