Crochet technology mug stand project. Funny crochet stand "Chicken". Master Class. Schemes of round coasters for a mug

A hot stand is always needed. And if she’s funny, then the mood will be good, right? This is the kind of cheerful chicken that needlewoman Wilma, who lives in the Netherlands, suggests crocheting. Do you like the idea? ...

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Nobody likes wet circles on furniture or stains from hot utensils. Coasters, good and different, help us avoid all these troubles. Such a need can be easily done with your own hands, since there are options...

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Good afternoon, dear needlewomen and all blog guests!

Today I have a small topic: I decided to show you how you can make coasters for mugs with your own hands. A lot of people are interested in this issue.

Crochet is the closest thing to me, so I made a small selection of simple patterns for crocheted mug coasters. They often learn to crochet from such things.

DIY crochet mug coasters

First of all, I was inspired by these photos of coasters for mugs that I saw on the Internet.

Wow, such adorable sets! They can be used for cups and glasses when setting the table.

Even on weekdays, the kitchen or dining room should be beautiful. And these knitted little things add both comfort and mood.

In addition, these knitted items perform a practical function; they protect the surface of the furniture from stains and scratches, especially if something hot is placed on the table, so as a stand for hot items, this is perhaps its most important use.

Of course, some wooden or wicker coasters may be more practical and convenient, but we, needlewomen, need to use the leftover yarn and in general, tying coasters with our own hands is much more pleasant, in addition, this fashionable decoration for the kitchen will surprise both home and guests.

Let's show our creative imagination and knit coasters for mugs!

You can use any thick thread. And the leftover yarn will come in handy. You just need to take into account the style of the interior and choose a nice color for knitted coasters.

We choose, as always, a hook that matches the yarn.

Schemes of round coasters for a mug

The crocheted mug stands in the top main photo are crocheted according to the diagram below:

In principle, you can use any pattern for knitting round coasters. The diagrams posted here would be perfect, or I won’t repeat myself and post them again. By the way, there is a diagram close to the pink stands.

Here is another simple diagram, read about it below:

When knitting colored patterns, you should correctly make the transition from one color to another, knitting the last loop of the row with a new color. You can see how to do this in my video, in which I show how to crochet a sunflower flower, which, by the way, turned out to be an excellent coaster for a mug.

And here are some cute coasters - flowers, I also made a tutorial on how to knit them:

Schemes of square coasters for a mug

I haven’t knitted any sets of coasters yet, but I do have one coaster for a mug. It turned out completely unexpectedly.

The fact is that some of my friends at home really like to drink tea while sitting in an armchair watching the TV. Trying to put a hot mug on the coffee table with my snow-white one caused, to put it mildly, very strong emotions. I immediately found something to substitute. And one day I came across a motif that I had knitted specifically for making a master class. So it remained to serve as a stand for hot mugs, which roams from an armchair to a sofa, and from a sofa to a computer desk, and is in no way tied to the style of the interior, but is quite a nice stand for a mug with your own hands.

Coasters for mugs and glasses in the form of a leaf


1. Problem situation.

2. Goals and objectives.

3. Research.

4. Initial ideas.

5. Product requirements.

6. Choosing the best idea.

7. Selection of tools and materials.

8. Calculation of cash costs.

9. Manufacturing technology.

10. Expert assessment and self-assessment.

1. Problem situation

Her friend, whom they have not seen for a long time, should come to see her mother. And my mother asked me to make some decoration for the kitchen with my own hands. During our technology lessons we covered crocheting and knitting. I decided to apply my knowledge - to knit an interesting thing using the knitting technique. It should not only be beautiful, but also always useful in the kitchen!

2. Goals and objectives of the project

1.Develop and manufacture the product.

2. Conduct research.

3. Develop a sketch of my design product, which can be made with your own hands, while improving existing skills and abilities.

4. Organize a workplace.

5. Select tools and accessories for my product.

6. Select materials for the product.

7.Choose a color.

8. Monitor the quality of your work.

9.Assess the quality of the finished product.

So mytask: develop and make a functional item for the kitchen using knitting technique.

3 . My research

1. Are there similar products on sale?

Yes, there are similar products on sale, but I want to make the product myself.

2. Why did I like them?

I liked them for their practicality, and the fact that they are not only a kitchen accessory, but also a useful thing.

