Fun birthday invitation. How to creatively invite to a birthday party. Anniversary invitation text

Birthday is one of the main holidays, if not the main one, in the life of every person. This holiday is especially important for children. After all, what child doesn’t want to have fun and eat delicious food in the company of friends who, in addition, also give gifts? But to make the holiday truly fabulous, interesting and fun, you need to follow the conventional rules of such events. Where does any holiday begin? Of course, with the invitation of guests. And parents, together with their beloved children, must approach this point with all care and responsibility.

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This article is devoted to the basic rules for preparing birthday invitations for girls of different ages: 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 years old, as well as younger and older ages. No cars, menacing robots or weapons for you - only fairies, princesses and dolls. So what should an invitation to a girl’s birthday look like? How should it be formatted? What text or pictures should be on it? How long should guests be notified of a planned event? You will find out the answers to all these questions as soon as you read this article to the end. Have a nice time.

How to make an invitation bright, colorful and informative, so as to sow the seed of genuine interest and anticipation of the celebration among a young representative of the fair sex? Here are a few simple rules for correctly designing and filling out invitation cards:

  • Rule #1. Invitation format. Invitations to any guests to any event must be made only in writing. This is especially true for children, especially girls. No SMS messages, phone calls or video calls. It is best to design a traditional invitation card, decorating it in all possible ways, while don't forget to write
    a good text that should briefly describe the purpose of the visit and the nature of the event.
    The person you invite should be treated with respect. It's best to make each invitation manually to take into account the unique characteristics of each person who will be invited. You can paste pictures or photographs that will emphasize the exclusivity of this invitation for a specific person. After all, everyone loves attention, especially girls. It seems like a small thing, but how much your child’s girlfriends will be pleased!
  • Rule #2. Visual design. Since we are talking about invitations for young ladies, there are countless options when it comes to design. You can arrange an invitation in any way, do it as your heart desires. You can make an invitation in the form of some animal, for example, in the form of a butterfly.

    A scroll is very popular - a piece of paper designed to look like an old letter, elegantly rolled into a pod.

    Can decorate the invitation with stickers with your favorite cartoon characters. The main thing in all this abundance is to make the invitation bright and eye-catching. The color scheme should be dominated by bright, spectacular, dazzling colors: red, pink, orange, lilac, turquoise, mother-of-pearl. Feel free to use glitter and foil. Remember: children are like magpies; they love everything shiny. Ultimately, having seen the invitation, the girl to whom it is addressed should not let it go. And if you manage to do this, then the planned holiday will definitely be incredibly fun, because you set the initial mood of all its characters extremely successfully.

  • Rule #3. Invitation text. So we have smoothly approached the third point of our list. I will say without exaggeration: the text of the invitation is the most difficult thing in its design. After all, he should be short but succinct and informative, as well as fun and friendly. It is best not to type the text on a computer, but to write it by hand, preferably in beautiful handwriting. Believe me, seeing handwritten text in an event invitation is always much nicer than a soulless printed poem downloaded from the Internet. Moreover, if you write the text yourself and sincerely, then, believe me, it will be noticeable. As with the design, the invitation text should be unique for each of the people you invite. Moreover, birthdays are not the most crowded holiday. Approach the process of writing text creatively, take into account the individual characteristics of each invitee. Believe me, some girls will be very touched by this approach.
  • Rule #4. Invitation packaging. A classic invitation card should be placed in a mailing envelope before being sent to the recipient. You don't want it to get wrinkled, do you? There are two options for envelopes in which you can enclose an invitation: a regular envelope and a decorated envelope. If you put the invitation in a regular envelope, then upon receipt the invited person will not have any idea what is inside. And when he opens it, he will be pleasantly surprised. The effect of surprise in this case will come in handy. If you choose the second option - an envelope pre-designed to match the event, then this most pleasant visual design will set the child in the right mood at first glance, but there will obviously not be such a bright surprise effect as with the first option. Both of these options are good in their own way, so choosing one of them will be very difficult.
  • Rule #5. Sending out invitations. The final item on our list is sending out invitations. Birthday is a popular holiday, loved by everyone, but not particularly large and significant. After all, birthdays are celebrated every year.

    According to etiquette, it is established that birthday invitations reach the recipients several days before the event. Firstly, only the largest celebrations, such as weddings, are reported several weeks in advance. Secondly, it is convenient: guests will have time to get ready, buy a gift and find an outfit that matches the nature of the event.

    If those you want to invite live too far away, you can make an exception by inviting them via audio or video link. People who live nearby can be given an invitation by hand, and those who live in other cities, but not too far away, should be sent an invitation by mail. Only
    Find out in advance about the delivery time of the invitation to the recipient in order to send it taking into account this time period.

