Lesson notes for “Happy Easter.” Summary of a lesson on ORK on the topic “Easter of Christ - the triumph of celebrations” Lesson dedicated to Easter home decoration

Class :

Subject : Easter and Easter traditions in Russia

Type of training session : comprehensive application of knowledge and skills acquired in the lesson


    feelings of patriotism and love for one’s Motherland, love for the traditions and customs of Orthodox culture;

    respect for the cultural and religious traditions of their people.



    take part in the discussion of the material listened to;

    set new goals and transform practical tasks into cognitive ones;

    make efforts and overcome difficulties in achieving your goals;

    carry out mutual control and provide the necessary assistance in cooperation;

    organize and plan educational collaboration with the teacher and peers, determine the goals and functions of participants and methods of interaction.



    perceive information by ear, using existing knowledge of Orthodox culture;

    complete the proposed tasks;

    present the results of group work performed

Interdisciplinary connections: MHC, cultural studies, foundations of Orthodox culture.

The purpose of the lesson:

    development of intellectual and creative activity of students;

    instilling love for one's country through religious education.

Lesson objectives:


    give students an idea of ​​the Christian religion as one of the significant religions of the world;

    introduce students to Orthodox Christian culture as an important part of the historical and cultural traditions of our Motherland;

    expand and deepen students’ knowledge about Christian traditions and Orthodox customs.


    expand students' horizons on religious topics;

2) teach students to express their opinions on the topic;


    develop students’ cognitive interest in Orthodox Christian culture;

    develop students' interest in studying religious sciences;

    develop the ability to obtain necessary information fromvarious sources, as well assystematize, summarize, evaluate the information received, comment, draw conclusions;

    develop logical thinking, attention, imagination and memory of students.


    to cultivate the moral qualities of students - kindness, mercy, tolerance, tolerance for other cultures;

    to cultivate a caring attitude towards the historical and cultural heritage of one’s people, respect for the Orthodox traditions of one’s country;

Forms of organizing cognitive activity in the classroom:



Steam room;


Teaching methods:

Explanatory and illustrative;

Partially search;

Method of collective interaction;

Method of control and evaluation.

Equipment : Computer, multimedia projector, interactive whiteboard, multimedia presentation


Stage of training session, time

Creates an emotional mood for the lesson, introduces students to a speech situation.

Guys, please look at the screen and tell me what holiday we are going to talk about today? (slide 1)

The teacher reads a poem:

Resurrection of Christ

Princess E. Gorchakova

On Easter Day, playing joyfully,

The lark flew high,

And in the blue sky, disappearing,

He sang the song of resurrection.

And they repeated that song loudly

And the steppe, and the hill, and the dark forest.

“Wake up, earth,” they said,

Wake up: Your King, your God has risen!

Wake up, mountains, valleys, rivers,

Praise the Lord from Heaven.

Death is conquered by him forever -

Wake up, you too, green forest.

Snowdrop, silver lily of the valley,

Violet - bloom again

And send up a fragrant hymn

To Him Whose commandment is love."

Yes, today guys we will talk about Christian traditions, about one of the greatest and most significant holidays for all Christians - about the bright resurrection of the Lord - Easter.

The teacher identifies students’ existing knowledge on the topic of the lesson, using interdisciplinary connections and techniques brain - storming , students speak out on the topic, and the teacher writes down the students’ answers on the board.

Guys, what do you already know about this holiday? Fill out the chart:


The teacher listens to the students and then specifies the goals and objectives of the lesson.

So, guys, today we will talk about the Great Holiday, and find out how Orthodox people celebrate this day.

The teacher invites students to continue the sentences:

1. Easter is a holiday...(of spring, joy and light)

2. Orthodox Christians celebrate this holiday under...(bells ringing)

3. All Orthodox churches hold...(holiday services)

4. Before the holiday, people...(baking Easter cakes and coloring eggs)

5. People buy candles and go to church for...(Religious procession)

6. The priests are dressed in festive clothes and ... (light eggs and Easter cakes)

-Listen, guys, to an excerpt from I.S. Shmelev’s work “Summer” Lord" and be prepared to answer the questions:

“The windows are open in the house, and you can hear the cry and call of the good news - in my opinion... in my opinion... This is a pitiful bell, crying for a sinful soul. It's called Lenten gospel. The curtains have been removed from the windows, and things will be fine now until Easter. In the living room, old furniture covers are put on, the lamps are tied into cocoons, and even the only painting, “The Beauty at the Feast,” is covered with a sheet.

Everyone at home is very strict, and in shabby dresses with patches, they told me to put on a jacket with torn elbows. The carpets have been removed, you can now ski on the parquet floors, but it’s just scary. Lent: if you roll, you'll break your leg.

I'm getting scared. I look at the Crucifixion. The son of God is suffering! But how did God... how did He allow it?..

I feel a great mystery in this – God.”


- What feelings did the boy experience during Lent?

How would you describe his mood?

How do you understand why it is not customary to have fun and make noise during Lent?

But now the last week of Lent passes and the holiday begins. Does your mood change?

The story of Christ did not end with His execution. After the crucifixion, Christ returned to life - he was resurrected.

What word do you know that sounds similar?

What does the word "resurrection" mean?

Christ is called the Savior of mankind because he went to the cross to save people.

2) Orthodox Easter.

The great holiday is preceded by a 40-day fast. On such days, people dressed very modestly, tried to avoid entertainment, ate only lean food, and children tried not to make noise.

3) Traditions of celebration.

