On which hand do men wear a ring? On which finger do men wear the ring? Men's rings and symbolism

The smallest hero, the little finger, received little attention. Today we decided to correct this situation and talk about the decoration on the last finger of the hand.

You will learn:

  • Who wears a pinky ring?
  • What does the decoration on the little finger of the left and right hand mean?
  • Wedding ring on the little finger.

The middle and ring fingers are the two most popular fingers for which girls buy jewelry. Of course, a gold wedding ring is worn on the penultimate finger of the hand, and neat jewelry looks harmonious on the middle finger.

But if you want to stand out from the gray mass, attract attention, strengthen your abilities and attract good luck, we carefully look at your little finger and mentally select a suitable decoration for it.

Who wears a pinky ring?- The answer is simple: this jewelry can be worn by both men and girls, of any age and clothing style. But do not forget that in our world there are special interpretations that may interpret your decoration differently.

Since the 1950s, a thin ring on the little fingers of the left and right hands has signified the wearer's homosexuality. Over the past 10 years, everyone has forgotten this meaning, because now you can, without hiding, declare your preferences. If your sexual orientation is natural, it is better to pay attention to rings with bright stones, rather than thin, inconspicuous bands.

What does the ring on the little finger of the right hand mean?

Marlene Dietrich, Johnny Depp, Prince Charles. Elvis Presley and many other famous and influential personalities prefer to wear rings and large signets on the right little finger. Such people show their fortitude, sophistication of mind and desire to go ahead to achieve their goal. If we go back several centuries, men's signets on the little finger of the right hand were worn only by special rich nobility, who emphasized their wealth with such decoration.

Astrologers say:
Is your goal to become more sociable, improve your speaking abilities, and successfully conduct business conversations?

1. A small gold ring with a red stone (ruby, garnet, carnelian) on the little finger of your right hand will certainly help you achieve your goal.
2. A silver ring without stones will balance your active life and bring its share of peace.
3. But people who are looking for the secluded life of a recluse put a ring on the little finger of their left hand. Often, these are monks who surrender their destiny to God.

But there are also slightly different explanations for choosing a finger for decoration.

Anatoly gets upset: «… My ring finger has gotten fatter and my wedding ring only fits on my little finger.”.

In a jewelry workshop, you can increase the size of the wedding ring, or order the production of new models for husband and wife, using gold from your first wedding rings.

What does the ring on the little finger of the left hand mean?

One of the meanings of such decoration is to convey to the world one’s reluctance to enter into marriage. Women's and men's rings on the left little finger can be a tribute to fashion and modern style, so you should never make hasty conclusions.

But let's look at Brad Pitt, whose name was splashed on the covers of all famous magazines and scandalous newspapers. Even before breaking up with his wife Jolie, a large ring flaunted on the left little finger of the faithful and strolling Brad.

On the other hand, Charles, Prince of Wales wears signets on the little fingers of both his left and right hands. And he was not noticed as unwilling to get married. On the contrary, for many years he hid his true and bright love with a girl of non-royal blood.

Men's pinky ring - how to choose it correctly?

A beautiful ring on a courageous hand looks very stylish. Creative people wear rings on their little fingers: actors, artists, critics, composers. Men who want to attract general attention and emphasize their originality.

Signet- this is a large ring with a coat of arms or initials. This ring has a long history, as it was used to seal letters with wax. When the signet was imprinted on hot wax, an image of the family coat of arms, or the initials of the sender, remained. It is customary for men to wear the signet on the little finger of their left hand.

The love for signets has no time limits. And if, instead of sealing letters, we simply send the necessary information by e-mail, and we don’t need a name stamp, but our soul desires gold jewelry, modern jewelers come to your aid. The initials and coat of arms are replaced with stylish patterns or precious stones.

Ring with one large solitaire stone (diamond, quartz, onyx, agate, etc.) is preferred by wealthy middle-aged men. Remember, So these precious and semi-precious stones look great in men's rings.

Wedding ring on the little finger- a fairly common decoration option. You guessed correctly that the main reason for this is the occasional thickening of the fingers of men “in the prime of life.”

Galina offers her own version:
“Keeps a countdown of marriages. For the fifth - the little finger is suitable")))

We asked Gennady what the ring on a man’s little finger means.
The answer was not surprising:“This means that it really doesn’t fit on any fingers anymore, or you’re a creative person!”

Order jewelry for your little finger! Press!