That's all, this is where all our rules end. These basic tips and recommendations will help you create a high-quality and beautiful birthday invitation for girls of preschool and school age. But don’t rush to follow exactly everything described above. These rules contain both mandatory points and those that are not very significant and can be easily replaced. Moreover, each person is unique, everyone likes something different. The main thing is to remember one simple truth: when doing something for people, do it with a kind soul and sincere intentions.

Several examples of birthday invitations for girls: photos and samples

Dear friends, we invite you to a gala event dedicated to the birthday celebration, which will take place in - . We are looking forward to seeing you!

I am glad to invite you to a celebration in honor of my birthday. The event will take place at ________________ _____ (date). I sincerely look forward to a warm meeting, sincere smiles and your wonderful mood. On this day we will have a lot of fun, dance heartily and maybe sing.

It is my pleasure to invite you to my birthday. I want to say only one thing: this holiday will not be so bright and wonderful, cheerful and happy for me without your presence. Therefore, I hope that _date you will come to the address_ and congratulate me with a kind smile.

I invite you on _____ date to take part in the birthday celebration! This event will take place at: _____________. Bring a smile and a good mood, and I’ll take care of the fun company and good impressions!

I invite you to a holiday that will ring notes of joy in honor of my birthday, and your presence will add a touch of joy and wonderful mood to this celebration. I am waiting for you without delay and fully prepared to have a great time.

My dear ________________________! Of course, you remember that I celebrate my birthday on ________________ year! I cordially invite you to share my joy at ___________________________ __________year at ______ hour. Don't forget to grab a bag of great mood, a hundred thousand jokes, a couple of dozen fresh anecdotes, a decent supply of breathtaking smiles and a sea of ​​goodwill and fun! Have fun and amuse the rest of the guests, enjoy and enjoy life!

I hasten to invite you to a party in honor of my birthday. Your presence is very important for me, because it is with you that I can have fun from the bottom of my heart, feel and see all the beauty of the holiday. Be sure to come on _______ (date) at ____________, leave me your kind congratulations, and I promise to give you a piece of my soul, and, of course, bright positive emotions.

I invite you to attend the birthday celebration that will take place on __. __. __ at __: __ at _________________. Let's celebrate this important day together, in the circle of close and beloved friends. Let this day remain in your memory forever!

I hasten to inform you that there will be a celebration on _date at the address_, which you simply must attend. The occasion is my birthday, the celebration menu is fun, dancing, songs, smiles, gifts, interesting communication, as well as a friendly, warm atmosphere. I'm waiting for you at my party.

I hasten to invite you to my holiday as soon as possible. My birthday is coming soon and I sincerely hope that your presence will brighten my celebration. With your smile, with your charm and cheerful soul, this holiday will undoubtedly become happier, more interesting and brighter. I’m waiting for you on ________(date) at ___________________________, always in a cheerful and excellent mood.

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Any celebration implies the presence of beloved guests, and a birthday is no exception. Of course, you can invite your dear guests to share the joys of this day with you over the phone, because for many, sending an invitation is nothing more than a simple waste of time and money.

However, if you truly respect and love your family, loved ones, friends and colleagues, a beautiful invitation requires a card. In this way, you can prove how important the presence of a particular guest is for you, and you will also emphasize your respect and special attitude towards the recipient, who simply cannot help but appreciate it. Agree, it’s very nice to receive such a cute little thing.

In addition, creating an invitation creates a magical holiday atmosphere and reduces the likelihood that the guest will be late or forget about your birthday in the continuous cycle of their own affairs.

Determine the number of guests

So, in order to start creating an invitation, you need to decide on the number of guests. Write a list, think about accompanying people. If you want to see a whole family living in one house at your holiday, you can write one invitation in which you indicate the names of all its members.

If you are inviting a friend or unmarried relative, it is advisable to indicate his/her significant other in the invitation.

Think about design

You could write a whole book about this in several volumes. If the birthday does not have a clearly defined theme, invitations can be created in any color and material.

When you have a thoughtful idea for a holiday, it is natural that the invitation should be made in the same frames and colors.

Think through every little detail and combine all the elements of holiday decor, as well as dishes, into a single common theme. First, you should decide on a color: give preference to one or two colors that will harmoniously combine with each other. Accordingly, create invitations in the same palette.

Next, think about the topic. If we are talking about - the theme of any cartoon, fairy tale, superhero or animal will do. If it’s an adult’s birthday, give preference to countries of the world, festivals, era or youth direction.

Think about what items characterize and fully reveal the chosen theme and feel free to weave them into the decor - from a birthday cake to an invitation.

Making your own invitation

Of course, you can order ready-made invitations or purchase blanks. Perhaps it will be easier, but such invitations will not be unique, and they may not be cheap.

The best option would be a hand-made invitation. It’s not at all difficult; on the contrary, it’s quite entertaining, and you can save a lot of money.

