How to donate urine to a newborn girl. Using a plastic bag. Pros and cons of the method

After the long-awaited baby is born, her condition must be closely monitored in order to diagnose any problems in the body’s functioning at an early stage.

During the first year of life, each child is registered with his local pediatrician. The list of basic preventive measures includes: examination by specialists (surgeon, neurologist, ophthalmologist and others), as well as general clinical blood and urine tests in newborns.

When it comes to collecting urine from a baby, many parents are confused, because in reality it is not so simple. In this case, the young mother and father receive advice from relatives, neighbors, or they resort to the help of their imagination and ingenuity.

How to properly collect urine from a baby girl is described in detail in this article, and also raises questions about the rules of preliminary preparation for the procedure and typical mistakes when performing it.

When is it necessary to test a child's urine?

All children, without exception, upon reaching the age of one month, are required to collect a urine test (to prevent any kind of abnormalities). If the situation warrants it, then in a three-month-old baby, in addition to examinations by specialists, the urinary sediment is additionally examined. Also, as part of dispensary observation, a one-year-old child is sent for general tests.

If your child is scheduled for an examination at one month of age, do not be alarmed - this is a necessary stage of his medical examination

The following situations may cause this:

  • urinary sediment changes its natural color or odor, impurities visible to the naked eye appear in it, possibly traces of blood;
  • during the act of urination, the infant begins to become very capricious, cry or pull his legs towards his stomach;
  • the number of episodes of urination becomes more frequent, and very little urine may be released;
  • against the background of dysuric disorders, the temperature and other symptoms of intoxication (lethargy, apathy, tearfulness, and others) rise.

Rules for preparing a girl

Collecting urine from a newborn girl, using modern devices, is not very difficult; it only requires a certain skill. The principles of preliminary preparation of the baby play an important role in the reliability of the results obtained.

It is necessary to collect a urine test in the morning, immediately after the baby wakes up, before breastfeeding. The urine obtained should not be stored at home; it should be submitted to the laboratory as soon as possible. The longer the analysis is in the container, the higher the risk of pathogenic microbes multiplying in it, which will give a false result and will be incorrectly interpreted in further diagnostics. When transporting the analysis to the laboratory, ensure that the container is sealed, as a loose lid may allow infectious agents to enter the container.

Morning urine is the most informative because it is most concentrated

As soon as the baby wakes up, she must be thoroughly washed or treated with labia. This is done in order to remove pathogenic microorganisms that have accumulated in large quantities overnight in the perineal area, especially if the child was in a diaper, before the upcoming test.

Washing a girl's genitals is done from front to back, that is, in the direction from the vagina to the anus. It is forbidden to do this in the opposite direction, as there is a risk of introducing infectious agents from the rectum into the urethra or vaginal lumen.

To treat the labia, you can use a cotton pad, which is pre-moistened in warm, clean water (the procedure algorithm is similar). It is not advisable to use cosmetics with fragrance. Excess fluid on the genitals is removed with a dry, clean towel.

Washing a girl is an obligatory stage of child preparation

Only after appropriate preparation has been made can the analysis be collected using a special urine bag or other means. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly before collecting urine from your child.

Methods for collecting urine in newborn girls and older children

You can collect urine from a girl in infancy in the following ways.

A urine bag, which can be purchased at any pharmacy chain. It is quite simple to use and does not require any additional hassle. Urine enters the lumen of a special bag without contacting the environment, thereby achieving maximum sterility of the tests.

Before you begin gluing the urinal, the child must be placed on his back and his legs spread apart. By this time the perineum is well washed. At the moment of fixing the device, the baby should be in a good mood, not be capricious or cry. It is best to distract her by talking or gently stroking her tummy.

On each urinal, instructions for use are described in detail and the zones of its fixation in children of different sexes are drawn. Don’t worry that the process of peeling off the bag will cause discomfort to your baby. As a rule, the process is not accompanied by absolutely no unpleasant sensations.

After the urine is in the receiver, it is immediately poured into a sterile container (cup), which is tightly closed with a lid.

Sterile container for collecting samples. It can also be purchased at any pharmacy. This method is more preferable for male babies, since their genitals are open, making it easy to “catch” the stream of urine.

The disadvantage of this method is that if the container is left open for a long time, it completely loses its sterility.