A ring for women acts as a decoration and a source of pride, but men perceive different types of rings as a symbol of wealth and status. Especially if we talk about the ring, which is commonly called a signet. If you dig a little deeper into history, you can find out the amazing fact that it was men who were the first to wear rings. Therefore, the question of which finger men wear their signet on is more than relevant today.

The ring can be made in different styles and types, the main thing is that the male version is discreet, strict, without unnecessary details or gloss. In addition, stylists and other experts advise taking a responsible approach to choosing the finger on which to put a ring and other types of rings. Otherwise, you can become famous in your environment as having bad taste and lack of taste.

To determine which finger a man should wear a ring on, it is necessary first of all to identify its type and shape. Today, the choice of men's rings is not as diverse as jewelry for the fair half of society, but, nevertheless, jewelers advise not to confuse several common types. Namely:

  1. . This is the most popular men's jewelry that is worn by all married men. According to Slavic traditions, the ring is placed only on the ring finger of the right hand; in other countries, other rules are acceptable. The ring is most often made in the form of a simple gold ring on a finger without additional decorative elements.
  2. Signet. Most often, men today, not out of duty, but of their own free will, decorate their hands with a signet. Initially, such a ring was actually used as a seal, as it depicted the coat of arms and other symbols of the state. Modern models are decorated with simple patterns, ornaments or stones; according to the rules, it is better to wear the signet on the little finger or ring finger of the right hand.
  3. Rings. Many men, who prefer to demonstrate their wealth and image in this way, think about which finger they wear the ring on now. Most often, the ring is made in the form of a massive wide ring with one or several stones, and according to the rules of etiquette, it must be worn on the index finger. Rings with stones such as opal, quartz, turquoise or amethyst look elegant and aristocratic.

In addition to the listed types of rings, among men today there are those who prefer to wear iconic rings of certain subcultures. These jewelry require individual design and symbolism; in addition, the rules for wearing them are determined by this trend. Today, jewelers separately offer paired rings for men who have a significant other in the same design and execution.

What did signets symbolize in the old days?

Initially, there were rules and patterns about which hand men should wear a particular ring on. For example, signets were first used not as decoration, but to leave a stamp on necessary documents. The ring had to be made with a certain engraving depicting a coat of arms, banner and other designating symbols. As such, there was no rule on which finger a signet should be worn several centuries ago.

In Ancient Rome, signets were worn primarily on the little finger, and only by honorable nobles. Although much depended on conventions, classes and other traditions. For example, some especially important men in society put a signet on their index finger. There were also nationalities in which the ring acted as a symbol indicating that the man was the head of the noble family.

For reference! Particularly relevant at different times was the question of what the signet on the little finger of men means. For example, in the 50s of the last century, such a ring on the little finger was considered a sign of the owner’s unconventional orientation. Today, creative personalities, for example, Brad Pitt, Johnny Depp and Marlene Dietrich, wear a signet on their little finger.

How to wear it correctly: on which hand and finger?

Today, the rules for wearing rings for men have changed somewhat, and many do not have any responsibility in this matter. Although many stylists still advise paying attention to the choice of finger, since some ring models require adherence to etiquette. In addition, there are separate interpretations about which fingers men can wear rings on, from psychology and esotericism.

Most often, men wear the signet on their ring finger, despite the fact that this is in no way an indicator of marriage. Psychologists and esotericists do not recommend putting a signet on this finger, as this may block the search for a second half for single men. If this is a ring or wedding ring, then on the contrary it should be put on the ring finger, which is the energy channel to the heart.

Expert opinion

Helen Goldman

Male stylist-image maker

Most often, modern men prefer to wear a signet ring on their index or ring finger. There are no strict rules or prohibitions according to etiquette.

What does wearing a ring on different fingers mean?

As mentioned earlier, psychologists and esotericists can tell a lot about a man by which hand and finger they wear the signet on. And the person himself, on a subconscious level, determines where the ring should be worn individually. Worn on the ring finger by men who are engaged or betrothed to a woman, showing that they are busy. If we talk about the little finger, creative individuals decorate it with a ring.

Do you wear a ring on your little finger?


It doesn’t matter whether the ring is silver or gold, on the index finger it says about its owner that the man is by nature decisive, strong-willed, brave, proud. Also, such men often strive for power, and in the occult they even advise shy and insecure people to wear a signet on their index finger. The middle finger is a universal option, but esotericists advise wearing family heirlooms on it that protect the family.


It has been known since ancient times that wearing rings with natural stones allows you to enhance the effect of certain planets in your horoscope. And today it is believed that each finger corresponds to a separate planet of the solar system.