3. What would I change about them?

I would change the color, size, some details.

4. What is their cost?

Their market price is expensive as it is handmade. But it will be better and cheaper to do it yourself.

5. What yarn are they made from?

They are made from linen, cotton, acrylic, viscose.

6.What do my parents advise me?

My mother advised me to knit something small. I'm not very diligent and I can't handle a large product.

7.Who can help me with my work?

My aunt knits well and she can help and supervise my work.

4. Initial ideas

I liked a few ideas I found online.


I like them all, but I need to choose one idea that meets the requirements that determine my choice.

5. Product requirements

1. Available manufacturing technology.

2. Simple design.

3. Low yarn consumption.

4. Speed ​​in production.

5. Functionality in use.

6. Corresponds to the color scheme of the service.

7. Low cost of material.

8. Will be useful for all family members.

6 . Choosing the best idea

Conclusion: Having assessed all the results, I decided to knit a stand for hot food.

Now I need to answer a few questions.

7 . Selection of tools and materials

What tool will I knit with?

Conclusion: I choose a crochet hook because I am more accustomed to crocheting and I am better at crocheting.

Which stand shape should I choose?

Conclusion: I choose a rectangular shape of the stand, as it will fit better with the service.

Yarn selection

Conclusion: I choose acrylic yarn because it is voluminous, comes in different colors, and you can knit a stand from it easily and quickly.

Yarn color for the stand.

Conclusion: I choose the blue color because it matches the service better.

8. Calculation of cash costs

Since I only need a hook and a skein of yarn for the stand, I only bought yarn at the store because I had a hook.

Conditional price

per unit, rub.


1 skein

Result: 50 rubles

Conclusion: To make the stand I will need 50 rubles. This is cheaper than the market price. This design work (making a stand) is economically feasible and brings savings to the family budget.

Environmental assessment

The more economical the material resources used are, the less natural raw materials will need to be extracted and, accordingly, the less destruction of the natural environment will be necessary.In the manufacture of the product were useds environmentally friendly materials. Knittingdoes not have a negative effect on human health.

9 . Manufacturing technology d rates

Beginning: dial 7 ch and close the resulting chain with 1 ss.

1st row: do 3 lifting chains, 23 s1n, 1 ss.

2nd row: 3 lifting ch, 3 ch, 1 d1n, 3 ch, 1 d1n and so on. In total there should be 12 columns, between which there is a distance of 3 ch, at the end of the row 1 ss.

3rd row: 3 ch, 4 dc in an arch of 3 ch, 1 ch, 5 dc in an arch of 3 ch, 1 ch and so on in a circle, at the end of the row 1 dc.

4th row: 1 ch, 1 sc, 5 ch, 1 sc in the next gap in the form of 1 ch from the previous row. We knit this way in a circle, creating arches of 5 ch. Instead of the last arch of 5 ch, make 3 ch and 1 dc at the beginning of the row (at the top of the sc). This way the hook remains in the middle of the arch.

5th row: 3 lifting ch, 2 s1n with one top, 3 ch. Next, in each arch we knit 2 elements, consisting of 3 s1n with one vertex, between which there will be a distance of 3 ch. We knit the last arch as 2 ch and 1 dc at the beginning of the work.

6th row: we make arches from 5 ch, at the base of which there are sc.

7th row: In every 4th arch of 5 ch we knit the sequence 6 ch1n, 3 ch, 6 ch1n, then we knit 2 arches of 5 ch.

10 . Expert assessment and self-assessment


Assessment (self-assessment)

My stand fully meets the requirements presented at the design stage:

    I was able to do it myself;

    did not require a large amount of yarn;

    has a simple design;

    little time was spent on production;

    the color is chosen well;

6) does not have a harmful effect on the environment.

Mom's friend

She said it was a work of art.


Mom called me a needlewoman and said that technology lessons were good for me.


A friend liked the stand and said it was beautiful and unusual.


The teacher noted that the work was completed on time. The quality of work is good. The product is useful and beautiful.

So I finished working on a creative project. I put a lot of effort and effort into it and enjoyed it immensely. I really like my job.

Source of information used to complete the project.

    Internet resources.

    Textbook “Technology. Technologies for housekeeping" for students in grades 6-7.