No modern doctor recommends using a regular bag as an alternative to a collection. Since the method is quite routine and carries more disadvantages than advantages.

Bladder catheterization is performed for certain indications only in a hospital setting.

You can collect urine from a one-year-old girl using any of the above methods. However, preference is given to collecting urine directly into a sterile container. At one year old, you can explain to a child the need to pee in a jar. It is also easier to carry out all the manipulations for the preliminary preparation of the girl. It is best to take a medium portion of urine to the laboratory (if possible).

Currently, there are educational videos on the Internet that in an easy and accessible form help inexperienced parents understand all the issues that interest them.

A urine container purchased from a pharmacy is always completely sterile

How to make your baby urinate?

Often, parents have a question about how to get their baby to urinate if she did it very recently (for example, while she was sleeping or while washing herself). Do not despair, because infants urinate quite often, which is due to the peculiarities of their physiological development.

To stimulate your child to urinate again, you can resort to a number of tricks:

  • give a gentle massage to the tummy, press on the area above the pubic bone and blow lightly on the girl’s labia (it has been proven that when children are cold, they pee much more often);
  • give the child a couple of drops of water to drink on a spoon or apply it to the breast (most babies pee during feeding);
  • turn on the water in the tap so that the gurgling of the water speeds up the process of emptying the bladder (you can also pour water from glass to glass).

It is worth relying on the child's behavior; as a rule, most children become quiet or grunt a little before they are about to urinate.

If the child cannot pee, try putting him to the breast, this will stimulate the process and will not affect the test result

How can you not collect urine?

In order for the results of the tests to give the doctor the most reliable picture of what is happening, it is worth adhering to a number of simple rules described above and collecting urine in special devices.

At the same time, there are certain methods that are categorically incorrect, since they can cause the appearance of pathological impurities in the urinary sediment.

To collect urine, never resort to the following manipulations:

  • Do not wring out for testing the diaper on which the baby urinated, or the diaper that was on him during the night's sleep;
  • do not use urine from the oilcloth that is laid under the child;
  • do not pour urine from the pot, even if it has been washed well before;
  • do not use unsterile jars of purees, jams and other food products;
  • do not place a saucer under the girl’s buttocks in which she must urinate;
  • Do not store collected urine in the refrigerator or freeze it.

Any pot contains pathogenic microbes on its walls, so it cannot be used as a reservoir for collecting urine samples

Any of the above methods lead to the laboratory receiving tests that obviously contain pathogenic microflora that do not correspond to the true composition of the child’s urine.


Currently, there is a lot of information on how to properly collect urine from children of different genders and age groups. You should not rely on the advice of your grandmothers, because modern methods of taking tests are available that facilitate this procedure and make it possible to obtain the most reliable results.

Parents are always full of troubles and problems with children. But it is children who are the greatest happiness in our lives. All mothers and fathers are very concerned about the health of their children, so they constantly visit a pediatrician and follow all his recommendations. And now the time has come for analysis. Parents have a completely reasonable question: “How to collect urine from newborn girls?” Of course, it’s still impossible to put such a little princess on the potty, and it’s also impossible to guess the moment when the process will begin. So what to do? How to collect urine from newborn girls?

Basic Tips

As everyone knows, a morning urine sample is required for urine analysis. It is advisable to collect average urine for analysis, but any urine will do for a newborn baby. To avoid torturing yourself and your daughter for a long time, try resorting to the following methods:

1. In the morning, as soon as the baby wakes up, unfasten the diaper in which she slept at night, and because of the coolness, your girl will immediately pee.

2. To make the process go faster, give your child some water.

3. You can even turn on the water. Its murmuring will encourage the baby to urinate.

4. girls, if time is short? Just try this method: soak a regular cotton pad in warm water, apply it between your legs for a few seconds, and you will immediately get the desired result.

How to collect urine from newborn girls, step-by-step instructions:

1. Prepare a glass or any other container for urine analysis. It is better to buy a special container at the pharmacy for this purpose; in extreme cases, boil a glass jar.

2. Before collecting the analysis, wash the baby with warm water and soap.

3. Dry your skin with a towel.

4. Take a urine bag specially purchased for this purpose and glue it to the child’s skin. We are waiting for the result. Then pour the liquid into a container.

How to donate a newborn's urine? Come to the laboratory, give the container and a referral from the doctor.

Of course, collecting urine from newborns is not an easy task. But don't be afraid. If you do everything correctly, it won't be too difficult.