For example, the thumb is Venus, the index finger is Jupiter, the middle finger is Saturn, the ring finger is the Sun, and the little finger is Mercury. Thus, by putting a ring with a certain stone on your finger, you can control your destiny. If a woman previously took a vow of celibacy, she wore a silver ring on her thumb, blocking the energy of the planet Venus. Therefore, if a girl wants to improve her personal life and meet her soulmate, she should not wear a ring on her thumb.

Jewelry on the index finger

The index finger is a symbol of a person's ego. Many have noticed how unpleasant it is when another person points their index finger in our direction. This is because the finger emits powerful energy. Wearing a ring on the index finger is necessary for those who want to become a leader. In this case, you need to choose silver products. Gold is not suitable in this case. It is recommended to wear sapphires, turquoise, aquamarine and lapis lazuli on the index finger. Coral and opal will help get rid of stress and strengthen family relationships.

Jewelry on the middle finger

Only strong, strong-willed people can wear rings on the middle finger. Decoration with a natural stone on the middle finger can activate karmic tasks and attract unexpected turns of fate. It is recommended to put a ring on your middle finger if your soul requires change. When choosing a product, you need to pay attention to bright rings with expressive stones. This moonstone ring is perfect for the middle finger. If a person is satisfied with everything in life, there is no need to put a ring on his middle finger.

Ring on the ring finger

The ring on this finger is a bright symbol of success in society, as well as happiness in personal relationships, prosperity, and love. If you need to activate all of the above spheres, you must put a gold or silver ring on this finger. It is noteworthy that the product can be complemented with any natural stone.

Pinky ring

Decoration on this finger can activate communication skills. In this case, the person will develop charisma and charm. If you put a gold ring on your little finger with any natural red stone, success in your career, money and business is guaranteed. For the little finger, you can also choose jewelry with amber, topaz, as well as chrysolite and emerald. Speakers, politicians, businessmen, analysts, doctors should wear a ring on the little finger. Wearing rings on this finger is recommended for lovers of flirting and gambling. It is better for calm, family people to choose jewelry for another finger.

I greet all my readers and invite you to find out what the rings on your fingers mean. It turns out that not everything is so simple!

Today everyone: men, women, teenagers love to wear accessories on their fingers. To decorate hands, both jewelry and precious metals are purchased.

Which finger to wear the ring on and what does it mean?

Moreover, rings can be seen not only on the ring finger, signifying marital relations, but also on all the others.

Most owners of this jewelry treat it as a delightful item. It is chosen to match the color of clothing and is often changed.

For other people, a ring or marquise is a symbol. However, experts say that rings can tell a lot about their owner, or rather, not the jewelry itself, but rather the finger on which it flaunts.

The tradition of wearing awnings was adopted in ancient times. In ancient times, this accessory was endowed with magical powers; its wearing was associated with various rituals. One of them has survived to this day: during a wedding, spouses exchange wedding rings as a sign of love and devotion.

Thumb decoration

The thumb is the finger of Mars. Men like to wear rings on it, and not simple ones, but active and emotional ones. Their owner must have the following character traits:

  • straightness,
  • stubbornness,
  • militancy,
  • often hot temper and aggressiveness.

You should not argue with such people or convince them of anything. They will firmly defend their opinion, even if they later regret it greatly.

But they know their flaws, as well as their best features, therefore, putting the marquise on the finger of Mars, it is as if they subconsciously want to tame their irrepressible nature. It is also an extraordinary intuitive desire to find an approach to the environment, to establish relationships not only with other people, but also with oneself.

Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin preferred to wear the ring on his thumb and index finger. He was a confident, impulsive man who was very popular with women.

But psychologists say that a ring on the thumb indicates that at present this person, by all means, wants to assert himself by choosing such an unusual technique, and the first position in this is occupied by self-affirmation in the sexual area.

This observation has a strong basis. You may have noticed how the ancient Greeks and Romans decorated the thumb, as it was considered a phallic symbol. It was this that they decorated with iron rings to protect their masculine power.

For women, the accessory on this finger is considered a sign of lesbianism. If the ring adorns her right hand, then this lesbian has a girlfriend, if she has a girlfriend on her left, then she is single and looking for a new relationship. Here's the schedule! Therefore, be careful with jewelry, you may not be understood, especially if you are not attracted to such relationships.

Index finger decoration

The ring on the index finger is often found in portraits of rulers and emperors. The ring on the right hand speaks of an independent and proud character, the ability to manage people. The left hand indicates a tendency to hysteria and sudden mood swings.