The postcard frame is best made from cardboard or thick paper. Today you can buy beautiful cardboard with different structures - linen fabric, coil, floral indentations, zigzags, etc. You can also buy cardboard with prints - balls, turrets, hearts, stars, Christmas trees, checkered patterns, etc. It is better to decorate a postcard with such printed material, and for the frame it is more advisable to choose a plain material.

For decoration, buttons, ribbons, linen threads, burlap, lace, rhinestones, shiny threads and much more that can be put on glue or used to tie a card are suitable.

Show your imagination, first try to attach decorative elements to the invitation frame, twist it, experiment, and you will definitely get the most beautiful and unique invitation.


You can sign the invitation using poetry, or take beautiful lines from your favorite poet as an epigraph. However, any invitation must include the following information.

  1. Address guests by name.
  2. Time and gift of the event.
  3. Place of celebration - name of the restaurant (if it is a restaurant) and address.
  4. Phone number of the hero of the occasion.

After specific details, do not forget to emphasize that you will be very happy to share the happy moments of celebration with our distinguished guests.


The invitation should be given by hand or sent by mail, but the second option should be done in advance so that the invited person has time to receive it a few days before the celebration. Examples for children

  • Dear (Name)

I invite you to a celebration of my birthday, which will take place (date, place, address). There will be a sweet table, competitions and many fun games. I will be very glad to meet you!

Your friend (Name).

  • Dear (Name)!

I invite you and your little sister (Name) to a party in honor of my birthday (date, place, address).

The party will be fairy themed, so try wearing wings or bringing a magic wand!

Your friend (Name).

  • Dear (Name)!

I will be sincerely glad to see you and your parents at the celebration in honor of my ___ anniversary!

The celebration will take place on (date, time) at (place) at (address).

Please inform us in advance of your presence.

(Own name).

  • Beloved girlfriend (Name)

My parents are throwing a party in honor of my __ anniversary, and I will be sincerely glad to see you on this day (date) at (place, address). There will be a lot of sweets, entertaining games with animators, competitions and songs!

The birthday person who wants to know how to invite guests to his birthday can use another option and prepare invitation cards for the holiday. If there are people in the birthday boy’s family with artistic inclinations, then they can draw these invitations. They will have to try to ensure that each guest receives their own individual invitation, differing in text and external design.

How to invite to a birthday party

We are all busy people. That is why invite to a birthday party no later than 1 week in advance. Just during this time, he will have time to cancel plans, if he had them for that day, or he will simply know that on such and such a date at such and such a time he is coming to your birthday, as a result of which all subsequent he will schedule meetings on other dates.

It is also necessary to warn your friend about the birthday invitation in advance because he must have time to buy a gift for you, and this may take more than one day.

Before inviting someone to a birthday party, check the location where the celebration will take place. When you finally decide on it, you can start inviting guests, including your friend. By the way, if a friend has a wife or girlfriend, ask whether he will come with her or come alone - this is necessary in order to count the number of guests.

If it's important, tell your friend that there is a dress code or simply explain how he/she should dress. The holiday can take place in an informal setting, and in this case, if a friend comes in a formal suit, he will look, at least, strange. On the contrary, it will be a very awkward situation if all the guests at the birthday party are dressed to the nines, and a friend shows up in jeans and a T-shirt.

Now let's talk about birthday invitations. You can simply send emails to your friends, relatives, and acquaintances. Don't limit yourself to a standard text file - send an electronic invitation card to your guests for your holiday. Basically, get creative!

You can also send standard invitations by mail or even send a telegram. Only, of course, in this case, you need to deal with such issues at least 3 weeks in advance, since letters and telegrams take a long time. You can also simply visit your guests and present them with invitations in person.

Remember that invitations themselves are a great way to create a suitable atmosphere at a holiday and immerse guests in its theme in advance. We sincerely believe that you will invite many guests to your birthday, and they will all come to the holiday with gifts and a great mood!

How to make a birthday invitation

If you are sending a birthday invitation, then it can be designed according to the taste of the person you are inviting. That is, when you send invitations to your close friends, you can draw something on the message that symbolizes your holiday.

For example, a huge cake, a bottle of champagne and a tape recorder. And next to it write something like: “Dear friend! I invite you to my birthday party! Come, we'll have a lot of fun!" This will mean that you are planning to throw a wonderful party.

Oral birthday invitation

The question - how to invite guests to a birthday party - cannot but worry birthday people as this holiday approaches. There are two ways to invite people to a celebration with whom it is always a pleasure to communicate.

However, in order not to upset the plans of the guests, this should be done in advance, about two weeks before the holiday.

So, answering the question of how to invite guests to a birthday party, we can recommend doing it in person. The birthday boy must remember that when inviting acquaintances and friends to celebrate his own birthday, you should not use the phone, because some of them may perceive such an action as a sign of disrespect for themselves.

