What to do on New Year's Eve. Money signs for the New Year. Video: “New Year’s signs for all occasions”

In order for all your New Year's wishes to come true, you can put in very little effort, for example, properly prepare for the New Year's Eve and do a special action on the most magical night to attract wealth to your home. We will look at the signs for the New Year 2019 to make money and improve your financial condition and attract wealth.

Proper preparation for the New Year to attract money

Of particular importance is not only New Year's Eve itself and everything that happens during the holiday, but also preparation for it, the correct end of the outgoing year. To attract money, you should pay attention to the following points and New Year's signs:

1. It is important to repay all financial debts that were incurred in the past year.

2. When buying food for the New Year's feast, do not spend all your money, let the money stay in your pocket. Celebrating the New Year with abundance on the table and emptiness in your pocket does not promise profit.

3. Complete all work and financial related tasks you have started.

4. Put the house in order and clean, disassemble the table and window sills.

5. On New Year's Eve, do not lend money.

6. Choose a lush Christmas tree to decorate your home. A fluffy New Year's guest will attract wealth. Moreover, think carefully about the decoration of the Christmas tree, room and your own outfit. This will also help attract money; more about this later in the article.

The main sign is that you need to celebrate the New Year without spending a penny! Let the money remain after buying groceries and gifts, enter the New Year with full pockets.

Festive tree and table with treats

A good omen for the New Year 2019 for money to flow is to properly decorate the Christmas tree. On the eve of 2019, choose golden decorations, hang a coin and candies on the branches. In general, the Christmas tree should be decorated as brightly and magnificently as possible. This is a very good omen for money in the New Year.

Another good omen will be a generous table with an abundance of treats. To celebrate the Year of the Pig, prepare any type of meat except pork. It would be best if the housewife baked meat on the bone or ribs.

Choose a tablecloth of the appropriate color from natural materials. Yellow and gold shades are good for attracting wealth. Place a coin on the corner of the table or under the tablecloth.

Folk signs for money on New Year's Eve

There are several signs for the New Year 2019 for money to flow, which promise an increase in wealth and an improvement in material condition in the coming year. Here are the most interesting and effective:

1. Accidentally falling asleep before midnight and sleeping through the chimes is another sign that promises well-being and improved financial condition in the coming year. You need to fall asleep accidentally, not on purpose.

2. In preparation for the holiday feast, cut the bread before sunset.

3. Throw away old trash before sunset. After the sun has gone down, you cannot take anything out of the house.

4. An unexpected gift received on the first day of the year promises profit in the near future.

5. There should be 7 green candles on the New Year's table. They are lit before the festive feast, and they must burn until the end.

6. There should be 12 dishes on the festive table. They will symbolize the 12 months of the coming year, which will pass in abundance and prosperity.

7. Clothes for the holiday should be beautiful.

8. When cleaning the table after a feast, do not shake off the crumbs with your hand or hand, take a towel or napkin.

9. Place a coin under the doormat.

10. Write a wish on paper at the moment the chimes start, burn the paper, pour the ashes into a glass of champagne and drink to the bottom. If you manage to do everything before the end of the festive chimes, your wish will come true. You can write about any activity, including those related to attracting money.

11. After the chiming clock, immediately wash your face with a large denomination banknote. It is possible in foreign currency. This promises the fulfillment of desires related to attracting and increasing money.

12. After the festive evening is over and the guests have left, shake the tablecloth from the New Year's table outside, this is necessary so that the money can be found at home.

The main thing is to get ready to fulfill your desire to attract money, and think that the coming year will bring what you want.

Eastern signs for money for the New Year according to Feng Shui

The philosophy of Feng Shui deals with arranging the way of life, attracting healthy energy and directing it in the right direction. As for monetary well-being, this eastern philosophical movement has a lot of signs and ways to attract wealth. These signs relate to life in general, and the New Year in particular, as the next stage of life, a possible point of a new reference after changes.

Prepare for the New Year carefully:

1. Put order and cleanliness in the house, even in the most secluded corners. Disassemble shelves and boxes, throw out everything unnecessary.

2. Put order and cleanliness on the windowsill. It is the window opening that is considered the path through which new positive energy enters the house. There is no need to create obstacles.

3. Decorate the Christmas tree accordingly. In the east, the colors of money are red and gold. Use these colors. Since the Year of the Earth Pig is coming, use a square shape in your decor to enhance the element of earth. It is the square that will enhance energy and attract well-being.