The index finger is considered the finger of Jupiter, and the accessory on it is called the ring of “power”. It was on the finger of Jupiter that marquises adorned such famous personalities as Ivan the Terrible, Julius Caesar, Cardinal Richelieu or Henry VIII.

Wearing jewelry on this finger manifested itself as a sign of pride, a sign of a desire for power, indicating that in front of you was a strong, strong-willed person.

If there was a ring on the right hand, then he was a reasonable person, and with a positive orientation of the above traits.

Wearing it on the left spoke of the person’s arrogance, arrogance, pride and even a tendency to hysterics.

Jupiter will give such people insight and bring good luck and success into their lives. Rings made of gold or tin can have the fastest impact on the energy level.

Ring on the middle finger

The middle finger is called the Saturn finger. Those people who openly admire their personality try to decorate this finger; they are confident in their superiority and charm.

They try to put on the largest ring and stone, and this further indicates that these qualities are manifested quite strongly. Hereditary jewelry is usually placed on this finger, emphasizing the belief in karma and connection with one’s ancestors.

They believe in fate, in their destiny sent down to them from above. Wearing ancestral jewelry will help neutralize the negative influence of fate and cope with great difficulties. The owner of the marquis on the finger of Saturn receives help from his family and strength to withstand the blows of fate.

Chronic losers are advised to decorate this particular finger to help themselves overcome an endless streak of failure. The same recommendation applies to those people who engage in spiritual practices. If accessories are put on the Saturn fingers of both hands, then you are looking at a fatalist or a person detached from reality.

Jewelry on the ring finger

The ring finger is considered the finger of the Sun. A ring on the ring finger of the right hand (Catholics wear it on the left hand) indicates that this is a person with a family.

This tradition was started by the ancient Egyptians. They believed that the “artery of love” leading to the heart originates from the ring finger. In ancient times, wedding symbols were made of ceramics, glass, and not just precious metal.

The wives of the ancient Romans, as a sign of the strength of the marriage bond, gave their husbands rings made of bronze and iron. Gold wedding rings began to be worn only in the 3rd-4th centuries.

Holders of secret spiritual teachings believed that gold is the metal of the Sun, therefore it is best suited for strengthening love in marriage.

If a person who is not a family person wears jewelry on this finger, then he is trying to emphasize his love of luxury and art. As a rule, these are people from professions associated with creativity: artists, actors, singers.

The owner of the accessory on the ring finger is a loving nature, striving for sensual pleasures, ready to have a good time. It may also indicate that you have a dreamy and romantic nature.

A small accessory is worn by a person who is balanced, calm, and self-confident, while a large one indicates a person who is unbalanced, subject to passions, and prone to hysterics. Isotericists recommend wearing rings on the finger of the Sun to everyone who wants to achieve fame and increase wealth, since the Sun gives a person a lot of energy for creativity and self-expression, which contributes to progress towards wealth and success.

Pinky ring

The little finger is the finger of Mercury. This planet is considered the protector of diplomats, businessmen, doctors, speakers, and politicians, so a ring on the little finger will bring good luck to those who urgently need such qualities as mental flexibility, dexterity of hands, and the ability to speak beautifully. The owner of a ring on the Mercury finger is able to get along with any person and establish any business contacts.

A ringed little finger “tells” that in front of you is a dexterous, cunning nature, ready for betrayal, intrigue, and adventurous adventures.

If a woman’s hand is ringed, then this is a direct indication that she is a flirtatious, narcissistic and changeable person, always ready to flirt.

If a person is prone to gambling, then the ring can not only calm the owner himself, but also curb this attraction.

Accessory on the toe

Most experts say that decorated toes indicate that this person wants to be singled out from the masses and to be paid attention to. Sometimes this indicates that the owner of the jewelry loves himself too much, has too much self-esteem, and strives to dominate those around him.

I found such interesting material for you, dear readers! Show the article to your friends, perhaps it will also help them better understand the purpose of jewelry.

In earlier times, men's rings could tell a lot about the owner. Each class was given certain decorations with a specific meaning. Now these traditions are not important, and men can wear any rings they like. However, the chosen material, shape, as well as the finger on which the accessory is worn provide certain information about its owner. Let's look at which fingers men wear rings on and what it means.

What types of rings are there and on which fingers are they usually worn?