In the old days, when there were no special urinals, the following methods were used:

1. Wringing out a diaper or diaper.

This is a very unhygienic and unreliable option. We do not recommend resorting to it. Now there are more acceptable ways to collect urine from newborn girls.

2. Try to “catch” the moment of urination.

For some this method is successful, for others it is a waste of time and effort. In order not to suffer and not wait for the baby to finally urinate, use a urinal.

3. Older children are seated on the potty.

This method is also not very good, since the pot may be contaminated with some microorganisms. The urine test result will be incorrect.

We encourage you to use only sterile test containers and a urine bag. Why complicate the situation and make yourself and your baby nervous, if you can just glue a special bag? If your baby wants to touch or peel it off, put a diaper on top. That's all!

The child's parents will have to visit the clinic at least two or three times for routine vaccination against tetanus, whooping cough, diphtheria, and polio. Or their baby may get sick, which is also a reason to visit the pediatrician’s office. Before such trips, the doctor gives a referral for a urine test to check the health of the little patient. A nurse can collect urine, but there are times when the mother has to do it herself. For adults, this process is not a problem, but with a one-month-old baby, minor difficulties often arise.

Types of analyzes

Urine examination is of great diagnostic value. Based on the results obtained, the doctor determines the presence of abnormalities in the genitourinary system and how many vital organs work. The basis is a general examination of urine, it allows you to draw conclusions about the functioning of the kidneys, ureters, and bladder. If the formed elements increase, additional types of analysis may be prescribed: Nechiporenko, Addis-Kakovsky, Zemnitsky. These are methods that allow you to more accurately determine a possible abnormality in a child’s body.

According to Nechiporenko, the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system is confirmed: cystitis, pyelonephritis and glomerulonephritis. To do this, the test is taken in the morning, in an amount of at least 5.0 milliliters.

According to Addis-Kakovsky, they look at the level of blood cells in the urine and identify disorders in the urinary tract. To do this, collect all the excreted urine for 24 hours, after which it is shaken and approximately 200 milliliters are poured into a separate jar. In the direction you need to indicate how much was allocated per day.

There are a number of rules for collecting urine:

  1. Only morning fresh urine has diagnostic value;
  2. Before filling the container, the child should be washed; for girls, it is important that the microflora of the anus does not get on the genitals, so the movements when washing should be directed from front to back;
  3. Children's urine is collected in a sterile container; for this you can buy a sealed jar at the pharmacy, or boil it at home;
  4. The collected liquid is transported to the laboratory no later than two hours after collection;
  5. Do not store it in cold places;
  6. If the child is taking medications or vitamins, the day before the procedure it is necessary to stop taking them or inform the doctor about this;

What is needed for the procedure

  1. Wet baby wipes;
  2. Sterile gauze swabs;
  3. Gloves;

Modern urinals make the task of mothers much easier. But they have disadvantages in the form of possible peeling off or loss of integrity due to the baby’s actions.

Algorithm for collecting urine in girls:

  1. Wear gloves;
  2. Wipe the genitals with a damp cloth, carefully in each fold;
  3. Dry with a clean swab;
  4. Take a urine bag and stick it around the genitals so that urine can accumulate inside it;
  5. After filling the urine collector, pour its contents into a prepared and labeled jar;
  6. Send to the laboratory;

Algorithm for collecting urine from a boy:

  1. Before the procedure, wash your hands with soap;
  2. Calm the baby, he should not be nervous and cry;
  3. Wear gloves;
  4. Lay the child on his back and spread his legs;
  5. Wipe the genitals with a damp cloth, thoroughly wipe the head, first retracting the foreskin, but it is important to do this correctly so as not to injure;
  6. Take a urine bag for boys, glue it so that the penis is inside it;
  7. Reflexively induce urination in the baby by stroking the tummy, or by turning on the water in the tap;
  8. Pour the resulting urine into a jar;
  9. Submit with a referral to the laboratory;

If the child does not allow the use of this method, you can replace the urine bag with improvised means. Girls are advised to place a clean bowl under their buttocks. It is even easier for a boy to collect urine in a jar; to do this, just hold it near the penis.

It is not correct to use a used diaper or wet diaper to collect urine; the analysis results obtained from them will not show an accurate result. Diapers contain substances that can leak out in the urine, and the diaper will retain the formed elements contained in the urine.