Guys, what do you know about the traditions of celebrating Easter?

Teacher's story. (generalization)

Easter traditions include painting eggs and making Easter cakes, joyful songs and congratulation games.

Oh, let's listen and sing a song that is traditionally sung on this great day.

Believers kiss each other three times. Children or younger ones say “Christ is Risen!”, and the older ones answer “Truly He is Risen!”

Traditionally, the Easter table is headed by Easter cake. Housewives prepare cottage cheese Easter and paint eggs.

Easter cake is a remembrance of the fact that Jesus came to his followers after his Resurrection and ate food with them. If the cake is prepared correctly, it will not go stale within 40 days. Kulich is a symbol of the presence of God in the world and in human life. Beauty and aroma expresses the Lord's care for all Christians.

Easter eggs are colored eggs. According to legends, their appearance is associated with Mary Magdalene, who came to the palace and told Emperor Tiberio about the resurrection of Christ. In those days, there was a tradition of visiting the emperor and bringing something as a gift. She gave him an egg because she was poor. After listening to her, the emperor did not believe it and said: “This egg would sooner turn red than I would believe in your words.” The egg immediately turned red. This testifies to the truth of Christ's Resurrection. The egg is a symbol of the rebirth of nature and the infinity of life. And all Christians greet each other with a red egg, as a sign of eternal life.

Come on, guys, we’ll make some Easter eggs.

Well, now it’s time to relax and play Easter games.

1. Game "rolling eggs."

Install a wooden or cardboard skating rink and clear a flat area around it on which to lay out colored eggs, toys, and Easter-themed souvenirs. Students take turns approaching the skating rink and rolling pre-prepared eggs. As soon as the egg touches any object, it becomes a winning gift.

2. Easter nest

Two teams compete by carrying eggs on wooden spoons into a “nest”. Those who complete the task faster win.

Lesson dedicated to the holiday of Easter

I bring to your attention a manual labor lesson that I teach with my students on the eve of Easter.

Goals and objectives:

    Introduce children to the Slavic traditions of the Easter holiday;

    Teach practical techniques for decorating Easter eggs using the decoupage technique;

    Foster respect for folk traditions.

Visual and audio materials:

    illustrations of Easter eggs by C. Faberge

    images of the Mother of God icons

    reproductions of paintings by Russian artists

    Russian folk melodies

    Easter bell ringing of the Cathedral of Christ the Savior

Materials and equipment :

    boiled egg


    glue brush, container with paste or transparent glue

    decorative multi-layer paper napkins


1. The teacher’s story about the Easter holiday and its traditions.

Easter or Resurrection of Christ the oldest Christian holiday, the main holiday of the liturgical year. Established in honor of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Currently, its date in each specific year is calculated according to the lunisolar calendar, which makes Easter a moving holiday.

Easter traditions

Almost all Easter traditions originated in worship. Even the scope of Easter folk festivities is associated with breaking the fast after Lent - a time of abstinence, when all holidays, including family ones, were transferred to the celebration of Easter. The symbols of Easter become everything that expresses Renewal (Easter streams), Light (Easter fire), Life (Easter cakes, eggs and hares).

Easter service

On Easter, as the most important holiday of the church year, a particularly solemn service is held. It was formed in the first centuries of Christianity as baptismal. Most of the catechumens, after the preparatory fast, were baptized on this special day.

Since ancient times, the Church has developed a tradition of celebrating the Easter service at night; or in some countries (for example, Serbia) in the early morning - at dawn.

Easter greeting

Starting from Easter night and the next forty days (before Easter is celebrated), it is customary to “Christify”, that is, greet each other with the words: “Christ is risen!” - “Truly he is risen!”, while kissing three times.

Easter fire

The Easter fire plays a large role in worship, as well as in folk festivities. It symbolizes the Light of God, enlightening all nations after Christ's Resurrection. In Greece, as well as in large cities of Russia, in Orthodox churches, before the Easter service, believers wait for the Holy Fire from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. If the fire successfully arrives from Jerusalem, the priests solemnly distribute it to the temples of the city. Believers immediately light their candles from it. After the service, many take the lamp with the fire home, where they try to keep it going throughout the year.

Easter meal

During Holy Saturday and after the Easter service in churches, Easter cakes, Easter cottage cheese, eggs and everything that is prepared for the festive table for breaking the fast after Lent are blessed. Christians give Easter eggs to each other as a symbol of the miraculous birth from the tomb - the Resurrection of Christ. According to Tradition, when Mary Magdalene presented an egg as a gift to Emperor Tiberius as a symbol of the Resurrection of Christ, the emperor, having doubts, said that just as an egg does not turn from white to red, so the dead do not rise. The egg immediately turned red. Although eggs are painted in different colors, the traditional one is red as the color of life and victory. In the iconographic tradition, the risen Christ is surrounded by an oval-shaped radiance. This figure, similar in shape to an egg, among the Hellenes (Greeks) meant a miracle or a mystery, in contrast to a regular symmetrical circle.

In the Orthodox tradition, artos is consecrated on Easter leavened bread of special consecration. Those who could not receive communion on Easter could feel unity through eating common bread.

On cottage cheese Easter, as a rule, they put stamps with the letters “ХВ”. The symbol of Easter is a lamb, in the shape of which a pie is usually baked in Russia.

Easter procession

Immediately before Easter, believers gather in the church, from where a religious procession with loud singing begins at midnight. Then the procession approaches the doors of the temple and the service of Easter Matins begins.