4. Before the New Year, get some fish in the house. Let it be “Goldfish”. Buy 4 orange fish and 1 black or 7 orange and 1 black. Place an aquarium in the hallway. In general, decorate the hallway area with images of clean flowing water or a home fountain.

5. Place the Christmas tree in the wealth zone. According to Feng Shui philosophy, this is the southeast. There should be perfect order and the Christmas tree should be decorated generously and in accordance with traditions.

6. Place everything new in the wealth zone, remove trash.

The most important Feng Shui sign for attracting money is the right thoughts about money in a positive way, especially on New Year's Eve, because it is a magical time. Make a wish and imagine that it has come true, that money is flowing into your hands.

Special rituals for attracting money on New Year's Eve

There are many special actions that, according to belief, will attract good luck in business and wealth if you do everything necessary on New Year's Eve. These include:

1. When midnight comes and the New Year's chimes begin to strike, counting down the last seconds of the year, place any coin in a glass of champagne and drink the sparkling drink to the bottom before the chimes end.

2. Buy a new broom on New Year's Eve. Tie the handle with a red ribbon and place it with the broom facing up.

3. Decorate the entrance door to your apartment with a beautiful Christmas wreath.

4. Choose an outfit for the New Year with pockets or take a handbag. Place gold coins in your pocket or purse.

5. If your left hand itches on New Year's Eve, do not scratch your palm, clench it into a fist and put it in your pocket, unclench your fingers there.

6. Sneezing during the New Year holiday is a sign that promises money. You can induce sneezing yourself using aloe juice, which you drop into your nose.

7. Spend the first day of the new year at home. Going on a visit on this particular day foreshadows spending. The same applies if you take anything out of the house on this day.

8. When cleaning the table after the holiday, do not throw away all the leftover food; leave some food in the dishes and on the table.

9. Place a red bag of coins on the shelf in the refrigerator. It is advisable to leave this bag in its place for the whole year.

10. Before the holiday, sew a banknote into your outfit from the inside out so that it fits close to the body.

11. Wear new clothes for the holiday, especially underwear, tights or stockings.

12. Don't celebrate the New Year barefoot. Be sure to choose shoes, even if you are celebrating the holiday at home.

If you do everything with a joyful mood and confidence that money will come to your home, then everything will definitely work out. The main thing is positive thoughts in the right way. Please note that both in the East and in our country, order at home and in thoughts is considered the main thing. Tune in for the best and everything will come true!

There are many interesting and important traditions associated with the New Year that must be observed. Don't lose sight of the signs that will help you avoid troubles and troubles next year.

It’s hard to argue with the fact that the New Year is a special holiday, because it’s this event that we begin to prepare for just a few weeks in advance. ToNew year's nighthas become unforgettable, you need to prepare for it in advance. Every year we decorate the Christmas tree, decorate the house and remember recipes for New Year's dishes. These efforts do not cause us unnecessary discomfort, because over many years this has become a real tradition.

Don't forget that many miracles happen at this time, and some accidents can warn us about important events that will soon happen in life. The dailyhoro.ru website team will tell you about New Year's traditions and signs that are important for everyone to know.

New Year traditions

New Year has been celebrated since ancient times, but the date of the holiday was different. Only in 1700 Peter I issued a special decree, which stated that the holiday was officially moved to January 1. Since then, many wonderful traditions associated with this magical event have appeared.

Despite the fact that in the modern world we often celebrate the New Year with friends, it is still customary to celebrate this holiday with family. As the chimes strike, you need to congratulate your loved ones and thank them for everything they have done for you in the past year.

Think about your New Year's menu in advance, as there should be a wide variety of dishes on the table. Guests must leave well-fed, otherwise poverty will inevitably happen next year.

Every year there are more and more recipes for New Year's dishes, but do not forget the traditions: “Olivier”, “Herring under a fur coat” and jellied fish must be present on your table.

Stillmain drink There is champagne on the New Year's table. Peter I introduced the tradition of drinking alcohol on New Year's Eve. At the time of the holiday, many guests came to the king, but not everyone could withstand such a feast with a lot of alcohol.

It is on December 31 that we begin to actively prepare for the New Year. On this day, you need to get rid of old things, prepare the New Year's table and, of course, congratulate all your loved ones and give them gifts.