When the results are ready, you should not decipher them yourself if you do not have the appropriate education. Only a pediatrician should do this, and he will tell the parents the results of their child’s tests. Normal baby urine should not contain: leukocytes, red blood cells, protein and sugar. It should be transparent, light yellow in color. Cloudy urine is a signal of an increased content of salts, mucus and bacteria.

If in the test results of a boy the level of leukocytes is more than 7 in the field of view, and in girls this number exceeds 9, then this may mean that there is an inflammatory process of the urinary tract.

Increased sugar in the urine is often a sign of dysfunction of the endocrine system, in particular the pancreas. In case of any violations of the norm, it is recommended to take the test again to confirm the diagnosis or exclude an error.

With the arrival of a newborn baby in the house, parents are faced with both joys and difficulties. Moms and dads bathe their baby for the first time, dress her up in beautiful clothes, feed her and take her for a walk. The first rays of real happiness illuminate everything around at the moment when the baby gives his parents his unearthly smile. However, periods of happiness are also replaced by periods of sincere despair, confusion and frustration. The reason can be either a serious problem, such as colic, or an ordinary test, for example, collecting urine from a newborn baby. Young parents fall into real despair.

Of course, they can be understood, because for inexperienced mothers and fathers this is a real event. How to collect a urine test? How to prepare a child for this procedure? When should the process be completed? What is needed for analysis? Let's deal with all these questions in order.

How to prepare a child for the procedure?
Before collecting urine, the baby must be washed. Newborn girls are washed in the direction from the genitals to the butt. This avoids the penetration of germs from the anus into the vagina and their further spread. Take your baby and gently position the baby in your arm. Wash the baby under running warm water using baby soap, and then dry the baby's delicate skin with a diaper or towel. Be especially careful, because the sound of pouring water can provoke the baby to urinate, and then you will have to wash the baby again and wait until the baby wants to go to the toilet again. Apart from washing the baby, you don’t need to do anything else.

When should urine be collected?
Pediatricians recommend collecting urine early in the morning, when the baby is just waking up. In addition, all clinics accept tests only in the morning, so it is difficult to consider other options. It is necessary to collect a medium portion of urine. This is why you should prepare a diaper or towel to catch the first portion of urine.

What is required to collect a urine test?
It all depends on how you are going to carry out this procedure. If you plan to collect in the classic way, but you will need a small plate. The modern method involves the use of a special disposable urine collection bag. In both cases, you will need a container to submit your urine test to the clinic.

Methods for collecting urine from a newborn girl
Skillful and high-quality collection of urine from a newborn baby is very important. After all, this will allow you to avoid repeated tests. In addition, during a correctly performed procedure, your baby will not experience the slightest degree of discomfort!

Of course, it will not be difficult for an adult to prepare biomaterial. But how to collect a urine test from a baby is a question that interests all young, inexperienced parents. There is no need to be afraid of the thought of collecting analysis from a child of this age. In practice it is easier than it seems. There are effective and convenient methods that have been tested by both mothers and time.

Tactics for collecting biological material: 6 basic rules

How to collect an analysis from a baby, we will highlight the main points that cannot be ignored.

  1. First of all, Before collecting a urine test from a baby girl, you need to bathe and wash the child’s genitals.
  2. I take urine after sleep.
  3. The container or other container in which the collection is carried out is clean and dried.
  4. Store it for up to 2 hours.
  5. If you give your child medications, inform the attending physician;
  6. Try not to give your daughter mineral water. It changes the natural response to exploration.

A child's body has a different biological clock from an adult.

And it’s difficult to collect tests because the child doesn’t want to go to the toilet.

There are 3 methods that stimulate your baby and will help you in this matter:

Massage of the tummy and pubis of a baby girl
  1. Massage the lower tummy and pubis.
  2. Open the water tap or turn on music that repeats the sounds of a stream or waterfall. These sounds will trigger the urge to urinate.
  3. Give plenty of fluids.

Have you been prescribed a urine test according to Nechiporenko?

You will learn how to properly prepare your baby for this procedure, as well as the rules for collecting biomaterial.

Using a urine bag

You can purchase sterile urine bags in all pharmacies.

A urinal for collecting urine from a baby girl

Outwardly, they look like a small bag with a hole in it. For fastening between the legs there is a special holder with an adhesive layer.

