Exfoliating pedicure socks - instructions for use. Important Rules and Cautions. Exfoliating pedicure socks, foot mask from Aliexpress: instructions for use

Our feet are exposed to heavy loads every day - they bear the weight of the body, the skin becomes rough from shoes that do not always meet the standards, blood circulation and nutrition are disrupted from prolonged standing or sitting, depending on the work performed. An important factor is hereditary predisposition. Cracks, corns, dry, itchy skin, unpleasant odor and even fungal infections appear. Therefore, foot peeling is necessary, as is skin care for the face and entire body, and every woman needs to do it.

Foot peeling

In spa salons, this foot procedure costs a lot of money, and you need to book in advance. But at home, all this can be done easier, cheaper, without interrupting household chores. And at the same time, the efficiency is no worse, and in some cases even better. To do this, you need to purchase peeling socks once a month.

What kind of socks are these?

Foot peeling takes a long time and consists of several stages. French women have come up with socks that make caring for their nails and feet easier. You can do the peeling yourself, without resorting to the help of beauty salons. The principle of operation of this invention is the effect on the skin of natural acids and extracts of medicinal plants, which leads to improved blood circulation, skin nutrition, stimulates regeneration and kills pathogenic bacteria. Moreover, all this is absolutely safe and suitable for almost every woman if you use peeling socks correctly.

Effect of the procedure

The various substances that socks contain affect only diseased and dead cells, destroying intercellular connections between them. In this case, no negative effect on healthy cells occurs. The composition of chemicals is selected in such a way that the skin of the heels, feet, cuticles and in the spaces between the toes is renewed.

Lactic and fruit acid, acting on cells, causes the heels and feet to become tender and soft to the touch. Metabolic processes are enhanced, and aging is slowed down. And this is possible after just one procedure, which will not cause discomfort or unpleasant sensations.

From the second to third day, exfoliation of dead cells begins and continues for 7 days. At this time, you can use warm baths with scrubs and pumice in case of advanced skin condition. And the effect lasts for three weeks.

Cracked heels, calluses and corns disappear. The skin becomes elastic, soft and constantly renewed. The aging process slows down.

A big nuisance is foot odor. This is due to the presence of bacteria and fungi. Peeling socks have a detrimental effect on these microorganisms and, in combination with increased blood circulation and normalization of the function of the sebaceous glands, relieve swelling and fatigue of the legs.


  • breastfeeding and pregnancy;
  • in the presence of significant wounds with signs of inflammation;
  • ingrown toenail with infection.


Before using socks, you must thoroughly clean your feet, remove nail polish and dry thoroughly. Then you should put on the spa product and fill in the special gel that is sold with it. The gel contains fruit acids and oils of various fruits and herbs.

You can strengthen them with Velcro, if provided, or put on cotton socks on top and sit or lie down for 1-1.5 hours, depending on the initial condition of the feet. If this is not possible, you can do household chores. After this time has expired, you should wash your feet with warm water without adding detergents.

There are no unpleasant sensations when wearing socks, but if discomfort, severe burning and tingling occurs, you must stop the procedure and wash your feet with warm water.

When you take off your socks, you can immediately see positive changes. This procedure can be performed once a month. This is enough because the effect lasts for a long time. After this procedure, for the first days it is advisable to wear cotton socks or closed shoes, so as not to shock others with the unaesthetic appearance of your feet. The skin will peel and fall off, so the heels look unsightly during this period. But you will notice the aroma from your feet: lemon or cucumber.

Which socks are better?

Many cosmetic companies are producing this new spa product. Its quality and price depend on which socks you prefer: Chinese, Korean or Japanese.

Japanese socks are represented by two companies: Sosu and Braphy. The socks come in different sizes and can be used by men. You can even choose the scent to suit your taste. The composition of such products includes mainly plant components. Acids and collagen also play a big role.

Korean products are "Tonymoly", "HolikaHolika" and "Skinlite". They also contain plant components, among which sophora root takes pride of place. In addition, they contain menthol, which gives a refreshing effect.