Now we can no longer imagine the New Year without a Christmas tree. The tree must be purchased in advance anddecorate itvarious toys, tinsel or rain. To give your Christmas tree a more natural look, use pine cones or berries as decorations.

The chimes are a truly magical moment. It is in these seconds that you must have time to make a wish and be sure to believe that it will come true.

Since ancient times it was believed that if the chimes strikewrite your wish on a piece of paper, burn it and mix it in a glass of champagne, and then drink it all, it will definitely come true.

In Rus', at the end of the festive feast, unmarried girls collected the remains of dinner, wrapped them in white cloth, put them under the pillow and invited their betrothed. After this, the future groom was supposed to appear in their dreams.

After a fun New Year's Eve, it is very difficult to wake up early. However, it is believed that the earlier you wake up on January 1, the happier you will be in the new year.

If you had a good dream on New Year’s Eve, then after waking up say “it will come true,” and then next year it will definitely come true.

New Year's signs

Very often people do not pay attention to what is happening around them. You may not believe omens, but many of them are indeed true signs of fate.

On New Year's Eve, there should not be a single thing in your house with which you have bad memories, otherwise you will have a lot of trouble next year.

Having a baby on January 1 is a good sign. In order for his fate to be happy, on the same day one of the baby’s close relatives needs to go to the temple and pray for the newborn, and then feed the poor.

If you wear an outfit with pockets on New Year's Eve, they should not be empty, otherwise you will face financial difficulties next year.

Toavoid lack of money , try to pay off your debts before the New Year. And ask debtors to do the same.

If you find a toy on the street on New Year's Eve, then next year expect a new addition to your family.

Even if unexpected guests come to you during the holiday, greet them cordially. In this way you will attract wealth to your home, and the next year will be comfortable for you.

If you don’t want to face financial problems next year, then your appearance should be neat during the holiday. Therefore, on New Year's Eve, choose the best outfit from your wardrobe and celebrate the New Year in it.

It is believed that if you accidentally tear your festive outfit at the very moment of the holiday, this promises a passionate but fleeting romance.

If you have planned a haircut on December 31, it is better to cancel it. It is believed that otherwise the hair will be sparse and the new hairstyle will not please you.

During the holiday, you should not quarrel with your loved ones, otherwise in the future there will be a strong discord in the family.

A few minutes before the chimes, pour water into a mug and wash your face, and then leave it in the yard or on the balcony. If on the morning of January 1st the mug has a smooth surface, expect good luck. If there is a crack on it, difficulties may arise.

On New Year's Eve, knock on the table with a spoon and say: “Just as there is a lot of food on the table, so there will be a lot of money in my wallet.” Then all year long youlive in abundance .

If you saw your enemy before the New Year, it means that next year you will have a new enemy.

Sometimes we are so carried away by New Year's troubles that we may even forget to congratulate our loved ones. If this happens to you, a traitor will appear among your friends. To avoid this problem, call your loved ones and congratulate them.

If you meet a blind man on the street on December 31, expect global changes. You may look at life differently and want to change jobs or move.

Even on New Year's Eve, little troubles can happen to us. For example, if a toy suddenly fell from your Christmas tree and broke, it means that in the new year you will haveconflicts with a loved one .

Many people prefer to celebrate New Year in the company of friends. If next year you want to improve your personal life, then the first person you talk to after the chimes strike should be of the opposite sex.

There must be a candle burning on the New Year's table, and then in the future harmony will always reign in your home.

To ensure that you have a stable financial situation in the New Year, hang a few bills on the tree and put coins under it.

On the morning of January 1, collect clean snow and bring it home. In the evening, wash your face with melt water. It is believed that after such a ritual a person will definitely not be deprived of attention from the opposite sex.

Couples in love must kiss during the chiming clock, and then in the future the love union will become even stronger.

Before the holiday, congratulate all your neighbors so you never quarrel with them.

Every person dreams of gaining wealth and finding love. You will be able to do this in the near future if you put the Christmas tree incertain sector of your home .

We wish you good luck and happiness in your personal life!

On the eve of the New Year, people become more romantic, open and superstitious. As in distant childhood, we expect the chimes to strike and prepare to greet a miracle that can happen to us. European peoples have been accumulating New Year's omens, superstitions and signs for many years. This information is passed on from older family members to the younger generation. We have collected the most accurate signs for the New Year 2018 of the Yellow Dog for health, desire, wealth, to have money, to get married successfully and have a child. They will bring good luck, help you find your other half or become happy parents of a baby. Various rituals that are performed on New Year's Eve to attract health, beauty or money are popular.