Easter bell

In Russia, as well as other Orthodox countries, after the silence of the bells during Holy Days, the gospel is especially solemnly rung on Easter itself. Throughout Bright Week, anyone can climb the bell tower and ring in honor of the Resurrection of Christ.

In Belgium, children are told that the bells are silent until Easter because they have gone to Rome and will return with a rabbit and eggs.

The soundtrack of the holiday also has an evangelical meaning. Thus, in some churches in Greece, as soon as the Gospel begins to read about the earthquake in Jerusalem, an unimaginable noise arises in the church. The parishioners, having waited, begin to hit the wooden stairs with sticks, and the elderly rattle the seats of the benches, while the chandeliers sway from side to side. The man-made “earthquake” thus symbolizes the opening of the tomb at the resurrection of Christ.

Easter cards

Since the end of the 19th century in Russia, it has become traditional to send to those relatives and friends with whom you cannot christen, on Easter as the main holiday, Easter cards with colorful drawings, the main theme of which was the following: Easter eggs, Easter cakes, Orthodox churches, people christening, Russian landscapes , spring flood, flowers

2. Practical part. Introduction to the decoupage technique. Easter egg decoration

There are many techniques for decorating Easter eggs. Nowadays, coloring Easter eggs is very simple: special bright food colors and even various stickers are sold for this purpose.

In our master class we will make an Easter souvenir using the decoupage technique. What is decoupage? From fr. dekouper – “to cut” – is a very ancient decorative technique.

Today this technique is back in fashion. To master the decoupage technique, you need three main things: decorative paper napkins with a visual motif pleasing to the eye, a special varnish and an object that you want to give an unusual look. As you might have guessed, decoupage, in general, is a real applique.

You can use this method to decorate natural boiled eggs. It's quite simple and turns out very beautiful! You will need multi-layer napkins with a pattern, an egg, and since we will be decorating with a natural boiled egg, instead of varnish it is better to take a paste made with potato starch. You can also use transparent glue.

The operating technology is as follows:

    you cut out the design element you like from a multi-layer napkin;

    carefully separate the top paint layer;

    Now coat the egg with paste and place the design on it;

    When the glue dries, you can decorate the drawing with colored sparkles.

Integrated lesson summary

Educational areas: 1.Fundamentals of religious cultures and secular ethics. 2. Visual geometry

Lesson topic : Easter. The use of axial symmetry in decorating Easter eggs and Easter cakes.

Clacc : 4-5

Teacher: Sheludko Irina Anatolyevna, mathematics teacher at MBOU secondary school No. 1 with in-depth study of individual subjects in the city of Surgut, Tyumen region.

Lesson type: lesson of learning new things.

The purpose of the lesson: contribute to the formation of students’ knowledge and ideas about the Easter holiday. Form an idea of ​​axial symmetry. To teach to distinguish the diverse manifestations of symmetry in the world around us using the example of the decor of Easter eggs and Easter cakes.

Lesson objectives:

    give an idea of ​​symmetry in geometry;

    teach to recognize types of symmetry;

    Show the exceptional role of the principle of symmetry in the scientific knowledge of the world, in human creativity.

    talk about the history and traditions of Easter.

    develop student achievement motivation through the use of IT and collective activities in small groups.

    paint Easter eggs with geometric patterns using symmetry

    cultivate cognitive interest and broaden horizons based on interdisciplinary connections.

Equipment: computer, interactive whiteboard, projector, visual aids, posters, markers, colored pencils, paper, Easter egg blanks

During the classes:

    Organizing time. (Message of the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson)

    Music sounds (bell ringing)

The teacher asks the class a question:

- “Do you know what Easter is?”

- “What words do you associate with this holiday?”

(a “cluster” is compiled on the board for this word)

Sunday Easter Easter eggs spring

EASTER church

God willow house game good

(children can offer different options, the teacher must write down all associations)

Teacher: Well done! Indeed, Orthodox Christians call this day “the feast of feasts and the triumph of solemnities.”

    From the history of Easter (teacher tells and shows a short presentation on the topic). In this case, you can supplement the cluster with concepts. A story about Easter eggs (pysanky)

This information can be given to students to prepare in advance, and then conducted in the form of a short survey. You can tell the teacher yourself.

(afterwards the teacher talks about Easter. You can accompany the story with a presentation)

This is the most important day of the Orthodox church calendar. This day celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. This religious holiday symbolizes the victory of good over evil, light over darkness. Easter Sunday is called Great Sunday. Easter is the end of Great Lent.

On the day before Easter - Holy Saturday - old and young, believers and hesitant, gather in Temples for prayer. Dusk is falling. Temples and church courtyards are full.

But the Easter holiday is not only about prayers. This holiday is rich in its customs and traditions. A rich table is set. They organize all kinds of games with Easter eggs. At Easter, it was customary to “congratulate each other on the holiday” (to congratulate each other on the holiday, while Easter eggs were given to relatives and friends - a symbol of life.

They say there is a good omen: whoever spends Easter in a joyful mood will have happiness in life and good luck in business all year long.

Poem(student reads, can be prepared in advance)

V. Morozova

The sunlight plays and pours,

The gospel is heard in the soul in the morning.

Clouds float in the boundless azure

Under the willows a hand babbles gently.

The breath of spring in the green forest...

What a joy to live! Christ is Risen!

Passover is translated from the Hebrew “passover” as “origin”, “deliverance”. Each year, according to the lunar calendar, Easter falls on a different date (from April 4 to May 8).

