Congratulations on important events short verse to the godson. Congratulations from the godmother to the godson

My godson, you have a holiday!
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart, my love
And I wish you kindness
Love, spiritual purity!
Always responsive and courageous,
And an honest, smart, loyal friend
In any case, you are skillful,
Where there is light around!
I'm always proud of you, dear,
I'm like a second mother to you.
In trouble, I will help anyone,
So always be the happiest!

I'm so proud of you my godson
I appreciate self-confidence!
Let the pectoral cross protect
From all the vicissitudes of fate!
Remember the commandments of God
And do not drop the honor of men!
Know that much is possible in life
And never be discouraged!

I baptized you as a baby
And then I wished
To always shine for you
Your lucky star
Though the days go by
And you're getting older
Don't forget the godmother:
You are very, very dear to her!

My godson, my joy
And I'm glad to congratulate you
I wish you happy days
And only new impressions
I'm glad that I know you
And I bless you for success
May fate smile on you
And the good things in life will wake up
Happy birthday dear
My godson you are mischievous
I wish fairy tales in life
And drown you from affection!!!

Dear beloved godson,
Let, as a harbinger of joy,
My verse will embrace you
This holiday season!
And I hug too
Happy birthday!
And I kiss you
Your mother is your godmother!
May there be a lot of luck
On any of your roads!
Let your star burn
May the Lord keep you!

I congratulate you on your birthday
My godson, dear, dear!
I wish to go through life boldly
Only the right, good path.
May difficulties be overcome
Luck in everything and everywhere.
Great success, bright joy,
Kind words, affectionate to you.
Excellent, cheerful mood,
Faith, Hope, bright Love,
Great, great inspiration.
May only good things lie ahead.

Accept from godmother congratulations -
Today is your birthday!
I'll tell you, my godson, without a doubt -
You mean a lot to me.
And I sincerely wish you good luck
Success in undertakings, deeds,
To become richer every day
To start the day with a smile on your lips!

He belonged to the ancient Hyde dynasty and was the son and heir of the Earl of Clarendon, the Queen's uncle... but there was no pride in his demeanor.

Hang yourself, you'll regret it; do not hang yourself, you will regret it, in both cases you will regret it. Such, gracious sirs, is the summary of all life's wisdom...

I was still just a kid. Vladyka served, and I held his staff. Then he hugged me, kissed me and said: “How happy you are, what is with the Lord ...”

The main task of all the churches was the same: to inspire poor serfs that for them there is no happiness on earth, it is prepared for them in heaven, and that hard labor for someone else's uncle is a charitable deed.

The politician reminds me of a man who killed his father and mother, and then, when he is sentenced, asks for his mercy on the grounds that he is an orphan.

My most serious sin is that I allowed Bahruz-khanim and the mother of my heir Tahmas Mirza Tajly-beyim to stay in Chaldiran. Both of them fought in men's attire. Both of them, it turns out, were called to fight in the name of the glory of the Motherland.

It's a disaster if they write about you in the press! It's bad if they criticize - this is clear to everyone. But you will repent and you will be forgiven. But if they praise you, oh, there are people here who will never forgive you for this.

For a long time he was no longer in his homeland; It's been a year since his mother left town. He arrived in the evening. Why describe the joy of mother and son after a year of separation? There are minutes, there are scenes that even offend the feeling in the description.

Let everyone know that, devoting all my strength to the good of the people, I will protect the beginnings of autocracy as firmly and unswervingly as my late, unforgettable parent guarded it.

The sovereign must always consult with others, but only when he wants it, and not when others want it; and he must upset anyone who takes it into his head, uninvited, to give him advice.

And only for my grandmother, Iliko and Illarion - no matter how many institutes I graduated from - I remained the same Zurikela - a scoundrel, a talker and a non-Christ.

They say I took my wife to a Rochdale reserve game as a gift to my wife on our wedding anniversary. It is not true. It was on her birthday. What am I, a psycho - to marry during the season?!

God gave me joy - to be your godmother.
Illuminate the guiding road with a star.
Godfather son, on this bright day
From a pure heart, I congratulate you.