Correct signs for the New Year 2018 of the Yellow Dog for health

We have selected the right signs for the New Year for health, which are passed down among the people from generation to generation. They will restore your energy, preserve your beauty and save you from many diseases.

The most accurate and correct New Year's signs 2018 for health

  • So that your health does not fail you in the coming 2018, you need to take a shower on the eve of the New Year holiday. This will rid you of “last year’s” negativity, restore your energy field and allow you to start the New Year without health problems.
  • It has long been believed that a person’s health can be influenced by the correct omen or ritual performed on New Year’s Day. Women can perform a simple ritual - during the first chime, they need to put a scarf on their shoulders, and before the last one, quickly remove it. This ritual will preserve the health and natural beauty of a woman in the coming year.
  • To enter the next year without illness, you must pay off all your debts. If someone borrowed money from you during the year, ask them to return it. This will restore the energy field and accordingly attract health.

Signs for the New Year 2018 of the Dog, so that money is found

What does a modern person dream of on the eve of the New Year holiday in an era of financial crises and instability? Of course, the main desire of each of us is material well-being and prosperity in the coming year. Since purchasing food takes up a significant share of the family budget, the financial well-being of any family directly depends on the harvest, which is why weather signs are popular. There is a popular belief that if there is a starry sky on New Year 2018, then there will be a big harvest in the summer. Warm weather on January 1 without snow is a sign of crop failure.

What signs for the New Year 2018 portend a lot of money and wealth?

  • If you want to have money all the time, take advantage of the ancient sign of wealth and set a luxurious table for the New Year that will be bursting with various treats. This sign will bring prosperity to your family and a rich table throughout the coming year.
  • One of the signs says that money will be found if on New Year 2018 you put a coin in a glass of champagne and drink the drink while the chimes are striking. This coin is considered a talisman, so it should be kept in a locked section of your wallet.
  • If your left hand itches on New Year's Day, then in order to make money, you need to clench your palm into a fist. Then you need to put your hand in your pocket and only open your palm there.
  • On New Year's Eve, you can put a coin under the threshold - this will bring wealth to the house, and the owners will not need money in the coming year.
  • In order to make money in the new year, you need to do a thorough cleaning of the apartment and throw out unnecessary things (cracked, broken and glued together).

The most accurate signs for the New Year 2018 for love

There are many New Year's beliefs, among them love omens occupy an important place. Young girls who dream of meeting true love or want to preserve existing feelings treat them with particular reverence. Having studied the most accurate signs for the New Year 2018 for love and using several of them, you will definitely meet your love. A girl who wants to feel real feelings should wear a red dress on New Year's Eve, symbolizing passionate love. You need to decorate your apartment accordingly - you can hang posters on the wall, and put love-themed figurines on the shelves or table.

The most accurate signs and superstitions for the New Year 2018 Dogs for love

Signs for the New Year 2018 to get married successfully

On New Year's Day, every modern girl, with the chimes ringing, makes a wish for her next marriage, dresses in a certain way or uses other signs to get married successfully. This is not surprising, since the dream of any modest and shy or independent and relaxed girl is a happy marriage. The correct signs for the New Year will help you make your cherished dream come true in order to get married successfully, which were passed down by generations of our ancestors.

What you need to do to get married successfully: Correct signs for the New Year

Signs for the New Year 2018 of the Yellow Dog for the birth of a child

It is believed that a wish made for the New Year will certainly come true, so people prepare especially carefully and in advance for this holiday. New Year's Eve is a magical time. On the eve of the chiming clock, it is customary to adhere to signs and superstitions, to cast spells and make wishes that should come true next year. Signs for the New Year of Dogs for the birth of a child in the family are in great demand among married couples. They will help you conceive a baby who will be born this or next year.

The best signs for the New Year Dogs for the conception and birth of a child

Correct signs for the New Year on request

It's no secret that New Year's Eve is a time for making cherished wishes. To make your dreams and desires come true, do not forget to spend the outgoing (old) year. Before the chimes strike, we need to remember the best events of the past year and mentally thank God and those around us for all the good things. Sincere gratitude will be heard and appreciated, your life next year will be successful, and the wish you made on New Year's Eve will come true.