Almea Baby Foot is a quality representative from the UK. The socks contain a large amount of glycerin, which is famous for its softening properties, as well as beneficial plant extracts and essential oils.

“Footfit”, which are made in China, contain a huge amount of acids, as well as healing extracts.

Rough, rough calluses and corns on the soles cause many problems. Exfoliating pedicure socks are an affordable and effective way to care for the skin of your feet. They replace the salon peeling procedure, making the skin soft and smooth.

Cosmetic socks developed in Japan help treat dry calluses, cracks and rough skin on the feet. Like any cosmetic product, they must be used strictly according to the instructions. Before use, it is important to consult a cosmetologist and make sure that you are not allergic to the components of the chosen product.

Pedicure socks: how they work

Pedicure socks are made from transparent film and resemble shoe covers in appearance. They have a universal size. Inside there is a liquid solution, gel or cream based on lactic acid.

An exfoliation procedure with socks is cheaper than a salon pedicure, although it lasts much longer. You should be patient: the process itself will take 1–2 hours, but the result will not be noticeable immediately.

Advice! The home peeling procedure with socks is best done during the cold season. The process may take 7-10 days - feet with flaking, rough skin at this time look unaesthetic.

What is it, how does it work

Cosmetic exfoliating socks are shoe covers made of transparent waterproof film. Inside there is a cloth soaked in a solution, or the kit includes bags of liquid peeling. In addition to lactic acid, it may include:

  • hyaluronic acid (makes skin elastic);
  • squalane (helps nutrients penetrate deep into tissues).

Also, the composition often contains castor or soybean oil, which have a moisturizing and softening effect. After being put on your feet, the substances inside gradually penetrate into the tissue, providing deep peeling.

Advantages and disadvantages

Pedicure socks have the following advantages:

  • an effective way to get rid of dry calluses, corns and cracks;
  • legs become soft, tender and well-groomed;
  • getting rid of unpleasant odor and heavy sweating;
  • gradual reduction of edema;
  • increases resistance to skin infections;
  • the aroma of mint, rose or lavender makes the procedure pleasant.

This procedure has a cumulative effect, ensuring smooth skin for several months. But besides the advantages, using liquid peeling has its disadvantages:

  • duration (the result will appear only after 5-7 days);
  • unaesthetic appearance during the period of skin renewal (it peels off intensively, like after sunbathing);
  • contraindications for use.

Attention! Individual intolerance to any of the components is a reason to refuse to use pedicure socks.

Before the first use, it is advisable to consult a cosmetologist and conduct an allergy test.

Exfoliating socks - instructions for use

The tool comes with a detailed algorithm of actions. The way to use socks is simple:

  1. Wash your feet and take a steam bath. Clean toes and heels with pumice stone.
  2. Open the bag of socks and pour the included liquid peeling into them.
  3. Gently place your feet in shoe covers with liquid, tie them, and put on cotton socks on top.
  4. Leave for the specified time, then remove.
  5. Wash your feet with warm water.

The peeling effect continues after the composition is washed off. Active substances that penetrate the epidermis promote the gradual exfoliation of dead cells. Outwardly, this resembles the process of “peeling off” after tanning. Depending on the specific composition, the result will be visible in 5-8 days.

Please note! The renewal time is individual, it depends on the degree of coarsening of the epidermis. In advanced cases, the process can take up to 2 weeks.

Important Rules and Cautions

For the home peeling procedure to be beneficial, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • Do not keep your feet in socks longer than indicated in the instructions.
  • Before the procedure, remove nail polish.
  • If there are tattoos on the feet, they must first be protected with a rich cream. This will protect the drawing from damage.
  • After putting it on, massage your feet and move more. This will help distribute the liquid peel better and rub it in evenly.
  • For 14 days, it is not advisable to smear your feet with any creams, especially oily ones, as this will slow down the renewal process.
  • Apply moisturizing cream to your feet for 7–8 days after the procedure.

Exfoliating socks are often disposable and should be thrown away after use. They cannot be used a second time.

