How to achieve perfect white nails at home? How to whiten nails at home - cosmetics and folk recipes

How to whiten nails at home

Nails after varnish turn yellow and have an unaesthetic appearance, who will be responsible for this? Unfortunately, sometimes it's not just the polish, there are several factors that affect the yellowness of the nails. We will talk about them, as well as describe all the ways to whiten nails at home.

This is not uncommon, but a very common problem! Before whitening nails at home, you need to find out the origin of yellowing. Perhaps it's not a cosmetic defect at all and you will have to see a doctor.

The most common causes of yellowing nails are:

  • The fungus has a yellow pigment and often causes yellow nails. It forms under the nail plate, which provokes a discoloration. !
  • Yellowed nails may indicate liver disease. This problem can be encountered while taking antibiotics. Everything will pass as soon as the course of the drug is over and the liver is cleansed.
  • The use of nail polish and other nail coatings is absolutely harmless, since the nails are not a living stratum corneum, but the absence of oxygen still contributes to the yellowing of the nails. It's easy to fix!


Regular whitening toothpaste can easily whiten our nails too! We rub the nails with paste for several minutes and leave for a couple of minutes to be sure. An old unwanted toothbrush will help you. Nails can not only be whitened, but also.


Lemon is also great for whitening and strengthening nails. Dip cotton wool in fresh juice and treat the surface of the nails. After application, you need to wait about 10 minutes, rinse off.

Rum and Pepsicola or Baking Soda and Hydrogen Peroxide

regular soap

Suitable in cases where you need to quickly and without aggressive means to whiten the inside of the nails for publication. Soak a piece of soap in warm water. We pass over it with all nails, we drive the soap to the tongue of each nail and leave it for three to five minutes. Rinse with running water and clean out the residue. All nails are back to original!

See how to remove extended nails at home and not ruin them.

Beautiful nails are the decoration of a modern person. It happens that the nails turn yellow. Why? How can you quickly get rid of the yellowness of the nails?

Why do nails turn yellow and lose their natural color?

Have you noticed that your nails have turned yellow? Nails are a barometer of the internal state of the body, and also reflect a person's habits.

Problems within the body

Yellow nails are caused by certain ailments, such as diseases of the liver, lungs, diabetes, kidney disease, lack of nutrients in the body, such as iron and zinc.

Nail fungus

If the nail plate turns yellow or brown, this may be the first sign of nail fungus. In this case, you need to contact a dermatologist who will prescribe an adequate treatment.


Often smokers' nails turn yellow from cigarette soot. Of course, the ideal option to get rid of yellowness is. Or use simple ways to whiten nails at home.

Constant use of nail polish

If you constantly cover your nails with nail polish, then due to lack of oxygen, your nails turn yellow.

If the yellowness of the nails is caused by bad habits and the wrong way of caring for the nails, then the problem can be corrected at home.

Ways to whiten nails:

Don't polish your nails sometimes

Periodically for several days do not varnish your nails. When the nails are constantly covered with varnish, oxygen does not enter the nail plate, and oxygen is necessary for the normal color of the nails.


Apply a little toothpaste to each nail plate, rub your nails with a nail brush (which can be an ordinary toothbrush). Then leave the toothpaste on the nail for 5-7 minutes, rinse off the toothpaste with water. For best results, use a whitening toothpaste. The paste helps to remove stains and yellowness from the nail plate. Cleaning your nails with toothpaste can be done several times a week, the nails will become whiter and shiny.

Soda solution (Soda paste)

Recipe 1. A baking soda solution is great for whitening nails. Mix 2.5 tablespoons of baking soda with 1 tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous mixture is formed. If the mixture does not gain the consistency of a paste, then add a little more baking soda. Apply the mixture on and under the nails. You can also dip your hands into the bowl of the mixture to keep everything around you (the mixture may start to melt due to body temperature). The procedure should be carried out for 20-30 minutes. Then gently rub your nails with a nail brush, but do not overdo it, because soda grains can injure the nail plate. Wash off the baking soda mixture with warm water.

Recipe 2. Mix a tablespoon of baking soda with a tablespoon of lemon juice until a smooth paste forms. Apply the resulting mixture on the nail plates, gently scrub the surface of the nail plates with a nail brush for 5 minutes. Wash off the soda mixture 5 minutes after application. Lime juice can be used instead of lemon juice.

Do not use the recipe with lemon juice if you have cuts or sores near the nail beds.

Also, the mixture can be added to disposable rubber gloves, put on and wait for the right time.

Lemon juice

Squeeze a few drops of lemon juice on each nail, rub into the nail plate for 30 seconds, rinse with water.

Or squeeze the juice of a lemon into a bowl so you can freely dip your nails into it. Soak your nails in lemon juice for 1-2 minutes, then wash your hands with water and apply cream.