Russian people associate Easter with spring - the life of nature, with the dawn of good feelings, the unity of people, with hope for future happiness.

Easter is celebrated longer than other holidays - a whole week (week). And after another 40 days. Ends with the Ascension of the Lord.

Easter folk signs:

    The first day of Easter - the sky is clear and sunny - this meant a good harvest and a red summer.

If it rains, good rye.

If there is thunder - for the harvest

    It was believed that an Easter egg could provide relief from any ailment.

    If the blessed egg is left until next Easter, it can fulfill any wish.

Painted eggs are called “krashenki” or “pysanky”. The custom of dyeing eggs dates back to ancient times.

After the ascension of Christ the Savior into heaven, Mary Magdalene appeared to preach the Gospel in Rome. In those days, it was customary to bring gifts to the emperor when visiting the emperor. The wealthy brought jewelry, and the poor brought what they could. Therefore, Mary Magdalene, who had nothing but faith in Jesus, handed Emperor Tiberius a chicken egg with the exclamation: “Christ is Risen!” The emperor, doubting what was said, noted that no one can rise from the dead and this is as difficult to believe as the fact that a white egg can turn red. Tiberius did not have time to finish these words, and the egg began to turn from white to bright red. For those who have faith in Christ, colored eggs have always served as a symbol of the Resurrection of Jesus, and with it purification in the name of a new, better life.

But why did the egg become the main symbol of Easter? And why are eggs painted? It was believed that the life of the chick was hidden in the egg, this is a visual image of life. On the other hand, a painted egg resembles the blood of Christ (earlier eggs were only painted red or brick), and Christ grants us eternal salvation.

Painted eggs appeared later.

There was a belief. If you walk around the yard early in the morning on Easter Day with the first laid egg and roll it in the corners, you can drive out evil spirits.

Still need to know! Whatever you celebrate in church on Easter should be enjoyed at home. Blessed Easter cakes and eggs cannot be taken to the cemetery to visit the dead.

Easter cakes are Easter pies. They say that if you bake an Easter cake at home and it is a success, then everyone will be healthy.

On Easter it was customary to visit people and give Easter treats.

During the entire Easter week, it was customary to do charity work, visit the sick and poor.

Children are pre-divided into groups of 5-6 people. Each group has cards on their tables that give different concepts of Easter and its meaning for people. Children read them and choose as a group the concept that, in their opinion, more accurately reveals the meaning of Easter. These concepts are attached to the board, complementing the Cluster. In this case, each group must defend its own option.

IV. Working with geometric material. Introduction to symmetry.

Teacher: Today we will get acquainted with a very important concept in geometry such as symmetry. Since our lesson is dedicated to Easter, we will try to paint Easter eggs using the symmetry of the design.

(Appendix 2. Presentation “Her Majesty – Perfection” about symmetry)

V. Work in groups.

1. Task. Find a suitable part for the robot (slide 22). Draw a conclusion.

2. Task. Find the true reflection of the gnomes. (slide 23.)

3. Which of the following letters have an axis of symmetry: A, B, D, E, O, F, M, X, K? Show her off. Show correct answers on the interactive board.

4. On a sheet of paper, draw a straight line (axis of symmetry) in the middle. Make a symmetrical drawing. (it is necessary to use geometric shapes that children know). Children show their drawings, the teacher corrects them.

1. What is symmetry

      what symmetry are you familiar with?

      Where can you find symmetry?

4. How to construct a figure that is symmetrical to a given one relative to a straight line.

    Creative task. Eggs for work are prepared in advance (empty).

1. Prepare the egg. Pass the ribbon through the centers located on the line of symmetry and secure with beads (picture)

2. Draw a line of symmetry through the entire egg (it will be a closed line)

3. Make a sketch of a design for decorating Easter eggs (eggs), using axial symmetry.

4. Transfer the design to the finished egg, applying the symmetry of the design and the egg. Use felt-tip pens, colored crayons, glue, beads, sequins, ribbons and other materials. (children are informed about this in advance in the previous lesson; the teacher can also offer material for decorating Easter eggs). Each group chooses a specific theme for decoration (in the same style)

5. Each group comes up with a name for their Easter eggs and presents them to the rest of the students. At the same time, it is necessary to indicate how symmetry helped them decorate Easter eggs.

6. The teacher organizes an exhibition of Easter eggs.

    Summing up the lesson.

The teacher asks questions to the class.

      What is Easter?

      What is connected with this holiday?

      Do you think that this is the main holiday of Christians? Why?

      What is symmetry?

      Is symmetry necessary in life?

      How to apply symmetry in the decor of Easter eggs and Easter cakes?

    Lesson reflection

Students are invited to draw their attitude to the lesson and their mood using emoticons (done in groups). Reflection sheets are posted on the board.

You can listen to several students.


    1. Come up with a design to decorate Easter cakes using axial or central symmetry.

      Find out what games were with Easter eggs. How to color Easter eggs without using food coloring.

The purpose of the lesson: expand students’ knowledge about the origins of the rituals and traditions of the folk holiday “Easter” and teach techniques for transferring a drawing to a convex surface.

Equipment: A set of Easter egg postcards, sketches of painting Easter eggs, elements of painting, an exhibition of Easter eggs made by high school students.

Materials: gouache, brushes, varnish, blank egg.

During the classes

1. Org. moment.

2. Report the topic of the lesson. Conversation on the topic.

You all know that... in April, all of Russia and Orthodoxy in the world will celebrate the largest Orthodox holiday - Easter.