Be sure to follow these precautions:

  • Pre-test for allergies by applying a drop of peeling to your wrist. If after 2 hours there is no reaction, the socks can be used.
  • Walk carefully to avoid slipping on the liquid gel.
  • If burning or itching occurs during the procedure, immediately remove your socks and wash your feet with soap.

Do not tear off peeling skin so as not to damage healthy skin. You can only carefully cut off the already peeled layers with nail scissors.


You cannot use cosmetic socks:

  • under the age of 18;
  • during pregnancy;
  • during breastfeeding;
  • with open wounds, even very small ones;
  • for trophic ulcers and diabetic foot;
  • if there is acute inflammation.

If you have very dry and sensitive skin, you should also avoid this procedure.

Chinese SilkyFoot socks - how to use

SilkyFoot peeling socks have a nourishing, moisturizing and deodorizing effect. They smell like rose or mint. The length is 32 centimeters; due to the elasticity of the material, they are suitable for people with foot sizes 35–43.

Active ingredients of SilkyFoot liquid peeling:

  • lactic acid;
  • citrus oil;
  • vitamin E;
  • cucumber seed extract;
  • lavender oil;
  • purified water.

Natural ingredients make the skin beautiful, healthy and well-groomed.

Using SilkyFoot socks is extremely simple:

  1. Remove from packaging and carefully cut off the top of the socks.
  2. Put on washed and steamed feet.
  3. Secure with special tape and put on cotton socks on top.
  4. Leave for 2 hours.
  5. Then remove and rinse off the remaining cream with water.

The effect of use will appear within 3-4 days. If your skin is very rough, the exfoliation process may take longer.

Korean socks Foot Mask

SKINLITE Foot Mask exfoliating socks create the effect of a mask that accelerates the process of exfoliation of dead cells. They allow you to get rid of dry calluses and corns in just one procedure.

The result lasts up to 2-4 months, so it is enough to exfoliate approximately 3-4 times a year.

The product contains active substances - lactic acid, milk enzymes and bamboo extract. This combination of components helps to quickly and carefully remove dead cells and restore the skin of the feet to ideal softness and smoothness.

The method of application is simple and convenient:

  1. Wash and steam your feet.
  2. Cut open the packaging and take out the socks.
  3. Put them on your feet, wrap them with cling film on top.
  4. For comfort and a better fit to the skin, wear warm socks on top.
  5. Wait 1.5–2 hours.
  6. Remove, then rinse off the remaining gel with warm water.

Exfoliation of dead skin will occur in 5-7 days.

Japanese brand SOSU

These socks are shaped like shoe covers made of transparent film. They come in 2 pairs per pack. They have the scent of mint, rose or lavender. Size - up to 42.

The product contains lactic and hyaluronic acid and natural extracts:

  • watercress;
  • soapworts;
  • ivy;
  • lemon;
  • sage;
  • burdock.

The composition also contains squalane, which helps nutrients penetrate deep into tissues.

SOSU peeling socks are used as follows:

  1. Steam clean feet and then wipe dry.
  2. Carefully cut off the top of the socks without touching the bottom. A special cutting line is used for this.
  3. Put it on and secure it with the included tape.
  4. Massage your feet.
  5. After 1–2 hours, remove and rinse off the remaining gel with warm water.

Active exfoliation of dead skin begins only after 4-5 days, and the entire process can take up to 2 weeks.

Faberlic pedicure socks

This is a convenient and fast-acting foot mask. It exfoliates while nourishing and moisturizing the skin.

Peeling contains:

  • lactic and hyaluronic acids;
  • rosehip and shea butters.

This composition provides care for feet and nails.

The order of application is as follows:

  1. Wash and dry your feet.
  2. Put on socks for 10–15 minutes.
  3. Remove and rub the remaining cream into the skin with massage movements.

Faberlic exfoliating socks can be used 2 times.


Pedicure socks are a means of quick and comfortable home peeling. They effectively cope with dry calluses, corns, cracks, and rough skin. This is a budget-friendly and effective way to keep your feet smooth and soft without visiting expensive procedures in a beauty salon.

The article will tell you about what pedicure socks are, how to use them and where to order from Aliexpress?