Therefore, the hero of the upcoming celebration will have to meet with his potential guests and make a verbal invitation to the upcoming celebration. At the same time, he should not forget to mention the location of the celebration, its date and time of arrival of the guests.

Invitation cards for guests

In the absence of such talents, you can use ordinary postcards, choosing them that are suitable for the theme. Despite the fact that card manufacturers always try to print a small congratulation or words of invitation, for those for whom it is important to know how to properly invite to a birthday party, you should not sign the printed text, but add a little handwriting of your own.

Birthday invitation cards should be placed in envelopes and sent by mail. For those birthday celebrants who want the invitation procedure to be beautiful and memorable for the invited guests for a long time, we can advise you to use another option for delivering invitation cards. In this case, you will have to contact a specialized company for services.

Now that you know the answer to the question of how to invite someone to a birthday party, you can begin to implement one of the invitation options and prepare for the holiday.

I invite you to my birthday and I want to say that without your presence the celebration will not be a holiday. I look forward to seeing you at_ _date. I sincerely hope that on this day you will be able to leave your affairs aside and please me with your visit, warm congratulations, good wishes and a wonderful, infectious mood.

Dear friends! I invite you to a celebration dedicated to my birthday. On this day I want to see my closest and dearest people nearby. I guarantee enthusiasm and fun! I'm waiting for you at _____________ o'clock at ______________. Bring a good mood and a couple of toasts in my honor. Refusals will not be accepted.

I invite my closest and dearest people, who occupy a large piece in my heart, to join the solemn event, which will take place at: _____________________, ________ date. We will gather as a friendly company in honor of my birthday. I'm looking forward to it!

My dear ________________________! Of course, you remember that I celebrate my birthday on ________________ year! I cordially invite you to share my joy at ___________________________ __________year at ______ hour. Don't forget to grab a bag of great mood, a hundred thousand jokes, a couple of dozen fresh anecdotes, a decent supply of breathtaking smiles and a sea of ​​goodwill and fun! Have fun and amuse the rest of the guests, enjoy and enjoy life!

I’m sharing the good news that on ___ the day at ____ o’clock you are expected at a birthday celebration that will take place at _________________. Please come with joy and a smile on your face, with a playful and good mood, with an invincible desire to have fun and have fun!

I am happy to inform you that a celebration in honor of my birthday will soon take place. I would like to inform you that the celebration will take place on _ date at _, and without your presence this holiday will be a simple day, but with you we will have a lot of fun, sing, dance and drink to my happiness. I am waiting for you in a good mood and without delay.

I invite you to join our cheerful company in honor of the birthday celebration! This exciting event will take place on ______date, at ____________________________.
We are waiting for you with smiles and positive emotions. Ready to share joy, carefree pastime and good emotions!

I invite you on _____ date to take part in the birthday celebration! This event will take place at: _____________. Bring a smile and a good mood, and I’ll take care of the fun company and good impressions!

Dear friends, we invite you to a gala event dedicated to the birthday celebration, which will take place in - . We are looking forward to seeing you!

On this day some time ago I was born and I want to celebrate such an important event for me with wonderful people. I will be very glad to share the joy of the holiday with you and am waiting at _______, ___ date at ____ o'clock.

When holding a celebration, the time at which it is worth inviting all guests and which will be as convenient as possible for those invited, draw up a list of guests and a menu (at least decide on the main items). Another important detail in preparing the holiday is the invitation.

You can warn guests about the upcoming celebration in different ways. But remember that the invitation will play a big role in how and with what your family and friends will gather for the event. The appearance and content of the invitation can give the recipient an opaque hint about the style of the party, what to expect from it and how to prepare.

Use your imagination when creating invitations. It doesn't have to be a standard boring card with basic information about the date, place and time. If you use email for notification, record yourself an audio invitation or a short video for your friends. If you like traditional cards, use words and symbols that only your company understands. For example, if most of the guests studied at this faculty, you probably have professional slang or funny stories, write them down in your congratulations.

Use poems instead of boring traditional invitations. If a voluminous work simply does not fit on the pages of a postcard, record it in audio-video clips or send toys with voice recorders to your guests.

We bring to your attention several poetic invitations. They can be used as is or modified to suit your taste.

Cool invitation in verse

For a wonderful holiday

Arrive exactly on time!

Carry your lovely one,

Wonderful congratulations!

I invite you

With a big gift

For a cup of tea

Or even a jug!

I love gifts

To the point of itching bones!

Not small change, not stamps,

What's more important?

There will be a holiday, treats,

And it's not time to sleep at all.

I'm calling for your birthday

Everyone I want to invite.

You can even without a gift -

Birthdays come once a year.

Come, I don't mind!

I'm sincerely looking forward to seeing everyone!

This long-awaited holiday

I am sending invitations

To all my good friends,

To come to your birthday.

We've been waiting all year

To come and congratulate.

On your birthday we invite you

Forget about all the sorrows.