What do you know about Easter?

Why is it called Bright Day?

What holiday is this, Christian or pagan?

What other Christian holidays do you know?

Easter or Bright Day, like the entire next week, is one of the most ancient holidays, the origins of which are lost in the times of paganism. Easter is celebrated on the first Sunday after the March full moon following the spring equinox.

For the farmer, this was the greatest celebration of the coming of the sun, the awakening of nature, when they began to “click for spring.”

There would be no Easter without a swing. In almost every yard there was a swing for children, and in the main square poles were dug in advance, ropes were hung, boards were attached - public swings and carousels were erected.

People believed: the more and higher you swing on the holiday, the happier and more successful the year will be, the better the harvest will be.

The famous Russian round dances began with Easter. Walking in a circle resembled the movement of the sun and was supposed to help the rapid awakening and flowering of nature.

Special ritual food is prepared for Easter. What kind of food do you think this is? (Children's answers).

It includes Easter eggs made from cottage cheese, Easter cakes and colored eggs.

The main symbol of the holiday is a painted egg. Every housewife strives to boil more eggs and be sure to color them. Why? (Children's answers).

Kulich, Easter and eggs must be ready on Saturday, when they will all take it to church to be blessed.

Yes... there is a lot of trouble before Easter. But one of the most joyful things is to paint and paint eggs.

The egg turned out to be amazing even because it has the ability to preserve and recreate life, which means it testifies to the infinity of life. Before sowing, boiled eggs were placed in the seeds, scrambled eggs were eaten under the first blossoming birch trees, eggs were given to relatives and friends as a sign of goodwill and friendship, eggs were broken at weddings, etc.

Do you know what symbol the egg carries?

The egg is a universal symbol; it appears in the mythologies of all nations. From it arose the universe, a creator god, a hero, or even the human race. From the upper and lower half of the egg, the sky and earth or sun emerged. Christianity included this universal symbol in its symbolism.

The egg became not only a symbol of the creation of the world, but also, above all, its re-creation in Christ. As a symbol of the resurrection of Christ, the egg represents the coffin, which contains the embryo of future life.

Why are eggs most often painted red? (Children's response)

Red is the color of blood shed, but at the same time the color of joy on the occasion that “Christ has risen.”

Usually Easter eggs were painted red, and they were called “dyed eggs”. And in Belarus and Western Ukraine, ornamentally decorated “pysanky” were widespread, the patterns of which, according to popular interpretation, represented the flagellation of Christ.

Easter eggs were carved from wood, porcelain, glass, stone and precious metals. The pinnacle of this artistic search was the Faberge Easter eggs.

“...Every year during Holy Week the collection of the royal family was replenished with a new egg. Most Faberge Easter eggs contained a surprise. For example, in 1900, an egg was made to commemorate the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway. Inside there is a folding model of the Siberian imperial train made of gold and platinum and a small key that sets the mechanism in motion. The train consists of a steam locomotive with diamond headlights and five carriages with rock crystal windows. On the carriages there are tiny signs with the inscriptions “for ladies”, “for smokers”, “for non-smokers”. The class of the carriage and the number of seats are also indicated.”

In total, the company produced 56 eggs. And only 10 of them are in Russia on display at the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin.

The art of painting Easter eggs was on the verge of collapse during 70 years of struggle against religions, but now it is being revived not only by masters of the Moscow Patriarchate, but also by young artists.

3. Practical work.

Today in the lesson we will try to learn the wonderful skill of painting eggs. And here there are little tricks that will help you turn simple eggshells into wonderful crafts.

1. The artist (master) does not immediately create his work: he thinks over the idea, and then creates the image.

2. The egg is fragile, small, and voluminous - so you need to hold it very carefully in your hands and turn it while working so that you can see it from all sides.

3. When the paint on the drawing made on one end of the egg has dried, you can turn it over with that end down and begin painting further.

4. When painting the middle part of the egg, it is convenient to hold it in your hand, taking both ends with your fingers.

5. When making Easter eggs, come up with your own patterns. The more imagination you show, the more elegant and interesting your work will turn out.

Get to work! Try to paint carefully and slowly.

After the pysanky are ready, you can coat the top with clear varnish.

4. Summary. At the end of the lesson there is an exhibition of painted Easter eggs.

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The lesson is conducted within the framework of the section “Culture at home”, the topic “Rituals and holidays. Traditions and existence”, 3-4 lesson topics. Lesson calendar planning is associated with the calendar of church holidays, held during Holy Week.

The purpose of the lesson:

  • To develop knowledge about the history, rituals and existence of the Easter holiday.
  • Develop a creative attitude towards everyday work
  • Develop a tolerant attitude towards religion, the ability to derive joy from joint work


  • Find out the history of the holiday, its significance in Christianity.
  • Learn some rituals associated with the holiday
  • Make some traditional table decorations for the holiday
  • Get to know the games and activities typical for Holy and Easter weeks
  • Develop a positive attitude towards the aesthetics of everyday life, fine motor skills of the fingers, and oral coherent speech

Equipment: computer, multimedia projector”, presentation “Easter” (The presentation can be obtained from the author), boiled eggs or cardboard dummies of eggs, brushes of different thicknesses, gouache, rags, braid, needles, threads, scissors, twigs. The lesson uses a presentation created in MS Power Paint, based on the accompanying graphics. (Figures 1 - 23).