Exfoliating pedicure socks, foot mask from Aliexpress: instructions for use

Pedicure is not only a good habit, but also a mandatory procedure for the beauty and health of your feet. A pedicure involves not only cutting your nails, but also removing rough skin from your feet, toes and heels. Of course, all this can be done manually using a number of special tools, such as:

The following device deserves special attention: pedicure socks. They are necessary in order to easily and effectively remove rough skin from the feet, nourish and moisturize the skin. There are several types of pedicure socks:

The peculiarity of pedicure socks is that, like nothing else, they are able to exfoliate dead and dead skin from the feet, making the feet incredibly smooth and soft. The secret of the action of this product is simple - inside the socks there is a special substance that deeply nourishes the skin and exfoliates. You don’t even have to do anything and vigorously rub your heels with pumice! All you have to do is put on your socks and stay in them for a while, and then rinse and remove the product.

The substance allows every skin cell to renew itself through regeneration. The substance contains acids (for example, lactic and salicylic), which fight for the beauty and health of the skin. After removing all the old skin layer (this happens within two weeks), you will have “youthful”, velvety and rosy skin. Pedicure socks make this completely painless, “removing” all corns and calluses, cracks and plantar warts.

IMPORTANT: For the procedure to be effective for you, you must strictly follow the instructions on the packaging of each product. It indicates the exact time of wearing socks and the procedure after the procedure, as well as the frequency of use per week.

Instructions for use:

  • Prepare your feet for the procedure
  • Remove nail polish
  • Wash your feet with soap
  • Dry your feet completely
  • Open the bag
  • Put on socks (there are two types of socks: with a napkin already soaked inside or with a bag that should be squeezed into the socks).

Any socks with the effect of a moisturizing mask or peeling can be purchased on the store pages Aliexpress. Here you will be pleased with a large selection of products and reasonable prices. If you have never shopped at Aliexpress, check out the special instructions and go through the simple one. Specially prepared information about the rules and bonus program of the store will also help you.

Gel pedicure socks for cracked heels Sosu and Baby Foot in China on Aliexpress: review, catalog with price

On the store’s website you can also find a subcategory of products such as gel socks for cracks. They look very unusual, because they should only be worn on the heel area. The socks intensively moisturize the rough skin on the heels, ridding it of hardened pieces and thereby preventing deep and painful cracks.

In Aliexpress, socks from two manufacturers are in great demand and popularity: Sosu And Baby Foot. Each has proven itself to be an effective and efficient remedy that will help moisturize the skin of the feet and rid it of imperfections. The principle of operation of the socks is the same - they should be put on clean feet and kept for some time, the procedure should be done several times with a temporary break (carefully read the instructions on each pack). Typically, peeling time takes about 2 weeks.

In Aliexpress you can buy:

How long to keep socks for pedicure - foot masks, from Aliexpress?

If you are unable to understand the instructions on the product packaging, you should use these general guidelines:

  • Completely prepare your legs for the procedure
  • Put on pedicure socks and carefully seal everything with the stickers that come in the set so that the product cannot come out.
  • Wear regular socks over pedicure socks.
  • Time to keep socks on feet – 2 hours
  • After this, the remaining product should be washed off
  • You will be able to notice the full result (skin renewal) after 2 weeks.

Can pregnant women use pedicure socks with Aliexpress?

The socks are completely safe for pregnant women, because all components of the substance act externally without being absorbed into soft tissues. Pregnant women can peel without restrictions using pedicure socks at any time.

Pedicure acid peeling socks, foot mask from Aliexpress: reviews

Valeria:“I always give myself acid peels using socks. It is effective and good for your feet. The main thing is not to overdo it. Personally, my limit is 3-4 times a year, more often is harmful to the skin.”

Irina:“I have never tried this kind of peeling, but I really want to. I’ve always made do with a bunch of brushes and files, now I’m thinking of ordering them on Aliexpress. I looked at the catalog – the prices are ridiculous, for such pennies and such an effect!”

Arina:“I have been working as a manicurist and pedicurist for more than 6 years. After pedicure socks appeared on the market, my job became less difficult and unpleasant. I always recommend to my clients to do peeling this way!”