This holiday is special,

Our new birth.

A new age is coming,

Every year we grow up.

I'll get older again.

Come, friends,

You are at a festive dinner.

And no matter how old

Birthday boy now.

Let it be a secret for you.

I want to invite everyone

Visit this holiday.

That your best friends will come to congratulate you!

We have loved this holiday since childhood,

And now we love him too.

We invite you as soon as possible.

And we don’t need mountains of gifts,

I will spend this holiday

No problems or regrets.

I'm waiting for you soon, friends,

I am sending an invitation.

My holiday is coming soon

I'm waiting for my friends to visit.

You are more than family to me

No resentment or anger

It will be the best of all

My birthdays

The laughter will never end -

It's without a doubt

How many holidays are there in the world?

But there is only one.

I sincerely invite you,

Let's sit together.

Gloomy birthday

You can't celebrate.

The main thing is that it’s nearby

All friends will be there.

Don't judge me harshly

For my poem.

To all relatives and closest ones

I am sending an invitation.

For a special event -

It’s not for nothing that I was born.

Come, I'm looking forward to seeing you!

The main thing is not to forget.

I don't need expensive gifts

I can celebrate just fine without them.

Friends are my usual reward,

That's why I invite you all.

Dear (friend's name)! I invite you and your brother to celebrate my birthday . The gala event will take place (date and time) at:

(the exact address).

Our phone: (phone number).

Dear (names of the invited friend’s parents)! We really hope that you will not ignore our invitation. Please notify us in advance of the presence of you and your children. Please call the phone number indicated above at any time convenient for you to clarify the details.

We invite you and (child's name) to celebrate the third birthday our (name of the birthday girl/birthday boy).

We are waiting for you on (date) at (time) at the address: (address of the event venue). We will be very glad if you accept our invitation and inform us of your presence in advance. A number of married couples with children aged two to four years will also be present at the celebration.

We invite you to an evening of tea and treats dedicated to the birthday of our dear (name of the birthday girl), who gathers people dear and close to her to celebrate (number of years) one year of her wonderful life!

Where (venue). When (date).

Be sure to bring with you: smiles, kindness and love!!!

It was my birthday here, I need to celebrate it somehow. No excuses are accepted, we all come together (date, time and location of the event). Lots of treats, drinks and crazy fun included!


Issued (time and date of celebration of the holiday) in the name of (name of the invitee).

Please come to the address (exact address of the event) to participate in a noisy and fun party called "Birthday" .

During the identification process, you will be subject to a fine corresponding to such events. In case of failure to appear, you will be held accountable to the fullest extent to the hero of the occasion (signature of the birthday boy).

There will be a holiday, treats,
And it's not time to sleep at all.
I'm calling for your birthday
Everyone I want to invite.

You can even without a gift -
Birthdays come once a year.
Come, I don't mind!
I'm sincerely looking forward to seeing everyone!

This long-awaited holiday
I am sending invitations
To all my good friends,
To come to your birthday.

We've been waiting all year
To come and congratulate.
On your birthday we invite you
Forget about all the sorrows.

This holiday is special,
Our new birth.
A new age is coming,
Every year we grow up.

I'll get older again.
Come, friends,
You are at a festive dinner.
And no matter how old

Birthday boy now.
Let it be a secret for you.
I want to invite everyone
Visit this holiday.

I'm sending you an invitation for your birthday.
I am especially looking forward to seeing you.
After all, it’s just endlessly joyful to imagine,
That your best friends will come to congratulate you!

We have loved this holiday since childhood,
And now we love him too.
All the friends who live next door
We invite you as soon as possible.

And we don’t need mountains of gifts,
We just want joy for everyone.
Let everyone be hot at the holiday
And only joyful laughter sounds.

I will spend this holiday
No problems or regrets.
I'm waiting for you soon, friends,
I am sending an invitation.

My holiday is coming soon
I'm waiting for my friends to visit.
You are more than family to me
No resentment or anger

It will be the best of all
My birthdays
The laughter will never end -
It's without a doubt

How many holidays are there in the world?
But there is only one.
I sincerely invite you,
Let's sit together.

Gloomy birthday
You can't celebrate.
The main thing is that it’s nearby
All friends will be there.

Don't judge me harshly
For my poem.
To all relatives and closest ones
I am sending an invitation.

For a special event -
It’s not for nothing that I was born.
Come, I'm looking forward to seeing you!
The main thing is not to forget.

I don't need expensive gifts
I can celebrate just fine without them.
Friends are my usual reward,
That's why I invite you all.

If the question arises: “What to write in an anniversary invitation?”, that is, at least three options for composing the text of the invitation.
1.Option: Take the ready-made text for the invitation from our website.
Option 2: Based on the finished text, compose your own, adapt and remake someone else’s to suit your own conditions.
3.Option: Order an original text from professionals, telling them your wishes, preferences and conditions. By the way, we are also doing this - write to me by email: and in the subject indicate: Write a poetic invitation.