During the classes

  1. Organizational part

Hello! You've probably already heard about what this week is called. No? And it's called Passionate. After it comes a big holiday, which is celebrated by Christians for 7 whole days. What holiday is this? (Easter)

  1. Updating knowledge

The bells are ringing and there are images of churches on the screen.

(Figures 1-4).

The gospel is ringing everywhere,
People are pouring out of all the churches.
The dawn is already buzzing from the heavens...

The snow has already been removed from the fields,
And the rivers break from their shackles,
And the nearby forest turns green...
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!
The earth is waking up
And the fields are dressed,
Spring is coming, full of miracles!
Christ is risen! Christ is risen!

Girls, what do you know about this holiday? Try to answer the questions.

  1. What does Easter mean?
  • the onset of spring;
  • resurrection of Jesus Christ;
  • the entrance of the Lord into Jerusalem.
  1. On what day of the week is Easter celebrated?
  • Thursday;
  • Saturday;
  • Sunday.
  1. What are the main dishes of the holiday table?
  • eggs, Easter cakes, fish;
  • eggs, Easter, Easter cakes;
  • Easter, chicken, Easter cakes
  1. What blocked the entrance to the cave where the Savior was buried?
  • canvas;
  • stone;
  • branches.
  1. What was the first Easter egg?
  • red;
  • yellow;
  • green.

The teacher comments on the answers and draws attention to their ambiguity.

  1. New knowledge (conversation)

Well done girls, you know so much about this holiday. Where did this holiday come to us from?

Historical sketch(you can assign the story to a student)

The Christian holiday of Easter has a long and complex history. Early Christian communities adopted Easter as it was celebrated by the ancient Jews. The Hebrew holiday originated about 3,500 years ago. It was a spring cattle breeding festival. Jewish pastoralists held a ritual feast in the spring, during which they slaughtered lambs and smeared their blood on their tents and cattle pens. During this period there was no fixed date for the holiday.

Having moved from the Arabian desert to Palestine, the Jewish tribes began to engage in agriculture and lead a sedentary lifestyle. Holidays have also changed. The Easter holiday lost its former significance and merged with the spring agricultural holiday, in which bread took center stage. This is how early Christian communities perceived it in the 1st and 2nd centuries. Since the holiday was associated with the atoning death of Christ, it was a holiday of sorrow and suffering. Therefore, it is no coincidence that he was preceded by a long fast.

Pagan beliefs and holidays left a big mark on the Christian holiday of Easter. The cult of plant gods, gardening and horticulture was taught to celebrate rebirth. Among the pagans, eggs painted in bright colors served as a symbol of flowering, and a golden egg personified the Sun, an inexhaustible source of heat, light, and therefore life.

Christians initially celebrated both Easters - the Easter of suffering and the Easter of resurrection. Later these holidays became a multi-day single holiday.

Continuing the conversation

As you can see, Easter is older than Christianity, but Christians chose it as the main holiday of their beliefs. How did this happen?

Jesus Christ was born in the State of Israel more than 2000 years ago. Until the age of 33, he grew up as an ordinary Jewish boy, a young man, became a carpenter, and helped his father. But at the age of 33 he met John the Baptist, otherwise known as the Baptist. People have been passing on legends to each other for a long time that God will send a mission to earth, but it was in Jesus that John the Baptist recognized the son of God. He baptized Jesus with the water of the Jordan River. But Jesus did not believe him, and neither did the people watching them.

One day, Jesus Christ was walking around the outskirts of the city, and an epiphany descended on him.

(Music sounds)

Light poured from the sky, divine music sounded, angels descended before Christ. They told him that he was actually not born from an earthly man, but the son of God, and it was he who would have to take upon himself all the sins of people and atone for them with his suffering.

(Figure 5)

From that day on, Jesus began to preach. He told people that they must love all people, both friends and enemies. If peace and love reign in the world, believers will ascend to heaven and return to Paradise from which they were once expelled. Many people wanted to live in such a world, they also began to preach and called themselves disciples of Christ. There were more and more students and the authorities did not like this. Among the disciples of Christ they found an envious man named Judas, who betrayed him by handing him over to the guards. Local Pharisee priests offered Christ a choice: life in exchange for his beliefs. But Christ could not refuse the truth that so many people believed. He chose death. Holy Week provides an opportunity to remember the events that preceded the death of Christ. On Tuesday Jesus was betrayed, until Friday he was beaten and tortured, and finally on Friday Jesus was put to death. He was crucified on the cross, which is the main symbol of Christianity. Death on the cross was long and painful.

(Figure 6)

After Christ's death, one of his followers asked for his body for a dignified burial. The authorities allowed Jesus to be removed from the cross and placed in a cave. But to prevent his body from being stolen, the entrance to the cave was blocked with a stone. They were afraid that his friends might steal his body and declare him resurrected.