You are destined for many things in life,
Answer serious questions.
And I wish you a decent life,
And light the way with your heart for those who are walking!

Birthday! I remember perfectly
This date is long overdue.
And today it becomes clear
That we will not be sad.

Today I will introduce my son to everyone.
He is my godson and my joy!
And from pure heart congratulations,
For him, we are a second family.

I wish you health, good luck,
I will never leave you
You are a baby today. Tomorrow - macho!
Up your nose, don't be sad, straighten your back!

My godson,
As a mother, I love you.
To you my dear angel
I give warmth and gifts.

I want you to be honest
Always honor father and mother,
And maybe become famous
However, don't forget us!

Let on your way
Meet good people.
And you, like a star, shine -
We will admire you!

As if yesterday you were baptized
And you are already so big!
I wish that you were loved
Friends, family with all my heart!
Congratulations from godmother
Today you, dear, accept!
Happy birthday and happy birthday
And hug your godmother!
Let the lights burn in your eyes!
Always be healthy, happy
And cheerful, like a spring stream!
Perky, nimble and playful!
My dear godson - happy birthday!

Being a godmother is a whole science!
Then I'll have to nurse my godfather's grandson!
Well, today - one-two-three!
The candle on the birthday cake is still burning ....
My boy! My son! I congratulate you like this:
I wish you lots and lots of happiness in your life!
I wish you to grow up smart and beautiful,
I want to be not a bit arrogant.
You are smart - and you are mom's helper!
And sometimes you will help me, well done!
I probably don't know the words
to describe you. So end of verse.

From such a son - who would refuse?
You became my own son, believe me!
And today I'm like a godmother - like a mother
I brought 100500 gifts, check it out!
The boy must be fully armed!
And then suddenly to us evil forces will they fly? ..
Therefore, among the gifts - guns,
And a few more pomegranates.
Your godmother will add to them
A bunch of wishes and a bag
Delicious congratulations, but most importantly -
Be healthy, my godson, my son!

With you I'm always wondering
Soy boy, my godson!
With you, we have traveled a hundred roads!
So be happy, son.
Grow up, grow up fast!
Your whole life is ahead of you.
Fate opens all doors
To those who fly with hope.
And I wish the godson
Become wise - and become well done!
Happy birthday, congratulations
Happy and nice day!

From the godmother congratulations,
From "just" mom - a treat!
From your mothers to you, son,
Huge birthday cake.
Grow my little son,
Your voice is like that bell
What calls into the distance, orders to go
And don't give up on the way.
Happy wonderful day - happy birthday
I want to congratulate you!
You became my son, dear,
I can't imagine life without you!

Godson dear, dear
Like my own son.
I love, I wish you well
Happy birthday!

Godson, be always healthy,
And let dreams from dreams
Reality will be in an instant.
Be happier than everyone else!

Let success fly to you
May the Lord keep you.
I wish that in fate
You've been lucky every day.

My little godson
My sweet boy
Happy birthday to you
Godfather son!

Grow up, don't worry
Be cheerful and honest
And smart and brave
For all interesting!

Be fast, sporty
And bold, active,
Be kind, caring
The most beloved!

My dear and beloved godson! I wish you a happy birthday and wish you to grow up as a real man - strong, healthy, fearless, smart and very kind! To overcome with honor all the obstacles on the path of life, help the needy, support the weak and love his parents very much! Good luck with your studies, good grades and deep knowledge! Appreciate friendship and love, and then everything will be fine, and happiness will always be your reliable companion in life!

Today is your birthday.
Be happy, dear godson!
Let life not upset you
Luck more often illuminates.

Let friends be lucky
Success in business will come to you.
I wish that dreams come true
So that you are happy with life.

Happy birthday, dear godson!
You have grown big.
Be strong and healthy
Be with a good heart.

I wish you happiness,
Lots of interesting things
Do well in school
So that you can do a lot.

For everyone to love you
Were true friends
At school to praise you
Your life was bright.