Let's consider the first option. Below I am posting a selection of anniversary invitation texts (there are also original ones).

On August 7th I will celebrate my anniversary,
And I’ll be looking forward to seeing you on your anniversary!
You don't look at my age,
And at 18:00, please come!
I’m writing you the address so you don’t get lost,
And they showed up without delay!
st. Lenina 11 cafe "Veterok"
Sincere congratulations from you,
And I have fun and treats!

A woman is beautiful at any age!
After all, you agree with me?
And I'm already 45 soon,
I ask you to take part in the celebration,
Congratulate me, wish me happiness!
Get ready for the holiday soon!
So: August 20 at 17:00
I'm looking forward to seeing you!

We are sending an invitation,
We are on a holiday - a birthday.
Come see us at four
We gather everyone in the apartment.
And when we feel crowded,
We will continue at the restaurant.
We'll only come home in the morning,
Come! Are looking forward to!

Accept my invitation -
Come to my birthday!
We are waiting for you and your wife at eight,
August 21 please!
Address: Svetlaya 5 - Don't miss it,
And the name of the bar is "Harlequin".


EXPENSIVE ______________!
I invite you _____________ _______g.
in the cafe "________________" (address: __________________),
where my anniversary will be celebrated at ___________ o'clock.


EXPENSIVE ___________________!
We invite you to the celebration that we are organizing
on my anniversary birthday!
We are waiting for you and your husband ______________ ______ hours at the Grand Palace restaurant
by the address _____________________________________
We really hope that you will accept our invitation,
Sincerely, ________________

Guest group:

Dear (names of guests), I will be very pleased to meet you on (date) in (place) to celebrate the round anniversary of my life.
I really hope that the festive evening, spent surrounded by my best friends and those closest to me,
will be a happy and joyful event for all of us!

Dear Sir (guest's name)! On behalf of Her Jubilee Majesty (name of the hero of the day), we have the honor to invite you to the anniversary gala ball,
dedicated to the celebration of the fiftieth anniversary of the birth of Their Jubilee Majesties.
The ball will take place in the Banquet Hall of the restaurant (name of the restaurant, address, date and time of the event).

We respect__ _______________________!
From the bottom of my heart I would like to invite you
for the celebration of my Anniversary, which will begin
at _ (time) _ hours __ (date) __, in the restaurant “________”,
at: _________ (address) _________.
I will be sincerely glad to see you!
Sincerely, _____ (name of the hero of the day) ______

Issued in the name of (name of the invitee).
Please appear (time and date of celebration) at the address (exact address of the event)
to participate in a noisy and fun party called “Birthday”.
If you are late, you will be subject to a fine corresponding to such events.
In case of failure to appear, you will be held accountable to the fullest extent to the hero of the occasion (signature of the birthday boy).

There will be a holiday, treats,
And it's not time to sleep at all.
I'm calling for your birthday
Everyone I want to invite.

You can even without a gift -
Birthdays come once a year.
Come, I will be glad!
I'm looking forward to seeing everyone!

My birthday is on the doorstep -
A fun journey awaits you.
I invite you to nature.
I promise a great evening.
There will be a delicious barbecue
And, of course, cognac.
The flames from the fire will flare up,
We will shout “HURRAY!” in unison.

Dear you are my colleague,
Tomorrow it will be "Super!" "Mega!"
What's the reason? - Anniversary!
I've become a little more mature.
Plan for tomorrow
Not shocking hard work,
What about you and all your colleagues?
They will come to my anniversary!

And now the second option - based on the above, try to compose it yourself!
Write your own anniversary invitation text and don’t be afraid that it will turn out very badly. It’s very bad “from the heart” - it doesn’t happen.
Even the poem below is a masterpiece!

I put rye bread in a thin knapsack,
I'm going to where the birdsong is,
And I see the blue sky above me,
Shaggy clouds and high canopy.

I'm at home here, I didn't come here to visit,
I take off my cap, dressed askew,
A cheerful bird wagging its tail,
My poem is whistling.

Green grass lies under your feet,
And his hand reaches out to the paper,
And I whisper with trembling lips:
"Great is the mighty Russian language!"

The sky flares up, awakening the wind,
The awakening hubbub of bird voices.
Cursing everything in this world,
I again run into the untrodden forests.

The animals rustle, running out to meet you,
Masha with friendly paws:
I'll stay here all evening,
Writing immortal creations.

But, crawling out for a moment from the unsteady mud,
Swamp green thing
Gives it to me with a caring smile
Large Spelling Dictionary.

Once again about the 3rd option for writing text for an anniversary invitation. Order this text from us.
Write - we’ll come to an agreement! We still have a lot of offers for you. GOOD LUCK!

