Birthday card with balloons. We make a voluminous card with balloons with our own hands. You can wish everything to be easy

Dear spouses! Congratulations on your second wedding anniversary! I wish that your paper wedding will lead you to a golden one, that the paper boat of love will turn into a large and beautiful sailboat, that the paper airplane of hopes and dreams will always fly in the right direction, bringing happiness, prosperity, family comfort and warmth to your family. Take care of each other.

Congratulations on an important date - a paper wedding. For two years now you have been sharing joys and hardships. Let your boat gain momentum, let your family grow stronger, grow, and prosper. Happiness, love to you, health, and that there are all the conditions for this.

I congratulate you with all my heart on the 2nd anniversary of your married life, on your paper wedding. I wish you blank sheets of paper on which you yourself will write a wonderful story of your life and which you will decorate with magnificent drawings and amazing stories. Be infinitely happy and loved.

Congratulations on your second wedding anniversary. Let your life be like a symbol of this wedding - blank paper on which you yourself, at your own discretion and at your own request, write your story, and it will certainly be the happiest, most exciting, fascinating, interesting, touching and memorable. Hello to your family and much love!

Dear spouses! Congratulations on the anniversary of your bright holiday - your paper wedding. This means that you have almost literally eaten a ton of salt together and know each other as you know yourself. I am very glad to see sincere happiness on your faces; it is incredibly touching to see the tenderness with which you look at each other. I wish you many years of life together, the most beautiful, smart, fair and sensitive children who will take your best sides. Be happy always!

On this wonderful day, I sincerely congratulate you on your second wedding anniversary! I wish: your halves to become a whole island of happiness; be sincerely proud of each other; continue to build a warm home, full of comfort, friends, light, joy, laughter, understanding. Let love transform every day, caring attitude prevail, and the symbol of this family date, paper, appears in an abundance of banknotes, origami of feelings, a book of bright moments, photographs of traditions!

Two years of your life together flashed by like one day! Today is a celebration in your family - the second wedding anniversary! There was a lot of joy and sadness during these 730 days. You got to know each other better, both from the good and not so good side. But you were able to be patient, loving and caring! We congratulate you on this event and wish that love in your family will always be, under no circumstances leave your hearts, and the road of life will lead you together to a happy future! Bitterly!

Congratulations on your paper wedding and from the bottom of my heart I would like to wish you, in this year of marriage, to make a brilliant flight through the clouds of hopes, dreams and happy expectations, like two paper airplanes, soaring freely and easily with the tailwind of good luck. Two years of marriage are behind us, and may all the brightest, most interesting, joyful things be yet to come! And again “bitter.”

Congratulations on your paper wedding. Your marriage is 2 years old today, you are like 2 birds soaring in the clouds of your hopes and tender feelings. And I want to wish that this flight will never be interrupted. I wish you happiness for many years and untold wealth: both financial and spiritual.

It’s only two years, but it’s two wonderful and happy years! This anniversary is just the beginning of the journey, because there are still so many joyful and romantic events ahead! Let all your wishes come true, because it is so wonderful when two loving people go towards the same dream and achieve it together!

The article will tell you how to prepare for the celebration of a paper wedding, what to give and how to congratulate.

The second wedding anniversary is popularly called a paper anniversary. It is this material that symbolizes the still fragile and fragile family love.

  • There are many traditions associated with a paper wedding. You definitely need to celebrate this holiday, at least with your family.
  • Traditionally, on this day, young spouses are congratulated by their parents, close relatives and friends.
  • The symbol of this day, paper, should be present in decor and gifts.
  • To make the holiday memorable for a long time, you can bring to life one of the ancient traditions

2nd wedding anniversary - paper wedding

  • In Eastern countries, a paper wedding was symbolized with origami. All the guests, as well as the bride and groom, made paper figures that conveyed beauty, harmony of family life and happiness. These figurines were not thrown away, but were carefully kept as a reminder of the anniversary
  • In the West, there was another tradition that can easily be transferred to modern celebration. Two domes were made from paper. The husband and wife had to secretly write notes indicating all the negative qualities of the spouse. Then the notes had to be placed in the cup. During the celebration, the notes were secretly replaced by friends. In the place where the notes about the spouse’s shortcomings lay, a note was placed describing his positive traits. Then, at the end of the evening, the notes were handed over to the spouses and had to be solemnly read
  • Another interesting tradition is called the “money dance”. The couple must dance a slow dance, and guests attach artificial paper money to their clothes. This ritual brought prosperity and success into the couple’s life.
  • Celebrating a wedding anniversary is useful because it will bring new emotions into the life of a couple and distract them from everyday problems. This day is an excellent occasion to remember your love and how much we have experienced together in two years.