Effective and correct signs for the New Year Dogs at will

Every person, regardless of age, position and social status in society, on the last day of the year pays attention to signs that may indicate changes in his life in the coming year. The most accurate signs for the New Year 2018 to spend money on wealth, desire, the birth of a child, to get married will help you fulfill your cherished desires in the near future.

New Year's Eve has long been shrouded in secrets and legends. There is probably no people in the world who do not believe in the magic of the first minutes of the new year. The rustling snow outside the window, the smell of pine and tangerine, the hot flame of holiday candles - what could be more fabulous than the atmosphere of the New Year's holiday? It is not surprising that on this magical day people really want to believe in magic and predictions about health, wealth, the birth of a child, love success and fulfillment of desires, to guess that there is money in the house and to find out who they are going to marry. What signs for the New Year 2018 will definitely come true?

The most accurate and correct signs for the New Year 2018 for health

In ancient times, people did not have the opportunity to be treated with chemicals that are available in the modern world. Therefore, they took New Year's beliefs related to health very seriously. Many of the most accurate signs for the New Year for health have survived to this day in a slightly modified form, but this in no way detracts from their magical properties.

New Year's signs for health that come true

  • On the eve of the New Year, it is better not to get sick or to make every effort to get well, since illnesses during the festive feast promise failures and illnesses throughout the year.
  • A very old sign - in order to be healthy in the coming year, you need to take a bath or shower.
  • Women are advised to throw a shawl or scarf over their shoulders during the striking of the holiday chimes, and throw it off with the last stroke of the clock.

Signs? so that money is spent for the New Year 2018 - the year of the Yellow Dog

Beliefs about wealth and abundance, which have come from time immemorial, arouse the interest of any person, regardless of his attitude towards superstitions. It is believed that at the turn of the year, money predictions have special magical powers. Let's consider the most common signs for money to be spent for the new year 2018 - the year of the Dog.

Signs for money in the New Year

  • In 2018, you need to make 18 small bags with gifts in the form of sweets, fruits and other small things. During the chime of the holiday chimes, come up with a wish related to wealth, and then give these gifts to 18 strangers.
  • You need to celebrate the holiday in new things, then the coming year will be generous and financially abundant. By the way, the Year of the Dog is best celebrated in clothes in green, brown and gold shades. For jewelry, preference should be given to natural stones and precious metals.
  • The festive table should be bursting with treats, then the coming year will bring prosperity. In the Year of the Dog, meat dishes, sweets and alcoholic drinks are most appropriate.
  • The menu should be compiled in such a way that the table includes dishes made from rice, wheat, nuts and fruits. Then wealth will come to the house. To attract money, you can sprinkle grain on all participants of the holiday.
  • The house needs to be thoroughly cleaned and decorated. Then it is recommended to buy a broom, tie it with a red ribbon, and then place it in the position with the handle down.
  • You need to hang a festive wreath at the entrance, then the year will bring wealth
  • You need to celebrate the New Year by putting money in your outfit pocket. Then these bills will become a kind of talisman for wealth next year.
  • During the chime of the holiday chimes, you need to hold a coin in your fist.
  • In order to attract financial well-being, it is advisable to have a nest egg.
  • To invite prosperity into your home, place 3 coins, heads up, wrapped in red cloth, on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator.
  • Immediately after the clock strikes, ring the coins to attract money.
  • You can decorate the New Year tree not only with balls and toys. In order for the year to bring financial success, you can use banknotes as decorations.

  • After the feast, you need to treat the brownie - leave a glass of wine and a spoonful of porridge for grandfather. Then next year he will be more supportive.
  • During the celebration, it is recommended to change several outfits, then the next year will pass in prosperity. If this is not possible, then at least one part can be replaced.
  • It is believed that you need to pay attention to the weather. If the weather is clear, and also if the New Year's sky is starry, the sign predicts prosperity and productivity.

Wealth in the Year of the Dog - signs for the New Year for wealth and money

The energy of the upcoming new year helps to attract wealth into every home. In order to make money, you need to listen to the New Year's signs for wealth and money and be sure to believe in miracles.