A universal selection of gift ideas for any occasion and occasion. Surprise your friends and loved ones! ;)

Texts of invitations to a child’s birthday in verse and prose

Children's texts for invitations are now of the greatest interest, because a child's birthday is usually celebrated on the greatest scale. How the boys and girls rejoice at each next year!

Many of us adults have long lost our taste for this date. Some people count their wrinkles, some lament over wasted years, and some simply have no friends left with whom to celebrate this day. No, not everyone is so sad, but there are such cases.

Children are like little sparks - ready to flare up from any breeze. So let’s make them glow with the fire of joy by decorating their birth date with stunning invitation texts!

We invite girls to the celebration

Girls are the first to start looking forward to their holiday, much earlier than boys. For them, this is an opportunity to put on a beautiful dress (even for a 1-year-old child), appear in all their glory in front of guests, and simply be a princess. Even gifts are sometimes not such a bright incentive to wait for this date. How can you write to guests about your upcoming birthday and thereby invite them?

In this section you will find the most romantic and sweet invitations that are perfect for a young girl and even an older girl. It will simply be impossible to refuse them! If you invite a friend to visit, then you should definitely use one of them.

A bright dress and a voluminous hairstyle -

I'm looking forward to this quite a bit.

A bunch of multi-colored balls -

Not a holiday date, but just a fairy tale.

But everything without a welcome guest is not nice,

That's why I gave you an invitation.

Come quickly to my birthday (come quickly) -

I invite only true friends to the holiday!

Bear cubs and bunnies, and a group of kittens -

Everyone was going to the holiday, they wanted to congratulate me.

I expect a lot of gifts from them, bright impressions.

It will be fun, of course, I’m looking forward to visiting you too!

To rejoice to your heart's content,

I'm waiting for you at the holiday.

Birthday is a blast,

Here I will sing songs

And I’ll dance as hard as I can,

I'm having as much fun as I can!

Come (come) my dear,

I will not remain in debt!

Little (name) will soon become a little older. This is an event not to be missed! To arrive on time on this significant day (date), come to the address... at (time). Don't forget about a gift for the young lady!

Every year, a small bud quickly turns into an amazingly beautiful flower. Each petal in it is a day lived, which becomes part of the plant. Playing with the glare of the sun, flower petals warmly await guests for the appearance of a new, brightest petal. He will appear on (date), where the birthday girl will be waiting for you, dear Guest!

Frames of life are combined into a single whole, creating a whole film. There are funny and sad moments in this film, there are dull and bright days. The most brilliant day is approaching and is about to arrive. Little Miss (name) is waiting for you to celebrate her birthday and invites you to (date) at...

We invite a boy to the holiday

Young tomboys usually have many friends, including classmates, whom boys really want to invite to their birthday. This can be done either in a classic way or in a fun way. The latter include the design of invitations in witty prose and poetry with humor.

Sometimes it’s important for a boy not just to invite a friend to a party, but also to impress with how exactly he does it. Especially for this occasion, I have prepared several suitable invitations, which, if desired, can even be sent via SMS or, as a last resort, buy ready-made forms and enter them there.

How to arrange an invitation for a boy? Involve famous characters from the same “Minions” and “Paw Patrol” in the case.

We kick the ball in football

And we play in the yard.

We don't play the fool

We give an example to children.

Let's celebrate together

My birthday was a great success.

Let's have fun, we're kids!

It's not time for us to sleep at all.

I want to invite the main one to the holiday,

Which is only once a year.

You are my most welcome guest -

I'll say it without a doubt.

You give any gift -

That's not the point of a holiday,

He is only bright with his friends

And the relatives who will come.

I will invite you to a holiday -

Birthday celebration.

You are the most important participant,

I'm lucky to have you!

There will be a sea of ​​board games

And the console is right there,

Have fun in the open air

We will be with you, friend!

Family and friends are the main wealth of every person. And if we talk about you, then you are the biggest diamond in this treasury. Come to my birthday (date) at the address... and illuminate everyone present with your splendor.

This option is more suitable for a teenager.

If everyone in this life had friends like you, then there would be no unhappy people left on earth! With you, you can handle any obstacle, even if it’s unfinished homework. Come to my birthday party and take a good mood with you! The gift is optional, but also very welcome.

Sometimes you and I argue so much that those around us want to cover their ears and quickly run away from this place. But when we make peace, nothing can stop us! Join the noisy fun in honor of the new year of my life!

P.S. A valid reason for absence from my birthday can only be... Nothing can become, what could be more important?

Sample invitation for a friend, colleague, relative

Despite the greater number of people who want to celebrate children's birthdays, adults also do not forget about their holiday. Some people celebrate a significant date with their family, others like to celebrate this holiday with a friend. And we certainly must not forget about our colleagues! After all, often the date of birth falls on a working day, when, willy-nilly, you have to share such a date with co-workers.