Men's jewelry can be roughly grouped into groups:

  • Engagement. Previously, they were made in the form of a traditional gold band, but now the range includes rings decorated with engraving, decorative elements or small stones. For men, a wedding ring symbolizes the seriousness of a relationship and is usually worn by everyone.
  • Signets. In the old days, signet rings were not only a status accessory. They were additionally used to seal documents, leaving an imprint on the seal. The surface of the signet ring was engraved with a mirror image of the owner's initials or the coat of arms of the family. Modern signets, in addition to coats of arms or monograms, are decorated with various ornaments.
  • Rings with a precious or semi-precious stone. The ring attracts attention to the owner and serves as an indicator of status and authority. In the old days, rich people decorated themselves with rings.

The old traditions of wearing rings on the hands have long been no longer observed, but the placement of the rings on the fingers of men is of great importance. A person unconsciously puts on an accessory in accordance with his character.

For lovers of men's jewelry, there are many options, each with its own meaning.

Let's dwell on one of the men's habits. Probably every man, during negotiations, during communication and conversation, constantly touches or twists the ring. Depending on the environment, psychologists give several explanations for such actions:

  • Attraction. When talking with a woman he likes, a married man experiences unconscious embarrassment and, twisting his wedding ring, tries to mentally renounce the marriage bond, showing his chosen one the serious meaning of his intentions.
  • Nervousness. In difficult situations, when a serious decision needs to be made, a representative of the male half of humanity intuitively tries to take advantage of the magical power of the ring. Additionally, nervousness is accompanied by increased breathing and increased heart rate.
  • Family discomfort. During marital quarrels, this gesture has the meaning of a subconscious desire to remove the ring and get rid of an uncomfortable situation.

There are other possible meanings for this gesture. But almost always the desire to twirl jewelry on your finger is associated with psychological discomfort.

Ring materials

To make accessories, metals are used in combination with semi-precious or precious stones:

  • Iron. The material is preferred by creative individuals or representatives of informal movements. Iron jewelry symbolizes the presence of a “steel core” in a man.
  • Silver. Silver accessories with many decorative elements in the form of a signet are preferred by bohemians. For young guys, a silver ring with a minimum of stones or decorative inserts is suitable. A massive ring for a young man has a dual meaning, but older people are allowed to wear large jewelry.
  • Gold. Precious metal is a sign of wealth. A gold ring carries the meaning that its owner has a high status, has achieved a lot in life and can be relied on.

Pay attention to the stone (if there is one). The meaning of gold with diamonds speaks of the desire to show off your wealth or emphasize your high position in society. Most men prefer inserts made of small semi-precious stones.

Designer jewelry

Many guys go without jewelry and wear only a simple wedding ring. A man’s desire to wear rings on his fingers can have the following meanings:

  • A person wants to attract the attention of others. This is typical for creative individuals or people who lack self-confidence. For insecure men, jewelry helps increase self-esteem and convince them of their irresistibility.
  • A man wants to emphasize his status. For men, rings have the meaning of a kind of identification mark. Informals, representatives of bohemians and some other groups recognize each other by the accessories on their fingers.

A man chooses the design or material for a ring taking into account the environment to which he belongs. For example, bankers or entrepreneurs will not wear an ornate iron ring. But the person chooses the finger on which the jewelry will be worn, taking into account his inclinations.

The meaning of rings on different fingers

Most men for whom tradition matters usually wear the accessory on their ring fingers, but other options are possible. Choosing a place for a ring occurs intuitively and tells about a person’s character.


Not many men decide to wear a ring on their thumb. Psychologists say that such placement is preferred by individuals who have:

  • emotionality;
  • impulsiveness;
  • creative impulses;
  • desire for self-affirmation;
  • sexual activity.

By putting on an accessory, without even knowing what the ring on his thumb means, a man on a subconscious level communicates his sexuality, determination and straightforward character.


The ring on the index finger of a man's right hand has its own meaning. It indicates an imperious nature that knows how to subjugate and control people. Such people are reasonable and analyze their actions.

A similar ring worn on the left hand reveals a proud and arrogant man. A person may overestimate his abilities and not always assess the consequences of his actions.


In men, the middle finger is responsible for the following qualities:

  • calm;
  • equilibrium;
  • masculinity.

Some men prefer to wear jewelry on their middle finger

Such people turn out to be reliable business partners and good family men. But only on condition that the other fingers of this hand do not have decorations. A fully ringed hand diminishes the positive symbolism of the middle finger accessory.

When assessing a man’s character, the appearance of the jewelry matters: a massive ornate ring with a large stone reveals a tendency toward narcissism.


The ring on the ring finger of the left hand is worn by married men. This is the only accessory that can be combined with a ring on the middle finger of the left hand.