Signs for wealth in the New Year

  • The first person in the household to whom a cat comes to cuddle will be financially secure all year.
  • If a New Year's toy falls and breaks, then it means money.
  • Accidentally getting your New Year's outfit dirty means financial success next year
  • On New Year's Eve you cannot give or borrow. It is believed that this will bring financial troubles. If you didn’t have time to pay off your debt, you can put the money on the table.
  • If you are an entrepreneur, then you need to sell goods on the eve of the New Year at a discount, then the year will be generous with profitable projects.
  • If you are a buyer, then a big discount in the store will also bring financial success in the new year.
  • A coin in a glass of champagne will bring financial well-being. You need to wash it well, and then drown it at the bottom of the glass, and then drink the drink. The coin will become a talisman for the whole year.
  • If your left hand itches, you need to put it in your pocket, but don’t scratch it! Then the money will come.
  • The coin can be hidden at the front door under the rug, which will create energy for the arrival of wealth.

Correct signs for love in the New Year 2018

All those who have not yet found happiness in love expect to meet their soulmate as a real miracle, believing in the signs of the New Year. Knowing the correct signs for the New Year 2018, the Year of the Dog for Love, you can read the signs of fate about the upcoming romance, and at the same time attract happiness to your home.

Love signs of the New Year holiday

  • Tearing your dress on New Year's Eve means a whirlwind romance.
  • Uncontrollable sneezing - to love success for those who want to get married
  • A young girl needs to put on bright lipstick and kiss a man. The brighter the trail, the stronger the love awaits them.
  • During the celebration, you need to put a photograph of your beloved with the image towards you in order to be together with him
  • During the striking of the clock, you need to kiss your beloved or husband, take his hand, and then exchange glasses with him.

Signs for love for the New Year to get married

Young girls dreaming of love can discover their destiny in a surprising way. You should understand the signs of love for the New Year in order to get married and be attentive to the signs from above.

Signs for marriage in the new year

  • If a girl cuts her finger, it means marriage.
  • In order to get married, you need to celebrate the New Year holding a symbol of love in your hands. This could be a heart or a card that you need to hold close to you during the chimes.
  • You need to celebrate the New Year with a cinnamon stick, then you can meet the groom.
  • A young girl needs to give something to seven children. Then she can attract marriage.
  • Girls can find out from which side the groom will come to them. To do this, you need to remember where the first man you met in the new year came from.
  • The next day after the feast, the young girl needs to buy milk. It should not go sour for 7 days, then the girl will soon become married.

Beliefs for conception - signs for the New Year for the birth of a child

The New Year holiday can be a good help for those who have decided to give birth to a child. After all, the very energy of this day is conducive to the emergence of new life. To conceive as quickly as possible, it is enough to keep in mind some New Year signs for the birth of a child, and soon good news will visit your home.

New Year's signs for the birth of a child

  • It is better to celebrate the holiday with a family that will soon have a child.
  • In order for the baby to appear in your home as quickly as possible, you need to buy some clothes on New Year's Eve.
  • A woman who wants to give birth to a child must eat something from the spoon of her already pregnant friend in order to bring her dream closer.

Signs for the New Year for a wish - how to make it correctly

Perhaps the most common folk rituals are making New Year's wishes. After all, you can make a wish for the New Year whatever your heart desires, and if you wish for it correctly, your wish will certainly come true. To do this, you need to know the signs for the New Year for a wish.

New Year's signs for the fulfillment of desires

  • You need to make a wish, write it on paper and burn it during chimes. The ashes are placed in a glass.
  • You need to write 12 wishes and hide them under your pillow, and on January 1, pull out one of them. The one that fell and will come true.
  • In a group, you need to stand on a raised platform, for example, on a chair, and jump and say what you have in mind to yourself. The higher you jump, the higher the probability of execution.
  • You can make a wish using grapes, nuts or small fruits. With each stroke of the clock, you need to eat one berry, repeating the desire to yourself.
  • Shards from a broken New Year's toy must be thrown away correctly, after making a wish.

Let's decorate apartments with garlands, decorate Christmas trees, and let the signs for the New Year 2018 bring happiness, health, luck, wealth, love success and fulfillment of desires to every home. So that in the year of the Dog there will be money, and everyone who wants to definitely get married and have a child. With coming!

According to the eastern calendar, 2018 marks the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, which personifies peace and goodness, and the devotion and hard work of this animal will allow it to reach great heights.

However, in order for the year to bring success and prosperity, you should adhere to the following recommendations when celebrating the New Year 2018, taking into account the most popular New Year's signs and superstitions.

How to meet

According to the eastern horoscope, the symbol of the New Year 2018 will be the responsible and friendly Yellow Earth Dog, and in order to earn its favor, it is best to choose all shades of yellow or brown when choosing an outfit for yourself and decorations for your home.