For all these cases, you can use a sample of a polite and correct invitation:

Dear... (name of friend, colleague, relative)!

We all prefer to celebrate our birthday only with people close to us in spirit. I am no exception and that is why I am inviting you to a modest celebration that will take place on (date) at...

Everything will start at (time). Don't be late or warn about it in advance.

(Signature of the birthday boy)

If you want to move away from the generally accepted options for invitations to a holiday, then I advise you to take a closer look at the short options below. They will decorate and allow you to write a really interesting invitation even for an anniversary.

You and I know for sure

That work is not a wolf.

We escape masterfully

From her - we know a lot about it.

No matter how much work there is,

We know that then

There will be only one concern -

Let's enjoy the cake!

For such an emphasis

Don't judge too strictly.

Better soon

Come to my birthday!

Birthday is coming soon,

I want to invite you.

Wish (wish you) me luck,

So that everything is within your reach!

Come (come you) without a doubt

Bring (bring us) a handful of happiness.

Don't forget (don't forget about) the mood,

You (you) are a long-awaited guest!

I wish I could get even quicker

With this bunch of different things to do,

So that we can get together,

Happy birthday to everyone!

And for this date it’s cool

I am happy to call you -

We will eat different dishes,

There, believe me, I will have a blast!

People are born only once. But this event is so important for each of us that it is celebrated annually. This year is no exception - I want to invite you to this special event. Come (date) to the address... and don’t forget about a good mood.

No force can separate people who truly need each other. And a birthday is an additional reason to show this to your close friend by inviting him to this significant day. Come to celebrate the date of my birth (date) by (time) at...

The date of birth is always a special day. Some are sincerely happy about this event, others are melancholy, but it makes an indelible impression on everyone. I want you to help me be in the first category - come to my birthday!

Invitation templates

In order not to look for “those” invitations in stores that would please the birthday boy and his guests, I suggest using the free samples from this article. There are not many of them, but they are made in a modern style, with watercolor drawings that you don’t have to paint yourself. Each of the layouts is almost universal. You can safely give it to a colleague or friend who will be sincerely delighted with such a gift.

You can download all forms below (to do this, you need to open them in the next window by selecting the appropriate item by right-clicking the mouse). All that remains is to print these pictures and, if desired, strengthen the back side with something thick, or immediately print on something like photo paper.

DIY invitations

To create your own invitation, you will need very few materials and imagination. Of course, the design will greatly depend on whose birthday the person is being invited to. What is suitable for girls aged 7-10-12 will not necessarily please a brutal man.

Before creating your invitation, you need to think about what style the event will be held, whether there will be a dress code (for example, a pirate party), etc. Here you will find examples of hand-made invitations that will delight a variety of categories of birthday people.

To make a felt invitation, prepare:

  • felt in bright contrasting colors;
  • satin ribbon, decorative eyes and nose;
  • glue;
  • paper;
  • bright pens, stickers, stamps, etc.


  1. First of all, cut out the invitation base into a square or rectangular shape. Then make a cat’s face, which can be traced along the contour of the product shown in the photo.
  2. Glue the cat's face onto the base. Attach eyes and a nose and a satin ribbon bow to it. If desired, you can add other decorative elements, tint the cat’s ears and cheeks, and make several layers of felt as a base. You can also make a horn - you get a unicorn cat.
  3. After preparing the outside, print or handwrite the text of the invitation. Use glue to attach the leaf to the back.

Instead of glue, you can use large diameter rhinestones with an adhesive backing. By attaching them to the corners of your invitation you will get an original design and fastening at the same time.

The advantage of this type is that you can make several pieces in literally half an hour to an hour, so you don’t need a lot of time for preparation. You can even distribute it to the whole class if you wish. At the same time, this format will definitely remain in memory for a long time and there is an opportunity to supplement and decorate it almost indefinitely. The color palette is also all in front of you - from white to black.

If you want to do something even more original, then these master classes will come in handy. There will be three cool options: the classic one, in the form of Mickey and Minnie Mouse, and the coolest one - in the shape of a bucket of popcorn.

You can even combine the idea of ​​a gift and an invitation at the same time or even use a balloon for this. Such methods are suitable for both a child aged 5-9 years old and an older child.

Want to add some flair to your masterpiece? Look for the texts of the invitations in English or German (just don’t forget to insert a translation).

Video format

For those who are not alien to modern technology and a thirst for something new, the video format is perfect. Using it, you can create such an amazing email invitation that people will be talking about it for a very long time. All you need is a few pieces of paper with holiday pictures, a little imagination and a video camera.

Kindly funny, such invitations will evoke a kind smile for a long time.

This is such a meaningful post. If you found it useful, don’t forget to bookmark it and send it to your friends on social networks. I say goodbye to you and hope to see you in the next posts. See you soon!

Sincerely, Anastasia Skoracheva