You can also immerse your nails in lemon water for 10 minutes: mix the juice of 1 lemon with a glass of cold boiled water.

After exposure to lemon juice, yellowed nails become noticeably white. lemon juice, in this case, acts as a natural astringent and helps eliminate blemishes. To completely get rid of ugly spots and yellowness on the nails, the nail whitening procedure must be carried out several times.

Lemon juice can dry out skin and nails, so apply a moisturizer afterwards.

Denture cleaning tablets

In the pharmacy, you can buy special tablets for cleaning dentures, which get rid of stains from coffee, tea, red wine, etc. Also, these pills are effective for whitening nails. It is necessary to dissolve 1-2 tablets in a bowl of warm water, then soak the nails there for several minutes.

Whitening agent

If there are strong, stubborn stains on the nails, then you can use a bleaching agent for washing. Dilute the bleach in water 1 to 1. Dip your fingertips into the solution, rub the solution thoroughly into your nails. Use a toothbrush to remove stains from your nails. Rinse the solution off your nails thoroughly with warm water.

It may be that no nail whitening procedure helps at all. This may indicate more serious problems in the body than just yellow nails. Serious illnesses can be the cause.

One whitening procedure may not be enough, several procedures may be needed. And to keep your nails always white and shiny, especially if you often paint your nails, the whitening procedure should be done once a week.

Questions from readers

October 18, 2013, 17:25 Good evening! Help me please. Got my nails done 2 months ago. a week after the extension, a light spot appeared on the nail (little finger). I thought that air got under the tips. But when I took off the extended nails, it became clear that the nail was half gone !! I didn't hit anywhere. Tell me, please, what can it be? And how to treat it? Thanks a lot.

If you are sure that the nails turned yellow due to frequent staining, and not health problems, then you can bring them into shape on your own.

Folk ways

Lemon has a good whitening effect. The easiest way: cut the fruit in half and stick your nails into its halves. Sit like this for 5-10 minutes. You can cut the lemon into slices and wipe your nails 3-4 times a day, or you can squeeze the juice, add olive oil to it and make a bath. As a result of this procedure, the nails will become not only lighter, but also stronger.

Chamomile combines a whitening and disinfecting effect. Pour 2 tablespoons of dried flowers with a glass of boiling water and let them brew for half an hour. After that, dilute the resulting broth with warm water in the amount of 0.5 liters and dip your hands into it for 20 minutes. Carry out this procedure 2-3 times a week.

Baths based on sea salt will make nails lighter and stronger. Dilute 2 teaspoons of salt in warm water. If desired, you can add essential oils of grapefruit, tea tree, sandalwood or bergamot. Soak your hands in the solution for 10 minutes and arrange a second session in 2-3 days.

Buy grapefruit seed extract at the pharmacy. Take a small container, mix 5 drops of this extract and a tablespoon of olive or sunflower oil in it. Lubricate the nails with the resulting product 3-4 times a day.

Hydrogen peroxide is also known for its bleaching properties. Add it in the amount of one tablespoon to 2 tablespoons of soda and mix well. As a result of foaming, you will get a paste that must be applied to the nails and left for no more than 5 minutes. This method is one of the fastest and at the same time aggressive, so it is recommended to use it only in emergency cases.

Cosmetical tools

For those who don't want to make their own whitening products, the cosmetics industry has come up with special products to do just that. They can be produced in the form of a gel, oil or serum in a lacquer bottle. The action of such products is based on exfoliation of the upper layer of the nail plate, so owners of thin nails should use them with extreme caution.

There are also special tablets containing citric acid, extracts of rosemary and chamomile. They must be diluted in water. On the shelves of stores you can also find whitening pencils, which are used to give the tip of the nail a white tint.

A beautiful woman must be beautiful in everything! This is a known truth. Don't leave your nails unattended. It is not necessary to have an ultra-modern intricate manicure. Enough to keep the nails healthy and well-groomed.

First of all, you should pay attention to the color and condition of the nails. Even the most accurate manicure made by a professional master will not bring the desired effect if the nail plate itself has a brown, gray or yellow tint. In this case, the hands will not look well-groomed. That is why many beauties are concerned about the question of how to whiten nails and is it possible to do it yourself?

Factors that can lead to yellowing of the nails

Nails are sensitive to most changes in the body. If yellowness appears, you should listen to yourself, maybe some of the organs in this way gives an alarm. In most cases, this unpleasant phenomenon is provoked by:

  • fungus of the nail plate - this means that spores are actively spreading under the nail, which provoke the appearance of spots;
  • smoking - not only nails, but also skin and teeth suffer from it;
  • diseases of the liver and kidneys lead to pigmentation of the skin or areas located under the nail;
  • abuse of nail polishes, use of poor quality products;
  • old age - in this period, yellowness is a completely natural process.