If this is your first time carrying out this procedure, then buy a few pieces, just in case, because... urinals are disposable. .

It is worth noting that the sticky layer does not cause allergies, so you do not worry that it will cause any harm.

When choosing this method, you should not use it simultaneously with a diaper.

Before collecting urine from a baby girl, do not forget to wash it well. Mandatory condition: before carrying out the procedure of putting on a urine bag, thoroughly dry the perineal area.

If the girl is very small and cannot stand on her own, then you need to hold her in your arms.

Children's urinal for both girls and boys

Once you have obtained the desired result, pour everything in the package into a sterile container.

Prices for urinals depend on its size. Children's 100 ml will cost from 8 to 15 rubles.

If you need to collect more urine, a 200 ml receiver costs 9-20 rubles.

Your child? Carefully! These symptoms may be the beginning of serious illnesses.

Plastic or glass containers

A plastic jar for collecting urine can be purchased at any pharmacy.

Just like a urinal, a plastic jar can be purchased at any pharmacy or you can simply find a clean small glass container on the farm.

A good option would be containers made from juice or baby formula.

If you prefer glass, then treat it with boiling water to disinfect.

Urination in infant girls occurs according to a certain schedule, with approximately equal breaks.

It’s simple this way, but for a girl it’s advisable to have two people, one holding the baby and the other holding the jar.

If you decide to purchase a special container rather than take a regular jar, then pay attention to the volume and the “sterile/non-sterile” indication on the packaging.

Non-sterile - cheaper, 4-6 rubles, depending on the size. Sterile: for 30 ml – 5-7 rubles, for 60 ml – 7-9 rubles and for 250 ml – from 13 rubles.

Has your child been prescribed a urine test according to Nechiporenko? You will learn how to properly prepare your baby for this procedure and the rules for collecting material.

Specifics of analysis according to Sulkovich

If the doctor says that urine is needed for testing according to Sulkovich, many parents wonder how to collect material from the baby for such an analysis.

Note that no special preparation is required for this study.

The main thing is that the day before collecting biomaterial, do not give your child:

  • sweet;
  • products with dyes;
  • mineral water.

How to properly collect urine from a baby girl so that the Sulkovich result is accurate?

Perform the procedure on an empty stomach. Only after collection do the first feeding.

Watch your urination and during the first 2-3 seconds, do not substitute any dishes or collection containers, you need just average urine.

For research, it must be delivered within 2 hours. You shouldn’t even think about whether it’s possible to collect your baby’s urine in the evening - there will be no point in doing so.

Misconceptions about the procedure

Almost always among young and not so young mothers there is the most “experienced” and “all-knowing” who loves to give advice to others. And, as a rule, they bring little benefit. Therefore, listen to the 3 main misconceptions about how not to collect urine from infant girls.

“A child can pee in a diaper or on a prepared diaper, and then you twist it out”.

You should never do this. The product that is inside every modern diaper immediately turns all liquid into gel. Such an essence will not be accepted for research even in private laboratories.

If we talk about the diaper, it absorbs too well and we will not get the required amount of material. How much urine do you need to collect from a baby for analysis? Just a little: 10-20 ml, but even this cannot be squeezed out of the diaper. And if we remember about the fiber particles that also end up in the analysis, then what kind of accuracy of the result can we talk about?

“Plant it on the pot, and then pour everything into a container.”.

As a rule, pots are made of plastic. Under ordinary living conditions, it is almost impossible to sterilize plastic efficiently.

In any case, boiling water is not a help. Popular and expensive sterilization products contain a lot of aggressive substances that remain on the material and make the result far from the truth.

“The child pees when he eats. Take the test while eating."

Parents who do not understand the types of research should not take risks. Basically, you need to collect biological fluid on an empty stomach. So, if you decided to simplify your work, or wondered whether it is possible to collect a baby’s urine in the evening - definitely not. To get the right results, you don't need to take risks.


This means there are a lot of options for collecting urine from a baby girl. Everyone can choose what is convenient, based on the child’s age and characteristics.

How much urine you need to collect from a baby is also not a critical number. Depending on the volume, you can choose containers for analysis.

The main thing: do not be afraid or nervous after the first unsuccessful attempts. Be patient and with experience you will find the best option individually for your daughter.

You can learn how to properly collect urine for analysis from a baby using a urinal bag in the video.