For two days Christ lay in the tomb,
And the world, it seemed, was still waiting for something,
All nature seemed mysterious.
The whole air was trembling somehow.
And the silence that was everywhere
It seemed unnatural.
People were waiting and afraid for something,
Although peace reigned everywhere
People became quiet, something was bothering them
Forget the evil that happened in those days.
There was fear of Him Who was crucified,
They were even afraid of Him when He was dead.
They saw miracles and signs.
Which the Nazarene did.
And this raised doubts in them -
What if He really was the Son of God!
There is a guard at His grave,
Under the seal of Caesar's seal is the entrance.
But even this is all powerless
To hold the One who carries life within Himself.
For He whose name is the Beginningless,
There can be no end.
Therefore, the coffin and the guards are powerless,
When the Lord performs miracles!
The tomb was illuminated at dawn,
And the music of heaven began to sound,
And the earth shook, and in this light
The Lord has risen!
The sky rejoices! The sounds are pouring, pouring!
The face of the risen Christ shines!
He stretches out his hands to the world,
Blessing them friend and enemy!
That wonderful day of Christ's Sunday
It's been a long time. But in the course of centuries
He brings precious salvation
And eternal forgiveness of sins.
And to everyone who has the aspiration
To love and peace, to truth and goodness,
The Savior also gives Sunday
I have included them in my kingdom.
Go, risen ones, today
Go tell the whole earth
How Jesus rose from the dead
How people are resurrected in Christ!
A. Welk

(Figure 7)

The resurrection of Christ proved to people that he spoke the truth in his sermons. All his students and all his friends spread this news throughout all lands. Many of them suffered just like their teacher. Since then, the Renaissance holiday has become the most joyful holiday among believers.

How did the tradition of painting eggs for this holiday come about?

The Legend of the First Red Egg

The valley melted in the dawn haze,
The Cross was golden above the clouds.
Mary Magdalene came to the king,
The message brought: “Jesus Christ has risen!”
- No, woman, I won’t believe you!
There is a limit to fantasy and fiction, -
The thought revived the imperious face.
- I don’t believe that it’s a white egg,
You brought me as a gift,
Suddenly it turns red
It will break out like a fire!
The king fell silent, but with these words
The glow spread over our heads,
Breathing became tight and slow,
It seemed like there was music somewhere.
Warm rays touched the eggs,
It lit up in the rays, trembled
And, like the Blood of Christ, it became scarlet!

  1. Practical work.

Today we will learn how to make some decorations for the holiday table. Previously, in cooking lessons, we boiled hard-boiled eggs and baked biscuits. You looked in recipe books for Lenten dishes and dishes for the Easter table.

The holiday table must have Easter cake, Easter cottage cheese and colored eggs. The table is traditionally decorated, covered with the best tablecloth, and served elegantly.

Today I asked you to bring boiled eggs, scraps of fabric, beads, and a twig. What can be made of all this? We will make some decorations for the Easter table.

Easter is preceded by Palm Sunday. Some of you have already gone to the tundra for willows and put them in the water. Unfortunately, we live in the Far North, and we have to wait a very long time for flowering branches. Therefore, we will begin decorating our table by making a flowering twig.

For this we need thin white or pink fabric, preferably chiffon or nylon. In addition, you need a needle, thread, scissors, beads, beads or beautiful buttons. For the base, take a dry twig. Review the instruction card.

Get started (10 min)

( Figure 8)

Since ancient times, eggs have been painted red in various ways. In Rus' it was a decoction of onion peels and birch buds, wrapped in faded shreds. But the most interesting activity was making Easter eggs.

(Figure 9-10)

There are different ways to paint eggs, we will do it with simple gouache.

In Rus', certain symbols were applied to Easter eggs, some of which you are already familiar with from previous lessons.

(Figure 11)

You can also use Nenets patterns, which also carry the symbolism of the northern peoples.

(Figure 12)

See how your peers painted eggs

(Figure 13, 14)

Before you paint the eggs, look at how to correctly place the colors and symbols on the egg. These are old rules. You can use the instruction card as a guide, but you can draw whatever you want on the egg. Don’t forget, an egg is a symbol of life and spring; you can use it to wish your loved one whatever you want.

(Figure 15)

Get started (10 minutes)

While our eggs are drying, you and I will make an egg bag. In such bags, eggs can be given as a gift on a holiday, or you can use them to decorate a willow twig; such a bag on a holiday table will also not be out of place. Consider options for these bags.

(Figure 16, 17)

As you can see, bags can be made in different ways: crocheting (you are familiar with this technology), weaving a mesh from beads (many of you know this handicraft), today we will make a bag from knitted fabric and decorate it with beads and artificial flowers. Review the instruction card.

(Figure 18)

You learned how to make fabric flowers in your first practical work. You can use the acquired skills to decorate the bag. It all depends on your imagination. Get started (15 minutes).

We learned how to make decorations for your home table. But in the Romanov royal family there was such a tradition: every Easter, the jewelry house of Carl Faberge gave the royal family a precious Easter egg.

  1. Children's message prepared outside of school hours.

A story about Faberge eggs

(Figure 19)

Eggs are called depending on the method of coloring: painted ones - “pysanka”, painted ones - “krashenka”. The difference between them is that boiled eggs were used for painted eggs, which were then eaten, and raw eggs were used for pysanky.

In addition to Easter eggs and painted eggs, there are others - golden ones, in the literal sense of the word. Such eggs were made for the Easter holiday for the imperial family.

In 1895, by order of Emperor Alexander III, craftsmen from the jewelry company Carl Faberge made a golden Easter egg “of white enamel in a crown with rubies, diamonds and roses.” Since then, the Easter imperial order has become traditional, and the owner of the company received the honorary title of Supplier of the Imperial Court, and five years later - Appraiser of the Cabinet of His Imperial Majesty. Every year during Holy Week, the collection of the royal family was replenished with a new egg, and after the death of Emperor Alexander III, the company’s craftsmen began to annually produce two Easter gifts - for the Dowager Empress Maria Feodorovna and for the wife of Nicholas II, Alexandra Feodorovna.

Most Faberge Easter eggs contained a surprise. For example, in an egg made in 1891 from dark green heliotrope and decorated with gold curls and diamonds, a model of the cruiser “Memory of Azov” is hidden on a greenish aquamarine plate.