Folk methods for whitening the nail plate

How to return the nails to their former whiteness? First of all, it is worth trying time-tested folk remedies. Such methods are good for their low cost and availability. You can carry out these wellness procedures at any convenient time.

Salt baths are most effective in such situations. Sea salt is the best choice. Due to its composition, such a solution will not only whiten the nails, but also help to strengthen them. To prepare the bath, you will need 300 milliliters of warm water and one tablespoon of the salt itself. In the resulting water, you need to lower your fingers for 10-15 minutes. Next, it is very important to wash your hands with water and apply moisturizer.

  • Lemon juice

In this case, you need to take a cotton pad or a piece of bandage and soak it in freshly squeezed lemon juice. You need to wipe your nails with such a disc several times a day. If there is no time or desire to squeeze the juice, you can dip your nails directly into the pulp of the fruit.

For the procedure, citric acid diluted in water is also suitable. If you need to prevent excessive brittleness of the nails, you can add a little refined olive oil to the lemon juice. Those with sensitive skin should dilute lemon juice with water. You should not abuse such procedures, since lemon juice can dry out the skin and nail plate.

  • Toothpastes

Oddly enough, but this method is popular with modern beauties. An important condition is not to use this nail whitener more than once a week. The procedure is carried out as follows: the paste is applied to the nail plates, then it needs to be rubbed a little with a brush and washed off with warm water. In this way, you can also clean your hands of dirt. For example, toothpaste will help get rid of oil stains.

  • food water

It will take 50 g of soda mixed with 30 ml of three percent hydrogen peroxide. You should get a thick slurry. This mixture is applied to the nails daily and left for half an hour. Then, the nails should be rubbed with a brush and thoroughly washed off with warm water. Peroxide can be replaced with lemon, grapefruit or lime juice. If there are cuts, wounds, abrasions on the hands, this method is better not to use.

  • Glycerol

An excellent pharmacy remedy that can restore whiteness to yellowed nails. You need to take a pipette and measure out 5 drops of glycerin and 25 drops of hydrogen peroxide. Next, you need to take a small brush and use it to apply the resulting solution to the nails. Wash your hands thoroughly after three minutes.

  • Castor oil

This oil should be rubbed into the nails every evening, preferably if vitamins A and E are included in its composition. To enhance the effect, it is recommended to add a couple of drops of tea tree essential oil, any citrus or ordinary iodine.

  • Olive and vegetable oils

These oils will be useful not only in the kitchen. They are often used in cosmetic procedures. To whiten nails, you will need one tablespoon of any of these oils and a teaspoon of lemon juice. This mixture should be rubbed into the nails in a circular motion with a cotton swab. Such a “mask” is aged for twenty minutes, and then washed off with soap. If desired, you can apply a nourishing cream.

  • Apple vinegar

It can be replaced with an ordinary dining room. 200 ml of warm water will require 10 ml of vinegar. Hands are lowered into the resulting solution for 3-4 minutes. Then they must be thoroughly rinsed with water.

Special cosmetics

If folk remedies did not bring the desired result, you can try special cosmetic products. It can be: varnish, powder, gel, etc.

  1. Effective means include "Beam up" from the company "Essie". Its main advantage is that the yellowness disappears from the nail instantly. Also, they can replace the base for a manicure. Outwardly, it resembles an ordinary colorless varnish, which dries as quickly as possible.
  2. The Swedish company Oriflame produces a similar tool in its line aimed at nail care. It's called "Nail Whitener". The product is a fast-absorbing water-based solution. Contains lemon juice and aloe vera oil. These ingredients help to whiten and strengthen the nail plates.
  3. The popular manufacturer "SEVERINA" is also engaged in the manufacture of whitening products for nails. Its cost does not exceed sixty rubles. This tool whitens, strengthens and has a healing effect on the nails.
  4. To achieve the desired result, regular use of this cosmetic product is necessary. The tool can be used as a base for varnish, as well as for therapeutic or prophylactic purposes.
  5. Also, among the beauties, the product of the Mavala company is popular. This tool not only hides unwanted yellowness, it can get rid of this unpleasant effect. This is facilitated by one of the key elements - titanium oxide.

All of the presented tools are, of course, good. But most of the women who seek to give their nails whiteness do so with the help of numerous whitening pencils. You can buy them both at the pharmacy and at the cosmetic store. Pencils come to the rescue when you need to instantly mask the yellowness. But do not forget about their main drawback: the reason that provokes the appearance of a yellow tint remains. So the effect of the pencil is temporary.

Thus, we can conclude: there are an infinite number of means to achieve white nails. It is most reasonable to fight not only with the external manifestation of the problem, but to look for and identify the factors provoking it. Do not hide yellowed nails under a layer of varnish. It will take only a few minutes a day for a woman to solve the problem, and her hands will shine with beauty and health again.