According to signs, the color yellow and its shades will relieve stress and depression and bring warmth and joy to the house. And brown and its shades, as well as beige, ash, orange and gold will bring success and prosperity in the New Year.

It is advisable to avoid leopard, red and blue shades, as they can irritate the Dog and, accordingly, cause his dissatisfaction.

A family atmosphere with family and friends will be an excellent solution for celebrating the New Year 2018. The dog loves to be with people dear to its heart.

The dog does not like loneliness, so on New Year's Eve you should never be sad or spend the holiday watching TV.

It’s better to have a fun party with your friends with competitions, games and dancing, or go on a visit, but don’t let despondency and melancholy penetrate your home and heart.

Signs and superstitions

Along with the recommendations of experts, we should not forget about the signs that our wise ancestors followed for centuries on the eve of the holiday. By the way, signs of the New Year can be an omen of both good events in the future and not very successful ones.

The saying “How you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it!” is known to everyone, but few people know what exactly should not be done on New Year's Eve, so very often mistakes made on this day reflect negatively on our lives throughout the entire 12 months.

So, for example, taking out the trash on the eve of a holiday means poverty, but if you accidentally break dishes or a Christmas tree decoration before the New Year, then throw the pieces out of your house as quickly as possible. This next year you will save yourself from serious troubles, since you absolutely cannot leave spoiled things in the house.

By lending money on the eve of a holiday, you are dooming yourself to failure, including financial failure. So think carefully before helping someone who asks.

On New Year's Eve, you shouldn't wash the dishes that have accumulated in the sink if you want there to be more joyful and bright moments in your life next year than routine. The dishes can be washed the next day.

Celebrating the New Year in old clothes means money problems, and a meager holiday table means poverty.

You cannot work on New Year's Eve - this will lead to hard work. But, if you work “on duty” on New Year’s Eve, you need to celebrate the holiday at your workplace with all honors so that good luck follows you all year.

You cannot quarrel and lie on New Year's Eve if you do not want scandals to accompany you for the next 365 days.

Unexpected guests on New Year's Day should be received hospitably and joyfully. A bad reception can anger the Dog, and then 2018 will be filled with quarrels and conflicts.

And, of course, if you have a dog at home, be sure to give it warmth, affection and a holiday treat. It is absolutely forbidden to scold her on New Year's Eve, even if she is guilty, since she will harbor a grudge against you, and the coming Year of the Dog will bring a lot of trouble to your family.

Signs for good luck

You can attract good luck into your home by opening the front door or opening the windows with the arrival of the New Year.

Also, a minute before the end of the old year, you can quickly peel a tangerine or orange and put it under the Christmas tree.

According to the superstition, you can attract good luck in the New Year by giving food or clothes to people in need on New Year's Eve.

On New Year's Eve, for good luck, you need to make a wish during the chimes with a glass of champagne in your hands. The correct formulation of a desire, in which there is no particle “not”, will be the guarantee that it will come true. Therefore, think over your deepest desire in advance.

It can also be a happy year if you are woken up on New Year's Eve by a dog barking or simply dream about a puppy.

Happiness will smile on you in the New Year if on the evening of December 31 or January 1 in the morning a dog comes to your house or if the frosty pattern on the windows freezes in the form of a silhouette of a dog or its muzzle.

Breaking a glass or other utensils not on purpose on New Year's Eve is fortunate.

In the New Year, being the first to meet a man or receive a gift from a stranger also predicts a successful 2018.

The more guests there are in the house, the happier the coming year will be.

How to get married

It’s impossible to do without signs that help girls arrange their personal lives on New Year’s Day.

To get married, a girl must not preen or do her hair in front of witnesses. It is a bad omen to clean the house before the holiday itself.

For the festive table, dishes should be prepared only by hand. It is considered a good sign to accidentally injure your finger while cooking - the engagement will be faster.

Try to seat your guests at the festive table as quickly as possible, according to the superstition, the sooner you seat them, the sooner you will get married.

Remember, the coming New Year 2018 according to the eastern calendar will be the year of the Yellow Earth Dog, which is distinguished by its constancy, devotion and cheerful disposition.

The dog is not chasing money, he wants the world to become even kinder and better. Love and understanding will reign in families, and lonely people will definitely be able to find a soul mate.

Happy New Year 2018!

The material was prepared based on open sources