I hasten to congratulate you on the holiday
Kuma and the miracle godson.
I wish a prankster
Fewer illnesses.

Let all the dreams come true.
Good luck and try!
To please parents
To strengthen the mind and knowledge.

happy birthday congratulations
I am you, my godson,
And with all my heart I wish
The best to be among men.

To bold ideas
Never run out
And in your hands
Spilled like water.

To make your eyes shine
From family warmth
To be waiting for you everywhere
Only successful things.

Before God for you
Godson, I'm in charge
Accept on your birthday
These congratulations.

Let the angel fly
Following you
Faith and Hope
Let the light not go out.

Let my love
Will become a talisman
And a happy fate
Heaven will give.

My godson, my second son,
I wish you on your birthday
Do not know sadness and anxiety,
More happiness and luck.

May your life be easy
Everything is as it should be, everything is in order.
Bright smiles do not melt,
Live in honor and prosperity.

Health, my boy, to you,
Warmth, kindness, love,
And prosperity in fate ...
May God keep you!

Beloved godson, happy birthday.
I wish you happiness and luck.
You are just a miracle for me.
I love you like a son.

I wish you luck
You smile at everyone.
Walk boldly through life
Don't forget family and friends.

I want to say on your birthday:
I'm proud of you, no doubt.
I wish you happiness from the bottom of my heart.
Grow up, I ask, do not rush.

You will get to know life.
And the difficulties of fate to know.
Let dreams come true
After all best boy- it's you.

Walk with confidence
Always forward to your dreams
And know what you want clearly
So that everything can be done without hassle!

Let everything in your life be:
Love, friends, enough money,
Let only the right people
You are surrounded by life!

I wish this birthday
Just be happy for you
More joyful moments
To always live carefree!

Beloved godson is a miracle!
I'm very lucky to have you
Let all people envy
What a godson I have!

I'm proud of you, no doubt
Hurry up to hear the main thing:
I wish you a birthday
Health, happiness from the heart!

I want to wish you, godson,
Keep your pure soul!
Wear a cross on your chest
And listen to your heart!

Have a purpose and a path in life
Friends and real friends!
Be strong, healthy and smart
Achieve brilliant results!

Dear godson! Please accept my congratulations on this sunny, festive day! Let your life be like wonderful fairy tale beautiful and interesting! May everything you wish come true! Be happy for many years!

Godchild in verse

I pray to God for you
To be smart, happy,
Chose the bright road!

To honor relatives and friends,
Living according to the commandments of God
Worked great
Was healthy and good!

I want to wish you
So that a messenger of happiness appears,
And a lot of joy in fate
You are my favorite godson.

Your birthday for me
A truly special holiday.
I wish without love - not a day,
And impressions of bright different!

Today, godson, birthday, cheerful laughter goes around,
In the morning, the doors are open to everyone here, and happiness boldly enters the house!
Please accept our wishes for health, happiness and kindness,
Love, intuition and understanding, to be lucky, because life is a game!

I'm so proud of you my godson
I appreciate self-confidence!
Let the pectoral cross protect
From all the vicissitudes of fate!
Remember the commandments of God
And do not drop the honor of men!
Know that much is possible in life
And never be discouraged!

Godchild in verse

My boy, my beloved godson,
I pray to God for you
To be smart, happy,
Chose the bright road!
To honor relatives and friends,
Living according to the commandments of God
Worked great
Was healthy and good!

I wish dear godson
Draw strength in joy and faith!
I promise friendship and support
I believe in a sunny future!
Let the world of the universe reveal the secrets,
Share the secrets of the craft!
Be happy, be kind without fail,
A real guy - smart, adult!

On the Land of the Gods, the viceroy,
Himself - our idol, our god,
Happy birthday, dear godson,
My best friend!
Young and green, friend, while you
Let you go under the table for now
Shoulders strong sloping
And your hand is firm.
Yes, the heart is ready for love,
The upper room of the mind is full ...
Can't look back -
Become a grandmother, godfather!
Speak always
my darling godson,
Among people as a sorcerer-sorcerer!!