Congratulations on a paper wedding in verse

Today is your paper wedding
And the house is full of joy, happiness
Let everything be in the future as it is now
Love each other, try
May your family journey be easy
May the sun and stars shine on you
And let all the troubles pass by
And so that you don’t know grief

Important wedding date
The wedding is already paper
Two years have flown by
So we didn’t have time to notice.
Only in the waltz you were spinning
White dress and cake
Only the guests were having fun
And this is the second year already.
Congratulations dears
Happiness, joy, love
Be forever young
At least not externally, but internally

How life leafs through its book
You also turned over the leaf
Today is the wedding anniversary
And we are all happy, we rejoice
We are glad that you are so loved
And happiness shines in the eyes
Let it be like this forever from now on
Only tears of happiness in my eyes

Congratulations on a paper wedding in prose

  • An example of congratulations to spouses from parents:“Our beloved children! A paper wedding is the second reason to celebrate your family happiness. The second year brought with it many challenges in the form of getting used to each other, encountering real everyday and life difficulties. But after it you became stronger, wiser, and your love stronger. We wish you to continue to have patience, understanding and wisdom. Let the book of your love contain only pleasant stories. Happy holiday, our dears! Love and be loved."
  • An example of congratulations to spouses from friends:“Today is a special holiday for us all and a reason to celebrate the wisdom of a married couple. The second year showed that love is not only a good mood, gifts and happiness. Love is also the ability to hear and listen, understand and forgive. Every year, month and day teaches us lessons. And a paper wedding is an excellent occasion to celebrate that the couple have learned another life lesson. Love you in the future, more bright colors in life and fulfillment of all your desires!”

SMS congratulations on a paper wedding

  • We've been together for two years now
    Well done both of you
    We wish you happiness
    Love and kindness!
  • The paper wedding has suddenly arrived
    Everyone knows you make a great couple
    And let this period be weightless for now
    Carry love through the years
  • The family has grown in two years
    Family and friends congratulate you
    Let it fly forward year after year
    Only brings you happiness and good luck

Cool way to congratulate

  • Congratulations should be personal, add an element of jokes or shared memories
  • The symbol of a paper wedding is paper products. Put your congratulations in writing, write it on a beautiful postcard or certificate
  • Another option for congratulations is a poster where you can write wishes and record interesting moments from the life of a couple
  • Try not to look at the notes during congratulations, speak as naturally as possible. It’s better to say congratulations in your own words, but with your soul

Paper wedding decoration

Wedding anniversary paper decoration ideas in photos.

Paper wedding decoration Paper wedding decoration

Paper flowers for a wedding

  • You can decorate the room where the celebration on the occasion of the second wedding anniversary will take place using paper flowers
  • They can be ordered from an agency that organizes holidays. But it is possible to make such decor yourself
  • To make flowers we will need: corrugated paper in two colors (colored for the petals and green for the stem and leaves), wire, adhesive tape for green floristry
  • First, cut out the petals from corrugated paper. Prepare templates of different sizes so that the petals are even
  • After all the petals are ready, we add realism to them. To do this, carefully fold them outward. Depending on how far the petals are unfolded we will get an open or closed bud.
  • Then we take the wire and attach the petals to it one by one using floral tape
  • At the end, when the bud is ready, we wrap the entire wire with green tape and create the base of the flower
  • That's all! You can decorate tables and walls with these flowers. They can be used for a photo shoot

What to give for a paper wedding: gift ideas

  • Paper products are a traditional second anniversary gift. You can give a notebook, photo album or wall calendar
  • A book, also a paper product and a great gift for a reading couple
  • You can give souvenirs that contain paper elements
  • For any wedding anniversary, practical gifts for the everyday life of a young family are appropriate.
  • Be sure to give a card with your wishes written down to the couple.
  • Cake, flowers or alcohol would also be appropriate for an anniversary.

Video: How to make paper decor for a wedding anniversary?