Video: “Baby foot pedicure socks”

To keep their heels in perfect condition, women go to great lengths: visit beauty salons, use various scrubs and creams, and resort to mechanical cleaning with graters. Not so long ago, a new product appeared that completely eliminated the need to use all these tools. Meet the latest miracle of cosmetology – peeling socks. In this article we will tell you everything about their properties, action and method of use.

What are socks?

Previously, chemical peels were only available in salon settings. At home, you could only use pumice and graters. If you compare these two methods of removing dead cells, it becomes obvious that chemical skin cleansing is much safer.

Peeling socks are sealed bags filled with a special composition. The liquid penetrates into the deep layers of the epidermis of the legs, stimulates the exfoliation of rough skin and the formation of new one. The socks are convenient because they do not restrict movement at all and do not interfere with household chores.

The cost of magic bags is not very high - salon procedures are much more expensive. Some types of socks can be used several times if stored in the refrigerator.

Effect of peeling socks

The optimal chemical composition of the drug contained in the socks has a simply magical effect on rough skin.

  • The stratum corneum of the epidermis is loosened and then, within 2 weeks, it is completely renewed.
  • The skin of the feet is not injured or dried out.
  • Socks have a positive effect on excessive sweating of the feet, completely neutralizing the unpleasant odor.
  • Calluses and corns disappear without a trace.
  • Chemical peeling improves blood circulation in the feet and increases skin elasticity.

Peeling socks work gradually. In the first few days you may not notice any results, but do not rush to be disappointed. The most active renewal process begins approximately 10 days after you have used the socks. The old, rough layer of horny skin on your feet will begin to partially peel off, revealing your baby's soft heels.

Using exfoliating socks

Using peeling socks is very simple. The effect will definitely manifest itself, just follow the exact instructions.

  1. Lightly steam your feet, wash thoroughly, removing all dirt, and wipe dry.
  2. Remove the socks from the box. Be careful not to spill the liquid inside them!
  3. Place your feet in magic bags and use special stickers to ensure a tight fit. To make peeling more effective, wear warm cotton socks over the top.
  4. Walk in the bags for the time indicated in the instructions. It varies depending on the composition and ranges from 30 minutes to 2 hours. The condition of the feet may also play a role here: the rougher the skin, the longer the exposure is necessary.
  5. Remove the socks from your feet and wash your feet well with soap.

While the composition is active, the peeling may cause a slight tingling or warmth. There is nothing wrong with this; such sensations indicate that the mask has begun to work.

The next day after the procedure, the skin on the soles of the feet will turn white, become hard and rough. After another three days, you will notice the first signs of exfoliation. At first they will not be very active: the main peeling of the skin will occur from 10 to 14 days.

Peeling can be slightly accelerated by steaming your feet every night. Do not use mechanical cleaning methods, trying to quickly remove rough skin - time is needed for the formation of a new layer of epidermis. Your haste will only lead to the formation of painful wounds. The peeling process should occur naturally!

Depending on the sensitivity of the skin and the degree of its roughness, the period of complete renewal can last up to 20 days.

Precautionary measures

To ensure that peeling is as effective and safe as possible, follow these recommendations.

  • Limit walking while the peel is in effect. Avoid long walks.
  • Temporarily avoid wearing high heels and going to the gym.
  • Immediately after using the composition, do not allow direct skin contact with sunlight.

Contraindications for use

Due to their chemical composition, peeling socks may be contraindicated in some cases.

  • It is not recommended to use the product if the integrity of the skin is damaged: wounds, cracks and burns.
  • An allergic reaction may develop. Study the composition carefully. If you experience any discomfort (such as a severe burning sensation), immediately remove the fluid from your feet and wash them thoroughly with plenty of soap and water.
  • If you have dermatological diseases, then consult your doctor first about the wisdom of using socks.
  • It is not recommended to use chemical peels during pregnancy and breastfeeding. This can trigger the development of allergies in your baby.