Recently, you have discovered yellow nails on your hands and are looking for ways to get rid of the yellowness of your nails? Do not rush to use varnish to paint over an unpleasant color. In some cases, yellowness on the nails can "tell" about serious diseases, so you first need to find the cause of the yellowing of the nails.

If you are healthy, then they will help to cope with the yellowness of the nails on the hands or feet. home remedies for whitening nails.

The nails on the hands turned yellow: the causes of yellow nails - when to see a doctor?

In addition to external factors (the use of varnish of dubious quality, household chemicals, etc.) affecting the condition and color of nails, yellowed nails can be a consequence of internal diseases human body.

If the fingernails turn yellow, then perhaps in the body there are:

  • liver, lung or kidney problems;
  • disruption of the endocrine (hormonal), cardiovascular systems;
  • metabolic problems caused by a lack of vitamins and minerals.

Smoking, long-term medication, nail fungus - also the causes of yellow nails on the hands.

In addition, there is such a rare disease called " yellow nail syndrome ". The first sign of the disease is the color change of the nails to yellow, then lymphatic edema forms in various parts of the body. With this disease, nails almost completely stop growing. Yellow nail syndrome in a neglected state is treated for a very long time.

Yellow nails are just the "tip of the iceberg" - a small part of some big problem. And, if you do not pay attention to this "first bell", then after the yellowing of the nail, it will come thickening and reshaping . Then the nail will peel off , which subsequently leads to complete destruction of the nail plate.

To make sure that everything is in order with the internal organs, or to confirm your guesses about the alleged illness, you need to:

  • undergo a fluorographic examination;
  • take a general blood test;
  • visit an endocrinologist.

7 effective ways to get rid of yellow nails and whiten nails at home

After making sure that yellow nails are not the result of a serious illness and your health is in order, you can remove yellowness from nails with home whitening.

But first:

  • change detergents to others or wear gloves when using them;
  • quit smoking (at least for a short time) and see how not only the color of the nails, but also the skin as a whole changes;
  • temporarily eliminate nail polish.

After that, for the speedy and active restoration of a healthy nail color, you can apply folk methods for whitening nails.

Home remedies for yellow nails:

  • Rubbing nails with lemon juice
    The most popular, proven and effective method. Lemon juice contains many vitamins and minerals.

    Daily wiping (3-4 times a day) of the nail plates with lemon juice will help get rid of the yellow color of the nails and saturate them with useful substances.

  • Chamomile decoction
    As you know, chamomile is a good antiseptic. Baths from a decoction of chamomile flowers, which contain essential oils and vitamins, will bring your yellow nails to a normal natural state.

    Why you need to brew chamomile infusion: pour a couple of tablespoons of flowers with boiling water (250 ml), insist for half an hour. Then dilute with water (0.5 liters) and hold hands in the resulting broth for 20 minutes.
  • Salt baths
    Baths with the use of sea salt and the addition of various essential oils (tea tree, bergamot, sandalwood, eucalyptus), in addition to whitening, will return the lost strength to the nails.

  • Nail mask
    To whiten nails at home with a mask, you will need: grapefruit seed extract (purchased at the pharmacy), olive or sunflower oil.

    Add five drops of grapefruit seed extract to one tablespoon of oil. With the resulting composition, smear the nails approximately 3-4 times a day.
  • Paste
    It is possible to remove yellowness from nails with the help of 2 tablespoons of baking soda mixed with one tablespoon of hydrogen peroxide. The result should be a paste-like mixture, which must be applied to the nails and kept for about five minutes.

    This is an effective, but not particularly gentle way. Therefore, it should be used very rarely in special cases when you urgently need to remove yellowness from the nails - and there is absolutely no time for long masks and baths.
  • Berries
    Cranberries, red, black currants, whose chemical composition includes pectin, organic acids and vitamins, have a disinfecting effect and a whitening effect. The big advantage of these berries is that the berries that have been frozen do not lose their properties after defrosting.

    Mash fresh or thawed berries with a fork until smooth and apply gruel on the nails. Soak the crushed berries on the nails for 5-7 minutes and then rinse with water.
  • Whitening serums
    If you do not want to bother with the preparation of various masks, pastes and decoctions, you can simply purchase a whitening serum, a ready-made whitening mask, special pencils or whitening tablets that contain citric acid, chamomile and rosemary extracts and help restore the natural color of nails.

    The market offers a fairly large selection of preparations and products for whitening nails, but it is best to purchase them in pharmacies or stores specializing in cosmetics.

Bad nail condition a signal that tells you information about the state of the body , warning: Something is wrong.

Therefore, before masking yellow fingernails with external influences, you need to heal the body from the inside: saturate with vitamins and minerals .