(Figure 20)

And in 1900, an egg was made to commemorate the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway. Inside there is a folding model of the Siberian imperial train made of gold and platinum and a small key that sets the mechanism in motion. The train consists of a steam locomotive with diamond headlights and five carriages with rock crystal windows. On the carriages there are tiny signs with the inscriptions “For ladies”, “For smokers”, “For non-smokers”. The class of the carriage and the number of seats are also indicated.

The “Clover” egg, made in 1902, was intended for Empress Alexandra Feodorovna. Its surprise has not survived to this day, but it is known that inside there was a golden quatrefoil with diamonds. The belief says that whoever finds such a four-leaf clover finds happiness.

(Figure 21)

In April 1906, Carl Faberge presented an invoice for the Moscow Kremlin egg for payment. The invoice contains a description of this Easter gift: “The Moscow Kremlin made of multi-colored gold and enamel with a white egg depicting the Assumption Cathedral, with music, on a pedestal of white onyx.”

(Figure 22)

It is believed that the Faberge company created a total of 56 Easter eggs for the imperial family. Unfortunately, most of them disappeared without a trace during the turbulent years of the revolution and civil war. Most likely, they found a “shelter” in foreign private collections. And those eggs that our story was about can be seen in the exhibition of the Armory Chamber of the Moscow Kremlin. There are only ten of them and each one is unique.

As you can see, the main thing in the Easter holiday is not the amount of money spent on it, but the goodness and joy that Jesus Christ brought to this world.

  1. Rituals and games

Rituals in Rus'(student's story)

Just like centuries ago, in our time, Christians give each other colored eggs, saying: “Christ is risen! - Truly risen!” The consecrated egg is eaten first at the Easter table, when, having come from matins, they sit down to the meal. But the role of the egg does not end there. Eggs are given to relatives, neighbors who come to congratulate, they are taken with them when they go to visit, distributed to the poor, and left in church.

For example, according to European traditions, the fertile hare reigns over the Easter meal, personifying eternally regenerating life. A favorite Easter pastime among Russians is rolling eggs. It begins on the first day of Easter, after lunch, and often continues throughout the entire Easter week.

Magical properties are attributed to the consecrated egg. It was believed that it could put out a fire if thrown into the fire, which is why such eggs were even kept behind the icon in case of fire (and before throwing it into the fire, they ran around the house with it three times). In the Yaroslavl region, they used an Easter egg to look for a cow or sheep that had gone missing or got lost in the forest. The sacred Easter egg was used to stroke the cattle along the spine so that it would not get sick and its fur would be smooth; They did this before the first drive of livestock to pasture.

Miraculous powers are also attributed to the shell of a consecrated egg. They were collected, mixed with “Thursday” salt and placed along with grain for sowing. By the way, “Thursday” salt, which was prepared on the same day that eggs were painted, i.e. on “Maundy” Thursday, was used for salting foods that were prepared for Easter.

The first day of Easter was usually spent at home with family. From the second day (Easter was celebrated throughout the week) folk festivities began. They usually took place in the open air. Here they performed round dances, staged dances, and showed off their prowess.

And, of course, during Easter week young people played games. Russian people knew a great variety of games. Now we will get acquainted with some games of Easter week.

(Games are provided. Games can be led by the children themselves or by the teacher)

Knock down the prize

Leading: I invite everyone. Now you will take turns rolling the eggs around the skating rink. And I have prizes and a small condition: whoever hits the prize with an egg will take it.

A wooden or cardboard skating rink is installed, and prizes are placed around it on a flat place (floor or table). Everyone is welcome to participate; one by one they come up to the skating rink and roll the eggs, taking away the prizes they hit with the eggs.

Leading: You can also roll paints down the slide. Whose egg rolls the furthest is the winner - he takes the colors of the others.

Who will win?

Leading: Now let the competitors sit opposite each other and roll the paints.

The Krashenki will collide: whose egg breaks, he will give it to his opponent. (The guys compete.)


Leading: I propose to play a very simple but interesting game called “Top”. I invite two interested people.

(Guys spin eggs on the table. The game is played in pairs, the winners advance to the quarterfinals. Then the semifinals and finals are held.)

Find the egg

Easter gifts were also traditional. In some areas it was the custom to hide gifts in the garden, and the children themselves found these gifts. We have also prepared Easter gifts for you in memory of our holiday.

(The guys are looking for pre-hidden eggs with surprises - glued egg-shaped envelopes containing small prizes - recipes for Easter dishes.)

  1. End of the lesson

This joyful holiday will come on Sunday. I wish you to celebrate it at home with your family in kindness and love for each other.

Write down your homework

(Figure 23)

  • Complete several sketches of painting Easter eggs.
  • Decorate a shelf or table at home with traditional Easter table decorations

Today is the best holiday in the world
And the brightest day of the year.
There is joy in everyone's heart today,
Entirely dedicated to Christ.
Today there are songs and fun everywhere,
The whole world sings in different languages
About the celebration of Christ's Sunday
And he gives honor and glory to God!
Christ is risen! - rushes over the ground
A polyphonic echo to the skies.
And the greeting sounds sacred
One answer: (all together) truly risen!
A. Welk

The lesson is over. Thank you for your work.

Photos from lessons. (Figure 24-27)


  1. Gospel for children. - M., “Blagovest”, 2003
  2. Magazines “Read, learn, play” - M., “Vlada - press”
  3. Website www.kreml.ru