Unmarried men almost never use their ring fingers to wear rings. But if a man wears a non-engagement ring on his left hand, then this indicates a desire for luxury, a love of the refined and beautiful.

Little finger

In the 70s, the ring on the little finger of the right hand served as an identification mark for representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation, but now this meaning has been lost.

A ring worn on the little finger indicates that a man is not afraid to try new and unknown things, is emotional and has creative potential. Representatives of creative professions (actors, artists) prefer to wear rings on their little fingers.

Creative people wear a pinky ring

But when trying to understand a man’s character, you should not consider only the way he wears jewelry. Some guys wear rings for fashion reasons or to stand out from their surroundings.

Family status

The way men wear rings on their fingers indicates marital status. Different countries have their own traditions, so let's look at the basic rules.


What is an engagement and how to wear an engagement ring correctly? A preliminary agreement on a wedding is considered to be an engagement, that is, when a man proposes to his chosen one. These are not always paired jewelry; sometimes only the girl receives such a gift.

But a woman can also give her chosen one a ring, which is important. It symbolizes the beginning of a new relationship. However, there are no specific traditions about which finger the jewelry is worn on during engagement. There are only two rules to follow:

  • choose the hand where the wedding ring will be worn;
  • do not use the ring finger (the engagement ring is worn at the same time as the wedding ring).


The location and meaning of the marriage symbol depends on the characteristics of mentality, culture and traditions:

  • Traditionally, a wedding ring in Russia is worn on the ring finger of the right hand. The ring is put on at the time of marriage. Spouses are not recommended to remove it for a long time.
  • Jewish rituals require the use of the index finger to wear a wedding accessory. Jews believe that this method strengthens relationships.
  • Men in Germany, Norway, Austria or the Netherlands wear a ring on the ring finger of their right hand.

Before judging a man’s marital status, you should clarify what wedding traditions he adheres to.


The end of married life is symbolic in that the status of the owner of the ring changes. Divorced men put the wedding symbol on a similar finger of the other hand. This sign makes it clear that your interlocutor is no longer connected by family ties.


After the loss of his wife, a man, wanting to remain faithful, continues to wear the wedding ring in the same way as in marriage. But the meaning of the rings for a widower and a married man is the same, so the person is perceived as unfree. This often prevents the development of new relationships.

Traditions do not prohibit a widowed man from removing his wedding accessory, because after the death of his wife, the marriage is considered automatically dissolved, and he can again try to arrange his personal life.

If the accessory is on the toe

The ankle decorations do not carry any additional information about the owner. If a man begins to wear rings in this way, it means that he wants to attract attention to himself. This could be a small ring on one finger or jewelry on each finger.

Foot accessories are sold in most jewelry stores, but before you wear such jewelry, you should evaluate the aesthetics of your feet. Perhaps wearing rings will have the opposite effect, drawing attention to the imperfections of the legs.

Ancient beliefs and teachings

The tradition of decorating hands dates back to the ancient Romans. Only noble men could wear them as a symbol of supreme power, wealth and honor. Gradually the custom spread to other countries. The shape of rings and decorating stones were often given magical meaning. Let's look at the main folk beliefs:

  • Protection. The circle was considered a symbol that protects a person from the attacks of evil mystical elements. A person wearing a metal circle on his hand was considered invulnerable to the forces of evil. If the ring cracked after wearing for a long time, it meant that it protected its owner from evil forces and needed to be replaced.
  • Help from ancestors. Family jewelry preserves the energy of previous generations, helps a man prolong his life and attract good luck. The loss of family jewelry symbolized future troubles.
  • Symbol of power and prosperity. Representatives of the upper classes decorated themselves with rings, preferring massive accessories made of precious metals with large stones. Today, this tradition has been partially preserved, but men prefer moderate-sized rings with inserts of precious stones to indicate their wealth.
  • Status in society. Previously, the location of the rings was prescribed by the status of a man and carried information about his position in society.

Some peoples selected a ring according to their zodiac signs. It was believed that an astrological accessory, selected taking into account the influence of the stars, helps the owner in life’s endeavors and protects from troubles.

There are many factors that matter when choosing a ring.

Despite the tempting nature of the “language of rings,” you should not 100% trust what you see. Perhaps the guy chose an accessory and a place on his finger, guided not by personal preferences, but by following fashion or imitating an idol. In this case, the information about the person will be incorrect. In addition to the manner of wearing rings, other external manifestations of character must be taken into account.