In this article, we told you about an interesting peeling of the skin of the legs, revealed all its advantages, methods of use and precautions. Magic bags are truly a miracle of cosmetology! Having spent no more than two hours on the procedure, in just 2 weeks you will become the owner of the most delicate heels. The effect lasts for a very long time: for six months, your feet will only require maintaining their tenderness with the help of softening creams and delicate scrubs.

In the final video, the charming Ksenia will show you how to use exfoliation socks and also demonstrate the resulting result. We wish you to always remain attractive and beautiful!

“Pedicure is for the lazy,” some people rightly say about the use of pedicure socks. “For those who save time and money,” others correct them, and they are also right. Indeed, in order to get well-groomed feet with the help of this invention, there is no need not only to work with pedicure instruments yourself, but also to visit a specialist in a salon.

At the same time, the price of pedicure socks is in most cases lower than the cost of a pedicure service. How do pedicure socks work, and is everything really as good as their manufacturers and sellers report?

Pedicure socks are multi-layered. The outer layer is impermeable. On the one hand, it prevents the active substance from leaking out, and on the other, it provides a sauna effect. The inner layer promotes uniform distribution of peeling lotion over the surface of the leg.

Liquid peeling based on lactic and fruit acids and plant extracts (softening, exfoliating, healing and antiseptic effect) is included in the kit. The socks are available in one size, suitable for any foot size. Special fastening flaps are used to secure the socks.

Sequence of actions when using socks for pedicure

In order to get a pedicure using these socks, you need to perform a minimum number of operations:

  • Wash and steam your feet.
  • Open the packages with socks and liquid peeling.
  • Pour liquid peeling into each sock.
  • Put socks on your feet.
  • Leave for the time indicated on the package.
  • Take off your socks and wash off the peeling thoroughly with soap.
  • Wait for the time necessary for skin regeneration.
  • Admire the result.
Due to differences in the composition of the peeling, pedicure socks from different brands may have characteristic features. Therefore, you must carefully read the instructions and follow their instructions. Thus, a more active peeling requires an hour or less to saturate the skin and have the necessary effect on it. The softer composition should be kept on the feet for at least two hours. Depending on the composition, the result can be expected in 5-7 days or two weeks.

How do pedicure socks work?

During the time during which the peeling acts on the skin of the feet, and you go about your business, the active substances permeate the skin, including dense layers of calluses and corns, soften it, exfoliate and trigger regenerative processes. When you wash off the composition from your feet, the effect of the lotion stops, however, at this time the body itself begins to work, rejecting dead skin and replacing it with new, soft and clean. Outwardly, it is similar to how the skin comes off after. At the end of the process, only young skin remains on the legs.
When using socks for pedicure, you must not:

  • exceed the required peeling time,
  • during the regeneration period, use scrubs, exfoliating compositions for the feet,
  • use graters and pumice.
  • Tear off and pinch off exfoliating skin, disrupting the naturalness of the process.

Advantages and disadvantages

The list of pros and cons of pedicure using socks is compiled based on user reviews so that, taking into account all the nuances, you can decide whether to use socks for pedicure.
Benefits of pedicure using socks:

  • efficiency,
  • convenience and ease of use,
  • saving time,
  • the opportunity not only to acquire well-groomed foot skin, but also to cope with some skin diseases, including.

Disadvantages of using pedicure socks:

  • the likelihood of an allergic reaction to peeling components,
  • a large list of contraindications,
  • unaesthetic appearance of the legs during the regeneration period (the skin peels off intensively and it looks quite impressive, so you should not use exfoliating socks before a date or planning to go out in open shoes).

The effectiveness of using socks for pedicure is difficult to classify as advantages and disadvantages, since, according to observations, it is individual and can only be assessed separately in each specific case.

Contraindications for using pedicure socks

Due to the fact that the liquid peeling for “lazy” pedicure contains substances with increased activity, there are contraindications to the use of pedicure socks:

      • allergic reaction to one of the components,
      • the presence of open wounds, oozing foci of eczema, exposed wet calluses and other injuries on the legs,
      • age up to 18 years,
      • pregnancy.

The composition of peelings from different manufacturers differs. You should carefully read the information about its ingredients to assess the likelihood of an allergic reaction.